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We acknowledge the nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian

Vol. 131 No. 4 Friday, April 5, 2013

90 cents + tax

Sports Dinner next weekend

By KATE SJOBERG he 16th Annual Sports Dinner is one week away! Th e annual fundraiser supplies the Minnedosa Recreation Commission with funds to support local groups who organize and support physical activity in the region including programs, equipment and simply making physical activity more accessible. Its also a time to recognize residents who help support sport in the Minnedosa area. The Minnedosa Recreation Commission Dedication to Sport Award, which last year was awarded to Glenn Parrott, is presented at the event. This years Sports Dinner features comedian Big Daddy Taz, and Olympic Hockey player and Manitoban Jennifer Botterill. The Harvard graduate continues to contribute to national sport through analyst work with TSN and CBCs Hockey Night in Canada as well as support for non profits promoting sport and health. Th ere will be a free meet and greet with Botterill before the Sports Dinner (See Coming Events). Tickets for the evening are $75.00 and available at the Minnedosa Recreation Commission.

Preparing for a possible flood

mal- all leads to a conclusion of above average water runoff and above average higher potential of overland flooding and fl ash fl ooding. Conditions are setting up for more snow tomelt, that will happen over a shorter period of time, with added precipitation, and a probability of less ground absorption. HOW DO WE DEAL WITH THIS? We must be prepared. We musttake in all this information and watch closely how this actually pans out here on the ground for us. There are some things that can and must be done in advance on two fronts from the municipal level and from the private citizen perspective. The system in Manitoba is that municipalities will look after the municipal infrastructure roads, culverts, water, sewer, etc., and private business and homeowners must have their own plans to look after their own respective properties during emergencies. Municipalities will assist the private citizen if all personal resources are exhausted, but as municipalities usually have a limited number of staff, it is important that individuals look after themselves first as much as possible. Continued on Page 4

Photo by Kate Sjoberg

Minnedosa Emergency Coordinator, Barrett Nelson, is urging residents to take precautions now in the event of possible spring flooding in the weeks ahead.
By KATE SJOBERG arrett Nelson is Minnedosas Emergency Coordinator. Last week, the Province of Manitoba issued their spring flooding predictions which included the following paragraph: In addition to heavier-than-average snowfall, which was 200 per cent of normal in much of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Dakota this month, provincial forecasters have concluded that coolerthan-normal temperatures have increased the depth to which soil remains frozen. Across southern Manitoba, soil is frozen to a depth of between 50 centimeters (1.5 feet) to more than 100 cm (three ft.), mainly due to prolonged periods of very cold temperatures. Frozen soil does not absorb melt water as easily as thawed soils, and it can increase spring run-off and overland flooding. The colder-than-normal temperatures will also cause a later spring melt, which increases the likelihood of a rapid melt. Cool temperatures later into the year also increase the likelihood that the melting snowpack and normal spring rains will occur at the same time. Nelson breaks down what this means locally: HOW DOES THIS AFFECT US? Based on all information provided, 200-240 per cent above normal snow pack, high water content in the snow pack, lots of frost which prevents or lessenssoil absorption of runoff water, predicted higher than normal temperatures, and predicted higher than normal precipitation, and a colder spring than nor-

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