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I Complete, Their Hearts Belong to Us: IV: Intransitive Midnight

Geoffrey made his way to his street. It was a long trip, but it wasnt exactly him that was moving anyways. Vigith had taken over and was making Geoffrey move. But somehow, Geoffrey could control his speech. Im done; I dont want to do this anymore! Geoffrey breathed out with the last little bit of his breath he had. You have no choice. There is one more soul to collect as it is. Vigith spoke through Geoffreys mouth like it was his own. Vigiths voice was still disgusting as the first time Geoffrey heard it. Geoffreys body stopped in place and began to jitter as Vigith tried to continue forward. Geoffrey fell over and regained control only for a moment. It was enough time for Geoffrey to move his hands to the back of the mask and try to rip it off his head to break the control Vigith had on him. It wasnt working though. The mask felt as though it was now one with his skin. It couldnt be removed. You killed my son! Leave now! Geoffrey begged as he continued trying to rip the mask off. I did nothing! It was simply his time to die. No! He had a future, and a life ahead of him. He was supposed to get better, I wasnt supposed to lose him and then YOU came! I hate you! Geoffrey began to cry, but it was a single tear. Vigith took back his control over Geoffreys body and stood straight up. Vigith whipped the tear away from his eye and examined it on his finger. It was wet with Geoffreys tears. It was his time to die. Vigith murmured, sensing some kind of guilt over Geoffreys son. Geoffrey could no longer talk, so Vigith silently picked up the clippers from the ground and continued on his war path.

Vigith ventured to Roses house, he had Geoffreys memories and knew exactly where to find her. Vigith knew for a fact that she was the final entity he needed for his plan, so he was rushing to find her to complete it. There were lights on at her house, so Vigith approached the house calmly as if nothing was wrong. He knocked on her door and waited for her. She opened the door and stood in shock at what she was seeing. Rose, dont be afraid. Vigith instructed holding the hedge clippers up to her head. Rose ran back into the house screaming for Alexis to run to her room. Vigith must not have noticed, because when she ran, he kicked the door back open and chased after Rose. He chased her into the kitchen where she grabbed a butcher knife and threatened Vigith with it. Leave my house, Geoffrey. Even if this is a joke, it isnt funny-

This isnt Geoffrey, my dear. Vigith crackled in a haunting voice. He twisted the weapon in his hands around in circles and popped his neck. It was enough to make Rose believe it was true, so she ran behind her to a second hallway leading upstairs. As Vigith walked to follow her, he noticed the electrical box on the wall next to the refrigerator. He put his hand on the top of it and yanked it clean off the wall onto the floor. It was enough to pull the drywall around it out with it, too. The electricity in the house powered off and the entire house went silent. Rose crept along the floor to get to her room. She was so horrified of Geoffrey now, but she had no idea it was Vigith now and not him. She reached her bedroom and could hear footsteps coming up the hardwood stairs toward her. Rose slowly shut the door to her room, the last room on the end of the short hallway, just as Vigith was coming to the top of the stairs. She stood up and ran to her closet and slowly shut it. She was worried about Alexis, but her room was on the first floor so she wasnt so worried. She could still hear Geoffrey coming toward her room even more now. She heard him stop right at her door and then, nothing. She breathed in a heavy dose of oxygen, she was slightly calmer. Until she felt some light breathing on her neck. Did she come into the closet Alexis was in? Rose could have sworn to tell her to run to her own room, not her mothers. Rose turned around and was met by Vigith who was perched like an owl behind her back. It was impossible, but Rose couldnt say it was real. She practically fell out of the closet trying to open it. She dropped the knife next to her and turned on her back to watch Vigith lean over her body and hold up the clippers. As Vigith was holding up the clippers to strike her dead, he stopped and stared at her. Rose had a cut on her arm, probably when she was panicking and trying to escape from the closet, she cut herself on the open clippers. Vigith tried forcing Geoffreys body to move, even an inch closer, but it couldnt. Go ahead, kill me! Rose yelled at Vigith, still frozen in his trance over her. Vigith couldnt strike her because he was becoming Geoffrey, so he was adopting his every emotion and destroying it slowly. But Geoffreys love was overflowing for Rose, and Vigith didnt know how to deal with it. Icant. Vigith forced his head to twitch and try to get his feet to move, but all of him was frozen. He couldnt even move his elevated arm holding the hedge clippers. Rose tilted her head at Vigith, confused. Slowly she stood to her feet while grabbing the knife off the ground next to her. When she got closer to him, she leapt forward and stabbed Vigith in the chest, dropping him to the ground and releasing his grip on the hedge clippers. Rose crawled over him and held the knife up to stab him again, but Geoffreys voice broke through the mouth of the mask. Rose, dont, please. Geoffrey pleaded, holding his hands up to stop her from attacking him. Geoffrey, what are you doing!? Rose cried out at his lifeless fading body. It wasnt me, Rose. It was Vigith, the demon. He was going to kill you because your soul is the soul of love. You love something, dont you? You, you idiot! Why would you even have to ask? Rose began to tear up, realizing she stabbed him in the chest. She felt the knife and attempted to remove it, but Geoffrey yelled out in pain from it.

Im so sorry... Rose rested her head on Geoffreys chest away from the knife and burst into tears over him. Its not your fault, its mine. Geoffrey coughed, turning his head away from Rose. What, how? I feel like I let Vigith in, I gave him what he needed to kill people, my body. I should have been stronger and fought him off but I didnt. Geoffrey was ashamed of himself; it was easily seen in the way he sounded. Dont say that, honey. Rose stroked Geoffreys hair and whispered to him to calm him down. She could feel him slowly becoming weaker, which was scaring her. She looked into his eyes and watched as the life drained from his face. He grew pale within the few seconds after his hand lipped out of hers. Rose was already crying beyond control, and watching Geoffrey die made it worse. She let go of his body and cried in a sitting up fetal position by Geoffreys body. And this time, Rose couldnt help but notice a stinging sensation on her back and on her chest. It was indescribable, but she hated the feeling of it. She raised her head up and examined her chest where the pain was resonating, and saw the tip of the hedge clippers sliding through her chest from her back. She felt nothing at all, like the blade was just a long beam shining through her body. She wished it was that easy. A face came next to her right side, it was the mask. Geoffreys face was still behind it. The mouth was unzipped and he pushed his lips against her cheek as she was feeling the draining of her life now. Get out of Geoffreys body. Let him die in peace. Rose demanded in a last breath. Rose... Geoffrey spoke in his normal voice, but in depressed way. Roses eye grew wide in fear. She tried to gasp but didnt have enough energy to do it. Geoffrey was in control, not Vigith. Somehow, he was able to kill her with no problem despite loving her so much. Rose collapsed on the ground, now dead. Blood ran from the wound in her chest and from her mouth. Geoffrey cried into his hands and then heard a creaking noise in the hallway. He looked up from his shameful deed and saw Alexis standing in the doorway staring at him. Geoffrey..? Alexis mumbled, examining her mothers dead body and him in the mask. No sweetie I dont exist to this world except to destroy. I lost my name when I died. He brought me back specifically to destroy and keep the worlds in balance, and thats what Im going to do. But I lost the right to have a name. I amElli.

The entity of love is acquired. The system is complete. Each soul represents a force that keeps the system in check. When combined, they make a portal, a bridge if you will, to other worlds. But this is

not how the worlds should be maintained. A human cannot just walk into another world freely; there are universal laws that must be upheld. Elli is the enforcer in the center of these intertwined entities. He acts as the human vassal for Vigith. Without him, the world would fall into chaos. Even with the protection of the Librarian. Everything has a beginning, even darkness.

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