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North Shore Strategy and Consulting LLC PO Box 170394, Milwaukee, Wl 53217-0394 Kyle Maichle-Principal Owner and CEO

March 29, 2013

Ms. Sharon Fenlon President Appleton Board of Education PO Box 2019 Appleton, Wl 54912-2019 Dear Ms. Fenlon: As a proud product of the Appleton Area School District, I am writing to you today on a matter that requires your immediate attention. On March 29, 2013, Mr. Benji Backer, a student in the Appleton Area School District was interviewed by WISN Radio in Milwaukee regarding bullying from AASD staff members over his political views. The interview came after a article was written by Mr. Backer the previous day on a national blog regarding his experiences being bullied over his conservative political viewpoints. When I was an alumnus of the Appleton Area Schools from 1989 to 2002, teachers treated me with respect in spite of my conservative political viewpoints. However, Mr. Backer's blog post reveals that there are growing incidents of harassment and bullying by AASD staff members towards students who do not share the same political viewpoints of AASD staff members who are members of the Appleton Education Association (AEA) and the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC). Mr. Backer's blog post described multiple incidents of bullying he was a victim of from 2010 to 2013. Some of these incidents include: Being disapproved by a teacher after being featured by the Appleton Post-Crescent in 2010 for his involvement in that year's gubernatorial election and being told by the staff member he was "dumb" and having to switch schools mid-year. Was being told by one of his instructors during the 2011 Wisconsin budget battle that "she could not afford another child because of Scott Walker." That should not be said in ANY classroom. Being harassed by another AASD staff member after being featured by the USA Today over his involvement in Young Americans for Romney and his support for current Governor Scott Walker.

Appleton Board of Education Policy 522.5 clearly states that: (Continued on Next Page)
414.502.9165-Phone, 717.828.7736-FAX,

Ms. Sharon Fenlon, Appleton Board of Education

The Appleton Area School District (AASD) Board of Education recognizes that staff members have civic responsibilities and/or rights, including the right to vote, to be an active member of the political party of their choice, to campaign for candidates for election to public office, and to seek, campaign for, and serve in public office. In fulfilling their responsibilities as members of the AASD staff, they shall refrain from exploiting their privilege of position. They shall not exploit students in any way for political purposes for themselves or for any party, candidate, or special interest group. Political activities of staff members must be conducted outside of school hours and off school premises. They shall not use District facilities, equipment, or supplies in connection with their political activities. The incidents that were listed in Mr. Backer's blog post are in clear violation of AASD Board of Education Policy 522.5. Also, Mr. Backer indicated in his blog post that fellow students who share his political viewpoints are also target of the same harassment and bullying by AASD staff members. This conduct described in this letter has no place in any school building operated by the Appleton Area School District. Being the President of the Appleton Board of Education, you have an important responsibility to make sure that all public schools are welcome to every student regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, and their political viewpoints. I am asking that the Board of Education should direct the Superintendent of Schools, the Office of Personnel Services, and the Assistant Superintendents of School and Student Services conduct a full investigation into this matter, and if possible levy sanctions up to and including termination against any AASD staff member who is found to be in violation of Board of Education Policy 522.5. I am also sending you a copy of the blog post written by Mr. Backer that documents these incidents. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 414.502.9165 or by e-mail at Sincerely,

(yle Maichle Milwaukee, Wl Appleton North Graduate-Class of 2002

Ms. Sharon Fenlon, Appleton Board of Education

Cc: Mr, Lee Allinger, Superintendent of Schools Ms. Julie Zuleger, Division of Personnel Services Mr. Ben Vogel, Assistant Superintendent of Student and School Services Ms. Judy Baseman, Assistant Superintendent of Student and School Services Ms. Val Drier, Assistant Superintendent of Student and School Services

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