S 374 Filibuster Generic Senator

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Hart Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator :

Senators Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz are doing the right thing to filibuster Sen. Harry Reids Senatorial gun legislation. I urge you to boldly support this filibuster if it becomes necessary. There is no other way to stop Obamas massive growth of governmental control and infringement upon good Americans owning guns for both defense and sport. Specifically S. 374 and S. 649 will destroy American gun owner privacy, right to un-infringed ownership, and make illegal all private transfer of firearms. It will most likely attach felonies to non-compliance. Ominously, it will set the stage for a National Firearms Registry which will lead to eventual confiscation and perhaps even imprisonment for regular Americans. S. 374 is unworkable without this National Registration and its proponents know it. They are careful to not include this fact in the discourse for fear of killing the bill. All the while these laws will do nothing to prevent more mass shootings or increase public safety. Quite the opposite: fewer guns in the hands of citizens will embolden the criminally insane to engage in mass murdering, knowing fewer armed people will be there to stop them. In Oregon, armed civilian Nick Meli stopped a mall shooting with his Glock, saving many lives. They way to protect our schools are to allow for a national armed carry option for all teachers, in all schools. You will see these shooting become a thing of the past with that measure alone. This progressive agenda does not seek increase public safety however. Instead Pres Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid and their supporters seek to destroy all their political opposition and kill the 2nd Amendment to ensure their power structure. You have gained an A rating by gun rights organizations and I call up on you to earn it again throughout 2013. You will have my enthusiastic support, gratitude, and vote for this principled stance. When questioned by media, please reference ME (your constituent) for why a filibuster is necessary. Please support without any apologies the FILIBUSTER OF UPCOMING GUN LAWS (S. 649, S. 374 for now, more on the way no doubt).

With my greatest respect,

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