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<Cerori>James: *stands a few feet from the demon captain, checking the time on his radio - he seems in better

spirits than the captain himself, though it's only shown by a slight elevation of the corner of his mouth- He sees Donni and Zasha approaching and rasies a hand in salut* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *walks to Ai's side, saluting the general* Good evening sir! *looks at Ai* you ready? ** ToastBustershas joined <ToastBusters>8C finally] <Cerori>Ai: *shurgs with his harms still crossed* Dunno. I'm all for sparring, but I don't like this other business. Never experienced it before. *he let out another sigh* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: if anything seems far too out of control i will not hesitate to stop it. <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: Dante and vincent have 'tainting' powers. This is bound to be an interesting study.... why's it sound so familiar though... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *sighs, rubs his hand over his face, and heads out of the barracks, turning and walking to the assembled officers, and saluting sharply* Recruit Jhanyeshwar-jana, reporting for disciplinary action, sirs. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *walks out onto the lawn, adjusting the tie of her uniform, frowning. She stands next to Jenner, hands behind her back.* ** TDIFan4Lifehas left [timed out] <Cerori>Vincent: *still inside his room, sitting on his bed with his head hung - he'd been thinking until the very last minute to see if he could get out of it somehow. Coming to the conlusion that they'd get him sooner or later, he grudgingly goes outside, lining up with the others with a salute* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *trots up behind vincent, panting a bit as he was panicked to get there and salutes* <Cerori>James: *looks over the soldiers, then nods* Well then I suppose that's everybody. Captains, Donni? <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: *nods* I'm all set, i'll just...stand back. <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: I am ready when Ai is. *rests his arms behind his back.* ** neaumonthas joined ** wonderwarthas joined ** SpikeballXhas joined ** MidnightSilhouettehas joined <MidnightSilhouette>OH HALLO THAR)) <Cerori>Hey! Glad you made it in time. >v< )) ** Sunflower-Baffuhas joined <MidnightSilhouette>ty. it was a lucky coincidence. the library just closed on me XD)) <Cerori>Ai: *steps forward cracking his neck * I'm ready I suppose. Zasha's going to stop me if things get out of hand, but you watch out for yourselves. *looks around at the participants* <Cerori>James: Private Dante if you would please? *motions to Ai* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *LEO STRUTS in late, like a boss. Because I'm only here by lucky coincidence* *standing at ease, because she's so above this shit, considering it was these other idjits that started the mess in her fiancee's garden* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *lets out a breath he'd been holding* y-yes sir. *wanders up* um.. you all might want to step back..a bit... <_< <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *steppin back* <Cerori>Vincent: *steps aside, way aside* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *takes a good- sized step back, dropping his arms to his sides* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *takes three steps back to match everyone else* <Cerori>James: *retreats to a nearby tree, close enough to watch but far enough to get out of possible harm's way, gun at his side* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *steps back with James* Be careful Ai... <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: >A> <A< *trots back with them to, safety in numbers*

<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *takes a deep breath, concentrating very carefully as shadows come up and start wraping themselves around the captain* <Blood-and-Spice>*donni was the first one )) ** ToastBustershas left [timed out] <Cerori>Ai: *Furrows his brows as the shadow slightly disspates into his body* Thhat is...weird...*blinks - the growls a bit* It' like someone else is in my head with me...*laughs a bit, then looks up at the soliders* Come on then! *growls again with more animousity* Come on... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *immediately begins circling to Ai's left, eyes glowing and hands bursting into flame* . . . . <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *backs up immedietly, going into a fighting stance getting ready to defend Vincent* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *pulls her skull mask down from the shadows, out of protection more than anything, extending her claws and flanking Ai to the right* <Cerori>Vincent: *standing behind Dante, though he has his own powers ready as well* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *eyes go black, shadows mix in with her hair and her nails grow black and elongate* standing her ground in the center, facing Ai directly, shoulders squared and posture open, in a "come at me" pose* <Cerori>Ai: *seems to be having a hard time keeping his concentration - he pulls off his gloves and digs his nails deep into his palms, letting the blood flow- he covers both of his hands in a hard coating and lunges at Evie, swinging his tail behind him with a grunt* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*realized she's stepped just a bit too far a second too late, lunging to protect her partner* Evie, go low and block! <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *raises his hands, flame squelching out as he directs a blast of smoke from the side, making a wall of thick black smoke between Ai and Evie* ** wonderwarthas left [timed out] <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *stays back, uncaring if Evie gets a punch to the face or not* ** wonderwarthas joined <Cerori>Vincent: *continues to watch, though he begins to move around Ai away from where Evie is* <MidnightSilhouette>SORRY)) <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *waits until the last second then falls backwards onto her back, kicking her legs up to kick at Ai's stomach* <Cerori>Ai: *tries to pull away from the smoke but runs into it- then kicked by Evie, though his mass prevents him from flying too far. He takes a swipe at Bell as he leaps back, his physique starting to morph half-way* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *following vincent closely not letting his eyes off of blood demon* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *Ai catches her on the mask, leaving a long crack down the side, pulling a growl from her throat as she rocks back, clutching at her mask, but she shakes it off quickly- this is not the time. She repositions herself half beside, half in front of Evie as she watches the Captain morph warily, clicking and whirring in the back of her throat* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *feels the impact of the hit, but not the scratching, and growls* *she flips up and charges at Ai, going for a straight punch to the face* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *pulls his smoke back, so he can see, and keeps circling, trying to get behind Ai* . . . *watches Ai begin to change, not happy with how this is going already* <Cerori>Ai: *hisses- he lowers his head, and swings his forming horns, Evie's fist hitting them instead of his face, then kicks her away* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: AH! *she screamed, half in surprise, half in pain, her right fist now bleeding from a superficial but painful gash* *she takes the hit on the hip, the force making her barrel roll/flip to the side, landing face first* Augh.. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*cursing herself for not being fast enough to pull Evie back, she rushes to stand in front of her, claws extended, hunkered low, watching those horns* Evie- wrap that hand.

Right now. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *dizzy from faceplanting, tries to get up but the best she can do for a moment is rest on her forearms* Nnnngh... *dazed, she licks the wound and pulls herself up to a crouch* Donna have...a cloth.... <Cerori>Vincent: *stifles a laugh at Evie- continues to circle Ai, trying to stay out of his way* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *stops following, watching bell* hnn... <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: You have a shirt. Do it. The Captain already has the advantage. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *shakes her head, mind finally clearing* Aye. *she took off her shirt, just in her sports bra, and wraps it awkwardly around her hand* *she stands* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *now behind Ai, takes off in a dead sprint at Ai, crouching low as he passes by, grabbing huge fistfuls of the Captain's luxurious hair and keeps going, trying to yank the blood demon off balance* <Cerori>Ai: * As if a switch had been pressed, he turns into his demon form, stature growing quickly- he roars as Jenner pulls on his hair, rearing up- he swings his head down toward Evie and Bell's direction,bucking as stray strands of hair try to make their way to Jenner* ** purple-kittyhas left [connection closed] ** neaumonthas joined ** purple-kittyhas joined ** neaumonthas left [timed out] <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: <Blood-and-Spice>oopse)) <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *looking tenser with each action, especially when he turns full demon* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *grabs Bell and drags her out of the way of the <l>HENTAI</l> hair* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*rolls back into Evie, giving them even more momentum away from Ai, extending her claws even further as they move back- as soon as she can get her footing again, she swings them up and out like a whip, catching Ai's horn and pulling hard in the same direction as Jenner* ** purple-kittyhas left [connection closed] <Cerori>James: *watches, though he doesn't seem particulary impressed* -_<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *looked relieved when Bell had dodged, * <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *one arm fully entangled in Ai's mane now, he stares in horror at the strands trying to wrap him up further. As Bell joined in the pull, he summoned a small, curved fire knife in his free hand and started hacking himself free of the tendrils* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *gets up and runs behind Ai, leaping and landing on Ai's back, claws extending, slashing at the hair as she runs towards Ai's head, before using her momentum to leap off his head and run around to try and make anotehr pass* <Cerori>Ai: *caught unexpectedly by Bells pulling- coupled together with Jenner's asuslt, he kneels to keep from falling over completely- he whips his tail over at Evie as she runs around him, his hair pulling back at the cutting to preserve itself* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *seeing the hair retreat from the blade, and the cuts strands fall to the grass and revert to splatters of blood, Jenner pulls himself free, lengthening the fire blade to four feet, and smashing it down hard across Ai's forehead, making the blade explode in a blinding flash of light and burning cinders which he directs into Ai's mane, hoping to distract him further* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*hisses as the blade explodes into light, her claws dissolving for a split second, taking both hands to her face, blinded momentarily* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *is blinded as well, even though her head was turned, because of Bell* <Cerori>Ai: *The cinders land in his mane, severing them with a minute sizzle- their blood runs down his back as his hair is cropped even shorter - he leaps back and tries to shake them off, instead sending the pooled blood over to the soldiers in a mass of needles. The bones inhis spine begin to protrude from having lost much of his blood reserve* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *Fine then she was blinded by the light on her own*

<Cerori>Vincent: *pulls up a mass of grass affected with the taint and shileds some of the needles, though a few hit his legs- he winces a bit as they hit, spots of blood appearing around the torn fabric* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *getting more nervous* When is it alright to stop this? <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *ducks, covering her face with her arms* AAAH! *screams as many needles embed themselves in her back and side* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *sunk into his own shadow, coming up beside Vincent unharmed* *should not have left his side, frowning when he sees the cuts* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: . . . damn. *far too close to dodge, he simply leaps backwards, arms crossed over his face, getting hit with dozens of the needles, enveloping himself in flame to try and destroy the ones embedded in his chest and arms* <Cerori>James: *grunts* They'll be fine. I'm not sure if this taint really does much for us, what do you think? It just looks like when he's angry. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*throws up a shadow to sheild most of her body at the last second, still half blind, but the needles still prick her arms and crack and shatter against her mask, leaving rivulets of blood trailing down the white bone-the needles that struck Evie sizzle up Bell's back, making her arch* Ahn! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *bleeding now, since her skin was bare, the wounds are all the worse* *sobbing, some of them had hit nerves* *she didn't move for fear of breaking them or of them digging deeper, so she stayed in a half crouch* Help! <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: I am.. i don't particularly like it. I can feel it. I can ignore it but i can feel it, it's like someone's pressing against my head. i can only imagine what he might be feeling sir. I don't like it. ** wonderwarthas left [connection closed] <Cerori>Ai: *lets out a ear splitting screech, more primal than anything actually intelligent- his hide begins to melt off of his bones and begins to crawl slowly toward the soldiers to replenish his blood supply as he stands there, seemingly paralyzed* <Cerori>James: *nods his head to the black mass* What does that do? I haven't seen that before. *checks the chambers of his hand gun* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*whips her head around at Evie's scream, moving as fast as she can to Evie's side, trying to ignore the nerves going numb in her side. She throws up a shadow around Evie and her own legs, claws extended, trying to figure out how to fight the captian's creeping skin* <Cerori>Vincent: *glares at Dante- about to yell at him, but remembers that the others are dare- he moves away with a grunt, throwing taint to the grass around Ai* <Cerori>*there <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *looks between them and vincent then back to them, whimpering just a bit before running in and grabbing the blood demon's tail and pulling * OVER HERE CAPTAIN! <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: He's loosing blood sir! Please, this is getting out of hand. *ready to stop ai* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *sees the flesh falling off of Ai- he's seen this before, when he devoured the demon in the basement. The flame around him incresed even more in intensity, as his own human for burned away, leaving him as a full Ifrit. With a low snarl, he fires white hot jets of flame from each hand, tearing through the lawn, forming a fiery corral for Ai and the approaching flesh* THIS IS GETTING OUT
OF HAND, SIRS. . . .

<MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *not moving, still afraid* *she hadn't been in this much pain for a long time, and was worried, somewhere in the back of her head, that she had nerve damage* <Cerori>Ai: *screeches in pain when Dante grabs his tail- without his hide, his nerves are mostly exposed, causing him great pain with any type of physical contact. The black ooze cringes away from the flames and begins to move rapidly towards Dante, the only blood source within the firey corralone small tendril snakes up his boot, eating through the leather * <Cerori>Vincent: *shields his eyes from the heat, yells over at the superiors* Hasn't this gone far enough?!!

<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *calls to Dante* Get clear! He will consume you! Use your own shadow if you must! <Cerori>James: * sighs unamused- flicks his wrist dismissively* Fine. Do what you will, Captian Zasha. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *shrieks when she sees that hide crawling up Dante's leg* Move you fool! *glancing back at Evie, making sure she's not going to move before taking a running leap at the flame, shifting into her demon form* Move now! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *NOT. MOVING* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *would REALLY like a hug* <Cerori>Vincent: *walks over to Evie and grabs her on the shoulder* Snap out of it woman! Get away from those flames 'less you want to be torched! <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: AAAH! *thrashes out blindly, nerves numb and on fire alternately, lashing out and striking him with a claw, in too much pain to recognize that he's not a threat* *moving has shifted the needles painfully* <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *running up* Bring your fire down! *he holds a hand out, bringing whatever blood the demon retained down to the ground with him, pinning him there with all the force he can muster* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods at Zasha's call, making a dismissive gesture, the flame vanishing, leaving a burning trench in the lawn* AYE, CAPTAIN. <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: * backing up, able to muster a shadow around himself when the flames went down to protect himself* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*tackles Dante, slamming them both to the ground and rolling, unable to break her momentum when the flames went down* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *and tackled down* ** privilege class Juniors has been updated by Blood-and-Spice with: -admin -kick -topic -title ** WeisseOrchidee has been made a member of Juniors by Blood-and-Spice * <Cerori>Ai: *turns his head away from Dante when the flames recess and his tail is let go and now looks at Zasha, his body pulling in what blood it can towards itself. He roars at Zasha, sending specks of blood at him, straining against the restraints* <Cerori>Vincent: *gouged by the claw - it tears the striped bandana and his arm deeply * Fuck,,,! *holds his arm and backs away from her, hastily grabbing the torn bandana from the ground, looks at it then glares angrily at Evie* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *OH GAWD WHYYYYY?!?!?* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*still pinning Dante to the ground, her eyes flashing in her skull mask, looking back to make sure the Captian was restrained before wheeling on Dante* Why did you not move?! <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *unable to concentrate on everything at the same time he takes a hit, falling to his knees when he reached Ai's head* Ai! You need to calm down! *he reached a hand up* It's me, Ai. Please. Concentrate. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *ignores Evie as usual and cautiously watches Ai and Zasha, ready to intervene if Ai cannot control himself and praying he won't have to* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: I needed to distract him so he didn't kill you! *growling a bit, unable to stop himself from looking in evie and vincent and then the captains* <Cerori>Ai: *lowers his head, pushing it against the ground as if trying to push something out- he moans in pain*My head, Zasha- my hurts so much GET OUT OF MY HEAD! *smashes his head against the ground with a growl* I'll kill you, I will...Please make it stop... <Cerori>James: *rolls his eyes* Oh the melodramatics. *considers shooting Evie with a tranquilizer* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*staring at the Captians, rolling off Dante* Do not concern yourself with me- you have to reverse the taint on the Captain- he can't hold it much longer. <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *he carressed Ai gently* Just concentrate on me. *looking up at Dante

and then vincent* One of you NOW. <Cerori>Vincent: *sneers at the cut in his arm and wanders over, placing a hand on Ai's neck as he begins to drain the taint - he watches a bit disquestedly at the black ooze that is now slowly retreating* <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *jumps up, flinching only for a moment when he felt the pain on his leg. He watched as vincent seemed to handle it so nicely. * ... <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *I HATE YOU ALL* <Cerori>James: *sighs* That was rather anticlimatic. *narrows his eyes a bit at Evie - he gives her a sharp hit to the neck to knock her out* Staff Sargent, Captain, I'm sure you can handle the rest? ** Silicone-Heartshas joined <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *sends a wicked glare back at James* yes i can handle everything just fine sir. <Cerori>Ai: *slowly calms down as the taint is drained - he lays his head on the ground, silent except for his raspier than usual breathing* <Blood-and-Spice>Donni: *shaking* I-i-i, jace, yeah jace. *flails off* <Cerori>James: *raises a brow at Zasha* ...Don't bite off more than you can chew, soldier. *adjusts his cape over his shoulder and walks off, glancing at his handgun as if disappointed and holsters it* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *FUCK YOU ALL AND GOODNIGHT!* *falls over, needles burying themselves deeper and JAMES YOU SUCK AS A CAPTAIN* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *feels a sharp hit to the neck as Evie drops, she glares at James' retreating back. Every time she encountered that human, the urge to eat his steaming entrails grew stronger. The wounds Evie had suffered were slowly taking their toll on Bell's body, she grabs her side, growling* This did not go at all as expected. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *turns and watches James stalk off, wandering over to see how badly mangled Evie was*. . . <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *looks at Jenner* If you can handle it, carry Evelyn to the infirmary, carefully. *carressing Ai gently* <Cerori>Vincent: * a bit surprised he had managed to drain the taint so well- he winces at his deeply-gashed arm, and limps over to the rest of the soldiers* Well at least most of us are alive. *looks over the passed-out Evie* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *IT'S EVALINA YOU BITCH* <Cerori>Ai: *turns his head slightly to look at Zasha* I'm sorry Zasha...Will the soldiers be alright? <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *salutes, and envelops himself in smoke, reverting back to human form and kneeling by Evie* Aye, Captain. *he sighs and carefully slides his arms under her, picking her up* ** SpikeballXhas left <Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: They will see worse i am sure. Jace and Neirin will make them better in no time.... are you alright? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *reverts to her human form slowly, standing and walking carefully over to Jenner and Evie, sighing* Evie. You will be the death of both of us. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *and what a fine looking death it'll be* @_____________@ <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *silently steps to Vincents side* <Cerori>Vincent: *limps his way toward the infirmary- he looks rather disappointed at his destroyed scarf in his hand* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *looks down and does a brief double take* Bell. . . Your uniform . . . oh dear. Not again. *realizes his own uniform was destroyed* We need more durable uniforms. . . . <Cerori>Ai: I'll be fine. I'm just hungry and tired with a slight headache...I might just lay here a little while- and you? I'm sure it transfers, even if only slightly... <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *hadn't even noticed her unclothed state* Oh, this again. *looking back up at Jenner* shall I make a shadow blanket, like last time? <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *running out when they're about to come in* Ah. Yeah, Nudity. Was not quite expecting that. Okay.

<Blood-and-Spice>Dante: ... i am so sorry sir... *just follows him along* ** Cerorihas left [connection closed] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Tch. It hardly matters at this point. We need to attend to Evie first. Greetings, Doctor. . . *he smirks at Jace* The Captain and the General did this. . . <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *pointing at Evie in Jenner's arms* Please fix her. It stings. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *coming too* Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck......someone doing somethin' before I start screamin' again. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *walks over, the blood daggers having lost their form by now, his hands glow keeping them hovered over her, the cuts beginning to seal slowly but visably. * Welcome back Evie. <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *shaky smile* Hullo lad. I think.....they hit nerves.....I can't feel much right now, but maybeh I'm just about t'faint.... <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Indeed. Welcome back. Where shall I set her, Doctor. . . ? *glances back to Jace* <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *quietly slides out of a tree* Interesting indeed~ *trots off* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *he points* just lay her in that bed and everyone sit yourselves down. *he walks to the medicine cabinet* ** Double-AA-202has left <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *gently lays her down, goes to a nearby cabinet, and gets two hospital gowns, passing one to Bell* Here you are, Bell. This will have to suffice for now. *he slips it on and sits down* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:Thank you *takes the gown from Jenner, sitting down with it on her lap, over her waist and knees, reaching over to brush Evie's hair out of her face* I am sorry I did not protect you better. ** neaumonthas left [timed out] <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *shrugs, then winces in pain* It's not yer fault. I shoulda thrown up a shadow shield as soon as I was blinded... <Blood-and-Spice>Dante: *just sitting quietly down on one of the beds, taking his boot off completely, keeping his head down* <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *starts to mend Evie again, figuring he could just use normal things for the others* how are the captains? <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: James is a douche <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Exhausted, but recovering. This was. . . an ill-concieved attempt at discipline. <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *crossing her arms* Very ill-concieved. <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: That was hardly discipline. Douche?... eh can't argue with that he's pretty douchey. Didn't hear it from me though. ** neaumonthas joined <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: He fuckin' jabbed me in the neck when I was stuck full of needles. I think I even landed on some of them. If I have permanent damage I'm suein' <Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *snorts* you'll be fine, I've got ya. *finishes with her and goes to the others, using the medicine he grabbed to work on them* That wasn't discipline though, from what i gathered it was a test.

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