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Insomnia Cures

Living & Dealing with Sleep

Disorders for your Health
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Your Health Online A–Z guide to dealing with health

problems and finding natural self care & nutritional
strategies for your better health:

© All rights reserved – published by: Helene Malmsio
Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorder is the most recent issue that has
been spreading rapidly in many countries.

Amongst hundreds of various other problems prevailing in the

society, sleep disorders are supposed to be given utmost
importance as they not only affect the sleep life but also tend to
affect the waking life.

But the actual condition is that they are given the least
importance or can also be said that they are just ignored.

Poor sleep is the major cause behind these disorders that

might eventually lead to minor or serious medical and
psychiatric problems.

As an attempt to address such problems, this report

discusses on the most common sleep disorders like sleep
apnea, snoring and its affects on individuals.

Not just one, there are hundreds of sleep disorders that are
noticed in the society. These disorders might become
dangerous for life when left uncared.

Snoring, Sleep apnea, Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Parasomnias,

Restless Legs and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder are
some of the disorders that are commonly found.

None of the commonly found sleep disorders like sleep

apnea and snoring are inherited but all are acquired through
various sources like behavioral causes, environment, stress
or might also be subsets of the victims medical or health

A layman would best understand this if he / she happens to

know the fact that Insomnia, considered as one of the major
sleep disorder, is also acquired by caffeine intoxication.

Caffeine intoxication shouldn’t be presumed to be a habitual

activity of drug addicts who infuse caffeine into their body
but the fact is that it is also infused into the body of a
normal person who consumes more than 2 to 3 cups of
coffee every day.

This eventually not only becomes a habit rather the person

becomes addicted towards this mind-altering drug.

Sleep disorders are usually inter-related; that is for instance

a person who is suffering from sleep apnea might also be a
victim of insomnia.

Insomnia, which is often thought to be a result of stress and

anxiety, is also caused due to sleep deprivation. Other than
this, even medications that are taken as a result of certain
illnesses might also cause sleeplessness.

Age as well plays a vital role in pertaining to getting a good

night’s sleep. This is because of the biological fact that
melatonin, a chemical that is secreted in order to induce
sleep, secretion decreases as we age.

As we attain the age of sixty, secretion of this chemical

reduces obviously resulting in problems like either rising
early in the morning or the inability to sleep at night.

So lack of sleep as well is a major cause for a number of

sleep disorders including sleep apnea and snoring.

Let us discuss on how many percentages of human beings in

this world are aware of the causes of sleep deprivation.
Poor thing, the answer would definitely be in single digit. At
the first place, most of us are not aware of how many hours
a normal human being is expected to sleep per day.

A number of misconceptions prevail some addressing it to be

8 hrs and some mentioning it to be 5 hrs. The fact is that
there is no such standard number that determines the hours
a human being should sleep.

It actually depends on individuals and the nature of their

body chemistry, for instance, a short sleeper sleeps for 3 to
4 hours per day whereas a long sleeper sleeps for more than
10 hours.

This also depends on age; for instance, a 16 month old baby

might sleep for more than 16 hours per day but a sixty year
old elderly person might take short naps during day and
sleep only for 5 hours during night. All these conditions
being normal, a disorder can be deducted only either when
tried to adapt a new sleeping condition or when the usual
sleeping pattern is disturbed.

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of sleep disorders

that are found in common these days. Let’s start our
discussion with sleep apnea.

The word ‘apnea’ is a Greek word that means ‘without

breath’. The word is very specifically selected for the
condition, as sleep apnea is a condition in which the victims
usually stop breathing during their sleep. To be more
technical, it can be defined as a condition in which the
airway collapses and breathing repeatedly stops.

The patients stop breathing repeatedly, may be hundreds of time

during their sleep or it might in some cases be even for one
or more than one minute.
As the condition sustains, oxygen levels in the bloodstream
falls down, in turn leading to high blood pressure, strokes,
heart attack, and many other abnormal heart rhythms.

Increased possibilities for heart attack and stroke in noted

among victims of sleep apnea who are obese. Obesity might
cause sleep apnea by the fatty cells that enlarge and
contract therefore leading to obstruction in the airway.

This is a real serious condition, which should be treated as

soon as suspected. Sleep apnea is very common like any
other common diet challenging health problem like diabetes.
As there is no age restriction for this disorder, sleep apnea is
commonly found in children as well.

Educating them about the causes and preventive measures

of sleep apnea can only reduce the increase in victims. This
sleep disorder is desperately undiagnosed and untreated in
many cases that in turn lead to a number of serious

In order to start its early treatment, it is necessary to detect

sleep apnea at the earliest. There are quite number of
symptoms that can help us locate the victim suffering from
sleep apnea.

As mentioned earlier, sleep apnea is a condition in which the

victim stops breathing several times during sleep. This
periodical stoppage upsets the balance of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the blood. As the amount of carbon dioxide
increases, the brain senses the condition and generates an
impulse that wakes us the victim in order to release the
excess carbon dioxide in the body and helps him/ her to in
take enough amount of oxygen.
This cyclic reaction takes place from between ten to sixty
times during one sleep-night. It might in extreme cases stop
the victim to breathe for more than one or two minutes.

This impulse sent from the brain periodically is what helps

the victim to restore the normal condition by restarting the
breathing system and saves the person’s life.

Though this impulse restarts the breathing cycle, it ends up

in the victim experiencing a sleepless night. Though the
victim is many times not aware or does not remember his /
her breathing complications, the condition eventually ends
up in daytime sleepiness.

There are various other key symptoms from which sleep

apnea can be detected. Either the victim’s spouse or a sleep
partner can help in watching out the victim’s sleep activities
and help in diagnosing sleep apnea.

Choking and waking up sweating during sleep are common

symptoms of sleep apnea. Loud snoring as well is a very
common symptom.

Experience of a restless night sleeps leads to feeling unrefreshed

in the morning. Headaches upon awakening,
sleepiness, depression and other personality changes are
also common symptoms.

Victims of sleep apnea can be noticed to be more lethargic in

work than before. They might also experience rapid weight
gain, memory loss leading to poor learning abilities.
Sleep apnea victims are proved to be poor in judging

A sleep partner can notice these symptoms, measure it and

discuss with a sleep specialist. This would greatly help the
doctor in analyzing the symptoms and diagnosing the

Sleep apnea can be measured in terms of the loudness of

the snoring. The sleep partner at times can wake up during
night and check the victims sleep status, that is whether he
/ she is sleeping or awake.

A sleep partner who attempts to notice sleep apnea

symptoms should also check the victim’s breathing activities
regularly as they have high percentages of possibilities to
get choked.

A sleep diary or an audio recorder can be effectively used to

record the sleep activities of a person suffering from sleep
apnea. Sleep diaries can be purchased from any sleep center or can
even be prepared at home. The most important points that
in a sleep diary are as follows:

The time when the victim goes to bed.

Number of times he / she wakes up in during sleep

How loud the victim snores (this can be noted by using

a audio recorder)

Number of times the victim chokes during sleep

Number of total hours the victim has slept

The time when the victim woke up during sleep

How he / she feels in the morning. This can be found

out by checking the victim whether or not he / she is
feeling refreshed.
Any other points that the doctor or a sleep specialist
suggests can also be included.

These simple sleep tests can also be had in a sleep clinic

where there are sleep experts to conduct these tests. In a
sleep clinic, the victim is observed and diagnosed for sleep

Other than having an observation at a sleep clinic, sleep

specialist also physically check the victim’s mouth to
diagnose sleep apnea.

Tests in a sleep clinic are conducted using specialized

equipments as well. Polysomnography is one such tests that
are carried out at sleep clinics to diagnose sleep apnea.

It is used to record electrical activities of the brain, pulse

rate, eye and muscle movement. The respiratory efforts,
blood oxygen carbon dioxide levels during sleep are also
effectively observed from this test. Multiple Sleep Latency
Test (MSLT) is yet another test that is used to measure the
speed of falling asleep at different points during day.

The symptoms noted are associated by sleep specialists and

diagnosed as a particular type of sleep apnea. There are
three types of sleep apnea, viz., (a) Obstructive Sleep Apnea
(OSA), Central Sleep Apnea (CPA) and Mixed Sleep Apnea.

Out of the three, Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA is the

most common one yet most serious one. Victims of OSA
have problems in breathing because of the formation of an
obstruction in their nose and mouth that blocks easy flow of
air through the airway.

Commonly accompanied by snoring, victims of OSA wake up

often during sleep. Victims of OSA experience recurrent
breathing process in which the throat muscles that normally
help during wakefulness relax and close the throat.

As the victim tries hard to breath, due to the vacuum

already created the throat muscles contract more and close
the airway completely.

Differing among individuals, this process cycle might last up

to a maximum of two minutes. The process terminates only
when the victim wakes up. This arousal signal in initiated by
the brain when the carbon dioxide level increases in the

These cycles can take place hundreds of times during sleep

while the victim may not be aware of the process.

Though the process might sound a bit simpler, the causes

are severe. Based on the severity of OSA a person has, the
condition can be specified as a sure life threatening

There are increased possibilities for a victim of OSA to have

a heart attack or stroke or even cardiac arrests during sleep.
They are also evident of having major accidents due to
sleepiness while driving.

Due to the restless sleeps they experience, they are

deprived of sleep and seem to face negative consequences
proportional to the severity of OSA.

Central Sleep Apnea is the second type of apnea that is

caused due to delay in receiving brain signals. Though CSA
is not as common as OSA, it is still found in few percentages
among the victims of sleep apnea. This is a type of sleep
apnea caused by the delay in receiving a brain signal that
instructs the person to breathe regularly. Oral, throat and
abdominal breathing all the three cease together in this
case. Mixed Sleep Apnea is the third type of sleep apnea
that is a combination of the two other sleep apneas
described above.

The major cause for sleep apnea is obstruction in the

airway. The main causes that attribute to the obstruction are
overweight or obesity, age, gender (men have greater
possibilities to become a victim of sleep apnea), irregular
sleeping habits, smoking, consumption of alcohol, snoring,
high blood pressure and sometimes heredity.

The above mentioned are the main reasons that pertain to

be the causes in many sleep apnea cases. Though not a
single characteristic can be declared as such to be the exact
cause for sleep apnea but it might be a combination of two
or more attributes.

After diagnosis, it is very essential to start the treatment to

cure the diagnosed patient suffering from sleep apnea.

Genioglossus and hyod advancement is a method of treating

sleep apnea. The surgical process collapses the lower throat
pulling the tongue muscles forward. This surgery opens the
airway by removing or relocating the obstructions.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is yet another surgical

procedure to treat obstructive sleep apnea. The process
tightens the throat tissues which obviously clears the
blockage on the airway.

Though there are a number of methods to cure sleep apnea,

the cost common and effectively used method is CPAP -
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. CPAP can be adapted
when surgery is difficult or not possible.
CPAP is a marvelous invention of the nineteenth century. Dr.
Colin Sullivan of the University of Sydney in Australia
invented it in the year 1981.

To a layman, CPAP can be defined as a nasal mask that

helps victims of sleep apnea breath better. CPAP delivers air
into the air passage through this nasal mask.

The air in taken through this nasal mask is delivered in with

enough pressure thereby keeping the airway open. CPAP is
considered to most effective way to alleviate sleep apnea, as
it is the only non-surgical methodology used to treat sleep

When used correctly, CPAP is found to be nearly 100%

efficient to treat sleep apnea. A victim of sleep apnea can
start wearing this nasal mask after consulting with an ENT
specialist who can advice whether or not CPAP would suit his
/ her physical condition.

As a result of using CPAP, victims would be inviting a new

lifestyle for themselves that might include loss of weight,
adoption of new exercises and quitting smoking.

Usage of CPAP is suggested for a patient only after studying

his / her medical history, current medications, cardio
vascular conditions and their habit of consuming alcohol or

As the process does not include any surgical phenomenon, it

is observed and suggested for thousands of patients and is
proved to be almost 100% successful.

However, victims of sleep apnea who have problems wearing

CPAP during travel are suggested to adapt a surgical method
to get rid of sleep apnea. The unit pressure of the CPAP is
set based on the severity of sleep apnea the person has.

CPAP can be used by plugging it into an electrical outlet that

would provide flow of air into the nasal mask. As CPAP is
only a treatment and not a cure, its best effect can be
experienced only when used continuously during sleep.

CPAP is in fact not an easy therapy to adapt. In some cases

the patients are noted to give up when they do not notice
any immediate improvement in their condition.

Few others noticeable factors which tend the patients to give

up are redness caused around the nose, dryness of the
throat and disturbances caused by the tight fitting nasal

Based on an ENT specialist’s advice, the type of the

treatment can be changed if it is found to be very
uncomfortable to use.

Usage of dental devices is yet another way of treating sleep

apnea. Dentists who are trained in dental appliances for
sleep apnea design these dental devices.

This dental device is specifically designed to treat sleep

apnea. Dental devices are prescribed for mild sleep apnea or
when the patient is able to use CPAP.

The dental device is kept in the mouth at night pushing

forward the lower jaw and the tongue. These devices are
available in two forms: fixed type and adjustable type.

It is noticed that the success rates are higher for adjustable

type dental devices then fixed types. Usage of any dental
devices, fixed or adjustable, might cause swelling and pain
of jaws till they get used to the device properly.
Radio frequency is the latest procedure that is used to treat
sleep apnea. This process used in this procedure includes
shrinking of the tongue or throat tissues using radio
frequency waves.

The throat or tongue tissue is pierced with the help of

electrodes that are connected to a radio frequency
generator. The inner tissues are heated to 158-1760 F that
shrinks the inner tissues but not the outer tissue paving way
for free flow of air. There is no specific success rate noted as
such for this treatment as this is a latest therapy that is not
used commonly.

Untreated and unnoticed sleep apnea might lead to a

number of various other issues like high blood pressure,
weight gain, impotency, memory problems and headaches.

Sleepiness, which is also a sub product of sleep apnea, is

another major factor that has caused a number of accidents
in America and other countries.

Sleepiness is a result of untreated sleep disorder, sleep

deprivation and shift work. The fact is that sleepiness is
equally a risk factor like alcohol, excessive speed, and rash
driving that increases the possibility of accidents.

But this condition is not and cannot be included as a

prohibited condition which one should follow while driving as
it cannot be measured anyway. There is no monitoring
mechanism to measure sleepiness similar to the tests and
mechanisms that are available to measure one’s blood
alcohol level, or the speed at which the person was traveling
at the time of accident.

This makes it difficult to ascertain that sleepiness was

included in the accident. This situation is to the advantage of
the person who can easily deny that he / she was sleepy at
the time of accident.

But besides all this, the fact is that sleepiness offers its
major contribution to vehicle crashes than any other factor
that is counted upon as other factors are well monitored,
controlled and, in excess cases, charged.

This condition can be restored only when people are

educated on the importance of sleep. Not limited to its
importance, they should also be insisted on the fact that
sleep is equally an important factor like diet or environment
that contributes to good health.

Recent research on the issue shows that treatment of sleep

apnea with CPAP - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
reduces the risk of crashes caused due to sleep apnea.

Yet another tedious sleep disorder is snoring. As it is found

very commonly, we never believe it to be a sleep disorder.

Many of us even believe it to be a habit of certain

personalities but snoring in fact is a serious sleep disorder.

Snoring is a sound created due to some blockage found in

the airway. The victims nose or the mouth can be the source
for the sound creation.

The blockage can either be created in the nose or in throat

due to which the sound is produced. It is true that very
often snoring is considered to be a habit or many a times it
becomes a topic of an entertaining evening when a snoring
friend is around.

But all of us should understand that snoring is a condition

that should not be left untreated. Consider it to be a serious
issue; snoring can be treated in a number of ways.

If a person has a silent sleep it means that he is free from

any blockage in the throat or mouth. The sound is usually
produced by a thin soft palate or the base of one’s tongue
that falls before the throat’s air channel blocking the air.

This tissue or soft palate creates sound by striking against

the walls of the throat and nose. Reactivity towards snoring
should not be lethargic as in many cases it is considered to
be a symptom of many sleep disorders like Acromegaly,
Marfan syndrome and Obstructive sleep apnea.

Snoring can be preventative in its initial stage. Regular

exercise and weight loss greatly contributes to the
prevention of snoring. An immediate effect can be
experienced when slept on the sides rather than on the

Here is a clear picture of what makes a person snore during

sleep. The various components of the human mouth are
themselves the causes of snoring.

The mouthpart consists of the tongue, tonsil, uvula and the

soft palate that then leads to the throat. Teeth are the other
components that cannot be called as a cause for snoring.

Snoring is caused when there is an obstruction noticed on

the airway. The noisy sound is produced when the passage
of the air going through the mouth and nose is obstructed
on their way to the throat.

As a result the components of the mouth (tongue, tonsil,

uvula and palate) strike each other and start vibrating as the
air passes through thereby creating a noisy sound called snoring.
These causes might take different shape based on the
condition in which the snorer is. Consumption of heavy
alcohol and sleep inducing drugs are a major cause.

The mouth tissues are usually softened when these drugs

and alcohol are consumed. When the muscles are too
relaxed, the tongue falls behind on the airway blocking the
passage of the air to the throat.

Snoring might also result when the tissues of the throat are
excessively bulky.

An excessively grown tonsils is yet another reason. Obese

people usually have bulky neck muscles which block the air
passage during sleep.

Thyroids and tumors are also suspected to contribute to

snoring. A long uvula or a soft palate worsens the condition
as they flutter when the air passes through.

Snoring can even be noticed in normal human beings who

never snore during winter or a fever season. This is resulted
as a blockage in the nose due to cold. In such a condition,
the respiratory system struggles to inhale air. In the
process, a vacuum is created in the throat area which makes
the uvula, tonsil and the palate vibrate.

Snoring should not be considered as something funny as it is

a cyclic condition that leads to a variety of health problems.

It not only deprives the snorer of sleep but also causes sleep
deprivation among their sleep partners. Sleep deprivation in
turn causes daytime sleepiness, low energy, laziness, low
productivity, poor mental health, off mood and slow
reactivity to things.
Higher end effects may be high blood pressure, diabetes,
heart stroke, hypertension and ultimately premature death.
Snoring, both socially and medically, should be considered
serious as they can become the root causes for a number of
long term health hazards.

In addition to disturbing other sleep mates, it also deprives

the snorer of proper sleep.

The best would be to treat snoring at its early stage as sleep

deprivation is found to be the major cause of thousands of
health issues.

Heavy snorers should definitely get the assistance of an

otolaryngologist or an ENT specialist. On analyzing the nose,
mouth and throat in a laboratory it can be determined how
serious the condition is.

Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty (TAP) is the name given to a

group of methods and techniques that are used to treat
snoring and few other aspects of OSA.

Bipolar cautery, laser, and radio frequency are the three

types of methodologies used in TAP. Laser Assisted Uvula
Palatoplasty (LAUP) is a laser treatment used to treat
snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea.

Tiny portions of the uvula and the palate are vaporized with
the help of laser. An otolaryngologist gives this treatment
after treating the patient with local anesthesia.

Another method is Radio frequency ablation that is a process

in which the excess tissues causing the blockage in the
airway are shrunken using a thin needle like electrode.
This needle emits energy that helps to precede the process.
Oral dental appliances can also be used to treat snoring.

There are a wide range of dental appliances which are used

as preventive tools to treat snoring and sleep apnea; some
lower down the tongue and others move the lower jaw
creating a passage for the free flow of air.

Mild snoring can be prevented by the snorers themselves.

Maintaining a well-toned muscle structure can prevent
snoring. Consumption of alcohol, sleeping pills and having
heavy food before sleeping can be avoided.

Above all this, following a regular sleep pattern can greatly

help. Sleeping on the side can also be made habitual, as
snoring is high when one sleeps on his / her back. Yet
another important gender fact noted in snoring is that
snoring is statistically noted to be common among men
rather than in women.

Insomnia is another sleep related problem which has major

effects on the normal life. Insomnia is a condition in which
the patient is unable to sleep or stay asleep for a long time.
Victims of insomnia have inadequate sleep as they have
difficulties falling asleep. Even if they manage to sleep they
will not be able to sleep for a longer time.

They are noted to wake up often during sleep. They usually

have un-refreshed sleep and wake up very early in the

Insomnia can be deducted by noting down its various

symptoms. Though the symptoms of insomnia might vary
from an individual to the other, there are few common
symptoms that can be made use to identify the problem.
An obvious symptom of insomnia is the difficulty that the
victims face to fall asleep. In extreme cases, it might also
take 45 minutes to an hour in their attempt to sleep.

Major causes of insomnia include, stress, anxiety, fear and

drugs like caffeine. Extreme pain, over activity of the brain
and age also contribute greatly to insomnia.

Reports prove that insomnia increases as the age increase.

It is also proved that more than 30% of men and more than
40% women are affected by increased percentages of
insomnia as their age increases.

Stress and fear factors can be put forward as reasons for the
difference in the percentages. As women normally undergo
more stress, anxiety and fear when compared to men, the
possibilities of women to be victims of insomnia is greater.

There are three different types of insomnia viz., (1)

transient, (2) acute – short term and (3) chronic insomnia.
Transient insomnia is a common type of insomnia that
everyone must have experienced at least once in their life

This type on insomnia lasts for one night or utmost for few
weeks. It persists only for a short duration as normal human
beings have stress and anxiety that might put off their sleep
for a small duration.

But as their problem is restored the condition as well

vanishes. Acute or short term insomnia is the second type of
insomnia that continues for a period of two to three weeks
time. This is also called intermittent insomnia as the
condition occurs from time to time.

The thirds or the last type of insomnia is chronic insomnia.

Though rarely found it is considered to be real serious
condition of all the three types of insomnia. The basic cause
of insomnia is depression.

A distinct line cannot be drawn among the causes, as it is

always a combination of more than two are three mental or
health issues. They might be sleep apnea, heart problems,
menopause, asthma, restless legs syndrome, kidney disease
and hyperthyroidism.

Other behavioral causes like consumption of over doses of

caffeine, irregular sleep patterns that can be noticed in night
shift workers and stress are as well few major causes of

A victim of insomnia can said to suffer either from primary

or secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is common which
nothing is but sleeplessness not caused due to be any
medial or environmental problems.

Secondary insomnia is a condition that should be examined

and considered serious. Secondary insomnia is in many
cases found to be a cause of some health problem. Causes
of insomnia should certainly be discussed in detail, as they
are conditions to be noticed and treated at the earliest.

Some of the common causes of insomnia include sleep

apnea as one of the causes. As sleep apnea is already
discussed adequately, lets move on to the next major cause
that is Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

This is a peculiar condition in which the victim experiences a

power urge to move his / her legs. The urge is noticed to be
so powerful that the victim tingles his / her legs suddenly.

As an attempt to get themselves relieved from this restless

sensation, victims normally move often in the bed. This
rapid movement results in restless night sleep and
sleepiness during day.

Jet lag is another cause of insomnia that is known to many

of us. But still would like to give you a briefing about the
subject. Jet lag is a condition that is experienced by people
who travel frequently across time zones. The contradiction
between the difference of the daylight in various countries
and the internal body set-up cause restlessness resulting in

Parasomnia is yet another major cause that is a combination

of a variety of sleep disorders. REM behavior disorder,
sleepwalking and nightmares are considered to be a part of

Sleepwalking is also a serious sleep disorder that has also

proved itself dangerous in many cases. This disorder as well
will be discussed in detail in the forth-coming sessions.

Insomnia can also be a side effect of some medications,

mental illness, emotional threats, stress, free and
depression. An unbelievable fact also proves the possibility
of acquiring insomnia based on genetics. This type of
insomnia is named Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) but it
should also be mentioned that it is very rarely found.

This is a brain disease caused by the mutation of a protein

called prion protein (PrP). The mutation changes the
chemical bondage and changes the shape of PrP. This results
in amyloid plaques in the thalamus and disrupts the normal

As thalamus is the region of the brain that is responsible for

sleep, the disruption affects the sleep pattern as well. First
resulting in insomnia, the condition worsens as the victim’s
age increases.

The problem progresses to be more serious and the onset

starts sometime between the ages of 30 to 60. The condition
noticed in this type of insomnia is that the victim lives no
longer than three years after the onset is reached.

Common symptoms of FFI are intractable insomnia,

dementia, paralysis and in some cases hyperthermia and
hypertension is also noted.

Similar to other prior diseases and as the name reads, Fatal

Familial Insomnia as well is a fatal disease and is incurable.

Age old and latest researches are all going on attempting to

invent a drug to cure FFI.

There are a number of treatments that are adapted to treat

insomnia. Many consume sleeping pills and sedatives to cure
insomnia. Many others make use of herbs like chamomile,
lavender and passionflowers.

Aroma therapy as well is found be a very relaxing treatment

of insomnia. Various other traditional methods are to have a
cup of warm milk before going to bed, getting up early in
the morning, doing rigorous exercise in the afternoon and
having a warm bath in the evening.

Though not proved scientifically, these traditional methods

are definitely found to be very relieving. Quite good
percentages of the insomnia victims have found these
therapies to be effective. Having a heavy lunch and a mild
supper also helps cure insomnia.

The basic fact behind insomnia is that it shows its worse part
only when the sleep pattern is changed. This condition can
be overcome if the mind is kept relaxed especially in the
evening. A stress free mind can definitely change the
situation thereby inducing sleep in the patient.

Few other points that can be taken care of while handling insomnia:

Avoid having dairy or other products with high calories before sleep.

Avoiding or if possible stopping the use of any type of caffeine may


The sleeping place should be dark and noise free.

Listening of mild music can also help.

Avoiding daytime sleep.

Depression being another main cause, this can as well be set away

Listing out the work to be done the next day greatly

helps as it relieves the victim of the fear of forgetting
some important work.

Sexual activity can also induce sleep due to the

secretion of some special hormones.

A lot of similar remedies can be listed that has proved

records of relieving victims of insomnia.

Sleepwalking as well is a serious sleep disorder that many

times is dangerous for health. Sleepwalking is a condition in
which the victim starts walking during sleep without the
knowledge of his / her conscious mind.
Sleepwalking can affect people of any age and class.
Statistical records show that greater percentage of children
to be affected by sleepwalking or somnambulism.

It has also revealed that boys are more likely to sleepwalk

than girls. Sleepwalking is a Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
behavior disorder that occurs during the dream stage of a

Based on different platforms, sleepwalkers perform different

activities that vary from eating, washing, dressing till driving
and in extreme cases murdering.

The activities of sleepwalkers cannot be predicted as it

differs based on the victim’s emotional levels and also the
type of dream they might be having during the situation.

Sleepwalkers are always dangerous to themselves and

others as they are predictive on what they would do during
their sleepwalking. The condition worsens as the victims are
not aware of what they are doing (the activities are
performed without the control of the conscious mind) and for
the same reason the condition is dangerous.

A few common symptoms of sleepwalking are stress, fatigue,

anxiety, difficulty in arousing the sleepwalker during an
episode and amnesia after an episode.

Sleep is characterized with a number of different sleep

stages. REM sleeping a different stage during which the eye
balls move more rapidly under the eye lids and also are
prone to have dreams.

Sleep cycles takes place rapidly during sleep changing from

REM to non-REM stages. Sleepwalking mostly occurs during
the non-REM stage that is during early night or during the
REM stage that might occur during early morning.

The sleepwalking episode might vary from a few seconds or

minutes to more than 30 minutes or more.

Common misconception that many of us have is that we

should not awake a sleepwalker during an episode.
Sleepwalkers should of course be awaken if they are in

Nothing spectacular takes place when the sleepwalkers are

awakened but they definitely feel embarrassed and guilty of
their activity. Sleepwalking can be treated with a number of
medications and allopathic treatments but the most common
treatment used to treat sleepwalking is hypnosis and it has
also proved to be successfully on short-term basis.

Sleepwalking can be prevented or self treated by making

arrangements to get plenty of rest, having a more relaxed
mind before going to bed, if possible meditating or doing
some exercise that might rest your mind in peace.

Home mates of a sleepwalker should as well take care of few

points that might turn to be dangerous for the sleepwalkers
during their episode.

It is preferred to have the sleepwalker’s room in the ground

floor of the house. This would reduce the greater possibility
of the sleepwalkers being rolled down the stairs. Small such
measures taken by the home mates might definitely help the
sleepwalker from being hurt.

The fact is that sleep disorders are limited to what we have

discussed in this detailed report. Sleep disorder can be
called a huge ocean that has hundreds of different disorders
in it.
In some cases it is also possible to notice a combination of
two or more disorders together. Being all interrelated; it is
difficult to draw clear lines between them.

However, whatever the sleep disorder is, it should never be

overlooked or under estimated. Sounding simple sleep
disorders might also have hazardous effects in the later
stages. So it is advisable to consult a sleep specialist at the
earliest stage to have the disorder diagnosed and treated.

A person who is suffering from sleepless nights, someone who frequently

wakes up at night and rises up early in the morning even though that
person does not have enough sleep is having a sleeping disorder known as

Insomnia is a condition in which a person is not getting enough sleep. This

person when awakened at night has a hard time sleeping again. Insomnia
can happen every night, from time to time or in a period of time.

Here are the some suggestions wherein insomnia can be treated:

1. Follow a positive routine.

If an insomniac has an erratic eating routine, this should be changed to a

fixed routine dedicated to directly fight insomnia. The person should eat
early dinner so as to condition the body to sleep early.

2. Do not drink coffee.

As much as possible, a person with insomnia should avoid drinking coffee,

sodas, chocolate, cocoa, green tea, black tea or anything that has
caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that triggers sleeplessness. It can make
someone awake for as long as 20 hours. For some, even drinking a cup of
coffee in the morning causes them sleeplessness at night.
3. Exercise at night.

Insomnia is often caused by too much stress. Doing exercise at night

makes blood to circulate in our brain and body. This in turn makes us
calm and stress free.

4. The bedroom should be conducive to sleep.

Loud noise coming from cars in the street, upbeat music set at very high
volume, bright lights and uncomfortable bed should be avoided.

5. Read not watch.

Read books, magazines or anything that interests an insomniac instead of

watching television. Television enhances attention which makes a person
awake. Reading on the other hand while in bed causes the eye to get tired
and creates a sleepy feeling.

6. Relax

Try ways that causes our body to relax. Meditation technique like yoga
can initiate a calm state of mind and body. Listening to soft and classical
music can also help. There are fragrant oils, incense, and candles that are
made specifically to aid in relaxation. Consult a shop that sells these on
type of scents that can induce sleep.

7. The root solution for insomnia.

There are root extracts that can engender a sleepy state. 300 to 600 mg
of concentrated extract should be taken 30 minutes prior to going to bed.
This root extract can be mixed with calming herbs like chamomile, passion
flower and balm made from lemon.

8. Take melatonin with caution

Melatonin can help in adjusting one’s sleeping pattern. 0.5 to 3.0 mg an
hour or two before going to bed may help. Melatonin though should only
be taken with the approval of a physician. The human body has different
reactions to melatonin.

As people grow older, the melatonin level of the body decreases. This
explains why older people usually have a hard time sleeping and sleep
less compared to children and younger people.

9. Magnesium

Conditions such as restless legs syndrome (RLS) and period limb

movements (PLM) while sleeping can cause insomnia. Taking 300 mg of
magnesium at night from four to six weeks can solve insomnia. Again this
should be done with doctor’s consent.

10. Acupuncture

Acupuncture which is a Chinese healing method could help to heal

insomnia. These needles put into the skin strike nerve transmitters that
produce sleep inducing hormones like serotonin.

Natural methods in curing insomnia are always preferred but upon a

doctor’s approval the following over the counter medicines are formulated
to stimulate sleep.

• Diphenhydramine (Excedrin, Nytol, Sominex)

• Doxylamine (Unisom)

The following on the other hand are medications that need to have
doctor’s prescription to avail:

• Zolpidem (Ambien)
• Zaleplon (Sonata)
• Flurazepam (Dalmane)
• Estazolam (ProSom)
• Temazepam (Restori)
• Triazolam (Halcion)

Although these medicines are chemicals that trigger sleep, long periods of
usage lessens its effectiveness.

Altering a person’s diet is effective in preventing and healing insomnia.

Doctors suggest eating food that is high in carbohydrate prior to sleep.
Examples of these are bread and crackers. Studies showed that
carbohydrates enhance the quantity of serotonin produced by the body.
Serotonin is a chemical messenger or neurotransmitter that affects the
brain. This chemical lessens anxiety which in turn creates sleep.

Consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist may give light in solving

insomnia. This sleeping disorder is usually caused by stress. A
psychologist or psychiatrist can give expert advice on how to treat

There are natural methods, practices, over the counter medicines and
prescribed medicines that can be the solution to insomnia. It would be
best to consult a doctor on this disorder for sound guidance towards a
sound sleep.

Curing Insomnia with Behavior Modification

Drinking 2 cups of coffee translates to 2 hours of tossing and turning in
bed. While the preceding sentence is not categorically accurate, it’s a fact
that most of our behaviors effectively disrupts our sleep patterns and the
length of time we can enjoy those restful hours of our life.

It was found that the quality of your sleep tells much about your state of
mind and overall health. This is perfectly verified in individuals who were
deprived of sleep. They find it hard to concentrate; they get sick and are
always irritated.
Before we discuss how lifestyle changes can restore those treasured
restful sleep, let us first find out the basic facts about sleeping and how it
can help us to be a better individual every time we wake up!

Exactly how much sleep do you need in a day?

The amount of sleep a person needs actually depends on the age and
amount of physical and mental activity a person engages to. For example,
an infant who does not perform any strenuous task and undergoing a
period of rapid growth needs 16 to 18 hours of sleep.

The same thing applies to teenagers who are experiencing the biological
challenges of puberty. More often than not they require at least 9 hours of
sleep every night for that matter.

Adults, on the other hand, requires 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day but

changes if one engages to a vigorous activity which requires too much
bodily strength. From this figures alone, we can see that sleep
requirement varies from person to person.

Moreover, older individuals in their 60s above usually sleep a bit shorter
due to some physical factors researchers are trying to find out. One study
even shows as the body grows older the amount of melatonin, the
chemical which induces sleep, a body produces diminishes and becomes

It doesn’t take to be a rocket scientist to understand the benefits of

sleeping. But in some ways, to practically appreciate the benefits of a
thing, we sometimes need to experience the consequences it creates
when it’s omitted.

Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

There are just tons of things to see about people who don’t’ get to have
enough of restful sleep. Some of them are outlined below:
· Reduced mental coordination
· Poor concentration and memory lapses
· Apparent loss of appetite
· Dulling skin
· Impaired immune response
· Depression
· Unexplainable onset of anxiety
· Digestion and bowel problems

Stop counting those sheep!

Sleepless night is just something that scares most busy people. It affects
our professional commitments and for some parents, affects their
relationship with their children and husband or wife. Worst, it carries the
potential to destroy our social interests little by little.

Before we get to complain the toll of busy life let us first analyze the
various behaviors affecting our sleeping habits.

Too much of this and that – Too much of everything is always bad said the
old cliché. Too much workload and heavy eating sometimes lead to
wakefulness because your body is working hard digesting them.

Try cutting those fats and carbs and consume just the right amount of
them and see the difference it does to your sleeping program.

Coffee Please! – Throw those coffee makers away – at least before

sleeping. :) Refrain from drinking coffee and other carbonated products
such as colas 3 hours before you sleep.

Caffeine contained in these products induces you to remain awake even

for hours. Stomach gases produced by acids in carbonated drinks causes
periodic episodes of wakefulness during sleep.

Stay calm – Give your muscles a chance to rest. It pays. Rigorous physical
stress like jogging, lifting weights and other types of exercises wakes you
up and disrupts your sleeping schedule.

It worth mentioning that regular exercise is critical to restful sleep,

however, it should be noted that this must be done with utmost
consideration to your sleeping time program. Exercising before sleeping
keeps you awake for hours.

Bed equals sleep – Doing other activities in bed other than sleeping and
sex is one way of ruining that chance to rest. Accomplish work-related
task in a designated area and allow your body to identify bed as a place to

Keep up with the schedule – Remember to commit yourself in the usual

schedule you are supposed to sleep. Your body keeps its own “biological
clock” or circadian rhythm and routinely checks if you are keeping up with
your daily obligation!

Eat right! – The types of food you eat greatly affect how you sleep. There
are foods which contribute to helping you sleep, called “sleepers” and
foods termed “wakers”, which stimulate the body to move.

Dairy products, grains, soy products, eggs and rice are examples of
sleepers. They contain amino acid tryptophan which relaxes your nerves.
It’s like reducing the commotion happening on those little cells of yours
and helps them cast off their tensions.

On the other hand, “wakers” are foods such as those loaded with proteins
such as pork and caffeinated food commodities such as chocolates, coffee,
colas, and tea. These foods contain a great amount of amino acid tyrosine
which revs up the activity of your brain.

Knowledge in nutrition empowers you to choose the right kind of food for
a specific type of activity and maintains an active but healthy life.

You will be learning so much more about dealing with insomnia and
sleep disorders as soon as you start receiving your 7 part “Natural
Insomnia Cures” email e-course!

Additional information is provided below with the compliments of:
Warren Tattersall has been a nutritional consultant since the early 1990’s and
has had had experience with nearly any and all health issues you could think

He has a website that is a wonderful resource for understanding health issues and
more specifically how nutritional support can have a positive impact on wellness

We asked Warren what light he can shed on insomnia and getting better sleep with
nutrition products:

“Nutrition support CAN make a big difference

to living with a sleep disorder.”
Over more than a decade of working with nutrition supplementation I
have found and interesting phenomena. If your general wellness is high
then your immune system is able to better protect you. A lot of people
with insomnia find that the symptoms diminish and even disappear when
the sufferer uses a strong nutrition program.

The same thing happens in many cases for people with sleep disorders problems.
I am not taking so much about treating the symptoms in this case as balancing
your core wellness and about the problem diminishing or even disappearing from
your life.

The following is my summary of how nutrition affects the quality of your health
overall, covering so many health issues. It has become it is clear to me that if you
put pure herbal based health foods into your body, that is capable of being
absorbed on a cellular level, you WILL experience relevant improvements in your

Once you have reviewed this then I will add a little section on targeted herbal
based nutrition products that may be of particular benefit for some individuals. In
particular individuals with pain from back problems and people with muscular

Nutrition and General Health Indicators

Do You Have Any Indicators Of Health Problems?

A lot of people look at the information about nutrition and how the body breaks
food down and absorbs it through the villi, putting it into the blood stream to
deliver it to their cells and say, “That just makes sense”.

There is a big step though from knowing how the body does this to understanding
that each of us need to be taking some personal action to give our bodies what
they need for optimum performance.

Our body is like a very high performance car. Given proper fuel and servicing it
will perform increasable. Given lower standard fuel than it is designed to run on
then it will still work, it will still get you from point A to point B on your journey
through life but it will be a little sluggish, lacking acceleration, stutter and
hesitate when it should be performing at it’s best.
This sounds a little simplistic but it is not. Our body is a very powerful and very
sensitive machine, the most complicated organism on the planet. As it grows it
adjusts to your needs. If you exercise it, it will give hard muscles and power, if
you stretch it then it will become flexible, if you cut it then it will heal, if you
damage it from bad living, maybe liver damage from too much alcohol then stop
dinking and give good cleansing food and supplements and the body will repair
your liver to a point where it functions normally!! It is a quite incredible machine.

Like a high performance car though, if you use it and do not look after it then
there will be some problems. If you use poor fuel in a car and you do not service
it then you will clog up the fuel lines and lower the performance. If you eat high
fat foods an do not do something to keep your blood clean then you will normally
build layers of fat on the inside of your arteries making it more difficult for your
heart to pump blood through them and so increasing blood pressure.

If your car gauges show that temperature is increasing then you had better check
out what the problem is. If you find your blood pressure is increasing then you
had better check that out as well.

If you ignore increased blood pressure then you may find that the stress on the
engine causes it to seize up and fail. In your body this is called a heart attack and
it will damage you and you may well die.

There are herbal and nutrition supplements that deal directly with the build up of
fats in your arteries. Others work with the digestive system and help to heal
everything from irritable bowel syndrome to duodenal ulcers. Hormonal issues
like PMT/PMS for ladies and change of live symptoms can be greatly supported
and often cleared up with correct supplementation (here I am talking about
traditional Chinese herbs that have been used for many thousands of years).

What I am saying is that keeping our body health can be compared to keeping a
high quality car running properly. To get optimum performance you need to pay a
little attention to it and not ignore warning signs that are telling you that
something needs to be attended to,

From here you can link to our A to Z list of health problems to check up in what is
troubling you and see what suggestions are there about nutrition support that
may assist you. “Your Health Online”

Wellness and Sickness

Like the high performance car we were talking about your body can perform
better it everything is in order.

If the tyres of the car are worn and do not have proper grip on the road surface
they will still work fine when you are traveling down a straight road.

When it comes to turning a corner at speed it is a different matter.

If the tires are in great condition and you drive hard around a corner fast then the
car will do its job.

If the tires are in bad condition and you drive the same way then the car will slip,
slide and you may well come completely off the road and end up in a big crash.

It is the same with your body.

I do not full understand asthma. I know that for a lot of people, especially
children, it comes and goes, there are good days and bad days. Normally there is
something that triggers the condition, pollen in the air, dust, dust mites, stress,
any number of things.

I have seen many, many people with this

problem who get onto a range of nutrition
supplements who improve their overall
wellness and their asthma goes away.

This is not a cure for the asthma but, like

good tires on the car, when the body is well
then it can handle conditions better and it
seems that the body can handle the trigger
factors that set of the asthma better. When
you have seen 50 people with asthma who get
onto supplements to improve their overall
health and wellness and nearly all of them
find that they need to use their puffers less
often and most find they no longer need to
use their puffers and fill their bodies with
chemicals to treat their asthma, when you see
this you come to respect the power of the
body to keep you healthy if you do your own
bit and keep the body well.

Asthma is just one example. The same thing applies to simple things. If you are
very well and working in the winter with people with colds quite often you either
do not catch a cold or, if you do, it clears up quickly. If you are run down and
your overall wellness is low then when someone on the other side of the room
sneezes you catch a cold and when you do catch it then it tends to hang around
for ages.

How does your body react when you put it under stress? How well can it
stand outside pressures, and all the damaging things modern society throws at us
every day, is directly related to our level of wellness. If we have dynamic health,
if we have a reserve of energy and strength and our body is not working flat out
just to keep us going then we can withstand problems much better

Giving the body the tools it needs to keep your level of wellness as high as
possible just makes sense. You service your car, you need to service your body

If You Are Not Sick, Does That Mean You Are Well?
What is the difference between health and wellness?
What is the difference between wellness and dynamic wellness?

Getting out of bed every day and doing what you need to do to survive so that
you can go to bed at night is survival, not living.

Having enough energy to be able to get up and do your daily tasks with enough
energy to do them easily it a much better way to live. Life is more interesting and
you have the capacity to go beyond your normal routine and meet a friend for a
drink or get to the library for a book or to get that extra job done around the
house. Life is much more pleasant when you have enough energy to do normal
things without having to push yourself.
Dynamic energy is bouncing out of bed ready to face the day. Having the energy
to stride up the steps, rather then taking the lifts, and not be panting and puffing
at the top. Energy to just live well.

This comes from a combination of nutrition and exercise. Exercise comes from
activity, you cannot buy a supplement to give you that but, when you are tired,
most people do not get around to doing the exercise.

I suggest you look at getting your body systems in order through the use of
proper nutrition and supplementation and then build on the extra energy to put in
place a sensible exercise routine to take yourself to the next level.

This is not something for fit young people alone. Medical authorities tell us that
there is no reason why someone 75 years old who breaks a bone should take any
longer to heal than someone who is 30 years old! If you are 70 then you would
be more than a little silly to be doing 100 meter sprints but if you set up a
sensible exercise routine to get your fitness levels above the level you need for
your daily living then you have spare energy and life is a much more pleasant

One of the key factors in having good health is to have your overall level of
wellness high. Many people who have sleep disorder problems also have a range
of other problems. If we are able to get your general wellness high then working
with your body to repair everything else is much easier.

Specific nutrition products for specific physical problems.

Back Problems

If you have back problems then I do not need to tall you anything about the
constant pain and the difficulty of living with a complaint that can be triggered
into more pain by even simple actions, Picking up a book, turning quickly to a
sudden noise, just trying to live in a normal manner.

If you are suffering from this then there is a couple of nutrition products in
Herbalife range that may be of great value to you.

This is using a combination of Tang Kuei and Xtra-Cal.Tang Keui (Pronounced

“Dong Quei” and known in the West as “Angelica”) is famous for its properties in
balancing female hormonal problems.

What is less known is the very strong properties it has for muscle relaxing.

Many sports people training at elite levels use Tang Kuei as a supplement to keep
them supple and to help to free their muscles when warming up for events.

Lauren Burns, Australian Olympic Gold Medalist in the martial art Tae Kwon Do,
talking at a little Herbalife training said that she felt using Tang Kuei was
equivalent to an extra 15 min of warm-up.

Xtra-Cal is a calcium supplement that has an effect associated with it of being a

natural nerve sedative. Read at our website about this and note how strong Xtra-
Cal is when working with tooth ache.

There is more information available about these two products and their health
benefits but I just want to focus on these two properties today.
When you have a skeletal bone problem then often the problem in the bone
causes nerve pain. When the back is hurting the muscles around it become tense.
This tension in the muscles causes pressure on the bone triggering more nerve
pain and putting the whole situation into a downward spiral till you may be going
into muscle spasms and reaching for that medication.

I find that in quite a large number of cases, I would estimate 60 to 80% there is
some short term benefit from using a mixture of Tang Kuei and Xtra-cal before
sleeping or when pain first appears.

It appears that the Xtra-cal’s properties to sooth the nerve helps lower nerve
pain. The muscle relaxant properties then relax the muscles and the pressure on
the bones eases. The reduction on pressure on the bone then again lowers pain
and we are repeating the old pain spiral but this time it is an upward spiral of
diminishing pain rather than a down spiral of increasing pain.

Details of these products can be found on our website at Herbalife Health Nutrition

Once you have looked through this information on herbal support for natural
insomnia cures and sleeping problems go and have a closer look on our pages on
nutritional support for your body. It give a key to getting your whole system
working well and assists the best healing of all, helping your body heal itself.

And now YOU can also learn more about our Herbalife Health Nutrition
Supplements A to Z directory of Herbalife retail products for Self Care Strategies
using natural herbal based remedies. Health articles about your health online
including nutrition and food health issues and home remedies for lifetime health &

While I would never advocate making any change to medication without

consulting your doctor, it is worth reviewing what nutritional support to build your
overall wellness and support your immune system can do to help your body to
help itself.

If there is a natural way to deal with your health problems in the longer term
then it stands to reason that dealing with the problem with supplementation
rather than medication must be better for you in the longer term

In the short term you must control your problem. If you are sick you go to your
doctor and the medication that you are given can control the problem, improve
your condition, even save your life. It is a very good thing.

In the longer term your overall health both now and in your old age may be
better supported by finding a more natural way to deal with your problems.

You can review more detailed information about nutritional support for your
body at my website,

I wish you well on your journey to better health and a more balanced


Warren Tattersall
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