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The Affinity Numerology Concepts for Understanding Yourself The Universe All That Is

Home Numerology Answers Free Numerology Reading This is Your Free Numerology Reading What Is Your Destiny? Love Prosperity Happiness Fortune Respect Power Fame Freedom This reading is based on Birth Name: mingming ren Birth Date: 7/7/1988 (July 7, 1988) Your Inner or Soul's Urge: This is spiritual and emotional expression more than physical. It is your heart-felt desires, your incentive, how you look at life. H ere are your areas of personal satisfaction. Number: 5 You yearn for personal freedom in every direction, including expression of free will; for change, variety, and constant new opportunity; and to learn about life in all its phases. The new, the unusual, the progressive -- these are where your enthusiasms are. W aiting around, being stuck in routine, and petty details are personal agitations . Because of your desire to experience everything in life to its fullest before yo u let it go, you may tend to overdo sensual experience such as sex, alcohol, dru gs, and food. Instead of formal education, much of your wisdom comes from your tremendous rang e of activities and your contact with people of many classes and races and walks of life. This can put you in great demand as an alive and witty lecturer or tea cher. You tend to be flexible, progressive, and restless. You can enhance your life experience even more by increasing your sense of loyal ty and your patience, better defining your purposes in life, and not scattering your attention so much by going too many directions at once. Click here to chat with someone about your number 5 Inner or Soul's Urge.

Your Personality: This is physical expression more than spiritual or emotional; your outer self, the way you express when meeting others. It may or may not be t he real you. Number: 1 You present yourself as a special individual, imbued with self-reliance, origina lity, and strong will power. You often appear witty and dignified, and enjoy bei ng around other go-getters. With a definite goal, you can be enormously producti ve. You are prone to self-centeredness and want to be first in all things. Yours is a likeable personality and can be very persuasive. To enhance this aspe ct of yourself, wear clothing with straight lines, well-fitted but loose, with b right and cheerful colors. If possible, do not be overweight. Click here to chat with someone about your number 1 Personality.

Your Quiescent Self: Stripping away all outside influences, aspirations, ambitio ns, "shoulds", and "shouldn'ts" -- this is you when you are alone; just you and your dreams.. Number: 1 You are courageous and daring. You enjoy dreaming of accomplishments never befor e achieved, with yourself as leader or promoter. Your thoughts and pleasure are related to leadership and expression of your uniq ue self. Also, family and friends are a credit to you, and people recognize your abilities. Click here to chat with someone about your number 1 Quiescent Self.

Your Destiny or Ultimate Goal: This is your desired lifetime accomplishment. It is a key to a useful and happy life, and to feeling fulfillment during your latt er days. Number: 6 You are a humanitarian, like a "cosmic" Mother or Father. People look to you for ideals of love and companionship, charity, truth, justice, and harmony and beau ty of surroundings. Your ability to help individuals and humankind is definite a nd sincere, and you are called upon to do so. Your personal happiness depends on how much good you can do. You find pleasure in rendering assistance to others. You are happiest with a position of trust and responsibility which you can regul ate, harmonize, and adjust to optimum. You are concerned with the care of the ol d, the training of the young, and the improvement of the entire community. Selfl ess service pays rich dividends for you. You are a natural counselor and teacher. Click here to chat with someone about your number 6 Destiny or Ultimate Goal.

Your Life's Path: Here are clues to what fate has in store for you. It indicates the type of encounters, events, and opportunities you are likely to experience along your physical life path. Number: 4 Your life is filled with things practical, or making them so with patience, care , and accuracy. You have a strong sense of what is right and are naturally hones t, conscientious, and sincere. You are a worker and can be decidedly dedicated to your goals. In your work, you can be loyal, intense, and dedicated to the job at hand. You tend to be practic al, and like to have your facts straight before beginning a project. You can han dle money well and tend to keep resources in reserve. You tend to be conservativ e and protective, with a strong sense of dignity and worthiness. Your path holds possibilities for great attainment. The rewards come because of patience, service, persistence, hard work, and dependability. Click here to chat with someone about your number 4 Life's Path.

This Year's Path: Here is what you are likely to encounter this year -- your fee lings, your predominant perspective, and the type of situations, circumstances, and opportunities you tend to attract during the calendar year. Number: 2 Harmonious associations are very important for you this year. The year's success and good results will be obtained through diplomacy, cooperation, tactfulness, and good relationships. It is a year for receiving and sharing rather than aggre ssively pursuing your own way. Your intuition and emotions are enhanced this year. It is a busy year, with endless demands on your time. It is easier to work with others rather than doing things by yourself. Your plans and developments may experience periods of delay. No need to worry ab out that. Things move slower this year. The year can revitalize your peace of mind. It is a good time to strengthen your friendships. Click here to chat with someone about your number 2 Year's Path.

Next Year's Path.

Number: 3

This is the year to express your inspiration, your imagination, your creative th ought, and your deep emotional feelings. You desire to do more entertaining this year and accept more invitations. Take time off to enjoy yourself. You can give color and warmth to all levels of living. Be artistic. Express your self joyfully. Now is the time to follow those inspirational and imaginative ide as you are so excited about. Follow your desire for self-improvement; the year i s rich with opportunities for inner growth. It is a colorful and eventful year, with pleasure, opportunities for travel, enj oyable social activities, and entertainment coming your way. Allow your abundance of cheer and optimism to guide you. Click here to chat with someone about your number 3 Next Year's Path.

Last Year's Path.

Number: 1

More so than usual, you feel desire to move forward, to improve situations, to a ssert your individuality, and to get on with life. Reach for opportunities and t hey will come to you. Life is beginning anew! Now is the time to put your best foot forward; to take u p a hobby or other activity that will freshen your thinking and broaden your gen eral activities; to look ahead. This is an active year with many decisions to make. Your affairs are making a ne w start. The next nine years' experience will depend a great deal on what you do and don't do this year. It calls for strength of purpose, clear thinking, and l istening to your inner voice.


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Examples: lucky numbers, power number, the essences, challenges, pinnacles. Your journey may have only just begun. Imagine reading the story of your life, before it actually happens. Click here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ask Your Numerology Question Here (how questions are selected) >> Click here to get an email whenever another question is answered. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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