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6 May 2006 The Chicken and the Egg! I get so tired of some of the things people say.

One of them is: What came first, the chicken or the egg? Please, how can EVERYONE be so totally uneducated? This is a no-brainer! Even a child should be able to figure this one out! Alas though, even highly educated people keep repeating the silly notion "How can we know"? Of course we can know! The Chicken is an "egg factory" The first part of this supposed riddle should begin with how life perpetuates itself. Chickens reproduce themselves by laying eggs. Are you with me so far? The chicken is a complex organism which has many purposes, including a self contained species perpetuation factory. Eggs don't "hatch" themselves either; they have to be tended to by the adult Chicken. Even when the chicks hatch, the mother hen has to protect them until they can defend themselves. Now that we know where the eggs come from, half of the riddle is solved. All we need to determine now is where did the chickens come from (male and female of course)? Where did chickens come from? We have determined that the chicken is an extremely complex organism which is supremely equipped to survive. Highly complex systems don't create themselves. Any engineer, scientist, architect, mechanic, etc., etc.; should be able to understand this. If a chicken could "bring itself into existence", then anything man produces could manufacture and maintain it's self too. The answer is obvious; God created the first chickens.

Nothing Humans build compares to living things Everything that Humans have created is infinitesimally less complicated than a chicken. Even if you include everything humans have built since we first started using tools. The total accumulation of knowledge wouldn't be adequate to build a living chicken. Worldly people will say this is an absurd comparison. I say it's totally appropriate. Only those that embrace Satan's view of the creation violently reject the obvious. Satan hates God, and everything He creates, including human beings. Satan's goal is to destroy God's vision for humanity. Satan uses many tools to accomplish the twisting of human reasoning. People will say: what does the "chicken and the egg" have to do with anything anyway? It's all about distortions If humans can be deceived about how things work, then the logic that sustains life on planet earth can be destabilized over time. Most humans think the earth is too big for human activity to ever have any effect at all on Global Ecosystems. That's exactly what Satan wants you to think. Satan thinks that if he tricks humanity into making their home (Earth) uninhabitable, then God's plan will die with it. The exact opposite will be the result. Earth will in fact become uninhabitable, but in the process God will have educated the God family in the proper administration of climatology. After it's all over After the very elect learn their lessons and are born as spirit beings as the bride of Christ, God will again renew the Earth in preparation for the Millennium. God the Father and Jesus Christ will use this time to accomplish two things: 1) The spirit born God Family will get their first opportunity for active participation in the guidance of human society 2) Those left alive after the end of Armageddon will be the subjects. Invaluable wisdom will be obtained by the family of God, because they will witness that even after the thousand year reign of the God family a significant number of those alive when Satan is released for a "little season" will be persuaded to fight God. The second resurrection will have been accomplished, so everyone being judged from the first 6000 years will be there.

The Second Resurrection Judgment This is the test God has designed to give those humans a chance to choose who they will serve. At the end of the 100 year period following the Millennium, those resurrected from the first 6000 years who have been the guests of those living under the God Family rule for the 1000 years will be TESTED. At the appointed time, God will release Satan from the bottomless pit to deceive who he will. Those on God's side will be supernaturally protected while God fights their battle for them. This is when the eyes will melt out of their sockets while they are still standing. They will go to the third resurrection, where they will be enlightened about their fatal decision, and be thrown into the lake of fire to die for all eternity. This is the second death. Notice that they will die, not live on in agony for eternity. Humans colonize the Universe One of the goals of God is for humanity to populate the vast Universes. This is why he says that His government will never end; Isaiah 9 v 7. God expands the constituents in His government through human beings. So this is the destiny of humanity to colonize the Universe.

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