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“The Complete Career Planning Guide Toolbox”
Welcome to the Career Planning 101 Checklist, your mini toolkit
for success in life and in business.

If you have already picked up your copy of The Career Planning Guide
Toolbox, you have some idea of the direction you want to move in as a
student or any other individual attempting to plot their career.

There are many important phases as you know in the career planning
process. This checklist will help you stay organized on your journey, to
help you make the most of your career planning and to help ensure your

You can apply this checklist no matter what stage you are in the career
planning process. The first part of the checklist is designed for college
students and even high school students interested in expanding their

The second part of the checklist is for anyone interested in career

planning, including the phases involving expansion and growth of your
career. You can use this checklist whether you want a promotion at your
current job or whether you want to invest in an entirely new career. When
it comes to career planning, a world of opportunities awaits you.

The more you prepare for your future, the better able you are to make the
most of your skills, talents and abilities so you can benefit from them and
enjoy your future. Now let’s take a look at the first checklist you should
follow when plotting or mapping your future.

The first checklist is simple and easy, yet incorporates many of the
principles discussed in The Career Planning Guide Toolbox. Make sure
you get out a pen and piece of paper so you can work along with the
College Career Planning Checklist

The best time to start planning your career is while you are still in
school, whether high school or college. If in high school, if you
start planning your career you can better decide what major to
follow and what classes will lead you down the right career path.

If in college career planning will prove essential to your ability to

transform your education into skills you can use to profit from in the
future. Here are the key steps in the college (or high school) career
planning checklist:

9 During your first year of college or last year of high school, take
some time to consider what your career goals are. As part of the
career planning process, you should write down what your goals are
related to your future career and your education.

9 Explore the various opportunities around you. You can do this

during the early years of your education. Now is the time to collect
as much information as you can about occupations, careers and
your interests.

9 Inventory your skills, abilities, hobbies and interests. This can

happen during any phase of your education, but works best when
conducted early in your studies. Finding out what you are good at
helps you decide whether the occupation you have an interest in
would be a good fit for you or not. You may be surprised to find out
what types of opportunities become available to you depending on
your skill set.

9 Look for opportunities to gain experience in the field you want to

work in. These opportunities may come in various forms, including
through work study programs, through volunteer programs, by
internships or even through corporations that allow job shadowing
and mentoring. If you know someone that works in the field you
aspire to, talk to them and ask them what you can do to enhance
your odds of excelling in the field. You should also ask them about
the highs and lows of their career, so you know what to expect
when you get into it.

As a student or individual seeking to expand your career opportunities, it

is important you realize that all occupations and fields have their highs
and their lows. You shouldn’t look at any one job as a bowl of roses.

The choice you make about a career may depend in part on how many
lows you are willing to endure compared to career highs. For example, the
career of your dreams may pay a dismal amount of money.

If you find this is the case, do not leave heartbroken. Perhaps there are
additional ways to earn added income so you can still follow your dreams
but also keep up with the cost of living. Let’s say for example you would
like to pursue education or writing. There are many grants available to
students and professionals in these fields for the purpose of supporting
projects and providing extra money when needed.

Keep an open mind about what opportunities are available to you, and
you won’t be disappointed in the results.

Now that we know some of the basic career planning steps, let’s look at
some steps that are important to follow if you have established yourself in
a career and want to make a change, whether to promote or to transition
into a new career.
Career Planning Checklist
for Change

Change is an inevitable part of life. While you may think you found
the perfect career right out of school, you may later find you want
to explore new opportunities for growth and expansion. The good
news is change, at least when it comes to careers, is not hard to come by.

This checklist will help you prepare for changing your career, whether you
want to expand your responsibilities or change careers and move into a
new field. The checklist is a bit similar to the one above, because the
career planning process is very similar (no matter the phase of your

9 First, establish your goals. Creating goals is something that

should remain a constant in your life, whether you use them to plan
your career, start a project or start a new life. Goal setting helps us
see more clearly where we need to go and what we need to do to
make that happen. So before you transition to a new career or
acquire more job responsibilities, write down at least three goals
you have and reasons for them.

9 Evaluate your reasons for wanting to change careers or

promote. Ask yourself honestly if you want to change because you
don’t like your job, because you don’t like your employer, or
because you have an interest in gaining new skills and abilities and
expanding your horizons. The last reason is the best reason to
make a change.

9 Gain any additional training or education you need to realize

a smooth transition into a new job or work opportunity. If
you don’t know what the educational requirements are for a new
opportunity, and then find out. Visit the BLS to
find out what the job requirements, educational requirements and
salary are for the job or career field you intend to enter.
9 If changing careers, know that you may have to start from
the ground up. This may mean a salary cut. If you know you will
have to take a reduction in salary, then make up for it by finding a
way to budget your expenses until your salary catches up with you.
You should also evaluate whether you can afford changes to your
salary. Hopefully, a career transition will eventually (or immediately
in many cases) result in an increase, rather than decrease in salary.

9 If you plan to leave your current employer, always be sure

to give them advance notice so they have time to find a
replacement. This is especially true of highly technical jobs, where
it can be hard to find someone on short notice and train them well
enough to do the job right.

9 If you know you want to change careers but aren’t yet sure
what you want to do, consider going into business for
yourself. Evaluate your skills, abilities and talents. Look at your
financial situation and assess your management and organizational
skills. Many people have hopes of one day creating their own
business. Now may be the time to do this. Just be sure you prepare
for a big change like this by researching the home business process
before you leap right in and quit your job.

Many people who decide to start their own business end up keeping their
jobs and working on their business part time during their off hours. This is
a good way to give you time to wet your feet and get a feel for whether a
home business is something you really want to start, and whether you can
really make enough money from it to support your family.

No matter what decisions you make, when career planning for change it is
important you always take your time to evaluate and analyze your
decisions. Never make decisions in the heat of the moment, and always
be sure to research your alternatives and new occupations before you leap
right in. If you do this, you will realize much success on your career
planning journey!
Your True Talent Will Set You Free

When you get home from work, do you feel enriched, fulfilled and

Or does it seem like you just finished an

uphill battle on a treadmill? Imagine
being paid to do what you love.

You could return home feeling as though

time stood still.

Being "in the zone" virtually all day.

Coming home invigorated knowing you

consistently live a natural high.

If this doesn't describe your day, then try the

simple method below to reveal your true

Once you identify your unique expression, you will be motivated to

experience it virtually everyday.

You will have a deep burning desire to feed your soul and share it with the

When you comprehend your purpose, engage it regularly.

Perhaps Albert Einstein said it best, "Try not to become a man of success,
but rather try to become a man of value."

Your true, unique talent originates deep within your soul. Your heart is
your direct connection to your soul. Therefore, speaking and listening to
your heart will surface your true talent.

Some people even say it's the reason you were put on this Earth. To
experience your true nature with no boundaries and no embarrassment.

To express your soul like no one else can. And to enrich other people's

You can discover your unique talent in only 4 steps. Here, it's crucial you
follow Lord Thomas Dewar's advice, "Minds are like parachutes; they work
best when open."

Do the following every night for 21 consecutive nights:

* Place a new piece of blank paper on your night stand.

* Write "While I sleep tonight, I am connected with my heart and soul. I

allow myself to travel with the Ultimate Spirit. I bring back to my
consciousness my honest desire, life purpose and grand plan to integrate
with our current society to benefit others and myself. I now release the
power and intentions of these words. And this is so."

* Go to bed. Close your eyes. Mentally repeat the same phrase until you
fall asleep.

* During the next 21 days, remain consciously alert for any clues to your

Remember, following your intuition is manifesting that first thought that is

unencumbered with human influence.

In other words, if a desire "pops in your mind" to do something, do it

without alteration.

Internally ask your heart if it's your answer. If it feels right, may the wind
be at your back and propel you to a wonderful journey filled with joy,
laughter, love and excitement.

In conclusion, when you discover, express and make a living with your
true talent, you will live in bliss. You will soar like an eagle with your
unique imprint.

Life will be as it was meant to be. In short, as Dr. King emotionally said,
you will be "Free at last. Free at last. Free at last!"

11 things you did not learn at school

Charles Sykes, the author of DUMBING DOWN OUR KIDS, provided

for high school and college graduates a list of eleven things they
did not learn in school.

In his book, he talks about how the feel good, politically correct teachings
created a generation of kids with no concept of reality, and set them up
for failure in the real world.

Rule 1.

Life is not fair; get used to it.

Rule 2.

The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to
accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3.

You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school.
You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.
Rule 4.

If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't
have tenure.

Rule 5.

Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a

different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.

Rule 6.

If you mess up, it's not your parents fault, so don't whine about your
mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7.

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now.
They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes, and
listening to you talk about how cool you are. So, before you save the rain
forest from the parasites of your parents generation, try delousing the
closet in your own room.

Rule 8.

Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not.
In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as
many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the
slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9.

Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and Very
few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your
own time.

Rule 10.

Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to Leave the
coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11.

Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Fun Personality Test

Take this test for yourself. Don't peek but begin the test as you scroll
down and answer. Answers are for who you are now...not who you were
in the past. Have pen or pencil and paper ready.

This is a real test given by the Human Relations Dept at many of the
major corporations today. It helps them get a better insight concerning
their employees and prospective employees.

It's only 10 simple questions, so... Grab a pencil and paper, keeping track
of your letter answers. When you are finished, send this to everyone you

1. When do you feel your best?

(a) in the morning
(b) during the afternoon & early evening
(c) late at night

2. You usually walk

(a) fairly fast, with long steps
(b) fairly fast, with short, quick steps
(c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
(d) less fast, head down
(e) very slowly

3. When talking to people you

(a) stand with your arms folded
(b) have your hands clasped
(c) have one or both your hands on your hips
(d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
(e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair

4. When relaxing, you sit with

(a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
(b) your legs crossed
(c) your legs stretched out and straight
(d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with
(a) a big, appreciative laugh
(b) a laugh, but not a loud one
(c) a quiet chuckle
(d) a sheepish smile

6. When you go to a party or social gathering you...

(a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
(b) make a quiet entrance so everyone notices you
(c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed

7. You're working very hard and you're interrupted.

Do you...
(a) welcome the break
(b) feel extremely irritated
(c) vary between these two extremes

8. Which of the following colors do you like the most?

(a) red or orange
(b) black
(c) yellow or light blue
(d) green
(e) dark blue or purple
(f) white
(g) brown or gray

9. In those last few moments before going to sleep,

you lie..
(a) stretched out on your back
(b) stretched out face down on your stomach
(c) on your side, slightly curled
(d) with your head on one arm
(e) with your head under the covers

10. You often dream that you are...

(a) falling
(b) fighting or struggling
(c) searching for something or somebody
(d) flying or floating
(e) you usually have dreamless sleep
(f) your dreams are always pleasant

Use the Table Below to calculate your points.


1 2 4 6

2 6 4 7 2 1

3 4 2 5 7 6

4 4 6 2 1

5 6 4 3 5 2

6 6 4 2

7 6 2 4

8 6 7 5 4 3 2 1

9 7 6 4 2 1

10 4 2 3 5 6 1


Over 60 points: Others see you as somebody they should "handle with care"
You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely dominant. Others may
admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you,
hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.

51 to 60 points: Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile, rather

impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make decisions, though
not always the right ones. They see you bold and adventuresome, someone who
will try anything once; someone who takes chances and enjoys adventure. They
enjoy being in your company because of the excitement you radiate.

41 to 50 points: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, and

always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but
sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind,
considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help
them out.
31 to 40 points: Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical.
They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes
friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do
make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know
you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it
takes you a long time to get over it if that trust is ever broken.

21 to 30 points: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you
as very cautious, extremely careful... A slow and steady plodder. It'd really
surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the
moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and
then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your
careful nature.

Under 21 points: People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive someone
who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make the decisions
and who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or anything. They see you as a
worrier who always sees problems that don't exist. Some people think you're
boring. Only those who know you well know that you aren't.

Body Language and Interviews

People in the corporate world will

unsurprisingly be inclined to accept
innate forms of manners or conduct that
are defensive instead of being frank,
direct, and mutual.

No wonder why sentiments are considered

tough influences in the office and why the
employer would normally act in response to
condemnation or disapprovals.

Most of these behaviors are readily recognized

by other people.

These include established ability to communicate completely and

confidently, the ability to learn from errors and fiascos, and the fast and
kind acknowledgment of the other colleagues.
However, not all forms of communication can easily be recognized and

Other forms of communication need certain levels of acceptance and

assessment, as well as detailed comprehension, in order to learn the real
message behind them.

These neglected forms of communication can affect people’s social

manner and career/future.

Why? Simply because some people use non-verbal forms of

communication or the so-called body language to detect and assess the
behavior of another individual. They use body language as the core,
underlying factor in determining people’s personality and total well-being.

Body Language and Your Future Career

Body language is a non-verbal form of communication. This involves

communicating feelings/ideas through gestures or body movements rather
than using words or other types of communication.

With the depth and individuality of every form of body language,

corporate people have learned to consider these other forms of
communication as one way of assessing people, especially when applying
for a job.

In this way, they can silently evaluate the applicants and decipher
whatever they are trying to say through their actions/gestures.

Since body language can be either voluntary or involuntary, their

meanings may vary. However, in the social context, psychologists and
sociologists have learned to decipher the meaning of each body language,
thereby enabling some people to understand the message being sent by
the other person.

For this reason, experts say that people should be aware of their gestures
or hand/eye movements, as these will put a great impact on their
personality whenever they face other people especially during an

They should remember that in the interviews, employers are very

meticulous on the way applicants react to the situation, on the way they
answer the challenging questions, and on how they project themselves. In
this way, employers can assess if such applicants can handle the job
better than the others.

Reading Facial Expression

Facial expressions can suggest or express an individual’s emotions or


In essence, facial expressions are controlled forms of body language.

However, since it involves feelings or sentiments, most often than not,
they are spontaneous and instinctive.

Then again, during the interview, it is best to control most of the facial
expressions and express a pleasant one instead. Interviewers or
employers would like to see individuals who are eager to get the job and
who can have a pleasant personality up front.

It can only convey the applicants’ confidence with themselves. Insecure or

unconfident persons would most likely be fidgety; and even if they will not
say so, their actions speak louder.

Eye Contact

Eye contacts can also be a strong form of conveying emotions or feelings

towards another person. In fact, experts say that eye contact can have a
great impact on social manners. It can directly express one’s confidence
and personality.

During the interview, it is best to maintain a nice level of eye contact with
the interviewer. This will bring out the confidence in a person.

It can also build trust. Through eye contacts, interviewers can easily
evaluate if the applicants are sure of themselves or if they are telling the
Once the trust is built, it would be easy for the applicants to manipulate
the conversation and eventually get the job.

Avoiding the other person’s eye contact will send signals that may end
one’s future career. It could mean that the other person is guilty of
something or is trying to avoid the truth.

Reading Gestures

Gestures can also have a large influence on the interview. Body language
and gestures can create a great effect on the observer.

In most interviews, employers watch how the applicants react to certain

situation through their facial expressions or “body and facial gestures.”

For instance, if an applicant did not like the idea stated by the interviewer,
the simple rolling of the eyes could indicate a negative effect. This simple
gesture could mean frustration, annoyance, or arrogance.

All of these things are important during the interview. It is best to be

aware of them to avoid negative results.

The very basis of body language as used in an interview is to convey

confidence. Even though the applicants may not be 100% sure of
themselves, it is imperative that they should appear as if they are.

The way applicants positively express themselves through body language

can build their entire future. As they say, actions speak louder than

How to Tell if Someone’s Lying just from Looking at

their Hands

It’s a fact: other people’s lies make our lives more difficult. They distort
and twist the truth, con us into believing things never happened, or took
place when they shouldn’t have.

There are literally thousands and thousands of ways people’s untruths and
falsehoods taint and make living our daily lives more of an effort than it
really should be.
So what can we do about it?

How can we put a stop to lies the second we hear them and reveal the
real truth, the actual facts, the exact situation?

The answer is natural lie detection – techniques, strategies and knowledge

that give a person the rare and invaluable ability to separate the real from
the fake and always know what to believe and what to question.

So, what does it consist of? Well, natural lie detection uses no machines,
test papers, no video or audio recordings. It is, as the name suggests, a
science based on human perception and skill.

It has 3 main components. They are the

interpretation and analysis of: body
language, psychology, and verbal

By having a deep and expert knowledge

of all three, you can become capable of
spotting 99 out of 100 lies, whether
they’re spoken over the phone, in
person or even over the internet or via
text message.

Although learning these special

techniques isn’t difficult when you have the time and proper reading
material, it does require more space to explain than this short article

However, that doesn’t mean we can’t go over one way many liars give
themselves away. This collection of principles falls under the body
language category of natural lie detection and focuses solely on how a
dishonest person uses, or avoids using, their hands when they’re being
deceitful. There are 3 main hand-related signals of deceptiveness.

Signal #1: HAND GESTURE FREQUENCY. People use their hands to

visually illustrate and emphasize their statements – it’s a way of painting
an abstract picture in the air to better help the person or people they’re
talking to understand the concepts being covered.
When someone lies, however, their mind works differently to how it
normally operates. Their thought process is dominated by the act of being
dishonest convincingly and they therefore tend to change how they use
their hands.

The first change you should look for is in how often they gesticulate with
their hands while talking. The majority of people, when they lie, lessen the
amount of movements they make with their hands because they
subconsciously want to restrict the volume of information being given to
the person they’re lying to – out of fear of saying too much, either
verbally or physically, and getting caught out or questioned.

More proficient liars, or people who have rehearsed or planned a lie before
telling it, actually tend to increase the frequency of their hand gestures.
They’ll slice the air more with the blade of their hand or point their finger
and clench their fists more frequently to illustrate and back-up what
they’re saying.

So, in short, look for a marked difference between the amount of hand
gesticulations a person uses when in normal, day-to-day, obviously
truthful conversation and when you suspect they may be lying to you or
have a good reason to twist or otherwise alter the truth.

Signal #2: HAND-TO-FACE ACTIONS. The second signal you should

look out for is an increase in the number of hand-to-face actions a person
makes when you think they could be lying. The main reason they touch
their faces more often when lying than when telling the truth is because of
the internal social pressure they’re feeling, which leaks out in the form of
hand-to-face actions.

Look for moments when the person momentarily covers their mouth with
their hand or fingers. This is a subconscious attempt to stifle themselves
and physically block the lie from leaving their lips – they do this to futilely
try to block their falsehood from reaching you and thereby decrease the
chance of getting caught and lessen their feeling of guilt. However, many
people are on some level aware of how mouth covers may be interpreted
(as a sign that they’re lying) so instead try to camouflage the action by
instead lightly touching their nose (which indirectly covers their mouth
with their hand).
Another reason many liars touch their noses is because of the increased
blood-flow that occurs in its deep tissues, which creates an almost
imperceptible tingle that, although not consciously felt and reacted to,
causes the liar to unwittingly touch their nose for a moment. So, always
keep an eye out for increased hand-to-face actions, especially those that
cover a person’s mouth in some way or another.

Signal #3: THE HAND SHRUG. When people don’t know the answer to
something or want to convey the
messages: “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t
care,” they often lift and quickly drop
their shoulders in a shrugging motion.
A variation of shoulder shrugging is
the hand shrug: a quick lifting and
dropping of one or both upturned hands.

Like shrugging with the shoulders, it’s a way of expressing a type of

diminished responsibility in regards to an issue or topic – and that’s why
liars tend to overuse the hand shrug while being dishonest. Instead of
using it only to accompany words that express a feeling of uncertainty or
ambivalence – the way people do when being honest – liars use the hand
shrug alongside verbal statements that don’t relate to “not knowing” or
“not caring.” They do this subconsciously to distance themselves from the
lie they’re telling.

Look for these 3 signs of potential dishonesty whenever you suspect

someone might be lying and you’ll be a step closer to becoming a true
master of deceit detection – a human lie detector.

Click on the link below to learn more about how to ‘read minds’ using body language!

You will get great benefit from the next seven weeks of Career
Development training tips e-course that you will receive!

Feel free to come back to the site whenever you are looking for
some Executive Training and general Professional Development
To learn more about Career Planning, Resume Preparation,
Interview Techniques, all prepared by experts visit :

Check out more free Job Search and Career

Planning information Here:

I hope you have enjoyed this Introduction to Career Planning 101

report. More than anything, I hope you have learned several tips
that you can put into action for your job search!

If you have subscribed to the next 6 weekly installments of our

Career eCourse you will get huge benefit from the valuable
chapter excerpts from our Career Toolbox.

Helene Malmsio
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jobhunting gives you nightmares

• I will also help us enjoy this journey together by

lightening the mood with some amusing quotes
from some very famous people. The job hunting
process has always been seen as a struggle I
want to change that perception so that you see it
from a positive viewpoint

In order to find a fantastic new job you need someone on the inside
to guide you straight through the process. I have been a been a
Recruitment Manager for a large International Company, which
employs over 2000 people worldwide, for over 12 years.

As such I am in the ideal position to let candidates know what

companies are really looking for and how to find vacancies and
approach the application, interview and offer process.

Here are just some of the amazing tips & techniques this e-
book will show you:

• Where to find vacancies, including those so called hidden

vacancies that over 70% of all recruitment is made up of

• How to save time and money when making applications

• Complete introduction to the ideal way of finding a job - that is


• Making the application, including all the mistakes to avoid from

someone who receives dozens of applications daily

• Guide to Resumes/CVs and letters of application, for both

advertised and speculative vacancies

• Interviews: Etiquette and energy

• How to talk money: Getting the salary you deserve

• Accepting that offer

*NOTE* this book is an original written by Alison Wood B.A.

(Hons) and is only available from us… you will not find this
valuable ebook for sale from anybody else, so get it here –

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close
they were to success when they gave up"
Thomas A. Edison

** PLUS **

Bonus Book 1
Discover the Key Steps That Will Help You
Plan Your Career Effortlessly

Do you find the prospect of planning your career

daunting and unmanageable? If you are one of the millions
of actively seeking job hunters in the market today, you
have to gain a competitive edge to get ahead.

Learn everything there is to know about career

planning from the bottom up, so you get it right
the first time…

Career planning is one of the most

important actions you can take in your life,
one that will determine your future…

Don’t let inaction set you up for failure. The less you do to
set the stage for success, the more likely you are to fail.

There is a way to plan your career effortlessly. You don’t have to

spend hours wondering “what if”. There are direct tools you can
instantly get your hands on that will help you find and select an
occupation that best meets your needs and interests.
I want you to sit back and imagine or a moment what you life would
be like if you had a career that encompassed your hobbies,
interests and abilities. Sound too good to be true? It isn’t.

Now you can get a collection of TEN comprehensive e-book

reports to give you “The Complete Career Planning Guide

Take Steps To Plan Your Career The Right Way… And

Profit Substantially

No matter who you are or what you do, there is no reason you can’t
succeed. You can find an occupation that will match your wants, wishes
and needs. It isn’t as hard as you may think… in fact it is easy.

Introducing the one and only guidebook and toolkit you will ever need to
plan your future career right, from the very start!

Discover never before revealed strategies and techniques you can use to
plan your career, whether fresh out of high school, in college or already
established in the professional field but looking for a fresh start.

Discover How You Can Find and Keep the Job Of Your

Here’s just a sample of what you will learn when you invest in this
life changing “Career Planning Toolbox” set of how-to manuals

• Learn the simple steps you can take to master career

planning in days, not years….

• Discover how you can transform your hidden talents, hobbies and
interests into a real job that will make you real money…

• Find out how to uncover your hidden skills and abilities and
match them to ideal occupations, so you land a career you
will enjoy the first time you try….

• Discover helpful techniques for reviewing job occupations and

alternative occupations so you don’t limit yourself and leave the
door wide open for opportunity…

• Learn what skills and aptitude tests you should take to

ensure you select the right career and avoid making a life
changing mistake…

• Find out why it is never too late to expand or grow your career, no
matter your age, and what steps you should take if you want to
climb the career ladder to success…
Bonus Book 2

Resume Writing Secrets

"Discover The Hidden Rules & Secrets Of Crafting A

Professional Resume"

It doesn't matter if this is the first time you are trying to write a
professional resume for finding your dream job, this guide will help
you to get on a right track of resume writing.

• What is a Resume.

• Parts of the Resume.

• Things to Keep in Mind.

• The Reference Sheet.

• Cover Letters.

• Finding and Getting That New Job.

• Making Sure You Are Ready.

• Resume Samples.

• Reference Sheet Samples.

• Learn how to explore the types of jobs that are available.

• Learn the fastest growing jobs in America.

• The essential Cover Letter Samples!

• The Interview Basics.

Plus much MUCH More!

Book 3

How to Ace the Interview & Get the Job of Your Dreams – No
Matter What Your Experience Level!

Most people assume that the most important part of a job interview
is showing up well groomed, but trust me there is much, much
more to it than that.

The truth is everything that you could ever

want may be riding on your behavior at a job
interview – and even the smallest mistake
could mean the difference between you
getting your dream job and you still being
out there, pounding the pavement, trying to
score a new interview.

Unfortunately, learning to ace an interview has

always been something that in great part must
be learned by trial and error … until now that

Now you can bypass all the

disappointment and discouragement that
come with failing job interview after job interview by reading
my new ebook

At last, you can discover all the tips, tricks, techniques and
secrets you need to know to ace your interview and get the
job of your dreams. That’s right, this concise but comprehensive
guide will tell you step by easy step how to impress an
interviewer and win the job that you crave.

Here’s is just some of what you will learn by reading this

amazing ebook::

• How to get the interview of your choice – you’ll be amazed at how

easy it is to do when you follow these simple tips!

• 4 ways to apply for a job – and how to determine which method

will work best for you!

• How to prepare for an interview – including how to research the

company and how to practice your responses so that you will be
sure to impress the interviewer!
• How to greet the person who will be interviewing you – you’ve
only got one chance to make a great first impression … find out how
to do it the right way here!

• How to conduct yourself during the interview – find out how to

“dress the part,” how to show confidence, and much more … in
short, you’ll learn how to be just what the interviewer is looking for

• What the most common questions asked during an interview are –

and how to provide perfect answers to them all!

• What questions to ask your interviewer – as well as what

questions you should never ask during an interview!

• 7 common body language mistakes interviewees often make –

and what you can do to avoid making them yourself!

• Other common interview mistakes that you should avoid at all

costs – if you read nothing else, you must read this!

• 8 things you should do during an interview to impress your

interviewer – do these simple things and the job is as good as

• 15 tips for creating the ultimate resume – follow these tips and
watch the number of job interviews you get skyrocket!

• 9 things you must do during an interview – as well as nine things

you must not do during an interview!

• How to create the perfect cover letter – you’ll be amazed

• How to ace a restaurant interview – here are 10 tips that will

ensure a great performance in any interview conducted at a

• 8 extra things you can do during an interview that are sure to put
you above other candidates – plus, how to close an interview and
ensure you get the job of your dreams!

• 15 characteristics employers are looking for – and how to

demonstrate that you have each one during the interview!

o How to handle the post interview follow-up

o Questions that interviewers cannot ask
o Common questions for your first job after college graduation
Book 4

STOP Hearing "NO" And Start Hearing "YES!"

There are ten common mistakes that

almost all people make during a job
interview. They're simple, but almost
everyone makes them, even though their
easy to avoid. Why? Because people
don't know what they're doing wrong!

Instead of looking at your resume and your

qualifications for the job, they're paying
attention to the mistakes you're making and
already putting your resume in the "No"
folder before you even get the chance to
prove yourself!

There is a way you can learn what NOT

to do during an interview to land you the perfect job!

What if you didn't have to worry about the competition when it

came to scoring a job you really want - and deserve?

What if you could walk into an interview and be confident that you
were going to ace the interview and practically get hired on the
spot? Watch as your competitors continue to make the same
mistakes you were, until now!

Employers will look right past them and their eyes will be on you as
you avoid every single mistake they were expecting and completely
"wow" them with your qualifications and credentials.

By avoiding every single interview mistake, you will give your

employers every reason to hire you and not one reason to pass you
by! You'll be irresistible to employers!

Imagine being able to get the first job you apply to! Now you
can save yourself tons of time and money in resume printing, phone
charges and wasted interviews!

It's more important now than ever before to be able to ace a job
interview and secure yourself a profitable future. In an economy
that continues to sink and prices for goods and services that
continue to rise, now is the time to act to make sure you have
enough money to support yourself and your family. You simply can't
afford to bomb another job interview!

"10 Critical Mistakes To Avoid At The Job Interview," you'll


• How to avoid the ten most common mistakes to ensure interview


• What NEVER to say during an interview to keep employers from

tuning you out

• What body language to use during an interview

• What to expect during an interview so you're never caught off


• How to answer tricky questions so you can put your best foot

• How to dress for interview success

You'll learn everything you need to know and much, much more to
ace any interview and land your dream job!

No longer will you have to wait forever for employers to call

you back, wondering if they felt you were cut out for the job.
By avoiding common job interview pitfalls and mistakes,
you'll prove to them that you're the perfect person for the
Book 5

Finding a job should not create a stressful environment. “The Job

Hunter’s Handbook” will be there to help you if you do lose your
job, but better yet, use it to keep yourself in a “pro-active” mode so
you can immediately put the principles to work when the axe falls.

Actually put yourself in the position of always anticipating a worse

case scenario. Do this and you will avoid stress by knowing that a
new job is just a few days away.

The Job Hunter’s Handbook will show


• How to identify your skill set

• How to hunt for a job

• Define your objective

• Prepare a professional resume

• 7 Steps to improve interviewing skills

• How to use networking to accomplish

your task

• Using job seeker websites

• Job seeker FAQs

• Thinking outside of the box

Book 6
Work Place Warrior is a brand new guidebook that puts you firmly
in control.

So whether you're looking for a new job, seeking

a more than average (and quite frankly pitiful)
'in rise with inflation' pay rise or your looking to
change your life for the better - then you'll find
out how to with this book.

Here are just some of the areas covered in

detail in the book:

• How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Job

Master these ten positive traits and jobs will practically find you.
• How To Discover Great Jobs:
A little known tactic that could lead you to the job of your dreams.
• How To Land A Higher Paying Job:
(One simple tactic that could make you $10,000 a year more
whatever job you apply for)
• How To Write A Job Winning Resume That Puts Yours Right
At The Top Of The Stack:
Discover why even the best qualifications for a job does not
guarantee you'll even get an Interview . . . and the simple tricks
you can use to make sure you do. Discover the two things you
should never include in your resume, although it's commonly done
they're an opportunity killer. Plus see the 37 magic words that will
bring you resume to life and mark you out as a 'can-do' candidate.
• How To Get A Raise:
You'll read about not just one but fifteen different ways that can
increase your salary, plus the 'magic key' that opens door to bigger
• The Insider's Guide To Getting Along With Your Boss:
Simple techniques and skills to 'Manage Your Boss' and get far more
satisfaction in the workplace. Learn how to make every day a good

Work Place Warrior could be the most important book you

read in your life, it has the ability to change the way you live
for the better, almost immediately.
Book 7

“Office Politics”… How to Navigate the Undercurrents of

Office Politics & Stay Afloat.

This no-fluff information-packed report will guide

you through the traps and hazards that could be
lying in wait in your workplace.

It will give you not only essential knowledge, but

will equip you with specific tools that you'll find
so useful, you'll wonder how you ever got along
without them.

The methods, the tactics, the strategies that

they don't want you to know have all been
spelled out in shocking detail. The definitive
guide to office politics is finally here:

• How to stay strong and balanced at all times,

so that they will think twice before choosing you as a victim.

• Detailed, practical advice about how to deal with people so that

everyone is better off.

• 9 different ways to tell if someone is lying to you.

• 5 anti-stress techniques that you can use on the spot to calm

yourself down and keep from losing your cool.

• 6 specific ways to boost your energy and keep it high. You'll want
to use these techniques all the time, not just when you're at work.

• A detailed rundown of how to handle an attack in various


• 6 specific techniques that people use to make themselves look


• No less than 11 ways that people use to make others look bad

• The deeper reasons that lead them to succumb to the temptation

to use such distasteful methods.
Book 8

"How to Improve Your Memory" is a guide

that introduces you to what you need to know
to improve your memory and how to recognize
the differences between absentmindedness and
memory illness.

It is simple, easy to read and learn!


You will never again be embarrassed by

forgetting the name of someone you were just
introduced to a few minutes earlier – especially
if it is someone important, you do not ever
want that humiliation!

Instead: You will IMPRESS EVERYONE with your amazing

memory for names, facts and statistics!

This brand new book also includes the classic:

“How to Develop a Good Memory for Names, Faces and

Facts” By Robert H. Nutt

Take a quick look to see what you will learn:

• What causes memory loss?

• What happens to the brain as we age?

• The truth about memory illnesses.

• Natural remedies & foods to boost memory.

• 100 Memory Keys / Hooks.

• How to remember long numbers.

• How to remember names and faces.

• Public Speaking without notes.

• How to remember what you read / study

Book 9

‘Time Management – Making Your Time Count’ shows you an

easy system for creating flow in your life - helping you get what you
want from your time and efforts.


The truth is that developing time management skills will help

you in all aspects of life.
They help you find focus and use time wisely.

These skills will help you get more done in one day than you did in
two or three. You will never miss an important moment with family
or a deadline at work.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

• Why is Time Management so Important?

• How to Value Your Time

• How to Track Your Time

• What Activities are Wasting Your Time

• How to Create Goals

• The ‘To-Do’ List

• Creating Your Action Plan

• How to Prioritize

• Managing the Family’s Time

• Personal Action Plan and Goal Worksheet

• Activity Log Worksheet

Book 10

“I Can. Therefore, I Will” Unleashing the Full Potential of

Your Mind

Your mind is the most powerful supercomputer in the world. It’s a

pity if you would not be able to explore and utilize its vast

Unleash your mind power now! Don’t keep cheating yourself

of all the opportunities you could be taking and enjoying
right now!



Check out SOME of the information you will find inside:

• How to make new friends.

• How to find out if your glass of water is half-full or


• Why positive and negative are always in conflict.

• Why the mind is considered as a super-computer.

• How to efficiently deal with worries.

• The difference between doing a job with the body &

doing a job with the mind.

• How new things & challeges help in training the

mind for positive thinking.

• The power of negative thoughts. The power of positive thoughts.

• The difference between learning inside the classroom & learning

outside the classroom.

• How to reach your goals in life.

• How our mind does what our five senses cannot perform well.
Book 11

You Need A Motivating, Positive Thinking System To Excel

Motivation & Success Has Never Been This Easy To Grab!

Here's just a few of the awesome tactics you're going to master


• Why you should never use positive

thinking they way you've been taught in
the past!

• How to plant seeds that blossom into

amazing successes every time!

• How to predict success before you start

working on a project!

• Secret ways to give yourself huge boosts

in motivation & confidence in 3 seconds or

• Exactly why most other self improvement

courses fail to perform and how you can
avoid failure forever!

• How to fast-track projects like never before (you'll learn how to

pump out a 2 month project in just a week or two through insider
action techniques).

Learn how to BE HAPPY!

Now you can truly LOVE your LIFE and your WORK!
Book 12

“Finding Your Dream Work-From-Home Job without Getting


A lot of people have done it. And you could too!

The people who have found the right work-from-
home programs are now enjoying more time in
their hands while reaping the fruits of their
financial success.

And it is very easy; all you really have to do is to

find the right work-from-home program that fits
you and your lifestyle best!

Know the vital aspects about work-from-home

jobs in a special report crafted for people like you
who are on the search for a legitimate work-
from-home program.

This report will teach you…

• The difference between working from home and running a home


• How to take advantage of technology to succeed in work-from-home


• How the Internet becomes the fastest growing workplace in the world.

• The different work-from-home jobs that you can choose from.

• Danger signals to watch out for in detecting work-from-home scams.

• Where and how to do a background check of the work-from-home

company you’re interested to join.

• The legalities involved in a work-from-home opportunity.

• How to balance your work and your life.

• How to save money while running a home business.

Order Today And Receive A 100% Money Back No
Questions Asked Iron Clad 90 day Guarantee…

I’m so confident you will benefit from the tips, tools and techniques
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You can now get all the information that you need to find the job
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Get your dream job in 2009 with these tools at your


With the economy continuing to sink and unemployment figures

rising, it is now more important than ever to be more astute about
your job interview and know the right things to say and what not to
say and do.

In order for you to get the job of your dreams, it is crucial that you
understand how to avoid the most common job search and
interview mistakes at all costs. And this whole TOOLBOX of OVER
A DOZEN Career Development and Job Interview learning
manuals, not only describes the mistakes people make when they
look for and apply for new jobs, but teaches you how to counteract

If you look for jobs, apply for jobs or go into a job interview without
knowing the best ways to go about it, you are going in at your own
risk and are potentially going to not land the job.

You owe it to yourself to give yourself the best opportunity

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What are you waiting for? The choice is easy. Find out
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I priced the set of books at this insanely low price because I know a
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© All rights reserved – published by: Helene Malmsio

The author and publisher have used their best efforts in preparing this report. The
author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the
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Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and it's potential.
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