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t A k e 5 t A k e 5 t A k e 5 tAke 5

in this issue:
3 Crowdsourcing 4+5 What the App? 6 Digital vs. Film 7
Radio Update

Volume 24 Issue 3 Winter 2013

Issue3.indd 1

13/02/2013 12:28:40 PM

by Ilya Stavitsky

The Camosun College cafeteria cannot cope with the onslaught of hungry students. Now students can enjoy famous pulled pork poutine from The Pig BBQ, yummy tacos from Puerto Vallarta Amigos and delicious perogies from Hungry Rooster without leaving their campuses. These food trucks alternate at each campus every Tuesday and Thursday and the successful experiment is now in its second semester. The cafeteria welcomes the competition as it gets a percentage of sales from the trucks.

food trucks

project acp

Class 40s Esrah Boulton and Dan Darling are working on their final project, which digs into the very depth of the ACP grads life. Its a website with video, audio and text interviews telling the life-story of ACP graduates. We want to get a broad spectrum of grads to talk about ACP from different eras and see where their life has taken them, be it media-related or not, says Darling. While its a great way to network and reflect on the last year of the program, we want to really highlight the fact that it was successful, not dwell on the negative side and its demise, says Darling. Im a glass half full kinda guy! They are not sure yet who will be in their project. Well post a website address as soon as we can, and the project will be unveiled at Playback on April 12.

digital media
Our proposed Digital Media diploma is delayed till Fall 2014, but our Digital Communication certificate will hopefully start this fall instead as a way of keeping some communication courses alive at Camosun after ACP dies. The certificate is a two-semester program with 10 courses, four of which are electives, and would match the first year of VIUs Digital Media BA degree. This certificate allows Camosun students to transfer into the second year. Two English courses are required, along with existing CMNS 105 and 130 courses. Three more courses have been developed and are in the approvals process stage: DIME 115 (Digital Production), CMNS 112 (Popular Culture and Media) and CMNS 150 (Introduction to Digital Media). As two of these courses will use existing gear, it means that for now we can dismiss all the inquiries about ACPs equipment and keep it safe from looting.


7pm April 12 | Gibson auditorium

13/02/2013 12:28:41 PM

Issue3.indd 2

by Jess Clark
Camosun Colleges very own radio station, Village Now, will be shut down at the end of the final Applied Communication class this April. Station manager Brad Edwards explains the closure process involves consultation with a number of governing bodies, such the CRA, CRTC, and Industry Canada. They arent the only ones. Edwards says the non-profit radio society which runs the station, the CKMO Radio Society, has also arranged for financial and legal advice to ensure that the process is followed according to protocol, guidelines and also within the bylaws and regulations of the Society Act as laid out by the provincial government. The paperwork is only part of it. The physical station still needs to be shut down, although this cant be started until classes finish in April. We cant dismantle the radio station and run an effective classroom and lab environment at the same time, says Edwards.That simply wouldnt be fair to the students. While hell try to do as much as he can between now and then, Edwards says he wont be involved with the physical closure due to his April 30 termination date. This leads to the next big question: the fate of the equipment currently being used in the station. While much of the facility as we know it is the property of Camosun College, some of the items are owned by the CKMO Radio Society. The society has received inquiries from organizations involved in the education of students or which serve the community in some way.The ultimate fate of the equipment will be determined by the CKMO Radio Society Board of Directors. In the meantime, Village Now continues to operate, thanks to ACP class 40 Radio 4 students and the ongoing support and dedication of Brad Edwards.


tle the We cant disman run radio station and room an effective class ent at and lab environm the same time. Brad Edwards

Issue3.indd 3

13/02/2013 12:28:47 PM

by Nick Joy
Us and Them is a documentary by Krista Loughton about the suffering experienced by the drug addicted homeless in Victoria. It delves deep into the lives and stories of some of these people, exposing their isolation, humanity, tragedy and the journey which drove them to, and will hopefully set them free from, such painful circumstances. In the film Loughton uses a First Nations healing practise called the Medicine Wheel to attempt to help four homeless people through their addiction and towards salvation. It is four stories of hope, not all of which are realized. Loughton soon finds tragedy in her mission to bring these people a better life and this causes her to reflect on tragedy within her own life. The film eventually pulls Loughtons personal life into its plot, forcing her to confront her own past before she could truly help these people with whom she has invested so much effort. Loughton has the good fortune to work with ACP grad David Malysheff, who became the director of photography as well as the co-director and co-producer of Us and Them. Malysheff has been involved in television production for over 25 years, directing and working as a documentary cinematographer, most recently for his own company, Gamut Productions in Victoria. After six years of filmmaking this documentary had exhausted its resources. A lack of money and expertise kept Us and Them from reaching the point of completion. The filmmakers turned to a growing trend in financing, crowdsourcing. They created an account on the website Indiegogo to acquire enough funds to complete the post-production of the film. In 31 days, they exceeded their goal of $25,000.

crowd sourcin

The filmmakers turned to a growing trend in financing, crowdsourcing

Issue3.indd 4


13/02/2013 12:28:53 PM


n a Us

m e h T d

Scientists have raised over $110,000 from nearly 3,500 people to build an elevator into space through Kickstarter donations

Websites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter have opened up possibilities for people in all fields to fund their endeavours by creating a page explaining what they plan to do with an allotted amount of money. They show examples of their work and explain why they need the money. People can donate different amounts and in turn will be rewarded with a corresponding gift once their goal is realized. For example with Us and Them, a donation of $50 allows one to receive a digital download of the film after its premiere, and Loughton will give a hoody or sweater on behalf of the donor to someone who is living on the street. Other perks include tickets to the world premiere or producer credits, and each donation of $10 or more triggers a donation of an item of clothing to someone in need. Crowdsourcing has helped more than just artists. Scientists have raised over $110,000 from nearly 3,500 people to build an elevator into space through Kickstarter donations. People have funded music albums, inventions, video games and pretty much everything else that requires money for development. While many success stories have come about through crowdsourcing websites, unsuccessful campaigns and products that dont meet their creators promises bring very public failures. Thanks to the generous donors on Indiegogo, Us and Them is currently in post-production.

Issue3.indd 5

13/02/2013 12:28:58 PM

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The smartphone guide to ACP

by Charlotte Wood


If you havent discovered this app already its a must-have for photo lovers. Take photos, choose filters, and share on your social network.


White Noise

Hokusai Audio Editor

In love with analog? This old school style app lets you choose from different lenses and effects to create beautiful photos. Share, or have them printed and sent right to your door.

This multitasking editor lets you record or input your tracks to edit the way you want through trimming, filters and special effects. Download this app for better sleep and destroy those tasks with all your added energy.


Create a mix of video and photo with this fun app. Animate small portions of a photo, apply vintage filters. Its like Instagram and iMovie had a baby!


What the Font?
Ever come across a font and wondered what it was called? With this app you can take a photo and it will identify it for you.

Color Toy

This App transforms the world around you into a dream world using augmented sound: slower music when you sit down versus faster music when you are moving around. It even responds to a sunny day.

Perfect for designers, this app lets you generate, capture, explore and store complementary color palettes. The new version can capture colours from photographs.

Wonder what it would be like to sing beside Justin Bieber? Turn your everyday life into a music video, add effects and cut to your fav songs (Bieber not included). event from different phones, making your movie look super savvy from different angles.


An app for list lovers, organizers and neat freaks; it helps you save and organize your ideas. Compile notes, photos, lists and voice reminders together to improve productivity and inspiration.

Toon Camera


This app automatically syncs and edits footage filmed at the same

Ever feel like youre living in a cartoon? Toon Camera uses automatic rotoscoping to transform your life into an animated movie.

Issue3.indd 6


13/02/2013 12:29:04 PM

by Kate Masters

digital VS film
rental outlets stocked with DVDs, and the increase in streaming online, to realize we are quickly losing the ability to archive movies on a physical device. Whereas with film there will always be a projector around. After all, any light source shining through a piece of film immediately unlocks the image. One of the most appealing aspects of Side by Side was its exploration of how digital cameras have helped more people access the medium. A NYU film school student said using digital has cut her costs down. As a student myself Im entirely for digital, because it means the quality of my final product can be much higher. The Canon T3i cameras that ACP uses have drastically changed what I thought was possible. I wanted one so bad that I asked for one last Christmas because I didnt want to lug around the giant tape cameras and tripod. While Side by Side favoured digital opposed to film as the medium of the future, for some it has already been that way for years. You cant shoot 3D on film, says James Cameron. So film has been dead in my heart for 10 years. Probably in another 10 years film production will be almost obsolete. Then we wont be able to say the word filming. Debuting at the 2012 Berlin International Film Festival last February, Side by Side has garnered critical acclaim. Check it out, if you havent already. You can rent it on iTunes, Amazon, and vudu.

we cant say F Ilming anymore

The documentary film Side by Side compares traditional film movie production to digital, by interviewing some of the most influential moviemakers of the 20th and 21st centuries. Film has been the medium for movies for 100 years but now digital has finally caught up. More movies (and TV shows) are now shot using digital technology than are filmed. Directed by Christopher Kenneally and hosted by actor Keanu Reeves, the movie starts off with film aficionados pleading their case for a dying medium. Film holdouts such as Batman (The Dark Knight Rises) director Christopher Nolan play up films romantic quality and that little something digital cant quite capture, stuck as it is with its ragged-edge digital bytes. And they raise the prickly question, how will we watch the digital copies of movies 20 years from now? The pace of change means the technology we have now will soon be obsolete. You only need to see the decline of video

I thought you had to be a dude who knew how to operate machines. Lena Dunham
I think without digital video and without digital culture, I dont think I would be making movies because I thought you needed to have a certain type of knowledge, explained Lena Dunham, creator and star of HBOs Girls. I thought you had to be a dude who knew how to operate machines.

Issue3.indd 7

13/02/2013 12:29:14 PM

by Lois Fernyhough
Author, author: Visual effects artist and screenwriter Lee Gabel (Class 19) can add another item to his resume, published author. He has taken the leap into the world of childrens picture books with his first eBook for Kindle, Noahs Noodles. View the book online at Find out how Lee created and published the book at frankenscript. com/all-work-and-no-play-try-kindle-ebook Big wire-y cheese: Congratulations to Brendan Kergin (Class 35) on his election as the National Bureau Chief for the Canadian University Press! As the Editor-in-Chief hell be managing the national news wire service,, as well as being vice-president. Green-er pastures: Adam Olsen (Class 32) has moved on from Central Saanich council member to being nominated as the Green Party candidate for Saanich North and the Islands in the upcoming provincial election.

lois' gossiP
juicy & fresh
ACP Alumnus Adam Olsen Feasting on festivals: Rose Jang (Class 39) just cant seem to get away from festivals. Shes the communications assistant for this years Victoria Film Festival. A move to the dark side: On the other hand, Tracy (Crawley) Kennedy (Class 26) has managed to leave the hectic pace of radio news behind, and now works for the City of Red Deer (Alberta) as a communications consultant. Hot shooting: Jason Saliani (Class 39) is now the videographer for Hot House Marketing in Victoria.

Breaking news: Morningstar (Topham) Pinto (Class 34) and her family are moving back to Victoria from Cape Breton in Nova Scotia, where she has lived for the past few years. Coast to coast! Graphic knowledge: Amanda Hemingway (Class 35) recently joined McAllister Marketing in Victoria as a junior graphic designer. She has been working on design and layout projects for the Inter-cultural Association of Greater Victoria, Barclays Fine Custom Jewellers, Derma Spa, and others.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Production
Charlotte Wood Kate Masters Jess Clark
13/02/2013 12:29:31 PM



Lois Fernyhough Nick Joy

production advisor
Rick Caswell

Issue3.indd 8

Ilya Stavitsky

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