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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

Code No: R09220402/R09 II B.Tech. II Semester Examinations



(Common to ICE, E.COMP.E, ETM, EIE, ECE)

Max. Marks: 75

Time: 3 Hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks --1. (a) (b) 2. (a) (b) 3. (a)

When n-identical stages of amplifier are cascaded? Derive the expression for lower and upper cutoff frequencies. (Unit-II, Topic No. 2.1) Explain the effect of coupling capacitor in a CE amplifier on low frequency response of amplifier. [8+7] (Unit-II, Topic No. 2.1) A transistor supplies 0.8 W to a 5 k load. The zero signal DC collector current is 30 mA and the DC collector current with signal is 36 mA. Determine the percent second-harmonic distortion. (Unit-VII, Topic No. 7.4) Define conversion efficiency. Determine the maximum value of conversion efficiency for a series-fed class A power amplifier. [7+8] (Unit-VII, Topic No. 7.2) For the circuit shown in below figure, compute AI, AV, AVS, Ri and R'o. The transistor h-parameters are hie = 1.1 k, (hfe = 50, hre = 2.4 x and hoe = 25 A/V). (Unit-II, Topic No. 2.1)

VCC 100

8K 100 K

+ VS

500 VEE

3K V o


Figure (b) 4. (a) (b) 5. (a) (b) (c) Compare direct coupled amplifiers with RC coupled amplifier. [10+5] (Unit-II, Topic No. 2.4) Obtain CC h parameters interms of CE parameters. (Unit-I, Topic No. 1.3) For a CE amplifier, calculate the voltage gain, input impedance output impedance, current gain. If RL = 10 k, hie = 1.1 k, hre = 2.5 104, hfe = 50, hoe = 24 A/V. [7+8] (Unit-I, Topic No. I.3) Why a FET cannot be explained with h-parameters? (Unit-IV, Topic No. 4.1) Derive an expression for transconductance using FET model. (Unit-IV, Topic No. 4.1) Draw and explain the FET high frequency model. [3+6+6] (Unit-IV, Topic No. 4.1)

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6. (a) (b) 7. (a) (b) (c)

Spectrum ALL-IN-ONE Journal for Engineering Students, 2013 Sketch a circuit of a crystal-controlled oscillator and explain its function. (Unit-VI, Topic No. 6.5) Explain the frequency-stability criterion for a sinusoidal oscillator. [8+7] (Unit-VI, Topic No. 6.6) Compare neutralisation and unilaterlisation methods of tuned amplifiers. (Unit-VIII, Topic No. 8.7) What are the limitations of stagger tuned amplifiers? (Unit-VIII, Topic No. 8.6) What happens when number of stages is increased in single tuned cascaded amplifiers? [5+5+5] (Unit-VIII, Topic No. 8.4) What is negative feedback? Discuss how it can improve stability in an amplifier. (Unit-V, Topic No. 5.1) Find Avf, Rif, Rof, for the circuit shown in figure. Rs = 0, hfe = 50, hie = 1100 and hre and hoe are negligible. Assume identical transistors. [5+10] (Unit-V, Topic No. 5.4)
VCC 50 k 5 f Vi 50 k 2k Q1 50 k 2k 10 k Cb 50 k 10 k Cb


(a) (b)



4.2 k


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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad



Q1. When n-identical stages of amplifier are cascaded. Derive the expression for lower and upper cutoff frequencies. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q1(a) M[8] For answer refer Unit-II, Q4, Q5. (b) Explain the effect of coupling capacitor in a CE amplifier on low frequency response of amplifier. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q1(b) M[7] Effect of Coupling Capacitor CC on Low Frequency Response of CE Amplifier The low frequency model for CE amplifier with coupling capacitor CC is as shown in figure (i).
Ib RS CC + B C +


Vi VS ~ +

R1 ||R2


hfe Ib


Figure (i): Low Frequency Model for CE Amplifier with Coupling Capacitor For large values of emitter bypass capacitor (CE), the low frequency gain does not experience any reduction in its value and the emitter resistance RE is effectively bypassed. The reactance of coupling capacitor (CC) is negligible for mid frequency range. The lower 3-dB frequency (f1) is given as,

1 f1 = 2( R + R ' )C s i C

... (1)

Where, R'1 = R1 || R2 || Ri Ri = hie (for ideal CE) and Ri ~ hie + (1 + hfe) RCE (when capacitors series resistance is considered). Therefore, inorder to achieve good low frequency response, the capacitors CC and CE must be maintained large. Q2. A transistor supplies 0.8 W to a 5 k load. The zero signal DC collector current is 30 mA and the DC collector current with signal is 36 mA. Determine the percent second-harmonic distortion. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q2(a) M[7] Given that, For a transistor, AC power supplied (PA.C) = 0.8 W Load resistance, RL = 5 k DC collector current, ICQ = 30 mA Collector current with signal i.e., ICQ + B0 = 36 mA ... (1) Percentage in second-harmonic distortion, D = ? (a)

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Spectrum ALL-IN-ONE Journal for Engineering Students, 2013 Define conversion efficiency. Determine the maximum value of conversion efficiency for a series-fed class A power amplifier. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q2(b) M[8] For answer refer Unit-VII, Q3, [Note: Exclude, Topic: Importance of Position of Operation point and Collector Efficiency]. Q3. (a) For the circuit shown in below figure compute AI, AV, AVS, Ri and R' o. The transistor h-parameters are hie = 1.1 K, hfe = 50, hre = 2.4 and hoe = 25 A/V.
VCC 100

The expression for percentage of second harmonic distortion is given as, % D=


B2 100 B1

... (2)

Where, B1 and B2 are constants. (i) Computation of B2 Since, B2 = B0 From equation (1), we have, B0 = 36 ICQ = 36 30 B0 = 6 mA (ii) B2 = 6 mA [Q From equation (3)] ... (4) ... (3)

8K 100 K

Computation of B1 Since (PA.C)D = 0.8 W We have, (PA.C)D =

1 2 1 2 B1 RL + B2 RL 2 2
VS +

500 VEE

3K V o

1 2 2 R L [ B2 + B2 ] = 0.8 2

R o

1 2 5 103 [ B1 + (6 10 3 ) 2 ] = 0.8 2
2 B1 =

1. 6 5 10 3

(6 103)2

B12 = (0.32 103) (36 106)

2 = 2.84 104 B1

Figure April/May-12, Set-3, Q3(a) M[10] Answer : Note: In the given question value of the hre is incomplete. Given that, For a circuit, hie = 1.1 k hfe = 50 hre = 2.4 104 (Assume) hoe = 25 A/V AI = ?, AV = ?, AVS = ?, Ri = ?, R'o = ?

B1 = 0.016852 B1 = 16.852 mA ... (5)

10 k 8k


On substituting equations (4) and (5) in equation (1), we obtain, %D=

6 10 3 100 16.852 10 3



3k V o VEE R o

% D = 35.6

D = 35.6%
Figure (1)

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

Both the stages in figure (1) are in common emitter configuration. The h-parameter equivalent circuit of two stage amplifier in CE-CE configuration is shown in figure (2),
i c1 I b2


I b1

RS=10 k +

+ 8 k
R E1 =


VS + ~



R E2


R1 =3 k

R 01
R i2


R i1

R 02


Figure (2) Second Stage Analysis Here, RE2 = RL hoe RL = (25 106) 100 = 0.0025 < 0.1 Since, hoe RL < 0.1, approximate analysis method is used. Current Gain ( A i 2 )

Ai2 =

I E2 I b2


= 50
Ai2 = 50

Input Resistance ( R i )

Ri2 = h + (1 + h ) RE 2 ie fe
= 1.1 103 + (1 + 50)100 = 6.2 103

Ri2 = 6.2 k
Voltage Gain ( A V2 )

AV2 =

Ai2 RL2 Vo = Ri2 V2


50 (3 103 ) 6.2 103

= 24.194

AV2 = 24.194

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First Stage Analysis

Spectrum ALL-IN-ONE Journal for Engineering Students, 2013 Output Resistance Output admittance,
h fe hre y o1 = h oe h + R

The net load resistance R L1 of this stage is obtained by,

R C1

R i2

= 25 106 = 2.39 105

50 2.4 10 4 1.1 103 + 10 103

R L1

y o1 = 2.39 105 A\V

Figure (3)

R L1 = RC1 || Ri2 RC1 Ri2 = R +R C1 i2


1 1 3 Ro1 = yo1 = 2.39 10 5 = 41.8 10

Ro1 = 41.8 k

Output impedance of the first stage, considering


8 10 6.2 10 = 3.49 103 3.5 k 8 103 + 6.2 103


RC1 ,
' Ro = RC1 || R o1 1

R L1 = 3.5 k
Current Gain ( A i1 )

RC1 Ro1 = R +R C1 o1

I c1 Ai1 = I b1 hfe
= 50

8 10 3 41.8 103 = 6.7 103 8 103 + 41.8 10 3

' Ro = 6.7 k 1 ' Ro is the source resistance for the second stage, 1

Ai1 = 50
Input Resistance ( R i1 )


Ri1 = h + (1 + h ) R E1 ie re
= 1.1 10 + (1 + 50) 500 = 26.6 10
3 3

y o2 = h oe

h fe hre hie + Ro' 1

50 2.4 10 4 1.1 103 + 6.7 103

Ri1 = 26.6 k
= 25 106 Voltage Gain ( A V1 ) = 2.35 105

A R V AV1 = 2 = i1 L1 V1 Ri1

y o2 = 2.35 105 Ro2 =

1 1 = = 42.6 103 y o2 2.35 10 5

50 3.5 103 26.6 103

= 6.58

AV1 = 6.58

Ro2 = 42.6 k

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

Ro2 is the output impedance of second transistor by
considering RE2 , Ro = R + R o2 E2 = 99.76 Overall Voltage Gain ( A VS ) Considering source resistance RS, we get,


Ro2 RE2

Q R o 2 || R E 2

Ri1 AVS = AV Ri + RS 1

Ro = 99.76
Overall Current Gain (Ai)
Ib Ai = Ai2 2 Ic 1 Ai 1
I b2

= 159.2

26.6 103 = 115.7 26.6 103 + 10 103

AVS = 115.7
Compare direct coupled amplifiers with RC coupled amplifier. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q3(b) M[5] For answer refer Unit-II, Q31, Topics: RC Coupling, Direct Coupling. Q4. (a)
R i2




R C1

Obtain CC h parameters interns of CE parameters. April/May-12, Set-3, Q4(a) M[7]

Answer :

The h-parameter model of CE configuration is shown in figure (1), Figure 4

I b2 I c1

RC1 Ri2 + RC1


hie + H V re ce hfe Ib





8 10 = 0.563 6.2 103 + 8 103


I b2 I c1

Figure (1) = 0.563 The h-parameter model of CE configuration is redrawn in CC configuration is as shown in figure (2) with Vce = Vec

Ai = Ai2

I b2 I c1




hre Vce +


E +

= (50) (0.563) (50) = 1407.5


hfe Ib


Ai = 1407.5
Overall Voltage Gain (AV)


V2 Vo Vo AV = V = V = V 1 2 1
= AV2 AV1 = 24.194 ( 6.58) = 159.2

Figure (2) Applying KVL at the inner loop, we get, Vbc hie Ib hre Vce Vec = 0 Vbc = hieIb + hre Vce + Vec = hieIb hre Vec + Vec Vbc = hieIb +(1 hre)Vec (Q Vec = Vce) ... (1)

AV = 159.2

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Applying KCL at node E, we get, Ie = Ib hfeIb + hoe Vec Ie = (1 + hfe) Ib + hoe Vec For CC configuraton, Vbc = hic Ib + hrc Vec Ie = hfc Ib + hoc Vec hic in Terms of CE Configuration From equation (3),

Spectrum ALL-IN-ONE Journal for Engineering Students, 2013 hfc in Terms of CE Configuration From equation (4), we get, ... (2) hfc =

Ie Ib

Vec = 0

... (3) ... (4) =

(1 + h fe ) I b + hoeVec Ib
Vec = 0

(1 + h fe ) I b + 0 Ib

Vbc hic = I b

= (1 + hfe)
Vec = 0

h fc = (1 + h fe )

hie I b + (1 hre )Vec Ib

Vec = 0

hoc is Terms of CE configuration From equation (4), hoc =

[ From equation (1)]

hie I b + o = Ib
hic = hie

Ie Vec

I b =0

(1 + h fe ) I b + hoeVec Vec
Ib =0

hic = hie
hrc in Terms of CE Configuration From equation (3)

0 + hoeVec Vec

= hoe

hoc = hoe
Ib = 0

Vbc hrc = Vec

hie I b + (1 hre )Vec Vec

Ib =0

[Q From equation (1)] =

0 + (1 hre )Vec Vec

hrc = 1 hre Since, hre < < 1 hrc = 1

hrc = 1

For CE amplifier, calculate the voltage gain input impedance output impedance, current gain. If RL = 10 , hie = 1.1 k, hre = 2.5 104, hfe = 50, hoe = 24 A/V. Answer : April/May-12, Set-3, Q4(b) M[8] Given that, For a CE amplifier, RL = 10 k hfe = 50 hoe = 24 A/V = 24 106 A/V hre = 2.5 104 hie = 1.1 k = 1100 Current gain (AI) = ? Input impedance (Zi) = ? Voltage gain (AV) = ? Output impedance (Zo) = ? Assuming RS = 1 k.


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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

The CE hybrid models is as shown in figure (i).
Ib B RS + VS + Vb hie.VC hfe.Ib hoe RL Vo hie IC C +


Figure (i): Hybrid Model for CE Amplifier Current Gain (AI) The expression for current gain, AI of a single stage CE amplifier is given by, AI =

h fe 1 + hoe .R L
50 1 + 24 10 6 10 10 3

AI = 40.32

Current gain, AI = 40.32

Input Impedance (Zi) The expression for input impedance, Zi of a single stage CE amplifier is given by, Zi = hie + hre. Ai. RL = 1100 + (2.5 104)( 40.32)(10 103) = 1100 100.8 Zi = 999.2

Input impedance, Zi = 0.999k

Voltage Gain (AV) The expression for voltage gain, AV of a single stage CE amplifier is given by, AV =

AI .RL Zi 40.32 10 103 0.999 10 3

= 403.6

Voltage gain, AV = 403.6

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Output Impedance The expression for output admittance, Yo of a single stage CE amplifier is given by, Yo = hoe
h fe .hre hie + RS

Yo = (24 106)

50 2.5 10 4 1100 + (1 103 )

= 24 106 5.952 106 Yo = 18.048 106 Output impedance, Zo = =

1 Yo

18.048 10 6 Zo = 55.407 103

Output impedance, Z o = 55.407 k

Q5. (a) Why a FET cannot be explained with h-parameters? Answer : The h-parameter model of a BJT in CE configuration is shown in figure (1). April/May-12, Set-3, Q5(a) M[3]






1 h oe



Figure (1) and the small signal model of FET is CS configuration is shown in figure (2).


Vgs g mVgs



Figure (2)

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad


From figure (1) it is clear that the output current generated depends on the input base current. But, FET being a voltage controlled device, the output current generated must depend on the input voltage, which is not possible using hparameter model. In addition to the above characteristic, the presence of feedback from output to input through hre parameter is also makes the h-parameter models invalid for FET as shown in figure (1). Thus, a FET amplifier cannot be analyzed using h-parameter model. However, the FET model shown in figure (2) is a low frequency model and is not valid in the high frequency range. (b) Derive an expression for transconductance using FET model. April/May-12, Set-3, Q5(b) M[6] Answer :

Transconductance gm is defined as the ratio of change of current at the output to the change in the input voltage and given by,

gm =


[Q Relating to drain current, ID]

... (1)

Now, consider the relationship between ID and VGS is non-linear. Therefore, the Schokleys equation when the terms are non-linear is given by,


... (2)

Differentiating ID with respect to VGS, then we get,



... (3)

Now, equating equations (1) and (3), we get,

gm =



... (4)

From equations (2) and (4) can be written as,

gm =




gm =

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Hence proved. Where, gm = Transconductance IDS = Saturation drain current

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IDSS = It is the value when the gate is shorted to source i.e., VGS = 0 VP = Pinch-off voltage. (c) Answer : The high frequency model of FET is as shown in figure, Draw and explain the FET high frequency model. April/May-12, Set-3, Q5(c) M[6]

Cgd G D


g mVgs



Figure : High Frequency Model of FET

High frequency model of FET amplifier is obtained by adding capacitance between the nodes of FET low frequency model Cgs, Cds and Cds are the internal capacitances which are responsible for feedback from output to input and decrease of voltage amplification at higher frequencies. Where, Cgs Barrier capacitance between gate and source Cgd Barrier capacitance between gate and drain Cds Drain to source capacitance of the channel. The various parameters of FET with their corresponding magnitudes are as listed in table-1. Device Parameter JFET MOSFET gm 0.10-10 mA/VM 0.1-20 mA/V rd 0.1-1 pF 1-50 k Cds 0.1.1 pF 0.1.1 pF Cgs,Cgd 1-10 1-10 pF r gs >10

rgd >108 >1014


Table 1: Parameter Values of FET (JFET and MOSFET) Q6. (a) Sketch a circuit of a crystal-controlled oscillator and explain its function. April/May-12, Set-3, Q6(a) M[8]

Answer : For answer refer Unit-VI, Q21, Topic: Working of Quartz crystal.

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

(b) Answer : For answer refer Unit-VI, Q23, Q24, Topic: Frequency Stability. Q7. (a) Compare neutralisation and unilaterlisation methods of tuned amplifiers. Explain the frequency-stability criterion for a sinusoidal oscillator.

April/May-12, Set-3, Q6(b) M[7]

Answer : The comparison of between neutralization and unilateralisation are as follows, Neutralisation 1. Neutralisation is one of the technique used for reducing the feedback effect provided by inter junction capacitance Cb'C to obtain better stability. 2. Achieves stability only for a certain band of frequencies. 3. It removes only reactive feedback.

April/May-12, Set-3, Q7(a) M[5]

Unilateralisation 1. Unilateralisation is a special case of neutralisation where-in a bilateral network is converted into a unilateral network. 2. Achieves stability at almost all frequencies.

3. It removes both resistive as well as reactive feedback effect.

4. It is highly dependent on cancellations. 5. It attempts to eliminate feedback to maximum possible extent. 6. No miller effect is observed. (b) Answer :

4. It is less dependent on cancellations. 5. It performs perfect elimination of undesired feedback.

6. It undergoes miller effect.

What are the limitations of stagger tuned amplifiers? April/May-12, Set-3, Q7(b) M[5]

The following are the limitations of stagger tuned amplifiers, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It provides reduced selectivity. The tuning of most tank circuits is critical. It has low input impedance at high frequencies. Needs large number of IF stages. Simultaneous maintenance of broad bandwidth and high gain is required. (c) Answer : For answer refer Unit-VIII, Q24. Q8. (a) What is negative feedback? Discuss how it can improve stability in an amplifier. April/May-12, Set-3, Q8(a) M[5] What happens when number of stages is increased in single tuned cascaded amplifiers? April/May-12, Set-3, Q7(c) M[5]

Answer : Negative Feedback For answer refer Unit-V, Q1, Topic: Negative Feedback. Stability For answer refer Unit-V, Q6, Topic: Gain Stability.

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Spectrum ALL-IN-ONE Journal for Engineering Students, 2013 Find Avf, Rif, Rof, for the circuit shown in figure 9. Rs = 0, hfe = 50, hie = 1100 and hre and hoe are negligible. Assume identical transistors.

VCC 50 k 5 f Vi 50 k 2k Q1 50 k 2k 10 k Cb 50 k 10 k Cb


Figure Answer : Given that, For a circuit, with two-identical transistors, RS = 0 hfe= 50 hio = 1100 hre and hoe are negligible (i.e., hre = hoe = 0). The given circuit is as shown in figure (i).

4.2 k

April/May-12, Set-3, Q8(b) M[10]

VCC 50 k 5 f Vi 50 k 2k Q1 50 k 2k 10 k Cb 50 k 10 k Cb



4.2 k

Figure (i) The input circuit is obtained by making Vo = 0. Hence, the first emitter how consists of a in figure (ii). The output circuit is obtained by making Ii = 0. This provides a resultant circuit with the series combination of look and 4.2 k as shown at the output terminals of figure (ii).

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad



50 k

10 k

50 k

10 k V0

Vi 50 k

Q1 2k 4.2 k
Figure (ii)

100 k 50 k 2k 4.2 k

100 k

The h-parameter equivalent circuit of above circuit is as shown in figure (iii),

I b1

hie B1 + Vce Ib


C1 hoe 10 k

BI b2



50 k||50 k VCC

100 k hoe 10 k 4.2 k V 0


50 k||50 k 100 k||4.2 k





Figure (iii) Analysis of Second Stage (CE Amplifier) As hoe RL = hoe RC2 = 0 < 0.1 (Q hoe is negligible)

Approximate analysis is considered for further calculations. Current Gain ( A i 2 )

Ai2 =

I E2 I b2

h fe
' 1 fhoe RL

hfe = 50 Ai2 = 50 Input Resistance ( R i 2 )

' Ri2 = hie + hre Ai R L 2

hie = 1100

Ri2 = 1100

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Voltage Gain
' Ai2 RL Vo =V = Ri'2 2

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Where, R'L = (100 k + 4.2 k) || 10.k = 104.2 k || 10 k = 9.12 103 R'L = 9.12 k
' And Ri2

= RB || Ri2 = (50 k || 50 k) || 1100 = 25 103 || 1100 = 1.05 103

' Ri2 = 1.05 k ' Ai2 RL

AV2 =


50 9.12 103 = 433.3 1.05 103

AV2 = 433.3 First Stage Analysis CCE Amplifier with Unbypassed RE The net load resistance R L1 of this stage is obtained by,

R L1 = RC || Ri' 1 2
= 10 k || 1.05 k = 950.23 R L1 = 950.23 Current Gain ( A i1 )

I c1 h fe Ai1 = = I b1 1 + hoe R L1
hfe = 50 Ai1 = 50 Input Resistance ( R i1 )

Ri1 = h + (1 + h ) R E1 ie fe
= 1100 + (1 + 50) (100 k|| 4.2 k) = 1.30 103

Ri1 = 1.30 k

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Electronic Circuit Analysis (April/May-2012, Set-3) JNTU-Hyderabad

Voltage Gain ( A V1 )


Ai1 RL1 V2 AV1 = = Ri1 V1 AV1 =

50 950.213 1.30 10 3

= 36.54

AV1 = 36.54

Overall Output Resistance (Rof)

y o1 = h oe

h fe hre hie + Rs

(Q hre and hoe are negligible and Rs = o)

y o1 = 0

1 1 R o1 = y o1 = 0 =

Output impedance of the first stage, considering Rc1

Ro' 1 = Rc` || Ro = 10 k || = 10 k

' Ro = 10 k 1 ' Ro is the source resistance for the second stage. 1

y o2 = h oe

h fe hre hie + Ro' 1

= h + R' 0 ie o1

h fe

y o2 = 0

1 1 Ro2 = y o2 = 0 =

Ro2 is the output impedance of the transistor, by considering R' L

' Ro f = R02 || R L 1

= || 9.12 k = 9.12 k
Ro f = 9.12 k

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Overall Input Resistance

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Ri f = Ri || R 1 B
= 1.30 k || (50 k || 50 k) = 1.30 || 25 k \ 3.47 103
Ri f = 1.235 k

Overall Voltage Grain ( A i f )

Vo V0 Vo AV f = V1 = V2 V1
= AV2 AV1 = 433.3 36.54 = 15832.7

AV p = 15.83 103

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