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Portfolio Item 7: Reference Evaluation Lucero Villegas

CST 430 Instructor Eric Y. Tao March 26, 2013

Research Question How has the H-2A Visa affected the agricultural field in California in the past ten years? Website Source UFW: The official web page of the united farm workers of America. (2008, July 29). Retrieved from a. The item above directly relates to the research question because it has a direct page explaining and supporting the H-2A Visa. b. I utilized Google to find the item. c. Keywords that are found within this website are H-2A Visa facts and phrases describing its background, such as its start as the Bracero Program d. The search strategy used: UFW AND H-2A Visa AND Agriculture e. United Farm Workers has authority/power and can make a difference on how agricultural workers are treated in the U.S. f. This source is very accurate, since it presents facts and figures about farm workers in America. g. UFWs point of view is to support the H-2A Visa, and that it can help improve the agricultural field work in the U.S. h. The website is up to date on recent events regarding field workers and problems they face. i. The purpose of the source is to spread knowledge about the importance of field workers in the United States.

j. The scope of the source is in the United States, and also to influence the countries that supply the farm workers. k. This source is non-scholarly because any type of university and/or association did not publish it. l. The item is a primary source because it contains information that I do not know of, such as dates and the history of the H-2A Visa. Book Source Daniels, R. (2002). Coming to America: A history of immigration and ethnicity in American life. New York: Perennial. a. The item directly relates to the research question because it presents what immigrants experience and also facts about the H-2A Visa. b. I used the database to find the book. c. A Library Catalog for CSUMB represented the keyword immigration for the research question. d. Immigration AND History AND H-2A Visa e. The source may be among many books about immigration-lessening its authority, but presents great ideas about immigration. f. Roger Daniels, the author of the book, is a History Professor so the source is very accurate. g. The professor may have the strong point of view of allowing more immigrants to flow into the United States.

h. This book was published in 2002, over ten years ago, so immigration policies may have changed in time since then. However, this may also help because the main research question focuses on the past ten years. i. The purpose of the source is to recount first-hand what immigrants have to endure to be able to come to America. j. The scope of the source is to U.S. citizens. k. This item is scholarly, since it is available and presented by CSUMB. l. The source is primary because the text contains experiences that immigrants have had in the past. Book Source Notkin, D. J., Young, B. L., Polen, D., & American Immigration Lawyers Association. (2008). Immigration options for essential workers. Washington, DC: American Immigration Lawyers Association. a. This source contains information on how farm workers can obtain the H-2A Visa, which relates to the research question. b. I used to find the book. c. American Immigration Lawyers Association co-authored the book and Yale University has it included in its Library Catalog. d. H-2A Visa AND Process AND Options e. All of the authors of the source are involved with laws and policies, so they have a word and authority. f. Once again, lawyers presented this book so it is very accurate and many notorious universities provide it.

g. The point of view of this text is neutral; it just contains what types of immigration options are available to foreign countries. h. The book was published in 2008, which was recent. i. The purpose of the source is for individuals to know how they can obtain the ability to work in the U.S. j. The scope of the source is for other law students to be able to help immigrants to be allowed to come into the United States for labor. k. The item is scholarly because it is available in many universities. l. This is a secondary source, for an association published it. Journal Source Devadoss, S., & Luckstead, J. (2011). Implications of immigration policies for the U.S. farm sector and workforce. Economic inquiry, 49(3), 857-875. doi:10.1111/j.1465-7295.2010.00300.x. a. The item directly relates to the research question because it includes the H-2A policy within its text. b. I used EBSCOhost within the CSUMB database. c. The Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology support the research question. d. Immigration AND Agriculture e. Both of the authors are professors and different universities, and may not have the authority to change policies but can write and publish their findings. f. Since the authors are professors, they can be relied on for presenting accurate facts. g. The authors point of view may involve reforming policies that involve immigration.

h. The journal is very recently published in the year 2011 and up to date. i. The purpose of the source is to write about different policies that the U.S. has for farmworkers. j. The scope of the source is for all U.S. Citizens and students that want to learn about immigration or research it. k. The source is scholarly because it is presented by CSUMB as a peer-reviewed journal. l. The item is a secondary source; it is a published journal available to students. Website Source USCIS - H-2A agricultural workers. (2013, January 23). Retrieved from f6d1a/?vgnextoid=889f0b89284a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextc hannel=889f0b89284a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD. a. The item above highlights what countries qualify for the H-2A Visa and also how this has changed in the past few years. b. I used Google Scholar to find the source. c. The heading for the Website is: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. d. The search strategy used: H-2A Visa AND Immigration AND Services. e. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has huge authority of who will be allowed into the United States. f. This is a Department source presenting facts, so it is very accurate. g. The sources point of view is neutral, it just presents facts about the H-2A Visa, such as what steps to take to be able to work in the U.S.

h. This website was updated in January of 2013, so it is very on time. i. The purpose of the source is for foreign individuals to know what to do to obtain the H2A Visa, along with other possible Visas. j. The scope of the source is to not only reach the U.S., but also the eligible countries for the Visa. k. This is not a scholarly source because it was not published by an educational society. l. This source is a secondary source, for I can use it to include extra information about my main research question. Journal Source Whalley, L. E., Grzywacz, J. G., Quandt, S. A., Vallejos, Q. M., Walkup, M., Haiying, C., & ... Arcury, T. A. (2009). Migrant farmworker field and camp safety and sanitation in eastern North Carolina. Journal Of Agromedicine, 14(4), 421-436. doi:10.1080/10599240903389508. a. The item directly relates to the research question because it presents what farm workers have to face everyday at work and may contain information on how this has changed in the past ten years. b. I utilized EBSCOhost through the CSUMB database. c. The Department of Epidemiology and Prevention and North Carolina is provided as the subject heading in the CSUMB Library. d. Immigration AND H-2A Visa e. Many authors contributed to this journal, but had to go to higher authorities to cite their research so they many not have as much authority over work policies.

f. The text is very accurate, since it is available to students, and it is also supported by the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention along with others. g. The authors may have the bias that the workers safety is not well controlled and present this in the source. h. The journal was recently published in 2009, supporting the ten-year gap for the research question. i. The purpose of the source is to educate North Carolinas workers and those with higher authority about improving the safety of farm workers. j. The scope of the source is for North Carolina, but can also be used to be compared to the U.S. overall. k. This item is scholarly; it is available to many university students. l. The item is also secondary, since it is a publication.

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