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1. A cavity radiator at 5000 K has a hole of 10 mm diameter, drilled in its wall. Find the power radiated through the hole in the wavelength region 550 551 nm. (5.4 W) 2. Assume that the Sun radiates as a black body. The radius of the Sun is RS = 7x1010 cm and the average distance between the Sun and earth is DSE = 1.5x1013 cm. The solar constant (the amount of energy falling on the earth per unit time per unit area when the Sun is overhead) is 1.40x103 W/cm2. Using this information estimate the surface temperature of the Sun. (T=5805K) 3. Light of wavelength 200 nm falls on an aluminium surface. In case of aluminium 4.2 eV are required to remove an electron. What is the kinetic energy of (a) the fastest and (b) the slowest emitted photoelectrons? (c) What is the stopping potential? (d) What is the cut off wavelength for aluminium? (e) If the intensity of the incident light is 2.0 W/m2, what is the average number of photons per unit time per unit area that strike the surface. ((a) 2eV, (b) 0 eV (c) 2V, (d) 295.5nm, (e) 2.0x1018/m2-s) 4. The work function of a tungsten surface is 5.4 eV. When the surface is illuminated by light of wavelength 175 nm, the maximum photoelectron energy is 1.7 eV. Find the Plancks constant from these data. (6.63x10-34 J-s) 5. Consider an X-ray beam, with = 1.00 , and also a -ray beam from a Cs137 sample, with = 1.88x102 . If the radiation scattered from free electrons is viewed at 90o to the incident beam: (a) What is the Compton wavelength shift in each case? (b) What kinetic energy is given to a recoiling electron in each case? (c) What percentage of the incident photon energy is lost in the collision in each case? ((a) 0.0243 , (b) 0.295 keV, 378 keV, (c) 2.4%, 57%) 6. Discuss why it is difficult to see the Compton effect using visible light? 7. Why, in Compton scattering, would you expect to be independent of the materials of which the scatterer is composed. 8. Show that pair production cannot occur in empty space. 9. An electron moving with a speed 2c/511 hits a positron at rest. The two particles annihilate each other and the two photons are emitted in exactly opposite directions. Find the energies of these photons. Mass of the electron = mass of the positron = 511 keV/c2. (510 keV and 512 keV) 10. X-ray diffraction from a crystal gives a strong peak at an angle of 120o from the incident beam. The X-ray wavelength is 1.5 . Find the spacing between the adjacent atomic planes giving rise to this diffraction. (1.5 )

11. What accelerating voltage would be required for electrons in an electron microscope to obtain the same ultimate resolving power as that which could be obtained from a -ray microscope using 0.2 MeV rays. (37.7 kV) 12. A thermal neutron has a kinetic energy (3/2)kT where T is room temperature (300 K). Such neutrons are in thermal equilibrium with normal surroundings. (a) What is the energy in electron volts of a thermal neutron? (b) What is its de Broglie wavelength? ((a) 0.0375 eV, (b) 1.488 ) 13. A particle moving with kinetic energy equal to its rest mass energy has a de Broglie wavelength of 1.7898x106 . If the kinetic energy doubles, what is the new de Broglie wavelength? (1.096x10-6 ) 14. An electron has a de Broglie wavelength of 2.00x1012 m. Find its kinetic energy and the phase and group velocities of its de Broglie waves. (292 keV, 1.30c, 0.771c) 15. Show that the group velocity and the phase velocity are related by the expression: vg = vp (dvp/d). 16. Certain surface waves in a fluid travel with phase velocity / , where b is a constant. Find the group velocity of a packet of surface waves, in terms of the phase velocity. (vg = (3/2)vp) 17. A measurement made on the y coordinate of an electron, which is a member of a broad parallel beam moving in the x direction, by introducing into the beam a slit of narrow width y. Show that as a result an uncertainty py is introduced in the y-component of the electron, such that pyy /2, as required by the uncertainty principle. Do this by considering the diffraction of the wave associated with the electron. 18. Using Heisenberg uncertainty principle, estimate the minimum possible energy of a linear harmonic oscillator of mass m. The potential for such a particle is V(x) = m2x2/2. 19. A measurement establishes the position of a proton with an accuracy of 1.00x1011 m. Find the uncertainty in the protons position 1.00 s later. Assume v<<c. (3.15 km) 20. A charged pion has rest mass energy 140 MeV and lifetime 2.6x108 s. Find the uncertainty in determination of the rest mass energy and express it as a fraction of the rest mass energy itself. (1.8x10-16) 21. In one model of nuclear force between two nucleons, it is assumed that one nucleon (proton or neutron) emits a pi-meson of rest mass energy 135 MeV and other nucleon absorbs it. Estimate the range of nuclear force. (1.4x10-15 m)

22. An atom can radiate at any time after it is excited. It is found that in a typical case the average excited atom has a life-time of about 10-8 sec. Calculate the uncertainty E in the energy of the excited sate of the atom. (3.3x10-8 eV)

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