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8 theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 19 2009

news without borders

by Tan Yi Liang Deputy public prosecutor Saiful

‘Dentist aware of payments Hazmi Mohd Saad then challenged
the relevance of the polygraph
KUALA LUMPUR: A witness in the recordings to the proceedings, and
graft trial of former Tourism Ma- Saseedharan rebutted that the poly-
laysia director-general Datuk Mirza graph test was specifically focused
Mohammad Taiyab Beg Mirza Hadi on Mirza Mohd Taiyab.
Hassan Beg told the sessions court “This is part of the investigations,
yesterday that she was aware his bills
were being paid by a third party, but
did not inform him of it.
“All bill notification is done by
my office manager, and she told
him we would inform him after the
treatment, and the bill and charges
but didn’t tell accused’
the MACC investigation officers was tion?” Saseedharan said. 2005 followed the copy of the cheque,
and it goes to the root of the inves-
tigation and the charge,” he said in
response to repeated objections by
Saiful for questioning the polygraph
test done on Kamsiah.
Saseedharan then asked the court
to make a ruling on the relevance of
would be given then,” said Clinical not the one produced in 2005. “It was a creation,” Kamsiah said. and probably the manager could not the polygraph test and suggested an
Practice Prosthodontics owner Dr To a suggestion from Saseedha- “How is it a creation?” Saseedha- remember the date when the cheque adjournment.
Kamsiah Ghulam Haider, who was ran that the sales receipt was for ran said. was issued, so she created an invoice Mirza Mohd Taiyab is alleged to
the prosecution’s ninth witness. June 6, 2005, Kamsiah said she did “It could have been because a from that period. have received a bribe in the form of
She said the clinic manager pre- not agree. duplicate had gone missing and since Kamsiah then testified that she dental treatment worth RM13,860 in
pared the bills and handled how the Saseedharan then asked when it they insisted on a receipt, she could was subjected to a polygraph test as 2005 from Perunding Pakar Media
patients will pay. was prepared. have gone through the records and part of the MACC investigations and director Zulhisyam Ayob when he
“The clinic manager will then “It must have been when the prepared one,” Kamsiah said. passed it. was Tourism Malaysia’s deputy
show it us, so we don’t overcharge, ACA (now MACC) came to the of- When Saseedharan suggested that When asked why by Saseedha- director-general I. Zulhisham is
or charge wrongly,” she said. fice, they wanted a sales receipt, so the ACA asked her to put the date ran, she said because the statements alleged to have paid with a cheque
Under cross-examination by de- my manager printed out a receipt,” of June 8, 2005 on the receipt, and taken from her former husband the cost of the treatment at Clinical
fence counsel Saseedharan Menon, Kamsiah said. that was no sales receipt for June 8, Zulhisyam Ayob and other people Practice Prosthodontics Sdn Bhd.
Kamsiah said the receipt handed to “Was it an old receipt or a crea- Kamsiah said the receipt issued in were not consistent. The hearing continues on May 19.

Taiyab at
‘Impossible for Sujatha to take Paraquat unknowingly’
the court by S. Tamarai Chelvi Sakthiveloo said he asked her what managed by a medical assistant,” he screening,” he said.
yesterday. time she had consumed said. Replying to another question on
the Paraquat and she Asked by Fernandis post mortem, Sakthivello said that
KUALA LUMPUR: A doctor told a replied she was not sure whether it would have been normally, in medico-legal cases, if the
coroner’s inquest into the death of ... perhaps about 30 min- a better choice for Sujatha cause of death was known, the police
local actress K. Sujatha yesterday it utes to an hour before. to have been treated at KLH would not request for post mortem.
was “not possible” for her to have Hesaid he had also as it was equipped with the In Sujatha’s case, he said he was
drunk (weed-killer) Paraquat “un- asked her whether she best emergency facilities unaware the police had requested for
knowingly.” had vomitted after con- and referral centre, Sak- a post mortem, until about a month
During cross-examination by suming the weedkiller, thiveloo said the journey later. However, he said from medi-
lawyer Datuk K. Kumaraendran, who and she replied “once or (to KLH) would take about cal records, one of Sujatha’s family
is representing Maika Holdings Bhd twice”. 20 minutes, and another 20 members had requested that no post
chief executive officer Vell Paari Fernandis : Did you to 25 minutes at the triage mortem be carried out.
and the deceased’s family, Dr S.P. ask her why she drank counter. Sakthiveloo agreed with Fernandis’
Sakthiveloo (pix) said this was based Paraquat? “On the way to the Klang hospital suggestion that if post mortem was
on three reasons: Sakthiveloo: I did. She did not which took 45 minutes, I had already conducted, there would have been
» First, it was said she had taken answer. contacted a house officer (doctor) at conclusive evidence that Sujatha
two to three gulps but the “lavage” Sakthiveloo said Sujatha was the emergency department to pre- died after consuming weedkiller.
(content of the stomach taken out) relatively quiet and had given mono- pare the antidote and treatment to He also told coroner Mohd Fauzi
showed a large amount; syllabic answers to his questions. wash Sujatha’s stomach immediately Che Abu at all material times (a dura-
» Second, the distinctive smell (of Earlier, Sakthiveloo told the in- upon arrival,” he explained. tion of five days), he was updated on
Paraquat) which puts a person off; quest rather than refer Sujatha to the Pressed further by Fernandis that Sujatha’s medical condition and had
and nearby Kuala Lumpur Hospital (KLH), since he was attached to the govern- also closely monitored her progress.
» Third, there was evidence to indi- he had recommended she be sent ment hospital, he could do the same Cross-examined by Kumaraen-
cate she had consumed it directly to TARH in Klang to cut red tape and at the KLH by avoiding the triage dran, Sakthiveloo said apart from him,
from the bottle. enable him to monitor her progress. counter, the doctor said he could not five other specialists had attended to
Sakthiveloo, 35, who is operat- Sakthiveloo said he gave this comment on that, as he had never Sujatha at the Klang hospital. “Gener-
ing a clinic in Klang, was testifying advice to Vell Paari, who is his first done that. ally, they had the same opinion that
at the inquest of Sujatha, 28, who cousin, about 6pm on June 19, 2007, To another question by Fernandis, Sujatha had consumed paraquat
died at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah to avoid traffic jams and unnecessary the doctor admitted there was no (weedkiller), based on local and
Hospital (TARH) in Klang on June 25, delays at the KLH. urine and blood sample sent for systemic effects on her body.”
2007, four days after admission, for “As I am attached to the hospital, toxicology screening. “Samples of He said the outcome would have
consuming weedkiller. I can cut through the red tape for gastric lavage (draining the stomach been the same if Sujatha was admit-
Asked by DPP Anselm Charles such cases by bringing her (Sujatha) contents), urine and blood samples ted at the KLH.
Fernandis if he had questioned directly to the ‘Yellow Zone’, rather were done but not for the toxicology The inquest continues on April 22.
Sujatha during the journey to TARH, than the triage counter which is

MCA laments A-G’s double standard

PETALING JAYA: The decision on his part to institute criminal
of the Attorney General’s (A-G) proceedings must be impartial
office to institute criminal pro- and seen to be impartial.”
ceedings must be impartial and Gan said: “We are concerned
be seen to be impartial, MCA that his decision to charge Kar-
political education bureau head pal Singh with section 4(1)(b) of
Gan Ping Sieu said. the Secition Act 1948 may bring
Drawing a comparison be- disrepute to his office.”
tween action by the A-G’s office “There have been many police
against DAP national chairman reports lodged against politicians
Karpal Singh and the non-action who made unwarranted racist
against Bukit Bendera Umno remarks on matters of public
head Datuk Ahmad Ismail de- concern, including police reports
spite a barrage of police reports lodged by MCA Penang against
against the latter’s offensive Ahmad Ismail on his pendatang
remarks about the Chinese com- and penumpang remarks, but no
munity in the country, he said: action was taken.”
“The A-G’s office is a creation The proprietary to charge
of the Federal Constitution and Karpal Singh is questionable and
he is required to discharge his would only convey the percep-
functions conferred on him by or tion of selective prosecution,
under the Constitution and any Gan said adding: “The A-G must
other written law. Any decision reconsider his decision.”

Tee Keat undecided on suing Pulai MCA chief

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president on March 1 that Ong and Low had
Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat has not gone to nightspots and drank liquor
made up his mind on suing Pulai together overseas some years
chief Low Teh Hian for a remark that back.
questioned his moral value. Ong said he believed that once
Ong told theSun in the Parlia- Low received a legal notice, Low
ment lobby: “I will tell you that would understand what is meant
ok?” by “having to take responsibility for
Oriental Daily News reported what one says”.

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