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10  theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 19 2009

news without borders

Army-backed leader cements grip in Madagascar

ANTANANARIVO: Madagascar’s new power and controlling some dissent in the president on Tuesday after most of the
president, Andry Rajoelina (pix inset), cel- armed forces. military backed his rival, who had led weeks
ebrated and consolidated power yesterday “We will bring about the return to a of anti-government strikes and protests.
after being appointed by the Indian Ocean normal life, to security and above all na- The outcome was a slap in the face
island’s military in a move drawing interna- tional reconciliation, which is at the heart for the African Union, which has censured Supporters
tional disapproval. of democracy,” he told several thousand recent violent transfers of power that have of Andry
Rajoelina, a 34-year-old former disc supporters celebrating in the capital Antan- damaged the continent’s reputation with Rajoelina
jockey who is now the youngest and newest anarivo’s May 13 square. investors. celebrate in
president in Africa, partied with supporters In a boost to Rajoelina’s legitimacy, While the military was crucial in install- the centre of
in the street after meeting his ministers to Madagascar’s Constitutional Court issued ing the opposition leader, analysts say he Madagascar’s
plan strategy. a statement endorsing the takeover. also has the backing of exiled former presi- capital on
His priorities are anti-poverty pro- He is to be formally sworn in on Satur- dent Didier Ratsiraka and his allies. Some Tuesday.
grammes expected by locals, handling day. analysts said former colonial ruler France
international concern at his ascent to Marc Ravalomanana, 59, resigned as gave him tacit support too. – Reuters

Fritzl ‘born to rape’: Psychiatrist

SANKT POELTEN (Austria): Josef Fritzl felt he was
“born to rape” and so should be placed in psychi-
atric care because of the risk he would re-offend, a
“He is aware – he says so himself – that he has
an evil side. He is aware that he was born to rape.
He has that partly under control. But as soon as he
AIG CEO defends bonuses
as public fury mounts
psychiatrist told the court in Austria yesterday. loosens his grip, everything erupts out.”
Fritzl, who held his daughter as a sex slave for Kastner said she had asked why he had chosen
24 years and yesterday changed his plea to admit Elisabeth out of his seven legitimate children as
all the charges against him, was aware of his evil his victim.
side, psychiatrist Adelheid Kastner told the court. “He replied: because she was most like me.
“The danger is still very much there that he will She was as stubborn me, as strong as me. The
reoffend if he is not treated. It is necessary that he stronger your opponent, the bigger the victory.
continue being treated until he can no longer be That may very well have been the reason.” WASHINGTON: The head of AIG said essary to retain top employees with the special-
classified as dangerous. Thus, the conditions are in Kastner spoke after Fritzl dramatically changed yesterday the “cold realities of competition” ised knowledge to dispose of US$2.7 trillion in
place for him to be put in a psychiatric institute.” his plea to guilty on all charges, having previously compelled the insurer to pay US$165 million complex securities that ended up dragging the
The prosecution has demanded that Fritzl serve denied murder and slavery. (RM610 million) in bonuses, and acknowl- company to the brink of collapse last year.
any sentence in a facility for mentally abnormal The 73-year-old said his change of heart had edged that bailout-weary Americans’ patience Liddy, who took over as chairman and chief
offenders. come after seeing the video testimony of Elisabeth was running thin. executive six months ago when the govern-
In a 130-page report, Kastner had concluded about her ordeal in a dark, damp bunker where American International Group Inc has come ment first stepped in to try to stabilise AIG, said
before the trial that Fritzl suffered serious per- the court was told Fritzl raped her at will. under intense fire from the public, politicians the company had made mistakes “on a scale
sonality problems, but was responsible for his “I plead guilty to the crimes I’ve been charged and President Barack Obama for accepting up few could have ever imagined possible”.
actions during the 24 years he raped and abused with,” Fritzl told the court. “I’m sorry.” to US$180 billion (RM660 billion) in govern- That stark admission did little to dull the
his daughter Elisabeth. The three judges later withdrew to start their ment aid and then handing out multimillion- anger directed toward him yesterday. Senate
Fritzl, she said, felt he was “born to rape”. deliberations and draw up a list of questions to dollar bonuses, but Edward Liddy said the Republican leader Mitch McConnell called the
“On the surface, everything functions smoothly. put to the jury. The eight-strong jury then makes best hope for recouping taxpayer money was bonus situation “an offense to the taxpayers,
But deep down, his unfulfilled needs are simmer- its verdict on the basis of those questions. The to keep running AIG as a business. and we’re going to get to the bottom of it, even
ing,” she told the court. verdict and sentencing is expected today. – AFP “No one knows better than I that AIG has if the Department of the Treasury hasn’t”.
been the recipient of generous amounts of US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
government financial aid,” he said in remarks said late on Tuesday that AIG would have
prepared for delivery to a congressional com- to promise to compensate taxpayers for the
mittee. bonuses as a condition for receiving a planned
“We have been the beneficiary of the US$30 billion expansion of its bailout.
American people’s forbearance and patience. But Geithner said anger toward Liddy was
And we are acutely aware not only that we “unjustified” because he had joined AIG at the
must be good stewards of the public funds we government’s behest and the problems there
have received, but that the patience of Ameri- predated him.
ca’s taxpayers is wearing thin,” he said. Meanwhile in NEW YORK, an account-
Fury over the bonuses threatens to under- ant for jailed swindler Bernard Madoff was
mine Obama’s efforts to solve the credit crisis charged with fraud for failing to conduct au-
and pull the economy out of a deep recession. dits in what was the biggest investment fraud
Many voters view the financial rescues as free on Wall Street.
handouts to wealthy executives who made US prosecutors filed criminal charges
bad decisions, and the fat bonuses – although against accountant David Friehling, and the
relatively small compared to the government’s US Securities and Exchange Commission
US$700 billion bailout fund – have fueled that leveled civil charges against the 49-year-old,
anger. the first person to be prosecuted other than
The situation has put Obama in a tight spot Madoff, a former chairman of the Nasdaq
as he tries to strike the right balance between stock market.
sharing the public’s outrage and keeping his The SEC alleged that Friehling’s fraud ran
focus on the bigger issue of repairing the from 1991 to 2008 and that he “essentially sold
economy. Some economists have warned that his license to Madoff for more than 17 years
the bonuses could become a distraction that while Madoff’s Ponzi scheme went undetec-
delays recovery efforts. ted”. In a Ponzi scheme, early investors are
AIG has argued that the payouts were nec- paid with money from new clients. – Reuters

“The number of reports of US citizens being

drugged in bars has increased significantly in
briefs recent weeks,” the embassy warned online
and in a rare email alert after similar warnings
Prisoner cleared of murder by the British and Australian embassies.
“Typically, the victim unknowingly drinks a
after 27 years beverage that has been secretly mixed with a
LONDON: One of Britain’s longest cases of wrong- drug that renders the victim unconscious for
ful imprisonment came to an end yesterday when several hours,” the embassy said.
the appeal court cleared a man who has spent 27 The alert said commonly “large sums of
years behind bars for a murder he did not commit. money are charged to the victim’s credit card
The Lord Chief Justice and two other judges ruled or the card is stolen outright” before the victim
that Sean Hodgson’s conviction for the murder of a wakes up in the bar or on the street. – AFP
22-year-old barmaid was unsafe in the light of DNA
evidence unavailable at the time of his 1982 trial. France attacks pope’s condom
Outside court, a frail-looking Hodgson, 57, said
he was “ecstatic” to have been cleared. comments
Hodgson had denied the charge in court at PARIS: France yesterday slammed Pope Benedict
the time and has always since insisted on his XVI’s claim that condoms are worsening the AIDS
innocence. Teresa De Simone was found in 1979 epidemic, saying it would harm global efforts to
raped and strangled in her car. – Reuters tackle the spread of the disease.
“Such comments are a threat to public health
US warns of drink-spiking policies and the duty to protect human life,” foreign
ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier told reporters.
in Tokyo bars Benedict XVI began his first visit as pope to
TOKYO: The US embassy in Japan has advised its AIDS-ravaged Africa on Tuesday, telling reporters
citizens to avoid bars in Tokyo’s Roppongi enter- that AIDS was a tragedy “that cannot be overcome
tainment district, popular with tourists, warning through the distribution of condoms, which even
of a sharp rise in drink-spiking incidents. aggravates the problems”. – AFP

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