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16 theSun | THURSDAY MARCH 19 2009


Penang’s eternal property shine

AS PENANGITES remain edgy interest among certain buyers. prices remain strong and stable modern concrete expanse of transactions here. A string of
over the economic crisis, keep- Mind you, the real drama is over the next few years. Amaz- bungalows and semi-detached new launches has also attracted
ing an anxious eye for signs of on mainland Seberang Perai. ingly, even unknown areas like houses. buyers from the island with vast
retrenchment and factory clo- The reason is obvious if one the Juru-Simpang Ampat stretch, Indeed, the southwest district differences in prices.
sures, one sector has appeared were to know that the popula- previously remembered only for where Balik Pualu is located has And then there are other up-
to survive the global gloom that tion growth is higher on the dusty villages and muddy rivers, seen prices of landed houses coming infrastructure projects
threatens to shroud the state. mainland than on the island. have started to expand and de- moving along an upward trend. that are making realtors drool
The property sector, it has The island now has a popula- velop. One of Penang’s newest There is one factor that may in anticipation. The 25-year-
been said, has always shone in tion of 700,000 compared to the hip and fashionable modern affect prices in the near future. old bridge across the Penang
Penang like the “Pearl of the Ori- mainland whose numbers have enclaves, the Juru Auto-City, Rampant speculative buying, channel is being widened to
ent” that the state is symbolically exceeded 800,000. has emerged here, drawing TheNutmeg especially high-cost apartments, accommodate more vehicles.
referred to as. Over the last few So when the second Penang hundreds every night. Verses may cause prices to dip. This And the Penang International
years, realtors have been buzz- Bridge is completed, as it is pro- On the island, prices around is especially true in the tourist Airport is being upgraded as
ing with activity as foreigners jected to by the middle of 2012, Batu Maung, where the bridge is by Himanshu Bhatt
belt from Tanjung Bungah to is Swettenham Pier in George
and Malaysians alike incessantly it is mainland Penang, with Batu slated to be connected, have also Batu Ferringhi, which is seeing Town. The construction of the
snap up new projects. Kawan as its new heart, which escalated. Residential property several high-rise condominium Penang Sentral transport hub is
In fact, if a recent report by will see a new-found boom. For prices in nearby areas like Relau projects. also expected to be under way in
Henry Butcher Malaysia is any- the bridge will directly link Batu and Bayan Baru have surged There are signs that pur- Butterworth.
thing to go by, Penangites should Kawan to the island. by 20%. Even Balik Pulau, the chases made for such projects And should other mega-
brace themselves for some new No surprise then that a Ko- sleepy, traditional rural side of for investment purposes are be- projects that have been stalled
growth areas despite the finan- rean investor has already com- Penang, located on the other side ginning to affect the market now – like the monorail and the
cial downturn that is besetting mitted to build an international of the hills that dissect the island, as the original buyers sweat to Penang outer ring road – finally
the national economy. golf course at a cost of RM350 is seeing signs of boom. sell off their units. The situation get implemented, one can hardly
And the main engine of the million in the area. “It will ben- Anyone who visits the old threatens to bring prices of such foresee the property sector be-
property market is the residential efit surrounding areas, includ- town of Balik Pulau today after properties down later this year. ing even remotely affected by an
sector. It effectively contributed ing firms in the Bukit Minyak a lapse of a few years would be In contrast, landed resi- economic crisis for a long time.
to about 70% of the property industrial park,” says Henry in for a shock. A quiet planta- dential property has remained
deals that were signed in 2008. Butcher’s senior manager, Fook tion area behind the town’s more resilient, especially on the
This was mainly due to low Tone Huat. old famous church is no more; mainland, where houses priced Himanshu is Penang bureau
housing interest rates and also Fook forecasts a flurry of new replaced by tarred roads criss- from RM100,000 to RM200,000 chief. Comments: letters@thesun-
new products that ignited fresh growth areas, even as property crossing around a sprawling contributed to 34% of total

» From Page 15 edge among law enforcers on the subject is yet not guilty and bail was set at
another problem. The penalties are too low to RM19,000. The same suspect
to act as a deterrent to smugglers. The police act as a deterrent. Many offenders get away with was apprehended in 2004 for
and customs have powers to take action on the a compound. having 182 pangolins and 1.3kg
smugglers, however, we don’t see it being done of pangolin scales. He was fined
effectively. How many cases have been solved (over the RM7,500. The estimated value of
That is one reason why Southeast Asia is one last 10 years)? the seizures is RM86,000.
of the main players in this trade. The police, Perhilitan solved a remarkable 6,587 wildlife Officers also raided a store in
Customs, Cites and the judiciary should work trade cases from 2005 till January this year. Some Segamat, Johor, last November
closely with each other in combating the illegal 44 cases were taken to court. The department where 7,093 clouded monitor
wildlife trade. also seized 917 owls in Muar last November and lizards with an estimated weight
319 in Kuantan in January. of 35 tons were confiscated. The
How effective is the Protection of Wildlife It conducted checks on pet shops under Ops black market value is estimated
Act? Sayang and the premises of taxidermists and at RM50-80 a kilo.
The Act should be reviewed as it is outdated and leather hide sellers under Ops 49 and Ops Kulit, The department’s officers
has many loopholes. There are some provisions last year. seized more than RM3 million
in the Act, which could not be revealed, and that Officers from its headquarters raided a house worth of live and dead exotic
alone has hampered the implementation of the in Muar last November, where nine “totally wildlife. The seizures followed
law. It doesn’t serve as a deterrent to curb the protected” and four “protected” wildlife species raids at two locations in Johor. In
problem and the lack of awareness and knowl- were found in a freezer. The suspect pleaded other raids in the state, more than
13 species of protected animals
were seized. Among the animals
found were 7,000 clouded moni-
tor lizards, 1,000 owls, pangolins,
crested serpent eagles, pythons,
mousedeer, Malayan porcupine,
wild pigs and bear body parts.

Traffic has launched an online

petition to push for a revision of
the present law. What has the
support from the public been?
The petition asks for changes to
the protection of wildlife. The
response is disappointing. We
A smuggler caught with parrot eggs sewn into his vest.
have only about 3,700 signatures
altogether and our target is about
100,000. It’s been nearly a year
and if you look at the list of people who have ask any kid, “What’s the name of this plant?”,
signed up, a lot of them are from outside they probably won’t know.
Malaysia so we have a lot of foreigners sign- Some of the NGOs, for example Malay-
ing in. One of the things about the public is sian Nature Society and WWF, are doing a
that if they are not affected then it is not their great job in educating the public on plants
problem. If a tiger is killed, how is it going to and animals and they’ve been doing it for
affect me and my family? It’s got nothing to years but you still see a lot of people not
do with my family so I’m not going to sign it appreciating what is around them. This also
or they don’t realise its importance. So it’s the reflects on our development: builders and
understanding of the whole ecosystem that is contractors are given permits to develop
lacking in Malaysia. just about anything. So you wonder who
And I think environmental education is needs to be educated – the children or the
missing from the syllabus. So you see chil- adults.
dren, even my nieces, who have pets but they
don’t understand where the animals came What are the programmes prepared by
from and their habitat. So it’s just a matter of Traffic to create awareness among people
going to the pet store, coming back with an especially the younger generation?
animal and playing around with it. I remem- We give talks in schools. We have collaborat-
ber when I was a kid I used to go around the ed with Perhilitan to come up with a national
drains in Section 14 with some of my friends tiger action plan which was launched last
after school looking for tadpoles and tilapias year. We go to the villages and towns to talk
– we were actually monitoring some of the about the importance of conservation and
tadpoles to see how they were growing. we encourage villagers to report to Perhilitan
It’s so different now in terms of the educa- or any of these NGOs if they see snares or
tion before because I remember in school all suspected poachers. For adults, our main fo-
those years ago, teachers made sure we went cus has been enforcement agencies because
out of the class and walked around the school we feel we need to sensitise enforcement
just to see what was around the school. If you officers.

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