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1a. This session was beneficial. 1b. Why or why not? It was great having Jill available go back and fourth between 3's an Pre-K. She was able to help us see how important vertical coordination between grade levels is. I really liked being able to learn more about the curriculum--being new I am not as familiar with the curriculum as some of the other teachers, so I really enjoyed being able to participate in a discussion about the upcoming units. It was also interesting to see the different perspectives of each person in the room. As we learn more about vertical coordination we will decide the essential questions. Because we have a better understanding of our work. Great start...need to continue. Helps us talk together about why we are studying the topics we have in our curriculum. getting on the same page and looking forward seeing what is coming to us and what is needed for the next year As a new employee, it was a great time to discuss a specific unit we will cover. Making sure we are all on the same page and providing our students with the info they will need for Pre-K is important. This session helped us to identify goals for the students by creating learning objectives using "I can" statements. As a new assistant teacher to Trinity, the discussion about the essential learnings for the themes was helpful to understand the upcoming goals for the children. Subject matter difficult to expound on The subject we chose to elaborate on (the five senses) seemed a difficult one to broaden. I feel it is a HUGE benefit to every teacher to understand where your child is coming from and where they need to be headed. It made us think about what we expect our students to know when they leave us in 6th grade. Enjoyable session, hard to decide where to start. Since I have had no experience working with the I can statements I was able to make some sense of it. With half of our team missing (at Jekyll) it was difficult to create I Can statements without them. Additionally, our curriculum/program is looking at alternatives, so making statements with the possibility of change is confusing. Unfortunately, we didn't have our whole team but we were able to come up with a good starting point for the WL "I can" statements. The opportunity to share ideas with coworkers. It was helpful to coordinate with teachers of other grade levels to discuss various facets of social studies. Very good work done with grade level I Can statements

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Agree Strongly Agree

Very good work done with grade level I Can statements I worked alone because Kristi is at Jekyll, and I would have enjoyed discussing ideas with her. However, the exercise was beneficial. It is always important to get to the basics of what we expect our students to learn. We can be more focused on the skills we need to teach our students. Having the students understand this is also very important. It was a good refresher for our overhand throw skill It's always good to take a look at our curriculum and break it down. It's like a nice refresher. We also worked from the bottom, up, which is something that worked well. It was great for the first grade team to talk about the I Can statements that we hope to have for our SS unit on Georgia. I feel like we are walking and walking and walking in circles. This meeting was very frustrating for me, and I would have preferred meeting time with one other team. I really liked Arleen's idea about drafting "I Can" Statements with each individual grade level and then coming together to reflect and edit. I felt it was a great conversation, but don't know how productive it was for everyone involved. I have always wanted to spend more time on "understanding goals!" I hope this will help us all with the big picture. We needed time to sit down as a team and start to plan out and ask questions about how and what we are going to teach in our Georgia unit. Time is critical for us and we need as much as possible! I like that there was a clear objective that we were working towards in our meeting. A lot of our past meetings have been theoretical, but haven't had a lot of practical applications. The big picture for SS grades 3-4-5 was discussed rather than a single grade or just a two grade connection. I really liked having the fifth grade teachers present. This 3-4-5 connection was a first for me during my five years at Trinity. I liked having exposure to the 5th grade curriculum! This session was beneficial because it helped me begin to see some of the vertical social studies connection in grades K, 1st, and 2nd. It also was beneficial on a horizontal level as well. Our 2nd grade team was able to plan I can statements for our Native American Unit. I hope that we can have this workshop again. As a Specials teacher, it was very helpful to get together with grade levels to focus on aligning our class goals and discuss where we overlap. Also, discuss the gaps that exist and ways to make our lessons more fluid. As a new faculty member, it was beneficial for me to hear what the goals of 3rd and 5th grade are. Gave the Music Teachers a chance to discuss vertical coordination and write down "i can" statements for students at Trinity school. makes me more intentionally aware Gave the 1st grade a chance to design "I can" statements that will build a foundation for 2nd grade. Since I came to Trinity in 2007, I have been asking the first grade team to work on essential questions, I had to write every lesson plan during student teaching using backwards design. This was the first time the entire first grade team has come together to write essential questions. However, There needs to be more training on what essentials questions are and there needs to be administrative leadership helping teams work on curriculum. First grade worked this summer on the new GA unit, but Dawn has no idea what we are even planning on covering, nor has there been support with taking on this new unit. Yesterday was very helpful, but we need MORE. It gave Pat and I a chance to sit down and talk about different levels of curriculum. It once again made me realize that our students are doing and learning very similar things and concepts...just on different skill levels.

2a. The content of this session can be applied to my work. 2b. Why or why not? Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree Neutral I now have a better understanding of the difference between essential questions and learning targets--I have a better idea of where things should go in the classroom when we are getting into our specific units. It helps sets learning goals for the children. As we continue to explore our curriculum and what and why we teach different things, it seems the vertical I am not sure Helps in our planning

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I can use it as we approach the senses unit and help the children identify and correctly use what we are teaching. This helps me to know how our curriculum prepares our students for the next grade. The statements that we created as a team apply directly to the content we are teaching. By knowing what will be coming up, I can offer suggestions and ideas from activities I have done in the past with my other classes. Helps to establish goals for 3 year olds It made me realize the different of opportuniities I have to reinforce the five senses. It not only allows for you to gain knowledge on the particular child but also on what you might not have taken into account or even thought of yourself. It also allows children who need more help to get it as well as the children who can already achieve the goal to move onto something more diffcult but still stay in the same releam of education. This allowed us to take the time to really think about what our mission is for our students and will help guide us as we plan for future lessons. Gives me a big picture. Helps me to know the end product.

Will be applied to our upcoming study of Thanksgiving. At this juncture, I'm not sure I will be able to apply this directly, but eventually, I think it will be very helpful.

I plan units by determining what the students need to know at the end of the unit, creating the list

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Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree

of objectives or "I can" statements first. The essence of Choice - Art is about the creative process which can be used in all areas of the school and in life! Getting to the basics is great! Not always easy, but really essential. We can use it in our lessons that involve overhand throwing and build a stronger spiraling progression from one grade to the next, ultimately making a better, more cohesive experience for the kids. I can see it potentially helping me with comments on progress reports and assessments. It will also remind us to use a spiraling curriculum. This will guide our planning and teaching. Until an end point is determined, I struggle with spending so much time on things that don't seem to change. I love the idea of making a vertical kid-friendly curriculum map. I think it helps me decide how to think about my work with children. I will know if I am covering the essential information that my kids need to be prepared for 4th grade. Also, I should know what my brand new 3rd graders know when they walk in my door for the first time.

Agree Strongly Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

Now, as third grade teachers, we can take the same information and apply it to our own I Can statements for SS and we can add sub bullets as well as explore the need for additional categories or the more logical merging of categories that were brought up for discussion today. Being new to the 2nd grade team, this time was especially helpful for me. It gave me a better understanding of the big picture of how all three grades coordinate as well as it helped me to clearly understand what was expected of the students in our Native American unit. I feel that I will be even more prepared to assist Kathy in teaching the Native American Unit in social studies. The content gathered from this session will help me enhance future lessons. Gives a focus for student outcome. Vertical Coordination is essential for building a curriculum that goes from ELD to ULD. This is what the whole school needs to be doing throughout the year. It feels like the curriculum died when I started at Trinity and as a community we have not spent time continuing to work on the curriculum and there is a lot more to do beyond social studies. For new faculty it seems as though there is no curriculum nor curriculum guide to even give them for reading, writing, grammar, science, or social studies. We only have math! I think there will always be new things that we can add to our "I can's". Having meetings and conversations like this frequently will keep the "I can's" on the forefront of my brain. There will always be new ways in which students are learning.

Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

3. My questions are: Can we please have a vertical coordination meeting with 3's and another time with K? Where exactly do we go from here? Can we meet again to continue this discussion? I am not sure about all I teach. I always want to be doing what is the best for the children. I truly want to follow the interest of children but maybe this isn't right. Have we covered everything?

How can we use this type of group discussion more often? How can we individually brainstorm and then come together to make the meeting more efficient?

Why did we not cover the same subject that the pre-k's It would be helpful so we vertical or coordinated How to tie this into a method that allows us to use this everyday, the school would function on a much higher level at a much easier pace. Will we have more time like this in the future - it was very helpful.

What next? I would like more time for this work but I would like to know where we are going with this and how it will apply to my classroom teaching.

Although I have students complete reflections, how can I best use "I Can" statements throughout a unit of study? Is the intention to share these with the students? I know I will when they begin their "Reflections" at the end of the week. I would like feedback on the document I am sending to Jill. I think I am on the right track!

What is the finished product going to look like? Will the finished product be useful/helpful? where are we going from here? What is the next step that we should take? I think I know our ultimate goal, but we could use some help determining the steps that we need to take to get there. As the question was posed by the group today, what is the end goal here? It would be helpful to have the entire faculty hear your statement about the fact that the vision/goal for the SS I can statements is clear, but the application and communication of the statements is not yet established.

One word of caution: I think it will be important to realize that just because we started with categories that were appropriate for grades 3-4-5 we should not, as a school, assume that there must be matching categories/headings for grades K-1-2 or Pre-K. While starting with the end in mind as to where we want our sixth graders to be when they leave is admirable, we do not want to "force down" skills to lower grades where it is not appropriate. This applies to the second graders next door to us! :-) When can we do this workshop again? Will there be another session such as this where I can have these discussions with Kindergarten? I was also wondering if it would be beneficial to have all of the Science specials to have these discussions to update some type of "Map of learning" to further guide or enhance the "I can's". I have none at this point. Will VC be a new way to design curriculum? When are we going to get more training on curriculum writing and expectations? When do we have time to work on this new curriculum, since 3 days this summer only got us a little way? How are we ever going to catch up on the abysmal state of our curriculum?

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