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OperaIor's Hahdbook

SupercohducIihg MagheI Power Supplies
(120 amps, 10 volIs)

Revisioh 12
1uhe 06
Oxford lnstruments Nano5cience
1ubhey Woods, Abihgdoh,
Oxoh, OX13 5QX, Lhglahd
1el: +44 (0)1865 393 200
Fax: +44 (0)1865 393 333

1 Warhihg ..................................................................................................................... 5
2 CauIiohs ..................................................................................................................... 6
3 IhIroducIioh............................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Use o! Ihis Mahual ...................................................................................... 7
3.2 DescripIioh o! LquipmehI........................................................................... 7
3.3 Warhihgs...................................................................................................... 7
3.4 ImporIahI NoIe ........................................................................................... 7
3.5 Disposal ahd recyclihg................................................................................. 7
4 Sa!eIy ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 ProIecIive Crouhd....................................................................................... 8
4.2 MagheI 1ermihals ....................................................................................... 8
4.3 Repair ahd Ad|usImehI ............................................................................... 8
4.4 Sa!eIy SIahdards.......................................................................................... 8
5 IhsIallaIioh................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Classi!icaIioh................................................................................................ 9
5.2 Supply CohhecIiohs..................................................................................... 9
5.3 LhvirohmehI .............................................................................................. 10
5.4 Hahdlihg ahd SIorage Ihcludihg 1rahsporI ............................................. 10
5.5 Classi!icaIioh.............................................................................................. 10
5.6 MaihIehahce.............................................................................................. 11
5.7 Cleahihg..................................................................................................... 11
5.8 CohhecIiohs ............................................................................................... 11
5.9 MouhIihg IhsIrucIioh................................................................................ 12
5.10 SysIem Crouhdihg..................................................................................... 12
5.11 MagheI CohhecIiohs................................................................................. 13
5.12 Serial DaIa Lihe CohhecIioh ..................................................................... 13
5.13 1he Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs ISO8US............................................................... 15
5.14 CPI8 (ILLL-488) CohhecIioh ...................................................................... 15
5.15 1he CPI8 Io ISO8US CaIeway ................................................................... 16
5.16 Parallel IhIer!ace CohhecIiohs.................................................................. 16
5.16.1 Sa!e CurrehI IhIerlock............................................................. 17
5.16.2 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh ...................................................................... 17
5.17 Ahalogue IhIer!ace CohhecIiohs.............................................................. 18
5.18 Coh!igurihg Ihe Power Supply !or Ihe MagheI....................................... 18
6 Local OperaIioh....................................................................................................... 20
6.1 FrohI Pahel CohIrols ................................................................................. 20
6.1.1 Power ....................................................................................... 20
6.1.2 Ad|usI....................................................................................... 20
6.1.3 CohIrol ..................................................................................... 20
6.1.4 SwiIch HeaIer .......................................................................... 21
6.1.5 Sweep CohIrol ......................................................................... 21
6.1.6 Display...................................................................................... 23
6.2 VolIage LimiIihg........................................................................................ 26
6.3 MeIerihg.................................................................................................... 27

6.4 FirsI 1ime OperaIioh ................................................................................. 27
7 RemoIe OperaIioh................................................................................................... 29
7.1 IhIroducIioh............................................................................................... 29
7.2 CommuhicaIioh ProIocols......................................................................... 29
7.3 Commahds ahd Respohses........................................................................ 29
7.4 Numeric ParameIers .................................................................................. 30
7.5 Use o! Ihe Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs ISO8US.................................................... 30
7.6 1he CPI8 IhIer!ace..................................................................................... 31
7.6.1 Sehdihg Commahds via Ihe CPI8............................................ 32
7.6.2 AccepIihg Respohses via Ihe CPI8.......................................... 32
7.6.3 1he SIaIus 8yIe, Use o! a Serial Poll ....................................... 32
7.6.4 Use o! Ihe Service RequesI Lihe.............................................. 33
7.6.5 Use o! Ihe Device Clear FuhcIioh............................................ 33
7.6.6 Use o! Ihe IhIer!ace Clear (IFC) FuhcIioh ............................... 33
7.6.7 Noh-ImplemehIed FeaIures o! Ihe CPI8 ................................ 34
7.6.8 CompaIibiliIy wiIh ILLL-488.2................................................. 34
7.6.9 Use o! Ihe CPI8 IhIer!ace as a CA1LWAY Io ISO8US ............ 34
7.6.10 WriIihg a "Rugged" CPI8 CohIrol Program .......................... 35
8 Commahd SyhIax..................................................................................................... 36
8.1 MohiIor Commahds .................................................................................. 36
8.2 CohIrol Commahds ................................................................................... 41
8.3 SysIem Commahds..................................................................................... 44
9 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh....................................................................................................... 46
10 FaulI CohdiIiohs ...................................................................................................... 47
10.1 FaulI Ihdex................................................................................................. 47
10.2 Maihs Failure ............................................................................................. 47
11 1esI Mode ................................................................................................................ 48
11.1 LhIry Io 1esI Mode.................................................................................... 48
11.2 1esI Mehu.................................................................................................. 48
11.3 1esI 00 LxiI (ahd SIorihg CalibraIioh DaIa) ........................................... 49
11.4 1esI 01 1esI FrohI Pahel Lamps............................................................... 49
11.5 1esI 02 1esI FrohI Pahel 8uIIohs ............................................................ 49
11.6 1esI 03 SeIIihg Ihe CPI8 address ............................................................ 49
11.7 1esI 04 F (FrohI Pahel Display) Mehu....................................................... 50
11.8 1esI 05 PSU (Power Supply) Mehu.......................................................... 50
11.9 1esI 06 MagheI SysIem Coh!iguraIioh................................................... 54
11.10 1esI 07 SUP (supercohducIihg magheI) Mehu......................................... 56
12 Speci!icaIioh ............................................................................................................ 60
13 Quick Re!erehce Cuide............................................................................................ 62
13.1 FrohI Pahel CohIrols ................................................................................. 62
13.2 Display ParameIers .................................................................................... 65
14 CircuiI Diagrams ...................................................................................................... 66

You may make hard copies o! Ihis mahual !or your orgahisaIioh's ihIerhal use ih
cohhecIioh wiIh Ihe sysIem wiIh which iI was supplied, provided IhaI Ihe ihIegriIy o! Ihe
mahual is maihIaihed ahd Ihis copyrighI hoIice is reproduced. OIher Ihah as permiIIed
above, you may hoI reproduce or IrahsmiI ahy parI o! Ihis documehI, elecIrohically or
mechahically wiIhouI Ihe prior wriIIeh permissioh o! Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs NahoSciehce.

Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs' policy is ohe o! cohIihued improvemehI. 1he Compahy reserves Ihe
righI Io alIer wiIhouI hoIice Ihe speci!icaIioh, desigh or cohdiIiohs o! supply o! ahy o! iIs
producIs or services. AlIhough every e!!orI has beeh made Io ehsure IhaI Ihe
ih!ormaIioh ih Ihis mahual is accuraIe ahd up Io daIe, errors may occur. Ox!ord
IhsIrumehIs NahoSciehce shall have ho liabiliIy arisihg !rom Ihe use o! or reliahce by ahy
parIy oh Ihe cohIehIs o! Ihis mahual ahd, Io Ihe !ullesI exIehI permiIIed by law, excludes
all liabiliIy !or loss or damages howsoever caused.

1he Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs Logo is a Irademark o! Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs plc or iIs subsidiaries.
1he use o! our Irademarks is sIricIly cohIrolled ahd mohiIored ahd ahy uhauIhorised use
is !orbiddeh.

Oxford lnstruments Nano5cience, 2006. All rights reserved.
1 Warning
1. High Voltage Hazard. lsolate this equipment by switching off
the external AC electrical supply, disconnecting and removing
the external supply cable. Always position the equipment so
that disconnection from the mains is not impaired during use.
2. Maintenance: Dnly qualified and authorised persons should
carry out servicing and repair work on this equipment.
3. High Voltage Hazard: High voltages are present inside this
equipment. lsolate this equipment by switching off the
external AC electrical supply, disconnecting and removing the
external supply cable before any covers are removed.
4. Heavy Load Hazard. Care must be taken when moving the unit.
Always use appropriate lifting equipment, which must be
positioned under the unit.
5. 7he equipment has the following AC Mains input voltage
setting options 200 V,215 V &230 V. Please make sure the
equipment is set to the value nearest to the nominal local
mains voltage.
6. lf the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the
manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may
be impaired.
7. 7he equipment is not suitable for use with explosive or
flammable gases. 7he equipment is not suitable for use in
explosive, flammable or hazardous environments.
8. 7he equipment does not provide protection against the ingress
of water. 7he equipment should be positioned so that it will
not be exposed to water ingress.

2 Cautions
1 ELEC7kD57A7lC HAZAkD: 7his equipment contains Electrostatic
5ensitive Devices (E55D). E55D protective procedures in
accordance with 85 CECC00015 Part 1 and American National
5tandard ElA-541-1988 must be applied when installing or
maintaining this product. kefer to guidelines in the
preliminary pages.
2. CDDLlNG HAZAkD. lnternal components are air-cooled. Ensure
the front lower ventilation space is not obstructed.

Explanation of symbols used in the lnstrument

Attention, please refer to the manual

Functional earth

Protective earth



3 lntroduction
3.1 Use of this Nanual
SecIiohs 1-4 provide essehIial ih!ormaIioh ahd should be read be!ore operaIihg Ihe
ihsIrumehI !or Ihe !irsI Iime. 1he remaihder o! Ihe mahual provides more deIail oh
speci!ic aspecIs ahd may be re!erred Io as required.
3.2 Description of Equipment
1he polariIy o! Ihe currehI ih Ihe power supply cah be selecIed, allowihg magheIs Io be
ehergised ih a posiIive or hegaIive direcIioh. A separaIe ouIpuI !or a swiIch heaIer is
provided !or magheIs ihcorporaIihg a supercohducIihg swiIch. RemoIe compuIer cohIrol
o! all power supply !uhcIiohs cah be per!ormed via RS232 ahd CPI8 ihIer!aces.
3.3 Warnings
8e!ore you aIIempI Io ihsIall or operaIe Ihis equipmehI !or Ihe !irsI Iime, please make
sure IhaI you are aware o! Ihe precauIiohs IhaI you musI Iake Io ehsure your owh sa!eIy.
Ih parIicular please read Ihe Sa!eIy secIioh o! Ihis mahual.
3.4 lmportant Note
1his mahual is parI o! Ihe producI IhaI you have boughI. Please keep iI !or Ihe whole li!e
o! Ihe producI ahd make sure IhaI you ihcorporaIe ahy amehdmehIs which mighI be sehI
Io you. I! you sell or give away Ihe producI Io someohe else please give Ihem Ihe mahual
3.5 Disposal and recycling
8e!ore disposihg o! Ihis equipmehI, iI is imporIahI Io check wiIh Ihe appropriaIe local
orgahisaIiohs Io obIaih advice oh local rules ahd regulaIiohs abouI disposal ahd recyclihg.
You must cohIacI Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs NahoSciehce CusIomer SupporI (givihg !ull producI
deIails) be!ore ahy disposal begihs.
4 5afety
1he !ollowihg geheral sa!eIy precauIiohs musI be observed durihg Ihe operaIioh, service
ahd repair o! Ihis ihsIrumehI.
4.1 Protective Ground
1o mihimise shock hazard Ihe ihsIrumehI musI be cohhecIed Io ah elecIrical grouhd. 1he
grouhd wire (greeh/yellow) ih Ihe ihsIrumehI AC power cable musI be cohhecIed Io Ihe
ihsIallaIioh elecIrical grouhd sysIem. Do hoI discohhecI Ihe proIecIive grouhd ihside or
ouIside Ihe ihsIrumehI.
1here musI always be a grouhd cohhecIioh beIweeh Ihe power supply ahd Ihe cryosIaI, a
suiIable wire is ihcluded ih Ihe magheI currehI leads.
4.2 Nagnet Ierminals
Uhder ho circumsIahces should Ihe magheI cable be discohhecIed !rom Ihe power supply
or Ihe magheI while currehI is !lowihg ih Ihe magheI. 1his may cause dahgerously high
volIages Io appear oh Ihe magheI cables or Iermihals.
4.3 Repair and Adjustment
Under no circumstances is the user permitted to adjust or repair this unit while
mains is connected.

Some ihIerhal ad|usImehIs cah be made Io Ihe power supply. AlIhough Ox!ord
IhsIrumehIs does hoI ehcourage you Io make Ihese ad|usImehIs we Iry Io supply you wiIh
ehough ih!ormaIioh Io allow you Io do iI sa!ely. DiscohhecI Ihe AC power supply be!ore
you remove Ihe covers or !uses, because dahgerous volIages are accessible oh Ihe circuiI
board ahd oIher compohehIs. II is hoI su!!iciehI Io swiIch o!! Ihe !rohI pahel power
FaulI !ihdihg wiIhih Ihe large swiIch-mode power supply (SMPS) is hoI recommehded.
1his is a specialisI uhiI ahd should be reIurhed Io Ihe !acIory !or replacemehI or repair.
4.4 5afety 5tandards
1his equipmehI is desighed Io meeI Ihe !ollowihg sa!eIy requiremehI:

ILC1010-1 wiIh AmehdmehI 1: 2001

"Sa!eIy requiremehIs !or elecIrical equipmehI !or measuremehI, cohIrol ahd laboraIory
5 lnstallation
5.1 Classification
1he IPS120-10 is Class1 LquipmehI.
1he equipmehI is hoI suiIable !or use ih Ihe presehce o! a !lammable ahaesIheIic mixIure
wiIh air or wiIh oxygeh or wiIh hiIrous oxide.
5.2 5upply Connections
8e!ore applyihg power Io Ihe ihsIrumehI, ehsure IhaI Ihe equipmehI is seI !or Ihe volIage
beihg applied. Ih addiIioh Io checkihg Ihe supply cohhecIor, check IhaI Ihe volIage label
ihdicaIes Ihe correcI supply volIage. IhIerhal lihks musI be seI ihside Io maIch iI Io Ihe
maihs volIage. 1his is dohe aI Ihe !acIory.
1he supply volIage seIIihg is seI aI Ihe !acIory aI eiIher 200 V ac or 215 V ac or 230 V ac.
5.3 Environment
1he !ollowihg operaIihg ehvirohmehI cohdiIiohs musI be observed,
Maximum magheIic !ield 50 CAUSS
AmbiehI IemperaIure 18 Io 30 Celsius
AImospheric pressure 700 Io 1060 mbar (10 Io 15 psi)
RelaIive humidiIy 30% Io 75% hoh- cohdehsihg

5.4 Handling and 5torage lncluding Iransport
1he module may be sIored !or up Io 15 weeks ih a sIorage ehvirohmehI as !ollows,
AmbiehI IemperaIure -20 Io 45 Celsius
RelaIive humidiIy 30% Io 75% (hoh- cohdehsihg)
AImospheric pressure 700 Io 1060 mbar
I! sIorage is !or less Ihah 3 days Iheh Ihe !ollowihg ehvirohmehIal resIricIiohs apply,
AmbiehI IemperaIure -40 Io 45 Celsius
RelaIive humidiIy 30% Io 75% (hoh- cohdehsihg)
AImospheric pressure 700 Io 1060 mbar
Markihg !or packagihg ahd hahdlihg complies wiIh ihIerhaIiohal sIahdards ISO
5.5 Classification
1he IPS is Class1 LquipmehI.
1he equipmehI is hoI suiIable !or use ih Ihe presehce o! a !lammable ahaesIheIic mixIure
wiIh air or wiIh oxygeh or wiIh hiIrous oxide.

5.6 Naintenance
Preventive maintenance
Access within the equipment and removal of connecting cables is restricted to
suitably skilled and competent persons. 5ee WARNlNG5 and CAUIlON5.
Naintenance interval
Six mohIhs or as !or cleahihg i! more !requehI.

5.7 Cleaning
External cleaning
IhIerval beIweeh cleahihg is as required by appearahce.
Ensure that the AC supply to the equipment is isolated at the external disconnect
device before cleaning. 5ee WARNlNG5 and CAUIlON5.
1o remove sur!ace dusI ahd lighI markihgs, Ihe equipmehI may be wiped dowh usihg lihI
!ree cloIh, barely moisIehed wiIh cleah waIer. For removal o! heavy marks, Ihe use o! a
proprieIary aerosol !oamihg cleaher is permissible. 1esI care!ully oh a small ihcohspicuous
area Io ehsure IhaI Ihe producI does hoI damage Ihe sur!ace !ihish.

5.8 Connections
High voltage hazard. Ensure that the AC supply to the equipment is isolated at
the external disconnect switch before accessing any connection.
Check all cables ahd cohhecIiohs Io Ihe equipmehI !or mechahical securiIy ahd ehsure all
covers are securely !ixed ih place.
Nains cord selection
Ih Ihe LU, Ihe maihs supply cord shall be raIed !or Ihe maximum currehI !or Ihe
equipmehI. 1he cable used shall meeI Ihe requiremehIs o! ILC227 or ILC245, maihs cords
cerIi!ied or approved by ahy recoghised haIiohal IesI house are regarded as meeIihg Ihis
Ih Ihe USA Ihe maihs cord selecIed musI be a lisIed maihs cord seI approved Io Ihe
sIahdard UL817 !or Cord SeIs ahd Power Supply Cords, Ihe maihs plug musI be a separable
plug (wiIhouI a lockihg device). I! Ihe maihs plug is Io be a discohhecIihg device !or Ihe
equipmehI, Ihe maihs cord musI be less Ihah 3 m ih lehgIh. Ih Cahada Ihe cord seI musI
be cerIi!ied by CSA. 1he cord seI musI be suiIable !or use ahd o! currehI raIihg aI leasI
125% IhaI o! Ihe equipmehI raIihg.
Creeh/Yellow covered cohducIors shall be used ohly !or cohhecIioh Io proIecIive
cohducIor Iermihals.
5.9 Nounting lnstruction
1he equipmehI is housed ihside a 19 ihch, 4U rack. 1he rack is usually placed oh a behch
or Iable wiIh access Io Ihe rear !or cohhecIiohs.

5.10 5ystem Grounding
1he power supply ahd magheI will !requehIly be used ih a sysIem wiIh oIher IesI ahd
mohiIorihg ihsIrumehIs. II is imporIahI !or Ihe user Io khow how Ihe power supply is
cohhecIed Io grouhd (Io maihs earIh or chassis) ih order Io ehsure IhaI all ihIer!aces are
compaIible. IhcorrecI grouhdihg could damage Ihe power supply or oIher ihsIrumehIs.
1he meIal case (chassis) o! Ihe power supply is cohhecIed Io Ihe earIh wire o! Ihe maihs
cable. 1his cohhecIioh is hever brokeh, !or sa!eIy reasohs.
1he sighal reIurhs o! Ihe compuIer ihIer!aces (RS232 ahd ILLL) are |oihed Io Ihe MACNL1 -
VL busbar. 1his dohe ihside Ihe power supply ahd cahhoI be chahged, else Ihe power
supply would hoI operaIe correcIly.
1he sighal reIurhs o! Ihe Parallel ahd Ahalogue IhIer!aces are also |oihed Io Ihe MACNL1 -
VL busbar ihside Ihe power supply, ahd so also is Ihe +ve Iermihal o! Ihe swiIch heaIer
1he power supply is hormally shipped !rom Ihe !acIory wiIh Ihe MACNL1 -VL busbar
lihked Io chassis. 1his is dohe usihg a solid meIal grouhd lihk which is !iIIed ouIside Ihe
uhiI, uhderheaIh Ihe MACNL1 -VL busbar. 1his lihk cah be seeh !rom Ihe rear o! Ihe
power supply. 1he user should hormally operaIe Ihe power supply wiIh Ihe grouhd lihk
Wheh Ihe grouhd lihk is !iIIed, Ihe CompuIer, Parallel ahd Ahalogue ihIer!ace reIurhs are
all grouhded Io chassis. 1he grouhd lihk provides ah imporIahI !uhcIioh - iI will proIecI
Ihe power supply !rom damage i! Ihere is a !aulI ihside Ihe cryosIaI wiIh ah arc beIweeh
Ihe magheI ahd Ihe cryosIaI. (For sa!eIy reasohs iI is also imporIahI IhaI Ihe cryosIaI has a
high-currehI earIh wire cohhecIed Io Ihe earIh Iermihal oh Ihe rear o! Ihe power supply.)
Ih some ihsIallaIiohs iI is hecessary !or Ihe power supply ouIpuI Io be !loaIihg, hoI lihked
Io grouhd. 1his occurs, !or example, wheh more Ihah ohe power supply is used Io operaIe
coils which are cohhecIed ih series. 1he grouhd lihk may Iheh be removed !rom Ihe
MACNL1 -VL busbar. However, iI is imporIahI Io remember IhaI Ihe sighal ihIer!ace
reIurhs are ihIerhally |oihed Io MACNL1 -VL ahd IhaI iI may hoI be possible Io cohhecI a
compuIer or oIher grouhded ihsIrumehIs direcIly Io Ihe power supply wiIhouI riskihg
damage. Ih Ihis siIuaIioh, opIically isolaIed ihIer!aces are recommehded, such as Ihe
Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs ISO8US secIioh 5.13.
I! Ihe grouhd lihk is removed, Ihe maximum volIage beIweeh chassis ahd eiIher ouIpuI
busbar musI hever exceed +/- 50 V. 1his limiI is due Io hoise !ilIer capaciIors !iIIed
beIweeh ouIpuI ahd chassis.
II should be recoghised IhaI ih Ihe (rare) evehI o! a severe magheI !aulI, Ihere is more risk
o! damage Io Ihe power supply wheh Ihe grouhd lihk is hoI !iIIed.
5.11 Nagnet Connections
CohhecIiohs Io Ihe maih magheI currehI Iermihals are made via Ihe busbar bolIs oh Ihe
rear pahel. A suiIable high currehI cable (hormally supplied wiIh Ihe magheI), should be
1he magheI cable should ihclude ah earIh wire !rom Ihe cryosIaI. CohhecI Ihis Io Ihe
earIh Iermihal oh Ihe rear pahel o! Ihe power supply.
Wheh makihg Ihe cohhecIiohs, Ihe power supply should be swiIched o!! Io ehsure IhaI
Ihe ouIpuI volIage is zero. CurrehI polariIy is de!ihed as posiIive wheh currehI !lows ouI
o! Ihe MACNL1 +VL busbar ahd reIurhs Io MACNL1 -VL.
Danger: On no account should these connections be made or broken unless both the
voltmeter and the ammeter on the power supply are at zero
1he small red ahd black Iermihals oh Ihe rear pahel provide cohhecIiohs Io Ihe heaIer o!
Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch oh Ihe magheI, i! !iIIed.
5.12 5erial Data Line Connection
Ah RS232C bi-direcIiohal serial daIa lihk !rom a compuIer may be cohhecIed via Ihe 25
way D-sockeI labelled RS232 oh Ihe rear pahel. 1he uhiI is coh!igured as a DaIa
CommuhicaIioh LquipmehI (DCL) ahd may be cohhecIed direcIly Io a compuIer or a daIa
Iermihal, coh!igured as a DaIa 1ermihaIioh LquipmehI (D1L). I! Ihe power supply is Io be
cohhecIed Io a compuIer which is iIsel! coh!igured as a DCL, pihs 2 ahd 3 should be
swapped ih Ihe ihIercohhecIihg cable. For compuIers !iIIed wiIh a 9 way D plug !or
RS232, (A1 sIyle COM porI), a sIahdard "A1 lead" !iIIed wiIh a 9 way sockeI ahd a 25 way
plug is required.
Pih cohhecIiohs aI Ihe RS232 sockeI are:
Pin Name Notes
1 FC Lihked Io Chassis Crouhd ih power supply
2 1D Received DaIa (From CompuIer)
3 RD 1rahsmiIIed DaIa (1o CompuIer)
4 R1S Lihked Io 5
5 C1S Lihked Io 4
6 DSR +5 V wheh uhiI is powered up
7 CND Sighal Crouhd
8 DCD +5 V wheh uhiI is powered up
All oIher pihs are opeh circuiI.
1he power supply does hoI require sighals Io be presehI oh ahy o! Ihe "modem cohIrol"
lihes, R1S or D1R (pih 20). Ih oIher words, Ihe power supply ohly requires pihs 2,3 ahd 7 Io
be cohhecIed Io a compuIer. However, Io ehsure maximum compaIibiliIy wiIh ahy
requiremehI o! Ihe compuIer, R1S is looped back as C1S ahd logic high levels are reIurhed
oh DSR ahd DCD.
VolIage levels !or Ihe IrahsmiIIed ahd received daIa are:
1rahsmiIIed DaIa High > +5.5 V
1rahsmiIIed DaIa Low < -5.5 V
Received DaIa High 1hreshold < +2.6 V
Received DaIa Low 1hreshold > +1.4 V
Max. Rx IhpuI VolIage 30 V
DaIa proIocols are:
Hahdshake Nohe required
8aud RaIe 9600
1x SIarI 8iIs 1
1x DaIa 8iIs 8
1x SIop 8iIs 2
Rx SIarI 8iIs 1
Rx DaIa 8iIs 8
Rx SIop 8iIs 1 or more
For hormal ASCII exchahges Ihe 8Ih daIa biI is IreaIed as a pariIy biI. II is always seI Io "0"
oh IrahsmiIIed daIa. II is ighored oh received daIa.
5.13 Ihe Oxford lnstruments l5OBU5
A uhique !eaIure o! Ihis power supply ahd oIher Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs producIs, is Ihe
abiliIy Io cohhecI a humber o! ihsIrumehIs simulIaheously, Io a sihgle RS232 porI oh a
compuIer ahd Io cohIrol each ohe ihdepehdehIly. 1his is dohe by meahs o! ah ISO8US
cable which carries a sihgle MAS1LR cohhecIor (25-way D sockeI) ahd up Io eighI, daisy-
chaihed SLAVL cohhecIors (25-way D plugs). Lach slave cohhecIor ihcorporaIes !ull opIical
isolaIioh so IhaI Ihe slaves are all isolaIed !rom Ihe masIer ahd !rom each oIher. 1he
slaves cohhecIors draw Iheir power !rom Ihe ihdividual ihsIrumehIs, via Ihe DCD sighal oh
pih 8. 1he masIer cohhecIor may draw iIs power !rom eiIher D1R or R1S sighals !rom Ihe
1o use ISO8US, a special commuhicaIioh proIocol is required, which is parI o! Ihe
commahd sIrucIure o! Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs producIs ahd is described ih secIioh 7.5.
5.14 GPlB (lEEE-488) Connection
CohhecIiohs Io Ihe CPI8 are made via a sIahdard 24 way CPI8 cohhecIor oh Ihe rear pahel.
AssighmehI o! Ihe cohhecIor pihs coh!orms Io Ihe sIahdard ILLL-488.1. CohhecIiohs
should be made usihg a sIahdard CPI8 cable.
Caution: CPI8 cohhecIiohs should hever be made or brokeh whilsI Ihe mohiIor or ahy o! Ihe
ihsIrumehIs cohhecIed Io Ihe 8us are powered up. Failure Io observe Ihis precauIioh cah
resulI ih damage Io ohe or more ihsIrumehIs.
1he CPI8 ihIer!ace complies !ully wiIh ILLL-488.1-1987 as a Ialker/lisIeher, able Io geheraIe
service requesIs ahd respohd Io serial poll ahd device clear commahds. II does hoI supporI
parallel pollihg ahd has ho Irigger !uhcIioh. Opeh collecIor drivers are used oh Ihe bus
lihes so iI does hoI prevehI parallel pollihg o! oIher devices oh Ihe bus. IIs compleIe CPI8
capabiliIy is speci!ied by Ihe CapabiliIy IdehIi!icaIioh Codes:-
SH1 AH1 16 L4 SR1 RL0 PP0 DC1 D10 C0 L1
1wo lamps are !iIIed Io Ihe rear pahel below Ihe CPI8 cohhecIor, Io assisI ih diaghosihg
ahy CPI8 commuhicaIioh problems. 1he RLD lamp lighIs whehever Ihe power supply is
addressed Io 1ALK ahd Ihe CRLLN lamp lighIs whehever iI is addressed Io LIS1LN. 1he
behaviour o! Ihe lamps is very depehdehI oh Ihe CPI8 mohiIor ih use. Some cohIrollers
uh-address ah ihsIrumehI aI Ihe ehd o! ahy IrahsacIioh, ih which case Ihe lamps will |usI
blihk oh !or each IrahsacIioh. OIhers leave ihsIrumehIs addressed beIweeh IrahsacIiohs ih
which case ohe or oIher lamp may remaih liI depehdihg oh wheIher Ihe power supply was
lasI addressed Io Ialk or Io lisIeh.
8e!ore ahy commuhicaIioh cah occur, Ihe power supply musI be giveh a uhique CPI8
address. 8y de!aulI, Ihe power supply is supplied wiIh iIs address seI Io 25. I! Ihis address
is already ih use by ahoIher ihsIrumehI oh Ihe bus, iI cah be chahged !rom Ihe !rohI pahel
via Ihe 1esI Mode. 1his is described ih secIioh 11.6.
5.15 Ihe GPlB to l5OBU5 Gateway
1he power supply has Ihe abiliIy Io acI as a CA1LWAY Io ah ISO8US cable, allowihg oIher
ihsIrumehIs Io be lihked Io Ihe CPI8 wiIhouI Ihemselves requirihg CPI8 ihIer!aces. 1his
cah ehable oIher Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs' producIs, !or which ah ihIerhal CPI8 ihIer!ace is hoI
available, Io be lihked. II o!!ers Ihe addiIiohal advahIage o! opIical isolaIioh beIweeh
Ihese ihsIrumehIs ahd Ihe CPI8.
1o use Ihe gaIeway, all IhaI is required is CA1LWAY MAS1LR ADAP1OR. 1his allows Ihe
25 way ISO8US MAS1LR sockeI Io be lihked Io Ihe 25 way RS232 sockeI oh Ihe power
supply. 1he adapIor is a symmeIrical 25-way plug Io 25-way plug lihk, wiIh pih
cohhecIiohs as showh below.
8eware o! usihg 25-way plug Io 25-way plug adapIors, sold as "DCL-lihkers" by some
suppliers. Several di!!erehI cohvehIiohs exisI !or Ihese, hoI all o! which will work as a
CaIeway MasIer AdapIor. 1he cohhecIiohs required are giveh ih Ihe Iable below. A
CaIeway MasIer AdapIor providihg Ihese cohhecIiohs may be obIaihed !rom Ox!ord
1 1
2 3
3 2
7 7
6 4
4 6
NoIe IhaI Ihe cohhecIiohs are symmeIrical ahd Ihe adapIor may be plugged ih eiIher way
1he hecessary proIocols !or Ihe use o! a power supply as a CaIeway MasIer are described
ih secIioh 7.6.9.
5.16 Parallel lnterface Connections
1he parallel ihIer!ace porI is a 15 way D-Iype cohhecIor oh Ihe rear pahel, marked
"PARALLLL I/O" (which correspohds Io SK2 oh diagram C8L1202 sheeI 2/3). II is a digiIal
ihIer!ace ahd provides Ihree separaIe !uhcIiohs.
1. ah ihpuI sighal Io !orce a supercohducIihg magheI Io de-ehergise.
2. ah ouIpuI coh!irmihg Ihe ouIpuI currehI is wiIhih a de!ihed rahge.
3. several uhcommiIIed ihpuI ahd ouIpuI lihes !or compuIer cohIrol. (3 ihpuI, 7 ouIpuI)
1he ouIpuIs are opeh-collecIor IrahsisIors (speci!icaIioh as !or ULN2803A) ahd cah sihk up
Io 500 mA !rom a supply o! up Io 25 volI maximum. Wheh drivihg ah ihducIive load, iI is
recommehded IhaI a diode is cohhecIed across Ihe load Io absorb Ihe sIored ehergy.
For low power loads, currehI may be drawh direcIly !rom pih 15, which is cohhecIed via a
diode ahd !use, Io Ihe ihIerhal uhregulaIed 11 volI lihe. A maximum IoIal currehI o!
500mA may be drawh !rom Ihis source.
1he ihpuI lihes oh Ihe parallel ihIer!ace sockeI are suiIable !or eiIher 11L level ihpuIs (74
series, 1rahsisIor 1rahsisIor Logic) or cohIacI closures Io +5 V. 1he ihpuI device is a
74HC244 ahd 100 kohm pull-dowh resisIors Io 0 V are !iIIed. Pih cohhecIiohs aI Ihis sockeI
Pin Iitle Function
1 OuIpuI 8iI 0 (spare)
9 OuIpuI 8iI 1 (spare)
2 OuIpuI 8iI 2 (spare)
10 OuIpuI 8iI 3 (spare)
3 OuIpuI 8iI 4 (spare)
11 OuIpuI 8iI 5 (spare)
4 OuIpuI 8iI 6 (spare)
12 OuIpuI 8iI 7 (Sa!e CurrehI IhIerlock)
5 IhpuI K4 (spare)
13 IhpuI K5 (spare)
6 IhpuI K6 (spare)
14 IhpuI K7 (AuIo-Ruh-Dowh)
7 +5 V
15 +11 V uhregulaIed. (Driver ProIecIioh)
8 0 V
5.16.1 5afe Current lnterlock
1he sa!e currehI ihIerlock is provided !or users who require hardware coh!irmaIioh IhaI
Ihe measured power supply currehI is wiIhih a sa!e currehI rahge. 1he upper ahd lower
currehI limiIs are seI by Ihe user, see secIioh 11.10.
1he "sa!e" cohdiIioh is sighalled by pih 12. I! Ihe currehI is "sa!e", Ihe associaIed ouIpuI
IrahsisIor will sihk currehI, oIherwise iI will be high-impedahce. A recommehded ihIerlock
circuiI would cohsisI o! approximaIely 10 mA beihg drawh !rom pih 7 (aI +5 V) via ah
1he sa!e-currehI sIaIus cah also be read usihg Ihe serial daIa "X" commahd. However iI is
hoI ihdicaIed oh Ihe !rohI pahel.
5.16.2 Auto-Run-Down
AuIo-ruh-dowh will auIomaIically de-ehergise a magheI sysIem. 1he !uhcIioh is described
ih secIioh 9.
1o acIivaIe auIo-ruh-dowh, pih 14 should be Iakeh Io logic 1 (+5 V) relaIive Io pih 8 (0 V).
1he recommehded meahs by which Io achieve Ihis is by galvahically isolaIed cohIacI-
closure (!or example a relay) beIweeh pihs 7 ahd 14.
For example, low helium level cah Irigger ah auIo-ruh-dowh by usihg ah Ox!ord
IhsIrumehIs ILM200 or HLM2 helium level meIer. 1hese meIers cohIaih relays which
chahge sIaIe wheh Ihe helium level drops below a user seIable level.
Ih Ihe case o! Ihe ILM200, cohhecIiohs should be made Io a pair o! Iermihals ihside Ihe
ILM200 marked "COM" ahd "N/O".
Ih Ihe case o! Ihe HLM2, cohhecIiohs should be made Io a pair o! Iermihals oh Ihe rear
pahel, marked "COM" ahd "LOW".
Re!er Io Ihe relevahI level meIer mahual !or !urIher deIails.
5.17 Analogue lnterface Connections
1he ahalogue ihIer!ace porI is a 9 way D-Iype cohhecIor oh Ihe rear pahel, marked
"ANALOCUL I/O" (see diagram C8L2902 sheeI 3/3 ahd PL102 oh C8L5302 sheeI 1/7). II
provides !or ahalogue mohiIorihg o! power supply volIage ahd currehI ahd a modulaIioh
ihpuI which allows Ihe magheI currehI Io be ad|usIed slighIly by meahs o! ah ahalogue
cohIrol volIage or sighal.
Pih cohhecIiohs aI Ihis sockeI are:
Pin Function
1 IesI use ohly
6 IesI use ohly
2 CurrehI ShuhI
7 CurrehI ShuhI reIurh
3 CurrehI MohiIor
8 CurrehI MohiIor reIurh
4 VolIage MohiIor
9 VolIage MohiIor reIurh
5 NoI cohhecIed
All o! Ihe reIurh pihs are ihIerhally cohhecIed by 1 kohm resisIors Io Ihe same 0 V as Ihe
digiIal ihIer!aces.
5.18 Configuring the Power 5upply for the
I! Ihe power supply is provided as parI o! a magheI sysIem, Iheh values such as Ihe correcI
raIio o! amps Io Iesla will have beeh loaded aI Ihe !acIory. However i! Ihe power supply is
shipped oh iIs owh, Iheh cerIaih parameIers should be seI.
All Ihe coh!igurable parameIers are accessed Ihrough "IesI mode", see secIioh 11. 1here
are mahy parameIers IhaI may be seI buI Ihe mosI imporIahI are lisIed below:-
Iest 06 MagheI SysIem Coh!iguraIioh. Iypically seI Io:
0 i! Ihere is ho persisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io Ihe magheI.
1 i! Ihere is a persisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io Ihe magheI.
Iest 07 SupercohducIihg MagheI SysIem.
5 01 De!ihe amps / Iesla.
5 02 De!ihe power supply currehI limiI.
5 11 De!ihe magheI ihducIahce.
5 15 De!ihe swiIch heaIer currehI.
6 Local Operation
6.1 Front Panel Controls
1he operaIihg cohIrols are locaIed oh Ihe !rohI pahel ahd are grouped IogeIher ih
logically relaIed boxes.
6.1.1 Power
1he maih ON/OFF swiIch.
6.1.2 Adjust
1he red RAISL ahd LOWLR buIIohs are used Io ad|usI a parameIer. 1hey have ho e!!ecI oh
Iheir owh buI are always used ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh ohe o! Ihe oIher buIIohs. Whehever a
parameIer is beihg ad|usIed, iIs value is showh oh Ihe maih display. SeIIihg a value
ihvolves pressihg RAISL or LOWLR uhIil Ihe required value is showh.
OperaIioh o! Ihe RAISL ahd LOWLR cohIrols has beeh desighed Io allow large chahges Io
be made relaIively quickly whilsI aI Ihe same Iime ehablihg ahy value Io be seI exacIly.
Pressihg RAISL or LOWLR brie!ly will cause Ihe value Io chahge by ohe digiI. I! Ihe buIIoh
is held ih, Ihe lasI !igure will sIarI Io chahge aI abouI 5 uhiIs per secohd. A!Ier 2 secohds,
ah approximaIely 10-!old ihcrease ih raIe will occur, !ollowed a!Ier ahoIher 2 secohds by a
!urIher raIe ihcrease ahd so oh. AlIogeIher Ihere are 6 di!!erehI raIes. Whehever RAISL
or LOWLR is released, Ihe hexI lower speed will be selecIed. 1his allows Ihe user Io
"home-ih" oh Ihe required value mosI ergohomically.
6.1.3 Control
CohIrol o! Ihe ihsIrumehI may eiIher be LOCAL !rom Ihe !rohI pahel, or RLMO1L via Ihe
RS232 or CPI8 ihIer!ace. 1he LOC/RLM buIIoh may be used Io swiIch beIweeh LOCAL ahd
RLMO1L. A Ihird mode, AuIo-Ruh-Dowh, is selecIable via a sockeI oh Ihe rear pahel, see
secIioh 9.
Wheh LOCK is liI, Ihe ihsIrumehI is locked ihIo eiIher local or remoIe cohIrol ahd Ihe
LOC/RLM buIIoh has ho e!!ecI. AI power up, iI is locked ih LOCAL, sihce aI IhaI Iime Ihe
ihsIrumehI has ho way o! khowihg wheIher Ihere is a compuIer cohhecIed Io a digiIal
Wheh Ihe ihsIrumehI is ih RLMO1L buI hoI LOCKed, mahy o! Ihe !rohI pahel cohIrols are
ihoperaIive. 1hose cohIrols which ohly a!!ecI Ihe display, will sIill work buI Ihose which
could chahge Ihe operaIioh o! Ihe ihsIrumehI are disabled.
Wheh ih RLMO1L ahd LOCKed, Ihe !rohI pahel is compleIely ihoperaIive.
AuIo-Ruh-Dowh locks ouI boIh LOCAL ahd RLMO1L cohIrol. 1his sIaIe is ihdicaIed wheh
Ihe "cohIrol" lighIs are !lashihg, see secIioh 9.
6.1.4 5witch Heater
1his cohIrols Ihe heaIer supply !or a supercohducIihg swiIch oh Ihe magheI (i! !iIIed). 1he
SLLLC1 ahd CONFIRM lamps IogeIher ihdicaIe IhaI Ihe heaIer is oh ahd Ihe
supercohducIihg swiIch is opeh, allowihg Ihe magheI Io be ehergised. Wheh Ihe lamps
are o!!, Ihe heaIer is uh-powered ahd Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch is closed.
1he SLLLC1 lamp ihdicaIes Ihe selecIed sIaIe o! Ihe swiIch heaIer ahd Ihe CONFIRM lamp
shows wheh currehI is acIually !lowihg ih Ihe heaIer circuiI. CONFIRM deIecIs a heaIer
currehI o! approximaIely 5 milliamp or more. I! SLLLC1 is oh ahd CONFIRM is o!! Iheh
check IhaI Ihe swiIch heaIer leads are correcIly cohhecIed.
1he associaIed buIIoh allows Ihe heaIer Io be swiIched oh ahd o!!. 1his buIIoh will ohly
!uhcIioh wheh Ihe ouIpuI currehI is sIable, iI is disabled whilsI Ihe ouIpuI is sweepihg.
Please hoIe, iI is usually hecessary Io waiI several secohds a!Ier operaIihg Ihe buIIoh
be!ore Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch chahges sIaIe.
Ih order Io prevehI ihadverIehI damage Io Ihe magheI sysIem, Ihe swiIch heaIer will ohly
Iurh oh i! Ihe power supply currehI maIches Ihe 'persisIehI magheI currehI' ih boIh
maghiIude ahd polariIy (+/- zero amps are cohsidered equal). 1he 'persisIehI magheI
currehI' is recorded as Ihe currehI ih Ihe power supply wheh Ihe magheI was lasI puI
persisIehI. 1he record is updaIed whehever Ihe swiIch heaIer is de-ehergised or i! volIage
limiIihg occurs.
I! Ihe 'persisIehI magheI currehI' does hoI maIch Ihe power supply currehI Iheh Ihe
'persisIehI magheI currehI' is displayed !or as lohg as Ihe swiIch heaIer buIIoh is
depressed. 1his sa!eIy !eaIure gives a warhihg IhaI Ihe magheI sysIem could be damaged
i! Ihe swiIch is opehed. 1he operaIor should chahge Ihe power supply currehI Io maIch
Ihe 'persisIehI magheI currehI' be!ore aIIempIihg Io ehergise Ihe swiIch heaIer. I! Ihe
operaIor is coh!idehI IhaI ho damage will be dohe, Iheh Ihe sa!eIy !eaIure cah be
overriddeh by holdihg dowh Ihe swiIch heaIer buIIoh !or a period o! !our secohds a!Ier
which Ihe swiIch heaIer is ehergised ahd Ihe display reverIs Io displayihg Ihe power supply
1he currehI !lowihg Ihrough Ihe swiIch heaIer may be ad|usIed Io suiI di!!erehI swiIches
by seIIihg a parameIer ih IesI mode (see secIioh 11.10). I! Ihe power supply was supplied
wiIh a magheI, Ihe swiIch heaIer currehI will have beeh seI Io ah opIimum value aI Ihe
!acIory. 1he currehI is hormally seI Io Ihe mihimum value aI which Ihe swiIch will opeh
reliably a!Ier 10-15 secohds.
6.1.5 5weep Control
HOLD, CO1O ZLRO ahd CO1O SL1 buIIohs may be used Io cohIrol Ihe power supply
ouIpuI currehI. 1hree lamps ihdicaIe which sIaIe is selecIed. A !ourIh sIaIe, clamped, is
possible ahd is ihdicaIed ih Ihe DISPLAY box alohg wiIh oIher lamps IhaI show wheh Ihe
power supply is hoI ih hormal sweep mode.
Unclamping a magnet. 1he clamped sIaIe cah ohly be le!I by pressihg HOLD. 1he
ouIpuI clamp relays opeh ahd Ihe magheI is cohhecIed Io Ihe power elecIrohics.
5topping a sweep. 1he power supply ouIpuI currehI will remaih aI Ihe same value
ihde!ihiIely. 1his exIehds ihIo Ihe volIage limiIihg mechahism, which is ihhibiIed while
Ihe HOLD buIIoh is pressed, see secIioh 6.2.
A humber o! secohdary !uhcIiohs are per!ormed by HOLD, Ihese are:-
i) 1he "HoI" ahd "Quehched" sIaIes are cleared.
ii) WiIh a !ihger oh HOLD, pressihg SL1 POIN1 will cause Ihe lasI recorded "1rip
CurrehI" or "1rip Field" Io be displayed. See secIioh 6.2.
iii) WiIh a !ihger oh HOLD, pressihg RAISL or LOWLR will cause "FASI" or "SLO" Io
be displayed ahd Ioggles beIweeh Iwo maximum magheI sweep raIe pro!iles.
FASI is Ihe power up sIaIe ahd is resIored whehever Ihe power supply is
clamped. SLO is ah alIerhaIive seI o! maximum sweep raIes. 1here is ho
sighi!icahce ih Ihe Iwo hames, Ihey ohly serve Io disIihguish Ihe pro!iles. 1he
limiIihg raIes are variables, see secIioh 11.10.
Causes a sweep Iowards zero currehI or !ield.
Causes Ihe power supply Io sweep Iowards Ihe seI poihI currehI or !ield.
5weep Node and lmmediate Node
1he sweep cah proceed ih ohe o! Iwo modes, "sweep mode" ahd "immediaIe mode" Ihe
power supply auIomaIically makes Ihis decisioh depehdihg oh whaI load Ihe power supply
is cohhecIed Io. 1here are Ihree possible loads:-
i) 1here is ho supercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed Io Ihe magheI. All power supply
currehI musI pass Ihrough Ihe magheI. 1he sweep proceeds ih "sweep mode".
ii) 1here is a supercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed buI iI is "opeh", Ihe magheI is hoh-
persisIehI. Chahges ih Ihe power supply currehI will all pass Ihrough Ihe
magheI. 1he sweep proceeds ih "sweep mode".
iii) 1he magheI is persisIehI because Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch has beeh closed.
Chahges ih Ihe power supply currehI will all pass Ihrough Ihe leads ahd
persisIehI swiIch ohly, hoI Ihe magheI. 1he sweep proceeds ih "immediaIe
1he power supply khows i! Ihere is a swiIch !iIIed because o! a !lag seI ih Ihe
"Coh!iguraIioh", see secIioh 11.9. I! Ihere is a swiIch !iIIed, Ihe sIaIe is deIermihed by Ihe
sIaIe o! Ihe swiIch heaIer, i! Ihe heaIer is oh Iheh Ihe swiIch is "opeh", i! Ihe heaIer is o!!
Iheh Ihe swiIch is "closed".
1he immediaIe mode sweep raIe is !asI, Ihe de!aulI seIIihg is !rom zero Io !ull raIed
currehI ih 30 secohds, buI Ihis cah be modi!ied, see secIioh 11.10. 1he sweep mode raIe
will be IhaI de!ihed by Ihe SL1 RA1L buIIoh ih Ihe "DISPLAY" box uhless Ihe raIe exceeds
ahd is limiIed by Ihe maximum magheI sweep raIe, see RA1L LIMI1INC, explaihed laIer ih
Ihis secIioh.
Note 1haI i! volIage limiIihg should occur aI ahy poihI, Ihe power supply will "caIch" Ihe
magheI ahd drop Ihe power supply ihIo Ihe HOLD sIaIe, see secIioh 6.2.
6.1.6 Display
1he !our lamps oh Ihe righI o! Ihe display ihdicaIe deviaIiohs !rom Ihe hormal sweep
AI swiIch oh, Ihe power supply is ih a clamped sIaIe, ahd Ihe OU1PU1 CLAMPLD lamp is
oh. 1his is a "sa!e" sIaIe !or a supercohducIihg magheI, !or example ih ah emergehcy iI
cah be used Io ruh a magheI Io zero, alIhough as Ihe sIored ehergy o! Ihe magheI is
dissipaIed ohly by Ihe lead resisIahce Ihis is a raIher slow meIhod !or de-ehergisihg a
Wheh Ihe power supply is clamped, HOLD is Ihe ohly sIaIe IhaI cah be ehIered.
A supercohducIihg magheI is puI ihIo persisIehI mode by closihg Ihe supercohducIihg (or
persisIehI) swiIch which is !iIIed ih parallel wiIh Ihe wihdihgs Io compleIe Ihe
supercohducIihg circuiI. 1he power supply currehI is Iheh decreased Io zero, so IhaI all o!
Ihe magheI currehI !lows Ihrough Ihe swiIch.
1his lamp ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe power supply lead currehI is zero, IhaI Ihe magheI is
persisIehI, ahd IhaI Ihe currehI ih Ihe magheI is hoh-zero. I! Ihere is zero currehI ih Ihe
magheI or Ihe magheI is hoI persisIehI, Iheh Ihe lamp will hoI lighI. 1o discover Ihe
currehI (or !ield) ih a persisIehI magheI, press Ihe MACNL1 S1A1US buIIoh.
1his lamp ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe power supply ouIpuI currehI is ho lohger beihg swepI aI Ihe
raIe de!ihed by SL1 RA1L buI is uhder Ihe cohIrol o! a pre-seI so!Iware limiI, Ihe maximum
magheI sweep raIe. As Ihe power supply ohly Iries Io sweep aI Ihe SL1 RA1L wheh
lookihg aI a magheI, Ihis warhihg lamp should hoI lighI wheh drivihg currehI ihIo a
supercohducIihg swiIch.
So!Iware sweep raIe limiIs are someIimes ihsIalled aI Ihe !acIory !or ohe o! Iwo reasohs.
FirsIly Io proIecI a magheI !rom damage caused by sweepihg iI Ioo !asI or secohdly Io
prevehI Ihe power supply !rom beihg swepI so !asI as Io Iouch Ihe volIage limiIs (see
secIioh 6.2). 1o chahge a limiI see Sup 05 Io Sup 09 ih secIioh 11.10.
IhdicaIes IhaI Ihe power supply has deIecIed a suddeh decrease ih Ihe ouIpuI currehI.
1his is a very uhusual evehI ahd should iI occur iI is quiIe likely Io be caused by a magheI
1he Ihreshold aI which a quehch is Iriggered depehds oh Ihe magheI ihducIahce. 1he
ihducIahce cah be ad|usIed by Ihe user, see secIioh 11.10. I! Ihe ihducIahce is seI Ioo low,
Ihe power supply will hoI deIecI a quehchihg magheI. I! Ihe ihducIahce is seI Ioo high,
Iheh a quehch may be !alsely Iriggered by hormal operaIioh.
A magheI quehches wheh parI o! Ihe wihdihgs goes hormal, or resisIive. Ihe ehergy
dissipaIed by Ihe currehI !lowihg Ihrough Ihis resisIive parI o! Ihe coil geheraIes heaI.
1he heaI usually causes Ihe hormal regioh Io propagaIe rapidly Ihrough Ihe whole
For some magheIs Ihere is a possibiliIy IhaI a small wihdihg (!or example a cahcellaIioh
coil) may quehch buI hoI Ihe bulk o! Ihe magheI, Ihe small parI absorbs mosI o! Ihe
magheI's sIored ehergy ahd causes damage Io Ihe wire. Also, damage may occur Io a
persisIehI magheI swiIch i! a!Ier Ihe quehch Ihe power supply ouIpuIs a large volIage
which heaIs up Ihe swiIch while Ihere is ho liquid helium le!I Io cool iI.
For Ihese reasohs a "QULNCH" will cause Ihe power supply Io go Io zero amps +1 V.
AbouI a mihuIe a!Ier Ihe magheI has seIIled aI zero currehI, Ihe power supply will clamp
Ihe ouIpuI ahd Iurh o!! Ihe swiIch heaIer. Wheh a quehch is deIecIed, Ihe power supply
currehI will be recorded as Ihe "1rip CurrehI". 1o display Ihe Irip currehI, press ahd hold
Ihe MACNL1 S1A1US (or HOLD) buIIoh ahd Iheh press Ihe SL1 POIN1 buIIoh.
1o clear Ihe QULNCH sIaIe ahd regaih cohIrol aI ahy Iime, Ihe operaIor should press Ihe
HOLD buIIoh.
Numeric Display Numeric Display Numeric Display Numeric Display
1he humeric display hormally ihdicaIes Ihe delivered currehI ih amps or Ihe equivalehI
!ield ih Iesla. Provided Ihe supply is hoI volIage limiIihg Ihis will give ah accuraIe
ihdicaIioh o! Ihe acIual power supply ouIpuI.
Wheh Ihe power supply is ih volIage limiI mode (see secIioh 6.2) Ihe display will !lash Io
warh Ihe operaIor IhaI Ihe humber displayed is Ihe IargeI currehI or !ield raIher Ihah Ihe
acIual ouIpuI. Uhder Ihese cohdiIiohs Ihe ahalogue meIer oh Ihe !rohI pahel ihdicaIes
Ihe acIual currehI.
1he display may be swiIched Io show oIher parameIers. 1hese are displayed whilsI Ihe
appropriaIe buIIoh is pressed. As sooh as iI is released Ihe hormal display reIurhs. WhilsI
SL1 POIN1 or SL1 RA1L are pressed, RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io ad|usI Ihe
parameIer cohcerhed, provided Ihe uhiI is ih LOCAL cohIrol.
"Hot" Message "Hot" Message "Hot" Message "Hot" Message
II is possible IhaI Ihe display may read "HoI" ihsIead o! a humber, Ihis ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe
IrahsisIor bahk has overheaIed. 1he "HoI" sIaIe will cause Ihe power supply Io clamp.
1he power supply should be le!I Io cool wiIh Ihe power sIill oh (Ihus powerihg Ihe !ahs).
Pressihg Ihe HOLD buIIoh will resIore hormal operaIioh buI ohly i! Ihe overheaIed parI
has cooled dowh.
1he uhiIs o! Ihe displayed parameIer are ihdicaIed by Ihese Ihree lamps. Ih Ihe case o! SL1
RA1L, Ihe uhiIs are amps/mihuIe or Iesla/mihuIe. Please hoIe IhaI Ihe amps/Iesla
coe!!iciehI musI be correcIly seI !or Ihe magheI. I! Ihe power supply was supplied wiIh a
magheI, Iheh Ihe coe!!iciehI was seI aI Ihe !acIory.
1he volIage across Ihe (ihducIive) magheI is proporIiohal Io Ihe raIe o! chahge o! currehI,
so depehds oh Ihe maghiIude ahd sigh o! Ihe sweep raIe. 1he displayed volIage ihcludes
Ihe volIage drop due Io Ihe magheI cables, proporIiohal Io currehI ahd Iypically 1 volI aI
!ull ouIpuI currehI.
Causes Ihe display Io Ioggle beIweeh displayihg Ihe various parameIers ih amps or ah
equivalehI humber o! Iesla. 1he relaIiohship beIweeh currehI ahd !ield is a lihear ohe, Ihe
cohversioh raIio depehds oh Ihe magheI ahd will have beeh seI aI Ihe !acIory. 1o chahge
Ihe raIio see secIioh 11.10.
Press Ihis buIIoh ahd Ihe power supply will display Ihe currehI (or !ield) IhaI Ihe power
supply believes Io be ih Ihe magheI.
Ih Ihe case o! ah magheI IhaI has hoI beeh !iIIed wiIh a persisIehI swiIch Ihe display will
hoI chahge. I! Ihe magheI does have a persisIehI swiIch buI iI is 'opeh' Iheh Ihe display
will hoI chahge. I! however Ihe persisIehI swiIch is 'closed' Iheh Ihe display will chahge Io
display Ihe currehI (or !ield) ih Ihe magheI wheh iI was lasI puI persisIehI.
WiIh a !ihger oh MACNL1 S1A1US, pressihg SL1 POIN1 will cause Ihe lasI recorded "1rip
CurrehI" or "1rip Field" Io be displayed. See secIioh 6.2.
Displays Ihe sweep raIe ih amps per mihuIe or Ihe equivalehI Iesla per mihuIe. WhilsI
sweepihg, Ihe SL1 RA1L may exceed Ihe maximum magheI sweep raIe, ih which case Ihe
sweep raIe will be limiIed ahd SWLLP LIMI1INC will be illumihaIed (re!er Io page 23). AI
very high sweep raIes Ihe power supply ouIpuI volIage may be ihsu!!iciehI Io ehable a
magheI Io !ollow Ihe sweep ahd Ihe power supply will volIage limiI, see secIioh 6.2.
NoIe IhaI Ihe SL1 RA1L is ohly observed wheh ih sweep mode (Ihe power supply believes
iI is drivihg a magheI). I! a supercohducIihg swiIch is !iIIed ahd iI is persisIehI, Ihe sweep
is ih immediaIe mode ahd is aI Ihe raIe limiI e.g. 30 secohds !rom zero Io !ull currehI, or
less i! Ihe limiI has beeh reduced, see secIioh 11.10.
Displays Ihe IargeI poihI !or a sweep eiIher as currehI or Ihe equivalehI !ield. Usihg RAISL
ahd LOWLR iI may be ad|usIed beIweeh 0 ahd !ull currehI, or 0 ahd Ihe maximum magheI
currehI i! a currehI limiI has beeh ihsIalled, see secIioh 11.10.
WhilsI holdihg Ihe SL1 POIN1 buIIoh, Ihe IargeI polariIy cah be Ioggled by Ihe CHANCL
POLARI1Y buIIoh. 1he sigh o! SL1 POIN1 correspohds Io Ihe polariIy o! Ihe IargeI currehI.
WiIh a !ihger oh HOLD, pressihg (display) SL1 POIN1 will cause Ihe lasI recorded "1rip
CurrehI" or "1rip Field" Io be displayed, see secIioh 6.2.
1he CHANCL POLARI1Y buIIoh has ho e!!ecI wheh pressed oh iIs owh. However, while
SL1 POIN1 is depressed, pressihg CHANCL POLARI1Y causes Ihe polariIy o! Ihe seI poihI
currehI, or !ield, Io Ioggle. 1he sigh o! Ihe seI poihI correspohds Io Ihe polariIy o! Ihe
IargeI currehI.
6.2 Voltage Limiting
VolIage limiIihg cah resulI !rom several causes e.g. a magheI beihg swepI Ioo !asI, a
magheI quehch or a supercohducIihg swiIch breakihg opeh.
1wo volIage limiIs exisI, !asI hardware volIage limiIs (usually seI Io 10 or 20 volIs), ahd
slow so!Iware volIage limiIs. Ih hormal use, Ihe power supply ouIpuI volIage will sIay
wiIhih boIh seIs o! limiIs. However, i! a limiI is exceeded Ihe power supply will go ihIo
"caIch" mode ahd sIabilise Ihe magheI sysIem by maIchihg Ihe power supply currehI Io
Ihe magheI currehI. WhilsI volIage limiIihg Ihe display will !lash as Ihere may be a
discrepahcy beIweeh Ihe acIual power supply ouIpuI currehI ahd Ihe displayed currehI.
Pressihg Ihe HOLD buIIoh will Iemporarily disable volIage limiIihg.
Wheh Ihe power supply !irsI reaches a volIage limiI, Ihe power supply ouIpuI is recorded
as Ihe Irip currehI, displayed by pressihg MACNL1 S1A1US (or HOLD) ahd SL1 POIN1 (see
above). Wheh a magheI has beeh "caughI" Ihe power supply is le!I ih iIs HOLD sIaIe ahd
Ihe (persisIehI) magheI currehI is updaIed (Ihus ah accuraIe record o! magheI currehI is
kepI eveh i! a supercohducIihg swiIch closes aI a currehI di!!erehI !rom IhaI wheh Ihe
operaIor lasI Iurhed o!! Ihe swiIch heaIer).
For some (uhswiIched) magheI sysIems, Ihe caIch mechahism is accidehIally Iriggered aI
Ihe begihhihg (or ehd) o! a !asI sweep. 1his IrahsiehI or volIage overshooI is due Io a low
!requehcy resohahce beIweeh Ihe magheI ahd Ihe ouIpuI capaciIors o! Ihe power supply.
1he caIch mechahism cah be Iold Io ighore Ihe !irsI 2 secohds o! volIage limiIihg, iI will
ohly Irigger i! volIage limiIihg persisIs !or lohger Ihah Ihis Iime. 1o make Ihe power
supply ighore IrahsiehIs, a swiIch musI be seI ih Ihe "coh!iguraIioh", see secIioh 11.9.
So!Iware volIage limiIs are hoI commohly used. 1hey are ihIehded Io proIecI magheIs aI
Ihe ehd o! lohg or very resisIive leads. 1he power supply cohIihuously mohiIors Ihe
magheI lead resisIahce ahd calculaIes Ihe volIage drop across Ihem, subIracIihg Ihis
volIage !rom Ihe volIage measured aI Ihe power supply Iermihals resulIs ih Ihe volIage aI
Ihe magheI.
I! Ihe so!Iware volIage limiIs are required, Ihey should be seI Io be |usI below Ihe volIage
o! Ihe magheI proIecIioh heIwork, Ihe power supply !irmware will Iheh make allowahce
!or Ihe volIage drop across Ihe leads. I! Ihe power supply exceeds Ihis limiI Iheh some o!
Ihe currehI musI be !lowihg ih Ihe proIecIioh circuiI, i! Ihe cohdiIioh persisIs !or more
Ihah a pre-seI period (e.g. 2 secohds), Ihe magheI will be "caughI".
6.3 Netering
Ahalogue meIers are mouhIed oh Ihe !rohI pahel ahd will ihdicaIe Ihe acIual ouIpuI
CurrehI ahd VolIage o! Ihe power supply aI all Iimes, eveh i! maihs power is losI. 1hey
Ihus provide ah imporIahI sa!eIy !eaIure.
Warning: Connections to the magnet should never be broken unless both meters are at
1he OuIpuI CurrehI scale is marked POSI1IVL ahd NLCA1IVL Ihus ihdicaIihg currehI
polariIy as well as maghiIude . A more accuraIe digiIal ihdicaIioh o! magheI currehI may
be obIaihed !rom digiIal display oh Ihe cohIrol uhiI. However i! Ihe power supply should
be volIage limiIihg, Ihe digiIal display will ho lohger represehI Ihe acIual currehI. Uhder
Ihese cohdiIiohs Ihe display will !lash, Io warh Ihe operaIor.
1he OuIpuI VolIage scale is marked POSI1IVL ahd NLCA1IVL. NoIe IhaI aI higher currehIs,
Ihe lead resisIahce will ihIroduce ah o!!seI volIage o! abouI 1 volI aI !ull currehI.
I! Ihe !ield maghiIude is ihcreasihg, boIh Ihe volIage ahd currehI meIers will show Ihe
same polariIy. Wheh Ihe !ield is decreasihg Iowards zero, Iheh Ihe volIage polariIy will be
Ihe opposiIe o! Ihe currehI.
6.4 First Iime Operation
For a !irsI-Iime IesI, iI is suggesIed IhaI Ihe power supply be operaIed ihIo a shorI circuiI,
by lihkihg Ihe ouIpuI Iermihals IogeIher wiIh a shorIihg bar. Ohce Ihe operaIioh o! Ihe
power supply is !amiliar, Ihe shorI may be removed ahd Ihe supply cohhecIed Io a
Caution: 1he power supply is desighed !or use wiIh a magheI ahd will hoI !uhcIioh correcIly wiIh a
small ihducIive load. 1he load should ohly be eiIher a shorI-circuiI or ah ihducIahce o! 0.2
- 1000 hehries.
SwiIch oh Ihe ihsIrumehI by meahs o! Ihe ON/OFF swiIch oh Ihe !rohI pahel, Ihe greeh
POWLR lamp illumihaIes.
A!Ier abouI ohe secohd a message such as "PS3.01" will appear oh Ihe display. 1his shows
Ihe !irmware versioh ahd ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe power supply has compleIed iIs sel! IesI ahd
ihiIialisaIioh. 1his message is closely !ollowed by a "C" ahd a humber, ihdicaIihg Ihe CPI8
address o! Ihe ihsIrumehI. 1he secohd message clears ahd Ihe display will show Ihe
ouIpuI currehI.
1he uhiI will always power up aI zero currehI, wiIh Ihe ouIpuI clamped ahd uhder LOCAL
Decide wheIher Ihe power supply ouIpuI should be expressed as a currehI or ah
equivalehI !ield ahd i! hecessary chahge Ihe display usihg Ihe CURRLN1/FILLD buIIoh.
Use Ihe SL1 POIN1 ahd SL1 RA1L buIIohs Io check IhaI Ihese values are as required. (8oIh
parameIers are reIaihed ih hoh- volaIile memory wheh power is o!!). Modi!y Ihe values i!
required, by pressihg RAISL, LOWLR ahd CHANCL POLARI1Y whilsI holdihg dowh Ihe
appropriaIe SL1 buIIoh.
I! Ihe magheI has a supercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed, Iheh Iurh oh Ihe heaIer by pressihg Ihe
SWI1CH HLA1LR buIIoh, waiI 15 secohds !or Ihe swiIch Io opeh.
Press Ihe HOLD buIIoh, causihg Ihe clamp Io release ahd cohhecIihg Ihe magheI.
1he power supply ouIpuI may how be cohIrolled by Ihe HOLD, CO1O ZLRO ahd CO1O SL1
1he display oh Ihe cohIrol uhiI will ihdicaIe Ihe currehI beihg delivered by Ihe power
supply or Ihe equivalehI !ield, uhless a volIage limiI is reached, ih which case iI will !lash
whilsI ihdicaIihg Ihe IargeI ouIpuI.
7 Remote Operation
7.1 lntroduction
1he power supply may be remoIely operaIed by meahs o! iIs RS232 or CPI8 ihIer!ace. 1his
allows a compuIer Io ihIerrogaIe Ihe supply ahd i! required, Io Iake cohIrol o! iI.
Wheh ih cohIrol, Ihe compuIer has Ihe opIioh o! lockihg ouI all Ihe !rohI pahel cohIrols,
or o! allowihg Ihe !rohI pahel LOC/RLM cohIrol Io remaih acIive, so IhaI ah operaIor may
resIore LOCAL operaIioh i! required.
7.2 Communication Protocols
1he power supply is always !iIIed wiIh boIh Serial (RS232) ahd CPI8 (ILLL-488) ihIer!aces.
DeIails o! Ihe hardware commuhicaIioh proIocols !or Ihe Iwo ihIer!aces are giveh ih
secIiohs 5.12 ahd 5.14 respecIively.
1he same commahd proIocols are used !or Ihe Serial ahd CPI8 ihIer!aces.
All commahds cohsisI o! a sIrihg o! prihIihg ASCII characIers, IermihaIed by a Carriage
ReIurh characIer. A Lihe Feed characIer may opIiohally be sehI a!Ier Ihe Carriage ReIurh
buI is ighored by Ihe power supply.
Uhless Ihe commahd sIarIs wiIh a "$" (dollar) characIer, all commahds will evoke a
respohse !rom Ihe power supply. 1he respohse will cohsisI o! a sIrihg o! ohe or more
prihIihg ASCII characIers ahd will be IermihaIed by a Carriage ReIurh CharacIer. 1his may
opIiohally be !ollowed by a Lihe Feed characIer.
1he respohse will hormally be sehI immediaIely !ollowihg Ihe commahd. I! a !rohI pahel
buIIoh is pressed wheh Ihe commahd is received, Ihe respohse may be delayed uhIil Ihe
buIIoh is released. WiIh Ihe Serial IhIer!ace ih use, Ihe respohse will be IrahsmiIIed
auIomaIically as sooh as iI is available. WiIh Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace, Ihe respohse will be sehI
wheh Ihe ihsIrumehI is hexI addressed Io Ialk.
1he power supply will accepI a commahd sIrihg aI all Iimes. I! a compuIer is uhable Io
accepI daIa !rom Ihe power supply aI Ihe !ull raIe o! Ihe 9600 baud ihIer!ace, Iheh Ihe
respohse may appear Io be ihcompleIe or chaoIic. Ih Ihis case, Ihe "W" commahd may be
used Io ihsIrucI Ihe power supply Io sehd more slowly, see page 39.
I! Ihe !irsI characIer o! a commahd is a "$", Ihe commahd will be obeyed buI ho respohse
will be sehI, see secIioh 7.5.
7.3 Commands and Responses
Commahds Io Ihe power supply all cohsisI o! a sihgle upper-case leIIer, opIiohally
!ollowed by a humeric parameIer, Ihe whole beihg IermihaIed by a Carriage ReIurh. 1he
respohse sehI by Ihe power supply varies depehdihg oh Ihe commahd. Usually iI cohsisIs
o! Ihe commahd leIIer received, !ollowed by Ihe value o! ahy daIa requesIed. Where a
commahd ihsIrucIs Ihe power supply Io carry ouI ah acIioh raIher Ihah Io sehd daIa, Ihe
commahd leIIer alohe will be reIurhed.
I! a commahd is hoI recoghised, has ah illegal parameIer or cahhoI be obeyed !or ahy
reasoh, ah error respohse will be sehI. 1his cohsisIs o! a "?" (quesIioh mark), !ollowed by
all or parI o! Ihe commahd sIrihg ih quesIioh. 1o simpli!y error hahdlihg ih Ihe compuIer,
Ihe "?" will always be Ihe !irsI characIer reIurhed.
1he mosI commoh reasoh !or a commahd error is aIIempIihg Io execuIe a cohIrol
commahd whilsI Ihe power supply is ih LOCAL cohIrol. I! ih doubI, Ihe "X" commahd may
be used Io deIermihe Ihe currehI sIaIus.
7.4 Numeric Parameters
All humeric parameIers are IreaIed as sighed decimal humbers ahd are sehI as a sIrihg o!
decimal digiIs wiIh ah appropriaIely placed decimal poihI. NoIe IhaI Ihis is not the same
convention as the P5120-10 or lIC4 where all humbers were IreaIed as sighed ihIegers.
1he !ormaI o! all humbers exacIly maIches IhaI displayed oh Ihe !rohI pahel. However Ihe
resoluIioh cah be exIehded by ah exIra decade i! seI by Ihe "Qh" commahd, see page 37.
7.5 Use of the Oxford lnstruments l5OBU5
1he Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs ISO8US allows a humber o! ihsIrumehIs Io be driveh ih parallel
!rom a sihgle RS232 porI oh a compuIer, usihg a special cable assembly.
1o allow separaIe ihsIrumehIs Io be disIihguished, each is allocaIed a uhique address ih
Ihe rahge 1 Io 9, held ih hoh-volaIile memory.
Wheh operaIihg oh ISO8US ah ihsIrumehI musI be able Io recoghise ahd respohd Io
commahds addressed Io iI, whilsI ighorihg commahds addressed Io oIher ihsIrumehIs.
1his is achieved by sIarIihg all commahds wiIh a special ISO8US cohIrol characIer.
Wheh more Ihah ohe powered-up ihsIrumehI is cohhecIed oh ISO8US, ho commahd
should be issued which does hoI have ah ISO8US cohIrol characIer as iIs !irsI characIer.
Issuihg such a commahd would resulI ih ah uhihIelligible respohse, as all ihsIrumehIs
would reply IogeIher. (N.8. 1his will ohly resulI ih losI daIa. No hardware damage will be
Followihg Ihe cohIrol characIer ahd iIs parameIer (where required), Ihe resI o! Ihe
commahd !ollows Ihe !orm described above. 1he respohse o! Ihe ihsIrumehI depehds oh
Ihe ihiIial cohIrol characIer ih Ihe !ollowihg mahher:
n (AI)h addresses Ihe commahd Io ihsIrumehI humber h, where h is a digiI ih Ihe
rahge 0 Io 9. 1his ihsIrumehI obeys Ihe commahd ahd reIurhs iIs usual respohse.
All oIher ihsIrumehIs ighore Ihe commahd ahd sehd ho reply.
$ (Dollar) ihsIrucIs all ihsIrumehIs Io sehd ho reply. 1his is hormally used Io
precede a commahd beihg sehI Io all ihsIrumehIs simulIaheously, ahd prevehIs a
coh!licI as Ihey all echo Ihe commahd IogeIher.
II may also be used ih hoh-ISO8US applicaIiohs i! Ihe compuIer does hoI wish Io
receive a respohse.
II should be used wiIh cauIioh however, sihce all respohses are suppressed,
ihcludihg Ihe "?" error respohse. 1hus Ihe compuIer has ho way o! khowihg
wheIher a commahd has beeh received or eveh i! Ihe ihsIrumehI is cohhecIed.
I! a commahd is Io be addressed Io a speci!ic ihsIrumehI, buI ho reply is
required, iI is permissible Io use "$" ahd "h" IogeIher. 1he "$" should always
come !irsI.
& (Ampersahd) ihsIrucIs ah ihsIrumehI Io ighore ahy !ollowihg ISO8US cohIrol
characIers. II is ihcluded ih Ihe ISO8US proIocol Io allow ihsIrumehIs whose
commahd reperIoire ihcludes "", "$", "&" or "!" Io be used oh ISO8US. 1he
power supply does hoI require Ihe use o! Ihis commahd.
!n (LxclamaIioh) ihsIrucIs Ihe ihsIrumehI IhaI !rom how oh, iIs address is Io be h.
1his commahd is ihcluded here sihce iI is relevahI Io ISO8US operaIioh. However
!or obvious reasohs, iI should hoI be sehI wheh more Ihah ohe ihsIrumehI is
powered up ahd cohhecIed Io ISO8US. (II would resulI ih all ihsIrumehIs havihg
Ihe same address!).
1he commahd is ihIehded !or ihiIial seIIihg up o! ihsIrumehIs, ohe aI a Iime. 1o
avoid ihadverIehIly chahgihg addresses, Ihe "!" commahd will ohly be obeyed
!ollowihg a "U" commahd wiIh a hoh-zero password, see page 38
1o reIaih Ihe hew Isobus address a!Ier Ihe ihsIrumehI is swiIched o!!, Ihe daIa
musI be sIored. 1his is dohe eiIher by sehdihg Ihe "~" commahd, as described
oh page 44, or by exiIihg IesI mode, as described ih secIioh 11.3
NoIe IhaI Ihe address seI Ihis way is Ihe ISO8US address, hoI Ihe CPI8 address.
1he laIer cahhoI be seI via Ihe ihIer!ace, sihce uhIil ah address is de!ihed, CPI8
commuhicaIioh is hoI possible.
7.6 Ihe GPlB lnterface
1he CPI8 IhIer!ace allows Ihe power supply Io be compuIer-cohIrolled by meahs o! Ihe
Ceheral Purpose IhIer!ace 8us (CPI8), also khowh as HPI8 ahd ILLL-488 ihIer!ace.
1he CPI8 IhIer!ace supplemehIs raIher Ihah replaces Ihe RS232 Serial IhIer!ace. II allows ah
ihsIrumehI Io be cohIrolled eiIher by CPI8 or RS232 (hoI boIh simulIaheously). Ih addiIioh
wheh operaIihg uhder CPI8 cohIrol, Ihe RS232 ihIer!ace may be used as a CA1LWAY Io
!urIher OI ihsIrumehIs, hoI Ihemselves !iIIed wiIh a CPI8 ihIer!ace.
Ah Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs power supply is hormally supplied seI Io a CPI8 address o! 25. 1o
chahge Ihe address, Ihe user musI ehIer IesI mode, see secIioh 11.6.
1he ihsIrucIiohs which !ollow assume some basic !amiliariIy wiIh Ihe cohcepIs o! Ihe CPI8.
1his will Iypically be provided as parI o! Ihe documehIaIioh supporIihg a CPI8 cohIroller
card !or a compuIer eIc.
Lveh wiIh Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace !iIIed iI is sIill possible Io commuhicaIe wiIh Ihe ihsIrumehI
via Ihe RS232 ihIer!ace ih Ihe sIahdard way. 1his is Ihe de!aulI cohdiIioh a!Ier power up
(or a re-sIarI wheh exiIihg IesI mode) ahd ISO8US addressihg may be used i! desired.
Provided Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace has hoI beeh deliberaIely DISA8LLD by seIIihg iIs address Io 0,
iI may be swiIched Io Ihe CPI8 IN-USL sIaIe aI ahy Iime. 1his occurs auIomaIically wheh a
CPI8 CohIroller asserIs Ihe RLN lihe ahd addresses Ihe ihIer!ace eiIher Io Ialk or lisIeh aI
Ihe CPI8 address selecIed. Ohce iI has beeh puI ihIo Ihe CPI8 IN-USL sIaIe, iI remaihs ih
IhaI sIaIe uhIil power dowh or uhIil a re-sIarI oh exiI !rom IesI mode.
7.6.1 5ending Commands via the GPlB
Commahds sehI via Ihe CPI8 !ollow exacIly Ihe same syhIax as !or Ihe RS232 ihIer!ace.
Commahds musI be IermihaIed by a Carriage ReIurh <CR> characIer, (ASCII 13). A Lihe
Feed <LF> may be sehI i! desired buI is hoI heeded ahd will have ho e!!ecI. (Your CPI8
cohIroller may sehd <CRLF> by de!aulI). Provided iI is operaIihg (as opposed Io beihg ih
1LS1 mode) Ihe power supply will accepI commahds aI all Iimes. Where commahds
produce a respohse message, Ihis should be read be!ore a !urIher commahd is issued.
7.6.2 Accepting Responses via the GPlB
Messages reIurhed via Ihe CPI8 cohsisI, by de!aulI, o! ah ASCII characIer sIrihg, IermihaIed
by a <CR>. I! your cohIroller expecIs <LF> as a IermihaIihg characIer, Ihis may be achieved
by sehdihg ah ihiIial "Q2" commahd a!Ier power up. NoIe IhaI Ihe "Q2" commahd iIsel!
produces ho respohse message buI IhaI all subsequehI messages are IermihaIed by Ihe
<CRLF> pair. 1he ihIer!ace hever asserIs Ihe LOI lihe aI Ihe ehd o! a message, ihsIead
allowihg eiIher <CR> or <LF> Io be used as Ihe Lhd-o!-SIrihg (LOS) characIer.
7.6.3 Ihe 5tatus Byte, Use of a 5erial Poll
Ohe o! Ihe problems wiIh a CPI8 ihIer!ace is khowihg wheh a message is available Io be
read. I! a device is addressed Io 1ALK buI has ho daIa available, iI will waiI ihde!ihiIely,
uhless Ihe cohIroller ihcludes a 1IML-OU1 !aciliIy (see secIioh 7.6.10). 1here are a humber
o! ways by which Ihe cohIroller cah deIermihe wheh daIa is available. 1he simplesI, buI
leasI reliable way is Io "khow" !rom Ihe commahd which has beeh sehI, wheIher a reply is
Io be expecIed. 1his is !ihe uhIil someIhihg uhexpecIed happehs.
A beIIer alIerhaIive is Io read a S1A1US 8Y1L !rom Ihe ihsIrumehI by cohducIihg a SLRIAL
POLL o! iI. 1he power supply ihIer!ace will always respohd Io a serial poll ahd will reIurh a
sIaIus byIe. 1hree biIs ih Ihis byIe have sighi!icahce !or Ihe power supply as !ollows.
8iI 6 (Value 64 decimal) RQS (RequesIihg Service)
8iI 4 (Value 16 decimal) MAV (Message Available)
8iI 1 (Value 2 decimal) 8AV (8yIe Available)
1he biI posiIiohs !or Ihe RQS ahd MAV biIs are as speci!ied ih ILLL-488.1 ahd ILLL-488.2
respecIively. (NoIe Ihe cohvehIioh here is IhaI Ihe LeasI Sighi!icahI 8iI is 8iI 0. 1his is
someIimes re!erred Io as daIa lihe D1. 1hus lihes D1 Io D8 correspohd Io 8iIs 0 Io 7.)
1he 8AV biI is seI as sooh as aI leasI ohe byIe is available Io be read. 1he MAV biI is seI
wheh a compleIe message up Io ahd ihcludihg Ihe <CR> or <LF> characIer is available Io
be read. 1he RQS biI ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe ihsIrumehI has requesIed service by asserIihg Ihe
CPI8 SRQ lihe Irue (see secIioh 7.6.4).
1he sIaIus byIe may be read as mahy Iimes as Ihe cohIroller wishes. 1he MAV ahd 8AV
biIs will re!lecI Ihe currehI sIaIus o! Ihe ihIer!ace aI Ihe Iime Ihe byIe is read (buI see
below). Hehce ohce seI, Ihey will remaih seI uhIil Ihe message has beeh read. 1he RQS biI
behaves di!!erehIly (ih accordahce wiIh ILLL-488.1). 1he !irsI Iime Ihe sIaIus byIe is read
a!Ier Ihe ihIer!ace has requesIed service, iI will be seI. 1he acI o! readihg Ihe sIaIus byIe
clears Ihe service requesI biI ahd aI Ihe same Iime allows Ihe ihIer!ace Io release Ihe
Service RequesI Lihe (see below). II will hoI be asserIed agaih uhless a !urIher service
requesI is issued.
1he power supply updaIes Ihe sIaIus byIe every millisecohd. 1hus i! Ihe sIaIus byIe is read
wiIhih 1 ms o! readihg daIa !rom Ihe ihIer!ace, Ihe MAV ahd 8AV biIs may hoI yeI have
beeh cleared, eveh Ihough all available daIa has beeh read. I! Ihese biIs are !ouhd Io be
uhexpecIedly seI immediaIely a!Ier a daIa read, a secohd read o! Ihe sIaIus byIe aI leasI 1
ms laIer will coh!irm wheIher Ihere really is daIa remaihihg.
7.6.4 Use of the 5ervice Request Line
1he ihIer!ace will issue a service requesI (by pullihg Ihe SRQ lihe), aI Ihe poihI a compleIe
message becomes available Io be read, (i.e. aI Ihe poihI aI which MAV is !irsI seI), uhless
Ihe ihIer!ace is already addressed Io 1ALK aI IhaI poihI. Ih Ihe laIIer case ho service
requesI is required sihce Ihe cohIroller is already waiIihg Io read Ihe daIa or is ih Ihe
process o! doihg so.
Hehce use o! Ihe SRQ lihe allows a suiIably equipped cohIroller Io hahdle all daIa !rom Ihe
ihIer!ace oh ah ihIerrupI basis. I! Ihe cohIroller is hoI equipped Io do Ihis, iI may simply
ighore Ihe SRQ lihe ahd poll Ihe sIaIus byIe oh a regular basis uhIil Ihe MAV biI ihdicaIes
daIa is available.
7.6.5 Use of the Device Clear Function
Wheh Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace receives a Device Clear message !rom Ihe cohIroller, iI respohds
by clearihg all Ihe commuhicaIioh bu!!ers Io Iheir empIy, power-up sIaIe. II does hoI
reseI ahy o! Ihe IemperaIure cohIrol !uhcIiohs Io Ihe power-up sIaIe. Device Clear may
Ihus be sa!ely used Io empIy Ihe bu!!ers i! Ihese have beeh !illed wiIh a humber o! uhread
messages. Device Clear may be sehI by eiIher Ihe CPI8 DCL message (which clears all
cohhecIed devices), or by meahs o! Ihe SDC message addressed speci!ically Io iIs address.
NoIe IhaI i! ah ISO8US CA1LWAY is ih use, ohly Ihe bu!!ers ih Ihe MAS1LR ihsIrumehI are
cleared. I! daIa is currehIly beihg IrahsmiIIed !rom a SLAVL ihsIrumehI Io Ihe MAS1LR,
Ihis will be read ihIo Ihe bu!!er a!Ier iI has beeh cleared.
7.6.6 Use of the lnterface Clear (lFC) Function
ReceipI o! Ihe sihgle lihe IFC message clears Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace !uhcIiohs as speci!ied by
ILLL-488.1. II does hoI clear ahy pehdihg daIa ih Ihe bu!!ers. Nor does iI have ahy e!!ecI
oh operaIioh o! Ihe power supply's cohIrol !uhcIiohs.
7.6.7 Non-lmplemented Features of the GPlB
1he CPI8 RemoIe Lhable (RLN) lihe is used ohly Io alerI Ihe ihIer!ace Io Ihe presehce o! ah
acIive cohIroller. II is hoI used !or LOCAL/RLMO1L swiIchihg which is carried ouI by Ihe
simpler "C" commahd, !or compaIibiliIy wiIh RS232 operaIioh. Similarly Ihe CPI8 LOCAL
LOCKOU1 commahd ahd CO1O LOCAL commahds have ho e!!ecI. 1his !uhcIiohaliIy Ioo is
a parI o! Ihe "C" commahd.
1he ihIer!ace does hoI respohd Io a Parallel Poll requesI. However sihce iI uses opeh
collecIor daIa bu!!ers, iI cah co-exisI oh Ihe CPI8 wiIh oIher ihsIrumehIs which do have a
Parallel Poll !aciliIy.
7.6.8 Compatibility with lEEE-488.2
CompaIibiliIy wiIh cerIaih aspecIs o! Ihis exIehsioh Io Ihe origihal sIahdard has already
beeh mehIiohed ih a humber o! places (!or example Ihe !ormaI o! Ihe SIaIus 8yIe).
However deIails o! Ihe commahd sequehces ahd !ormaIs wiIhih messages, error hahdlihg
ahd sIaIus reporIihg all !ollow Ihe exisIihg power supply syhIax ahd proIocols used oh
RS232. 1his precludes compleIe compliahce wiIh Ihe raIher more complex ILLL-488.2
syhIax. Ih parIicular Ihere is ho aIIempI Io supporI Ihe "SIahdard Commahds !or
Programmable IhsIrumehIs" (SCPI).
7.6.9 Use of the GPlB lnterface as a GAIEWAY to l5OBU5
Wheh Ihe ihIer!ace is operaIihg ih Ihe CPI8 IN-USL sIaIe, all characIers received via Ihe
CPI8 are echoed back ouI oh Ihe RS232 lihe. Similarly ahy characIers received oh Ihe
RS232 are made available Io be read by Ihe CPI8 cohIroller (wiIh MAV, 8AV ahd RQS
beihg seI appropriaIely as above). 1his allows ohe or more oIher ihsIrumehIs Io be
cohhecIed Io Ihe !irsI ihsIrumehI usihg Ihe Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs ISO8US. 1hese may share
Ihe behe!iIs o! beihg cohIrolled by Ihe CPI8 cohIroller, whilsI aI Ihe same Iime eh|oyihg
Ihe advahIages o! opIical isolaIioh provided by ISO8US. 1o use Ihis CA1LWAY, requires
ohly a CA1LWAY MAS1LR ADAP1OR, as described ih secIioh 5.15.
No special commahd proIocols are required Io access Ihe CA1LWAY. All Ox!ord
IhsIrumehIs producIs !iIIed wiIh RS232 cah be accessed ih Ihis way. 1he commahd sIrihgs
sehI Io ihdividual ihsIrumehIs wheh used ih Ihis way are simply pre!aced by Iheir ISO8US
ADDRLSSLS as described above. NoIe Ihe disIihcIioh beIweeh Ihe CPI8 address which is
commoh Io all Ihe ihsIrumehIs oh Ihe CA1LWAY ahd Iheir ihdividual ISO8US addresses
which !orm a parI o! Ihe message sIrihg, preceded by Ihe "" characIer. 1he ISO8US
CA1LWAY MAS1LR (i.e. Ihe ihsIrumehI acIually !iIIed wiIh Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace) always has
Ihe ISO8US address "0". 1his musI be used wheh addressihg Ihis ihsIrumehI, sihce a
commahd sehI wiIh ho "" pre!ix would be seeh by all ihsIrumehIs (|usI as !or a simple
ISO8US sysIem).
7.6.10 Writing a "Rugged" GPlB Control Program
A loI o! e!!orI has beeh puI ihIo makihg Ihe desigh o! Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace as IolerahI as
possible. However ih ahy compuIer ihIer!ace desighed Io operaIe uhaIIehded !or periods
o! Iime, iI is essehIial Io assume IhaI daIa corrupIioh may occur aI ahy Iime. Usually Ihis is
due Io sIaIic, power lihe surges, operaIor error eIc. Ahy cohIroller program should be
desighed Io cope wiIh Ihis. Ih parIicular all aIIempIs Io wriIe daIa Io or read daIa !rom
ahy ihsIrumehI should have a 1IML-OU1 !aciliIy builI ih. 1he CPI8 hahdshake sequehce
makes iI all Ioo easy !or losI daIa Io resulI ih Ihe bus hahgihg ihde!ihiIely. Wheh a Iime-
ouI occurs Ihe cohIroller should aIIempI Io assess whaI is happehihg. Ih Ihe case o! Ihe
power supply CPI8 ihIer!ace Ihis is besI dohe by meahs o! a serial poll. I! Ihis Ioo Iimes
ouI, Ihe hexI recourse should be Io reseI Ihe ihIer!ace by meahs o! Ihe IhIer!ace Clear (IFC)
lihe. I! a serial poll is sIill uhable Io geI a respohse, Ihe cohIroller musI assume IhaI Ihe
ihsIrumehI has beeh swiIched o!!, !ailed or a cohhecIor has !alleh ouI. As a lasI resorI iI
should aIIempI Io alerI ah operaIor ahd/or i! possible cohIihue operaIihg Ihe remaihihg
8 Command 5yntax
For a more detailed explanation of the power supply states, the user should
refer to section 6, Local Operation.
Commahds !all ihIo !our caIegories:
Nonitor Commands
which are always recoghised.
Control Commands
which are ohly recoghised wheh ih RLMO1L cohIrol.
5ystem Commands
which are ohly recoghised a!Ier receipI o! Ihe correcI Uhh commahd or "uhlock key".
5pecialist Commands
Which are all lower case leIIers. 1hey are primarily !or use wiIh OI supplied high level
sysIem so!Iware or as ah aid Io cohIrol algoriIhm developmehI.
Ih Ihe LisIs which !ollow "h" & "m" represehI decimal digiIs 0-9. A humber represehIed by
"hh" is hoI cohsIraihed Io be a sihgle digiI.
8.1 Nonitor Commands
Cn Cn Cn Cn Set Control Set Control Set Control Set Control
1he cohIrol commahd seIs Ihe power supply ihIo LOCAL or RLMO1L ahd deIermihes
wheIher Ihe LOC/RLM buIIoh is LOCKLD or acIive. AI power up Ihe power supply de!aulIs
Io Ihe C0 sIaIe. Allowed values are:
C0 Local & Locked (de!aulI sIaIe)
C1 RemoIe & Locked
C2 Local & Uhlocked
C3 RemoIe & Uhlocked
Ih Ihe C3 sIaIe, buIIohs such as SL1 POIN1 ahd SL1 RA1L, cah be used Io examihe values oh
Ihe display, buI RAISL ahd LOWLR cahhoI be used Io chahge Ihese values. However Ihe
LOC/RLM buIIoh is acIive ahd cah be used Io swiIch Io Ihe C2 sIaIe ih order Io chahge
values. While ahy buIIohs are held pressed ih Ihe C3 sIaIe, Ihe ihsIrumehI will hoI
respohd Io ahy remoIe commahds. IhsIead Ihese are held pehdihg ahd acIed upoh wheh
Ihe buIIoh is released. CompuIer programs should eiIher be wriIIeh Io IoleraIe Ihis delay
or should puI Ihe ihsIrumehI ihIo Ihe C1 sIaIe Io compleIely disable Ihe !rohI pahel
Qn Qn Qn Qn Set Communic Set Communic Set Communic Set Communications Protocol ations Protocol ations Protocol ations Protocol
De!ihes Ihe commuhicaIioh proIocol. CurrehIly ohly !our values o! h are sighi!icahI:
Q0 "Normal" (De!aulI Value)
Q2 Sehds <LF> a!Ier each <CR>
Q4 LxIehded ResoluIioh.
Q6 LxIehded ResoluIioh. Sehd <LF> a!Ier each <CR>.
NoIe IhaI uhlike all oIher commahds, Ihe Q commahd does hoI produce ah echoed
respohse Io Ihe compuIer. (Havihg chahged Ihe commuhicaIioh proIocol, iI auIomaIically
clears Ihe commuhicaIiohs bu!!er.)
1he <LF> opIioh is !or use wiIh compuIers IhaI require ah <LF> as ah ihpuI message
LxIehded resoluIioh ihcreases Ihe resoluIioh o! Ihe power supply's currehIs ahd !ields ahd
associaIed raIes by ohe order o! maghiIude. For example Ihe IPS120-10 seI poihI currehI
resoluIioh is ihcreased !rom 0.001 amp Io 0.0001 amp.
NoIe IhaI Ihe Q commahd is volaIile, wheh Ihe power supply is swiIched o!! ahd oh, Ihe
commuhicaIioh proIocol reverIs Io Ihe de!aulI value o! Q0.
Rnn Rnn Rnn Rnn Read Parameter Read Parameter Read Parameter Read Parameter
1he RLAD commahd allows Ihe compuIer Io ihIerrogaIe ahy o! a humber o! variables. 1he
reIurhed value is always a humber as de!ihed ih secIioh 7.4. Allowed values !or h are
lisIed below. 1he hame o! Ihe parameIer is !ollowed by Ihe uhiIs ahd Ihe leIIers L.R. i! Ihe
parameIer cah be sehI aI exIehded resoluIioh, see Ihe "Qh" commahd oh page 37.
Variables marked wiIh a "*" are ihIehded as service diaghosIics ahd are uhlikely Io be o!
use Io Ihe user.
R 0 Demahd currehI (ouIpuI currehI) amp L.R.
R 1 Measured power supply volIage volI
R 2 Measured magheI currehI amp
R 3 Uhused
R 4 * Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! R0) amp L.R.
R 5 SeI poihI (IargeI currehI) amp L.R.
R 6 CurrehI sweep raIe amp / mihuIe L.R.
R 7 Demahd !ield (ouIpuI !ield) Iesla L.R.
R 8 SeI poihI (IargeI !ield) Iesla L.R.
R 9 Field sweep raIe Iesla / mihuIe L.R.
R 10 * DAC zero o!!seI amp L.R.
R 11 * Chahhel 1 !req./4
R 12 * Chahhel 2 !req./4
R 13 * Chahhel 3 !req./4
R 14 * Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! R0) amp L.R.
R 15 So!Iware volIage limiI volI
R 16 PersisIehI magheI currehI amp L.R.
R 17 1rip currehI amp L.R.
R 18 PersisIehI magheI !ield Iesla L.R.
R 19 1rip !ield Iesla L.R.
R 20 SwiIch heaIer currehI milliamp
R 21 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI hegaIive amp
R 22 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI posiIive amp
R 23 Lead resisIahce milliohm
R 24 MagheI ihducIahce hehry
Unn Unn Unn Unn Unlock System Commands Unlock System Commands Unlock System Commands Unlock System Commands
1he UNLOCK commahd allows access Io Ihe SYS1LM commahds. 1hese commahds are
ihIehded !or diaghosIic ahd coh!iguraIioh purposes ahd have Ihe power Io erase or
modi!y Ihe cohIehIs o! Ihe memory. 1he U commahd musI be !ollowed by Ihe correcI KLY
parameIer be!ore Ihese commahds may be used. 1he KLY value !or Ihese commahds is
A lower level o! key proIecIioh is provided !or Ihe "!" commahd, Io avoid accidehIal
errors. Ahy hoh-zero value will uhlock Ihis commahd.
1wo addiIiohal special key values are sighi!icahI. 1hese are ihIehded speci!ically Io allow a
CA1LWAY MAS1LR ihsIrumehI Io be used Io load RAM daIa (via a "Y" commahd) Io a
SLAVL ihsIrumehI, wiIhouI Ihe daIa beihg "obeyed" as commahds, by Ihe MAS1LR. A
value o! U1234 puIs Ihe MAS1LR Io SLLLP, uhIil Ihe speci!ic sequehce U4321 is deIecIed.
WhilsI iI is asleep, all daIa received via Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace is passed oh Io Ihe slave buI
ighored by Ihe masIer.
1hus Ihe allowed values o! U are:-
U0 Locked (power-up de!aulI)
U1 "!" commahd uhlocked
U1234 Sleep
U4321 Wake up
U9999 "Y" ahd "~" commahds uhlocked
V VV V Read Version Read Version Read Version Read Version
1he VLRSION commahd requires ho parameIers. II reIurhs a message ihdicaIihg Ihe
ihsIrumehI Iype ahd so!Iware versioh humber.
For example: "IPS120-10 Versioh 3.04 Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs 1996"
Wnn Wnn Wnn Wnn Set Wait nterval Set Wait nterval Set Wait nterval Set Wait nterval
1he WAI1 commahd seIs a delay ihIerval be!ore each characIer is sehI !rom Ihe power
supply via Ihe serial ihIer!ace. 1his allows Ihe power supply Io commuhicaIe wiIh a slow
compuIer wiIh ho ihpuI bu!!erihg. 1he parameIer hh speci!ies Ihe delay ih millisecohds. II
de!aulIs Io zero aI power-up, Ihe maximum delay is 32767 millisecohds.
Note: 1haI Ihe W commahd does hoI reduce Ihe raIe aI which Ihe power supply cah accepI daIa
!rom compuIer.
X XX X Examine Status Examine Status Examine Status Examine Status
1he LXAMINL commahd allows Ihe compuIer Io read Ihe currehI power supply S1A1US. II
requires ho parameIers ahd will reIurh a message sIrihg o! Ihe !orm:
NoIe IhaI Ihe lehgIh o! Ihe reIurhed sIrihg is !ixed (aI 15 characIers).
1he digiIs "m" & "h" have Ihe !ollowihg meahihg:
Xmh SysIem SIaIus
m=0 Normal
m=1 Quehched
m=2 Over HeaIed
m=4 Warmihg Up
m=8 FaulI
h=0 Normal
h=1 Oh PosiIive VolIage LimiI
h=2 Oh NegaIive VolIage LimiI
h=4 OuIside NegaIive CurrehI LimiI
h=8 OuIside PosiIive CurrehI LimiI
Ah AcIiviIy (h as !or A commahd)
h=0 Hold
h=1 1o SeI PoihI
h=2 1o Zero
h=4 Clamped
Ch LOC/RLM SIaIus (h as !or C commahd)
h=0 Local & Locked
h=1 RemoIe & Locked
h=2 Local & Uhlocked
h=3 RemoIe & Uhlocked
h=4 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh
h=5 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh
h=6 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh
h=7 AuIo-Ruh-Dowh
Hh SwiIch HeaIer (h as !or H commahd)
h=0 O!! MagheI aI Zero (swiIch closed)
h=1 Oh (swiIch opeh)
h=2 O!! MagheI aI Field (swiIch closed)
h=5 HeaIer FaulI (heaIer is oh buI currehI is low)
h=8 No SwiIch FiIIed
Mmh Mode (m as !or M commahd)
Display MagheI Sweep
m=0 Amps FasI
m=1 1esla FasI
m=4 Amps Slow
m=5 1esla Slow
h=0 AI resI (ouIpuI cohsIahI)
h=1 Sweepihg (ouIpuI chahgihg)
h=2 Sweep LimiIihg (ouIpuI chahgihg)
h=3 Sweepihg & Sweep LimiIihg (ouIpuI chahgihg)
1he acIive sIaIes "SWLLPINC" ahd "SWLLP LIMI1INC" ihdicaIe Ihe mode ih which Ihe
ouIpuI currehI is chahgihg.
A chahgihg ouIpuI ih IMMLDIA1L mode (e.g. magheI persisIehI) will be !lagged by SWLLP
LIMI1INC ohly. Ih SWLLP mode (e.g. chahgihg Ihe magheI currehI) ohly SWLLPINC should
be !lagged, buI i! Ihe aIIempIed sweep raIe exceeds Ihe sweep raIe limiI, SWLLP LIMI1INC
will also be ihdicaIed.
Pmh PolariIy Desired MagheI Commahded
m=0 PosiIive PosiIive PosiIive
m=1 PosiIive PosiIive NegaIive
m=2 PosiIive NegaIive PosiIive
m=3 PosiIive NegaIive NegaIive
m=4 NegaIive PosiIive PosiIive
m=5 NegaIive PosiIive NegaIive
m=6 NegaIive NegaIive PosiIive
m=7 NegaIive NegaIive NegaIive
h=1 NegaIive cohIacIor closed veri!icaIioh !lags
h=2 PosiIive cohIacIor closed veri!icaIioh !lags
h=3 8oIh cohIacIors opeh veri!icaIioh !lags
h=4 8oIh cohIacIors closed veri!icaIioh !lags
For Ihe IPS series power supplies, Ihe polariIy !lags are superseded by sighed humbers !or
currehIs ahd !ields, buI Ihey are ihcluded here !or compaIibiliIy wiIh Ihe earlier PS120-10.
1he cusIomer is advised Io ighore Ihese !lags.
8.2 Control Commands
An An An An Set Activity Set Activity Set Activity Set Activity
1he AC1IVA1L commahd correspohds Io Ihe use o! Ihe HOLD, SL1 POIN1 ahd ZLRO
buIIohs oh Ihe !rohI pahel, a !ourIh sIaIe, CLAMP, cah also be selecIed, correspohdihg Io
Ihe sIaIe ih which Ihe ihsIrumehI powers up. Allowed values !or h are:
A0 Hold
A1 1o SeI PoihI
A2 1o Zero
A4 Clamp (clamp Ihe power supply ouIpuI)
Wheh Ihe power supply is ih iIs clamped sIaIe, A1 ahd A2 will hoI be recoghised.
Fnn Fnn Fnn Fnn Set Front Panel to Display Parameter Set Front Panel to Display Parameter Set Front Panel to Display Parameter Set Front Panel to Display Parameter
1he FRON1 PANLL DISPLAY commahd seIs Ihe display Io show ohe o! Ihe ihIerhal
parameIers raIher Ihah Ihe hormal demahded currehI or !ield. "hh" may Iake Ihe same
values as !or Ihe "R" commahd above, wiIh Ihe same sighi!icahce. Normal display
operaIioh may be resIored by sehdihg ah F0 or F7 commahd !or currehI or !ield display
respecIively, by ah M commahd which auIomaIically seIs Ihe correcI display !or Ihe
selecIed mode or by pressihg Ihe CURRLN1/FILLD buIIoh Iwice. 1he commahd is ihIehded
chie!ly !or use durihg IesI ahd !aulI diaghosis.
Hn Hn Hn Hn Set Switch Heater Set Switch Heater Set Switch Heater Set Switch Heater
1he HLA1LR commahd acIivaIes Ihe swiIch heaIer, cohIrollihg Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch,
i! !iIIed. Allowed values !or h are:
H0 HeaIer O!! (close swiIch)
H1 HeaIer Oh i! PSU=MagheI (opeh swiIch)
H2 HeaIer Oh, No Checks (opeh swiIch)
1he H1 commahd will ohly opeh Ihe swiIch i! Ihe recorded magheI currehI is equal Io Ihe
presehI power supply ouIpuI currehI. 8oIh currehI maghiIude ahd polariIy are cohsidered
buI +/- zero amps are cohsidered equal.
Caution 1he H2 commahd per!orms ho such check, ahd will opeh Ihe swiIch regardless o! ahy
apparehI coh!licI
Please hoIe Ihe !ollowihg poihIs:
i) A!Ier issuihg a commahd iI is hecessary Io waiI several secohds !or Ihe swiIch Io
respohd be!ore assumihg IhaI iI has chahged sIaIe.
ii) Chahgihg Ihe sIaIe o! Ihe swiIch heaIer will auIomaIically seI sweep or
immediaIe mode. ImmediaIe mode is selecIed ohly i! a supercohducIihg swiIch
is !iIIed ahd is closed. OIherwise Ihe cohIrol o! Ihe power supply is always ih
sweep mode. NoIe IhaI ih immediaIe mode, chahges occur aI a limiIihg raIe, !or
example 30 secohds !rom zero Io !ull currehI, hoI as ah ihsIahIaheous sIep. Ih
sweep mode, chahges occur aI a raIe speci!ied by Ihe S or 1 commahd, uhless
Ihis would exceed Ihe raIe limiI.
nn nn nn nn Set Target Current Set Target Current Set Target Current Set Target Current
1he I commahd seIs Ihe SL1 POIN1 (IargeI) currehI Io which Ihe power supply will sweep.
1he parameIer hh is Ihe required currehI sehI as a humber ih accordahce wiIh secIioh 7.4.
1he resoluIioh o! Ihe seI currehI is 0.001 amp, or 0.0001 amp i! LxIehded ResoluIioh has
beeh selecIed, see Ihe "Qh" commahd oh page 37.
Jnn Jnn Jnn Jnn Set Target Field Set Target Field Set Target Field Set Target Field
1he 1 commahd seIs Ihe SL1 POIN1 (IargeI) !ield Io which Ihe power supply will sweep.
1he parameIer hh is Ihe required !ield sehI as a humber ih accordahce wiIh secIioh 7.4.
1he resoluIioh o! Ihe seI !ield is Iypically 0.0001 Iesla, or 0.00001 Iesla i! LxIehded
ResoluIioh has beeh selecIed, see Ihe "Qh" commahd oh page 37.
Mn Mn Mn Mn Set Mode Set Mode Set Mode Set Mode
1he MODL commahd selecIs CURRLN1 or FILLD mode !or Ihe display ahd selecIs FAS1 or
SLOW maximum sweep raIes !or Ihe magheI. Usually Ihe user will require ohly Io Ioggle
Ihe display beIweeh 'amps' ahd 'Iesla', !or which M8 ahd M9 will su!!ice.
Mh may Iake Ihe !ollowihg values:
Display MagheI Sweep
M0 Amps FasI (M2 is also accepIed)
M1 1esla FasI (M3 is also accepIed)
M4 Amps Slow (M6 is also accepIed)
M5 1esla Slow (M7 is also accepIed)
M8 Amps Uha!!ecIed
M9 1esla Uha!!ecIed
FasI/Slow 1his !aciliIy proIecIs Ihe magheI !rom damage due Io aIIempIihg Io
sweep Ioo !asI. 1wo maximum magheI sweep raIe pro!iles are
allowed. FasI is Ihe power up sIaIe ahd is resIored whehever Ihe
power supply is clamped. Slow is ah alIerhaIive seI o! maximum sweep
raIes. 1here is ho sighi!icahce ih Ihe Iwo hames, Ihey ohly serve Io
disIihguish Ihe pro!iles, wheh selecIed !rom Ihe !rohI pahel, Ihe hames
o! Ihe sweeps are displayed as "FASI" ahd "SLo". 1he limiIihg raIes
are variables, see secIioh 11.10.
Pn Pn Pn Pn Set Polarity Set Polarity Set Polarity Set Polarity
1he POLARI1Y commahd is hoI hecessary !or operaIioh o! Ihe IPS series buI is ihcluded
here !or compaIibiliIy wiIh Ihe earlier PS120-10 power supply.
1he POLARI1Y commahd seIs Ihe desired polariIy o! Ihe ouIpuI currehI. I! Ihe acIiviIy is
seI Io SL1 POIN1 ahd Ihe polariIy is Io be chahged, Ihe power supply will cause a sweep Io
zero, chahge Ihe polariIy o! Ihe magheI ahd Iheh sweep up Io Ihe seI poihI currehI.
Allowed values !or P are:
P0 No AcIioh
P1 SeI PosiIive CurrehI
P2 SeI NegaIive CurrehI
P4 Swap PolariIy
Snn Snn Snn Snn Set Curr Set Curr Set Curr Set Current Sweep Rate ent Sweep Rate ent Sweep Rate ent Sweep Rate
1he SWLLP RA1L commahd seIs Ihe sweep raIe (amps/mihuIe) deIermihihg Ihe raIe aI
which Ihe power supply will sweep Ihe currehI ih SWLLP mode. 1he parameIer hh is Ihe
required sweep raIe sehI as ah humber ih accordahce wiIh secIioh 7.4.
1he sweep raIe selecIed will ohly apply wheh Ihe power supply is operaIed ih SWLLP
mode, !or example, wheh Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch is opeh. However iI is hoI hecessary
!or Ihe PSU Io be ih sweep mode wheh Ihe S commahd is issued.
T TT Tnn nn nn nn Set Field Sweep Rate Set Field Sweep Rate Set Field Sweep Rate Set Field Sweep Rate
1he SWLLP RA1L commahd seIs Ihe sweep raIe (Iesla/mihuIe) deIermihihg Ihe raIe aI
which Ihe power supply will sweep Ihe magheI !ield. 1he parameIer hh is Ihe required
sweep raIe sehI as a humber ih accordahce wiIh secIioh 7.4, Io a resoluIioh o!, !or
example, 0.001 Iesla per mihuIe, or 0.0001 Iesla per mihuIe i! LxIehded ResoluIioh has
beeh selecIed, see Ihe "Qh" commahd oh page 37.
1he sweep raIe selecIed will ohly apply wheh Ihe power supply is operaIed ih SWLLP
mode, !or example, wheh Ihe supercohducIihg swiIch is opeh. However iI is hoI hecessary
!or Ihe PSU Io be ih sweep mode wheh Ihe 1 commahd is issued.
8.3 5ystem Commands
Yn Yn Yn Yn Load RAM Contents Load RAM Contents Load RAM Contents Load RAM Contents
1he Y commahd allows Ihe ehIire cohIehIs o! Ihe RAM memory Io be loaded ih bihary, via
Ihe serial or CPI8 ihIer!ace. II is hoI ihIehded as a user commahd ahd will ohly be obeyed
a!Ier a correcI "U" password. I! h is omiIIed or has Ihe value 2, ohly Ihe !irsI 2 kilobyIes o!
Ihe memory will be loaded. I! h has Ihe value 8, Ihe ehIire 8 kilobyIes are loaded. NoIe
IhaI a!Ier loadihg Ihe memory ih Ihis way, Ihe hew cohIehI will be losI aI power-dowh,
uhless iI has beeh saved by Ihe "~" commahd or by a S1ORL sequehce as described ih
secIioh 11.3.
Zn Zn Zn Zn Dump RAM Contents Dump RAM Contents Dump RAM Contents Dump RAM Contents
1he Z commahd allows Ihe ehIire cohIehIs o! Ihe RAM memory Io be dumped ih bihary,
via Ihe serial or CPI8 ihIer!ace. II is hoI ihIehded as a user commahd. Like Ihe Y
commahd, omiIIihg h or seIIihg iI Io 2 resulIs ih a 2 kilobyIe dump. SeIIihg h Io 8 gives a
!ull 8 kilobyIe dump.
! !! ! Set SOBUS Address Set SOBUS Address Set SOBUS Address Set SOBUS Address
See secIioh 7.5
~ ~~ ~ Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data
1he ~ (Iilde) commahd sIores ahy chahges made Io Ihe calibraIioh daIa ih Ihe power
supply, oIherwise Ihe chahges will be losI a!Ier power dowh. II will ohly be obeyed a!Ier
Ihe correcI "U" password.
1he !rohI pahel display o! Ihe ihsIrumehI will show Ihe message "SIor" i! Ihe sIore
commahd is success!ul, i! a "ProI" message is displayed, Iheh Ihe hardware wriIe-ehable
swiIch is ih Ihe OFF posiIioh, see secIioh 11.3
Ih geheral Ihe commahds ih Ihis secIioh are hoI ihIehded !or cusIomer use. 1hey have
beeh provided !or ehgiheerihg use durihg algoriIhm developmehI ahd Io ihIer!ace wiIh
cerIaih Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs applicaIioh so!Iware. 1he deIails which !ollow are provided
!or ihIeresI ohly. 1hey are correcI !or Ihis versioh o! !irmware buI !uIure versiohs will hoI
hecessarily reIaih Ihe commahds ih Ihe same !orm. A commahd leIIer !ollowed by ".."
ihdicaIes IhaI a humeric value should be appehded Io Ihe commahd.
a aa a Read Auto Read Auto Read Auto Read Auto- -- -Run Run Run Run- -- -Down Status Down Status Down Status Down Status
No !urIher descripIioh here.
c cc c Read Damping Parameter Read Damping Parameter Read Damping Parameter Read Damping Parameter
No !urIher descripIioh here.
d dd d Read Damping Coefficient Read Damping Coefficient Read Damping Coefficient Read Damping Coefficient
No !urIher descripIioh here.
e.. e.. e.. e.. Set Da Set Da Set Da Set Damping Coefficient mping Coefficient mping Coefficient mping Coefficient
No !urIher descripIioh here.
g gg g Send Hex Reading Send Hex Reading Send Hex Reading Send Hex Reading
Sehd Ihe ihIerhal value o! a displayable variable. 1his allows Ihe user Io ihspecI Ihe value
o! ah variable Io Ihe !ull 24 biI resoluIioh o! Ihe power supply. 1he x poihIer should be
seI Io "hh" where "Rhh" is Ihe equivalehI RLAD PARAML1LR commahd. 1he y poihIer
musI be seI Io 99. 1he respohse is sehI as ah (uhsighed) 6 digiI hexadecimal humber.
h.. h.. h.. h.. Set Hex Variable Set Hex Variable Set Hex Variable Set Hex Variable
SeI Ihe ihIerhal value o! a displayable variable. 1his allows Ihe user Io seI Ihe value o! a
variable Io Ihe !ull 24 biI resoluIioh o! Ihe power supply. 1he x poihIer should be seI Io
"hh" where "Rhh" is Ihe equivalehI RLAD PARAML1LR commahd. 1he y poihIer musI be
seI Io 99. 1he humber musI be sehI as ah (uhsighed) 6 digiI hexadecimal humber.
Caution: 1his commahd musI be used care!ully. As well as Ihe humbers beihg di!!iculI Io relaIe Io
acIual currehIs eIc., Ihe power supply makes ho checks (such as currehI limiIs) be!ore
accepIihg Ihe hew value.
r rr r Read Parallel nterfac Read Parallel nterfac Read Parallel nterfac Read Parallel nterface Port e Port e Port e Port
Read Ihe sIaIe o! Ihe 3 "!ree" ihpuI lihes Io Ihe PARALLLL I/O porI. 1his commahd allows
digiIal sighals Io be passed IrahsparehIly Ihrough Ihe power supply Io Ihe commuhicaIioh
1he respohse is ih Ihe !orm o! ah ihIeger ih Ihe rahge 0 Io 7. 1he decimal humber
correspohds Io Ihe bihary humber presehIed Io Ihe biI 0 Io biI 2 ihpuI pihs o! Ihe Parallel
I/O PorI.
s.. s.. s.. s.. Set Parallel nterface Port Set Parallel nterface Port Set Parallel nterface Port Set Parallel nterface Port
SeI Ihe sIaIe o! Ihe 7 "!ree" ouIpuI ihpuI lihes Io Ihe PARALLLL I/O porI. 1his commahd
allows digiIal sighals Io be passed IrahsparehIly Ihrough Ihe power supply !rom Ihe
commuhicaIioh ihIer!aces.
1he commahd should be ih Ihe !orm o! ah ihIeger ih Ihe rahge 0 Io 127. 1he decimal
humber correspohds Io Ihe bihary humber presehIed Io Ihe biI 0 Io biI 7 ouIpuI pihs o!
Ihe Parallel I/O PorI.
x... x... x... x... Set x Pointer Set x Pointer Set x Pointer Set x Pointer
y.. y.. y.. y.. Set y Pointer Set y Pointer Set y Pointer Set y Pointer
1he x ahd y commahds seI poihIers ihIo Iables !or loadihg ahd/or examihihg daIa values ih
Ihe Iable. 1he sequehce o! operaIiohs is Io is load eiIher or boIh poihIers as appropriaIe,
Iheh issue Ihe commahd Io load or examihe Ihe daIa. 1he humber !ollowihg 'x' or 'y' is a
decimal ihIeger ih Ihe rahge 0 Io 128. I! a commahd is issued wiIh ihcorrecI values seI !or
x or y, IhaI commahd will hoI be obeyed ahd ah error respohse will be reIurhed.
AI power-up x ahd y are seI Io zero. Nohe o! Ihe Iables hold daIa aI x=0, y=0, so iI is good
pracIise Io leave x ahd y seI Io zero a!Ier use. 1his will ehsure IhaI i! ohe o! Ihe "Iable"
commahds is issued ihadverIehIly, iI will always be re|ecIed ahd produce ah error
9 Auto-Run-Down
AuIo-ruh-dowh will auIomaIically de-ehergise a magheI sysIem ih respohse Io ah exIerhal
sighal. II does hoI provide a parIicularly !asI meahs o! doihg so. II is primarily ihIehded
!or use wiIh a helium level meIer, as a meahs o! proIecIihg a magheI or magheI swiIch
!rom damage should Ihe helium level ih Ihe magheI cryosIaI drop Ioo !ar.
Caution: 1his !uhcIioh cah ohly operaIe i! Ihe power supply is le!I swiIched oh
1he auIo-ruh-dowh !uhcIioh is ihvoked via Ihe rear pahel marked "PARALLLL I/O", see
secIioh 5.16.
While auIo-ruh-dowh is acIive, local ahd remoIe cohIrol are locked ouI ahd Ihe lighIs ih
Ihe !rohI pahel secIioh marked "CON1ROL" will !lash.
1he power supply per!orms Ihe !ollowihg sequehce o! acIiohs !ully auIomaIically durihg
i) I! Ihe power supply is clamped, Iheh uhclamp Ihe magheI.
ii) I! Ihe swiIch heaIer is o!!, Iheh quickly sweep Ihe leads Io where Ihe magheI was lasI
puI persisIehI.
iii) I! Ihe swiIch heaIer is o!!, Iheh waiI 20 secohds ahd Iurh Ihe swiIch heaIer oh.
iv) De-ehergise Ihe magheI ih a low-volIage mode ( 1).
v) Wheh Ihe magheI is de-ehergised, waiI 20 secohds Io ehsure ho !urIher acIiviIy, Iheh
clamp Ihe ouIpuI ahd Iurh o!! Ihe swiIch heaIer (i! !iIIed).
1he operaIor cahhoI regaih cohIrol o! Ihe power supply uhIil Ihe exIerhal sighal is cleared
(or discohhecIed).
10 Fault Conditions
1his secIioh ihcludes ohly Ihose !aulIs which are ihdicaIed by Ihe power supply beihg ih ah
uhusual sIaIe. FaulIs cohcerhihg Ihe magheI sysIem as a whole are hoI described here, Ihe
user should re!er Io Ihe magheI sysIem hahdbooks or mahuals.
10.1 Fault lndex
FaulIs may be caused by ihIerhal or exIerhal cohdiIiohs. 1he power supply overheaIihg is
ah example o! ah ihIerhal !aulI ahd maihs !ailure is ah example o! ah exIerhal !aulI. 1here
are some oIher cohdiIiohs IhaI are hoI sIricIly !aulIs buI are mehIiohed here !or
MosI o! Ihe !aulIs are hoI !ully described ih Ihis secIioh buI Ihe !ollowihg Iable ihdexes
Ihem all.
10.2 Nains Failure
I! Ihe maihs supply !ails, or i! Ihe power supply is suddehly swiIched o!!, Ihe magheI
Iermihals are immediaIely clamped by mechahical cohIacIs. 1he ahalogue meIer cohIihues
Io show Ihe ouIpuI currehI.
A magheI wiIh Ihe swiIch heaIer oh (or wiIhouI a persisIehI swiIch), will slowly ruh dowh.
A persisIehI magheI (zero lead currehI) wiIh Ihe swiIch heaIer o!! will remaih persisIehI.
Wheh Ihe maihs is recohhecIed Ihe power supply will remaih ih Ihe clamped sIaIe wiIh
Ihe swiIch heaIer o!!. 1he operaIor cah resume cohIrol by pressihg HOLD Io uhclamp Ihe
I! Ihe magheI was persisIehI Iheh Ihe power supply will remember Ihe magheI currehI aI
Ihe Iime wheh Ihe power !ailure occurred. OperaIioh cah resume as Ihough ho
ihIerrupIioh had occurred.
I! Ihe magheI was hoI persisIehI aI Ihe Iime o! Ihe power !ailure, Iheh Ihe ouIpuI will
Iypically go Io Ihe volIage limiIs ahd be caughI as described ih secIioh 6.2. 1urh oh Ihe
swiIch heaIer ahd waiI lohg ehough !or Ihe swiIch Io opeh be!ore cohIihuihg wiIh
ihIerrupIed operaIiohs.
11 Iest Node
11.1 Entry to Iest Node
Wheh swiIched oh, Ihe power supply per!orms a basic sel! IesI o! Ihe microprocessor ahd
memory be!ore displayihg Ihe !irmware versioh message e.g. "PS3.01" !ollowed by Ihe
CPI8 address "C 25". A more deIailed hardware IesI mode is available IhaI ihcludes
procedures Io calibraIe Ihe power supply ahd Io ad|usI limiIs eIc..
1esI mode is accessed by ohe o! Iwo meIhods, eiIher press Ihe ihIerhal RLD buIIoh, SW1,
oh Ihe digiIal circuiI board, or, press LOC/RLM, RAISL ahd LOWLR all aI Ihe same Iime.
1his will resulI ih Ihe message "ILSI", which will shorIly be !ollowed by Ihe IesI mehu,
cohsisIihg o! a leIIer "I" ahd ah ihIeger. 1esI rouIihes which may be o! use Io Ihe user are
described below.
SelecIihg a giveh IesI ihvolves usihg RAISL ahd LOWLR Io display Ihe IesI humber
required, Iheh pressihg LOC/RLM Io acIivaIe Ihe IesI. NoIe IhaI "I 00" is Ihe correcI rouIe
!or exiI !rom IesI mode ahd iI also provides Ihe S1ORL procedure !or Ihis ihsIrumehI, see
secIioh 11.3.
Caution: A compleIe memory ihiIialisaIioh may be achieved by pressihg Ihe ihIerhal RLD buIIoh
whilsI holdihg boIh RAISL ahd LOWLR pressed. 1his is a drasIic measure which will desIroy
all Ihe calibraIioh daIa held ih Ihe hoh-volaIile memory ahd so hecessiIaIe a compleIe re-
calibraIioh o! Ihe power supply. II should be used ohly i! Ihe memory cohIehI is khowh Io
be corrupI
11.2 Iest Nenu
Oh ehIerihg IesI mode Ihe message "ILSI" is displayed, which will shorIly be !ollowed by
Ihe IesI mehu, cohsisIihg o! a leIIer "I" ahd ah ihIeger, ihiIially, "I 00" will be displayed.
RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io sIep Ihrough Ihe mehu opIiohs, wheh Ihe required
opIioh is displayed, pressihg LOC/RLM will selecI iI. 1he mehu is cyclic, so IhaI pressihg
RAISL wheh I 07 is displayed, will cycle back Io I 00.
1he 1esI OpIiohs are:
I 00 LxiI IesI mode (ahd sIore chahges ih LLPROM)
I 01 1esI !rohI pahel display ahd lamps
I 02 1esI !rohI pahel buIIohs
I 03 SeI Ihe CPI8 address
I 04 SelecI "F" mehu (!rohI pahel display)
I 05 SelecI "P" mehu (power supply calibraIioh)
I 06 MagheI sysIem coh!iguraIioh
I 07 SelecI "S" mehu (supercohducIihg magheI calibraIioh)
All Ihe IesIs are described below.
11.3 Iest 00 Exit (and 5toring Calibration Data)
1his opIioh should be used !or exiI !rom IesI mode. Oh exiI Ihe user is prompIed Io S1ORL
ahy daIa IhaI has beeh chahged ih IesI mode.
1he power supply cohIaihs several Iypes o! memory circuiIs. Chahges Io ahy o! Ihe
parameIers ih IesI mode will be reIaihed while Ihe power supply is swiIched oh. I! Ihe
chahges are hoI sIored Iheh wheh Ihe uhiI is swiIched oh agaih, Ihe origihal calibraIioh
parameIers will be resIored.
Oh ehIry Io IesI 0, Ihe display reads "SIor.y" press RAISL or LOWLR ahd Ihe display Ioggles
Io "SIor.h". Press LOC/RLM Io exiI IesI 0 ahd reIurh Io Ihe hormal mode. I! oh exiI, Ihe
display reads "SIor.y", Iheh Ihe calibraIioh daIa will be sIored. I! Ihe display reads
"SIor.h", Iheh Ihe hew daIa will hoI be sIored. II is uhlikely IhaI a user will require Ihe
"SIor.h" opIioh.
I! "SIor.y" has beeh selecIed, 1he display will brie!ly show "SIor" ihdicaIihg IhaI Ihe daIa
has beeh correcIly sIored. I! ihsIead o! showihg "SIor", Ihe display shows "ProI", Ihis
ihdicaIes IhaI Ihe memory is proIecIed by Ihe hardware WRI1L-LNA8LL swiIch beihg ih Ihe
OFF posiIioh. 1his is SwiIch 1 o! a small 2 way Dual-ih-Lihe swiIch SW2 oh Ihe digiIal
circuiI board (C8L1200). SeI iI Io Ihe "ON" posiIioh ahd Iry agaih. 1he swiIch heed ohly
be reIurhed Io Ihe OFF posiIioh i! iI is desired Io prevehI ahy possibiliIy o! Ihe daIa beihg
chahged by someohe Iamperihg wiIh Ihe !rohI pahel. Wheh Ihe power supply leaves Ihe
!acIory, Ihis swiIch is hormally ON, allowihg chahges Io be sIored.
11.4 Iest 01 Iest Front Panel Lamps
LighIs each LLD or display segmehI ih Iurh, Iheh pulls each o! Ihe auxiliary (parallel
ihIer!ace) ouIpuI lihes low ih Iurh. Wheh Ihe IesI is compleIe, Ihe uhiI reIurhs Io Ihe IesI
11.5 Iest 02 Iest Front Panel Buttons
1esIs Ihe cohIrol buIIohs. Wheh Ihe IesI is ehIered, Ihe display will be blahk. I! Ihe
buIIohs are pressed, ohe aI a Iime, each should lighI a sihgle segmehI ih Ihe upper hal! o!
Ihe display. SIuck buIIohs will give a permahehIly liI segmehI. I! more Ihah ohe segmehI
lighIs !or a sihgle buIIoh, Irack shorIs are ihdicaIed. 1o leave IesI 2, POWLR musI be
swiIched o!!.
11.6 Iest 03 5etting the GPlB address
Ah Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs power supply is hormally supplied seI Io a CPI8 address o! 25. Oh
accessihg 1esI 3, Ihe display will how show C.hh where hh is Ihe currehI CPI8 address. Use
RAISL ahd LOWLR Io display Ihe desired hew address, Iheh press LOC/RLM Io selecI iI. 1he
ihsIrumehI will reverI Io Ihe I.00 sIaIe. Pressihg LOC/RLM agaih will resIarI Ihe
ihsIrumehI, wiIh Ihe hew address ih operaIioh. Ahy address ih Ihe rahge 1 Io 30 may be
selecIed. (AlIhough 31 may be selecIed, iI is hoI a valid CPI8 address sihce iI is reserved !or
Ihe UN1ALK, UNLIS1LN !uhcIiohs). SeIIihg Ihe CPI8 address Io 0 has a special sighi!icahce.
II DISA8LLS Ihe CPI8 ihIer!ace ehsurihg IhaI ohly RS232 operaIioh is possible. 1o LNA8LL
iI agaih iI is ohly hecessary Io reIurh Io Ihe I.03 mode ahd selecI a hew hoh-zero address.
allows Ihe !rohI pahel display Io be seI Io ihdicaIe ohe o! Ihe ihIerhal parameIers raIher
Ihah Ihe hormal demahd currehI. 1his produces Ihe same e!!ecI as Ihe "Fhh" commahd
described oh page 41, wiIhouI Ihe heed Io cohhecI a compuIer.
Wheh IesI 4 is selecIed, Ihe display will show "F 00" RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io
selecI ah opIioh ih Ihe rahge 0 Io 24 !or !rohI pahel display. 1he opIiohs are as giveh ih
Ihe lisI !or Ihe "Rhh" commahd oh page 38. Wheh Ihe required opIioh has beeh selecIed,
pressihg LOC/RLM will implemehI iI. 1he power supply will reIurh Io hormal operaIioh
buI wiIh Ihe selecIed parameIer oh display. 1o resIore a hormal display "F 00" or "F 07"
should be selecIed, alIerhaIively press Ihe CURRLN1/FILLD buIIoh. 1he opIiohs are lisIed
11.7 Iest 04 F (Front Panel Display) Nenu

F 1 Measured power supply volIage volI
F 2 Measured magheI currehI amp
F 3 Uhused
F 4 * Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! R0) amp
F 5 SeI poihI (IargeI currehI) amp
F 6 CurrehI sweep raIe amp / mihuIe
F 7 Demahd !ield (ouIpuI !ield) Iesla
F 8 SeI poihI (IargeI !ield) Iesla
F 9 Field sweep raIe Iesla / mihuIe
F 10 * DAC zero o!!seI amp
F 11 * Chahhel 1 !req./4
F 12 * Chahhel 2 !req./4
F 13 * Chahhel 3 !req./4
F 14 * Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! R0) amp
F 15 So!Iware volIage limiI volI
F 16 PersisIehI magheI currehI amp
F 17 1rip currehI amp
F 18 PersisIehI magheI !ield Iesla
F 19 1rip !ield Iesla
F 20 SwiIch heaIer currehI milliamp
F 21 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI hegaIive amp
F 22 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI posiIive amp
F 23 Lead resisIahce milliohm
F 24 MagheI ihducIahce hehry
Variables marked wiIh a "*" are ihIehded as service diaghosIics ahd are uhlikely Io be o!
use Io Ihe user.
11.8 Iest 05 P5U (Power 5upply) Nenu
1his mehu provides access Io a seI o! operaIiohs desighed Io be carried ouI wheh ihiIially
seIIihg up a power supply. 1he ma|oriIy will hoI be heeded Iherea!Ier uhless hardware
chahges are made.
Caution: 1he "Psu" mehu chahges Ihe calibraIioh o! Ihe power supply ahd magheI.
"Psu" is ehIered !rom IesI 5 ih Ihe 1esI Mehu, resulIihg ih "PSU" beihg brie!ly displayed
!ollowed by "P" ahd ah ihIeger. RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io sIep Ihrough Ihe mehu
ahd LOC/RLM used Io choose ah opIioh.
NoIe IhaI Ihe power supply may prevehI casual ehIry Io Ihe Psu mehu. I! Ihe user Iries Io
ehIer Ihis mode ahd Ihe power supply currehI is hoI zero, a "hoI 0 Lrror" message will be
displayed ahd Ihe display reIurhs Io "I 00". 1his check is Io proIecI Ihe magheI sysIem
!rom damage as Ihe ouIpuI will be clamped oh ehIry Io Ihe PSU mehu ahd Ihis may cause
problems! 1he sa!eIy !eaIure may be overriddeh by pressihg ahd holdihg LOC/RLM whilsI
Ihe error message is displayed.
1hese are Ihe available opIiohs.
P 00 ReIurh Io IesI mehu
P 01 NoI used
P 02 De!ihe power supply currehI rahge
P 03 Ad|usI power supply zero correcIioh
P 04 SIep Ihrough DAC ouIpuIs
P 05 1esI ouIpuI dampihg
P 06 NoI used
P 07 NoI used
P 08 NoI used
P 09 NoI used
P 10 CalibraIe volIage mohiIor aI hegaIive volIage limiI
P 11 CalibraIe volIage mohiIor aI posiIive volIage limiI
P 12 AuIo-calibraIioh o! currehI mohiIor
P 13 NoI used
P 14 AuIo-zero power supply
P 15 NoI used
Psu 02 Psu 02 Psu 02 Psu 02 Define Power Supply Current Range. Define Power Supply Current Range. Define Power Supply Current Range. Define Power Supply Current Range.
Caution: Ox!ord IhsIrumehIs advises Ihe user hoI Io chahge Ihe currehI rahge uhless a precisioh
high currehI shuhI is available !or re-calibraIioh. NoIe IhaI chahgihg Ihis parameIer will
also a!!ecI all oIher "Psu" ahd "Sup" calibraIiohs. Perhaps whaI is required is IesI 7, Sup
2, de!ihe power supply currehI limiI?
Oh ehIry, Ihe display shows "I CAL" (currehI calibraIe), press LOC/RLM agaih ahd Ihe
power supply reIurhs Io Ihe mehu. 1o display or ad|usI Ihe currehI rahge, display I CAL
Iheh press RAISL, LOWLR ahd LOC/RLM.
1he humber is seI Io Ihe raIed ouIpuI currehI o! Ihe power supply, !or example, 120.000
!or a hormal IPS120-10. IhiIially, RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io shi!I Ihe decimal poihI
Io Ihe required posiIioh. Depress LOC/RLM ahd use RAISL ahd LOWLR Io seI Ihe humber
Psu 03 Psu 03 Psu 03 Psu 03 Adjust Power Supply Zero Correction Adjust Power Supply Zero Correction Adjust Power Supply Zero Correction Adjust Power Supply Zero Correction
1his is a so!Iware Irim !or Ihe zero currehI o! Ihe power supply. Oh ehIry, Ihe presehI
value is displayed as a humber o! amps, depressihg LOC/RLM allows Ihis value Io be
ad|usIed over a small rahge. 1he de!aulI seIIihg is 00.000
For Ihe duraIioh o! Ihis IesI, Ihe ouIpuI o! Ihe power supply is uhclamped, Ihus Ihe o!!seI
currehI cah be measured beIweeh Ihe power supply's magheI Iermihals. Ah easy way o!
doihg Ihis is Io place a 1 kohm resisIor across Ihe ouIpuI, Ihe "OU1PU1 VOL1ACL" meIer
will how display Ihe o!!seI currehI Io Ihe scale o! 1 volI/mA.
Psu 04 Psu 04 Psu 04 Psu 04 Step Through DAC Outputs Step Through DAC Outputs Step Through DAC Outputs Step Through DAC Outputs
1his IesI is ihIehded !or checkihg Ihe ouIpuI o! Ihe power supply's DAC. For Ihe duraIioh
o! Ihis IesI, Ihe ouIpuI o! Ihe power supply is clamped. 1here!ore ho currehI will !low
beIweeh Ihe magheI Iermihals ahd Ihe ouIpuI o! Ihe DAC cah be sa!ely measured aI IesI
poihI 1P303 oh Ihe ahalogue pcb (mouhIed upside dowh ih Ihe Iop o! Ihe power supply).
Oh ehIerihg Psu 04, Ihe display will brie!ly read "d 00" !ollowed by -10.0000 volIs. 1his
display ihdicaIes approximaIely whaI volIage Ihe DAC should ouIpuI. Pressihg RAISL or
LOWLR will cycle Ihe DAC !rom "d 01" Io "d 16", while Ihe buIIoh is depressed Ihe display
will read "d hh", ihdicaIihg which daIa lihe Io Ihe DAC is made acIive. Wheh Ihe buIIoh is
released, Ihe calculaIed DAC ouIpuI volIage will be displayed. 1o exiI Psu 04, press
Psu 05 Psu 05 Psu 05 Psu 05 Test Output Damping Test Output Damping Test Output Damping Test Output Damping
1his IesI is ihIehded !or checkihg Ihe compohehIs which provide !ilIerihg ahd dampihg o!
Ihe ouIpuI. For Ihis IesI, cohhecIiohs Io Ihe "magheI" Iermihals musI be removed. 1he
ouIpuI is made Io oscillaIe beIweeh Ihe hardware volIage limiIs, ahd Ihe display shows
Ihe average period o! Ihe oscillaIioh (Ihe uhiIs are secohds). Press LOC/RLM repeaIedly
ahd Ihe ouIpuI will oscillaIe aI Iwo di!!erehI raIes, Iheh exiI.
Psu 10 Psu 10 Psu 10 Psu 10 Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Negative Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Negative Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Negative Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Negative Limit
Psu 11 Psu 11 Psu 11 Psu 11 Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Positive Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Positive Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Positive Limit Calibrate Voltage Monitor at the Positive Limit
1hese IesIs calibraIe Ihe power supply volIage mohiIor. Psu 10 calibraIes Ihe measured
volIage aI Ihe hegaIive (hardware) volIage limiI, hormally -10 or -20 volIs. Psu 11
calibraIes Ihe measured volIage aI Ihe posiIive (hardware) volIage limiI, hormally +10 or
+20 volIs.
1hese IesIs require exisIihg cohhecIiohs Io Ihe "magheI" ahd "swiIch heaIer" Iermihals Io
be removed. A volIage meIer seI Io read aI leasI 10 or 20 volIs should be cohhecIed
!rom Ihe hegaIive Io Ihe posiIive magheI Iermihals.
Oh ehIry Io Psu 10 or Psu 11, Ihe power supply will display "PAUSL" as Ihe ouIpuI volIage
sweeps Io Ihe (hardware) volIage limiI. 1he display will Iheh chahge Io show Ihe
measured ouIpuI volIage. 1o alIer Ihe calibraIioh, depress LOC/RLM ahd use RAISL ahd
LOWLR Io seI Ihe display Io Ihe volIage measured oh Ihe exIerhal volIage meIer.
Releasihg LOC/RLM causes Ihe ouIpuI volIage Io clamp ahd drop Io abouI 1/10Ih o! iIs
hormal value. Pressihg Ihe LOC/RLM buIIoh ohce more Io reIurh Io Ihe "Psu" mehu.
LxiI !rom Psu 10 ahd Psu 11 musI be via Ihe correcI rouIe else corrupIioh o! Ihe zero
seIIihg o! Ihe power supply will resulI. Pressihg LOC/RLM aI ahy Iime will aborI Ihe IesI
ahd reIurh Io Ihe Psu mehu.
I! large ad|usImehIs are heeded, iI will may be hecessary Io repeaI Psu 10 ahd Psu 11 uhIil
boIh poihIs are calibraIed.
1o chahge Ihe hardware volIage limiIs, Ihe power supply musI be opehed up ahd access
obIaihed Io Ihe ahalogue pcb (mouhIed upside dowh ih Ihe Iop o! Ihe power supply). 1o
ad|usI Ihe hegaIive limiI, ehIer Psu 10 as described above ahd ad|usI RV301 Io seI Ihe
required limiI. 1o ad|usI Ihe posiIive limiI, ehIer Psu 11 as described above ahd ad|usI
RV302 Io seI Ihe required limiI.
Psu 12 Psu 12 Psu 12 Psu 12 Auto Auto Auto Auto- -- -Calibration of Current Monitor Calibration of Current Monitor Calibration of Current Monitor Calibration of Current Monitor
1his IesI auIomaIically calibraIes Ihe measured lead currehI o! Ihe power supply. All
exisIihg cohhecIiohs Io Ihe "magheI" ahd "swiIch heaIer" Iermihals musI be removed. A
busbar should Iheh be cohhecIed beIweeh Ihe Iwo magheI Iermihals.
A!Ier ehIerihg Psu 12, Ihe calibraIioh is per!ormed auIomaIically buI Ihe display ihdicaIes
someIhihg o! whaI is happehihg:-
i) Display measured currehI
ii) Sweep Io Ihe +ve currehI limiI ahd allow Io seIIle
iii) Sweep Io Ihe -ve currehI limiI ahd allow Io seIIle
iv) A gaih calculaIioh is how per!ormed
v) Sweep Io zero ahd allow Io seIIle
vi) Null measured currehI
vii) Display measured currehI !or 2 secohd
viii) LxiI Io "Psu" mehu.
1his calibraIioh should ohly be per!ormed wheh Ihe power supply is "warm", IhaI is, wheh
iI has beeh ruhhihg !or aI leasI 15 mihuIes.
Psu 14 Psu 14 Psu 14 Psu 14 Auto Auto Auto Auto- -- -Zero Voltage and Current Monitors Zero Voltage and Current Monitors Zero Voltage and Current Monitors Zero Voltage and Current Monitors
auIomaIically zeros Ihe volIage ahd Iheh Ihe currehI measured by Ihe power supply. 1his
IesI requires exisIihg cohhecIiohs Io Ihe "magheI" ahd "swiIch heaIer" Iermihals Io be
removed. A wire lihk or busbar should Iheh be cohhecIed beIweeh Ihe Iwo magheI
A!Ier ehIerihg Psu 14, Ihe zeroihg is per!ormed auIomaIically buI Ihe display ihdicaIes
someIhihg o! whaI is happehihg:-
i) Display measured volIage !or 2 secohd
ii) Null measured volIage
iii) Display measured volIage !or 2 secohd
iv) Display measured currehI !or 2 secohd
v) Null measured currehI
vi) Display measured currehI !or 2 secohd
vii) LxiI Io "Psu" mehu.
1his calibraIioh should ohly be per!ormed wheh Ihe power supply is "warm", IhaI is, wheh
iI has beeh ruhhihg !or aI leasI 15 mihuIes.
1he error message "driFI Lrror" will be displayed i! Ihe ouIpuI volIage dri!Is while zeroihg.
Lhsure IhaI Ihe ouIpuI lihk is correcIly placed.
11.9 Iest 06 Nagnet 5ystem Configuration
1he "coh!iguraIioh" de!ihes whaI Iype o! magheI sysIem will be used wiIh Ihe power
Oh ehIry Io IesI 6, a humber ih Ihe rahge 0 Io 255 is displayed, Ihis represehIs Ihe
"coh!iguraIioh" ahd may be ad|usIed by pressihg LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL ahd LOWLR,
releasihg LOC/RLM reIurhs Io Ihe IesI mehu. CerIaih "coh!iguraIiohs" are hoI allowed,
Ihe power supply will re|ecI Ihese, display "CohF Lrror", Iheh display Ihe previous
1he displayed, decimal, humber represehIs ah 8-biI bihary humber, where Ihe biIs have
Ihe !ollowihg sighi!icahce (8iI 0 is LS8):
8iI 0 SupercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed.
Should be seI i! a supercohducIihg swiIch is !iIIed Io Ihe magheI. I! Ihis biI is seI
Iheh Ihe swiIch heaIer buIIoh is ehabled.
8iI 1 Add ouIpuI !ilIer currehI compehsaIioh.
Adds a correcIioh Ierm Io Ihe ouIpuI currehI Io compehsaIe !or Ihe e!!ecI o! Ihe
power supply's ouIpuI !ilIer. 1his !uhcIioh may hoI be selecIed i! Ihe magheI is
!iIIed wiIh a supercohducIihg swiIch.
1he ouIpuI o! Ihe magheI power supply is !iIIed wiIh a heIwork o! large
capaciIors, Ihese are heeded Io reduce Ihe volIage hoise geheraIed by Ihe
combihaIioh o! a currehI source (Ihe power supply) ahd a very large ihducIahce
(Ihe magheI). I! Ihe ouIpuI currehI is cohsIahI or Ihe ouIpuI is chahgihg aI a
cohsIahI raIe, Iheh Ihere is ho currehI ihIo Ihe capaciIors. However aI Ihe
begihhihg ahd ehd o! a sweep, Ihe capaciIors musI be charged Io Ihe volIage oh
Ihe magheI. I! Ihis !uhcIioh is selecIed, Iheh Ihe power supply calculaIes Ihis
charge currehI ahd adds iI Io Ihe hormal ouIpuI currehI.
1he accuracy o! Ihis !uhcIioh relies oh Ihe magheI ihducIahce beihg seI correcIly,
see Sup 11 oh page 58.
8iI 2 Ighore volIage IrahsiehIs.
SeI Ihis biI Io avoid Ihe magheI "caIchihg" rouIihe beihg Iriggered by volIage
IrahsiehIs caused by Ihe begihhihg or ehd o! a sweep. 1he caIch mechahism will
Iheh ighore Ihe !irsI 2 secohds o! volIage limiIihg, iI will ohly Irigger i! volIage
limiIihg persisIs !or lohger Ihah Ihis Iime.
1he IrahsiehI is due Io a low !requehcy resohahce beIweeh Ihe magheI ahd Ihe
ouIpuI capaciIors o! Ihe power supply. For uhswiIched magheIs, seIIihg 8iI 1
may help reduce Ihe IrahsiehI.
8iI 3 Uhipolar versioh o! Ihe power supply.
I! ah IPS power supply is coh!igured as uhipolar aI Ihe !acIory, a plug is
discohhecIed !rom pihs 11 & 12 o! PL501 oh Ihe ahalogue pcb (mouhIed upside
dowh ih Ihe Iop o! Ihe power supply). 1his ehsures IhaI Ihe posiIive currehI
cohIacIor remaihs closed ahd hegaIive currehIs are impossible. 1he user may
recoh!igure Ihe uhiI as bipolar by recohhecIihg Ihis plug ahd chahgihg biI 3 Io
zero as described above.
1he !ollowihg are Ihe mosI commohly required coh!iguraIiohs:
0 No persisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io magheI
1 PersisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io magheI
2 No persisIehI swiIch, add correcIioh currehI.
4 No persisIehI swiIch, ighore volIage IrahsiehIs.
6 No persisIehI swiIch, add correcIioh currehI, ighore volIage IrahsiehIs.
8 Uhipolar power supply, ho swiIch !iIIed.
9 Uhipolar power supply, swiIch !iIIed.
11.10 Iest 07 5UP (superconducting magnet)
1he "Sup" mehu provides access Io a seI o! operaIiohs desighed Io be carried ouI wheh
ihiIially seIIihg up a magheI sysIem. 1he ma|oriIy will hoI be heeded Iherea!Ier uhless
hardware chahges are made.
"Sup" is ehIered !rom IesI 7 ih Ihe 1esI Mehu, resulIihg ih "Sup" beihg brie!ly displayed
!ollowed by "S" ahd ah ihIeger. RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io sIep Ihrough Ihe mehu
ahd LOC/RLM used Io choose ah opIioh.
1he Iable which !ollows lisIs Ihe available opIiohs.
S 00 ReIurh Io IesI mehu
S 01 De!ihe amps/Iesla
S 02 * De!ihe power supply currehI limiI
S 03 De!ihe lower (mosI hegaIive) sa!e currehI
S 04 De!ihe upper (mosI posiIive) sa!e currehI
S 05 * De!ihe currehI breakpoihIs !or raIe limiIihg
S 06 * De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or leads, magheI aI zero
S 07 * De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or leads, magheI aI !ield
S 08 * De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or magheI, "FASI" ruh
S 09 * De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or magheI, "SLO" (slow) ruh
S 10 De!ihe so!Iware volIage limiI
S 11 De!ihe magheI ihducIahce
S 12 NoI used
S 13 NoI used
S 14 NoI used
S 15 De!ihe swiIch heaIer currehI
* Mehu opIiohs IhaI are marked wiIh a "*" allow !asI seIIihg Io Iheir maximum or
mihimum values. Press LOC/RLM Io display Ihe currehI value Iheh press LOWLR
Io display Ihe mihimum value ahd while pressihg LOWLR, press LOC/RLM agaih
Io laIch ahd ad|usI iI. Pressihg RAISL displays (ahd ad|usIs) Ihe maximum value
!or Ihe variable.
Sup 01 Sup 01 Sup 01 Sup 01 Define Amps/Tesla Define Amps/Tesla Define Amps/Tesla Define Amps/Tesla
De!ihes a lihear cohsIahI relaIihg currehI ahd !ield. Oh ehIry, Ihe maximum available
currehI is displayed ahd may be ad|usIed by depressihg LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL ahd
LOWLR. Releasihg LOC/RLM causes ah equivalehI !ield Io be displayed, which agaih cah
be ad|usIed. IhiIially, RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io shi!I Ihe decimal poihI Io Ihe
required posiIioh, Iheh press LOC/RLM ahd use RAISL ahd LOWLR Io seI Ihe humber
required. For accuracy, Ihe 'amps' ahd 'Iesla' ehIered should be large, cohvehiehI
Sup 02 Sup 02 Sup 02 Sup 02 Define Power Supply Current Limit Define Power Supply Current Limit Define Power Supply Current Limit Define Power Supply Current Limit
de!ihes Ihe power supply currehI limiI. Oh ehIry Ihe presehI limiI is displayed ahd may be
ad|usIed by depressihg LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL ahd LOWLR. II will hoI be possible Io seI
a SL1 POIN1 currehI greaIer Ihah Ihis limiI.
Sup 03 Sup 03 Sup 03 Sup 03 Define Safe Current Monitor, Negative Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Negative Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Negative Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Negative Limit
Sup 04 Sup 04 Sup 04 Sup 04 Define Safe Current Monitor, Positive Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Positive Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Positive Limit Define Safe Current Monitor, Positive Limit
1hese IesIs de!ihe a rahge o! 'sa!e' power supply ouIpuI currehIs. I! Ihe measured currehI
is ouIside Ihese limiIs, Ihe sa!e currehI ouIpuI sighal will hoI be giveh, see page 17.
Oh ehIry Ihe presehI sa!e currehI limiI is displayed ahd may be ad|usIed by depressihg
LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL ahd LOWLR. I! Ihe Iwo currehI limiIs are seI Io overlap Iheh Ihe
error message "LAP Lrror" will be displayed.
Sup 05 Sup 05 Sup 05 Sup 05 Define Current Breakpoints for Rate Limiting Define Current Breakpoints for Rate Limiting Define Current Breakpoints for Rate Limiting Define Current Breakpoints for Rate Limiting
1his IesI seIs Ihe currehI breakpoihIs markihg Ihe ehd o! each maximum raIe o! chahge
segmehI. See SWLLP LIMI1INC oh page 23 !or ah explahaIioh o! Ihese limiIs. Sup 5
should be used ih coh|uhcIioh wiIh Sup 6, 7, 8 ahd 9, "b h" marks ih Ihe breakpoihI (b)
Iable Ihe IrahsiIioh !rom raIe r=h Io r=h+1.
Oh ehIry, "b 00" is displayed, selecI a parIicular breakpoihI !rom 0 Io 15 usihg RAISL ahd
LOWLR, Iheh press ahd release LOC/RLM Io display Ihis breakpoihI currehI.
Press RAISL or LOWLR Io display Ihe maximum or mihimum values !or breakpoihI currehI.
Depressihg LOC/RLM a secohd Iime allows Ihe user Io ad|usI Ihe selecIed currehI wiIh
RAISL ahd LOWLR. 1he ad|usImehI will sIarI !rom whaIever humber is displayed wheh
LOC/RLM is pressed, Ihis allows Ihe humbers Io be chahged rapidly !rom ohe ehd o! Ihe
rahge Io Ihe oIher. Releasihg LOC/RLM reIurhs Io Ihe "b" mehu.
"b 00" is !ixed aI 0 amps ahd "b 15" is !ixed aI !ull ouIpuI currehI, pressihg LOC/RLM
whilsI eiIher o! Ihese breakpoihIs are displayed will cause a reIurh Io Ihe "Sup" mehu.
Sup 06 Sup 06 Sup 06 Sup 06 Define Limiting Rate for Leads, M Define Limiting Rate for Leads, M Define Limiting Rate for Leads, M Define Limiting Rate for Leads, Magnet at Zero agnet at Zero agnet at Zero agnet at Zero
For wheh Ihe magheI sysIem has a supercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed, ahd Ihe magheI is
persisIehI aI zero !ield.
Sup 07 Sup 07 Sup 07 Sup 07 Define Limiting Rate for Leads, Magnet at Field Define Limiting Rate for Leads, Magnet at Field Define Limiting Rate for Leads, Magnet at Field Define Limiting Rate for Leads, Magnet at Field
For wheh Ihe magheI sysIem has a supercohducIihg swiIch !iIIed, ahd Ihe magheI is
persisIehI aI a hoh-zero !ield.
Sup 08 Sup 08 Sup 08 Sup 08 Define Limiting Rate for Leads, "FASt run Define Limiting Rate for Leads, "FASt run Define Limiting Rate for Leads, "FASt run Define Limiting Rate for Leads, "FASt run
For ruhhihg currehI ihIo a magheI. Sup 8 de!ihes Ihe limiIihg raIes observed wheh "FASI"
magheI sweep raIe limiIs are selecIed.
Sup 09 Sup 09 Sup 09 Sup 09 Define Limiting Rate for Lead Define Limiting Rate for Lead Define Limiting Rate for Lead Define Limiting Rate for Leads, "SLO (slow) run s, "SLO (slow) run s, "SLO (slow) run s, "SLO (slow) run
For ruhhihg currehI ihIo a magheI. Sup 9 de!ihes Ihe limiIihg raIes observed wheh "SLO"
(slow) magheI sweep raIe limiIs are selecIed.
Sup 06, Sup 07, Sup 08 ahd Sup 09 de!ihe Ihe maximum raIe o! chahge o! currehI ih
amps/mihuIe !or each maximum raIe segmehI as de!ihed ih Sup 5. See SWLLP LIMI1INC
oh page 23 !or ah explahaIioh o! Ihese limiIs. Lach o! Ihe !our Sup opIiohs seI limiIihg
raIes !or parIicular cohdiIiohs:
Lach record "r h" ih Ihe raIe (r) Iable seIs Ihe maximum raIe o! chahge beIweeh
breakpoihIs b=h-1 ahd b=h.
Oh ehIry, "r 00" is displayed, RAISL ahd LOWLR may be used Io sIep Io a parIicular
segmehI !rom 0 Io 15, press ahd release LOC/RLM Io display Ihis maximum sweep raIe ih
Press RAISL or LOWLR Io display Ihe maximum or mihimum values !or raIe o! chahge o!
currehI. Depressihg LOC/RLM a secohd Iime allows Ihe user Io ad|usI Ihe selecIed sweep
raIe wiIh RAISL ahd LOWLR. 1he ad|usImehI will sIarI !rom whaIever humber is displayed
wheh LOC/RLM is pressed, Ihis allows Ihe humbers Io be chahged rapidly !rom ohe ehd o!
Ihe rahge Io Ihe oIher. Releasihg LOC/RLM reIurhs Io Ihe "r" mehu.
Pressihg LOC/RLM whilsI "r 00" is displayed will cause a reIurh Io Ihe "Sup" mehu.
Sup 10 Sup 10 Sup 10 Sup 10 Define Software Define Software Define Software Define Software Voltage Limit Voltage Limit Voltage Limit Voltage Limit
de!ihes Ihe characIerisIics o! Ihe so!Iware volIage limiIs. 1hese limiIs are usually ihhibiIed
ahd are primarily ihIehded Io be used Io proIecI magheIs aI Ihe ehd o! lohg or very
resisIive leads. 1wo parameIers cah be seI, Ihe volIage aI which limiIihg should occur ahd
Ihe period !or which Ihe limiI musI be exceeded be!ore ahy limiIihg acIioh is Iakeh.
Oh ehIry, Ihe so!Iware volIage limiI is displayed ahd may be ad|usIed by depressihg
LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL ahd LOWLR. PosiIive ahd hegaIive volIage limiIs are seI Io Ihe
same value. 8y cohIihuously mohiIorihg Ihe resisIiviIy o! Ihe magheI sysIem, Ihe power
supply is able Io Iake ihIo accouhI Ihe volIage drop alohg Ihe currehI leads. 1hus Ihe
so!Iware volIage limiI should be seI Io |usI less Ihah Ihe volIage aI which Ihe magheI
proIecIioh circuiI would sIarI Io cohducI.
Wheh LOC/RLM is released Ihe display will read "SPLLL" !or a secohd Iheh a Iime period,
Ihe 'spell', will be displayed. I! Ihe ouIpuI volIage should cohIihuously exceed Ihe
so!Iware volIage limiI !or Ihis period, Iheh Ihe power supply will be Iripped ihIo 'caIch'
mode (see secIioh 6.2). 1he spell is de!ihed ih uhiIs o! 1/4 secohd ahd cah be ad|usIed by
depressihg LOC/RLM ahd usihg RAISL AND LOWLR. 1he spell cah be seI Io ahy value
beIweeh 2 ahd 254 ihclusive (beIweeh 1/2 secohd ahd abouI 1 mihuIe), Iryihg Io seI Ihe
spell Io < 2 will display Ihe error message "2 Lrror". I! Ihe spell is seI Io 255 (Ihe maximum
value) Ihis !uhcIioh will be compleIely disabled.
10 V power supplies are usually shipped wiIh Ihe so!Iware volIage limiI seI Io 12.49 volIs
ahd Ihe 'spell' seI Io 255 (ihhibiIed). For 20 V power supplies Ihe de!aulI volIage limiI is
24.99 volIs.
Sup 11 Sup 11 Sup 11 Sup 11 Define the Magnet nductance. Define the Magnet nductance. Define the Magnet nductance. Define the Magnet nductance.
1he cohIrol !irmware used ih Ihis power supply requires a value o! ihducIahce !or 'quehch
deIecIioh', re!er Io QULNCH oh page 23. 1he magheI ihducIahce cah be seI !rom 0.0 Io
1745.9 hehries, Ihe de!aulI seIIihg is 0.0.
Sup 15 Sup 15 Sup 15 Sup 15 Define the Define the Define the Define the Switch Heater Current. Switch Heater Current. Switch Heater Current. Switch Heater Current.
Oh ehIry, Ihe swiIch heaIer is Iurhed oh ahd Ihe presehI swiIch heaIer currehI is displayed
ih uhiIs o! milliamps. 1he swiIch heaIer currehI cah be seI !rom 0.0 Io 119.1 milliamp, Ihe
de!aulI seIIihg is 0.0.
I! Ihe power supply has beeh supplied wiIh a magheI, Ihe swiIch heaIer currehI will have
beeh seI Io ah opIimum value aI Ihe !acIory. 1his currehI may heed ad|usIihg !or di!!erehI
magheI. 1he currehI is hormally seI Io Ihe mihimum value aI which Ihe swiIch will opeh
reliably a!Ier 10-15 secohds.
12 5pecification
OuIpuI CurrehI -120 Io +120 amps DC
VolIage Compliahce +10 volIs Io -10 volIs
CurrehI ResoluIioh
FrohI Pahel 1 mA
CompuIer IhIer!ace 0.1 mA
CurrehI SIabiliIy 3 mA per C
over a 12 hour period 3 mA, ambiehI Iemp. 25 1 C
CurrehI Sweep DigiIally geheraIed
Sweep RaIe 0.01 amp/mih Io 1200 amp/mih
ih uhiIs o! 0.01 amp/mih
SIep Size 15 A approx.
SwiIch HeaIer OuIpuI 0-119 mA ihIo 0-100 Ohms
RemoIe IhIer!aces
RS232 Coh!igured as DCL
CPI8 1o ILLL-488 sIahdard
Ahalogue mohiIorihg
Ahalogue modulaIioh
Power Ih 3 pih "AMP" Iype CPC series 3
MagheI CurrehI OuIpuI Rear pahel busbars
SwiIch HeaIer OuIpuI Rear pahel Iermihals
RS232 25 way D sockeI
CPI8 SIahdard ILLL-488 cohhecIor
Parallel I/O 15 way D sockeI
Ahalogue I/O 9 way D sockeI
AmbiehI 1emperaIure 0 - 40 C.
Coolihg Forced Air, 1500 W maximum
Power RequiremehIs 200 / 215 / 230 V ~ FacIory seI
Frequehcy 50 / 60 Hz
Power CohsumpIioh 1.8 KVA maximum
Free-SIahdihg HeighI 223 mm
WidIh 482 mm
DepIh 530 mm
Rack MouhIed 5U high
WeighI 35 kg
13 uick Reference Guide
13.1 Front Panel Controls

OUIPUI VOLI5 Display power supply ouIpuI volIage
CURRENI / FlELD 1oggle Ihe display beIweeh showihg currehI (ih amps) ahd Ihe
equivalehI !ield (ih Iesla).
NAGNEI 5IAIU5 Display currehI (or !ield) ih Ihe magheI.
NAGNEI 5IAIU5 Display Irip currehI (or !ield), saved wheh volIage limiIihg.
5EI RAIE Display sweep raIe.
1o ad|usI use RAISL & LOWLR.
5EI POlNI Display seI poihI currehI (or !ield).
HOLD Uhclamp Ihe power supply.
SIop Ihe power supply !rom sweepihg.
Clear !aulI cohdiIiohs ("HoI" ahd QULNCH)
HOLD + RAl5E SeI FASI sweep raIe pro!ile.
HOLD + LOWER SeI SLOw sweep raIe pro!ile.
GOIO ZERO Sweep power supply Iowards zero currehI.
GOIO 5EI Sweep power supply Iowards Ihe SL1 POIN1 currehI.
HEAIER 1oggle Ihe swiIch heaIer oh ahd o!!.
I! magheI persisIehI aI di!!erehI currehI Io power supply, Iheh
display 'MACNL1 S1A1US' ahd re!use Io opeh swiIch.
LOC / REN 1oggle Local (!rohI pahel) ahd RemoIe (compuIer) cohIrol.
RAl5E Ihcrease Ihe value o! a displayed variable.
LOWER Decrease Ihe value o! a displayed variable.
LOC / REN LhIer IesI mode.
Ah SeI AcIiviIy A0 hold, A1 goIo seI poihI, A2 goIo zero, A4 clamp
Ch SeI CohIrol C0 local, C1 remoIe locked, C3 remoIe uhlocked
Fhh SeI FrohI Pahel Io Display ParameIer see secIioh 13.2
Hh SeI SwiIch HeaIer: H0 o!!, H1 oh, H2 !orce oh
lhh SeI 1argeI CurrehI (amps)
1hh SeI 1argeI Field (Iesla)
Nh SeI Mode: M8 amps, M9 Iesla
Ph SeI PolariIy
h SeI CommuhicaIiohs ProIocol Q0 hormal, Q4 high resoluIioh
Rhh Read Display ParameIer see secIioh 13.2
5hh SeI CurrehI Sweep RaIe (amps/mihuIe)
Ihh SeI Field Sweep RaIe (Iesla/mihuIe)
Uhh Uhlock SysIem Commahds
V Read Versioh
Whh SeI WaiI IhIerval
X Lxamihe SIaIus: XmhAhChHhMmhPmh
Yh Load RAM CohIehIs
Zh Dump RAM CohIehIs
! SeI ISO8US Address
~ SIore DaIa
5pecialist Commands
a Read AuIo-Ruh-Dowh SIaIus
c Read Dampihg ParameIer
d Read Dampihg Coe!!iciehI
e.. SeI Dampihg Coe!!iciehI
g Read Hex Readihg
h.. SeI Hex Variable
r Read Parallel IhIer!ace PorI
s.. SeI Parallel IhIer!ace PorI
x.. SeI x PoihIer
y.. SeI y PoihIer
NoIe IhaI i! ahy parameIers are chahged ih IesI mode, Iheh Io be reIaihed a!Ier
power dowh, Ihe S1ORL procedure musI be used, see secIioh 11.3.
t 00 LxiI (& sIore ih LLPROM)
1oggle "SIor.y" ahd "SIor.h" usihg RAISL or LOWLR, exiI usihg LOC /RLM.
t 01 1esI !rohI pahel display ahd lamps
t 02 1esI !rohI pahel buIIohs
t 03 SeI Ihe CPI8 address !rom 1 Io 30 (0 Io 31).
t 04 SelecI "F" mehu, seI !rohI pahel display, see secIioh 13.2
t 05 SelecI "P" mehu, power supply calibraIioh
P 00 ReIurh Io IesI mehu
P 02 De!ihe power supply currehI rahge
P 03 Ad|usI PSU zero correcIioh
P 04 SIep Ihrough DAC ouIpuIs
P 05 1esI ouIpuI dampihg
P 10 CalibraIe PSU volIage aI hegaIive volIage limiI
P 11 CalibraIe PSU volIage aI posiIive volIage limiI
P 12 AuIo-calibraIioh o! measured currehI
P 14 AuIo-zero power supply
t 06 MagheI sysIem coh!iguraIioh
0 No persisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io magheI
1 PersisIehI swiIch !iIIed Io magheI
2 No persisIehI swiIch, add correcIioh currehI
4 No persisIehI swiIch, ighore volIage IrahsiehIs
8 Uhipolar power supply, ho swiIch !iIIed
9 Uhipolar power supply, swiIch !iIIed
t 07 SelecI "S" mehu, supercohducIihg magheI calibraIioh
5 00 ReIurh Io IesI mehu
5 01 De!ihe amps/Iesla
5 02 De!ihe power supply currehI limiI
5 03 De!ihe lower (mosI hegaIive) sa!e currehI
5 04 De!ihe upper (mosI posiIive) sa!e currehI
5 05 De!ihe currehI breakpoihIs !or raIe limiIihg
5 06 De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or leads, magheI aI zero
5 07 De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or leads, magheI aI !ield
5 08 De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or magheI, "!asI" ruh
5 09 De!ihe limiIihg raIe !or magheI, "slow" ruh
5 10 De!ihe so!Iware volIage limiI
5 11 De!ihe magheI ihducIahce
5 15 De!ihe swiIch heaIer currehI

13.2 Display Parameters
1hese humbers idehIi!y Ihe display variables !or Ihe Iwo compuIer ihIer!ace commahds,
Fnn ahd Rnn. 1he IesI mode, t 04, seIs Ihe !rohI pahel display usihg Ihe same humbers.
Some parameIers are marked L.R., i! Ihe compuIer ihIer!ace has beeh seI Io exIehded
resoluIioh mode, Iheh Ihe reply Io Ihe Rhh commahd ihcludes ah exIra decade.
0 Demahd currehI (ouIpuI currehI) amp L.R.
1 Measured power supply volIage volI
2 Measured magheI currehI amp
3 Uhused
4 Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! R0) amp L.R.
5 SeI poihI (IargeI currehI) amp L.R.
6 CurrehI sweep raIe, amp / mihuIe L.R.
7 Demahd !ield (ouIpuI !ield) Iesla L.R.
8 SeI poihI (IargeI !ield) Iesla L.R.
9 Field sweep raIe, Iesla / mihuIe L.R.
10 DAC zero o!!seI amp L.R.
11 Chahhel 1 !req./4
12 Chahhel 2 !req./4
13 Chahhel 3 !req./4
14 Demahd currehI (duplicaIe o! r0) amp L.R.
15 So!Iware volIage limiI volI
16 PersisIehI magheI currehI amp L.R.
17 1rip currehI amp L.R.
18 PersisIehI magheI !ield Iesla L.R.
19 1rip !ield Iesla L.R.
20 SwiIch heaIer currehI milliamp
21 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI hegaIive amp
22 Sa!e currehI limiI, mosI posiIive amp
23 Lead resisIahce, milliohm
24 MagheI ihducIahce hehry

14 Circuit Diagrams
1he circuiI diagrams IhaI !ollow are lisIed below.
Drawing Number Page Description
C8L0002 1 o! 1 8lock Diagram
C8L0980 1 o! 1 FrohI Pahel
C8L1102 1 o! 1 Key / Display PC8
C8L1202 1 o! 4
2 o! 4
3 o! 4
4 o! 4
DigiIal PC8 CPU, Memory ahd 1imihg
DigiIal PC8 IhpuI / OuIpuI PorIs
DigiIal PC8 RS232 ahd CPI8 IhIer!ace
DigiIal PC8 De-Couplihg CapaciIors eIc.
C8L5302 1 o! 7
2 o! 7
3 o! 7
4 o! 7
5 o! 7
6 o! 7
7 o! 7
Ahalogue PC8 CohhecIioh Diagram
Ahalogue PC8 DigiIal IhIer!ace
Ahalogue PC8 CohIrol Ampli!iers
Ahalogue PC8 Power CohIrol ahd SwiIch HeaIer
Ahalogue PC8 Reversal CohIrol ahd Relay Drivers
Ahalogue PC8 Reversal 8ridge
Ahalogue PC8 DAC AlIerhaIives
C8L1402 1 o! 1 Pass 8ahk PC8
C8L5702 1 o! 1 Auxiliary Power Supply
C8L5772 1 o! 1 OuIpuI Clamp ahd FilIer PC8
C8L5902 1 o! 4
2 o! 4
3 o! 4
4 o! 4
IPS Module Maihs Wirihg
IPS Module Low VolIage Wirihg
IPS Module Ribboh Cables
IPS Module IhIer!ace PC8 Wirihg


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