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Hermann Vogel



Neutral Good





0 0"

0 lbs.

Character Level







14 +2 14 +2 14 +2 13 +1 13 +1 13 +1

hit points

52 18

Walk 35 ft.

Dexterity Constitution

armor class



10 + 5






25 4


CON 13 +1 13 +1 13 +1 INT


14 +2 14 +2 14 +2 19 +4 19 +4 19 +4





SKILL NAME Acrobatics Appraise Bluff Climb Craft (Untrained) Diplomacy Disguise Escape Artist Fly Handle Animal Heal Intimidate Knowledge (Arcana) Knowledge (Religion) Perception Perform (Untrained) Profession (Sailor) Ride Sense Motive Spellcraft Stealth Survival Swim
: can be used untrained.


Wisdom Charisma



CHA 16 +3 16 +3 16 +3


+6 +3 +9
+7 +6 +7

= = =

+5 +2 +5

+ + +

+1 +1 +4

+ + +

+0 +0 +0
+5 +5 +5

+ + +

+0 +0 +0

+ + +

+0 +0 +0

+ + +









attack bonus

= = =

+ + +

+2 +1 +2

+ + +

+0 +0 +0

+ + +

+0 +0 +0

+ + +

+0 +0

+ + +

attack bonus

attack bonus GRAPPLE



Offense Defense





+7 +7 18 18









5 ft.


1 2 3 4 2 12 3 1 2 6 11 3 7 6 11 3 8 2 14 9 1 4 4

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

1 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 3 4 3 2 2 4 3 4 1 4 2 1 4 2

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + +

2.0 +

6.0 + 3
+ +

1.0 + 3.0 + 4.0 + 3


2.0 + 3 1.0 + 3 7.0 +


1.0 + 3 1.0 + 7.0 + 3 4.0 + 3

+ +

2.0 +
+ +

Crossbow, Light
30 ft. 80 ft. 160 ft.

Carried +4 1d8

240 ft.

M +2 1d8

1920/x2 +0 1d8

5 ft.

320 ft.

TH Dam

= + = + : exclusive skills. *: Skill Mastery.

+6 1d8

+6 1d8

Special Properties








5 ft.

Special Properties


*: weapon is equipped 1HP : One handed, in primary hand. 1HO: One handed, in off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2WP(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2WP(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2WOH: 2 weapons, off hand.







*Scale Mail *Darkwood Shield

Medium +5 Heavy +2
10 hp/inch, hardness 5


4 +0

25 0

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen 5.16.4 on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 1


QTY 1 WT 2.0 COST 2.0 Magic is Life (Nethys) [Paizo Publishing LLC Advanced Players Guide, p.333] Your faith in magic allows you to ref lexively use the energy of any spell effect on you to save you from death. As long as you are under the effects of any spell, you gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against death effects. If you are reduced to negative hit points while you are under the effects of any spell, you automatically confirm stabilization checks to stop bleeding. Reactionary [Paizo Publishing LLC Advanced Players Guide, p.4] You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly.

33,7 lbs., 1 Bedroll, 1 Grappling Hook, 2 Oil (1 Pint Flask), 1 Salt (per lb.), 1 Soap (per lb.), 1 Waterskin, 1 Case (Map or Scroll), 1 Hammer, 2 Bolt, Crossbow, 1 Fishing Net (25 Sq. Ft.), 1 Climbers Kit, 1 Canvas (Sq. Yd.), 1 Healers Kit, 1 Whetstone, 2 Torch, 1 Sack, 2 Fishhook, 1 Flask (Empty), 1 Flour (per lb.)


Bedroll Bell Bolt, Crossbow Caltrops Candle

Increases light level (5) for 1 hr.

Backpack Pouch (Belt) Backpack Pouch (Belt) Pouch (Belt)

1 1 2 1 1

5.0 0.0

0.1 1.0

NaN 0.1 (0.2) (NaN) 2.0 0.0 1.0 0.01

Special Attacks
Channel Positive Energy (Su) Backpack Backpack Pouch (Belt) Backpack Carried Equipped Backpack Backpack Backpack Pouch (Belt) Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack Pouch (Belt) Carried Backpack Equipped 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1.0 NaN 0.0 (0.0) 5.0 4.0 5.0 0.1 1.0 0.01 (0.03) 80.0 35.0 257.0 [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.40] You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to deal 4d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures of 4d6 points of damage. Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 18 Will save to halve the damage. You can use this abilty 6 times per day. Heavenly Fire (Su) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.74] You can unleash a ray of heavenly fire as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. Against evil creatures, this ray deals 1d4 points of damage. This damage is divine and not subject to energy resistance or immunity. Against good creatures, this ray heals them of 1d4 points of damage. A good creature cannot benefit from your heavenly fire more than once per day. Neutral creatures are neither harmed nor healed by this effect. You can use this ability 0 times per day.

Canvas (Sq. Yd.) Case (Map or Scroll)

0 lbs.

Chalk (1 Piece) Climbers Kit Crossbow, Light

0 lbs.

Darkwood Shield
10 hp/inch, hardness 5

Fishhook Fishing Net (25 Sq. Ft.) Flask (Empty)

0 lbs.

0.0 0.1 (0.2) (0.0) 5.0 4.0 NaN 0.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 0.03 1.0 0.02 1.0 0.5 50.0 25.0 8.0

Special Qualities
Agile Feet (Su) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.47] As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability 7 times per day. Aura of Chaos (Ex) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook] You project a strong chaotic aura. Aura of Good (Ex) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook] You project a strong good aura. Bit of Luck (Sp) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.45] You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability 7 times per day. Bloodline Arcana [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.74] Whenever you cast a spell of the summoning subschool, the creature summoned gain DR 0/evil. This does not stack with any DR the creature might have. Bonus Feat [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook] Humans select one extra feat at 1st level. Celestial Bloodline [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.74] Your bloodline is blessed by a celestial power, either through having a celestial relative or through divine intervention. Although this power drives you along the path of good, your fate is your own to determine. Good Fortune (Ex) [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.45] As an immediate action, you can reroll any one d20 roll that you have just made before the results of the roll are revealed. You must take the result of the reroll, even if its worse than the original roll. You can use this ability 1 times per day. Orisons [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.41] You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0level spells. These spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended when used and may be used again. Skilled [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook] Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Spontaneous Casting [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.41] You can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that you did not prepare ahead of time. You can "lose" any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with "Cure" in its name).

Flint and Steel Flour (per lb.) Grappling Hook Hammer Healers Kit Holy Symbol (Silver) Morningstar Oil (1 Pint Flask) Pouch (Belt)
2 lbs., 1 Sealing Wax, 1 Sewing Needle, 1 Holy Symbol (Silver), 1 Flint and Steel, 1 Signal Whistle, 1 Bell

1.0 0.1 (0.2) (2.0) NaN 1.0

Pouch (Belt)
2 lbs., 3 Chalk (1 Piece), 1 Candle, 1 Caltrops, 1 Bell

Equipped Backpack Backpack Equipped Pouch (Belt) Pouch (Belt) Pouch (Belt) Backpack Backpack Backpack Backpack TOTAL WEIGHT CARRIED/VALUE

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

NaN NaN 1.0 30.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 (2.0) 0.0 1.0 85,7 lbs.

1.0 0.1 5.0 50.0 1.0 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.01 (0.02) 1.0 0.02 528.33 gp

0 lbs.

Salt (per lb.) Scale Mail Sealing Wax Sewing Needle Signal Whistle Soap (per lb.) Torch Waterskin
0 lbs.


Light 58 Lift over head 175 Medium 116 Lift off ground 350 Heavy 175 Push / Drag 875

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen 5.16.4 on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 2

BlindFight [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.118] In melee, every time you miss because of concealment (see Chapter 8), you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you dont lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesnt get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attackers bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded. Combat Casting [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.119] You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spelllike ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled. Improved Channel [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.126] Add 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist the effects of your channel energy ability. Quick channel [Custom] pay double to channel as a movement action Selective Channeling [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.132] When you channel energy, you can choose a number of targets in the area up to your Charisma modifier. These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. Armor Proficiency, Light [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.118] When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity and Strengthbased skill checks. Armor Proficiency, Medium [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.118] When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity and Strengthbased skill checks. Shield Proficiency [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.133] When you use a shield (except a tower shield), the shields armor check penalty only applies to Strength and Dexteritybased skills. Simple Weapon Proficiency [Paizo Publishing Core Rulebook, p.133] You make attack rolls with simple weapons without penalty.

Travel Luck

Bayonet, Blowgun, Cestus, Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dart, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Grapple, Javelin, Longspear, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Morningstar, Quarterstaff, Rock, Shieldbash (Heavy), Shieldbash (Light), Shortspear, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spear (Boar), Spells (Ray), Spells (Touch), Stake, Starknife, Unarmed Strike

Common, Dwarven, Undercommon


Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen 5.16.4 on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 3

Cleric Spells
LEVEL KNOWN PER DAY 0 0 4 1 0 5+1 2 0 4+1 3 0 3+1 4 0 2+1 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 0



DC 14

Saving Throw Will negates

Time Duration 1 standard Instantaneous action

Range Close (40 ft.)

Comp. V, S

Spell Resistance Yes

School Necromancy

Source PFCR: p.249

Effect: Target: One living creature Caster Level: 7 You cause a living creature that is below 0 hit points but stabilized to resume dying. None 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S No Conjuration Create Water action (Creation) [Water] Effect: Target: Up to 14 gallons of water Caster Level: 7 This spell generates wholesome, drinkable water, just like clean rain water. None 1 standard Concentration, up to 7 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S No Divination Detect Magic action Effect: Target: Coneshaped emanation Caster Level: 7 You detect magical auras. None 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S No Divination Detect Poison action Effect: Target: Or Area one creature, one object, or a 5ft. Caster Level: 7 You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. cube 14 Will negates 1 standard 1 minute or until discharged Touch V, S Yes Divination Guidance (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell imbues the subject with a touch of divine guidance. None 1 standard 70 minutes Touch V, M/DF No Evocation [Light] Light action Effect: Target: Object touched Caster Level: 7 This spell causes a touched object to glow like a torch. 14 Will negates 10 minutesInstantaneous 10 ft. V, S Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Mending (harmless, object) Effect: Target: One object of up to 7 lb. Caster Level: 7 This spell repairs damaged objects, restoring 1d4 hit points to the object. 14 Will negates (object) 1 standard Instantaneous 10 ft. V, S Yes (object) Transmutation Purify Food and Drink action Effect: Target: 7 cu. ft. of contaminated food and water Caster Level: 7 This spell makes spoiled, rotten, diseased, poisonous, or otherwise contaminated food and water pure and suitable for eating and drinking. 1 standard 70 minutes Personal V, S, F Divination Read Magic action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 You can decipher magical inscriptions on objectsbooks, scrolls, weapons, and the likethat would otherwise be unintelligible. 14 Will negates 1 standard 1 minute Touch V, S, Yes (harmless) Abjuration Resistance (harmless) action M/DF Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves. 14 Fortitude negates 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V or S Yes (object) Evocation [Fire] Spark (object) action Effect: Target: one Fine object Caster Level: 7 Ignites flammable objects. 14 Will negates 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (harmless) Conjuration Stabilize (harmless) action (Healing) Effect: Target: One living creature Caster Level: 7 Upon casting this spell, you target a living creature that has 1 or fewer hit points. None 1 standard 1 min. Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Transmutation Virtue action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 With a touch, you infuse a creature with a tiny surge of life, granting the subject 1 temporary hit point.

PFCR: p.262

PFCR: p.267

PFCR: p.268

PFCR: p.292

PFCR: p.304

PFCR: p.312

PFCR: p.328

PFCR: p.330

PFCR: p.334

PFAPG: p.246

PFCR: p.348

PFCR: p.365


Ant Haul
Effect: Triples carrying capacity of a creature.

DC 15

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless)

Time Duration 1 standard 14 hours action

Comp. V, S, M/DF (a small pulley) Target: creature touched 50 ft. V, S, DF

Range Touch

Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)

School Transmutation

Source PFAPG: p.202

Caster Level: 7 Yes Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fear, MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.246

Effect: Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt.


Will negates

1 standard 7 minutes action

Target: 50ft.radius burst, centered on you None 1 standard 7 minutes action 50 ft. V, S, DF Yes (harmless)

Effect: Bless fills your allies with courage.

Bless Water


Will negates (object)

1 minute


Effect: This transmutation imbues a flask of water with positive energy, turning it into holy water. 15 Will partial 1 standard 1d4 rounds or 1 round; see text Cause Fear action Effect: The affected creature becomes frightened.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Target: The caster and all allies within a 50ft. burst, Caster Level: 7 centered on the caster Touch V, S, M Yes (object) Transmutation [Good] Target: Flask of water touched Caster Level: 7 Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes Necromancy [Fear, MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.249

PFCR: p.249

PFCR: p.252

Target: One living creature with 5 or fewer HD 15 Will negates 1 standard 1 round action Close (40 ft.) V Yes


Effect: You give the subject a single command, which it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. 1 standard 70 minutes Comprehend Languages action Effect: You can understand the spoken words of creatures or read otherwise incomprehensible written messages. 15 Will half (harmless); 1 standard Instantaneous Cure Light Wounds see text action Effect: When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8+5 points of damage. None 1 standard 7 hours [D] Dancing Lantern action Effect: Animates a lantern that follows you. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

Target: One living creature Personal Target: You Touch V, S Yes (harmless); see text V, S, M/DF

Enchantment PFCR: p.256 (Compulsion) [LanguageDependent, MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7 Transmutation [Fire, Light] Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.263 PFCR: p.258

Target: Creature touched Touch V, S, F (a No lantern) Target: Animates one lantern

PFAPG: p.214

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 4

Cleric Spells
None 1 standard 70 minutes action 30 ft. V, S No Necromancy Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Evocation Caster Level: 7 V, S, DF Yes Necromancy [Fear, MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.274 PFCR: p.273 PFCR: p.269 PFCR: p.267 PFCR: p.267 PFCR: p.266 PFCR: p.266 PFCR: p.265 Effect: Using the powers of necromancy, you can determine the condition of creatures near death within the spells range. None 1 standard Concentration, up to Detect Chaos action Effect: You can sense the auras of chaotic creatures. None 1 standard Concentration, up to Detect Evil action Effect: You can sense the presence of evil. None 1 standard Concentration, up to Detect Good action Effect: You can sense the presence of good. None 1 standard Concentration, up to Detect Law action Effect: You can sense the auras of lawful creatures. None 1 standard Concentration, up to Detect Undead action Effect: You can detect the aura that surrounds undead creatures. 1 standard 1 minute Divine Favor action Effect: Calling upon the strength and wisdom of a deity, you gain a +2 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Doom action Target: Coneshaped emanation 70 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S, DF No

Target: Coneshaped emanation 70 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S, DF No

Target: Coneshaped emanation 70 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S, DF No

Target: Coneshaped emanation 70 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S, DF No

Target: Coneshaped emanation 7 minutes [D] 60 ft. V, S, No M/DF Target: Coneshaped emanation Personal Target: You Medium (170 ft.) V, S, DF

Effect: Target: One living creature This spell fills a single subject with a feeling of horrible dread that causes it to become shaken. 15 Will negates 1 standard 24 hours Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Abjuration PFCR: Endure Elements (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Personal V, S Abjuration PFCR: Entropic Shield action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 A magical field appears around you, glowing with a chaotic blast of multicolored hues deflecting incoming arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks. 15 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes [D] Touch V, S, DF Yes Abjuration PFCR: Hide from Undead (harmless); see text action Effect: Target: 7 creatures touched Caster Level: 7 Undead cannot see, hear, or smell creatures warded by this spell. 15 Will half 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes Necromancy PFCR: Inflict Light Wounds action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 1d8+5 points of damage. 1 standard 7 hours [D] Personal V, S, M Transmutation PFCR: *Longstrider action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 This spell gives you a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your base speed. 15 Will negates 1 standard 30 minutes or until discharged Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation PFCR: Magic Stone (harmless, object) action Effect: Target: Up to three pebbles touched Caster Level: 7 You transmute as many as three pebbles, which can be no larger than sling bullets, so that they strike with great force when thrown or slung. 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation PFCR: Magic Weapon (harmless, object) action Effect: Target: Weapon touched Caster Level: 7 Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. None 1 standard 7 minutes [D] 20 ft. V, S No Conjuration PFCR: Obscuring Mist action (Creation) Effect: Target: Cloud spreads in 20ft. radius from you, 20 Caster Level: 7 A misty, stationary vapor arises around you obscuring all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. ft. high 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Touch V, S, No; see text Abjuration [Lawful] PFCR: Protection from Chaos (harmless) action M/DF Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell wards a creature from attacks by chaotic creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Touch V, S, No; see text Abjuration [Good] PFCR: Protection from Evil (harmless) action M/DF Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Touch V, S, No; see text Abjuration PFCR: Protection from Law (harmless) action M/DF [Chaotic] Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell wards a creature from attacks by lawful creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. 15 Will negates 1 standard 10 minutes; see text Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (harmless) Abjuration PFCR: Remove Fear (harmless) action Effect: Target: 2 creatures, no two of which can be more Caster Level: 7 You instill courage in the subject, granting it a +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 10 minutes. than 30 ft. apart 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 rounds Touch V, S, DF No Abjuration PFCR: Sanctuary action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. 15 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Touch V, S, M Yes (harmless) Abjuration PFCR: Shield of Faith (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell creates a shimmering, magical field around the target that averts and deflects attacks. None 1 round 7 rounds [D] Close (40 ft.) V, S, F/DF No Conjuration PFCR: Summon Monster I (Summoning) Effect: Target: One summoned creature Caster Level: 7 This spell summons an extraplanar creature. 1 standard See text Personal V, F Divination PFCR: *True Strike action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 You gain temporary, intuitive insight into the immediate future during your next attack.

















Name DC


Saving Throw None

Time Duration 1 standard 7 minutes action

Range Touch

Comp. V, S, DF

Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)

Effect: Aid grants +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves vs fear effects, plus 1d8 + 7 temporary hit points. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

Target: Living creature touched

School Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7

Source PFCR: p.239

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 5

Cleric Spells
None 1 standard 7 minutes action Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Effect: Aid grants +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves vs fear effects, plus 1d8 + 7 temporary hit points. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Align Weapon (harmless, object) action Effect: Align weapon makes a weapon chaotic, evil, good, or lawful, as you choose. 1 minute Instantaneous Target: Living creature touched Touch V, S, DF Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.239

Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Yes Transmutation Caster Level: 7 Yes (harmless) Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7 Transmutation Caster Level: 7 Yes Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.240


Target: Weapon touched or 50 projectiles [all of which must be together at the time of casting] Personal V, S, M, F Target: You Touch V, S, M/DF Target: Creature touched Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF

PFCR: p.245

Effect: An augury can tell you whether a particular action will bring good or bad results for you in the immediate future. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Bears Endurance (harmless) action Effect: The affected creature gains greater vitality and stamina granting the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes [see below] Blessing of Courage and Life (harmless) action Effect: Grants a +2 bonus on saves vs. fear and death. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Bulls Strength (harmless) action Effect: The subject becomes stronger granting a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. 16 Will negates 1 standard Concentration, up to 7 rounds [D] Calm Emotions action Effect: This spell calms agitated creatures.

PFCR: p.246

PFAPG: p.205

Target: one living creature Touch V, S, M/DF Target: Creature touched Medium (170 ft.) V, S, DF Yes (harmless)

PFCR: p.251

PFCR: p.252

Target: Creatures in a 20ft.radius spread None 1 standard 14 hours action V, S, M, No DF Target: 20ft.radius emanation Touch V, S Yes (harmless) or yes; see text Close (40 ft.)

Effect: This spell blesses an area with positive energy.

Evocation [Good] PFCR: p.258 Caster Level: 7 Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7 Evocation [Darkness] Caster Level: 7 Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7 Transmutation Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.263

Cure Moderate Wounds


Will half (harmless) or 1 standard Instantaneous Will half; see text action

Effect: When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 2d8+7 points of damage. None 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Darkness action Effect: This spell causes an object to radiate darkness out to a 20foot radius. 16 Fortitude negates 1 standard 7 hours Delay Poison (harmless) action Effect: The subject becomes temporarily immune to poison. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Eagles Splendor (harmless) action Effect: The transmuted creature becomes more poised, articulate, and personally forceful gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma. 16 Will negates; see text 1 round 1 hour or less Enthrall

Target: Creature touched Touch V, M/DF No

PFCR: p.263

Target: Object touched Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless)

PFCR: p.265

Target: Creature touched Touch V, S, M/DF Target: Creature touched Medium (170 ft.) V, S Yes

PFCR: p.275


Effect: If you have the attention of a group of creatures, you can use this spell to hold them enthralled. 1 standard 7 minutes Find Traps action Effect: You gain intuitive insight into the workings of traps. 16 Fortitude negates 1 standard 7 rounds Ghostbane Dirge action

Target: Any number of creatures Personal Target: You V, S, Yes M/DF (an old reed from a wind instrument) Target: one incorporeal creature Personal Target: You V Close (40 ft.) V, S

Enchantment (Charm) [Language Dependent, MindAffecting, Sonic] Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 Transmutation

PFCR: p.278

PFCR: p.281

PFAPG: p.225

Effect: Incorporeal creature takes half damage from nonmagical weapons.

Caster Level: 7 Abjuration Caster Level: 7 Evocation Caster Level: 7 Enchantment (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Caster Level: 7 Necromancy Caster Level: 7 Conjuration PFAPG: p.229 (Creation) [Force] Caster Level: 7 Divination PFCR: p.305 PFCR: p.296 PFAPG: p.324 PFAPG: p.226

Effect: Movement doesnt provoke attacks of opportunity.

1 swift action

see text

Heroic Fortune
Effect: Subject gains 1 temporary hero point.


Will negates (harmless)

1 standard 7 rounds action

V, S, DF, No M Target: Creature touched Medium (170 ft.) V, S, F/DF Yes


Hold Person
Effect: The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place.


Will negates; see text 1 standard 7 rounds [D]; see text action

Target: One humanoid creature 16 Will half 1 standard Instantaneous action Touch V, S Yes

Inflict Moderate Wounds

PFCR: p.300

Effect: When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 2d8+7 points of damage. 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Instant Armor action Effect: Summon armor temporarily replacing your current attire. None 1 standard 7 minutes *Locate Object action Effect: You sense the direction of a wellknown or clearly visualized object. 16 Will negates 10 minutesInstantaneous Make Whole (harmless, object) Effect: This spell functions as mending, except that it repairs 5d6 points of damage when cast on a construct creature. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Owls Wisdom (harmless) action Effect: The transmuted creature becomes wiser gaining a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom. 16 Will negates 1 standard Instantaneous Remove Paralysis (harmless) action Effect: You can free one or more creatures from the effects of temporary paralysis or related magic. 16 Fortitude negates 1 standard 70 minutes Resist Energy (harmless) action Effect: This abjuration grants a creature limited protection from damage of whichever one of five energy types you select. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

Target: Creature touched Personal Target: You Long (680 ft.) V, S, F/DF No V, S, DF

Target: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 680 Caster Level: 7 ft. Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Target: One object of up to 70 cu. ft. or one construct creature of any size Touch V, S, Yes M/DF Target: Creature touched Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (harmless) Caster Level: 7 Transmutation Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.311

PFCR: p.318

Conjuration (Healing) Target: Up to four creatures, no two of which can be Caster Level: 7 more than 30 ft. apart Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Abjuration Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.332

PFCR: p.334

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 6

Cleric Spells
Restoration (Lesser)
16 Will negates (harmless) 3 rounds Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Effect: Target: Creature touched Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subjects ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subjects ability scores. 16 Will negates 1 standard 24 hours Touch V, S, M (a Yes (harmless) Share Language (harmless) action page from a dictionary) Effect: Target: creature touched Subject understands chosen language. 16 Will negates (object); 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S, Yes Shatter Will negates (object) action M/DF or Fortitude half; see text Effect: Target: Or Target 5ft.radius spread; or one solid Shatter creates a loud, ringing noise that breaks brittle, nonmagical objects; sunders a single solid, nonmagical object; or damages a object or one crystalline creature crystalline creature. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 hours [D] Close (40 ft.) V, S, F Yes (harmless) Shield Other (harmless) action Effect: Target: One creature This spell wards the subject and creates a mystic connection between you and the subject so that some of its wounds are transferred to you. 16 Will negates; see text 1 round 7 rounds [D] Long (680 ft.) V, S Yes; see text or no Silence or none (object) (object) Effect: Target: 20ft.radius emanation centered on a Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. creature, object, or point in space 16 Fortitude partial 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S, F/DF Yes Sound Burst action Effect: Target: 10ft.radius spread You blast an area with a tremendous cacophony. None 1 standard 7 rounds [D] Medium (170 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Spiritual Weapon action Effect: Target: Magic weapon of force A weapon made of force appears and attacks foes at a distance, as you direct it, dealing 1d8+2 force damage per hit. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 hours Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Status (harmless) action Effect: Target: 2 living creatures When you need to keep track of comrades who may get separated, status allows you to mentally monitor their relative positions and general condition. None 1 round 7 rounds [D] Close (40 ft.) V, S, F/DF No Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.334


PFAPG: p.243

Caster Level: 7 Evocation [Sonic] PFCR: p.341

Caster Level: 7

Abjuration Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.342

Illusion (Glamer) Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.343

Evocation [Sonic] PFCR: p.346 Caster Level: 7 Evocation [Force] PFCR: p.348 Caster Level: 7 Divination Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.349

Conjuration Summon Monster II (Summoning) Effect: Target: One summoned creature Caster Level: 7 This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 2ndlevel list or 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 1stlevel list. 16 Will negates (object) 1 standard 24 hours Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (object) Abjuration Undetectable Alignment action Effect: Target: One creature or object Caster Level: 7 An undetectable alignment spell conceals the alignment of an object or a creature from all forms of divination. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Weapon of Awe (harmless, object) action Effect: Target: weapon touched Caster Level: 7 Weapon gets +2 on damage rolls. 16 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Enchantment Zone of Truth action (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Effect: Target: 20ft.radius emanation Caster Level: 7 Creatures within the emanation area [or those who enter it] cant speak any deliberate and intentional lies.

PFCR: p.352

PFCR: p.363

PFAPG: p.256

PFCR: p.371


Bestow Curse
Effect: You place a curse on the subject.

DC 17

Saving Throw Will negates

Time Duration 1 standard Permanent action

Range Touch

Comp. V, S

Spell Resistance Yes

School Necromancy Caster Level: 7

Source PFCR: p.247

Target: Creature touched 17 Fortitude negates 1 standard Permanent [D] action Medium (170 ft.) V Yes


Necromancy Caster Level: 7 Divination

PFCR: p.250

Effect: You call upon the powers of unlife to render the subject blinded or deafened, as you choose. 17 Will negates (see 1 minute Blood Biography text)

Target: One living creature Instantaneous V, S, No M/DF (a scrap of parchment) Target: one creatures blood or one bloodstain Touch V, S, M No Touch

PFAPG: p.206

Effect: Learn about a creature with its blood.

Caster Level: 7 Evocation [Light] PFCR: p.260 Caster Level: 7

Continual Flame


1 standard Permanent action

Effect: A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. None 10 minutes24 hours; see text Create Food and Water

Target: Object touched Close (40 ft.) V, S No

Effect: Target: Food and water to sustain 21 humans or 7 The food that this spell creates is simple fare of your choicehighly nourishing, if rather bland. horses for 24 hours 17 Will half (harmless) or 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes (harmless) or Cure Serious Wounds Will half; see text action yes; see text Effect: Target: Creature touched When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 3d8+7 points of damage. None 1 standard 70 minutes [D] Touch V, S No Daylight action Effect: Target: Object touched You touch an object when you cast this spell, causing the object to shed bright light in a 60foot radius. None 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Touch V, M/DF No Deeper Darkness action Effect: Target: 70 minutes [D] This spell functions as darkness, except that objects radiate darkness in a 60foot radius and the light level is lowered by two steps. None 1 standard Instantaneous Medium (170 ft.) V, S No Dispel Magic action Effect: Target: One spellcaster, creature, or object You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to counter another spellcasters spell. 1 standard 7 minutes Personal V, S, M Elemental Speech action (iron filings) Effect: Target: You Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

Conjuration (Creation) Caster Level: 7 Conjuration (Healing) Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.261

PFCR: p.263

Evocation [Light] PFCR: p.264 Caster Level: 7 Evocation [Darkness] Caster Level: 7 Abjuration Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.265

PFCR: p.272

Divination [Air, PFAPG: p.218 Earth, Fire, Water] Caster Level: 7

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 7

Cleric Spells
Enter Image
None 1 standard concentration action V, S, No Transmutation M/DF (a drop of paint and a ball of clay) Target: transfer consciousness to any object bearing Caster Level: 7 your likeness Touch V, S, F Yes (harmless) Transmutation Target: Creature touched Touch V, S, M/DF Target: Corpse touched Touch V, S, M Yes (object) Caster Level: 7 Necromancy Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.290 PFCR: p.289 50 ft./level PFAPG: p.219

Effect: Transfers your consciousness to an object bearing your likeness. 17 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes *Fly (harmless) action Effect: The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet [or 40 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load]. 17 Will negates (object) 1 standard 7 days Gentle Repose action Effect: You preserve the remains of a dead creature so that they do not decay. 17 See text 10 minutesPermanent until discharged [D]

PFCR: p.284

Glyph of Warding

Effect: This powerful inscription harms those who enter, pass, or open the warded area or object. 1 minute

No (object) and yes; Abjuration see text Target: Object touched or up to 35 sq. ft. Caster Level: 7 Personal V, S, M (a spool of thread or string) Divination

Guiding Star

7 days [D]

PFAPG: p.226

Effect: Know approximate distance from where you cast this spell.

Target: You None 1 standard 7 hours action 5 miles V, S, DF No

Caster Level: 7 Evocation PFCR: p.295

Helping Hand

Effect: Target: Ghostly hand Caster Level: 7 You create the ghostly image of a hand, which you can send to find a creature within 5 miles. 17 Will half 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes Necromancy Inflict Serious Wounds action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 3d8+7 points of damage. 1 standard 7 minutes [D] Personal V, S Evocation Invisibility Purge action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 You surround yourself with a sphere of power with a radius of 35 feet that negates all forms of invisibility. None 1 standard 7 minutes Long (680 ft.) V, S, F/DF No Divination Locate Object action Effect: Target: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 680 Caster Level: 7 You sense the direction of a wellknown or clearly visualized object. ft. 17 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Touch V, S, No; see text Abjuration [Good] Magic Circle against Evil (harmless) action M/DF Effect: Target: 10ft.radius emanation from touched creature Caster Level: 7 All creatures within the area gain the effects of a protection from evil spell, and evil summoned creatures cannot enter the area either. 17 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Touch V, S, No; see text Abjuration Magic Circle against Law (harmless) action M/DF [Chaotic] Effect: Target: 10ft.radius emanation from touched creature Caster Level: 7 All creatures within the area gain the effects of a protection from law spell, and lawfull summoned creatures cannot enter the area either. 17 Will negates 1 standard 7 hours Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Magic Vestment (harmless, object) action Effect: Target: Armor or shield touched Caster Level: 7 You imbue a suit of armor or a shield with an enhancement bonus of +1. 1 standard 70 minutes Personal V, S, DF Transmutation Meld into Stone action [Earth] Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 Meld into stone enables you to meld your body and possessions into a single block of stone. 17 Will negates 1 minute 8 hours 30 ft. V, S, M (a Yes (harmless) Necromancy Nap Stack (harmless) little silk pillow worth 100 gp) Effect: Target: 30ft.radius emanation Caster Level: 7 Subjects only need 2 hours for a nights sleep, and can sleep even longer for more benefits. 17 Will negates (object) 1 standard 8 hours [D] Touch V, S, Yes (object) Abjuration Obscure Object action M/DF Effect: Target: One object touched of up to 700 lbs. Caster Level: 7 This spell hides an object from location by divination [scrying] effects, such as the scrying spell or a crystal ball. None 1 standard 7 rounds 40 ft. V, S, DF Yes Enchantment Prayer action (Compulsion) [MindAffecting] Effect: Target: All allies and foes within a 40ft.radius burst Caster Level: 7 You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. centered on you 17 Fortitude negates 1 standard 70 minutes or until discharged Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Abjuration **Protection from Energy (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it. 17 Fortitude negates 1 standard 70 minutes or until discharged Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Abjuration Protection from Energy (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 Protection from energy grants temporary immunity to the type of energy you specify when you cast it. 17 Fortitude negates 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Conjuration Remove Blindness/Deafness (harmless) action (Healing) Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 Remove blindness/deafness cures blindness or deafness. 17 Will negates 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Abjuration Remove Curse (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature or object touched Caster Level: 7 Remove curse can remove all curses on an object or a creature. 17 Fortitude negates 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes (harmless) Conjuration Remove Disease (harmless) action (Healing) Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 Remove disease can cure all diseases from which the subject is suffering. 17 Will negates 1 round 70 minutes [D] Touch; see text V, S, F (a Yes (harmless) Conjuration Sacred Bond (harmless) pair of (Healing) golden bracelets worth 100 gp each worn by both you and the target) Effect: Target: creature touched Caster Level: 7 Cast touch healing spells from a distance. None 1 standard Instantaneous Medium (170 ft.) V, S Yes Evocation Searing Light action Effect: Target: Ray Caster Level: 7 Focusing divine power like a ray of the sun, you project a blast of light from your open palm dealing 3d8 points of damage. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

PFCR: p.301

PFCR: p.302

PFCR: p.305

PFCR: p.308

PFCR: p.308

PFCR: p.310

PFCR: p.312

PFAPG: p.233

PFCR: p.317

PFCR: p.324

PFCR: p.327

PFCR: p.327

PFCR: p.332

PFCR: p.332

PFCR: p.332

PFAPG: p.240

PFCR: p.338

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 8

Cleric Spells
Severed Fate
Effect: Target is shaken and cannot use hero points. 17 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes action Close (40 ft.) V, S Yes Enchantment Caster Level: 7 No Necromancy PFCR: p.346 [LanguageDependent] Caster Level: 7 PFCR: p.349 PFAPG: p.324 Target: One living creature 17 Will negates; see text 10 minutes7 minutes 10 ft. V, S, DF

Speak with Dead

Effect: You grant the semblance of life to a corpse, allowing it to answer questions. None

Target: One dead creature 1 standard Instantaneous action

Touch V, S, No Transmutation M/DF [Earth] Target: Stone or stone object touched, up to 17 cu. Caster Level: 7 ft. 1 round 7 rounds [D] Close (40 ft.) V, S, F/DF No Conjuration Summon Monster III (Summoning) Effect: Target: One summoned creature Caster Level: 7 This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 3rdlevel list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 2ndlevel list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from the 1stlevel list. 17 Will negates 1 standard 7 rounds Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Divination Unravel Destiny action Effect: Target: One creature Caster Level: 7 Target gets 2 on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, adn skill check per hero point it possesses and takes 2d6 damage when spending hero points. 17 Will negates 1 standard 14 hours; see text Touch V, S, Yes (harmless) Transmutation Water Breathing (harmless) action M/DF Effect: Target: Living creatures touched Caster Level: 7 The transmuted creatures can breathe water freely. 17 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes [D] Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Transmutation Water Walk (harmless) action [Water] Effect: Target: 7 touched creatures Caster Level: 7 The transmuted creatures can tread on any liquid as if it were firm ground. 17 None; see text 1 standard 7 rounds Medium (170 ft.) V, S, Yes Evocation [Air] Wind Wall action M/DF Effect: Target: Wall up to 70 ft. long and 35 ft. high [S] Caster Level: 7 An invisible vertical curtain of wind appears. 17 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Touch or 5 ft.; see V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Evocation [Force, Wrathful Mantle (harmless) action text Light] Effect: Target: creature touched or all creatures within 5 ft.; Caster Level: 7 Subject shines and gets 1 on all saves. see text

Stone Shape

Effect: You can form an existing piece of stone into any shape that suits your purpose. None

PFCR: p.352

PFAPG: p.325

PFCR: p.368

PFCR: p.368

PFCR: p.370

PFAPG: p.257

Name DC

Air Walk
Effect: The subject can tread on air as if walking on solid ground. 18 Blessing of Fervor Effect: Gives allies a choice of benefits.

Saving Throw None

Time Duration 1 standard 70 minutes action

Range Touch

Comp. V, S, DF

Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)

Target: Creature [Gargantuan or smaller] touched Fortitude negates (harmless) 1 standard 7 rounds action Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF Yes (harmless)

School Transmutation [Air] Caster Level: 7 Transmutation Caster Level: 7

Source PFCR: p.239

PFAPG: p.205

Evocation [Chaotic] Effect: Target: 20ft.radius burst Caster Level: 7 You unleash chaotic power to smite your enemies in the form of a multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy. 18 None; see text 1 standard 70 minutes [D] Long (680 ft.) V, S, No Transmutation Control Water action M/DF [Water] Effect: Target: Water in a volume of 70 ft. by 70 ft. by 14 ft. Caster Level: 7 This spell has two different applications, both of which control water in different ways. [S] 18 Will half (harmless); 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes (harmless); see Conjuration Cure Critical Wounds see text action text (Healing) Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 4d8+7 points of damage. 18 Will negates 1 standard 7 minutes Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Necromancy Death Ward (harmless) action Effect: Target: Living creature touched Caster Level: 7 The subject gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. None 1 standard 7 minutes Medium (170 ft.) V, S Yes (object) Abjuration Dimensional Anchor action Effect: Target: Ray Caster Level: 7 A green ray springs from your hand, any creature or object struck by the ray is covered with a shimmering emerald field that completely blocks extradimensional travel. 18 None and Will 1 standard Instantaneous Long (680 ft.) V No and yes (object) Conjuration *Dimension Door negates (object) action (Teleportation) Effect: Target: You and touched objects or other touched Caster Level: 7 You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. willing creatures 18 Will negates 1 standard Concentration, up to 7 rounds Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF No Divination Discern Lies action Effect: Target: 7 creatures, no two of which can be more Caster Level: 7 You know if the target deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning disturbances in its aura caused by lying. than 30 ft. apart 18 Will negates; see text 1 standard Instantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Abjuration Dismissal action Effect: Target: One extraplanar creature Caster Level: 7 This spell forces an extraplanar creature back to its proper plane if it fails a Will save. 10 minutesInstantaneous Personal V, S, M Divination Divination

Chaos Hammer


Will partial; see text

1 standard Instantaneous [1d6 rounds]; see text action

Target: one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart Medium (170 ft.) V, S Yes

PFCR: p.254

PFCR: p.260

PFCR: p.262

PFCR: p.264

PFCR: p.270

PFCR: p.269

PFCR: p.270

PFCR: p.271

PFCR: p.273

Effect: Target: You A divination spell can provide you with a useful piece of advice in reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity that is to occur within 1 week. 1 standard 7 rounds Personal V, S, DF Divine Power action Effect: Target: You You imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat and gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strengthbased skill checks. 18 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Personal or touch V, S, M, Yes (harmless) Freedom of Movement (harmless) action DF Effect: Target: You or creature touched This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. 18 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Personal or touch V, S, M, Yes (harmless) **Freedom of Movement (harmless) action DF Effect: Target: You or creature touched This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. None 1 standard 7 minutes Close (40 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Giant Vermin action Effect: Target: 1 or more vermin, no two of which can be You turn a number of normalsized centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into their giant counterparts. more than 30 ft. apart 18 Will partial; see text 1 standard Instantaneous [1 round]; see text Medium (170 ft.) V, S Yes Holy Smite action Effect: Target: 20ft.radius burst You draw down holy power to smite your enemies. * =Domain/Speciality Spell

Caster Level: 7

Evocation Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.273

Abjuration Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.287

Abjuration Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.287

Transmutation Caster Level: 7

PFCR: p.290

Evocation [Good] PFCR: p.297 Caster Level: 7

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 9

Cleric Spells
Imbue with Spell Ability
18 Will negates (harmless) 10 minutesPermanent until discharged [D] Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Evocation PFCR: p.299 Effect: Target: Creature touched; see text Caster Level: 7 You transfer some of your currently prepared spells, and the ability to cast them, to another creature. 18 Will half 1 standard Instantaneous Touch V, S Yes Necromancy Inflict Critical Wounds action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 When laying your hand upon a creature, you channel negative energy that deals 4d8+7 points of damage. 18 Will negates 1 standard 7 hours Close (40 ft.) V, S, Yes (harmless, object)Transmutation Magic Weapon (Greater) (harmless, object) action M/DF Effect: Target: One weapon or 50 projectiles [all of which Caster Level: 7 This spell functions like magic weapon, except that it gives a weapon an enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1. must be together at the time of casting] 18 Will negates 1 standard Instantaneous or 70 minutes; see text Touch V, S, Yes (harmless, object)Conjuration Neutralize Poison (harmless, object) action M/DF (Healing) Effect: Target: Creature or object of up to 7 cu. ft. touched Caster Level: 7 You detoxify any sort of venom in the creature or object touched. 1 standard 7 hours [D] Personal V Transmutation Planar Adaptation action Effect: Target: You Caster Level: 7 Resist harmful effects of other plane. None 10 minutesInstantaneous Close (40 ft.) V, S, M, No Conjuration Planar Ally (Lesser) DF (Calling) Effect: Target: One called outsider of 6 HD or less Caster Level: 7 By casting this spell, you request your deity to send you an outsider [of 6 HD or less] of the deitys choice. 18 Fortitude negates; see 1 standard Instantaneous; see text Touch V, S, DF Yes Necromancy Poison text action Effect: Target: Living creature touched Caster Level: 7 Calling upon the venomous powers of natural predators, you infect the subject with a horrible poison by making a successful melee touch attack. 18 None or Will negates; 1 standard 70 minutes [D] 10 ft. V, S, DF Yes Abjuration Repel Vermin see text action Effect: Target: 10ft.radius emanation centered on you Caster Level: 7 An invisible barrier holds back vermin. None 1 round permanent Touch V, S, No Necromancy Rest Eternal M/DF (ashes and a vial of holy or unholy water) Effect: Target: one dead creature touched Caster Level: 7 Dead creature cannot be revived. 18 Will negates 1 minute Instantaneous Touch V, S, M Yes (harmless) Conjuration Restoration (harmless) (Healing) Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell functions like lesser restoration, except that it also dispels temporary negative levels or one permanent negative level. None 10 minutes1 round; see text See text V, S, No Evocation Sending M/DF Effect: Target: One creature Caster Level: 7 You contact a particular creature with which you are familiar and send a short message of 25 words or less to the subject. 18 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Touch V, S, DF Yes (harmless) Abjuration Spell Immunity (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 The warded creature is immune to the effects of one specified spell for every four levels you have. None 1 standard 7 rounds [D] Medium (170 ft.) V, S, DF Yes Evocation [Force] Spiritual Ally action Effect: Target: spiritual ally of force Caster Level: 7 Creates a divine ally to aid you. None 1 round 7 rounds [D] Close (40 ft.) V, S, F/DF No Conjuration Summon Monster IV (Summoning) Effect: Target: One summoned creature Caster Level: 7 This spell functions like summon monster I, except that you can summon one creature from the 4thlevel list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind from the 3rdlevel list, or 1d4+1 creatures of the same kind from a lowerlevel list. 18 Will negates 1 standard 70 minutes Touch V, M/DF No Divination Tongues (harmless) action Effect: Target: Creature touched Caster Level: 7 This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. * =Domain/Speciality Spell PFCR: p.300

PFCR: p.310

PFCR: p.316

PFAPG: p.236

PFCR: p.320

PFCR: p.323

PFCR: p.333

PFAPG: p.238

PFCR: p.334

PFCR: p.339

PFCR: p.346

PFAPG: p.246

PFCR: p.352

PFCR: p.360

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 10

Spellbook: Prepared Spells

Level 0 Detect Magic (DC:) Light (DC:) Purify Food and Drink (DC:14) Read Magic (DC:) Level 1 Command (DC:15) Hide from Undead (DC:15) *Longstrider (DC:) Protection from Evil (DC:15) Sanctuary (DC:15) Shield of Faith (DC:15) Level 2 *Aid (DC:) Consecrate (DC:) Hold Person (DC:16) Resist Energy (DC:16) Restoration (Lesser) (DC:16) Level 3 *Fly (DC:17) Invisibility Purge (DC:) Magic Circle against Evil (DC:17) Searing Light (DC:) Level 4 *Dimension Door (DC:18) Freedom of Movement (DC:18) Restoration (DC:18)

Character: Hermann Vogel Player: Created using PCGen on 13mar2012 at 2.18.50

PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill & Dekker. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line.

Page 11

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