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A taste to tempt you

This is a collection of homoerotic sex scenes offered for free. There is a mixture of genres, from sci-fi, to fantasy, contemporary, but all are hot. The goal of this collection is to give you something to read thats fun, light and sexy. You dont have to think about things, just sit back and enjoy as many as you want, when you want.

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Glory Box Reopened By Mark Alders

Chapter One Ouroborus Nebula

ylan flicked the switch to bring AI navigation online. The ships engines whirred. The streaking stars slowed to return back to beautiful points, like diamonds against the dark, eternal vastness of space. Numerous nav-com screens lit up, indicating AI was on. Ahead, the Ouroborus Nebula, a strange place where many spaceships had found their silent graves, because of the wild magnetic winds and pockets of gases, both volatile and corrosive, that made up the nebula as billions of stars died and re-formed over many eons. That was the reason he brought the ship to computer control. To navigate manually through the eye of the Ouroborus Nebula was suicide. Right then, as the nebula filled the view screen with its deadly beauty, Long entered the cock pit. Long was his first mate, the man he had spent many, many space hours next to while they hauled freight through the safe path of the nebula to the outer colonized worlds. Long, to put it in simple animalistic terms, was hot. Tall and thin, black sexy hair that covered his eyes, and lovely olive-coloured skin, flawless and soft. Strange for a man to have soft skin, but Long did. How Dylan

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yearned to touch himsexually. Wow, I never get over that, Long said in his deep, sensuous drawl. He sat in the co-pilots seat, the leather creaking. Dylan tried to ignore him. Longs close proximity, the brush of hands across his as they programmed in their well-used and trusted path through the nebula for the computer to follow without deviation, was distracting but added fuel to his desires. Dylan shook his head, trying to focus his attention on the task at hand. Fiddling with the instruments in front of him did relieve him from his thoughts of wanting to entangle his limbs around Longs in a heated moment of passionfor a short time. Whatcha mean? Dylan murmured, his voice hoarse, emotion filled. How many years had it been? Why hadnt he made his move? They had declared their commitment to each other ages ago, proof was spending all this time alone. Why not consummate that commitment? Why not fuck each other like love-sick teenagers in heat at any given moment? Dylan sure needed some relief, real soon. Cold showers and dirty holoVids to jack off to didnt cut it anymore. Dylan needed Long. Simple as that. What was stopping him? Well, the answer was simplerejection. A humans worst fear, in reality. The Ouroborus Nebula, I mean, Long said, knocking Dylan from his reverie. The entrance to it always looks to me like two blokes sucking each other off. You know, giving each other a good, hard sixtynine for shits and giggles. Dylan almost choked on his own tongue. It looks

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like what? He turned his full attention to Long, eyes wide, eyebrows shot up his forehead like rockets on take-off. Was that the signal he had been waiting for all this time? Was that the permission he needed from Long to make his move without getting burnt? Dylan had to act now, while the moment was still fresh, otherwise he could spend another night aloneanother eternity alone. He added, For shits and giggles? Yeah, you know, just because they can. Long looked deep into Dylans eyes in return. Through nerves, anxiety, lust and fear, Dylan managed, Like how we couldif we wanted tofor shits and giggles, I mean? Long smiled, one full and beautiful, showing his perfect white teeth. Yeah, like how we could, if we wanted. Right there and then, Dylan decided to act. Three years of pussy-footing around, the buildup of sexual tension, the doubt, the thought of what-ifs, and the sheer gutlessness on his part all came to a head. He grabbed Longs hands, pulling him close to kiss his soft, plump yet manly lips. Now would be the test. Hed either be spaced for making his move, or rewarded. Long returned the kiss in earnest, parting Dylans lips with his warm, sensual tongue. Dylan almost jumped out of his skin. Seemed he would be rewarded and he let the moment carry him away, complete with dizzy spells and tingles through him that fed his cock to hardness. When they parted t heir kiss, Long said, Lets do it right here. Here? He didnt let go of Longs hands and his

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grip became hot and sweaty, like the passion that now swirled within him. Passion that would soon be released like a supernova of ecstasy. In the cockpit? Long didnt reply. Instead, he stood. Seconds later, after their hold had been broken for a brief, agonizing moment, they disrobed. The Ouroborus Nebula vivid on the screen was their backdrop. He couldnt think of anything more appropriate. Naked, Dylans cock was as hard as ever, pre-cum oozing to make the mouth of his un-retracted foreskin glisten like one of the many stars that made up the beautiful nebula they were heading into the nebula that was the inspiration and catalyst for them both to show their true feelings for each otherfinally. Youre fucking hot, Dylan, Long said. He got down on his knees, grabbing Dylans cock and pulling on the base of it so that his wet-with-excitement foreskin could be retracted, revealing his bulging head. Long licked the end of his slit to tease at first. His deep brown eyes, ones that Dylan could become lost in for an eternity, looked intense while Long began to work Dylans length. Oh, fuck! Dylan managed, emulating a line from one of his dirty holoVids. He couldnt help it. To say anything else right now would be a distraction. A distraction he didnt need, because he wanted to savour every moment, every delicious touch Long gave him. And boy, did Long give him the attention he had craved all these years. He sucked cock perfectly, not too hard, not too soft. Long had taken in all of Dylans length, holding him around his buttocks so he could anchor himself, so he

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could take more of his cock Again Dylan let out a cheesy phrase, this time with a deep satisfied hiss through his teeth as his first mate, the man he had wanted all these years, finally got his lips around his cock just like he had dreamed about. Long never let his stare move from Dylans, not even when he took all of his cock, every inch, into his mouth and his nose was pubes deep. That was so sexy. Thirty seconds later, Dylan blew his load. A muffled and satisfied groan emanated from Long as he took all Dylan gave him as best he could. Still, a lot of his jizz couldnt be held, because Dylan sure gave the man a lot. It had been a long time indeed. Longs lips and chin were soon wet with ejaculate, and when he pulled away, Dylans cock came out of his mouth with a sexy, moist popping sound. He came to lick off his own salty goodness from his mans beautiful lips. Again they kissed, enhanced by the first orgasm they had shared together. About time you let me suck you off, Dylan. I was waiting for you to make the first move, Dylan replied, his lips tingling from both the attention of what hed received and his own cum. Long let out a laugh. He embraced Dylan, his hard cock pressing against his stomach. I was waiting for you. Dylan felt embarrassed for a brief instant before he, too, could see the funny side of all this. He said, Well, were both stupid dumb cunts then, arent we? Sure fucking are. Longs touch was wonderful, warm and welcome, and strangely yet thankfully, ohso-comfortable. Dylan sunk more into his mans hold,

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nuzzling his nose into his neck, smelling his sweet scented hair and kissing his heated skin. After an eternity of being close, Long added, Now, how about we forget about the past and I bend you over right now and fuck the living shit out of you while you stare at the pretty Ouroborus Nebula. Dylan didnt need to be told twice. He wriggled his way out of Longs hold, missing his touch already. He grabbed the console tight and arched his back so he was nice and receptive, so Long could do whatever the fuck he wanted to do behind. As soon as he felt Longs warm hands grab his buttocks and his tongue lick his rim, sending shivers of delight up through his spine, Dylan noticed that the safe path they had to travel through the Ouroborus Nebula did indeed look like two blokes giving each other a sixty-nine, if you squinted and used your imagination. How he hadnt seen that before was beyond him. Typical. He was so involved with trying to get into Longs pants he couldnt think of an opening line to do so. Good thing Long was a bit more inventive with his opening, Wow Ill never get over that sentence that got us both naked and into each other for shits and giggles, otherwise I would be heading off to bed alone right now instead of being reamed over my own console as the ship makes its way through the nebula. Funny how things turned.eventually.

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Chapter Two From Want to Need

arett wasnt an ordinary slave. Ordinary slaves were used and abused by their masters, considered nothing more than objects. They were as common as sandals on Roman Centurions, and as such they filled the many shallow graves outside the city outskirts once their usefulness was exhausted. Their life expectancy was low, most not seeing their twenty-first birthdays. Life as a slave was harsh, cruel and unjust, a perfect reflection of life itself in a strange, twisted way. Not so for slaves owned by the Dominion. The Dominion, a specialised group of men who not only protected Rome from all manner of enemy, externally or internally, but were also the elite guards of Caesar himself. They were the iron fists, the dark shadows in the death of night, the silent blades of justice. They were fearedand revered. Marett, taken away from his mother when young from the Roman province of Aquitaine in Gaul, was now a Dominion slave.

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His role was different than those of other slaves. He was one of the chosen, required to be sexual relief for the gladiators of the Dominion after they had played their games or returned from battle. As a result of his function, he was looked after, fed well, given clothes, and provided accommodation. He never had to break his back doing anything manual, like carry water from an aquifer well up steep hills on his head, or scrub floors until his knuckles were red raw. The Dominion liked their relief to be fit, healthy and remain as handsome as the first day they were chosen. Marett made sure he always looked his best, pride fuelling that desire. He kept himself clean, especially his genitals, under his foreskin, and around his arse. He made sure his body was shaven smooth so they would always enjoy touching him, and had his hair trimmed short so the men could see his face while he sucked on their cocks. He had to do all of this and more if he was to remain in the Dominions employ. The gladiators deserved to be pleasured, and Marett was owned for the privilege of doing so for those who desired young men in their beds. If he disappointed, he could be sold to a normal master. Only a matter of time before they were used and abused like the rest of them to an early grave. Tonight was the eve of the day of rest after the Fasti, the month long celebration to the God of War, Mars. The gladiators, before the time of rest began in earnest, had been feasting, fighting and practising their skills in the arena with a variety of weapons. Many lions, tigers and Christians were slaughtered during the festival, but soon the blades would be silent. The men would be

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insatiable for something more than bloodlust. They would want the comfort of flesh against their weary skin. They would want sexual relief. Marett had covered himself in scented oils, his skin a glistening sheen. He wore nothing but a clean, white loin cloth and a wreath of olive leaves around his head. He was as ready as hed ever be, and like always, nerves overtook him as he waited for his suitor for the night. The man who would chose him above all the others. The gladiator who would want him to soothe his weary flesh in whatever way he pleased. The gates to the Dominion common room opened with a metallic clang. In poured the most brilliantly muscled men Marett would ever want to feast his gaze upon. Some were already bare-chested, having removed their armour long ago. Some were still in full battle gear. All had a look of lust in their eyes as they took in all the pleasure slaves before them. Many of the gladiators had their favourites already in mind, and each went to them. Soon the room began to empty, gladiators with their chosen on their arms. Some liked men, others liked women. A few liked both. In the end it didnt matter, Dominion gladiators could take all they wanted, whether the want was from the spoils of war, or provided for them for their services. Maretts heart skipped a beat and his mouth went dry all of a sudden when Antonius appeared at the doors threshold. He tried to calm himself, but found it difficult to contain his joy. To be in a gladiators arms, escorted to his bed, that was his purpose and his desire right now. To be with Antonius, that would be a dream. He stood to attention, smiling.

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The man had an immediate effect on Marett. His presence and his aura were intoxicating. He was as handsome as any God and with the physical strength to match. He only wore his battle skirt and belt right now, but that was more than enough for Marett to take in his fill. The gladiator had a shock of black hair, a big beard and tanned skin that was enhanced by his muscular form. Marett hadnt seen Antonius for many months. He had begun to wonder whether Antonius had been killed in one of the many territory skirmishes that had plagued the Empire since Caesar became supreme dictator of the senate over a year ago. Then again, Dominion gladiators were always called to arms. That was their purpose. As soon as Antonius spied Marett, he made a line for him. Again, Maretts heart fluttered and he felt himself swoon, his pulse loud in his ears. Would Antonius claim him, or would he choose another? Not many gladiators were left. Not many slaves, either. To be left unchosen didnt bode well. The elite of the Dominion were always watching, whether behind curtains or in shadowed hallways. If Antonius took him up into his arms, he would be in Heavenif not, his fate may be sealed. Finally, after what seemed an eternity of waiting, almost to the point of agony, his mind filled with thoughts of dread, Antonius came to him. Marett sighed relief. He could abandon the thoughts of how he may not have presented himself as good as other times, or how he may have come out of favour because each day passing meant he was older. Sure, Marett was nineteen,

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but that only meant he had to try harder than the others. Seemed he had been good enough this time, and on such an important night after the month of Festi, too. He was wanted. The bulk of the gladiator cast a shadow over him, he said, Marett. So good to see you once more, my lover. Marett licked his lips, relief washing over him, his nerves calming. He opened his arms as a gesture of submission and to let the gladiator know he was receptive. I am glad to see you, as well, my Lord. You please me, Marett. I want you. You can have me. The gladiator grabbed Maretts arm. But not in a way designed to hurt, far from it. The man was gentle and caring with his actions, something Marett appreciated. To become damaged, that could be seen as a disadvantage. Many lads and ladies had disappeared from Dominion employ after a fall or rough handling that had broken bones. Marett was escorted to Antoniu ss chamber. When inside the room proper Antonius gestured for Marett to sit himself down on the bed. Marett obeyed without question and without another beat of his heart. He also removed his loin cloth, exposing his growing excitement for the man to feast his gaze upon. Antoniuss eyes widened. He clearly liked what he saw. This pleased Marett to no end, for it meant that as long as Antonius was alive and defending the faith, he would remain in Dominion care. You are a handsome thing, arent you? Antoniu s removed his clothes, throwing them to the floor without

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care. A look of lust etched on his face, lips wet and eyes wide. His cock was hard already, his foreskin retracted enough so Marett could glimpse at his head already wet with pre-cum. Antoniuss testicles were huge. In fact, everything about the man was larger than life. If you say so, my Lord. Marett was compelled to reply to every question spoken to him, it was a requirement. He really only wanted to take Antoniuss length into his mouth, suck on him until he ejaculated his juice down his throat. And thank you. Antonius came to him. Marett didnt waste any time. While seated on the bed filled with exotic cushions and rich fabrics, he reached out to hold the gladiators cock at the base, a manner that enabled him to take it into his mouth with ease. His cock was warm and beautiful, and after a long moment of kissing it and licking the overhang of foreskin the man had, he showed how much he appreciated being chosen tonight. With a fluid motion, he retracted the mans foreskin proper to get at the goodness hidden. Within a breath that wouldnt have blown out one of the many candles, Marett took the bright, red jewel of the mans cockhead into his mouth. His tongue washed with the taste of bitter and sweet, like honey-salted pork spiced with pepper. Soon, he was moving his lips over Antoniuss length to take in as much of him as he possibly could, the air filled with sucking and slurping sounds. Antonius grabbed Maretts head, removing the wreath so he could massage his scalp with his thick fingers. Shivers of delight right down his spine to spur him on from the gladiators actions.

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Antonius groaned, pushing his cock in deeper and deeper into his mouth, but not too far down to gag. Marett took him all, he was an expert at sucking cock anyway, and knew how to position any mans length within his mouth so he didnt choke on it. Not good to be sent back to the common room so soon, because he didnt please. All slaves who did well always stayed the whole night. Maretts goal was to wake up next to Antonius, his body well used in every way imaginable by the gladiator. You know how I like it, dont you, Marett? He pulled away, the air punctuated with a pop as the mans rock hard cock left his lips. Saliva dribbled down his chin, he licked his lipstingling from his effort replying, I am glad I please you, my Lord. Marett was about to return to his duty, continue to take the man until he orgasmed, when Antonius placed his finger under his chin to move his face so he could look deep into his eyes. You deserve so much more. A moment of confusion found Marett. I dont understand. Let me show you what I mean. Then we can talk. Again, Marett had no clue as to what was going on, why the gladiator would say such a thing. Normally, he was taken into a chamber where he was expected to suck cock until the man ejaculated. Then, when the gladiator had rested, eaten and drank, Marett would be fucked, sometimes many times throughout the night before exhaustion found the gladiator and he fell into a deep sleep. Tonight something wasnt right.

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Aside from the look of lust Antonius had earlier, his expression was filled with something else. Something Marett couldnt put his finger on. Was it appreciation? Respect? Caring? He didnt know and would never know until told. Unfortunately, due to him not being able to ask questions of the men he pleasured, he would have to wait and see how events transpired from here. Antonius sat beside Marett. He began to stroke his hair, feel his body. Marett, not only confused, didnt know how to react to being touched in this manner. What should he do? Almost instinctively, he reached to grab Antoniuss cock once more, getting ready to take it into his mouth. No, Antonius commanded, frightening Marett. I said, for you to let me show you. Now, let me show you. Marett stopped, almost hurt by what the man said. Wasnt he good enough all of a sudden? Sure, Antonius hadnt said such a thing. His actions also backed up what he was doing, touching and admiring his body, but many slaves had been tricked before. I want you to lie down, my handsome. Let me pleasure you. Marett couldnt believe his ears. He blurted, I beg your pardon, my Lord. Such words out of place could get him in trouble, but these were unusual circumstances. What was he to do? What if he had misunderstood the messages and got it wrong? Shh. He decided to play along, lying down. What happened next had never happened to him in all the years he had been a slave of the Dominion. Antonius, all thick lips and massive beard, grabbed Maretts cock and began playing with it. Before Marett could say

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anything, to protest or to question, his foreskin was retracted and the gladiator was sucking on his bulging head, licking up all his pre-cum. He even fondled his testicles while he worked. Shivers of delight shot through Marett. He was speechless, unable to fathom why a gladiator, a member of the elite, would ever want to pleasure a slave. Whats more, a slave whose job it was to pleasure him. Finally, with his stomach quivering from the new sensations Antonius delivered while he enjoyed Maretts cock in his mouth, he sat up to protest. Marett should be doing this, not Antonius. Antonius pulled away, Maretts cock finding his stomach with a wet, slapping noise. Lie down, the gladiator growled, but not in a nasty way, far from it. He seemed at peace, serene even. Right there and then, Marett trusted him. Yes, my Lord, Marett replied. He did as he was told, closing his eyes tight once Antonius, his lover it would seem, began to pleasure him again. First, there was a nibbling on his foreskin. Then, when retracted again, because Maretts foreskin was long, unable to remain retracted without assistance, there were long licks over his engorged head to send wave after wave of pleasure right though him. He sighed deep, enjoying the mans touch over his sensitive skin. Or was it more worship than desire that fuelled Antoniuss actions? Marett believed so, because no man, whether they were elite guard or not, ever spent any time pleasuring Marett no matter how lovely they thought he was. Again, Antonius came away from his study. He said, Youre from Aquitaine, are you not? Your accent is as

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alluring and beautiful as you are. Your skin is like silk, your eyes, deep and meaningful. Tell me, do you find me as attractive, Marett? Yes, my Antonius waved his hand. Dont call me Lord. I am not your lord. Once more, Marett was confused. II dontI dont understand. The man let go of Maretts cock. It tingled from all the attention, but he soon forgot about such matters when he saw what the gladiator did next. He sidled next to Marett, bringing him in close so that their naked bodies touched. Antonius smoothed one hand over Maretts body, while with the other, he cradled his head, moving him into a position so he could kiss Marett. No man had ever kissed him. Before he could even get used to the idea of touching lips with another man, and a handsome one like Antonius, they kissed. At first, Marett inhaled through his nose, making a whistling sound, not knowing quite what to do next. Soon, however, and with Antoniuss gentle nature behind his actions, he relaxed. The man parted Maretts lips with his tongue while embracing him tight, their bodies entwined. The taste of Antonius while he kissed him was unique, far more subtle than ejaculate, like diluted cinnamon, but no less alluring. Now it was Maretts turn to groan, for he felt without doubt he was indeed a favourite of Antonius, if not the only one the man had ever had when he returned to the Dominion. They writhed around on the bed, kissing, moaning

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and enjoying each others close touch, pillows and bedclothes thrown off without care. Marett was as hard as he had ever been, his testicles tight and aching. He was ready to ejaculate, but had to try and think of other things to stop himself. To ejaculate before the man who gave him pleasure for the first time would be considered rude at the least. A slave had to learn to control his own body, orgasm only when required to do so if he was to make a life in the Dominion. Antonius parted the touch of their lips. I need to tell you something, Marett. What is it? Shh, just listen. He sat up, propped by his elbow so he could look deep into Marett s eyes, running his hands all over his smooth, oiled skin. I have been a gladiator for as long as I can remember. From the time I was a little boy, I was trained to fight for the country I love. Over the years I have done many things. Many, many things I am not proud of, but through it all, my desire to keep us all free has spurred me on. He shifted his weight, planting kisses on Maretts cheek. His beard tickled. Even when I thought all hope was lost of getting home, or the thrill of victory was my only companion, I have also thought of something else to keep me from madness. Marett didnt know whether he was required to say anything right now, so instead he ran his fingers through Antoniuss thick chest hair, concentrating on his hardened nipples. He was still hard, he could feel the pre-cum ooze from him, a fact Antonius also made sure he paid attention to his cock while he spoke. With a touch, not too hard or not too soft, the gladiator

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masturbated Marett when he had finished trailing his touch around the rest of his body. He added, Earlier this afternoon, I was given a choice, Marett. My unconditional faith to Rome and the Dominion has not gone unnoticed. I was asked if I would like to serve in another manner, become a public figure, holding the wisdom of knowledge instead of a sword. I have studied for such a thing, that is the privilege of being a hand of the Dominion, so thats not a surprise. He tugged on Maretts foreskin, pulling it so it overhang his erection by a good inch, feeling the silk of it between his finger and thumb. The man continued, What I am trying to say is, I want to take you with me. I want you to become my life-partner. The one I come home to. The one I can grow old with. For the longest time, Maretts mind was blank and he couldnt see beyond the ramifications of the words Antonius spoke. In fact, he was so stunned by what the man had said, he didnt notice when he came so he was on top of him, parting his legs so they could copulate. Was the gladiator speaking the truth? Or was this some sort of trick, a ruse being played on him to get him out of Dominion care and working as a regular slave to some cruel master because he was no longer needed. Was his time here up, and not in a good way? A touch of an oil slicked finger at his arsehole knocked him from his reverie. Antonius was lubricating him, preparing his hole for entry. Again, instead of just pounding away whenever the urge took, like all the others had done, Antonius used care and planning to make sure their love making would be enjoyable for the both of them. Marett

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groaned. He loved Antoniuss touch at the most tender part of him, and could get used to it, no doubt. Seconds later, and with his mind still reeling, Antonius entered Marett. The moment of their contact was beautiful, and perfect. He was held, kissed, and worshipped more and more with each passing moment as the man pushed his length deeper and deeper into Marett. Marett let out a pleasure filled cry when his man was the deepest, his whole body overwhelmed with the feeling of completion. Antonius was now a part of him, and a good part at that. For that reason, the bond he felt toward Antonius was more than palpable. It was beautiful. So perfect in every way, with him whispering words of love into his ear while he moved in and out of Marett like a true lover did, with care and intention, he began to cry. Tears of joy fell down to his cheeks, and soon his lips quivered, wet by those tears. Marett was the happiest hed ever been in his life, and he didnt care he had ejaculated long ago because the movement of Antonius in and over him had caused him to do so. He shuddered, holding his man tight, running his hands over his massive, muscled back. He took him all in. His scent, his touch, his care, all were intoxicating. Antonius moaned, and so began the familiar dance of a man reaching climax within him. This time, Marett was pleased hed been entered with something more than drunken lust. Most times he was fucked red raw, the men he had to pleasure not caring what happened after they had blown their loads.

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Not so with Antonius. He stayed inside Marett until he was flaccid, but whats more, continued to hold and kiss him like he was the most important thing to him in all of the empire of Rome. Finally, after a marathon session of being made love to, not once, but twice, Marett said, Iaccept yourproposal, my Antonius. Antonius smiled, his exhaustion as clear on him as the sweat that clung to his brow. That is good to hear. I was worried you wouldnt be here when I got back from my last campaignbecause it was a long time for me before I could get back home. Why would you have thought that? Marett asked, but not because he wanted to sound disrespectful, but because he was genuinely curious. Look around you. The boys the men now like are far, far younger than you. Youve been here a while, and with each passing day your employ is more and more at risk. What Antonius said was true. The boys who were chosen first to sleep with the gladiators were indeed young, some not even sprouting pubic hair. But they were inexperienced. Only Marett knew how to truly please a man, because only he had all those years of experience to draw from. No one sucked cock like he did. Then, when he thought about it, perhaps that wasnt enough anymore. He had been one of the last few to be chosen over the past few months, dangerously close to being disowned by the Dominion. Still, he took the mans words to heart for some strange reason, reacting in a way he may not have done otherwise. Did you feel sorry for me? Is that why you chose me tonight?

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With a gentle smile, Antonius replied, Have my actions not disproved that for you? Marett blushed. Again, what he said was the truth, more so as he still had Antoniuss cock within him, even though he had spent his seed. Im sorry, my Lord. Please dont You do not have to justify your feelings to me. If I am to take you away from all this, if you are to be my lover for real, you must learn to express yourself far differently to what you have been taught. I do not want a slave. I want an equal. An equal? Yes. I want you to be my partner. I want you to cherish your freedom in my arms, as someone who can think and act as a free man. Freedom? Marett became numb. Hed never thought in all his life that hed hear that word spoken to him, less so by the man who had just laid him down. How can you give me freedom? As I said, my service has not gone unnoticed. I have one been granted one favour, and I spend that favour on you. You are the man who has kept my hopes alive in the darkest hours of my battles. You are the man I want to share my new experiences with. Marett began to cry again. Antonius kissed the salty tears off his cheeks. After that, he moved his kisses down Maretts neck, chest and stomach so he could lick up the ejaculate Marett had covered himself in. When that was done, he moved down ever more. Marett shuddered. He knew what was about to happen, and he loved the thought. A half a dozen heart beats passed and Marett was

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hard once more from Antoniuss attention. The sound of his cock being sucked and worshipped filled the air. Marett was in Heaven, and now, from what he had been told by his lover, the heaven of the free. Yes, life had been good to him while he was in the Dominion, but now, thanks to them, he could live his life with Antonius. In a house. With possessions. As an equal to a man who was the greatest man to have ever walked the cobbled street of Rome, in his mind. Then take me wherever you want, Antonius. I am yours. Antonius let go of Maretts cock so he could answer, but this time holding it in his hand so he could continue sucking in an instant. No, Marett, yo u are your own man, but a man I so desperately need in my life to complete me. ThenI want to be my own manwith you. Antonius didnt answer. He couldnt, his mouth was filled with Maretts erection. Marett continued to cry gentle tears while Antonius worked, reaching down so he could hold one of his lovers hands tight, feel his warm touch. The tears that fell from his eyes were those of joy, relief, want, and for the first time since he had been taken from his mother, only to see her executed in front of himof need. He was no longer owned. He was no longer an object for any mans sexual whim. Marett was needed.


Glory Box Reopened

Chapter Three Sweet Spot

he accident had been horrific. Stern was driving, his boyfriend Dale in the passenger seat. Events revealed that a drunken teenager without a license, way too young to be behind the wheel, slammed into them after he ran a red light. They didnt stand a chance. Both were killed instantlyor so Stern believed. One moment they were laughing, Stern teasing Dale about what hed do to him once he got into bed that night, the next a tunnel of light surrounded him and he seemed to float in mid air, disjointed from reality. Stern reached out toward the light. Scared, confused, anxious, and above all, fearful for what had happened to his Dale. Dale! he called out many times, his voice distant, like it wasnt a part of him. Then again, was he even a part of himself? Was he just consciousness floating between the planes of existence, from the material to the ethereal? Or was he still him, only sounding so because he was on his final journey? He remembered the words an old woman once told

Mark Alders

him, and they seemed to ring true. Death was a road everyone travelled, and as such, everyone who travelled it faced death. He didnt understand what those words meant. Until now. The tunnel of light soon changed, became a coalescent of luminous gases around him. He was surrounded, like being encased in ethereal cotton wool. Again, he called out for Dale and once more silence found his ears. He began to panic. Life without his lover would be unbearable, death without him even more so. What was the afterlife if he had no one to share it with? Right then, as the light seemed to solidify around him, helping him find his physical form, because it was warm and welcome, a hand came to hold him around his chest. He was drawn into another. He turned. What he saw gave him joy beyond life itself. He looked straight into the deep, soulful blue eyes of his Dale. As in life, he was now complete. Stern didnt speak. Instead, he let his man touch him, feel him all over for they were naked, raw skin against raw skin while travelling the path toward their next destination. They held each other, for how long, Stern couldnt hazard a guess. Perhaps a millisecond, perhaps an eternity had passed where stars were born and died, only to be re-born again. Was that the cycle of life? To be born, to die, to be re-born? Stern didnt want to contemplate such matters, he wanted to enjoy his mans touch, maybe for the last time. After all, how long did the transition into the next stage of existence last? He would imagine it wouldnt

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be long, the grand scheme of things taken into consideration. Make love to me, my baby, Dale said, like a herald from an angel. Stern didnt need any more encouragement. He never did. Before he knew it, he was hard and ready, facing Dale so they could kiss and share each other on the most intimate level two humans could. More kisses, more embraces, the ether around them swirling with their actions, getting warmer and warmer to match their passion. Then, after Dale had kissed his way down toward Sterns groin, he took him into his mouth. If Stern wasnt already in heaven, he was when his lover wrapped his lips around his bulging length. Stern simply loved how the manhis man, was always eager to please him when it came to fellatio. Why wouldnt he? He did it so well. Stern grabbed Dales chin, a signal for him to stop what he was doing. He didnt want to blow his load too soon, for the familiar feeling of ecstasy was rising up inside him. His balls getting tighter. To ejaculate too soon wasnt what he liked. That he always liked to save for Dale. Ready, my beautiful? Stern asked, tracing his fingers over the muscular lines of Dales wonderful form, concentrating on his ample foreskinned cock. Always. Seconds later, or perhaps another eternity, Stern was inside his man, entwined within his arms as completely as the planets were bound to their stars. The ethereal matter that surrounded them danced in time with their

Mark Alders

actions, and even though in freefall, Stern had no difficulty keeping himself within his man to pleasure him. Giving him what he wanted. They shared more kisses, for Dale always liked to face Stern when they made love. He had said many times, if they were to be true lovers, they had to look into each others eyes when they were joined. Straight couples did it, so why couldnt they? Stern never argued with such logic, he had no need. Dale was good between the sheets, always receptive and willing so Stern could indeed face him as he gained his rhythm. Making love to Dale was always beautiful, and anyone who ever told them otherwise always got an earful in no uncertain terms. Stern gained his rhythm. He was complete when he was inside Dale. All humans always were when they were an important part of their soul mate, joined not only physically, but emotionally as well. In fact, he would almost be brazen enough to say, he was nothing without his Dale, even right here and right now in the transition to the afterlife. You so get me right there on my sweet spot every time, Dale whispered between passionate kisses. Stern didnt reply. He could tell he was doing it right. Dale was squirming underneath him with pleasure while he pushed himself deeper and deeper into his warmth. Another sign his boyfriend was enjoying having him within his flesh was that he began to pleasure himself, rubbing his cock against Sterns stomach. To do so he gyrated his hips up and down, pushing up with each thrust of Sterns cock. A lot of the time Dale did this, and he didnt mind at all. After all,

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the bottom deserved to have just as much fun as the top guy, in Sterns mind. When they were about to reach climax, because they usually did ejaculate together, the ethereal cloud around them began to dissipate. Stern wouldnt ha ve noticed, he was too involved with Dale, if it werent for the shadow that fell over them. A shadow that was in stark contrast to the light they had become accustomed to. Dale stopped his movement beneath Stern. Whats that? Stern looked up, torn between wanting to finish what he started, to consummate completely their love and feelings toward one another, and wanting to know who disturbed them. He decided for the latter. Amongst the clearing ether, an angel stood. A perfect form of a man, winged and glowing. Stern gasped, but somehowand he didnt know whyhe maintained his erection, keeping himself a part of Dale. Then, amazingly, the angel spoke. With a booming register that reverberated around Sterns mind, he said, Love conquers all. With that , he was gone, the ether closing in around them once more. Dale grabbed Sterns head, pulling him down to kiss him. He accepted his boyfriends intention and continued to finish what they started, gaining his perfect movement within his man once more. All the while, the ether transformed to the tunnel of light he had witnessed earlier when he first arrived on his path to the life beyond the living. They were falling, but this time, downwards instead of upwards.

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Stern, unable to hold himself any longer, let go of all he had and gave Dale all of his love. He orgasmed, pumping more and more of his cum into his man. Dale welcomed it, calling out in joy while Stern arched his back and shuddered. He was hot and sweaty, just the way he loved it. Stern continued his hold on Dale while he continued to ejaculate, grabbing his hips tight and pulling him even closer. If there was one thing he liked, it was to give Dale everything he had to complete their love and their eternal feelings for each other. Then the light disappeared. Stern blinked, thinking it was him and not his surrounds that had gone dark. He blinked again, and a light once more appeared above him. But not one all encompassing light like the ether on the path to the afterlife had been, but three distinct points of light, like spotlights. A face came over those lights, silhouetted but still recognisable as human. The face was wearing a surgical mask. It also spoke, but Stern co uldnt hear the words. He realised, right there and then, he was no longer in the raptures of ecstasy with his lover on their journey toward Heaven, but on an operating table. He was alive. Stern blinked again. Glad you could join us here in the land of the living, a man, presumably the head surgeon, said. He was about to reply, when the man gestured for him to be silent. Youve been through a lot. Take it easy. Stern looked around him as best he could, but found movement difficult. Many doctors and nurses were surrounding him. He looked back to the man who had

Glory Box Reopened

spoken to him first. His expression must have made the surgeon painfully aware of what he was feeling. He added, Your boyfriend is here as well. He, like you, is now in stable condition, thanks to some sort of miracle. Though a voice hoarse with anesthetic, weariness and an all consuming soreness he couldnt fathom, Stern said, Thats all I needed to know. I think hes ready to join his partner in intensive care. Congratulations ladies and gentlemen, we stopped another road statistic from happening. Stern let his mind wander. Had what he experienced been real? Or was that the miracle the surgeon spoke of, him surviving the impossible? However he looked at it, he was glad hed be with his Dalefor the second time in this life.


About the Author

My name is Mark Alders. I live in a house. This house has a street in front of it which is a good thing because if it didnt I wouldnt be able to drive down to the shop and purchase the chocolate I need on a daily basis. *chuckle* Seriously, I am a mild mannered post office worker by day and an erotic romance writer (mainly male/male) at night. Not much else to say other than, like everyone else, I have bills to pay, a mortgage and family that I love and drive me crazy all at the same time. Oh, and I have a dog, too! See? Average Joeexcept when I get down and writethen I let my imagination go to places I never knew existed and my characters invade my mind.

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