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__________________ __________________ | || | | || | | ___________|| ___________| | | | | | | I N A L | | A N T A S Y | |_______ | |_______ | | | | | | | | | _______| | _______| | | | | | | | | |______| |______|

|| || | | | | | | | | \ '______' / \ / ) ( / \ / ______ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | |______| |______|

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 01) Zanarkand ZNR1 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Around a campfire, a group of people sits in silence. A blonde man gets up and walks to a hill, gazing at the overlying, watery region.] T-Narrative: Listen to my story. This may be our last chance. [The game title flashes on the fade-to-black screen. Soon, a city of futuristic origins appears. People gather by a houseboat, waiting for someone to come out. The man who spoke earlier steps off much to their delight. He runs to the crowd, and starts to speak with them.] Woman: "I've been a big fan of yours. From the very beginning!" Main Character: "I won't let you down!" Woman: "Th-Thanks!" Male Fan: "Hey, how are you feeling?" Main Character: "Great as ever! Thanks!" Male Fan: "Yeah! We're cheering for you!" Man: "Good luck!" Woman: "Are you gonna show us that show tonight?" Main Character: "Uh...I dunno. Maybe." Woman: "You should do it! For us." Woman: "Can I have your autograph?" Main Character: "Of course!" [Default name: Tidus] Woman 2: "Good luck tonight!" Tidus: "Nothing to worry about. Oh, if I score a goal... I'll do this!" [He makes a signal with his hands.] Tidus: "That will mean it was for you, okay? What seat?" Woman 2: "East block, in the front row! Fifth from the right!" Tidus: "Got it!" Kid 1: "Can you sign this?" Tidus: "No prob!" Kid 2: "Please?"

Tidus: "Alrighty." Kid 3: "Me, too!" Tidus: "Take it easy." [After talking to the fans, Tidus gets ready to leave.] Tidus: "Well, gotta go! Cheer for me!" Kid 1: "...two, three!" Kid 1: "Teach us how to blitz!" Kid 2: "Teach us how to blitz!" Kid 3: "Teach us how to blitz!" Tidus: "Hey, I got a game to play!" Kid 1: "Then teach us after!" Tidus: "Maybe" Strange Boy: "You can't tonight." Tidus: "I mean...tomorrow." Kid 1: "Promise?" Tidus: "Promise!" [Later on, Tidus walks to the game on an empty street. He sees a large banner of a man in a red headband and crossed arms on the side of a building. Tidus harrumphs and runs down the street.] Narrative: I was in a coffee shop, running away from home when I heard the news. Our hero, Jecht, gone. Vanished into thin air! My dad must have been his biggest fan. I knew how sad he'd be. Heck, we all were that day. 'Zanar,' I says to myself. 'What are you thinking?' I went running straight back home. We sat up talking 'bout Jecht all night. My dad and I never talked so much. Whoa... Didn't mean to reminisce, folks. Anyway... Ten years later, the Jecht Memorial Cup tournament is today! The two teams that have won through to the finals are...of course, the Abes from A-East, and the Duggles from C-South. I know there's a lot of people out there today to see the star of the Abes! In just one year, he's become the team's number one player! He's Jecht's blood, and the new hope for blitzball! What kind of super play will he show us today? Will we see his father's legendary shot? I don't think I'm the only one excited here, folks! [As Tidus arrives at the stadium, a mob of people swamps him.] Tidus: "Make way, make way! Coming through, sorry! Hey, I'm gonna be late! Hey, let go of me!" [Tidus heads in. FMV. The roof of the stadium retracts and the game starts to start up. The crowd roars for Tidus. Somewhere in the city, a man in a red garb raises a toast to a gigantic creature coming out of the water. Meanwhile, the game has started and Tidus is easily outmatching everyone. The gigantic thing coming out of the ocean now

starts to rise out... Tidus finds the ball and gets ready to score a goal, but the creature coming out of the water shoots missiles and the town starts to get demolished. Tidus comes to in a bit and recognizes the man in red from before, who's now made his way to the stadium's front.] Tidus: "Auron! What are you doing here?" Auron: "I was waiting for you." Tidus: "What are you talking about?" [Tidus follows him to a highway and, for a moment, he spots the strange kid from before who 'stops time'.] Strange Boy: "It begins. Don't cry." [Time starts up again and the street goes chaotic again.] Tidus: "What the...? Hey! Wait!" [Tidus spots Auron.] Tidus: "Hey, not this way!" Auron: "Look!" [FMV. The creature from the ocean is floating out of the water in a large sphere of water. It's gigantic.] Auron: "We called it 'Sin.'" Tidus: "'Sin'?" [A building shoots tiny Tidus tries hands him a facade explodes as a monster tentacle rips out of it. It scales onto the highway, which turn into mobile monsters. to fend them off with his hands, but to no effect. Auron sword.]

Auron: "Take it. A gift from Jecht." Tidus: "My old man?" [Auron now has his large sword slung on his shoulder.] Auron: "I hope you know how to use it." [The battle starts.] Auron: "These ones don't matter! We cut through!" [They start making progress down the highway.] Auron: "Don't bother going after all of them. Cut the ones that matter, and run!" [They blaze through, swords cutting down the enemies. Over the top of a hill, a large tentacle-like monster is embedded into the ground. The battle starts.]

Tidus: "Get out of my town!" Auron: "Some can't wait to die!" Narrative: [Overdrives] When a character's overdrive gauge beneath the HP/MP display is full, that character may use a special unique attack one time. Press (D-left) in the command window to use an overdrive. [Auron uses his 'Dragon Fang' overdrive and kills the little enemies that appeared with the boss. They cut down the boss as well, and head on. Tidus stops at a glowing blue ball.] Narrative: [Traveler's Save Sphere Level 1] Stores a record of your travels. Also fully restores your party's HP and MP. [Tidus follows Auron past the electronic banner of Jecht, which is flickering in the destruction. Tidus looks at his father's picture.] Tidus: "What are you laughing at, old man? Auron! Let's get out of here!" Auron: "We're expected." Tidus: "Huh? Gimme a break, man!" [The two eventually get trapped between two leagues of enemies. Auron directs Tidus' attention to some large cannisters leaning on the edge of the overpass.] Auron: "Hmph. This could be bad. That--knock it down!" Tidus: "What?" Auron: "Trust me. You'll see." [The oil tanker falls and explodes, taking out part of the highway.] Auron: "Go!" [The two run along the collapsing highway. Auron makes it to the other side; Tidus hangs on the ledge, just barely. FMV. The large creature in the water hovers overhead, sucking in debris and pieces of the highway, which levitates up towards it.] Tidus: "Auron! Auron!" [Auron looks at the monster.] Auron: "You are sure?" [He turns back to Tidus.] Auron: "This is it. This is your story. It all begins here." [A flash of light and suddenly Tidus is underwater, hearing Jecht's

voice.] Jecht: "Hey! Hey!" Tidus: "My...old man?" [Tidus swims down to the stadium, where he thinks he sees Jecht. When he gets there, a younger version of himself is there.] T-Narrative: I thought about a lot of where I was, what I'd got myself into. I started to feel light-headed...and then, sleepy. I think I had a dream. A dream of being alone. I wanted someone -- anyone, beside I didn't have to feel alone anymore. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 02) Baaj Temple BJTM | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Tidus wakes up on a small 'debris island' near the exterior of an old temple that's fallen into ruins...or rather,'s mostly broken up.] Tidus: "Anybody there? Auron! Heeey!" [Tidus enters the temple's middle section, but the walkway caves in and he tumbles into the water. Soon, he's attacked by three Sahagins. He kills two, but the third is eaten by a giant fish. Tidus attempts to kill the gigantic fish, but is forced to flee.] Tidus: "Whoa!" [He makes it into an underwater corridor before the boss sucks him in for lunch. The exit then promptly caves in. T-Narrative: I had made it out of the frying pan...and into the freezer. I thought I was going to die in this place. [After venturing inside, Tidus finds a mostly intact room with a bunch of hideous statues. Since it's open-roofed and there is falling water everywhere, the place is cold enough to make breath visible.] Tidus: "Cold..." [A search turns up a Withered Bouquet and a piece of Flint. He starts a fire, finally.] Tidus: "I need food!" [He has a flashback to his houseboat. Auron's just entered.] Tidus: "What do you want?" Auron: "It was a bad call. Your team lost because of you." Tidus: "You came to say THAT?" Auron: "It's been...ten years. I thought you'd be crying." Tidus: "Who, me?"

[The strange boy from before appears, surrounded by swirling lights.] Strange Boy: "You cried." [The flashback ends. Tidus is falling asleep by the fire, and it's almost out. Something looks at Tidus' position from above.] Tidus: "Hey, wait! Wait! Don't go out on me! Just hold on. I'll get more wood!" [He sees a monster looking at him. It runs along the wall before jumping down to him, engaging him in battle. Just then, a door blows off on one side of the room and some strange people step out with weapons. A girl steps forward and they start to fight the boss while the armed men watch.] Tidus: "You on my side? Cool!" Narrative: [Using Grenades] Certain items, like grenades, have special effects when used. These items can only be used during battle by selecting the Special ability Use. [Together, the two kill the boss.] Tidus: "Whew! That was close." [The armed men step forward. One grabs Tidus by his hair.] Tidus: "Hey, lemme go!" Man 1: "Fryd ec drec?" ["What is this?"] Man 2: "Y fiend! Eh risyh teckieca!" ["A fiend! In human disguise!"] Man 3: "Oac! Ed ec cu!" ["Yes! It is so!"] Man 4: "Fa gemm ed?" ["We kill it?"] Girl: "Fyed! Fryd ev ed ec risyh?" ["Wait! What if it is human?"] Man 4: "Drao yna dra cysa eh taydr." ["They are the same in death."] Girl: "E vunpet ed! Fa pnehk ed fedr ic." ["I forbid it! We bring it with us."] [She goes up to Tidus closely--] Girl: "Cunno." ["Sorry."] [--and knocks the wind out of him. His last sights are of the men standing over him, as the girl leaves.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 03) Al Bhed Ship ABSH | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [A ship out in the ocean has its search-light beacons scanning the

water. Tidus wakes up on the deck, only to see two armed guards turn towards him.] Man: "Ced, lybdeja!" ["Sit, captive!"] [He slams the butt of the weapon into Tidus.] Tidus: "Hey, that hurts!" Man 2: "Hu sujehk, rayn?" ["No moving, hear?"] Tidus: "Whoa... Okay." [A man and the girl from before walk out.] Man 3: "Caynir res!" ["Search him!"] Tidus: "Right. Whatever." Man 3: "Tu oui hud cbayg?" ["Do you not speak?"] Tidus: "I said I don't understand!" Man: "Ehcumahla!" ["Insolence!"] Girl: "Fyed!" ["Stop!"] "He said you can stay if you make yourself useful." Tidus: "You... You understand me? All right, I'll work!" [When Tidus can move freely, he talks to the girl again.] Girl: "Oh, almost forgot! Narrative: [Using the Sphere Grid] The Sphere Grid is used to develop your characters by activating nodes with spheres. Let's see how this is done. Select Sphere Grid from the Main Menu. The cursor appears at the selected character's current position. Use (D-pad) to move the cursor. Information on upgrades is displayed at top. This location is for Defense upgrades...and this one lets you learn an Ability. These upgrade locations are called nodes. Activate these nodes to upgrade your characters. A character must be on or adjacent to a node in order to activate it. Let's go through this step-by-step. If you press (X)...the cursor returns to the character's position, and a list of commands appears. If you select Move...the number of steps the character can move is displayed. The number of steps a character can move is equivalent to his Sphere Level (S. LVL). Sphere Levels are gained by getting Ability Points (AP), which are obtained by participating in battles. A character must fight battles to gain AP and raise Sphere Levels in order to move around the Grid. In short, if the character does not participate in battles, he will not grow stronger. In this case, Tidus has 4 Sphere Levels, so he can move 4 steps. In general, you should be careful not to rush or you may forget to activate nodes. So, let's take one step...and learn the ability Cheer. Note that you only have to be next to a node in order to activate it. Once you select a automatically spend the required number of Sphere Levels, and the character moves. When the character arrives at the designated will be asked to confirm the move. Confirm by selecting "Yes." At this

point, the movement process is complete and cannot be cancelled. If you want to activate the nodes you passed over, you must spend Sphere Levels to go back. When you're retracing your steps, you can move 4 steps by spending 1 Sphere Level. However, backtracking every time is not very cost-efficient, so plan ahead to avoid wasting Sphere Levels. Okay! Now that the character is in place, let's activate a node. To activate nodes, you must use spheres. Spheres can be obtained by various means, such as by defeating enemies. Press (X). Now, select Use. A list of spheres currently in stock is displayed. Every sphere has a special function. For example, Power Spheres are used to activate Strength, Defense, and HP nodes. Ability Spheres activate Ability nodes. Nodes that can be activated are the node at the character's current position and nodes one step away. This means nodes immediately ahead of or behind the current position can also be activated. In this example, the only node that can be activated is an Ability node, so you need to use an Ability Sphere. When you select a sphere...the nodes that sphere can activate at the current position are highlighted. Selecting an Ability Sphere highlights the one adjacent Ability node. When you select the node you wish to activate...the node will light up and the character will learn its ability. Note that one Ability Sphere was used during this process. Use the same procedure to improve the characters' Strength, Magic, max HP & MP. Power Spheres, Magic Spheres, and Speed Spheres are needed to improve each corresponding attribute. Also, ever node on the Grid can be activated separately by each character. This means that a character can re-activate a node already used by another character by moving to it and using the corresponding sphere. Note that Locks cannot be opened at present. Another tutorial will become available once you are able to open them. Now that you know how to upgrade your characters, let's look at the other useful features of the Sphere Grid. The character's current status can be displayed by pressing (/\). Use this information to plan how you wish to upgrade your characters. Press [L1] and [R1] switch between characters. This is useful when you wish to compare the characters' stats or when you wish to quickly upgrade multiple characters. Press [SELECT] to zoom in and out for a better view of the Grid. This concludes the Sphere Grid tutorial. Try improving Tidus now. Girl: "We found some ancient ruins right beneath us. It's not active now, but there should still be some power left. We're gonna go down there and activate it...and then we should be able to salvage the big prize! Okay! Let's get to work!" Tidus: "Roger!" [Tidus dives into the water with the girl, and they follow the anchor line down to the ruins. They locate a power source inside and turn it on. As they head back, they encounter an octopus boss. It moves out of attack range in the middle of battle.] Narrative: [Trigger Commands] Special commands become available in certain battles. Press (D-left) in the command window to access them. [The two defeat the boss and exit the ruins. Outside, lights from the structure start to function, showing what appears to be a sunken air-ship... Back onboard...]

Man: "Fa vuiht dra airship!" ["We found the airship!"] Man 2: "Dra naluntc fana nekrd." ["The records were right."] Man 3: "Huf, ruf du tnyk ed ib?" ["Now, how to drag it up?"] [Tidus starts to enter the ship, but gets stiff-armed.] Man: "Oui, uidceta!" ["You, outside!"] Tidus: "Hey, I helped out, didn't I?" [The door slams shut. Later on, Tidus is reclining by some crates.] Tidus: "Uhh...hungry." [Just then, the girl appears, bearing food.] Tidus: "Whoa! Right on! [Tidus scarfs the food down and starts to choke. He takes a canteen from the girl and unclogs his pipes.] Girl: "It's 'cause you eat too fast!" [He gets up.] Girl: "Hey!" Tidus: "Hello there. What is your name?" Girl: "Rikku." Tidus: "Whoa! You really do understand! Why didn't you say so earlier?" Rikku: "I didn't get a chance to! Everyone thought oui were a fiend." Tidus: "Uh...'we'?" Rikku: "Oh, 'oui' means 'you.'" Tidus: "Who are you guys, anyway?" Rikku: "We're Al Bhed. Can't you tell? Wait. You're not an Al Bhed-hater, are you?" Tidus: "I don't even know what an Al Bhed is." Rikku: "Where are you from?" Tidus: "Zanarkand. I'm a blitzball player. Star player of the Zanarkand Abes!" Rikku: "Did you hit your head or something?" Tidus: "Um, you guys hit me." Rikku: "Oh, right... Do you remember anything before that?" T-Narrative: So I told her everything there was to tell about

Zanarkand... About life there, blitzball, and Sin's attack...and about how Auron and I were engulfed in this light. I just said things as they came to mind. But then I started to wonder. Tidus: "Did I say something funny?" Rikku: "You were near Sin. Don't worry, you'll be better in no time. They say your head gets funny when Sin is near. Maybe you just had some kind of dream?" Tidus: "You mean I'm sick?" Rikku: "Because of Sin's toxin, yeah." Tidus: "You sure?" Rikku: "Yeah, there is no Zanarkand anymore. Sin destroyed it a thousand years ago. one plays blitzball there." Tidus: "What do you mean, a thousand years ago? But I saw Sin attack Zanarkand! You're saying that happened a thousand years ago? No way!" Rikku: "You said... You play blitzball? You know, you should go to Luca. Someone might know who you are, or you might find someone you recognize." Tidus: "Luca?" Rikku: "Okay, leave it to me! I'll get you to Luca, promise! You'd rather stay here? Okay. I'll go tell the others. Wait here. Oh, and one thing. Don't tell anyone you're from Zanarkand, okay? Yevon says it's a holy place. You might upset someone." T-Narrative: My Zanarkand, some kind of holy place? Yeah right, I thought. Since when? Yevon? Sin? Luca? I thought Sin had just taken me to some faraway place, that I could go back in a day or two. But a thousand years into the future? No way! [Tidus kicks a crate and the ship rumbles. He rolls across the deck into a railing. A large monster in the water shoots a geyser up, and the the men file out of the door.] Man: "Sin!" Man 2: "Sin ec lusa!" Man 3: "Ihtan ic! Ihtan ic!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 04) Besaid Beach BSBC | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Tidus wakes up in some shallow water.] Tidus: "Rikku!" [A blitzball hits him in the head.]

Tidus: "Blitzball!" [A man on shore yells to him.] Man: "Hey! You okay?" Tidus: "Heeey!" [Tidus does a special move and kicks the ball out of sight.] Man: "Whoa-ho!" [Tidus swims to the beach.] Tidus: "Yo! Hiya!" Man: "You wanna try that move one more time? T-Narrative: Finally, things were starting to look up. [Tidus does the kick again, this time from on land.] Man: "You're not amateur. Who you play for?" Tidus: "The Zanarkand Abes!" Man: "What team you say again?" Tidus: "Uh, I meant... Forget that. I got too, uh...close to Sin and my head's all foggy-like. So I don't know where this place is. Or even where I came from." Man: "Sin's toxin got to you. But, you're still alive. Praise be to Yevon! All right, back to practice!" [The rest of the men start practicing again.] Wakka: "I'm Wakka, coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs, brudda. What? You hungry? Okay! Back to the village. I'll get you somethin'!" T-Narrative: I felt like I could trust this Wakka, so I just had to ask. Tidus: "It's true Zanarkand was destroyed, right? A thousand years ago? So it's just a big pile of rubble now, isn't it?" Wakka: "Long time ago, there were a whole lot of cities in Spira. Big cities with machina--machines--to run 'em. People played all day and let the machine do the work. And then, well, take a look. Sin came, and destroyed the machina cities. And Zanarkand along with 'em. Yeah, that was about a thousand years ago, just like you said. If you ask me, Sin's our punishment for letting things get out of hand. What gets me, we gotta suffer, 'cause of what some goofballs did way back when! 'Course, we must always repent for our sins! That's important! It's just that, it's hard to keep at it sometimes, you know?" T-Narrative: It was just as Rikku had said. Wakka and Rikku couldn't

both be lying. Why would they? Wakka: "But you from the Zanarkand Abes -- that was a good one! Hey, I'm not saying the team never existed, ya? But you gotta figure a team livin' in luxury like that'd be pretty soft, eh?" T-Narrative: I appreciated the fact that Wakka was trying to cheer me up. But at that time, all I could think about was... everything that happened to me -- all of this -- started with Sin. Maybe if I could find Sin one more time, I could go home! For now, I'd just live life until that time came. No more worrying about where, or when, I was. Sure it was hard not to think of home. But I started to feel better already. A little better...maybe. [Tidus follows Wakka.] Wakka: "Hey! It's this way! [They come to a cliff.] Tidus: "Huh?" [Wakka pushes him in and then dives in after.] Tidus: "What's the big idea?" [Wakka comes up from behind Tidus and gets him in a headlock.] Tidus: "Lemme go!" Wakka: "Got a favor to ask ya." Tidus: "You want me on your team, right?" Wakka: "A major blitz tournament's coming up. All the teams in Spira'll be there! It's so huge, I'm sure someone there will recognize you! Then you can go back to your old team, right? It'll be fun! What do you say, huh? Come on, come on! Tidus: "Sure thing." Wakka: "Dude! Our team is gonna rock, eh?" T-Narrative: I thought then that blitzball and Sin were the only two things that Spira and Zanarkand had in common. I wasn't too far off, either. [The two come to a cliff above a village.] Wakka: "This is where I was born. I started blitz when I was five. I joined the Aurochas at thirteen...ten years ago. Ten years... and we never won a game. Well, after last year's tournament, I quit. Time seemed right. So, after quitting, I got this new job, ya? But every time my mind wandered, I thought about the game." Tidus: "Ten years without a single win'll do that." Wakka: "My first match last year was my big chance. But something

else was on my mind. I couldn't focus." Tidus: "Nice excuse." Wakka: "Hey, hey!" Tidus: "So you want to win the next tournament -- go out with a bang. So, what's our goal?" Wakka: "I don't care how we do. Long as we play our best. If we give it our all, I can walk away happy." Tidus: "No, no, no, no, no. If I say, 'What's our goal?' you say, 'Victory!' When you play in a blitzball tournament, you play to win!" Wakka: "Victory? You serious?" [They start walking to the village when a red-haired man calls them. A shorter man is with him.] Red-haired Man: "Ah, the one from the sea!" Short Man: "Be on guard. There're fiends on the road today!" Red-haired Man: "After surviving your run-in with Sin, 'twould be a shame if something happened now. [The men leave.] Tidus: "Who were they?" Wakka: "Luzzu and Gatta -- Crusaders." Tidus: "Crews of what?" Wakka: "What, you forgot that, too? Hey, sorry. Don't worry about it. I'll help you out." Tidus: "Cool. In return, come tournament time, I'll make sure we take the cup!" Wakka: "Cool. About the Crusaders, you can ask the yourself. They've got a lodge in the village." [The two walk through the town gates.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 05) Besaid Village BVLL | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wakka: "Besaid Village." Tidus: "They got any food there?" Wakka: "We'll get you something over there later. Take a look around first. Let's see... The Crusaders lodge is over yonder. Luzzu and Gatta are usually there. Oh, right. Over here!" Tidus: "Huh? What's up?"

Wakka: "You do remember the prayer, right?" R1 --> I don't remember. R2 --> I don't know any prayers. R1 (T-Narrative): I didn't know it in the first place, to tell the truth. Wakka: Man, that's like the basics of the basics. Alright, I'll show you." R2 (T-Narrative): Of course I'd never prayed before in my life. Not that he would know that... Wakka: "You must have forgot or something. Here, I'll show you." [He shows Tidus the prayer.] Wakka: "Go ahead, you try." [Tidus pulls it off...sort of.] Wakka: "Hey, not bad. Okay, now go present yourself to the temple summoner." T-Narrative: Any blitzball player would know that prayer. It was the blitzball sign for victory. [Tidus goes to the temple and sees people praying to statues.] T-Narrative: It was then, standing in that place. I began to realize how different this world was from my own. [Tidus walks over to a large statue of a man with a staff. A man walks over to him.] Monk: "Ten years have passed since Lord Braska became high summoner. And finally we receive a statue for our temple." Tidus: "What's a high summoner?" [Gasps come from the people in the temple.] Tidus: "I...I got too close to Sin's, uh, toxin." T-Narrative: It was funny hearing myself make the same excuse over and over. Funny, and a little sad." Monk: "The summoners are practitioners of a sacred art, sworn to protect the people of Yevon. Only a chosen few become summoners, who call forth entities of greater power: the aeons. The aeons hear our prayers and come down to us. They are the blessing of Yevon." T-Narrative: So what he meant...was that we should respect some kinda great men or something like that...I figured. [Tidus walks back to Wakka's house.] Wakka: "Sorry, man. No time for lunch yet. Take a nap! You look

bushed." [Thanks/No, I'm fine.] [Tidus takes a nap. While he's sleeping, a monk walks into the house.] Monk: "You could at least go see how they're doing." Wakka: "We can't interfere. It's a rule." Monk: "But, it's been nearly..." [The two walk out together. Tidus has a dream, those words cuing up some memory to play out. He's back at a houseboat, and people have gathered like usual. This time it doesn't seem like a happy occasion.] Man: "It's been nearly a day already." Woman: "Perhaps you could go look for us." Man: "People are searching for him now. Woman: "Thank you." [The man leaves.] Young Tidus: "Who cares whether he comes back or not?" Woman: "But he might die!" Young Tidus: "Fine, let him!" Woman: "Do you... Do you hate him so? If he dies, you'll never be able to tell him how much you hate him." [Tidus wakes up in Besaid. It's still day out.] Tidus: "Wakka?" [Tidus goes to the temple and finds Wakka talking with a monk.] Tidus: "Is something wrong?" Wakka: "The summoner hasn't returned from the trial." Tidus: "Eh?" Wakka: "Well, apprentice summoner, really..." Tidus: "Ah?" Wakka: "There's a room in there called the Cloiser of Trials. Beyond is where the apprentice summoner prays. If the prayer is heard, the apprentice becomes a fully-fledged summoner, remember?" Tidus: "So someone is in there somewhere and they haven't come back out. Right, I got it." Wakka: "A day's already gone by." Tidus: "Is it particularly dangerous in there?"

Wakka: "Sometimes, yes." Tidus: "Why don't you go in and help?" Wakka: "There's already guardians in there. Besides, it's forbidden." [Tidus runs up the steps to the Cloister.] Tidus: "Hey, but what if somethin' happens? What if the summoner dies!?" Monk: "The precepts must be obeyed!" Tidus: "Like I care!" [Tidus runs into the Cloister lickety-split.] T-Narrative: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. Narrative: [The Cloister of Trials] Those who seek to learn of Yevon's secret arts are tested by the Cloister of Trials. Find the right way, and you will be taken to the Chamber of the Fayth. Examine objects with (X) to open the way. [Tidus touches a glyph on the wall.] Narrative: A strange glyph glows. [On a different wall:] Narrative: A glyph glows on the wall. [Touch glyph./Cancel.] [Tidus touches it and opens up a new path, to a niche in the wall that has a sphere in it.] Narrative: You must use a sphere to go any further. Glyph Spheres open the way to the Chamber of the Fayth. Destruction Spheres open the way to hidden treasure. It seems that Besaid Spheres are also necessary. [Tidus removes the Glyph Sphere.] Narrative: You can carry only one sphere at a time. [Tidus comes to a door with a sphere-sized niche in it.] Narrative: The door seems to be locked by an unseen force. You see a sphere-shaped recess. You are holding a Glyph Sphere. [Insert sphere./Cancel.] [Tidus opens the door with the sphere. He touches some glyphs on a wall and finds a Besaid Sphere.] Narrative: You found a Besaid Sphere. A Besaid Sphere is set here. [Take sphere./Cancel.] [By a wall, another niche is found.]

Narrative: You see a sphere-shaped recess. You are holding a Besaid Sphere. [Insert sphere./Cancel.] [Tidus puts it in and the wall dissipates, revealing a pedestal.] Narrative: Move the pedestal set with a sphere to the correct place. If you move it improperly, step on the shining glyph to return the pedestal to its original place. [Tidus pushes the pedestal until it sinks into the ground. Wakka appears.] Wakka: "Hey! What's gotten into you? Hey, it's okay. Only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter here. It's a tradition. Very important." Tidus: "So what about you?" Wakka: "Me? I'm a guardian." Tidus: "A guardian?" [The pedestal triggers an elevator to descend.] Wakka: "Summoners go on a pilgrimage to pray at every temple in Spira. Guardians protect them. The guardians in there now... One of them's got a short fuse, and who knows what the other is thinking. Well, now that we've come this far...might as well go all the way!" [The two walk into a room. The two guardians -- a cat-person and a woman in black -- are waiting around on some stairs. At the top is a door that's closed.] Woman: "What are you doing here? Didn't think we'd be able to handle it?" Wakka: "No, it's's just..." [He elbows Tidus.] Wakka: "See, I told you she gets mad easily." [The woman walks over.] Tidus: "Is the summoner all right?" Woman: "Who are you?" [Just then, the door at the top of the stair opens. A woman steps out, stumbling. She almost falls down the stairs but the cat-person catches her, running faster than Tidus with ease.] Woman: "I have done it. I have become a summoner!" [The party walks back to the temple's entrance.] T-Narrative: Man, was I surprised. And here I was, thinking summoners were all old geezers."

[At the town square, Wakka calls to Tidus.] Wakka: "Hey, over here!" [Wakka grabs him as he walks by and drags him closer.] Tidus: "What? Ow!" Wakka: "Wait till you see this!" Tidus: "I can't see anything!" Wakka: "Ready!" [The new summoner is there.] New Summoner: "Okay." [She summons a gigantic bird-creature, which comes down to her. She pets its beak T-Narrative: I had never seena ything like it in my life. Sure, it was a little scary, but still... I could feel a strange kind of gentleness from it. [The creature disappears back into the clouds, and the player can name the aeon (Default: Valefor).] T-Narrative: I remember... That night, we talked for the first time. I didn't know it then, but after that night, everything changed. For everyone... For me... [Nighttime. The Aurochs stand off to themselves near a bonfire.] Wakka: "Let me introduce you to the team. This guy wants into the tournament so bad, I let him on the team. His memory's a little fuzzy, so don't mind him if he says anything odd! Come on, say hi." Tidus: "Uh... Hi, guys. So, what's our goal?" Aurochs: "To do our best!" Wakka: "Nope, we got a new goal now! Our new victory! To win every match, to defeat every opposing team! To bring the Crystal Cup back to our island! That's all we need to do to win! Easy, ya?" Aurochs: "Victory... Victory! Victory! Victory!" [The team starts chanting 'victory!'. Tidus looks at the summoner. And walks over to where she sits after awhile. She's surrounded by some elderly people and a child.] Old Man: "You heathen!" Old Woman: "Stay away from the summoner!" Kid: "You're a bad man!"

[The summoner gets up.] Old Man: "Lady Yuna! Be careful!" Yuna: "But it was really my fault to begin with." [She walks to Tidus.] Yuna: "I'm Yuna. Thank you so much for your help earlier." Tidus: "I'm sorry about that. Wasn't that... Wasn't I not supposed to... Guess I...kind of overreacted." Yuna: "Oh, no. I was...overconfident." Tidus: "Um, I saw that aeon thing. That's amazing!" Yuna: "Really? Do you think I can become high summoner?" [Tidus nods; the kid walks over.] Kid: "Lady Yuna, come play with me some more!" [The kid leaves.] Yuna: "So, tomorrow, then." Tidus: "Tomorrow?" Yuna: "We're going on the same boat, aren't we?" Tidus: "Oh, really?" Yuna: "We can talk more. You can tell me all about Zanarkand!" [Yuna walks back; Wakka approaches.] Wakka: "She's cute, ya?" R1 --> Yeah! R2 --> She's not my type. R1: "Don't get no ideas." Tidus: "No promises there, big guy." R2: "Then we're cool." Tidus: "Hey, but what if she, like, comes on to me?" Wakka: "That's not going to happen. If you get tired, let me know. I had a bed made for you." [Tidus goes to sleep later in the Crusaders Lodge and has a dream that he's on a pier near the beach. He sees Yuna there.] Tidus: "Where's that boat?" Yuna: "Everyone will find us if it doesn't come soon."

Tidus: "You really sure this is okay?" Yuna: "Would you take me to Zanarkand?" Rikku: "Hey!" [Rikku appears.] Rikku: "You said you'd go with me!" Tidus: "Oh, hey... I, uh..." Rikku: "I thought Wakka told you not to get any ideas?" Yuna: "He did?" Rikku: "Yeah, so you're coming with me!" Jecht: "Hey! Stop dreaming!" [Tidus sees Jecht on the shore.] Jecht: "You, with a woman? You can't even catch a ball! Oh, what's the matter? Gonna cry again? Cry, cry. That's the only thing you're good for!" Tidus: "I hate you." Jecht: "Huh? What'd you say?" Yuna: "You have to speak louder." Tidus: "I hate you!" Jecht: "Eh?" Rikku: "That's the spirit!" Yuna: "You can do it!" [Tidus wakes up in the Lodge.] Tidus: "I hate you!" [He hears a woman's voice outside the tented structure; he listens. It's the woman guardian quarreling with Wakka.] Woman: "He's dead, okay? Dead! He does look a lot like Chappu. I was surprised, too, the first time I saw him. But no matter what he looks like, he isn't Chappu. You shouldn't have brought him here in the first place." Wakka: "Yeah, but...he needed our help!" Woman: "Excuses again?" Wakka: "Yeah, but..." Woman: "That's it. No more. Enough, Wakka!"

[She leaves and Wakka walks dejectedly back to the tent. He sees Tidus prying at the conversation.] Tidus: "Scary! So, who's Chappu?" Wakka: "My little brother, Chappu. He looked like you." Tidus: "He's dead?" Wakka: "He was with the Crusaders when they fought Sin last year. He didn't make it. I first heard on the day of the tournament." Tidus: "Oh, so that's why." Wakka: "I became a guardian to fight Sin, ya?" Tidus: "Revenge, then?" Wakka: "That was the idea. I'm more worried about a stupid game now than avenging my brother. Well, after the next tournament, I'll be a guardian full-time. I know it kinda looks like I'm using you, but I'm not." Tidus: "Don't worry. I mean, I owe you a lot. You really helped me out, you know? What I mean is...thanks, Wakka." Wakka: "Stop, you're embarrassing me!" [The next morning, Tidus walks out to the village square to find the woman guardian and Wakka there, the latter carrying a big blue sword.] Wakka: "Hey! Sleepyhead! Something I want to give you." Tidus: "Whoa! You're giving me?" Wakka: "Yeah, use it well!" [The woman speaks and is addressed as Lulu.] Lulu: "That's the sword you gave Chappu." Wakka: "Well, he never used it. Where's Yuna?" Tidus: "We're taking the same boat as Yuna, right? Why do we gotta wait here?" Wakka: "Yuna came to this village ten years ago, when the last Calm started." Tidus: "The Calm?" Wakka: "Since then, she's been like a little sister to me and Lulu. But she had the talent... She became an apprentice. Now, today, she leaves as a summoner." Lulu: "This is our journey. We should leave together." [Yuna comes down the temple steps, dragging a large box.] Lulu: "You really don't need all that luggage."

Yuna: "They're not really my things. They're gifts for the temples we're to visit." Wakka: "This isn't a vacation, Yuna." Yuna: "I guess...I guess you're right." [She leaves the box behind.] Wakka: "Okay! Off we go!" [The party leaves town and gets attacked by a canine monster.] Wakka: "Here comes one now... Hey, why don't ya try out that sword I gave you?" [Tidus slays it.] Tidus: "No problem!" Wakka: "Not too shabby! You kept up with him pretty well. Might make a good guardian someday." [A bird monster flys into battle.] Wakka: "A flyer! My kind of customer!" [The party encounters a jelly-like monster soon after.] Wakka: "That...looks like trouble." Tidus: "Heh! Watch this!" [Tidus does minor damage.] Wakka: "Told you. Only magic can beat that thing. If you can't beat 'em down, you gotta use magic of an element they dont like." Tidus: "Magic? Element?" Wakka: "Let's have our black mage show you what I mean. Lu! You're up!" Lulu: "Clueless, aren't you? Good thing I'm here." Narrative: [Elements] Magic and fiends have properties called elements. There are four elements: fire, ice, lightning, and water. Fire and ice are opposed, as are lightning and water. Lulu: "Spells of ice work well against fire fiends... And ice fiends are weak against fire magic. Tidus: "I get fire and ice, but what about lightning and water?" Lulu: "Lighting and water are opposed, just like fire and ice. This one here is a water fiend, which means..."

[Lulu uses Thunder and ends the battle. On the ridge above Besaid, the party stops and looks.] Lulu: "Take your time." Tidus: "Let's get going, man!" Wakka: "We're gonna wait." [Yuna walks by.] Wakka: "Are you ready?" [Everyone starts to leave.] Tidus: "What's going on?" [They walk down the road only a ways before the cat-person guardian from before engages Tidus in battle.] Wakka: "That's enough!" [Kimahri shakes his head and walks away.] Tidus: "What's with that guy?" Lulu: "Kimarhi Ronso, of the Ronso tribe. He's learned the fiends' way of fighting." Tidus: "That's not what I meant!" Wakka: "He's another of Yuna's guardians." Yuna: "Sometimes we don't understand him either. Kimahri doesn't talk much anyway. But he has protected me since I was a child!" [Another tutorial battle occurs. A garuda flies down.] Tidus: "A flyer...that's your department, right?" Wakka: "True, true. But, uh... Why don't we let our summoner show us what's she's made of?" Narrative: [Switching Members During Battle] Press [L1] during battle to switch in a character not currently being used. Just switch them in, and they're ready to go! [Tidus is swapped out for Yuna.] Wakka: "Your first real battle! Let's see some style!" Lulu: "Show us what your training has taught you, Yuna!" Narrative: [Summoning Aeons] Use the Summon command to have Yuna call an aeon to aid her in battle. Only Yuna can summon aeons. Use it when you need help against tough opponents. When aeons take damage,

their HP decreases. Should their HP reach 0, they will leave battle and become unavailable for a time. Aeons recover HP at Save Spheres. [Yuna summons Valefor and slays the ginormous bird. Another shows up in battle soon after.] Wakka: "Another one of those? No problem! Leave this one to me, ya? Say goodnight, birdie!" [Wakka blinds the bird with a skill and the party kills it. They head down to the beach and board the boat. Yuna's waves meet the people's, and the boat starts to take off.] Yuna: "Goodbye." [The boat begins its voyage to Kilika Port.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 06) S.S. Liki SSLK | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Once out at sea, Tidus walks on the deck. He spots a man with binoculars and manages to wrestle them out of his hands. He watches around the deck, but gets them taken back when the previous man thinks he's checking Yuna out. He finds Wakka after awhile.] Wakka: "Come to think of it, I haven't told you where we're going! First to Kilika Island, then we change boats and head for Luca. 'Fore that, though, Yuna's gotta pray at the temple. I'll be guarding. We'll be praying for the Aurochs victory, too, so you come along, ya?" Lulu: "Great plan." Wakka: "Hey, it is a great plan!" Tidus: "Don't look at me!" [Tidus walks over to Yuna, who's surrounded by a crowd, even at sea.] Man: "Word is that summoner's got noble blood!" Man 2: "I heard she's Lord Braska's daughter!" Man: "Ya don't say?" Tidus: "Lord Braska's...daughter?" [Tidus goes back to Wakka.] Tidus: "So, is Yuna's father famous or something?" Wakka: "She's the daughter of High Summoner Braska! You saw his statue at the temple. Lord Braska defeated Sin ten years ago. Yuna's the heir to a great legacy!" Tidus: "It's tough when your father's famous." [Wakka gets a quizzical look on his face.]

Lulu: "Wakka's...a bit lacking in the imagination department." Tidus: "Thanks, Lulu. I'll keep that in mind." [Tidus walks over to Yuna and they look out to sea, together.] Yuna: "The's nice." [They start laughing for no real reason.] Yuna: "You're a blitzball player, aren't you? From Zanarkand, right?" Tidus: "You hear that from Wakka? Wakka doesn't believe me at all." Yuna: "But I believe you! I've heard, in Zanarkand...there is a great stadium, all lit up even at night! Great blitzball tournaments are held there, and the stands are always full!" Tidus: "How do you know that?" Yuna: "A man named Jecht told me. He was my father's guardian." Tidus: "My father...his name is Jecht! Yuna: "Amazing! You know, our meeting like this must be the blessing of Yevon!" Tidus: "Sounds like him, but it can't be him." Yuna: "Why not?" Tidus: "My old man, he died. Ten years ago. Off the coast of Zanarkand." Yuna: "I'm sorry." Tidus: "He went out to sea for training one day...and never came back. And no one's seen him since." Yuna: "Why, that's the day that Jecht came to Spira. It's true! I first met Jecht ten years and three months ago! I remember, that was the day my father left. The date fits, doesn't it?" Tidus: "Yeah, but how would he get here?" Yuna: "You're here, are you not?" [The ship violently rocks as Sin emerges from the depths.] Man: "Sin!" [The man heads to the harpoon.] Wakka: "What do you think you're doing? Stick a harpoon in it and we'll all get dragged under!" Man: "Sin is going for Kilika! We gotta distract it!" Man 2: "Our families are in Kilika! Forgive us, Lady Summoner!"

Wakka: "Wait! Oh, boy..." [They harpoon Sin's fin, which makes it drag the boat through the waves. Sinscales fly onto the deck and more appear after the others are killed.] Tidus: "How many of these things are there!? What? We hit the fin first?" Narrative: [Fighting at a Distance] Regular sword attacks cannot hit targets at a distance, such as Sin's fin. Attack these enemies using magic or Wakka's blitzball attack. [The party uses long-ranged attacks to knock the harpoon loose. Sin swims away and the sea calms again. Wakka looks around for Tidus, but he's nowhere to be found onboard. He dives in and finds him, but only just before another boss attacks. They defeat it. FMV. Sin attacks Kilika, engulfing it in a big wave. It sucks the debris into a 'halo' above it before dropping everything and disappearing beneath the sea.] T-Narrative: When Sin attacked Zanarkand that day, I woke up in Spira. I kept hoping it would work in reverse, too. Yuna: "I will defeat Sin... I must defeat Sin. T-Narrative: I was just fooling myself. Maybe it was that day...on the sea, under the burning sun. I started to give up hope. I was in a foreign world, I wasn't going home. This was my new reality, and I was stuck in it for good. [The S.S. Liki pulls into Kilika Port somberly.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 07) Kilika KLKA | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The people on the ship walk off, but Yuna runs to disembark.] Yuna: "Greetings! I am the summoner Yuna. I have come from the temple in Besaid." Woman: "M'lady Summoner!" Yuna: "If there is no other summoner here, please allow me to perform the sending." Man: "Thanks be to ye!" Woman: "Our loved ones... We feared they would become fiends!" Yuna: "Please, take me to them." [Yuna, Kimahri, Lulu, and the villagers walk out of sight.] Wakka: "We'll go see what we can do to help in town. [The blitzball players run to help. Tidus finds the rest of the party

down by the water. Yuna stands by floating caskets. Tidus walks over to Lulu.] Tidus: Uh, what's a 'sending'? Are we going somewhere?" Lulu: "You truly are clueless. Are you sure it's just your memory that's the problem? The dead need guidance. Filled with grief over their own death, they refuse to face their fate. They yearn to live on, and resent those still alive. You see, they envy the living. And in time, that envy turns to anger, even hate. Should these souls remain in Spira, they become fiends that pray on the living. Sad, isn't it? The sending takes them to the Farplane, where they may rest in peace." Tidus: "Summoners do this?" [Yuna walks into the water and a spout lifts her into the air as she twirls her wand. The souls emerge from the caskets and rise up around her. She finishes after awhile, and Tidus turns to Lulu.] Tidus: "It must be tough being a summoner." Lulu: "Yuna chose her own path. She knew from the beginning what it meant. All we can do is protect her along the way. Until the end." Tidus: "Until the...end? What's the end?" [The villagers and Yuna turn their attention to him; Lulu sighs.] Lulu: "Until she defeats Sin." Yuna: "I hope... I hope I did okay." Lulu: "You did very well! They've reached the Farplane by now. But... no tears next time, hm?" T-Narrative: I wished there would never be a next time. No more people being killed by Sin. No more sendings for Yuna. Everyone stood there watching her. It was strange, and somehow... horrifying. I never wanted to see it again. [The next day, Tidus walks out of the inn. Datto jogs over.] Datto: "Hey! You awake? Cap'n Wakka's waitin' for you!" [Tidus finds Wakka.] Wakka: "Ah, there you are! Besaid Aurochs! Huddle! On to the temple, where we pray for victory! High Summoner Ohalland used to live in the Kilika temple here. Yep, Lord Ohalland was once a great blitzer, you know?" Tidus: "Wakka..." Wakka: "Hm?" Tidus: "Praying for victory's all good...but is this right?" Wakka: "Something wrong with enjoying blitzball?"

Tidus: "Is this really the time?" Wakka: "This is the only time! The players fight with all their strength; the fans cheer for their favorite team. They forget pain, suffering... Only the game matters! That's why blitz has been around for so long. Least that's what I think." Tidus: "Whatever you say." Wakka: "Let's play...and win! Right?" Tidus: "Right!" Wakka: "Temple's beyond the jungle there. Let's go!" [They walk to the jungle edge and meet up with everyone.] Wakka: "What's up?" [Lulu looks at Tidus.] Lulu: "Yuna's saying she wants you with us." Yuna: "I want to ask you to be my guardian." Wakka: "Yuna! What? This is no time for jokes, ya? He may be a blitzball whiz kid, but up against fiends, he's a newbie." Yuna: "Not a guardian, then... I just want him nearby." Tidus: "What? What do you mean?" Yuna: "It's just that, well..." Lulu: "We're all going to the temple anyway. Can't this wait till later?" Yuna: "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." Tidus: "There's nothing to be sorry about. I'm just not really sure what's going on." Yuna: "My apologies." [The party gets into a battle a ways down the path with a plant.] Lulu: "Kimahri, why don't you use 'Lancet' on it?" Tidus: "What's a 'Lancet'? Lulu: "Normally, it's a skill that weakens enemies and heals the user. But when a Ronso uses it, that Ronso can sometimes learn fiends' abilities." Tidus: "Hey, sounds cool!" [The party moves down the road afterwards. They meet Luzzu and Gatta.] Gatta: "Company, halt!"

Luzzu: "The fiend before us is Ochu, Lord of the Wood! We've had trouble with this one before. Remember, discretion is the better part of valor. [The party burns down Ochu with ease.] Luzzu: "A summoner and her guardians. Very impressive!" Gatta: "Sir, we should fight, too!" Luzzu: "We'll get our chance soon enough." Gatta: "Young Crusaders gather round! We'll beat Sin into the ground!" [Gatta runs off singing and the party heads to the temple's stairway.] Wakka: "These stone steps have a history, you know? Yep, Lord Ohalland trained here at his peak." [Tidus looks at two Aurochs, stretching nearby.] Tidus: "A race, huh? Think you can beat me?" Wakka: "Yuna, if you would." Yuna: "Ready?" [She runs off ahead of everyone.] Wakka: "Hey! Hey! [Tidus races up after everyone. He soon sees the Aurochs racing back down, but this time they're fleeing.] Datto: "L-Look out!" Wakka: "Everyone, quick! Sinspawn!" [A large beast breaks out of some stone paving, but is defeated.] Tidus: "Yeesh!" Wakka: "Sorry about that! Hoped to break you in a little slower." Tidus: "Being a guardian's tiring!" Wakka: "You handled yourself pretty well. You got talent." Tidus: "Nah. So, what are these 'sinspawn' anyway?" Lulu: "Fiends. They fall from Sin's body, and are left behind in its wake." Wakka: "Leave 'em alone, and Sin comes back for 'em. You gotta be quick!" T-Narrative: That moment when Wakka told me I had talent in battle... I think that was when I started seriously considering becoming a guardian.

[They all start walking up to the temple.] Wakka: "So, uh...they got fiends in Zanarkand, too?" Tidus: "Just a few. It's a big deal when one shows up, though. Hey! Since when have you believed me about Zanarkand, anyway?" Wakka: "I been thinking. Maybe people Sin gets to don't die. Maybe Sin carries 'em through time. Like a thousand years through time. And then, one day, maybe they just pop back, see?" Lulu: "Amazing. Simply amazing. You make up one theory after another, refusing to face the simple truth. Sin didn't take Chappu anywhere. Sin crushed him and left him on the Djose shore! Your brother won't just pop back. Oh, and one more thing. No matter how much you want it, no one can take Chappu's place. No one can replace Sir Jecht, for that matter. And there's no replacement for Lord Braska, either. It's pointless to think about it, and sad." [Lulu and Yuna walk off.] Wakka: "I...I could never be what Chappu was. Well, stuff happens. Best not to worry." T-Narrative: Wakka, Lulu, and Wakka's brother Chappu. Something had happened between them a long time ago. I was sure of it. Well, whatever it was, it was none of my business, that's for sure. Best not to go there. [The party walks up to the temple and sees a group walking to them.] Wakka: "You here to pray for victory, too?" Man: "Us? Pray? Who needs to pray? The Luca Goers always win!" Wakka: "Oh, yeah? Then why are you here?" Man 2: "We've been praying for some competition this year!" Man: "So, what's your goal this time? You gonna 'do your best' again? Ha! It's too bad your best isn't good enough! Why even bother showing up?" Tidus: "This time, we play to win!" Man: "Oooh! Play away! Just remember even kids can play, boys." Wakka: "See you in the finals!" Tidus: "We'll beat them. We have to!" Yuna: "You know that team?" Tidus: "Putting people down... They're as bad as my old man!" Yuna: "But, Sir Jecht was a kind and gentle man!" Tidus: "Well, not my Jecht."

T-Narrative: Even ten years after he left...just thinking about my old man got me angry. But maybe that was just my way of keep-ing him... Nah. [The party walks inside and Wakka prays at Ohalland's statue.] Wakka: "Lord Ohalland, guide our feet." R1 --> Pray R2 --> Stand and watch. R1: " R2: " [A woman and a large man exit the Cloister.] Woman: "A summoner, are you?" Yuna: "My name is Yuna -- I come from the Isle of Besaid." Dona: "Dona. So, you're High Summoner Braska's daughter. That's quite a name to live up to. My, my, my... And all these people are your guardians? My, what a rabble! As I recall, Lord Braska had only two guardians. Quality over quantity, my dear. Whatever were you thinking? I have need of only one guardian. Right, Barthello?" Yuna: "I only have as many guardians as there are people I can trust. I trust them all with my life! To have so many guardians is a joy, and an honor! Even more so than being my father's daughter. Of course, I would never think of questioning your ways, either. So, Lady Dona, I ask of you: please leave us in peace." Dona: "You do what you want. Barthello, we're leaving." [And they do.] T-Narrative: A guardian is someone a summoner can rely on. Someone she can trust with her life. I wondered, did Yuna feel that way about me? What's she smiling about? [All walk to an elevator that leads to the Cloister.] Wakka: "The fayth is below. Let's do it!" Tidus: "The 'fayth?'" Lulu: "But first, the Cloister of Trials. Kimahri? Wakka? Ready?" Yuna: "Strength, everyone!" [Kimahri pushes Tidus off the elevator.] Tidus: "Hey, what gives?" Lulu: "You're not a guardian yet." Yuna: "We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?"

[They go down.] Tidus: "Oh, sure! Soon like 'tomorrow' soon, I bet!" [The elevator returns. Dona and Barthello return, too.] Dona: "Where's Yuna?" [Tidus points down.] Dona: "Then why are you here?" Tidus: "Hey, I'm not a guardian, so I'm not supposed to go in, right?" Dona: "Not a guardian, you say?" [Barthello picks him up.] Tidus: "Hey! Wait! Ah! Lemme go! Hey! What's the big idea?" Dona: "Just a little game." [The elevator starts to go down.] Tidus: "This is bad, really bad." [Tidus comes to a door at the bottom.] Narrative: [Go in./Wait here.] [Tidus goes up to the door.] Tidus: "Only guardians allowed, and I'm sure no guardian. Well, I guess it's too late now." [Tidus goes through the trials alone and comes to the fayth chamber.] Wakka: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tidus: "It was Dona and that big musclehead man!" Lulu: "Yuna will be the one to suffer the consequences!" Tidus: "What consequences?" Wakka: "She could be excommunicated! [Tidus talks to Lulu.] Lulu: "The chamber beyond is a sacred place. Only summoners may enter." Tidus: "What, even guardians can't go?" Wakka: "It's taboo!" [Tidus talks to Wakka.] Wakka: "Just wait." Tidus: "So, what's in there anyway?"

Wakka: "The fayth, remember?" Tidus: "Oh yeah, that thing. Right." Lulu: "The fayth are people who gave their lives to battle Sin. Yevon took their souls, willingly given from their still-living bodies." Tidus: "Huh?" Lulu: "Now they live forever, trapped in statues. But when a summoner beckons, the souls of the fayth emerge once again. That's what we call an aeon." Tidus: "All that in this room? S-So what's Yuna doing in there?" Wakka: "She prays with all her heart for a way to defeat Sin. [Yuna stumbles out soon after.] T-Narrative: There was something I didn't tell anyone else that day. That song we heard there, in the temple... I knew it from my childhood. It was proof that Spira and Zanarkand were connected somehow. At least to me it was. Maybe that's why, suddenly, I felt like...I just wanted to go home. I tried to say something, to tell them. But the words wouldn't come. [Yuna's new aeon is called 'Ifrit' by default. The party leaves and finds a crowd waiting at the mount for Braska's daughter.] T-Narrative: I thought I had put my feelings for Zanarkand behind me. But they were there, and they grew inside me, bigger and bigger, till I was just about ready to burst. [The party starts to leave the temple and Tidus stops. Yuna, too.] Yuna: "Are...are you okay?" Tidus: "I...I don't know." Yuna: "What do you want to do?" Tidus: "To scream real loud." [Tidus does scream real loud, startling his other party members. Back in town, he can choose 'Embark.' or 'Not yet.' for the ship.] Wakka: "Off to Luca at last! The matches start as soon as we get there, so rest up on the way, ya?" [The boat leaves with the Kilika Beasts and Goers onboard, too.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 08) Kilika Port SSWN | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [It's nighttime now. Lulu and Wakka go up top to converse, and Yuna once again becomes the center of attention. Even some Goers walk over

to her. Tidus goes topside and stumbles upon Wakka and Lulu's convo, so he eavesdrops.] Lulu: "Well? Say something. You'll take responsibility?" Wakka: "Relax! He's bound to know someone in Luca." Lulu: "And if not?' Wakka: "He could always join a blitz team. Anyhow, it's better than just leaving him in Besaid!" Lulu: "What? Just leaving him in Luca?" Wakka: "What do you want me to do?" Lulu: "Yuna wants to make him a guardian." Wakka: "Oh yeah, geez... There's that too, eh?" Lulu: "And whose fault is that?" Wakka: "Not mine!" [Lulu stares at him.] Wakka: "It is my fault, huh? [Tidus walks onto the deck and finds a blitzball. Flashback to when he was little, just trying to kick the ball right.] Jecht: "Well, well, trying to follow in my footsteps, are you? I usually charge for lessongs, you know... That shot is done... like this!" [Jecht jumps into the air with the ball.] Jecht: "You can't do it, kid. But don't worry, my boy. You're not the only one. No one else can do it. I'm the best!" [The flashback ends.] Narrative: [The Jecht Shot Challenge] Memories of that day still haunt Tidus and interfere with his concentration. Try to shake off the memories and successfully perform the Jecht Shot. [If Tidus successfully completes the Jecht Shot:] Tidus: "The best? Yeah, right." [The Aurochs and Yuna walk over.] Wakka: "Whoa! What's that called?" Tidus: "Doesn't have a name. Anyone can do it if they try." Wakka: "Show us one more time, ya?"

[If Tidus doesn't accomplish a Jecht Shot:] Jecht: Told you you couldn't do it! [Either way, Tidus walks over to Yuna when he's finished.] Yuna: "That was the Jecht Shot, wasn't it?" Tidus: "How do you know that?" Yuna: "Sir Jecht showed it to me when I was a child. He called it the 'Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III.'" Tidus: "Stupid name, huh? You know what? There is no Mark I or Mark II, you know? My old crowd said the name Mark III was just something to hook the crowd. He said they'd come back every night expecting to see Mark I and Mark II. And, they really did come back. I used to get so mad. Is he alive, you think?" Yuna: "I don't know. But, Sir Jecht was my father's guardian." Tidus: "So, he's famous here, too?" Yuna: "Yes. So if anything happened to him, I should think word would get around fast." Tidus: "Uh-huh." Yuna: "What would you do, if you found him?" Tidus: "Who knows? I thought he died ten years ago. Well... I'd probably just smack him one. After everything he put Mom and me through. And because he was famous, and I was always... Well, you should know, Yuna. Your father's famous, too. Everyone in Spira knows him, right? Ain't it tough?" Yuna: "It is hard to follow in his footsteps, as a summoner." Tidus: "Sure." Yuna: "But the honor of having a father like that surpasses all that, I think." Tidus: "Well, there wasn't much to honor about my old man, that's for sure." Yuna: "You shouldn't say that about your father!" Tidus: "I got the right!" Yuna: "I guess you do." [Tidus gets smacked with a blitzball.] Wakka: "Show me that move again! T-Narrative: I didn't think my old man would come to Luca. He never did like watching other people play. But I couldn't help feeling something bad was gonna happen. And these feelings of mine are usually right. Sure, I had told

Wakka I'd help him win the tournament. But I wasn't sure I had it in me to play at all anymore. [The next day, the Wino pulls into Luca's port.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 09) Luca LUCC | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [As the ships pull in, two announcers -- Bobba and Jimma -- narrate the show that's about to start from their booth somewhere.] Bobba: "Ah, over there! The ships carrying the players are arriving now! This would be dock number 2. All the way from Kilika, it's the Kilika Beasts! High Summoner Ohalland used to play for them -- a big name to live up to. Their hometown was recently attacked by Sin. Isn't that right, Jimma?" Jimma: "Yes, Bobba. They're going to be pulling out all the stops to try and bring back the cup this year." Bobba: "Exciting, isn't it, folks? Our next team off the ramp is... Well, well, well! If it isn't the Besaid Aurochs! They're a living, breathing, statistical impossibility! I've never seen a team this bad! That's right! In twenty-three years they've never made it past the first round! Only a few die-hard fans are in the audience today." Jimma: "Best of luck to them, and a safe journey back to Besaid." Bobba: "Right, Jimma. Moving right along, our next team is... Here they are, folks! Our very own Luca Goers! They've got power! They've got speed! They've got teamwork! They're an all-around first-class team! And they're back home in Luca!" Jimma: "Without a doubt, they are the favorite this year, Bobba. And after the way they dominated last year, it'd take a miracle for them to lose today." Bobba: "You can say that again, Jimma. Look at the crowd, folks! Look at the crowd! Looks like all of Luca has turned out to cheer the Goers on! They know, I know, and you know, folks! The Luca Goers are number one!" [Tidus walks to the Aurochs, angry at the coverage.] Wakka: "It's like this every year, ya? Don't let it bother you." [Tidus gets out a megaphone (!?) and stands on a stack of crates.] Tidus: "Stop right there, Goers! You guys are smilin' now, but not for long! 'Cause this year, us Aurochs are takin' the cup!" [Tidus gets down after ruining the Goers' fun.] Wakka: "What in Yevon's name were you doing up there?" Datto: "We sure stood out, though!" Letty: "We were on the sphere!"

Datto: "We were?" [Three people run by.] Man: "Maester Mika is here!" Woman: "Already?" Man 2: "The number 3 dock!" Tidus: "What's up now?" Yuna: "Maester Mika has arrived, that's what!" Tidus: "Mika? Maester?" Lulu: "Maester Mika is the leader of all the peoples of Spira. He's come all the way from Bevelle. The tournament is being held to honor his fifty years as maester." Tidus: "Fifty years? Shouldn't he be, uh, retired by now?" Wakka: "Hey! Mind your mouth, now." Yuna: "Let's all go see him! [They head over to Dock 3. A large crowd is there.] Tidus: "Can't see a thing!" Wakka: "Shhhh!" [A strange man with a blue coif heads off the maester's boat.] Man: "That's a Guado, right?" Woman: "Who could it be?" Man: "Isn't that...Maester Seymour?" [An old man walks off the boat, too.] Mika: "People of Spira, I thank you for your generous welcome. Rise, Maester Seymour. And all of you as well. I present to you...the son of Maester Jyscal Guado, who departed for the Farplane a fortnight past. As some of you already know, he has been officially ordained a maester of Yevon." Seymour: "I am Seymour Guado. I am honored to receive the title of maester. In life, my father Jyscal worked to foster friendship between man and Guado. I vow to carry on his legacy, and to fulfill my duties as maester to the best of my abilities. [Tidus just stands there while the rest pray.] Wakka: "You, too! Bow your head! [Mike leaves with Seymour, but not before the latter gets a good look

at Yuna.] Wakka: "Really psyches you up, ya? All right! Last meeting before the match! Hustle! [Later on, Tidus walks into the locker room.] Tidus: "Where's Wakka?" Datto: "At the match-up draws." Letty: "We had to play the Goers in the first match last year. The year before that, and the one before that, too!" Keepa: "Well, we would've lost to anyone anyway." [Wakka enters.] Datto: "Cap'n Wakka!" Wakka: "We're playin' the Al Bhed Psyches first. If we win, we're in the finals! That's right, we got seeded! Two wins and we're the champions! First things first. Let's go over the basics again, boys." Narrative: [Blitzball Tutorial] R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Moving Action Commands Passing Shooting Using HP Encounters Breakthroughs Techcopy Stats Status Ailments Techniques Game Modes End Tutorial

R1: In blitzball, there are five players per team in the sphere pool. The Overhead Map shows all players' current positions and the direction each is facing. Here, only one team is shown on the field. Tidus is carrying the ball now. The ball carrier is displayed as a circled arrow on the Map. Now let's watch the players move. It may seem confusing at first, but it's actually quite simple. By default, player movement is set to Auto, so everyone moves around the pool automatically. Use the Overhead Map to check the players' positions. The tri-angular frame inside the red circle is the opposing team's goal. Here it is. This goal is always on the left-hand side of the Overhead Map. Let's resume. Try to keep track of your position in relation to the goal. Next, let's try moving the ball carrier manually. Press (/\). Now you've enabled Manual movement. Press (D-Pad) to move the player manually. Only the ball carrier can be moved manually. All other players stay on Auto. Note that it becomes harder to manage your teammates while

manually controlling the carrier. This mode is recommended for veteran blitzers. Press (/\) again. Now you're back on Auto movement. Try switching between Manual and Auto to get a feel for both modes. In Manual Mode A, the direction of movement corresponds to the Overhead Map. (D-left) moves the player toward the opposing team's goal, and (D-right) toward your own team's goal. In addition to Manual A, there is also a mode called Manual B. Stick with Auto movement for now. Movement modes are only applicable when you're on offense. When you're on defense, your entire team moves on auto. Summary 1: -Use the Overhead Map to keep track of play. -Change movement modes with (/\). -Players move automatically when on defense. R2: In order to make a player perform an action, you must choose an action command. You can open the action command window by pressing the ([]) button. Press ([]) now. The game pauses while the action command window is open, so you have ample time to think about your next move. There are three available commands: Pass, Shoot, and Dribble. Dribble simply makes your player resume movement. Pass and Shoot are the most important commands. Summary 2: -([]) opens the action commands window. -The three commands are Pass, Shoot, and Dribble. -Dribble simply makes the player resume movement. R3: Now, let's take a look at passing. Press ([]) now. Select Pass. Select a receiver for your pass. His stats are shown at the top right. Your pass is copmlete, and now _____ has the ball. Stats determine the outcome of each pass. Take a look at the number shown next to PA. That number, ___, represents _____'s passing accuracy. Let's pass the ball back to Tidus. Open the command window by pressing ([]). Keep an eye on the PA score, now at __, as the ball travels back to Tidus. Did you notice the gradual decrease in PA? The friction of the water causes the pass's PA to gradually decrease. If its PA reaches 0, the pass becomes uncatchable. Now let's watch Tidus throw a bad pass. We'll set his PA to 3. Press ([]) and pass the ball. Keep an eye on Tidus's PA, now at 3. When a pass fails, the ball becomes loose. A loose ball can be claimed by anyone. Therefore, a player with high PA can successfully throw longer passes. Likewise, a player with low PA often throws bad passes, giving the other team a chance at the ball. Summary 3: -PA represents passing accuracy. -Each pass loses PA the farther it travels. -Once PA reaches 0, the pass becomes uncatchable. R4: Now let's look at how to shoot. Shooting is very

similar to passing. A player's shooting accuracy is displayed as SH. Check Tidus's SH, now at 10. A shot loses SH as it travels through the water, just as a pass loses PA. A shot that reaches the goal with SH of at least 1 will score. If a shot's SH is depleted, it will fail. A goalkeeper defends the goal from Tidus's shots. Let's do it. Open the command window by pressing ([]). Select Shoot. Once you select Shoot, the goal-keeper's stats appear beneath yours. Your teammates' stats are displayed on a blue background. The opposing team's stats are displayed on a red background. CA represents the goalkeeper's ability to catch incoming shots. In this example, Raudy's goalkeeping ability is shown as 8. Let's resume. Keep an eye on the shot's SH as it decreases. Check Tidus's SH now. Since the shot lost some SH as it travelled through the water, it is currently at 3. Here, we take the shot's SH and subtract the goalkeeper's CA. If no SH remains, then the shot fails. Be aware that the actual CA applied here is randomized, ranging from 50 to 150 percent of the goalie's current CA. Here the goalkeeper has a CA of 8, so the actual amount subtracted may vary from 4 to 12. So, let's see whether the shot's SH will remain above 0. The shot failed because its SH hit 0. Now let's try scoring a goal. Switch to Manual movement, swim closer to the goal, and try shooting from there. The shot was successful because SH is at __. Summary 4: -SH represents shooting accuracy. -Each shot loses SH the farther it travels. -The goalie's CA is subtracted from SH. -If final SH is less than or equal to 0, the shot fails. R5: In blitzball, players expend HP to perform actions. Think of HP here as stamina, because players remain conscious even if their HP drops to 0. The first thing to remember is that whoever has the ball steadily loses HP while carrying it through the water. Watch how Tidus's HP falls from 100 as he carries the ball. As you can see, HP decreases when the ball is carried. Shooting and passing also consume HP. Let's take a look. Select Shoot. Each shot consumes 10 HP. Watch closely as Tidus loses 10 HP. As you can see, his HP decreased from 26 to 16. In blitzball, all actions require HP. Now let's see what happens when HP runs low. Players can still shoot even if their HP falls below 10. But when they do, their shots are only half as effective. Whenever HP is too low, the commands are highlighted blue. Also, note that SH is reduced from 10 to 5. Each player slowly regains HP once he is rid of the ball. Summary 5: -Carrying the ball consumes HP. -Players regain HP once rid of the ball. -Passing and shooting require HP. -Insufficient HP reduces PA and SH by half. R6: An encounter occurs when opposing players come in

contact with the ball carrier. If you are the ball carrier, the action command manu will open. You must then decide on a course of action in the face of opposing players. For now, select No Break. We'll explain Breakthroughs later. Bickson stands in Tidus's way. His stats are displayed at the top right. Next, the action command window appears. Select Pass for now. Normally the ball is thrown here. It would lose PA as it travels through the water. But in an encounter, opposing players try to block your passes and shots. BL repreesents a player's skill at blocking. Here, Bickson's blocking stat is 2. The pass loses an amount of PA equal to Bickson's BL. The actual calculation is slightly randomized. If PA falls to 0 or less, the ball is intercepted by the opposing player. In this example, PA is 10, and BL is 2. The estimated result is 10 - 2 = 8. As long as PA is at least 1, the pass goes through. Once through, the pass continues to expend PA as it travels toward its intended receiver. Watch PA closely as we resume play. The defender reduced the PA of the pass when he got a hand on it. Now let's see what happens when the defender's BL is much higher. This time, his BL is 18. The defender's high BL reduced the PA of the pass to 0, resulting in a turnover. Some encounters include multiple defenders. Let's see how that works. Bickson and Abus block your way. Their stats are shown at the top right. Bickson's BL is 4, and Abus's BL is 2. 10 - (4+2) = 4, but since the results are slightly randomized it won't necessarily equal 4. The pass went through, but its PA fell to 0 before reaching the receiver, resulting in a bad pass. Now let's try shooting a goal. When you attempt to shoot, the goalkeeper also comes in, so you're now facing three opponents. Subtract the stats shown beneath SH from its current value of 10 to determine whether or not the shot scores. Summary 6: -Defenders try to force encounters to block shots and passes. -BL reduces effective PA and SH. -Multiple defenders combine their BL. R7: We'll look at breakthroughs in this section. You've encountered three opposing players. PA represents passing accuracy. Here, the player PA is 17. The defenders' block stats appear beneath PA. The result of 17 - (11+5+3) is less than 0, so any attempt at passing will surely fail. Let's try a breakthrough here. The ball carrier will try to shake off defenders by breaking through their tackles. If he withstands their tackles, the breakthrough succeeds and fewer defenders remain. Let's try breaking through Graav. Keep an eye on Graav's AT during the breakthrough. Select Break to Graav in the Breakthrough menu. You've decided to break through Graav before making your next move. Now Graav will tackle Tidus. If Tidus can't withstand the tackle, he'll give up the ball. It takes endurance (EN) to withstand tackles. Right now, Tidus's EN is 11. AT tells us how hard a tackle will hit. This

defender's AT is 7. Subtract AT from EN to determine the outcome of a tackle. If EN is reduced to 0, then the tackle steals the ball. Watch EN closely. Tidus endured the tackle and broke through Graav. The breakthrough was a success! Only two defenders remain in the way. Look at the stats shown underneath PA. Since Graav is out of the picture, he can't block passes anymore. The math is now 17 - (5+3). Completing a pass should be much easier now. Break through as many defenders as you can to complete more passes and score more goals. Summary 7: -Expect tackles when breaking through. -AT represents each tackle's strength. -EN is the ball carrier's endurance. -EN - AT decides the outcome of each tackle. -Shots & passes are easier after breakthrough. R8: Players can learn techniques from their opponents. This is called techcopy. First, have one of your players mark an opponent who knows a desirable technique. Now that player will keep an eye on that opponent in order to learn his techniques. Select Break to Bickson here. 'Techcopy!' appears at the top of the screen when a player uses a technique during a game. This indicates a window of opportunity to learn that technique. Press (X) at the right time in order to learn it. Let's try it now. Techcopy failed! Just remember that the player who learns the technique is not necessarily the one it is used against. Players who have marked that opponent are the ones who can learn his techinques. If multiple players have marked him, only one will learn at any one time. Your players may have trouble learning techniques, though, if they are of lower levels than their respective targets. Once you've learned a new technique, you can equip it at halftime or at the start of the next match. Summary 8: -Mark opponents to learn their techniques. -Press (X) when 'Techcopy!' appears. -Techcopy fails if opponent's level is too high. R9: HP -Spent when carrying the ball. -Spent when shooting and passing. -Recovers when moving without the ball. -PA and SH are halved when HP is too low. EN (Endurance) -Ability to withstand tackles. -Opposing stat: AT. PA -Passing accuracy. -Higher PA enables longer passes. -Opposing stat: BL. SH

-Shooting skill. -Higher SH enables longer shots. -Opposing stats: BL, CA. AT -Attack strength of tackles. -Opposing stat: EN. BL -Skill at blocking passes & shots -Opposing stats: PA, SH. CA -Goalie's skill at catching shots. -Opposing stat: SH. R10: Poison accelerates the loss of HP while the player has the ball. Poisoned players do not recover HP even when rid of the ball. In time, poison runs its course. Poison also disables techniques. Shooting techs are lost first, followed by tackling techs and passing techs if the poison effects are stacked with Pile Venom. A player becomes unable to act when put to sleep. The player will wake after a while, or when he is hit by the ball. Wither reduces a single stat by half. The effects wear off over time. R11: You can learn blitzball techniques by techcopying them from opposing players, or by using the prizes given to the top teams of each season or tournament. Initially, each player can only learn certain techniques. But by learning certain key techniques, a player can increase the number of techniques available to him. The required key techniques vary by player. Each time a player learns a key technique, he gains access to a broader range of techniques. R12: Ten games are played during a league season, with the winner determined by total points. 3 points are awarded for a win, and 1 point for a tie. You can press (/\) to forfeit a game, but only when your team is losing. Tournaments span two to three matches. There are no draws, so a match ending with tied scores goes into overtime. You can press (/\) to forfeit a game, but only when your team is losing. Exhibition games are for practice. No experience points are awarded for playing, but you can copy techniques. Press (/\) at any time to forfeit the game. R13: [Ends tutorial.] [Yuna comes in once the tutorial's been viewed to some extent.] Yuna: "There you are! Someone said they saw Sir Auron in a cafe!" Tidus: "Au-Auron?"

Yuna: "Yes, Sir Auron! Let's go find him!" Wakka: "Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! The game starts like real soon! C-Come back quick, ya?" Tidus: "Hey, I'll be back." Wakka: "Yeah, okay." Tidus: "Hey, Wakka. You're stiff, man. No, no, not your face. Just breathe out, relax. Like this. Just breathe, yeah!" Yuna: "Maybe now we can find Sir Jecht." Tidus: "Huh? How?" Yuna: "Sir Auron was also my father's guardian. So, he might know where Sir Jecht is. Let's go now!" T-Narrative: It didn't even occur to me to think that the Auron Yuna was talking about...and the one I knew from Zanarkand could be two different people. I don't know why, but I knew it was the same guy. I knew it was the same Auron. [Tidus walks after Yuna, who's run ahead. He sees some Al Bhed.] Al Bhed: "Y myto summoner!" ["A lady summoner!"] Al Bhed 2: "Fa sicd nabund." ["We must report."] Tidus: "Hey! Al Bhed Psyches, right? Some Al Bhed saved me the other day, and... This girl Rikku gave me food and... Uh... You don't understand me, do you? Uh, anyway... If you meet Rikku, tell her thanks for me. Oh, and as for the first game? May the best team win! [Yuna and Tidus walk out of the stadium (with Kimahri, of course), and a sphere-camera crew starts to film Yuna.] Yuna: "I'm sorry, please let me through. Hey, let's go." Tidus: "You're really famous." Yuna: "I hope we don't get separated" Tidus: "Yuna!" [He does a high-pitched whistle.] Yuna: "What was that?" Tidus: "In Zanarkand, we do this to cheer on blitz players. You try it, too! Put your fingers in your mouth like this!" Yuna: "Like...this?" Tidus: "Uh-uh, not like that. Like this. Then, you just blow." [Yuna tries and fails.]

Yuna: "It's not working." Tidus: "Practice!" Yuna: "Okay." Tidus: "Hay, use that if we get separated. Then, I'll come running, okay? Well, guess we should just stick together, then, till you can do it." Yuna: "Yes, sir!" [They come to the village square.] Tidus: "Whoa! This is a pretty big town!" Yuna: "Luca is the second largest city in Spira." Tidus: "I thought every town was little -- you know, like Besaid and Kilika." Yuna: "Towns don't usually get bigger than that. Because when a lot of people start to gather..." Tidus: "Sin...? What about Luca? It's safe here?" Yuna: "It's not any different, but the stadium is here. The Crusaders fight to protect it with all their strength." Tidus: "They protect the stadium?" Yuna: "Blitzball's really the only entertainment that we have. Spira's a little short on fun these days." Tidus: "Whoa! Talk about pressure!" Yuna: "That's right! Is Zanarkand like this, too?" Tidus: "Well, there are more buildings. All tall ones and cramped together." Yuna: "They must be so tall! Don't you ever get dizzy?" [Tidus laughs.] Yuna: "Let's go find Sir Auron!" [They head into the cafe but see no man in red.] Tidus: "Auron's not here." [Yuna goes to investigate. Meanwhile, two mean-looking Ronso are about to gang up on Kimahri.] Yenke: "Why not talk, Kimahri? Not see Yenke for ten years! Say something! Kimahri forget Yenke? Forget Biran?" Biran: "Leave Kimahri, Yenke. Kimahri is small Ronso. Kimahri so small can't see Yenke and Biran's faces."

Yenke: "Kimahri forget Ronso friends? We taught you much at time of horn-molt! Biran taught Kimahri to be strong Ronso." Biran: "Maybe taught too much." Tidus: "Take 'em on! [Kimahri uppercuts Yenke and knocks him out.] Bartender: "Take it outside! The tournament's starting, you hear?" [Biran punches Kimahri. Tidus looks at a sphere screen.] Tidus: "The game!" Mika: "Today, on this glorious day, players from all over Spira have assembled participate in this great contest of bravery, skill, and strength. All of these fine teams, equally renowned, deserve to win the cup today. Such is the nature of this contest. Let us, the spectators, play our role accordingly: Let us sing to the glory of the winners, and applaud equally the valor of the defeated. Contestants, may Yevon be with you." [FMV. The sphere pool starts to fill up in preparation for the games. The Aurochs take their places against the Psyches and the tip-off begins the match. Meanwhile, in the cafe, Tidus looks around for Yuna.] Tidus: "Kimahri! Yuna's gone!" [The two bolt outside and find Lulu approaching.] Lulu: "Where in Spira have you been!?" Tidus: "Huh?" Lulu: "Yuna's been kidnapped by the Al Bhed Psyches. In exchange for her safe return, they want the Aurochs to lose." Tidus: "What!?" Lulu: "If they're only blitzball players, I doubt they'd do anything drastic. But we shouldn't take chances. Let's go get her." Tidus: "I'm going too! This will be no problem. They're telling the Aurochs to throw the game, as if they needed to! I mean, how good a team can they be?" Lulu: "Wakka said the same thing. He'll take care of the game. We should go get Yuna. The Al Bhed boat is in dock 4. Let's go." [They run down to the dock area and are attacked by machines.] Tidus: ""Whoa! What are they?" Lulu: "Ancient machina, salvaged by the Al Bhed. They are most vulnerable to lightning." [They defeat them and move on, encountering some more in the third

dock and fourth dock areas.] Tidus: "What's up with these guys?" Lulu: "The Al Bhed were expecting us." [They defeat the machina. Their attention drifts to the sphere monitor, which is covering the Aurochs/Psyches game.] Bobba: "The Aurochs are keeping the score tied with some excellent defense, folks! Ow! He'll feel that one in the morning!" Jimma: "But the referee doesn't call the foul! Wakka's taking a real beating out there." Tidus: "Still in there!" Lulu: "He won't last. Wakka's always like that." Tidus: "Ouch." Lulu: "Let's go." [The salvage boat is taking off as the party runs.] Lulu: "Let's go. [They jump on just in time...well, to get attacked by a gigantic machina that rises up from the belly of the ship.] Tidus: "Hey, we can use this crane!" [Tidus uses the Trigger 'Use Crane.' Nothing happens.] Tidus: "C'mon, move!" Lulu: "It's probably out of power." [Lulu casts Thunder on it.] Narrative: The crane seems to respond. [Tidus uses 'Use Crane' after its juiced up, ripping its top gears off. They blow it up once its defenceless, and Yuna runs out of the door nearby.] Lulu: "I hope you hurt them." Yuna: "A little." [Tidus walks over to a beaten-up guard.] Yuna: "What is it?" Tidus: "There were these Al Bhed that saved my life when I first came to Spira. They took me on their ship, even gave me food. I was kinda hoping this was the same ship. But it's not. I wonder if they're all gone." Yuna: "What happened?"

Tidus: "Sin came up near us. I made it out okay, but I don't know what happened to their ship." Yuna: "Um, was there anyone called Cid on the ship." Tidus: "I don't know. They were all speaking that Al Bhed language." Yuna: "I see..." Tidus: "So who's Cid?" Yuna: "He's my uncle, but I've never actually met him." Tidus: "Wait. That means you're Al Bhed, too, Yuna?" Yuna: "On my mother's side, yes. Cid is my mother's brother. He became distant after my mother married. But she told me to seek him out if I ever needed help." Tidus: "You're worried he was...?" Lulu: "Don't tell Wakka about Yuna's lineage. The thing about Wakka -- he never had much love for the Al Bhed." Tidus: "Whoa! I gotta tell Wakka!" Lulu: "I thought I told you not to tell Wakka!" Yuna: "The game!" Lulu: "Oh!" [Lulu does some magic and starts moving the ship back (?). Meanwhile, Wakka and his team are on the last stretch of the game with only a handful of seconds left.] Bobba: "Thirty seconds left! The Aurochs are launching an all-out offensive! A long pass from Letty! It goes through! He shoots! Gooooooal! Unbelievable! The Aurochs win the match, 3-2!" [The party sees the action on the dock sphere monitor.] Tidus: "We won!" Yuna: "We did it! We're in the finals!" Lulu: "Not the most...graceful win. If it was Chappu, he'd still be standing." Tidus: "Hey, aren't you being just a little unfair?" Lulu: "Excuse me?" Tidus: "I know I could never take Chappu's place. You're the one who told Wakka that, right, Lulu? And I don't think Wakka would ever try to take Chappu's pl--" Lulu: "You don't want to finish that sentence."

[Everyone heads to the locker room. Wakka's pretty beat up.] Datto: "Sure you're all right, Cap'n?" Letty: "The game starts in a few minutes. You sure you okay?" Jassu: "We're playing the Goers, too." [Tidus and company walk in.] Tidus: "Miss me?" Datto: "Lady Yuna!" Letty: "Are you okay?" Yuna: "All this because of me. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Wakka: "How can you let some Al Bhed kidnap you?" Tidus: "Hey, let it go, all right?" Wakka: "Don't go near Al Bhed anymore, okay? They're trouble. [Kimahri and Yuna leave sometime later. Tidus goes to Wakka.] Wakka: "The game's starts soon. No time for warm-ups. Ready?" Tidus: "Lemme at 'em." Wakka: "All right! I got something to tell you boys. After this game...I'm retiring. I promised myself this would be my last tournament. Win or lose, I'm quitting blitzball. But you know... Since we're here, we might as well win!" Aurochs: "Yeah!" Botta: "A-Am I on the bench?" Wakka: "I'm warming the bench. He's taking my place. All right, boys, let's win this one! Let's make the Goers goners!" Tidus: "Let's blitz! [The Aurochs and Tidus go out into the hallway.] Lulu: "I saw you there, floating on the sphere." Wakka: "Hey, you weren't supposed to see that." Lulu: "You really gave it your all, didn't you?" [In the hallway:] Tidus: "All right, boys, what're we gonna do?" Aurochs: "Win!" Botta: "For Cap'n Wakka!

[They go out to the arena; the two in the locker room watch a sphere.] Bobba: "This is it, folks! In just a few minutes, the championship game!" [On the wall, is writing:] "My best memories are here. Wakka, Captain of the Aurochs." [The view changes to the bleachers.] Bobba: "But who could have imagined... A championship game between these two teams? Our legendary Luca Goers against...the horrendously ill-fated Besaid Aurochs!" [From a stairwell, Auron emerges.] Jimma: "This looks like history in the making, Bobba." [The Aurochs and the Goers meet in the sphere pool. Bickson extends a handshake but pulls it away at the last second, trying to punch him instead.] Bobba: "They're already going at it, folks! The Goers are taunting the Aurochs! [The game starts and Bickson kicks one in.] Bobba: "What a great play! The Goers score first!" [Both teams play pretty good.] Bobba: "And it's halftime!" Jimma: "The Goers are just playing great, Bobba. Really great." [Back in the locker room:] Wakka: "Zone defense, boys! Stop those Goers!" Aurochs: "Cap'n!" Tidus: "What about me?" Wakka: "Get the ball and just shoot like crazy!" Datto: "Goers are goin' down!" Aurochs: "Yeah!" Tidus: "Shoot like crazy!" Aurochs: "Yeah!" Wakka: "All right! Hustle! [The second half begins, but soon...] Bobba: "The fans are getting impatient! They're calling for some

action! Everyone seems to be calling for Wakka, folks! Say... Where is that player going? He's leaving the sphere pool! He may be injured! [Tidus meets Wakka in the locker room, and they switch places in the middle of the game.] Tidus: "To be honest, I did feel kind of let out, but... It really was the Aurochs' and Wakka's show, after all." Bobba: "I wonder what's happening? The crowd is going wild!" [Wakka swims in.] Bobba: "Ah! It's Wakka! He's back on the field and ready to go! The Aurochs seem glad to have him back. [If they lose the game:] Bobba: "The Aurochs may have lost the game, but what a way to go!" [If they win the game:] Bobba: "Unbelievable! The Aurochs win, folks! This is one for the record books!" [Tidus swims into the sphere pool to see Wakka, but a bunch of Sahagin Chiefs swim in and attack. They defeat them, but the stadium is in chaos now. In the stands:] Lulu: "What's happening?" [FMV. Auron appears with a gigantic sword, and faces off against a large dragon-like monster, which he kills in battle. Tidus and Wakka run out to meet him.] Tidus: "Auron!" Wakka: "Sir Auron!" Tidus: "So, you do know him." Wakka: "Yeah. Best guardian there ever was." [The three of them kill a Garuda, but soon become surrounded by monsters.] Tidus: "Hey, gimme a break!" [In the stands, Seymour summons an evil-looking aeon. FMV. That aeon starts shooting beams from its one eye and kills the monsters that are flying and walking around. Later on, in the city square, the Aurochs meet up.] Datto: "You're really leavin', Cap'n?" Letty: "Shouldn't you heal up first?" Wakka: "Yuna needs me with her now. I can't be lying around in some bed."

Datto: "Yeah, but..." Wakka: "Come on, look sharp! The blitz season just started! Don't make those faces, ya? Well... See you, boys! You be good!" Aurochs: "Cap'n..." Wakka: "I can't hear you!" Aurochs: "Cap'n!" [Later, the party (sans Tidus) gathers near the town outskirts.] Yuna: "Are you sure?" Wakka: "Never liked long goodbyes anwyay. Sorry for making you wait, Yuna. I had some promises to keep, ya? From now on, I'll be your full-time guardian." Yuna: "Then welcome back, Sir Wakka. Good to have you with us." Wakka: "Hey, it's good to be back, ya? So, any news on what happened?" Lulu: "Not really. We don't know where the fiends came from. Maester Mika is safe, thanks to Maester Seymour. That's about it." Yuna: "Maester Seymour's aeon... It was so powerful." [Tidus and Auron are down at the docks, the former about ready to start a fight with the man who brought him to Spira.] Tidus: "Hey, you! Don't just stand there! All of this is your fault! Gettin' swallowed by Sin! Not being able to go back to Zanarkand -- everything, everything! I'm telling you, it's all your fault!" [Auron just laughs.] Tidus: "Who are you, anyway? You knew my old man, didn't you?" Auron: "Yeah." Tidus: "And you also knew Yuna's father." Auron: "That's correct." Tidus: "Hey, man, there's no way! That's just impossible!" Auron: "Nothing impossible about it. Jecht, Braska, and I... Together we defeated Sin ten years ago. Then I went to Zanarkand...where I watched over you. So that one day I could bring you to Spira." Tidus: "Why did it have to be me?" Auron: "Jecht asked me to." Tidus: "Is he alive?" Auron: "It depends on what you mean by 'alive.' He is no longer human. But then... I felt something of Jecht there in that shell,

couldn't you? You must have felt him when you came in contact with Sin." Tidus: "It can't be..." Auron: "It is. Sin is Jecht." Tidus: "No! That's ridiculous! No way! I don't believe you!" Auron: "But it is the truth. You'll see for yourself. Come with me." Tidus: "If I say no?" Auron: "Every story must have an ending." Tidus: "I don't care about your stories!" Auron: "I see. Sorry you feel that way. Fine, then. Come or don't come. It's your decision." Tidus: "What am I supposed to say? You tell me it's my decision... But I don't have a choice, do I? You're the only one who can tell me what's going on, anyways! I have to go with you! I have to!" Auron: "Irritating, I know. Or are you afraid? It's all right." Tidus: "Auron? Will I ever go home? Back to Zanarkand?" Auron: "That's up to Jecht. I'm going to offer my services to Yuna. Come." [The two start walking to the outskirts. The rest of the party is already there.] Wakka: "Do you think he's gonna stay here?" Lulu: "Sir Auron knows him, apparently. You were right. He did meet someone he knew." Yuna: "Do you think he'll find a way back to Zanarkand?" Wakka: "In any case, I'll miss having him around." Yuna: "He's still in town, isn't he? I think I'll go see him... Oh!" [Auron is approaching, with Tidus in tow.] Wakka: "Whoa." Yuna: "Sir Auron?" Auron: "Yuna." Yuna: "Sir?" Auron: "I wish to become your guardian. Do you accept?" Wakka: "You serious?" Auron: "You refuse?"

Yuna: "No, no! We accept! Right, everyone?" Wakka: "O-Of course! No problem at all!" Lulu: "But...why?" Auron: "I promised Braska." Yuna: "You promised my father? Thank you, Sir Auron! You're welcome to join us!" Auron: "And...he comes too." Tidus: "Hi...guys. Eh...howdy!" Auron: "This one I promised Jecht." Yuna: "Is Sir Jecht alive?" Auron: "Can't say. Haven't seen him in ten years." Yuna: "I...see." Auron: "You'll meet eventually." Yuna: "Yes, I'm looking forward to it!" [Auron walks to Lulu.] Auron: "What's our itinerary? Where are we headed?" Yuna: "Hey come with me!" [Tidus walks to Yuna.] Yuna: "Hey, watch!" [Yuna does 'the whistle.'] Tidus: "Hey, you got pretty good." Yuna: "You sound sad." Tidus: "Yeah, maybe." Yuna: "Wanna scream?" Tidus: "I really don't think that's gonna help this time." Yuna: "You know what? It's embarrassing to say this myself... But summoners and their guardians are kind of like Spira's ray of light. A lot of people in Spira depend on us. I learned to practice smiling when I'm sad, you know? I know it's hard." Tidus: "Yeah... I understand. I think." Yuna: "Right, now let's see what you can do!" Tidus: "Huh?"

Yuna: "Come on!" [Tidus tries to make himself smile.] Tidus: "This is weird!" Yuna: "Next, try laughing out loud!" Tidus: "What?" Yuna: "Come on, show me!" [Tidus belts out laughing and keeps laughing.] Yuna: "You probably shouldn't laugh anymore." [They both start laughing.] Yuna: "Too funny!" Tidus: "It was your idea!" Yuna: "Um...thank you. I want my journey to be full of laughter." Tidus: "Okay." Yuna: "If we should get separated, just whistle. I'll come running. I promise." Tidus: "Well, let's go." [Tidus turns to Wakka.] Tidus: "What're you looking at?" Wakka: "We were just worried you guys might've gone crazy!" Yuna: Sorry! Well then, alright. Now, we will go to the temple of Djose. And guardians? Don't forget to smile!" [They head up and out of Luca.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 10) Mi'ihen Highroad MHHR | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [At the nearest save sphere:] Narrative: [Traveller's Save Sphere Level 2] Thanks to the Besaid Aurochs' achievements, Save Spheres are now able to teleport you to the blitzball stadium! [The Blitzball Scout System] Many denizens of Spira are avid blitzball players! Talk to them with ([]) to scout them! Sign the best players in Spira and lead the Besaid Aurochs to victory!

[The party is soon attacked by a stocky, armored monster.] Tidus: "Hah! That one looks slow." Auron: "It's also tough. Let me handle this." Tidus: "No way! I can take it." [His attack doesn't do much.] Tidus: "What the...?" [Auron kills it.] Wakka: "Told ya, Sir Auron's the best." Tidus: "Hmph, I could've done that." [A ways down the road, a scholarly man stops the party.] Man: "Do you know what those ruins are from?" Tidus: "Some old city?" Man: "A city most ancient! A terrible testament to Sin's power. I tremble every time I see them. Compared to Sin, humans are mere mudpuppies!" Yuna: "But I believe humans are the only ones capable of defeating Sin." Man: "A good reply. I am relieved to hear you say that, m'lady summoner. Where are my manners? I am Maechen, a scholar. At your service, m'lady. I am on a journey, studying the history of our world, Spira, seeking its stories and secrets... My travels have taken me to many places, and I am troubled by what I have seen. Fragile smiles on people's faces crumbling at the mere mention of Sin. They are counting on you, m'lady. Give them a reason to rejoice once more." Yuna: "I will." [Over the hill, some chocobos soon come.] Woman: "Lady Summoner, I presume?" Yuna: "Yes, I am Yuna." Lucil: "I am Lucil, captain of the Djose Chocobo Knights." Elma: "And I'm Elma. We've been charged to guard the Highroad." Lucil: "There have been reports of a large fiend appearing in this area, with a taste for chocobos. Do take care, Summoner Yuna, if you are to rent any chocobos." Yuna: "Thank you. We will be careful." Lucil: "Good. We should get back to our rounds. Farewell."

Elma: "Our prayers are with you." [The chocobo knights leave.] Tidus: "A large fiend... Let's go get him!" Auron: "Why?" Tidus: "It's the right thing to do." Auron: "It's the right thing to do?" Tidus: "What'd I say now?" Auron: "Jecht said that a lot, too. And every time he said it, it meant trouble for Braska and me." [They head into the second screen and see a woman and a child.] Woman: "My Lady Summoner!" Girl: "You're a summoner?" Yuna: "Yes. My name is Yuna." Girl: "I'm Calli." Yuna: "Nice to meet you, Calli." Calli: "Lady Yuna, are you going to bring us the Calm?" Yuna: "Yes, very soon." Calli: "Yay!" Woman: "We're looking forward to another Calm, My Lady Summoner." Yuna: "I'll do my best." Woman: "And good luck to your guardians as well." [Calli and her mom walk away.] Tidus: "What's the calm?" Lulu: "The Calm is a time of peace. It comes after a summoner defeats Sin, and lasts until Sin reappears." Yuna: "Sin dies and is reborn." Tidus: "I get it! I thought it was weird. Yuna's dad defeates Sin ten years ago, right? But Sin's still here! Didn't make much sense till now. Wait... If it just comes back..." Yuna: "Don't say it isn't worth it... Because it is." T-Narrative: Even for a little while...people can sleep in their beds without being afraid. That kind of time is worth anything. Don't say it isn't worth it. Your words that day, Yuna -- I remember them well.

[The party heads down the road until they find a rest stop.] Auron: "We rest here." Wakka: "But, this is an Al Bhed shop!" Auron: "Is that a problem?" Wakka: "They don't believe in Yevon, and in Luca they... They kidnapped Yuna!" Auron: "Where were her guardians?" Yuna: "Sir Auron's just concerned about your health." Wakka: "I'm not tired one bit!" Auron: "Well I am." [The party rests in the shop.] Tidus; "As if I could sleep!" [Tidus walks outside.] Tidus: "Check it out!" [The sun is setting behind an ancient piece of ruins at sea.] T-Narrative: That sunset was different from the one I saw in Kilika. It was quiet -- almost gentle." [Tidus walks over to Yuna, who's sitting on the hillside.] Tidus: "Whatcha up to?" Yuna: "Pretty..." Tidus: "Sure is." Yuna: "I wish I could live in a place like this. Peaceful... Living with a smile on my face every day." Tidus: "You can, once you beat Sin, right?" Yuna: "But then a new Sin will be born anyway." Tidus: "Well then, you can just beat it again." Yuna: "I wish I could." Tidus: "Hey, you can! Trust me! You are the best summoner out there! Yuna, why does Sin always come back?" Yuna: "Sin is our punishment for our vanity. And it will not go away until we've atoned." Tidus: "How do we do that? What did we do that was so bad in the first place? Was it using lots of machina or something? Oh...

Wait, was that such a bad thing, really?" Yuna: "It's funny... Ever since I was young, I never questioned it. But now that you ask me if it is that bad or not...I don't know. There are so many things I don't know." Tidus: "Well then, we're the same! Such thinking is very unbecoming of a summoner! Sound like Mika?" [They both laugh.] Yuna: "That's not very nice, you know! Tidus: "You know... During a game, you have to think of blitz and nothing else, you know?" Yuna: "Okay." Tidus: "You can't think, 'That's a cute girl in the fifth seat from the right.' And you can't be thinking about where you're going on that date, because the minute you do, that's when you lose! You see, uh, Yuna, what I mean is, you shouldn't worry, you know? After we beat Sin, that's when you can worry about the future." Yuna: "I guess." Tidus: "But, Yuna, how are you supposed to beat something big like that?" Yuna: "The Final Summoning. It's the only way to defeat Sin. The only way. With it, we can call the Final Aeon. That's the goal of the pilgrimage. The Fayth of the Final Summoning lies waiting in the far north, to greet summoners that complete their pilgrimage. At the world's Zanarkand." Tidus: "In Zanarkand?" Auron: "She means the ruins of a city destroyed a thousand years ago." [Auron is leaning on a road marker, listening in.] Tidus: "You sure it's ruins?" Yuna: "That's what I've heard." Auron: "You'll see it for yourself soon enough. Yuna, come back inside." [Auron walks away.] Yuna: "You will go with Zanarkand?" Tidus: "Yeah, I'll go. I'll go to Zanarkand to see it with my own eyes." T-Narrative: I knew it couldn't be my Zanarkand. But I had to make sure. [The next morning, a man runs over.]

Man: "You're a guardian, right? I think this'll help." [Obtain: Lv. 1 Key Sphere] "The sphere monitor will teach you how to use it. Have you read the instructions yet?" R1 --> Yes R2 --> No R1: "Then you should be okay." R2: "In that case, you should view the sphere monitor over there and find out how to use it." [Tidus starts to leave, but bumps into a man coming in.] Man: "Byntuh sa." Tidus: "Sorry." Man: "Ah, forgive me, sir. I meant to say 'pardon me,' but it came out in Al Bhed." Tidus: "Oh, you're an Al Bhed?" Rin: "I am Rin, the owner of this establishment. Hela du saad oui. It means, 'nice to meet you.'" Tidus: "Well helly doo sad wee to you, too." Rin: "If you Finding you one careful are interested... Al Bhed primers can be found all over Spira. them and learning our language might be fun. Here, let me give in commemoration of our meeting. Although you might want to be where you speak our language." [Obtain: Al Bhed Primer vol. VIII]

Tidus: "Yeah, I hear Al Bhed aren't liked much. Oh, sorry!" Rin: "Ed ec y cRysa." Woman's Voice: "Someone, help! The chocobos!" Auron: "That's our cue, let's go." Rin: "Thank you for your help. Please, use this." [Obtain: Mega-Potion x 2] [Tidus runs outside.] Lulu: "To the chocobo corral! [Around the side of the travel agency, chocobos scatter as a large monster atop the structure grabs a chocobo and squeezes it. It attacks and pushes the party toward the cliff edge.] Auron: "So, we're to be pushed off a cliff." Auron: "Attack now! Push it back!" [If you fight it and get pushed off the cliff, you'll land on the Mi'ihen Oldroad -- an adjacent lower path.:] Auron: "Now I know I can count on you." Tidus: "Gimme a break. I just woke up. Like you did much!"

Auron: "It was your idea to fight that thing. If you're always so groggy, just stay awake." Tidus: "Yeah right, thanks for the tip." [If you fight it and beat it:] Rin: "Have you any interest in renting some chocobos? As a token of our gratitude, the first time is free of charge. Please ask the attendant, if you wish to rent." Attendant: "Thank you so much for saving the chocobos!" [Down the road, the cart Luzzu and Gatta were carrying is going through the entrance to Mushroom Rock Road. A Crusader stands with them.] Gatta: "Gatta and Luzzu reporting, sir!" Luzzu: "This is the last of them." Crusader: "Good to have you with us. Go on through!" [Gatta sees Tidus.] Gatta: "Show me how to play blitz sometime!" Luzzu: "Wait around. We'll have Sin beaten in no time!" [Tidus tries to follow after them.] Crusader: "I'm sorry, I can't let you pass. Hey, you're a summoner and her guardians, right? Sorry for the inconvenience." R1 --> Don't worry about it. R2 --> Tell me about the operation. R1: "Thank you for your cooperation!" R2: "What, they didn't tell you? We're bringing sinspawn from all over Spira here. Sinspawn inevitably draw Sin, right? We're going to lure it into a trap!" [Seymour and his guardians come down the road.] Seymour: "So we meet again, Lady Yuna." Yuna: "Y-Yes?" Seymour: "You look troubled. Is there anything I can do?" Yuna: "Well..." [She looks at the Crusaders blocking the road.] Seymour: "I see." Crusader: "Maester Seymour. Let me show you to the command center." Seymour: "Hold. I have a request." Crusader: "Yes, Your Grace?" Seymour: I need to have Summoner Yuna and her guardians let through to

the command center." Crusader: "But, Maester Seymour, sir." Seymour: "Do not worry. I will take full responsibility." Crusader: "Very well. They may pass." Seymour: "It is done." Yuna: "Thank you, Your Grace." [Seymour and his entourage walk through.] Lulu: "Yuna, it's time to go." Yuna: "Oh! Right!" [Yuna and Lulu start walking.] Tidus: "Who does he think he is?" Wakka: "He's a maester. Better get used to it, ya?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 10) Mushroom Rock Road MSRR | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party enters the location.] Crusader: "All hail Maester Seymour!" Seymour: "Brave Crusaders of Spira, protectors of all Spira. Believe in the path you have chosen, let faith be your strength! I, Seymour Guado, maester of Yevon, will bear witness to your deeds today." Crusaders: "Sir!" [In their only little group:] Wakka: "What's goin' on? Why's Maester Seymour backing the Crusaders, eh? They're using the Al Bhed's machina! They're violating the teachings!" Yuna: "Even going against the teachings they're willing to risk it for the greater good. Wakka, I think Maester SEymour sees that, too." Wakka: "Lulu?" Lulu: "Hmm... I can only speculate." Auron: "Ask him yourself." [Seymour walks over.] Seymour: "Ah, Sir Auron. It is an honor. I would be most interested in hearing what you've been doing these past ten years." Auron: "I've got nothing to say about it." [He walks away.]

Seymour: "I...see. Sir Auron must be a great asset as a guardian." Yuna: "Your Grace!" Seymour: "Please, there's no need for formalities." Wakka: "Excuse me... Maester Seymour? Why is your Lordship...presently... present here...sir?" Seymour: "Plase, speak as you normally would." Wakka: "Isn't this operation against the teachings of Yevon? Aren't you gonna stop them?" Seymour: "It's true... I should. However... Both the Crusaders and the Al Bhed truly wish peace for Spira. This Operation Mi'ihen was born from that wish they share. Although it may be sacrilege to Yevon, their intentions are pure. And I, Seymour Guado -- the person, not the maester of Yevon... As a denizen of Spira, I wish them well in their endeavor." Wakka: "But, using machina... That's bad, isn't it?" Seymour: "Pretend you didn't see them." Wakka: "Beg your pardon, but that's not something a maester should say!" Seymour: "Then, pretend I didn't say it." Wakka: "You're kidding!" [Seymour walks away.] T-Narrative: From the first time I laid eyes on him, I never did like Seymour... But you know, some of the things he said that day... They made a lot of sense to me. [Clasko approaches after a while.] Clasko: "Excuse me, Lady Summoner Yuna?" Yuna: "Yes?" Clasko: "The command center... Maester Seymour requests your presence there, ma'am." Yuna: "Thank you." Clasko: "Take that road to the command center. It's not far. We're still in the midst of preparations this way. Sorry." [They take a lift up to the top ledge. There is a lot of machina cannons.] Wakka: "Curse these...!" [He kicks one.] Tidus: "He really hates them, huh?"

Lulu: "Chappu... He left the sword Wakka gave him in Besaid. And he fought with an Al Bhed machina weapon instead." Wakka: "That's got nothing to do with it! I just hate these sacrilegious contraptions! [From the ledge, the party can see the beach buzzing with activity. Crusaders coax sinspawn from cages into one larger cage, until it's packed.] Wakka: "It won't work anyway." Yuna: "Don't say that. It might be a hopeless campaign, and it might mean defying Yevon... But the Crusaders and the Al Bhed -- they're doing their best to defeat Sin. They want to rid Spira of Sin forever. And that's just what we want, too, isn't it? Isn't it?" Wakka: "Hmph! All right, all right! But I still think machina are bad news! They're forbidden for a reason!" Lucil: "Lady Summoner! There you are!" [Lucil comes over.] Lucil: "The command center is that way. Maester Kinoc is also there." Yuna: "Maester Kinoc, too?" Lucil: "Yes. Please hurry, my lady." [They head to the command center. Gatta is there.] Gatta: "The operation will begin shortly. Please check all your equipment." Wakka: "Um, you all right?" Gatta: "Of course not! I came here to fight Sin! But they stick me here!" Auron: "If you want to prove yourself..." Gatta: "Huh?" Auron: "First you must complete the tasks you are given." [The party heads into the command center. Maester Kinoc gets up to meet them, or, more particularly, Auron, whom he tries to hug.] Kinoc: "I'd heard from Seymour, but I didn't know if we'd actually meet. Good to see you, Auron! Ten yaers, is it?" [Lulu bends to Tidus' ear.] Lulu: "That's Wen Kinoc, one of the Four Maesters of Yevon. He leads the warrior monks and also commands the Crusaders." Gatta: "All troops ready to move at your command, sir!" Kinoc: "Good. Dismissed." Gatta: "Sir!"

[Gatta leaves.] Kinoc: "Tell me, Auron. Where have you been the last ten years?" Auron: "We don't have time for this now, do we?" Kinoc: "This plan won't work, you know that. We'll just let them dream a little longer." Tidus: "What?" Seymour: "Lord Kinoc..." [Seymour appears.] Kinoc: "Oh, yes. Proceed." Auron: "That Kinoc, a maester? Kinoc: "I heard that, Auron. A lot has happened in the last ten years. What were you doing, and where?" Auron: "Fulfilling a promise I made to a friend. I still am." Kinoc: "Just tell me one thing: Have you seen Zanarkand?" [Auron harrumphs and doesn't reply.] Yuna: "I kinda...think we don't belong here." Guard: "It is time at last. We must tell the Al Bhed waiting outside to begin the operation at once. The fiends may break through. This place is not safe. Make sure you're prepared to defend yourselves. Tell me when you're ready." [The party tells him when they're ready.] Guard: "Maester Kinoc. Please." [Kinoc walks out on a jutting ledge to give the go-ahead signal.] Yuna: "Will Sin come?" Guard: "Sin always returns for its spawn. To make sure, we're going to encourage them to call out to it." Auron: "You won't have to. It'll come." T-Narrative: I remembered Auron telling me. Sin is my old man. Sin is Jecht." [The cage holding the sinspawn is electrocute to coerce them into calling for Sin. Unfortunately, it breaks wide open and a large monster attacks the party. That, I can hit!" [They defeat the monster. FMV. Sin appears in the bay.] Lucil: "Let's go!" Cannoneer: "Fire!"

[Cannonfire peppers Sin, cracking sinspawn off of it. Some swim towards the shore, as Lucil gives the advancement order.] Lucil: "Charge!" [High above, at the command center...] Auron: "Look out!" [The party scatters on his word. FMV. Sin creates a giant barrier over itself and shoots it towards the beach, disintigrating the Crusaders and sinspawn that are fighting. The battle ends before it's even really begun. Meanwhile, Yuna wakes up to find the monster from before getting a second wind. Auron walks to help Seymour as he tries to fight it off himself; Yuna follows. No one else is conscious yet.] Seymour: "Stand back, Lady Yuna." Yuna: "Y-Yes." [They defeat the monster, for real this time.] Yuna: "The others?" [FMV. The Al Bhed machina offshore fires a large pulse beam at Sin, pushing its shield back. They amp up the power, but Sin shoots a blast through the barrier and destroys the structure that was the last hope for battle. Tidus wakes up down at the beach. Gatta is still alive, but...] Gatta: "What's...going on? Why? What? What's going on!?" [FMV. Sin leaves.] Tidus: "Don't you run away from me!" [Tidus runs to the shore; up on the ridge, Yuna is watching the aftermath.] Yuna: "Everyone, stand back! I'll summon!" Seymour: "You won't hurt it. Your powers are still...too weak." Yuna: "But I must do something! Seymour: "You can't!" [Meanwhile, Tidus is swimming after Sin but isn't making any progress.] T-Narrative: "I have no idea what I was thinking But before I knew what I was doing, like a thief at market. Maybe I was home. I kept thinking of Zanarkand, when I ran after Sin that day. there I was chasing him down angry. Maybe I wanted to go and my old man.

[The player sees a part of the Farplane (?), with the newly-dead Crusaders still running around like they were in battle. Luzzu or Gatta -- whichever one died based on your decision -- will be there, forlorn. The Strange Boy who appeared at the beginning of the game and a few other time will be there, too, shaking his head. A flash of light later, and a young Tidus is on the houseboat.]

Jecht: "What?" Tidus: "They say you don't practice anymore, that you're gonna retire." Jecht: "Let them talk. I'm still the best." Tidus: "They say you're no good 'cause you drink all the time." Jecht: "I can quit drinkin' whenever I want!" Tidus: "Then do it now." Jecht: "What did you say?" Tidus: "You just said you can!" Jecht: "Heh. Tomorrow, maybe." Tidus: "Why not today?" Jecht: "Why do today what you can leave for tomorrow? There he goes again... crying!" [The flashback ends. On a whited-out screen:] T-Narrative: I thought I sensed my old man there. Somewhere... Or maybe it was just Sin's toxin playing tricks on my mind. [Tidus wakes up again on the beach.] T-Narrative: How many died today? People die, and Yuna dances. When will she stop dancing? When will it stop? Yuna won't stop dancing -- not until Sin is gone. Those were my thoughts then...I think. Auron: "I see you're still here." Tidus: "Huh?" Auron: "Many stories ended here today... But... Yours goes on, I see." Tidus: "What?" T-Narrative: Sin had come and gone, but I remained here. [Auron speaks Kinoc and Seymour with some warrior monks.] Auron: "A swift retreat. Satisfied?" Kinoc: "What do you mean?" Auron: "Those who turned from Yevon died, while the faithful live on." Kinoc: "The past ten years have changed you, I see." [Seymour goes over to Yuna as Kinoc and Auron part ways.] Seymour: "You do not look so well. But now, more than ever, you must be the people's strength, their confidence. Anyone else would be expected to show their sorrow. But you...are a summoner. You are Spira's hope. Until Sin is defeated, you must not relent. Do you understand?"

Yuna: "Yes. I understand." Seymour: "Are you afraid? Yuna, take me as your pillar of strength. As Yunalesca had her lord Zaon. Lady Yuna. Until next we meet, farewell." [Seymour leaves, and the party soon follows. As the party walks, Tidus and Kimahri straggle a bit.] Yuna: "Hey, you two! Hurry up!" Tidus: "She's awfully cheerful." Kimahri: "In dark times she must be. She must shine bright. Now are dark times. Yuna tries hard." Tidus: "We should help her, then." Kimahri: "If we worry, she tries harder. Do not frown." Tidus: "Don't worry, be happy?" Kimahri: "Kimahri try, too." Tidus: "Smile! Let me see." [Kimahri 'smiles' menancingly...not on purpose, of course. They soon come to a crossroads.] Tidus: "Hey! How much longer till Zanarkand?" Wakka: "Still a ways." Lulu: "First down the Moonflow to the Guado city of Guadosalam... Then we cross the Thunder Plains to the temple of Macalania." Tidus: "Oh, boy." Yuna: "And before that, we get to pray at the temple in Djose!" Tidus: "We can't just skip all that? Can we, huh?" Yuna: "I have to pray to the fayth in every temple in order to earn the Final Aeon." Wakka: "That's a summoner's training. She's gotta prepare mind and body, all just to get ready for the Final Summoning." Tidus: "Must be tough, Yuna." Yuna: "I'll be fine with you here!" [The party heads on; Auron lingers with Tidus.] Auron: "Hey, new guy." Tidus: "" Auron: "Who else?"

Tidus: "What can I do for you, boss?" Auron: "Don't tell Yuna you know about Sin and Jecht. You know her... She would...distance herself from you. We do not want that." Tidus: "I see, I think. Yeah, but even if I did say something, no one would believe me, you know?" Auron: "Yuna would." Tidus: " have a point. Come to think of it...did I really have to know about Jecht? What about my feelings?" Auron: "Better than you finding out at a critical moment, becoming emotional." Tidus: "What? Me, emotional?" [Auron walks off.] Auron: "I heard you were quite the crybaby." T-Narrative: Yeah, maybe when I was a kid. Maybe even a little now. Just a little." Tidus: "Hey! I still don't buy your story, you hear?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 12) Temple of Yevon-Djose TYVD | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Tidus enters the path to the temple.] Lucil: "Yuna, it is good to see you and your companions are well." Yuna: "Yourselves as well, Captain. We were worried. Praise be to Yevon!" Lucil: "We escaped with our lives, but our troops were decimated." Elma: "Of all our chocobos, only this one made it." Clasko: "We make pretty poor Chocobo Mountained Forces without chocobos." Lucil: "We turned our backs on the teachings and cast away our faith. This... this is our just reward. [The party walks to the temple.] Tidus: "Is that the Djose temple?" [The rock surrounding the structure blows apart, but floats in place due to heavy electricity. Inside is a large temple, much larger than it looked before.] Tidus: "Awesome!" Lulu: "The Lightning Mushroom Rock. It only opens when a summoner is addressing the fayth." Wakka: "That means another summoner's already in there."

Yuna: "Another summoner?" Tidus: "What if it's Dona?" Yuna: "We have to hurry." Tidus: "Right! In we go!" [They walk in, just in time to see a summoner returning from the fayth. It's a man, though; not Dona. Two guardians -- a man and a kid -- are with him.] Summoner: "I beg your pardon, but may I ask your name?" Yuna: "I am Summoner Yuna, from the Isle of Besaid." Summoner: "As I thought! The daughter of Lord Braska. You have the look of your father." Yuna: "My father? You knew him." Summoner: "No, I have never met the man. Ah, my apologies. I am Isaaru. I am a summoner, like you." Pacce: "I'm Pacce. Pleased to meet you." Maroda: "And I'm Maroda. I'm guarding my big brother here." Isaaru: "Since I was a child, I've always looked up to Lord Braska. I wished I would someday become a high summoner like he was. You must have some of your father's talent in you! I believe you might someday defeat Sin." Yuna: "I...I'm not really... I've only just become a summoner." Isaaru: "Of course, I've no intention of losing, either. So perhaps we should race to see who can defeat Sin first, no?" Yuna: "Very well, then. I accept your challenge." Maroda: "Isaaru!" Isaaru: "Yuna, I beg your leave. Good luck, to both of us!" Yuna: "Yes." [The party walks into the Cloister. Tidus follows, but Isaaru calls out.] Isaaru: "Hey, you." Tidus: "Me?" Isaaru: "You are Yuna's guardian, no? Maroda's heard a curious rumor. I thought you should know." Maroda: "I heard it from those Crusaders. Seems that summoners have been going out on pilgrimage and just...disappearing." Isaaru: "It could just be the fiends got them...but not so many so quickly." Maroda: "Sorry I don't know more, your back. Ain't much future for

a guardian without a summoner, eh?" Pacce: "What? What? Whatcha all talkin' 'bout?" Maroda: "We're talking about doing your job as a guardian!" Pacce: "Hey, I'm doing good! Right, big brother?" [Isaaru nods.] Isaaru: "Please, be careful." Tidus: "Will do!" Isaaru: "Pacce!" Pacce: "Oh... What?" Isaaru: "We're leaving!" Pacce: "Be right there! See ya!" [Tidus runs up to the Cloister.] Monk: "The Cloister of Trials lies within. Are you prepared? [Y/N] [Tidus runs to his fellow teammates.] Wakka: "All right! Guardians, at attention!" Yuna: "We are ready." Wakka: "All right... Let's do it!" [They go through the trials to the antechamber. Yuna goes into the fayth; just then, Dona and Barthello enter.] Dona: "Well, well. You again. Still travelling with quite the crowd, I see. [Barthello walks over to Auron.] Dona: "What is it, Barthello? You know this riffraff?" Barthello: "You are...Auron, no?" Auron: "What of it?" Barthello: "Can...I shake your hand? Auron--no, Sir Auron. You're the reason I became a guardian!" [Auron chuckles and shakes his hand.] Barthello: "Thank you, sir! This means so much to me!" Wakka: "Calling the personal guardian of Lord Braska riffraff?" Lulu: "And you call yourself a summoner?" Dona: "Barthello, enough! Get back here!"

Tidus: "Hang in there, buddy, eh?" [Yuna comes out after awhile.] Dona: "You owe much to your father. All these guardians...and Sir Auron, too? And I hear Maester Seymour's quite taken with you. The world must look different when you're the daughter of Lord Braska." Yuna: "This has nothing to do with my father! I am travelling on my own, as a full-fledged summoner!" Dona: "Oh, is that so? Then try standing on your own two legs for once. Your guardians won't be able to protect you when the time comes." [Dona enters the fayth and the party rests. The new aeon is called Ixion. Tidus goes into the nuns' chambers the next morning and finds Yuna sleeping; everyone is waiting around for her.] Nun: "She was working until dawn. Healing the wounded, sending the fallen." Tidus: "Okay... I guess I'll just let her sleep for now, then." [Yuna wakes up.] Tidus: "Morning!" Yuna: "What? Morning?" Tidus: "Don't worry!" Yuna: "But it's morning! I'm so sorry! I-I'll get ready right away! Just a moment!" Tidus: "Don't worry! It's okay!" [Back outside, Yuna runs out in a hurry.] Wakka: "Yo! Sleepyhead!" Yuna: "Sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me." Lulu: "Really, there's no rush... Here, your hair." Wakka: "A summoner with bed hair! What's the world comin' to?" Yuna: "You could have woken me up! Lulu: "We called to you, but with all that snoring..." Yuna: "Mmm...what is it today? Everyone's picking on me!" [Everyone chuckles, including Auron.] Yuna: "You, too, Sir Auron?" Auron: "Once Lady Yuna can fixes her hair, we leave!" [Everyone starts to walk out.] T-Narrative: I hadn't really laughed like that in a long time. It was only

later that I realized... The only one really laughin then...was me. Laughing must have been the only thing keeping them going. [The party stops when they meet the Chocobo Knights.] Lucil: "Off so early? Lady Yuna, you must be exhausted working so hard last night. Will you be okay?" Yuna: "I feel that I have rested enough. But, thank you for your kindness! Will you be leaving, too?" Lucil: "Yes, first we cross the Moonflow, and then we head north in search of chocobos to replace those we have lost." Elma: "Once we find chocobos, our Mounted Forces will ride again!" Tidus: "Huh? Aren't you missing someone?" Clasko: "Captain! Waaaaait for meee!" [Clasko runs over.] Elma: "What took you so long? We're leaving!" Clasko: "You expect me to keep up with a chocobo!?" Lucil: "Lady Yuna, I wish you good fortune. Elma! Clasko! Let's go!" Elma: "Ma'am!" Clasko: "Eh!? Can't I just rest a sec...?" Elma: "No complaints!" [They leave, and Yuna's team heads to the crossroads again.] Tidus: "Where to next?" Lulu: "We cross the Moonflow." Tidus: "Gotcha! Moonflow, baby, here we come!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 13) Moonflow MFLW | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Not far down the road, the party sees Biran and Yenke. A stranger who was with them bolts off down the road.] Biran: "Look! One of Kimahri's friends. Looks just like him." Tidus: "What?" Biran: "Both follow summoners on all fours! Hornless goatlings!" Yenke: "Hornless! Hornless! Kimahri: "You come to insult Kimahri?" Biran: "Wrong. We came to warn little Kimahri."

Yenke: "Summoners disappear. Never return." Biran: "Next will be Kimahri's summoner." Yenke: "Poor Kimahri! Lost his horn, next lose his summoner! Biran: "Pitiful Kimahri! Howl alone! Howl alone!" [The two run off.] Tidus: "Do those two got something against you? What, they were just picking on you?" Kimahri: "Kimahri will deal with them." Tidus: "And I'll help!" Kimahri: "Kimahri alone." Tidus: "But..." Wakka: "It's Kimahri's problem. We can't interfere; it's a rule." Lulu: "I'm worried." Wakka: "Let the Ronso deal with Ronso problems, ya? That's how it's always been." Lulu: "I mean I'm worried about those summoners disappearing." Auron: "They aren't just disappearing into thin air." Tidus: "Hey, if we guardians do our problem, right?" Wakka: "Whoa!" Lulu: "Confident." Tidus: "Yeah!" [The party arrives at the Moonflow, a beautiful, scenic river.] Lulu: "This is the Moonflow." Yuna: "These are moonlilies! They say that clouds of pyreflies gather here when night falls." Lulu: "The entire river glows, like a sea of stars." Tidus: "Really? Hey, I got an idea!" Auron: "We're not waiting till nightfall." Tidus: "Then, once we beat Sin, we're coming back!" Wakka: "Hey, we better hurry or we'll miss the shoopuf!" Tidus: "Shoopuf? That some kind of boat?"

[The party walks into the next screen.] Tidus: "Whoa, what the...whoa!" [Tidus sees an elephantine creature with a roll-up trunk.] Wakka: "This is a shoopuf." Tidus: "Whoa... Let's ride! Come on, let's go!" Wakka: "All right! We board soon as we're ready, ya?" [On the wharf nearby:] Driver: "Ride ze shoopuf?" R1 --> Not yet. R2 --> I'm ready! Let me on! R1: "Shoopuf's waiting! R2: "All aboards!" [The party gets on the shoopuf.] Driver: "Shoopuf's launchin'!" [In the carriage atop the shoopuf, the party sits silently.] Wakka: "Hey. Take a look." Tidus: "What? Whoa!" [Buildings lie under the water.] Tidus: "A sunken city!" Wakka: "A machina city -- a thousand years old! They built the city on top of bridges across the river." Lulu: "But the weight of the city caused the bridges to collapse, and it all sank to the bottom." Wakka: "Right. It's a good lesson." Tidus: "A lesson?" Wakka: "Yeah. Why build a city over a river, ya?" Tidus: "Uh... Well, it would be convenient, with all that water there." Wakka: "Nope, that's not why. They just wanted to prove they could defy the laws of nature!" Tidus: "Hmmm? I'm not so sure about that." Wakka: "Yevon has taught us: When humans have power, they seek to use it. If you don't stop them, they go too far, ya?" Tidus: "Yeah, but don't you use machina, too? Like the stadium and stuff, right?"

Lulu: "Yevon, it decides...which machina we may use, and which we may not." Tidus: "So which kind of machina may we not use, then?" Wakka: "Remember Operation Mi'ihen? That kind." Lulu: "Or war will rage again." Tidus: "War?" Yuna: "More than a thousand years ago... Mankind waged war using machina to kill!" Wakka: "They kept building more and more powerful machina." Lulu: "They made weapons so powerful... It was thought they could destroy the entire world." Yuna: "The people feared that Spira would be destroyed." Wakka: "But the war did not stop!" Tidus: "Wh-What happened then?" Yuna: "Sin came, and it destroyed the cities and their machina." Lulu: "The war ended...and our reward...was Sin." Wakka: "So, Sin's our punishment for lettin' things get out of hand, eh?" Tidus: "Man, that's rough." Wakka: "Yeah, it is." Tidus: "But, it's not like the machina are bad." Lulu: "Only as bad as their users." Wakka: "It's because of people like the Al Bhed screwin' everything up!" [A loud splash is heard.] Driver: "Whatsh could thatsh be?" Auron: "Sit down!" Yuna: "S-Sorry!" [An Al Bhed leaps onto the shoopuf and takes Yuna into the water.] Wakka: "The Al Bhed!" [Wakka and Tidus dive in.] Wakka: "Yuna, we'll save you!" [They start fighting the large machina contraption that's caged Yuna, and defeat it. It sinks to the bottom and Yuna is brought back onboard.] Lulu: "Are you hurt?"

Yuna: "No, I'm fine." Wakka: "Grrah! Those Al Bhed!" Driver: "Ish ebullibody okay?" Yuna: "I'm sorry! We're all okay now!" Auron: "Yuna!" Driver: "Shoopuf full shpeed aheads!" Wakka: "Damn the Al Bhed! What do they want from us? Could it have something to do with Luca? What are they after Yuna for? Wait! They're mad they lost the tournament! Or, wait! They're mad about Operation Mi'ihen!" Lulu: "I wonder... Didn't Kimahri's clansman say something...about summoners...disappearing?" Wakka: "Ah! So the Al Bhed are behind that! Those sand-blasted grease monkeys!" Tidus: "Hey, Wakka. It's no use complaining about the Al Bhed now, right? We'll protect Yuna from anyone, anywhere. It's that easy. That's all I need to know!" Wakka: "Well... I guess so." Lulu: "You're right." Yuna: (Thank you.) [The party makes it to the north bank and the shoopuf sleeps, so everyone takes a load off for the time being. Tidus goes on a walk and sees a person washed up on the road to Guadosalam.] Tidus: "You're...not dead?" [FMV. The girl sheds her outer layer of waterproof clothes.] Rikku: "I thought I wa done for, back there." Tidus: "Rikku! You're Rikku! Hey! You're okay! How you been?" Rikku: "Terrible!" Tidus: "Yeah, you don't lok so good. What happened?" Rikku: "You beat me up, remember?" Tidus: "Oh! That machina... That was you?" Rikku: "That really hurt, you know. You big meanie!" Tidus: "W-Wait! But you attacked us!" Rikku: "Nuh-uh. It's not exactly what you think." Wakka: "Yo!"

[The party comes down the road to the two.] Wakka: "Friend of yours?" Tidus: "Uh, you could say that." Rikku: "Pleased to meet you! I'm Rikku!" Tidus: "Yuna, Lulu... I told you about her, remember? She was the one who helped me before I was washed up on Besaid! She's an Al Bhe...beh..." Wakka: "Wow, so you, like, owe her your life! What luck meeting here, ya? Praise be to Yevon! So, uh... Rikku... You look a little beat up. You okay?" Lulu: "Uh, Wakka..." Wakka: "Huh? What?" Yuna: "There's something we need to discuss." Wakka: "Oh, go ahead." Rikku: "Girls only! Boys please wait over there!" Lulu: "Right. Sorry, Wakka." [The girls talk for awhile.] Yuna: "Sir Auron... I would like Rikku to be my guardian." [Auron walks over to Rikku; she avoids eye contact.] Auron: "Show me your face. Look at me." Rikku: "Oh, okay." Auron: "Open your eyes." [She opens them, showing her green-with-swirl-pattern eyes.] Auron: "As I thought." Rikku: "Um... No good?" Auron: "Are you certain?" Rikku: "A hundred percent! So, anyway... Can I?" Auron: "If Yuna wishes it." Yuna: "Yes, I do." Tidus: "Rikku's a good girl. She helped me a bunch!" Wakka: "Well, I'm for it! The more, the merrier!" Rikku: "Then I'll just have to be the merriest!" T-Narrative: It was strange. Even though Wakka had always hated the Al Bhed...

Rikku: "Rikku, at your service!" T-Narrative: He never realized Rikku was one of them. [The party gets into a battle.] Rikku: "Oooh! A treasure chest! I wonder what's inside?" Narrative: [Treasure Chests in Battles] Use the Special ability Steal to open treasure chests found on the battlefield. Be careful! The battle will end as soon as your foes are defeated, and any unopened treasure chests will be lost. Also, attacking a treasure chest will destroy it and all of its contents. [A monster attacks her.] Rikku: "You should know, I'm scary when I'm mad! I'm gonna use that item I just got on you! You'll be sorry!" Narrative: [Mixing] Rikku's Overdrive Mix allows her to combine two items in stock and create various special effects. The results are unknown until the items are actually mixed. Try mixing the two Bomb Cores you just found to see what happens. [Rikku creates a Firestorm and kills the enemy.] Wakka: "Wh-What did you just do!?" Tidus: "That was great!" Rikku: "I can combine items and use them like this. It's not that tough, really." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 14) Guadosalam GDSM | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party walks into the town. A Guado man approaches.] Man: "We have been expecting you, Lady Yuna. Welcome to Guadosalam. This way, my lady. This way." [He goes to take her hand, but Wakka stops him.] Wakka: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tromell: "Oh, I beg your pardon. I am called Tromell Guado. I am in the direct service of our leader, the great Seymour Guado. Lord Seymour has very important business with Lady Yuna." Yuna: "Business with me? Whatever could it be, I wonder?" Tromell: "Please, come inside the manor. All will be explained. Of course, your friends are also welcome." [Everyone starts to follow Tromell to the manner.]

Rikku: "Twist our arms, why don't ya? Ah, I almost forgot!" [She turns back to Tidus.] Narrative: [Customizing Equipment] Now that Rikku has joined your party, you can customize weapons and armor. Let's take a look! Customize is used to upgrade weapons and armor by adding abilities to them. Use items to add abilities to your gear and customize it to your liking. First, choose the equipment you wish to customize. Note that some weapons and armor cannot be customized. If any of the slots in the Abilities window shown at the bottom right of the screen are can customize that piece of equipment. If the equipment has no empty slots, it cannot be customized any further. Note that some equipment cannot be customized at all. Let's give it a try! Once you select a piece of equipment to customize...a list of abilities available for that equipment will be displayed. The item cost for each new ability is displayed at the top right. On the left is the number of the required item currently in stock...and on the right, the quantity of that item remaining after the procedure. If you have insufficient items to add an ability...that ability is displayed in gray and cannot be selected. When you select an ability to are asked to confirm the procedure. Select "Yes" to complete the procedure. Note that equipment will sometimes receive a new name after receiving a new ability. This concludes the Customize tutorial. Rikku: "What would you do without me?" [They walk into Seymour's manor and Tromell opens the doors to the hall.] Tromell: "This way, please. I will go inform Lord Seymour. Please wait here." [Tromell leaves, the reappears once you've talked to all party members.] Tromell: "Truly, it is good to have guests again. Since Lord Jyscal passed away, these halls have been too quiet." Yuna: "The death of Lord Jyscal was a great loss for all of Spira." [Tidus and Wakka stand off to themselves.] Tidus: "Was that Maester Jyscal really such a great guy?" Wakka: "He brought the teachings of Yevon to the Guado. He was truly a great man." Tromell: "Truly, a loss for us all. But now a new leader, Lord Seymour, has come before us. Lord Seymour is the child of a Guado and a human. He will be the tie that binds our two races together. But that is not all, I think. Lord Seymour... He will surely become the shining star that lights the way for all the peoples of Spira." Seymour: "That is enough, Tromell." [Seymour is in the doorway.] Seymour: "Must I always endure such praise? Welcome!"

Yuna: "You...wanted to see me?" Seymour: "Please, make yourselves at home. There's no rush." Auron: "Please, keep this short. Yuna must rush." Seymour: "Pardon me. It has been a long time since I had guests. Lady Yuna, this way." [FMV. The floor and the atmosphere of the room changes to that of space, with shooting stars and meteor showers. It's changes to Zanarkand soon after.] Seymour: "This sphere is a reconstruction created from the thoughts of the dead that wander the farplane." Tidus: "Zanarkand!" Seymour: "Correct. Zanarkand as it looked one thousand years ago. The great and wondrous machina city, Zanarkand. She once lived in this metropolis." Yuna: "She, who?" [The hologram shows a woman's chambers, complete with woman on her bed.] Yuna: "Lady Yunalesca!" Seymour: "She was the first person to defeat Sin and save the world from its ravages. And you have inherited her name." Yuna: "It was my father who named me." Seymour: "Lord Braska was entrusting you with a great task. He wanted you to face Sin, as Lady Yunalesca did. However, Lady Yunalesca did not save the world alone. To defeat the undefeatable took an unbreakable bond of love -- of the kind that binds two hears for eternity. [A hologram man walks to Yunalesca. The hologram disappears, and Seymour asks Yuna something that only she hears. It's upsetting news; so much so, that she guzzles an entire glass of water to get her bearings.] Rikku: "Wow! Your face is beet red!" Tidus: "You okay?" Yuna: "He...he asked me to marry him!" Tidus: "You serious?" Auron: "You know what Yuna must do." Seymour: "Of course. Lady Yuna -- no, all summoners -- are charged with bringing peace to Spira. But this means more than just defeating Sin. She must ease the suffering of all Spira. She must be a leader for the people. I proposed to Lady Yuna as a maester of Yevon." Auron: "Spira is no playhouse. A moment's diversion may amuse an audience, but it changes nothing."

Seymour: "Even so, the actors must play their parts. There's no need to answer right away. Please, think it over." Auron: "We will do so, then. We leave." Seymour: "Lady Yuna, I await your favorable reply." [Auron walks to the door.] Seymour: "Why are you still here, sir? I beg your pardon. We Guado are keen to the scent of the Farplane." [Tidus starts sniffing Auron, who pushes him away and leaves. Everyone heads outside to regroup.] Lulu: "Yuna, the high summoner's daughter. Seymour, the leader of the Guado. Married in the name of Yevon, overcoming the barriers of race. It would give Spira something cheery to talk about, for a change." Wakka: "Sounds just like a passin' daydream, like Auron says." Tidus: "Come on, let's just get on with the pilgrimage! I mean, marriage?" Rikku: "Hmmm. Jealous?" Tidus: "What? No way! We gotta defeat Sin. Romance can wait!" Wakka: "He sure picked a fine time to lay this one on us." Yuna: "Maybe it is a fine time." Tidus: "You serious?" Yuna: "If my getting married would help Spira...if it would make people happy... If I could do that for people...maybe I should do what I can. I never imagined doing anything like this. But, I won't answer till I know what's right." Tidus: "Seriously?" Rikku: "You can always just quit your pilgrimage and get married." Yuna: "I will...go on. I'm sure that Lord Seymour will understand." Rikku: "Umm, I guess so..." Yuna: "I am a summoner! I must fight and defeat Sin." Auron: "Like Braska before you." T-Narrative: I had to stop myself from shouting: What's there to think about? Yuna: "I'm going to the Farplane. I'm going to see my father and think on this." Lulu: "Go on, we'll be right behind you." T-Narrative: I wondered why none of the others ever asked Yuna. Do you love Seymour? Do you even like him?

[Everyone heads to the Farplane's entrance.] Tidus: "Question! About this Farplane... When somebody dies, a summoner sends them to the Farplane, right? So their souls, or whatever they are, they go to the Farplane, right? But that's the Farplane we're going to, right? And Yuna's old man's there, too? Do dead people live there or something? [Tidus imagines a bunch of ghosts.] Wakka: "You're thinking those funny thoughts again, ya? You'll see once we get there." [Everyone starts heading in; Auron takes a seat.] Tidus: "Aren't you coming?" Auron: "I do not belong there." Tidus: "You're scared! Auron: "Searching the past to find the future... This is all that is there. I need it not. You'd better get going." Rikku: "You're not really going to see the dead, more like your memories of them. People think of their relatives, and the pyreflies react to them. They take on the form of the dead person -- an illusion, nothing else." Tidus: "Hmm..." Rikku: "Well, have fun!" Tidus: "What, you're not going either, Rikku?" Rikku: "I keep my memories inside." Tidus: "Huh?" Rikku: "Memories are nice, but that's all they are." [Tidus walks into the Farplane.] Tidus: "What the...?" [FMV. The platform everyone is standing on is dwarfed by a huge view of water-falls and a moon. Tidus sees Yuna with Braska and her mother.] T-Narrative: The Farplane was cool, but I couldn't stop thinking about Yuna. Her parents -- they looked so happy together. But it got me worried that maybe seeing them would make Yuna really consider Seymour's proposal. [Tidus walks to Yuna and her 'family' after talking with Wakka and Lulu.] Tidus: "So...Yuna?" Yuna: "I've decided." Tidus: "Oh? Really? That's good."

Yuna: "I remember, when I was only seven years old, in Bevelle that day. My father had defeated Sin, and the whole town was out in the streets. Everyone was laughing. They all seemed so happy. If I defeated Sin, that would make everyone happy...wouldn't it? I must do what everyone wants, not just what I want." Tidus: "Let's go back! You gotta tell Seymour." Yuna: "Before that... Call Sir Jecht. Give it a try. Don't worry. He won't come." T-Narrative: Trying not to think about my old man made me think about him, of course. Yuna: "See, told you!" T-Narrative: He isn't here because he's not dead. He's Sin. Yuna: "That means he's alive, you know?" T-Narrative: What if my old man really is Sin? What would I say to Yuna...heck, to everybody in Spira? Wait, why should I have to apologize for him, anyway? Tidus: "I'd rather never seen him again." Yuna: "What makes you hate him so?" Tidus: "Everything he does just makes me mad. It was his fault that me and my mother..." [Tidus looks up to see his mom floating near him.] Tidus: "Mom? It's her!" Yuna: "She's very pretty." Tidus: "But... Wait. No one ever performed the sending for her." Yuna: "She must have accepted death while she was still alive." Tidus: "Whoa there, that's my mother you're talking about." Yuna: "Oh, I'm sorry!" Tidus: "It's okay. I think I just figured something out." Yuna: "What?" Tidus: "Why I hate my old man." [Tidus flashes back to Zanarkand. Jecht and his mother are talking abovedeck.] Jecht: "See? So I told him what I thought of him, right there!" Tidus' Mother: "Really?" Jecht: "'Course!"

Tidus' Mother: "I suppose, but..." Young Tidus: "Mommy..." Tidus' Mother: "Just a sec, dear." Tidus: "Whenever my old man was around, my mother wouldn't even look at me. Maybe that's when I started to resent him, even hate him. When he left us...Mom just lost her energy." [The flashback goes ahead a ways. Auron is there with Young Tidus.] Auron: "Is she all right?" Young Tidus: "Why should you care?" Auron: "If she dies, I wouldn't know what to do." Young Tidus: "Don't say Mom is gonna die!" Auron: "I apologize." Tidus: "The old lady next door told me...when a lovebird dies, the one left behind... It just gives up on living so it can join its mate. It was just like that. I hated my old man even more. But really, my old man... [Tidus recalls the scene a few seconds earlier:] Young Tidus: "Mommy..." Tidus' Mother: "Just a sec, dear." Jecht: "Ah, go to him. He'll cry if you don't." [The flashback ends and Tidus is back on the Farplane.] Tidus: "Oh, man... I must sound so stupid." Yuna: "I don't think so." Tidus: "How embarrassing!" [Wakka and Lulu are waiting for the two.] Wakka: "Well? Need some more time?" Yuna: "No, I'm ready." Lulu: "Did I miss something?" [They leave the Farplane and go back to Auron and Rikku.] Yuna: "Thanks for waiting! I'll go give my answer to Maester Seymour." [Suddenly, a Guado spirit from the Farplane starts to leave.] Guado Woman: "Lord Jyscal!?" Guado: "Lord Jyscal!"

Auron: "He does not belong here." Yuna: "Why?" Auron: "Yuna, send him." [Auron nearly collapses for some reason, but no one sees because their backs are turned. Yuna goes to Jyscal's spirit.] Yuna: "Lord Jyscal..." Lulu: "He is Lord Jyscal no more. Send him now!" [She sends him and he drops a sphere, which Yuna picks up.] Auron: "Talk later. We leave now." [On the way back:] Wakka: "Wha...what was that just now? That really Lord Jyscal? R1 --> Wait, I know!" R2 --> R1 (Tidus): "He wasn't sent, so he became a fiend, right?" [Skip to Lulu's line.] R2: [Tidus doesn't say anything; skip down to Yuna's line.] Yuna: "I don't understand how a man like Lord Jyscal could die and not be sent." [This is said if you don't pick one of the above options.] Lulu: "I would think he was sent once...but he stayed on Spira. Something, a powerful emotion could have bound him to this world. Such things happen." Rikku: "That's against the rules, isn't it?" Auron: "It means he died an unclean death." [The party regroups in front of Seymour's manor.] Yuna: "I will with Maester Seymour." Auron: "Yuna! Jyscal is the Guado's problem, not yours." [Yuna enters the manor and the party waits around. Tidus follows Lulu; or, Rikku runs over to Tidus. Whichever happens is affection-based.] Tidus: "Umm..." Lulu: "What?" Tidus: "So, Lulu, what do you think about Yuna getting married?" Lulu: "As long as the pilgrimage continues, either way's fine." Tidus: "That's it? What if she doesn't even like the guy? Is that okay?" Lulu: "People marry for different reasons." Tidus: "What's that mean?" Lulu: "Sometimes marriage doesn't require love, you know? Defeat Sin, and bring joy to the people of Spira. For Yuna, they're just two ways down the same road. All you need is determination. If you have that, you don't need love." Tidus: "I don't know... I just don't get it."

[If Rikku runs over:] Rikku: "Wait up, I'll go with ya!" [They walk for a bit.] Rikku: "Yunie's not getting married, is she?" Tidus: "Seems that way." Rikku: "It's your big chance, huh?" R1 --> I don't care. R2 --> I guess you're right. R3 --> I'd rather have you, Rikku. R1: "That's no thing to say! I think she should get married and stop being a summoner!" R2: "That's the way to go! Then you could take her away and live a quiet life somewhere. Yeah, sounds good to me!" Tidus: "You serious?" Rikku: "Yeah." Tidus: "Why?" Rikku: "Because it's tough, you know? In the end, she has to fight Sin." Tidus: "Yeah, but she... She would never marry someone who wanted her to quit." Rikku: "I guess you're right. Too bad." R3: "Oh! H-honest?" [She acts shy and hits Tidus thrice.] Rikku: "See ya! Syopa musatyo!" ["See ya! Maybe someday!"] [Tidus walks down by the Thunder Plains entrance. Shelinda appears.] Shelinda: "My... Was the lady summoner not with you?" Tidus: "No. She's at Seymour's place." Shelinda: "That's 'Maester Seymour' or 'Lord Seymour.'" Tidus: "Oh, I'll be careful. Sorry." Shelinda: "That's all right. Maester Seymour left Guadosalam a short while ago." Tidus: "You serious?" Shelinda: "I believe he went to the temple in Macalania. Maester Seymour is also the high priest of that temple." Tidus: "Whoa, I gotta tell the others!" [Tidus runs back and tells the story. Inside the manor, Yuna stares at Jyscal's picture on the wall.] Yuna: "Lord Jyscal, please tell me. What can I do to help?" Rikku: "Yuna, let's go!" [She walks outside.] Tidus: "They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple."

Wakka: "Macalania Temple." Tidus: "Aye." Wakka: "What I don't get is... Why would the lord maester head off without a peep to anyone?" Rikku: "Maybe he wasn't expecting Yuna's answer so soon." Wakka: "Ah, that's probably it." [Yuna looks uncomfortable.] Auron: "Yuna, what is it?" Yuna: "Oh, nothing." Auron: "Hmm... You're a poor liar." Yuna: "It's true. It's nothing! Come on, let's go." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 15) Thunder Plains THPS | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party starts walking towards the Thunder Plains. Rikku is terrified.] Rikku: "Oh, no... We're here." [Thunderbolts skitter across the plains.] Tidus: "How are we supposed to cross that?" Lulu: "See the lightning rod towers? The lightning is drawn to them... hopefully." Wakka: "We head north, not too near and not too far from the towers, ya?" Lulu: "Meaning we should avoid wide, open areas." Rikku: "I think I forgot something in Guadosalam." Auron: "Nice knowing you." Rikku: "Okay, okay! I'll go!" Narrative: [Moving across the Thunder Plains] Lightning can strike Tidus on the Gandof Thunder Plains. Lightning can strike at any time, so keep moving. The lightning rod towers absorb nearby lightning. Seek shelter under them. When there are no towers nearby, you can dodge lightning by pressing (X). Hit (X) as soon as you see a lightning flash. If successful, you can dodge the thunderbolt. Constantly mashing (X), however, can be dangerous. Good luck on your journey. [The party walks by a lightning rod tower and sees it get struck.] Wakka: "Whoa! That was a close one!"

Lulu: "Stop kidding around." Wakka: "Yes, ma'am..." Rikku: "Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh..." Wakka: "Hmm? What's wrong?" Rikku: "Eh heh heh heh heh heh heh..." Tidus: "'Heh heh heh...' You're givin' me the creeps!" Rikku: "I wanna go home! I hate lightning! I hate thunder! Let's go rest over there! Please?" Auron: "This storm never stops. Better to cross quickly." Rikku: "I know, but... Just for a little while?" Tidus: "Heh, well? What now?" [The party starts to walk by a travel agency, paying it no mind.] Rikku: "Pretty please? Just for a few minutes? I'm scared of lightning! Let's rest, please? Pretty please? I'm too young to die! You're mean...cruel! Your moms would be ashamed of you! Are you having fun doing this to me?" [The party who had walked out of sight walks back.] Auron: "Fine, we rest. She's worse than the storm." [They walk inside the travel agency.] Yuna: "I'm...a little tired. Do you have a room available?" Clerk: "Ah, Lady Summoner. Yes, just over that way." Yuna: "Thank you." Wakka: "Uh, Yuna?" [She goes to a resting room.] Lulu: "It's not like her." [Tidus goes into the hallway a little while later. He puts his ear to the door when he thinks he hears a man in there.] Tidus: "Wha...? [He stumbles in after trying to open it a smidgen. Yuna has a sphere open with a man's hologram in it.] Tidus: "Whoa!" Yuna: "Y-Yes?" [Tidus looks at the hologram and she turns it off.]

Tidus: "I...well... It's nothing, really. I...I just, uh... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come in. H-Hey! Wasn't that that Jyscal Guado guy?" Yuna: "The sphere is his will... It says, 'Take care of my son.'" Tidus: "His son...? Seymour?" Well, I know one way to take care of him." Yuna: "I'm sorry." [She runs out of the room. Tidus gravitates towards the sphere, wanting to get a peek, but Wakka sneaks in and restrains him.] Wakka: "What do you think you're up to?" Tidus: "Yuna...Yuna was acting funny, s-so..." Wakka: "Yeah, yeah! She'll tell us when she's ready, so hold your chocobos till then, ya?" Tidus: "All right! All right! All right!" [After resting up, Rikku still won't move.] Rikku: "It's not stopping, is it?" Auron: "Don't tell me you were hoping it would. Fine. Stay here." [Auron walks outside.] Rikku: "All right, already. But! You didn't have to say it like that, you know! You could be more comforting or something! You know, try to cheer me up? You just don't get me at all, do you? Hey! Are you listening? I'm not scared! I'm not scared, you hear? [Rikku walks confidently outside. A man runs by to take Yuna's picture with a sphere (same from boat?) and runs off, in a short little scene. Yuna stops the party when they're almost through the Thunder Plains.] Yuna: "Everyone...wait." Wakka: "What's up?" Yuna: "I have something to tell you." Lulu: "Here?" Rikku: "We're almost out of here! Let's go!" Yuna: "I have to say it now!" [Auron looks at a sheltered structure.] Auron: "Over there." [They walk over.] T-Narrative: Somehow, my bad feelings always come true. Yuna: "I've decided to marry."

Lulu: "I thought so." Wakka: "B-But why? Why'd you change your mind?" Yuna: "For Spira's future...and Yevon's unity. I thought it would be the best thing to do." Auron: "That's not good enough." Lulu: "Wait, is it... Is it because of Lord Jyscal?" Tidus: "Hey! That sphere!" Auron: "Show me." Yuna: "I can't. I must speak to Maester Seymour first. I truly am sorry, but this is... It is a personal matter." Wakka: "You're kidding, ya?" Auron: "As you wish." Yuna: "I'm sorry." Auron: "Just one thing." Yuna: "I won't quit my pilgrimage." Auron: "Then it is...fine." Tidus: "Wait a minute, Auron! You don't care? I mean, you're not going to stop her?" Auron: "No, I'm not. As long as she is willing to face Sin...all else is her concern. That is a summoner's privelege. As long as she journeys." Tidus: "But that's..." Wakka: "Yuna, just one question. Can't you just talk to Maester Seymour? You've got to marry him?" Yuna: "I don't know. But I think it is the right thing to do." Wakka: "Okay, I guess." Rikku: "Yunie..." [A thunderbolt strikes.] Rikku: "Quiet! I wish we could help somehow, some way!" Yuna: "It's okay... I'll be fine." T-Narrative: She says, "I'm sorry." He says, "It's fine." She's "willing" to face Sin. She's "privileged." I didn't understand. But somehow, I felt like I didn't belong. But if I didn't belong with them, I'd be stuck in Spira, alone. And being alone in that place, well, I didn't want to think about it. Auron: "Next, we're going to Macalania Temple. Yuna can talk with Seymour

there. We guardians will wait until they're done, and plan our next move. Understood?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 16) Macalania Woods MCWD | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party walks into the eerily silent forest. Auron and Tidus straggle to talk.] Auron: "You're worried about Yuna." Tidus: "'Course I'm worried about her. What is she thinking?" Auron: "The simplest answer would exchange for agreeing to marry him...she hopes to negotiate with Seymour." Tidus: "Negotiate what?" Auron: "I wonder." Tidus: "What? All by herself?" Auron: "She's strong, but Seymour is the better negotiator." Tidus: "Well then, why don't we do something about it?" Auron: "Yuna wants it this way." Tidus: "Argh! I just don't get it! Doesn't she trust us?" Auron: "On the contrary... She doesn't want us caught up in whatever it is that she's planning." Tidus: "Yeah, that's what I thought. But that makes me worry even more. She could just tell us." Auron: "That's the way she is. She's naive, serious to a fault, and doesn't ask for help." Tidus: "You're probably right." Auron: "Yuna's easy to read." Tidus: "Yeah, she is." Auron: "But hard to guard. Stand by her, always." [Auron and Tidus rejoin the others.] Rikku: "Slowpokes!" Tidus: "Sorry!" T-Narrative: It's funny how calm I was. Maybe it was because I realized that Yuna wasn't marrying Seymour for love. Not really. It was just her duty -- something she had to do before returning to her pilgrimage. That's what I kept telling myself, anyway. And well, maybe... I realized that Yuna and I'd never... You know...

Tidus: "Yuna, let's go." [The party walks into the forest and they soon see Barthello running to them.] Barthello: "Hey! You, have you seen Dona?" Tidus: "Dona? Can't say I have." Wakka: "What's up?" Barthello: "We got separated on the way here. Damn it all! I've got to find her!" Auron: "Calm down." Barthello: "But, if anything happens to her..." Auron: "Running around in a panic is not going to help. Right now, you have to keep cool, and search." Barthello: "But--" Auron: "Guard your emotions, then guard your summoner." Barthello: "You're right." Auron: "Shall we search?" Barthello: "No, I've taken up enough of your time. Thank you, Sir Auron." [Barthello runs back the way he came. Rikku starts to run after him.] Wakka: "What's up?" Rikku: "Oh, I just wanted to wish him good luck." [The party continues on and sees a bird-beaked man with a harp, like the ones who played instruments during the Luca tournament.] Man: "A butterfly with rainbow wings Will lead the way to secret things." Narrative: [Macalania Woods Butterfly Hunt] Approach the butterfly of many huges, and its red and blue brethren shall appear. Try to catch seven of the blue butterflies, but beware the reds, for they call powerful fiends when threatened. Butterflies disappear after a certain time. Try catching the blue butterflies while avoiding the red ones. [The party walks along, but Auron stops them for a moment.] Auron: "Wait. It is here...somewhere." Tidus: "What's here?" Auron: "Something you should see." Yuna: "But, Sir Auron..."

Auron: "It won't take long." [With only three swings, Auron carves a path through a mess of thickets and fallen trees. They all walk into see a beautiful spring that was hidden from sight.] Tidus: "This place... It's just water, isn't it?" Auron: "This is what spheres are made of. It absorbs and preserves people's memories." [The water steams and a large sphere-monster floats up.] Wakka: "What's that?" Auron: "Fiends are also attracted to these places." [They defeat the giant monster. A sphere is left behind in its aftermath.] Narrative: Obtained Jecht's sphere! Wakka: "Whoa, this is old! Don't know if you can play it back. Auron: "Jecht left it here ten years ago. Play it back." [Tidus plays it. In it, a younger Auron is shown, with Jecht as the cameraman. They appear to be leaving an ornate city, probably Bevelle.] Auron: "What are you taking?" Jecht: "Well, you said it was gonna be a long trip. We'll be seeing a lot of neat things, right? So I thought I'd record it all in this. To show to my wife and kid, you know." Auron: "This is no pleasure cruise!" Jecht: "Hey, Braska. Ain't this supposed to be a grand occasion? Where're the cheering fans? The crying women?" Braska: "This is it. Too many goodbyes -- people think twice about leaving." Jecht: "Hmm... If you say so. Well, it better be a lot more colorful when we come back. A parade for Braska, vanquisher of Sin!" Braska: "We should go. Day will break soon." [The sphere picks up later, with Braska as cameraman this time. A sign above the two says 'Laka Macalania.'] Braska: "Auron, could you stand closer to him? Good. That should do it." Jecht: "What's the matter? Afraid I might bite?" Auron: "Jecht..." Jecht: "Braska! You should take one, too. It'd make a great gift for little Yuna!" Braska: "I suppose."

Auron: "Lord Braska... We shouldn't be wasting our time like this!" Jecht: "What's the hurry, man?" Auron: "Let me tell you what the hurry is!" Braska: "Auron!" [The sphere shuts off.] Tidus: "What's the point? He wasn't on some pleasure cruise." Rikku: "I think there's more." [The sphere kicks on again, showing the place where the party currently is. It shows Jecht sitting in front of the camera.] Jecht: "Hey. If you're sitting there, watching means you're stuck in Spira, like me. You might not know when you'll get back home, but you better not be crying! Although, I guess I'd understand. But you know what? There's a time when you have to stop crying and move on. You'll be fine. Remember, you're my son. And... Well, uh... Never mind. I'm no good at these things." [Jecht shuts the sphere off; it starts up again sometime later, same place.] Jecht: "Anyways... I believe in you. Be good. Goodbye." [The sphere shuts off for real.] Tidus: "He sounded almost serious, but it was too late." Auron: "He was serious. Jecht had already accepted his fate." Tidus: "His fate?" Auron: "Jecht... He... He was always talking about going home, to Zanarkand. That's why he took all those pictures -- to show them to you when he returned. But as he journeyed with us and came to understand Spira, and Braska's resolve... It happened gradually, but Jecht changed. He decided he would join Braska in his fight against Sin." Tidus: "So then, he gave up going home?" Auron: "That was his decision." T-Narrative: I guess I understood. My old man... He knew there was no way home, back to Zanarkand. He wanted to go home, but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't go on until he accepted it. Besides...even if he had found a way back...I don't think he would have left his friends behind before their journey was complete. Tidus: "All right! Let's go, guys!" T-Narrative: Maybe I had to start accepting my own fate." Narrative: [Jecht Spheres] Spheres that document Jecht's journey are hidden all over Spira. Defeating the Spherimorph has unlocked the seals that once bound the

spheres. Find them! Narrative: Auron has learned Overdrive Shooting Star! [Everyone has went back to the path except Auron and Tidus.] Auron: "Wait." Tidus: "Yeah?" Auron: "Jecht loved you." Tidus: "Oh, come on, please!" Auron: "He just didn't know how to express it, he said." Tidus: "Enough about my old man, okay?" Auron: "I just thought you should know." Tidus: "Okay." [Auron walks away.] Tidus: "Thanks." [The party finds a travel agency on the other side of the woods, but passes it by in their haste. The party meets Tromell on the road afterwards.] Tromell: "Lady Yuna, we've been expecting you. We were surprised you decided to come so soon. Pleasantly surprised, of course. Lord Seymour sends his apologies for having left without notice." Yuna: "It's quite all right. I have one question, if I may, sir." Tromell: "My lady?" Yuna: "I want to keep journeying, even if I marry. Do you think that Maester Seymour would let me?" Tromell: "But of course, my lady. Lord Seymour wishes nothing else, I'm sure." [Yuna turns to her party.] Yuna: "Goodbye." Tromell: "Well... We must follow Guado tradition. I'll have to ask you wait here a little while longer. I'll send someone to escort you." [Tromell walks off.] Yuna: "I..." Auron: "We're all with you. Do as you will." Yuna: "Thank you." [Yuna walks off; Auron glances at Tidus.] Auron: "Sorry. That was your line."

Tidus: "Yuna!" [Tidus whistles.] Yuna: "Yessir!" [Rikku looks over the side, to the lake.] Rikku: "Oh, no!" Wakka: "Al Bhed!" [The party runs down to guard Tromell and Yuna.] Auron: "Stand back." Tromell: "Thank you!" [Lady Yuna runs to assist.] Tromell: "Lady Yuna!" [An Al Bhed voice yells:] Voice: "Rikku! Tuh'd ehdanvana un oui kad drec! Ouin bnaleuic magic yht aeons yna caymat!" ["Rikku! Don't interfere or you get this! Your precious magic and aeons are sealed!"] Rikku: "Oh, no!" Tidus: "Translation?" Rikku: "He's gonna use an anti-magic field on us!" Al Bhed: "Kad dras!" ["Get them!"] [The battle starts with the Crawler and it shoots a device into the air.] Narrative: Negator disables all magic and summoning! [The Negator gets defeated.] Wakka: "Lu! Cast your spells now!" [The party scraps the vehicle.] Tromell: "My lady!" [Yuna and her Guado escort walk off together. On a snowhill, the Al Bhed who knows Rikku stands.] Al Bhed: "Rikku! E femm damm Vydran!" ["Rikku! I will tell Father!"] Rikku: "E ys dra guardian uv Yuna, oui caa? Yuna ec cyva! Fa femm kiynt ran! Cra ec cyva!" ["I am the guardian of Yuna, you see? Yuna is safe! We will guard her! She is safe!"] Al Bhed: "Oui tu drec ymuha, cecdan!" ["You do this alone, sister!"]

[He runs off.] Rikku: "I told him I was a guardian. Well, guess I had to, really." Wakka: "How come you speak Al Bhed? Why?" Rikku: "Because I'm Al Bhed. And that...was my brother." [He looks at the rest of his party.] Wakka: "You knew? Why didn't you tell me?" Lulu: "We knew you'd be upset." Wakka: "This is great. I can't believe I've been travelling with an Al Bhed! A heathen!" Rikku: "You're wrong! We have nothing against Yevon." Wakka: "But you Al Bhed use the forbidden machina! You know what that means? Sin was born because people used machina!" Rikku: "You got proof? Show me proof!" Wakka: "It's in Yevon's teachings! Not that you'd know!" Rikku: "That's not good enough! Yevon says this, Yevon says that. Can't you think for yourself?" Wakka: "Well, then you tell me! Where did Sin come from, huh?" Rikku: "I...I don't know!" Wakka: "You bad-mouth Yevon and that's all you can come up with?" Rikku: "But...that doesn't mean you should do whatever they say without thinking! Nothing will ever change that way!" Wakka: "Nothing has to change!" Rikku: "You want Sin to keep coming back? There might be a way to stop it, you know!" Wakka: "Sin will be gone once we atone for our past mistakes!" Rikku: "When? How?" Wakka: "If we keep faith in Yevon's teachings it will be gone one day!" Rikku: "Why do I even bother?" Auron: "Rikku! Will this move?" [Auron is looking at a snowmobile.] Wakka: "We're not using that, are we? Wait... Sir Auron isn't an Al Bhed too, is he?" Tidus: "Come on, Wakka..."

Wakka: "What?" Tidus: "I mean, getting angry just 'cause you found out Rikku's an Al Bhed... You guys got along just fine till now, didn't you?" Wakka: "That's different. I mean..." Tidus: "Well, I don't claim to know that much about Spira. And I probably know even less about the Al Bhed, but...I know Rikku's a good person. She's just Rikku!" Wakka: "Lu?" Lulu: "Just think of this as an opportunity to learn more about the Al Bhed." Wakka: "Ha!" [Wakka starts walking to the temple.] Auron: "Let him go. Give him time to think." Rikku: "I'm sorry." Lulu: "You've done nothing to apologize for." Tidus: "All right! Let's ride!" Rikku: "You sure you know how to drive this?" Tidus: "Better than Kimahri does! [The party gets on snowmobiles. Who rides with Tidus is affection-based, so different people can ride with him. If Lulu rides:] Lulu: "I hope you're not too mad at Wakka." Tidus: "Hey, not at all." Lulu: "Thank you." Tidus: "Say, what do you think of Rikku?" Lulu: "Me? She' to be with." Tidus: "That all?" Lulu: "Well, I can tell she's not a bad person." Tidus: "Yeah. You know what the problem is? She's just another Al Bhed to Wakka. Wakka's head is as hard as a rock. I bet it's because of Yevon. Or, you know, something like that." Lulu: "Well, there's more to it than that." Tidus: "Hmm?" Lulu: "Wakka doesn't like the Al Bhed because of his brother Chappu." Tidus: "Oh...he used a machina weapon, right? And got killed by Sin. Killed by my old man. Damn you, Jecht." Lulu: "What?" Tidus: "Oh, nothing! Hey... Can someone, like, a human become Sin ever?" Lulu: "I can't say that I know, but why?" Tidus: "Just a thought." Lulu: "Sin is the punishment for, and the incarnation of, crimes we have committed." Tidus: "So, no one really knows what it is?" Lulu: "There's no need to know, so no one asks. You run or you fight. That is really all you can do. There's no sense brooding over it." Tidus: "What, that's all? I mean, you don't even wonder?" Lulu: "You really do come from a world where there is no Sin, like you say."

[If Rikku rides with:] Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: "Sorry about Wakka." "He didn't have to be so mean, yeah? I almost cried." "Uh... Rikku?" "Just kidding! It's okay. At least you're still nice." Hey, do I look like Yunie, you think? Well, my dad's sister is Yunie's mother, you get it?" "I had no idea! If you say so. Okay! I guess you're guarding your family, then." "Yuna's not the only one that I want to protect. We Al Bhed want to protect all of the summoners, you know? Summoners are... Well, you could say that... they sacrifice themselves to, well... to bring happiness to Spira." "What do you mean? Rikku?" "Yes?" "'Sacrifice themselves'"? "You know, the pilgrimage...It takes a lot out of you." "Oh, right. But you know. Yuna's real serious about being a summoner. For Yuna, well the pilgrimage kinda means everything to her. You are going to help her, too, aren't you, Rikku?" "So you shouldn't say that Yuna's sacrificing herself." hugs Tidus.] "Rikku?" "I hope you're right."

Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Tidus: [Rikku Tidus: Rikku:

[If Kimahri rides along:] Tidus: "Say... What do you think about Rikku being an Al Bhed?" Kimahri: "Ronso are followers of Yevon. Ronso dislike Al Bhed." Tidus: "Oh, I get it." Kimahri: "Not Kimarhi. Al Bhed are Al Bhed. Rikku is Rikku. Rikku swore to protect Yuna. And Rikku is not a liar. Kimarhi can tell. So, she is a friend." Tidus: "You know, you might want to tell her that later. I think she needs to know that we still want her with us." Kimahri: "Kimarhi is surprised." Tidus: "Why?" Kimahri: "Kimahri think you are kind. Uh, don't tell anyone, okay?" [If Auron rides along:] Tidus: Auron: Tidus: Auron: Tidus: Auron: "You're no fun to ride with at all." "What?" "I'll take Kimarhi over you any day!" "Hmph. Just don't do anything rash." "What's that mean?" "I'm saying you should not complicate matters. Or you'll find yourself trapped, understand?" Tidus: "I don't need you to tell me that! I guess there's some sense in what you're saying." Auron: "Make mistakes. That's what youth is for after all. Do not waste it." Tidus: "So which is it!?" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 17) Macalania Temple MCTM | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

[The party walks to the temple, but a monk blocks the way when Rikku nears.] Monk: "Halt! The likes of her are not welcome in this hallowed place." Auron: "She is a guardian." Monk: "An Al Bhed, a guardian? Preposterous!" Rikku: "I've decided to be Yuna's guardian now, and that's all I want." Auron: "And that's all one needs to be a guardian." Monk: "Very well." [Shelinda runs over once Tidus has run into the great hall.] Shelinda: "Ah! There you are! So Lady Yuna is getting married. You shouldn't kid around about these things." Tidus: "Yeah, I guess so." Shelinda: "You're not happy?" Tidus: "Nah, it's complicated." [Tidus runs past her to the party.] Tidus: "Say... Do you know where Yuna is?" Shelinda: "I believe...she's gone to the Cloister of Trials with Maester Seymour." [The party members run frantically to the Cloister entrance, which is blocked by a monk. Just then, a woman runs out of the nuns' chambers.] Nun: "Lord Jyscal! A sphere, in Lady Yuna's belongings..." [The party runs into the nuns' chambers.] Auron: "This may well answer a few questions." [Tidus sets the sphere on the ground and it plays, a hologram of Jyscal coming up in the recording.] Jyscal: "What I am about to tell you is the unclouded truth. I swear it on my honor as a Guado. Listen to me very carefully, for I shall tell you the truth about my son, Seymour. His mind is closed even to me, a maester of Yevon. But I can feel flames of darkness burning in his heart. He is using Yevon, the Guado, and even the summoners. If he is not stopped, he will surely bring destruction and chaos to Spira. I will leave this world soon, killed by my own son. But I do not fault him. Because I was not wise enough, he has suffered, and become twisted. I could not protect him and his mother from the world and its cruelty. I will accept death as punishment for my deeds. But whoever is watching this... I implore you to stop Seymour! Stop my son." [The recording ends.] Auron: "Wonderful."

Rikku: "Will Yuna be all right?" Auron: "Without us, no." [Auron leaves the room.] Wakka: "Where you goin'?" Tidus: "You saw, didn't you? Seymour's bad news!" Wakka: "But he's a maester!" Tidus: "Fine! Stay here if you want!" Lulu: "Come on, Wakka. Let's at least hear him out." Wakka: "This can't be happening." [Kimahri pushes the monk guarding the Cloister out of the way and the party enters after Yuna.] Auron: "Kimahri's up ahead. Go." Tidus: "Right!" [Wakka walks by Auron.] Auron: "We will protect Yuna from anyone. Even a maester." Wakka: "This can't be happening." Lulu: "If he is truly at fault, it must be done." [The party runs through the completed trials to the antechamber. Seymour and his guardians are waiting for Yuna.] Tidus: "Seymour!" Seymour: "Please be silent. Lady Yuna prays to the fayth." Tidus: "Make me." [Seymour starts walking towards the party; Yuna stumbles out of the fayth.] Tidus: "Yuna!" Yuna: "But why...?" Tidus: "We saw Jyscal's sphere." Auron: "You killed him." Seymour: "What of it? Lady Yuna, certainly you know of these things, did you not? Well then, why have you come here?" Yuna: "I came... I came to stop you!" Seymour: "I see. You came to punish me, then. What a pity. Ah, of course. 'Protect the summoner even at the cost of one's life.' The Code of the Guardian. How admirable. Well, if you're offering your lives, I

will have to take them." Yuna; "Maester Seymour, I trust my guardians with my life. But they are also my friends. I will not stand by and watch them be hurt. I will fight you, too!" Tidus: "All right!" Wakka: "Maester Seymour!" Seymour: "So be it." [The party fights Seymour for awhile.] Seymour: "Feel my pain! Come, Anima!" [Anima's hideous aeon is summoned to battle.] Tidus: "Yuna! The new aeon!" Yuna: "O fayth, lend me strength!" [Anima is defeated.] Seymour: "That power that defeated Anima... It will be mine!" [But it isn't -- Seymour gets smoked like a Guado cigarette. Yuna runs to him as he's near death.] Seymour: " would pity me now?" [He dies, and Tromell enters.] Tromell: "Lord Seymour! What happened here?" Wakka: "What...what have I done?" Tidus: "Wait a minute! It's not our fault at all! Seymour struck first! He's the bad guy!" Tromell: "You did this?" Auron: "Yuna. Send him." Tromell: "No, stop! Stay away from him, traitors!" [Two Guado monks carry Seymour's corpse out, not allowing it to be sent. Tromell follows them out.] Yuna: "Traitors?" Wakka: "We're finished. Tidus: "Now hold on just a minute! Seymour's the bad guy, right? We'll just explain to everyone what happened!" Auron: "It won't be that easy... Let's get out of here." [Shiva can be named at this point (default name for '????' aeon). The party starts walking back through the finished Cloister of Trials, but the walkway

starts to disintegrate as they near the end.] Tidus: "Gimme a break!" [The party reworks the Cloister and heads back to the main hall. A bunch of Guados and Tromell are there, staring at them.] Yuna: "Please..." Auron: "Give us a chance to explain." Tromell: "No need, I already know what I'll tell the other maesters." Auron: "Meaning...?" Tromell: "Lord Seymour was the leader of the Guado before becoming a maester." Tidus: "You're not letting us go." Tromell: "Let you go? Lord Seymour would never forgive us if we did." Rikku: "Wait, wait! Jyscal's sphere! We can show it to them!" Tromell: "You mean this?" [He holds up the sphere and crushes it.] Tromell: "The Guado take care of Guado affairs." Kimahri: "Away!" Auron: "Run!" [The party pushes past the Guado and beat it out of the temple. They run all the way back to Lake Macalania, as fast as they can. Some Guado appear in battle with them...and a huge four-armed ape of a boss. They defeat them all, but the monster punches the frozen lake and cracks it, sending them plunging to the bottom. They all land at the bottom, in what appears to be the ruins of a city.] T-Narrative: "Praise be to Yevon." That's what I would have said, if I was a follower of Yevon. We were all there, and in one piece. Even if I had a headache from wondering what was in store from us next. [Tidus finds Rikku near Yuna.] Rikku: "I'm sure Yunie's okay. She's breathing fine and all. How are Lulu and Wakka?" Tidus: "Well, Wakka's in shock. Can't blame him, either. And Lulu, well, she's just the same as always." Rikku: "She's so together. All grown up, I guess." Tidus: "I guess." Rikku: "Well, just give me five or six more years." Tidus: "So, Kimahri, how do we get out of here?"

Rikku: "Hey, don't change the subject!" Kimahri: "We climb." Rikku: "Kimahri, too!" Kimahri: "Only those who try will become." Rikku: "Huh?" Tidus: "I think he means you have to work hard if you want to be like Lulu." Rikku: "Oh! I will!" Kimahri: "Kimahri think Rikku should stay Rikku." Rikku: "Hey! Are you saying I'll never be like Rikku! Kimahri!" [Tidus laughs.] Wakka: "How can you laugh at a time like this!?" [Yuna wakes up.] Tidus: "Yuna!" [Later on, Yuna tells her motives for going to Seymour.] Yuna: "I wanted to confront Maester Seymour about his father, Lord Jyscal. I wanted to convince him to turn himself into Yevon's judgement." Lulu: "In exchange for marriage?" Yuna: "Yes, if that's what it took." Tidus: "So, what did Seymour say?" Yuna: "He didn't say anything. I don't even think it was worth it. I should have told you what I was going to do." Auron: "Enough. Dwelling in the past is futile." Rikku: "Hey! You don't have to say it like that!" Auron: "You want to waste time listening to her regrets?" Rikku: "You don't have to say it like that." Auron: "Our immediate concern is Yuna's pilgrimage. Are you willing to go on?" Yuna: "Yes. But then, do you think Yevon will allow it?" Auron: "The fayth are the ones that give power to the summoners. Not the temples or the teachings. If the temples try to stop us...then we will defy Yevon if we must." Tidus: "Whoa!" Rikku: "I can't believe you said that!" Lulu: "Sir Auron!?"

Wakka: "Count me out. We have to atone, to make up for the sins we have committed. Of's not like I ever liked Maester Seymour, ya? No way I'll ever forgive him for killing Lord Jyscal...and for trying to do us all in too, you know? But still, the bunch of us going against Yevon? No way!" Lulu: "But still, we have transgressed and must face our punishment." Yuna: "We must go to Bevelle. We must speak with Maester Mika and explain what has happened. There is no other way, I think." Wakka: "I agree." Yuna: "Sir Auron..." Auron: "So it is decided." Yuna: "Will you come with us?" Auron: "I am the troublemaker, after all." Tidus: "Yeah, that's right! You can always count on Auron to complicate things!" Rikku: "Yeah! Kimahri roars, and Auron runs off, and..." Auron: "I never asked you to follow me." Tidus: "Hey, but that's what friends are for. Right?" Rikku: "Yep!" Yuna: "Thank you." [Auron walks off.] Rikku: "Friends, huh?" Wakka: "Man... How can you all act like nothing's wrong? Must got nerves of steel or something." Lulu: "You're too edgy. Listen to the hymn and calm down."' [Later on, Tidus goes to Yuna. The Hymn is playing loudly.] Tidus: "Is that coming from the temple?" Yuna: "Yes, it is Yevon's gift. It sooths the hearts of the faithful." [After talking to everyone, the fayth quit singing.] Lulu: "The singing stopped." [The ground shakes.] Wakka: "There's something here!" Auron: "The ground!"

[FMV. Sin is shown floating in the nearby, underneath the party presumably.] Yuna: "Sin!?" Lulu: "The toxin! Watch out!" T-Narrative: It was then I knew...that Sin really was my old man. For the first time, I was finally able to believe it. Tidus: "The song... You were listening, too! What is it this time?" [Tidus is shown an image of Zanarkand's cityscape.] Tidus: "Zanarkand... You homesick, too? That's not your world anymore. You're Sin now." [Tidus is shown a memory of him, younger, sitting on the houseboat deck.] Tidus: "Hey, I'm older now, you know? I know. You want this to end. I'll find a way. Promise." [The image ends and Tidus loses track of where he is.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 18) Bikanel Island BKIS | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Tidus wakes up face-down in some water. He soon finds that it's an oasis, and he's in the desert.] Tidus: (Where am I? I forgive you, this time. Be good for a while, okay?) [Tidus soon gets into a solo fight with a Zuu:] Tidus: "Whew!" Auron: "Need some help?" [Auron appears.] Lulu: "Are you alright?" [Lulu joins the battle, too, and they defeat it together. After battle:] Tidus: "The others?" Lulu: "Haven't found them yet. We're supposed to stay in one place if we get split up." Tidus: "Wait here if you want. He's not." [Wakka is nearby, sheltered under a piece of machine.] Tidus: "Wakka! You alone?" Wakka: "Where's Yuna? Dammit! First I lose Yuna, then I'm ambushed by machina! Great day I'm having." [Kimahri is by some dunes.]

Kimahri: "Yuna...gone." Tidus: "It's not your fault, Kimahri!" [Rikku is nearby, too.] Rikku: "Oh! Hey, guys! Where's Yunie?" Tidus: "Gone." Lulu: "Gone... Some guardian I am." Rikku: "Umm... There's something I wanna tell you, but promise not to say anything." [Wakka glares at her.] Rikku: "No glaring either! I know where we are. We're on Bikanel Island. There's a place us Al Bhed call Home near here. Yunie's there, I'm sure of it! Other Al Bhed must've come and rescued her!" Wakka: "Rescued? You mean kidnapped!" Tidus: "What does it matter as long as she's safe?" Rikku: "That's right! Anyway, I will take you there if you promise...that you won't tell anyone about it. Especially not Yevonites, okay? You know they don't like us Al Bhed. Who knows what they'll do if they knew?" Wakka: "Gimme a break. What are you accusing Yevon of this time?" Rikku: "Yevon did something really bad to us before." Wakka: "Well, you Al Bhed must've deserved it." Tidus: "Can't you about this later?" Rikku: "Just promise you won't tell anyone about this island. Promise?" Tidus: "Wakka, come on!" Wakka: "All right, I promise! Lead the way." Rikku: "You got it!" [Rikku starts giving directions:] Rikku: Rikku: Rikku: Rikku: "That way!" "Uhh.. Which way was it again? "Over here!" "Umm...I think I'm lost."

[After awhile, the party finally makes it towards Home.] Rikku: "Over here!" [They walk to a hill and see Home...] Rikku: "Aaaaaaa!"

Tidus: "Rikku!" [...burning. Gunfire is audible.] Wakka: "What? Yuna's down there?" Lulu: "Of all the places... Let's go!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 19) Home BKHM | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party runs into the Al Bhed firefight and looks around.] Wakka: "Where's Yuna?" [An Al Bhed nearby gets a gutshot and collapses. Rikku runs to him.] Rikku: "Keyakku! Who? Who's attacking us? Fru tet drec du oui?" ["Keyakku! Who? Who's attacking us? Who did this to you?"] Keyakku: "Yevon... Guado..." [He dies.] Rikku: "Keyakku? Keyakku!" Lulu: "A war? Between Yevon and the Al Bhed?" Voice: "Dryd ec fnuhk! Guado ku vun dra summoner." ["That is wrong! Guado go for the summoner."] Rikku: "Vydran..." ["Father..."] [A man walks over and stoops by Keyakku.] Man: "You Rikku's friends? Well, just don't stand there, come on! Let's go kick those Guado out of our Home!" [The party runs off except for Rikku and Tidus.] Tidus: "Who...?" Rikku: "Cid. Leader of the Al Bhed... He's my dad." Tidus: "Let's go." Rikku: "Yeah. We have to save Yunie." Tidus: "Not only Yuna. Right?" Rikku: "Right!" [The party runs indoors.] Wakka: "Yuna! Where are you?" [A Bomb drops down and attacks, a Guado accompanying it.] Wakka: "What in Yevon's name are those Guado thinking?"

Rikku: "This is terrible!" [Everyone heads into a corridor. Cid is on a loudspeaker somewhere.] Cid: "Drec pedac! Rikku! Oui nayt sa? Oui ku ihtan, duu! E ys majamehk Home! Yht dra fiend fedr ed!" ["This bites! Rikku! You read me? You go under, too! I am leveling Home! And the fiend with it!"] Rikku: "Oh, no!" Wakka: "What'd he say!?" Rikku: "We have to get underground!" Auron: "Where's Yuna?" Rikku: "The Summoners' Sanctum! This way!" [A Guado and some Dual Horns attack, but they get beaten back.] Rikku: "Over here!" [Everyone runs to the room nearby.] Wakka: "This place done for." Rikku: "You're right. You're right, Wakka. We Al Bhed, we...we weren't always like this. Sin destroyed the island where we all used to live. After that, we were scattered to every corner of Spira. But then, my dad brought the Al Bhed together again. If we few put our minds to it and worked together, then we could make a new home. Everyone worked hard, we had our Home back again... But now... Why did things have to turn out this way?" Wakka: "Rikku... Damn those Guado! What are they thinking?" [The party kills some baddies and moves on.] Lulu: "Rikku, what is the Summoners' Sanctum?" Rikku: "The Summoners' Sanctum is where we keep the summoners. We keep them safe there." Wakka: "You kidnapped them." Rikku: "I know it's against the teachings and all that..." Wakka: "I get why you did it, but..." Tidus: "Well, I sure pilgrimage so job, then who guardians are will be safe! don't get it, Wakka. They might get hurt on their you kidnap them? I mean, if the summoners don't do their will beat Sin? You want to protect them, I know. But there for that. If guardians do their job well, summoners Right? Right!?"

Kimahri: "It's quiet. Kimahri goes now." [The party goes to the Sanctum.]

Rikku: "Yuna, please be here!" Kimahri: Yuna! [A Barthello-less Dona walks over.] Dona: "She's not here. Hello again. Wait there until we have performed the sending." Isaaru: "They died...protecting us. It's not much, but the least we can do is give them a proper sending." [The two start to do a sending. Pacce runs over to Tidus.] Pacce: "Hey, what's "sacrificed"? The Al Bhed said summoners were being 'sacrificed.' That summoners shouldn't have to do a pilgrimage..." Tidus: "Why couldn't they trust guardians to protect the summoners? The Al Bhed had no right stopping their pilgrimage!" Rikku: "The pilgrimages have to stop! If they don't, and they get to Zanarkand... They might defeat Sin. Yunie could...but then she... Yunie will die, you know? You know, don't you? Summoners journey to get the Final Aeon. Yuna told you, didn't she? With the Final Aeon, she can beat Sin. But then...but then... If she calls it, the Final Aeon's going to kill her! Even if she defeats Sin, it will kill Yunie too, you know!" Tidus: "Was I the only one who didn't know? Tell me why! Why were you hiding it? Why didn't I know?" Wakka: "We weren't hiding it..." Lulu: "It was just...too hard to say." Tidus: "Lulu! How could you? How could you? Isn't she like a sister to you? I thought you were family! Why don't you do something, Wakka?" Lulu: "Don't you think we tried to stop her? She follows...her heart." Wakka: "Yuna, she knew what she was doing when she chose to become a summoner. To face Sin, ya? Yuna knew! Rikku: "But Wakka, that's just totally wrong! Summoners shouldn't have to sacrifice themselves...just so the rest of Spira can be happy, right?" [A large ape-monster appears. Issaru and Dona walk over.] Isaaru: "But that is our choice..." Dona: "We all live in fear of Sin. You know that." Isaaru: "A world without Sin... That is the dream of all Yevon's children. And we will use that power, even if it means our lives! [Summoned aeons start to appear. Tidus runs to Valefor, punching its stomach.] Tidus: "And I've been telling Yuna... Let's go to Zanarkand together! Let's beat Sin! I told her all the things we could...we could... And all along, the whole time, I didn't know anything! But Yuna, she'd...just smile."

[Flashback to Luca, after Auron's joined.] Yuna: "Hey, watch!" [She whistles.] Tidus: "Hey, you got pretty good." Yuna: "You sound sad." Tidus: "Yeah, maybe." Yuna: "Wanna scream?" Tidus: "I really don't think that's gonna help this time." Yuna: "You know and their people in you know? what? It's embarrassing to say this myself... But summoners guardians are kind of like Spira's ray of light. A lot of Spira depend on us. I learned to practice smiling when I'm sad, I know it's hard."

Tidus: "Yeah...I understand, I think." Yuna: "Right. Now, let's see what you can do!" [Fast-forward to the laughing scene, muted.] Yuna: "I want my journey to be full of laughter." [The flashback ends.] Tidus: "I can't let her die! I'll find her!" [The summoners escape with the guardians to the underground airship dock. They board the airship. Cid runs into the control room.] Cid: "Hu desa! Ku, ku, ku!" ["No time! Go, go go!"] Brother: "Three minutes mavd!" ["Three minutes left!"] Cid: "Rinno, rinno! Oui ryja one minute!" ["Hurry, hurry! You have one minute!"] Tidus: "Where's Yuna?" Cid: "Ajanouha uh puynt?" ["Everyone on board?"] Al Bhed: "Ajanouha ymeja!" ["Everyone alive!"] Tidus: "I said, where is she?" Answer me! Answer me, damn you!" Cid: "What'll you do when you find her, eh?" Tidus: "I didn't know anything about what a summoner is supposed to do. And I told her all those things without even knowing. I've got to tell her! I've got to tell her I'm sorry!" Cid: "That's it? You're gonna tell her you're sorry? And then you just drag her to Zanarkand and make her fight Sin, huh? You're all the same -- let

the summoner die so we can live in peace!" Tidus: "No! I'm not gonna let Yuna die!" Cid: "Hah! Words! Show me action!" Tidus: "I'm telling you, she won't die!" Cid: "Boy, don't forget those words, 'cause if you do...I'm gonna make you regret it." Tidus: "I won't. So you know where she is?" Cid: "'Course not. That's why we're gonna look! Using this airship!" Wakka: "A-Airship?" [The airship rumbles.] Brother: "Vydran! Nayto du ku!" ["Father! Ready to go!"] Cid: "Oaaryy! Y vmekrd 1000 years ujantia!" ["Yeehaa! A flight 1000 years overdue!"] [FMV. The airship dock opens and the airship flies out.] Brother: "Fruy! Ed sujac!" ["Whoa! It moves!"] Cid: "Necg pek, feh pek!" ["Risk big, win big!"] [FMV. The airship starts to fly away.] Brother: "Fruy! Ed vmeac!" ["Whoa! It flies!"] Cid: "Haqd, fa ica dryd!" ["Next, we use that!"] Brother: "Frydajan oui cyo." ["Whatever you say."] [The crewmembers all start singing the Hymn.] Wakka: "What's goin' on?" Rikku: "We're...we're going to blow up our Home." Lulu: "How?" Cid: "With one of the forbidden machina! Nayto? Vena!" ["With one of the forbidden machina! Ready? Fire!"] [FMV. The ship shoots missile salvoes at Home, destroying it and a large portion of the island too, by the look of the shockwave that accompanies the explosion. The ship makes it out intact.] Cid: "Gah-hah-hah-hah! Nadinh du cyht!" ["Gah-hah-hah-hah! Return to sand!"] [Brother is crying.] Cid: "Hu haat vun daync! Fryd ec kuut ypuid machina, ec drao lyh pa piemd yhaf, oui caa?" ["No need for tears! What is good about machina, is they can be build anew, you see?"]

[Wakka stands by Rikku.] Wakka: "Hey, look. Don't get so down. Boom! Like happy festival fireworks, ya?" Rikku: "You can cram your happy festival, you big meanie!" [Tidus walks around for awhile before returning to the bridge. He comes upon Auron talking to Cid.] Auron: "After rescuing Yuna, then what? You want to keep her safe, correct? Would you seek to stop her pilgrimage?" Cid: "Of course! If she continues this fool pilgrimage, she will die! Sure as if you killed her yourself. No hare-brained law or teaching can send my little niece to her death! When I save her, I'll make her give up being a summoner quicker than a desert melts ice!" Auron: "Even against her will?" Cid: "Better than a dog's death! And I'll take down anyone who don't agree!" [Tidus goes over to Brother.] Brother: "Vydran! Fa vuiht Yuna!" ["Father! We found Yuna!"] Cid: "Frana!?" ["Where!?"] Brother: "E femm cruf oui!" ["I will show you!"] Tidus: "Yuna?" [The screen shows Yuna dressed in a wedding gown with Seymour (!?) by her side. They appear to be in...] Tidus: "Where was that!?" Lulu: "The Palace of St. Bevelle. Heart of Yevon." Tidus: "Gramps, let's move!" Cid: "Easy, kiddo. Bevelle's defenses are top-notch." Tidus: "What's the matter, gramps? You scared? Yuna's there, so we go and get her! And that's all!" Cid: "You got guts. Cad luinca du Bevelle! Vimm cbaat yrayt!" ["You got guts. Set course to Bevelle! Full speed ahead!"] Brother: "Nukan!" ["Roger!"] [The ship blasts off.] Cid: "It'll take a while to get to Bevelle. Meanwhile..." Tidus: "We prepare for battle!" [The ship shakes. Rin runs in.] Rin: "We're being attacked from within. Some of the Guado that attacked Home

must have snuck on board." Cid: "You're awfully calm about it!" Rin: "I am calm about most things." Cid: "Fiends! There's nothing to do but--" [Rikku interjects, in a cowboy drawl:] Rikku: "But destroy the ship and all go down together!" [Cid looks at her sideways.] Rikku: "You gotta learn a little restraint, Pop. If you crash the ship, we can't go rescue Yunie! Leave the fiends to us professionals!" Tidus: "Yeah! Let's go!" Rikku: "Thanks." Rin: "Rikku, you've made some very good friends, I think. Good luck." [The party goes to the upper airship cabin and sees a large fiend flying parallel to the airship.] Auron: "Huh, now there's a rare sight." Tidus: "Whoa, that's huge!" Rikku: "What is that?" Lulu: "The guardian wyrm, Evrae. The great sacred beast -- protector of Bevelle!" Auron: "The red carpet has teeth." Tidus: "Wait, that means we're close to Bevelle!" [Cid's voice booms on the loudspeaker.] Cid: "Rikku, you read me? We're gonna fight that thing! Get on deck and show him what you got! Go!" Rikku: "There he goes again." Auron: "The ferryman asks a high price." [The party sees Rin by the entrance to the top deck.] Auron: "Open the hatch. We fight." Rin: "Evrae is truly mighty. Be well prepared." [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Wakka: "We gotta pay!? If we lose, you'll die too, buddy!" Rin: "I have faith in your victory." Wakka: "Gee, thanks."

[The party goes up out into the sun, seeing Evrae flying right nearby. Cid opens protectors to the forbidden machina salvoes.] Cid: "We gotta keep our distance, boys, but we can't let her get too far away. You all have to tell me when to move! But tell me quick, eh? This rig ain't so nible, you hear?" Tidus: "Roger! I'll give the commands!" Rikku: "Not alone, you won't!" Narrative: [Maneuvering the Airship] Use the trigger commands Move in and Pull back to adjust the distance between the airship and Evrae. Only Tidus and Rikku can give these orders. Give an order and Cid will move the airship on his next turn. To cancel an order, use the Cancel command before Cid takes his turn. [The party kills Evrae, and its disintegrating hide falls down to earth.] Brother: "Cruud! Fa'na mucehk bufan!" ["Shoot! We're losing power!"] Cid: "Rao! E caa Bevelle!" ["Hey! I see Bevelle!"] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 20) Bevelle BVLL | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [FMV. The airship barrels towards Bevelle, the party on-deck clinging on for dear life. The wedding ceremony is almost in full-swing, too. The unsent Seymour and Yuna walk up the steps to the altar, together, although she doesn't look extremely pleased. Maester Kinoc looks up into the sky and sees pyreflies descending, knowing that Evrae is no more.] [FMV. The airship attacks.] Kinoc: "Fire!" [Seymour grabs Yuna's hand.] Seymour: "Come." [FMV. The party grinds down two metal lines anchored into the pavement. They jump off just as the gunfire snaps the lines free.] Tidus: "Yuna!" [The party cuts swathing path through the warrior monks. Kinoc flashes a gun.] Kinoc: "This has gone far enough!" [Auron holds Tidus back.] Auron: "Stop!" [Monks surround the party. Yuna stands in front of Seymour, rod ready to send her undead husband-to-be to the Farplane.]

Seymour: "You would play at marriage just for a chance to send me? Your resolve is admirable. All the more fitting to be my lovely wife." [Yuna starts to send him.] Mika: "Stop! Do you not value your friends' lives? Your actions determine their fate. Protect them...or throw them away. The choice is yours." [Yuna throws her rod down.] Seymour: "You are wise." [FMV. Seymour kisses Yuna, much to the chagrin of her party.] Seymour: "Kill them." [Kinoc points his gun at Tidus' face.] Kinoc: "I am sorry, but it is for Yevon." Auron: "Aren't those weapons forbidden by Yevon?" Kinoc: "There are exceptions." Yuna: "No!" [Yuna stands on the Tower of Light's ledge.] Yuna: "Throw down your weapons! Let them go, or else..." [Seymour makes the soldiers, Kinoc included, drop their weapons.] Yuna: "Leave now! Please!" Tidus: "You're coming with us!" Yuna: "Don't worry! Go!" Seymour: "This is foolish. If you fall, you'll die." Yuna: "Don't worry. I can fly. Believe." [Yuna falls backwards off the ledge.] Tidus: Yuna! [FMV. Yuna summons Valefor mid-fall and it catches her.] Rikku: "Cover your eyes!" [Rikku throws a flashbang at Seymour, who looks at it stupidly as it explodes. The party makes their escape.] Wakka: "Wh-What was that?" Rikku: "An Al Bhed flashbomb!" Tidus: "Lemme go! I'm gonna kill that Seymour!" Kimahri: "Yuna said leave! We leave!"

Lulu: "We'll join up with her later!" Auron: "Break through!" [The party runs to the entrance to the Tower of Light.] Rikku: "Where'd Yunie go?" Kimahri: "Bevelle Palace is temple. Yuna goes to one place only." Tidus: "The Chamber of the Fayth!" [The party walks into the next room.] Lulu: "It's too quiet. A trap?" Tidus: "Who cares? Yuna's waiting for us!" Rikku: "Huh?" [Rikku goes to an electronic control panel and fiddles with it.] Wakka: "What's a machina doing in the temple?" Rikku: "I suppose it comes in handy." Wakka: "That's not what I mean! The teachings! What about the teachings?" Rikku: "Hey, don't look at me!" [The party takes the machina down to a lower level. Rikku finds another panel.] Wakka: "Another machina? Man..." Auron: "So this is Yevon's true face. They betray their own teachings." Wakka: "They treated us like dirt." [In the next room, the party finds...] Lulu: "The entrance to the Trials." Rikku: "I wonder if Yunie's really in there." Wakka: "Let's go and see!" Lulu: "Let's go!" [They make it through the Trials and come to the Bevelle antechamber.] Tidus: "Yuna?" Wakka: "Inside, maybe?" Tidus: "Then what are we standing here for?" [Tidus tries lifting the heavy drop-down door to the Chamber.] Wakka: "H-Hey!"

Tidus: "You can stuff your taboos!" [Kimahri helps him lift the door, and Tidus rolls underneath. In the Chamber, Yuna sits praying. A figure of a boy (the 'Strange Boy' from Zanarkand, to be precise) is there in front of Yuna.] Tidus: "Wh-What's that?" Auron: "A fayth. They join with the summoner and together receive the aeon. They are human souls, imprisoned in stone by ancient Yevon rites. The dead should be allowed to rest. [The fayth joins with Yuna in front of the two, and she collapses.] Tidus: "Yuna!" [Tidus picks her up and starts to carry her out.] Rikku: "Wait, don't come out!" [Outside, Tidus can see Kinoc and some monks.] Kinoc: "There's the last of them. You are to stand trial." Auron: "I expect it will be a fair trial." Kinoc: "Of course it will." [The guards seize the party, and the player can name Yuna's new aeon, default Bahamut. Soon, court is in session.] Kelk Ronso: "The High Court of Yevon is now in session. The sacred offices of this court seek nothing but absolute truth, in Yevon's name. To those on trial: Believe in Yevon, and speak only the truth." Lulu: "Maester Kelk Ronso." Kelk: "Summoner Yuna. You have sworn to protec the people of Yevon, true?" Yuna: "Yes." Kelk: "Then, consider: You have inflicted dire injury upon Maester Seymour Guado...conspired with the Al Bhed and joined in their insurrection. These are traitorous and unforgivable crimes that disturb the order of Yevon. Tell this court what possessed you to participate in such violence." Yuna: "Your Grace... The real traitor is Maester Seymour! He killed his father Jyscal with his own hands!" Kelk: "What is this!" Seymour: "Hmm? Hadn't you heard?" Yuna: "Not only that... Maester Seymour is already dead!" Lulu: "It is a summoner's sacred duty to send the souls of the departed to the Farplane! Yuna was only doing her job as a summoner!"

Yuna: "Grand Maester Mika... Please, send Seymour now!" Mika: "Send the unsent to where they belong?" Yuna: "Yes!" [He chuckles.] Yuna: "Maester?" Mika: "Send the dead...hmm?" [Pyreflies come out of Mika.] Mika: "You would have to send me, too." Wakka: "What!" Kelk: "Grand Maester Mika is a wise leader. Even in death, he is invaluable to Spira." Kinoc: "Enlightened rule by the dead is preferable to the misguided failures of the living." Seymour: "Life is but a passing dream, but the death that follows is eternal." Mika: "Men die. Beasts die. Trees die. Even continents perish. Only the power of death truly commands in Spira. Resisting its power is futile." Yuna: "But what of Sin? I am a summoner, my lord, like my father before me! I am on a pilgrimage to stop the death that Sin brings. Are you... Are you telling me that, too, is futile? Grand Maester Mika, I am not alone! All the people who have opposed Sin... Their battles, their sacrifices -were they all in vain?" Mika: "Not in vain. No matter how many summoners give their lives, Sin cannot be truly defeated. The rebirth cannot be stopped. Yet the courage of those who fight gives the people hope. There is nothing futile in the life and death of a summoner." Auron: "Never futile...but never ending." Mika: "Indeed, that is the essence of Yevon." Yuna: "Lord Mika!" Mika: "Yevon is embodied by eternal, unchanging continuity, summoner." Yuna: "No...that can't be right!" Mika: "Those who question these truths -- they are traitors!" Yuna: "Lord Mika!" [Later on, after court's adjourned, Auron and Tidus are held captive in a hanging cage.] Tidus: "Get me outta here! I want out now! You hear me?" Auron: "You waste your breath."

Tidus: "Man, I hope Yuna's okay." Auron: "She's strong. She'll make it." Tidus: "She'll make it? What, so she can die? Why is it...everything in Spira seems to revolve around people dying?" Auron: "Ahh, the spiral of death." Tidus: "Huh?" Auron: "Summoners challenge the bringer of death, Sin, and die doing so. Guardians give their lives to protect their summoner. The fayth are the souls of the dead. Even the maesters of Yevon are unsent. Spira is full of death. Only Sin is reborn, and then only to bring more death. It is a cycle of death, spiraling endlessly." [Kinoc walks by the cage.] Kinoc: "Come out. Your sentence has been decided." Auron: "Sentence? Don't you mean execution?" Kinoc: "Really, now, what person would execute a dear friend?" Auron: "You would." [Later on, Tidus stands by some indoor pool, a gun barrel on his back.] Warrior Monk: "Looks like you're next!" Tidus: "Next for what?" [The monk pushes him into the water.] Warrior Monk: "Get going!" Tidus: "Where's everybody else?" Warrior: "Floating down there somewhere, maybe." [Tidus finds Wakka after swimming down some water channels.] Wakka: "Oooh! You made it! [Rikku swims over.] Tidus: "What's our sentence?" Wakka: "Think they expect us to give up and die down here." Tidus: "Well, that's a lame way to kill someone." Rikku: "Where's Yunie?" Tidus: "I don't know." Rikku: "Wonder if we should wait for her..."

Tidus: "Hmm... Let's wait at the exit." Rikku: "If there is an exit." [Somewhere, Seymour, Kinoc, and Mika are conversing.] Mika: "How fares the Ronso maester?" Seymour: "It seems my father's murder troubles him." Mika: "Ever the Ronso. Hard-headed, hardly useful." Seymour: "However... The summoner Yuna, daughter to High Summoner Braska... She may be of some use to us alive." Mika: "She has disturbed the order of Yevon. She cannot be allowed to live." Seymour: "I understand." Kinoc: "Let it go, Seymour. No one thrown into the Via Purifico has ever survived." Mika: "Yet, there is always a small chance that they might. Place guards at the exit. Kill any who emerge." Seymour: "Sir. Leave that to me." Mika: "First your father, now your bride?" Seymour: "Allow me to do this because she is my bride." Kinoc: "Wait. I will go, too." Seymour: "You do not trust me?" Kinoc: "Would you trust a man who murdered his father?" Seymour: "Very well. As you wish." [The scene ends. Somewhere, Isaaru's voice says:] Isaaru: "Lady Yuna, forgive me." [Lady Yuna is shown in the Via Purifico when the scene comes back on.] Narrative: [To the condemned:] Stone panels are scattered throughout the Via Purifico. Step on one to transport yourself to the next panel in the indicated direction. Nothing will happen if there is no panel to receive you at the far end. [Yuna finds Auron imprisoned within the maze.] Auron: "There must be an exit somewhere. We search!" [Isaaru is at the exit, waiting for Yuna.] Isaaru: "Lady Yuna... So it is you!"

Yuna: "Why are you here?" Isaaru: "We rode the airship to the Calm Lands, then came to Bevelle. Maester Kinoc summoned us then. Ordered us to 'deal with the traitors.'" Auron: "You will fight us?" Isaaru: "The temple's orders are law. Even if you are Lord Braska's flesh and blood... You're a traitor! Forgive me, Lady Yuna." [The two have an aeon fight, Isaaru saying with each summon:] Isaaru: "Your aeons against mine!" Isaaru: "It's not over yet!" Isaaru: "I cannot let you pass!" [Yuna wallops Isaaru's aeons.] Isaaru: "Stay away! There's a way to the surface up ahead." [Yuna leaves, and Auron walks to Isaaru, delivering the line:] Auron: "Your pilgrimage is over." [Tidus' party goes through the 'water course' of Via Purifico and comes out on dry land. They meet up with the rest.] Rikku: "Yunie! You're all right? We were so worried! It's good to have you back!" Yuna: "Thank you." Tidus: "Um... I...uh..." [Behind him, Seymour, Kinoc, and some Guado appear. Although, Kinoc isn't walking -- he's being carried by his collar, because he's been killed.] Auron: "Kinoc!" Tidus: "Why, you!" Seymour: "I have saved him. He was a man who craved power. And great power he had, but he feared losing it. Trembling at unseen enemies, he spent his days scheming petty schemes. Chased by his fears, never knowing rest. You see... Now, he has no worries. He has been granted sleep eternal. Death is a sweet slumber. All the pain of life is gently swept away... Ah, yes. So you see...if all life were to end on Spira, all suffering would end. Don't you see? Do you not agree? That, Yuna, is why I need you. Come, Lady Yuna. Come with me to Zanarkand, the lost city of the dead. With death on our side, we will save Spira, and for this...I will take from you your strength, Yuna, your life, and become the next Sin. I will destroy Spira! I will save it!" Tidus: "You're totally nuts!" [Kimahri brandishes his spear.] Seymour: "Unpleasant... Very well. I will give you your death. You seem to want it so."

[Seymour turns his entourage and Kinoc into pyrelifes, absorbs them, and turns into an ugly monster.] Kimahri: "Run! Protect Yuna!" Auron: "Go!" Tidus: "No way! I'm fighting!" Auron: "I said go!" [The party starts to leave Kimahri to Seymour.] Yuna: "I won't leave Kimahri behind!" Auron: "He is a guardian. Protecting you is everything." Yuna: "Auron!" Tidus: "That's right! We're all guardians! Yeah, and you know what that means? Yuna... Anywhere you go, I'll follow!" Yuna: "Anywhere I go?" Tidus: "Yeah, anywhere!" Yuna: "Well, then!" Tidus & Yuna: "Let's go! Tidus: "Hey, Kimahri! Leave some for us!" Wakka: "Hey! Wait for me!" Rikku: "Me, too!" Lulu: "I'll go, too!" [Everyone runs back to fight Seymour and wallops him.] T-Narrative: We escaped with our skins intact, but Yuna lost something. I could already tell, her faith was shaken. Yevon had betrayed her. I felt like I should do or say something -- anything... But nothing came. I was just as lost as she was. And then..." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 21) Macalania Woods II MCD2 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [After escaping Bevelle, Wakka, Lulu, Rikku and Tidus are resting in a dark area. Auron walks over.] Wakka: "Well?" Auron: "We're all clear. We will have to avoid Bevelle in the future. Yuna?" Rikku: "Said she wanted to be alone." Auron: "Of course."

[Tidus finds Yuna by a spring.] Yuna: "I always thought that this would be easier somehow. I thought that everyone would help me...with all my friends together beside me. I've been trying so hard." Tidus: "Maybe you're trying too hard. They told me...everything." Yuna: "Everything? Well, so know." Tidus: "Yeah. I'm sorry. It's just you know...all those things I said. Like 'Let's go get Sin!' Or about Zanarkand... I didn't know what would happen to you, Yuna. I guess...I hope it didn't make you sad. Forgive me." Yuna: "I wasn't sad. I was happy." [Tidus swims around in the water.] Tidus: "Yuna. Just don't do it." Yuna: "The pilgrimage?" Tidus: "Yeah. That's right. Forget all about Sin, about being a summoner. Forget all that. You know, live a normal life. Come on now, Yuna, what do you say?" Yuna: "Maybe I will. Wouldn't everyone be surprised?" Tidus: Yeah. Except Rikku. She'd be with you. Lulu and Wakka wouldn't hold out long." Yuna: "Kimahri would say yes, too, I know. But Sir Auron..." Tidus: "I'll make him understand, Yuna. It's the least I can do for you." Yuna: "No, I should tell him. He deserves it. What'll I do if I give up my pilgrimage?" Tidus: "Hey! Zanarkand! Let's go to Zanarkand! Not the one in Spira, the one I'm from. Yeah, we can all fly there. Everyone can go! Then we'll have a big party at my place!" Yuna: "And then we could see blitzball! Your Zanarkand Abes would play! We could all watch you play, in the stadium all lit up at night. I'd cheer and cheer till I couldn't cheer anymore!" Tidus: "Right on!" Yuna: "Well, what about after the game?" Tidus: "We'd go out and have fun!" Yuna: "In the middle of the night?" Tidus: "No problem! Zanarkand never sleeps! Let's go to the sea, before the sunrise. The city lights go out one by one. The star fade... Then the horizon glows, almost like it's on fire. It's kinda rose-colored, right? First in the sea, then it spreads to the sky, then to the whole city. It gets brighter and brighter, till everything glows. It's

really...pretty. I know you'd like it." Yuna: "I'd like to see it, someday." Tidus: "Well you can, Yuna. We can both go!" [Yuna starts to weep.] Tidus: "Yu...?" Yuna: "I can't. I just can't! I can't go!" [FMV. Yuna weeps.] Tidus: "Yuna." [FMV. Tidus kisses Yuna and they embrace underwater. They go sit on the shore when they're done.] Yuna: "I'll continue. I must. If I give up now... I could do anything I wanted to, and yet... Even if I was with you, I could never forget." Tidus: "I'll go with you. I'm your guardian. Unless I'm...fired?" Yuna: "Stay with me until the end. Please." Tidus: "Not until the end... Always." Yuna: "Always, then." Yuna: "Maybe you should head back to camp first." Tidus: "Roger!" Yuna: "Wait. I'll go with you." [The two head back to the campsite together.] Yuna: "Sir Auron? Wakka? Lulu? Kimahri? Rikku? Everyone, we leave at dawn. And...I'm sorry for putting you all through this." Auron: "Enough. You need your rest." Yuna: "Yes. Good night." [The next morning, the party heads out for the Calm Lands.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 22) The Calm Lands TCLS | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party walks out of the dark forest into the bright sunlight. As they come over a hill, they see the entirety of the Calm Lands spread out before them. It's...a huge plain, bigger than any space so far.] Lulu: "The Calm Lands. Long ago, the high summoners fought Sin here. The road ends here. Beyond, there're no towns, no villages. Only endless plains." Auron: "Many summoners stray from their path and lose their way here."

[Yuna sprawls out on the grass.] Yuna: "I've always known where to go." Tidus: "I... I won't let you die. I'll find a way, somehow." Yuna: "Let's go." T-Narrative: I told Yuna I would find a way. I guess I wanted to believe that words could make it come true. [The party walks through the Calm Lands towards Mt. Gagazet. At the foot of the mountain--] Voice: "Halt!" [Some Guado emerge from a hiding place.] Guado: "Summons from Lord Seymour! Come with us." Yuna: "We have nothing to discuss with Maester Seymour!" Tidus: "Yeah, so out of our way!" Guado: "Lord Seymour's commands must be obeyed. You will come! I warn you, the maester doesn't need you alive." [A giant robot machina walks up from under the bridge nearby and attacks the party. They defeat it and walk across the bridge to the entrance up to the mountain.] T-Narrative: Sometimes Yuna would just stare off into the distance. I finally understood why. She was saying goodbye to the places she'd never see again. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 23) Mount Gagazet MTGZ | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party walks onto the mountain's base. Kimahri looks around and sees Biran lunging towards him from above; he barely dodges. Down the path, Kelk Ronso also appears.] Kelk: "Summoner Yuna and guardians, leave here at once!" [The party looks around and sees many Ronso standing on the cliffsides, towering over them.] Kelk: "Gagazet is Ronso land, sacred mountain of Yevon. The mountain will not bear the footsteps of infidels!" Biran: "Enemy of Yevon is enemy of Ronso! Leave, traitors!" Yuna: "I have cast aside Yevon! I follow the temple no more!" Kelk: "Then you will die by those words!" Yuna: "So be it. Yevon has warped the teachings and betrayed us all!" Wakka: "Nothing but a bunch of low-down tricksters, eh?"

Tidus: "Yeah! Yeah!" Rikku: "Yeah! Yeah!" Yuna: "We have no regrets." Yenke: "Blasphemers! Kelk: "A summoners and her guardians..." Lulu: "Lord Kelk Ronso, if I may. Have you not also turned your back on Bevelle?" Auron: "But still, you guard Gagazet as a Ronso, not a maester. Yuna is much the same." Biran: "Elder Kelk! Let Biran rend them asunder!" Yenke: "No escape! Not one!" Yuna: "No, we will not flee. We will fight, and continue on." Kelk: "You have been branded a traitor, but still you would fight Sin? Lost to the temple, hated the people, yet you continue your pilgrimage? Everything lost! What do you fight for?" Yuna: "I fight for Spira. The people long for the Calm. I can give it to them. It's all I can give. Defeating Sin, ending pain...this I can do." Kelk: "Even sacrificing yourself? Ronso, let them pass! Summoner Yuna, your will is stronger than steel. Tempered steel that even the mightiest Ronso could not hope to bend. Yuna, we bow to your will! Now go! The sacred heights of Gagazet welcome you." Yuna: "We thank you." [The party starts to climb up the mountain, but--] Biran: "Halt!" [Biran and Yenke show themselves.] Tidus: "Haven't you bothered us enough?" Biran: "Summoner may pass. Guardians may pass. Kimahri not pass! Kimahri shame Ronso brothers. Kimahri forget his birth." Yenke: "Forget his people, forget his mountain. Little Ronso! Weakling Ronso!" Biran: "Mountain hate the weak, hate the small. If you will climb..." Kimahri: "Then I must prove my strength!" Biran: "Think you will win? You not forget who took your horn! Never forget!" Yenke: "Kimahri never beat brother Biran! Never win!" Kimahri: "This time, I win. I will win!"

Tidus: "This some kind of Ronso thing?" Kimahri: "Kimahri problem." [Kimahri squares off against Biran and Yenke and beats them.] Biran: "Strong is Kimahri. Biran is happy. Sacred Mount Gagazet! I honor the name of the warrior who defeats Biran. Remember always, Gagazet! That name is Kimahri!" Yenke: "Mountain knows Kimahri strong. Kimahri may pass." Biran: "Summoner! We Ronso will stop pursuers from temple." Yuna: "Truly?" Biran: "Penance for breaking Kimahri's horn, long ago." Yenke: "We crush enemies following behind." Kimahri: "Kimahri crush enemies standing before." Biran: "You are most fortunate summoner." Yuna: "I thank you." Yenke: "Ronso will shine your statue brightest." Yuna: "Thank you. But I fear that no one will make a statue for a traitor such as I am." Biran: "Then Ronso will make!" Yenke: "With grand horn on head!" Yuna: "That...would be wonderful." [Biran and Yenke allow the party to pass, and the party starts to walk on.] T-Narrative: I wanted to see Yuna's statue, too. But I wanted to see it...with Yuna by my side. [Biran stands on a cliff.] Biran: "Summoner Yuna!" Tidus: "What is it this time?" [Biran and Yenke starts to sing the Hymn of the Fayth. More Ronso join in... It's a funny scene, kinda, with their posturing. The party heads up the mount; Rikku and Tidus stop to talk.] Rikku: "Zanarkand is on the other side, you know?" Tidus: "I know." Rikku: "Yunie is gonna get the Final Aeon, you know?" Tidus: "I know."

Rikku: "I still haven't thought of anything." Tidus: "Me neither." Rikku: "What are we gonna do?" Tidus: "We'll do something! We just don't know enough yet. Until we do, we really can't help Yuna. Let's got to Zanarkand. We'll find something there. It'll all come together! I know it! Rikku: "Hey... Just now you sounded like a leader, you know?" Tidus: "Star of the Zanarkand Abes! Didn't anyone tell you?" [Tidus starts to walk off, but Rikku cries out. Behind them is Seymour.] Seymour: "Ah, the son of Jecht." Tidus: "Rikku, run ahead and tell Auron!" Rikku: "You are not fighting him alone!" Tidus: "Just go! Go!" [She runs to get Auron.] Seymour: "Now is your time to die. Prepare yourself, son of Jecht." Tidus: "Not if I can help it!" Kimahri: "Save some for Kimahri!" [The party stands runs to Tidus.] Seymour: "Lady Yuna, it is a pleasure." Lulu: "Yuna!" [Yuna starts to do the sending motions.] Seymour: "A sending, so soon? Allow me to say something to the last Ronso before I leave. Yours was...truly a gallant race. They threw themselves at me to bar my path. One...after another..." Kimahri: "No..." Yuna: "Kimahri..." Seymour: "You could end the suffering of this poor Ronso." Yuna: "I don't understand you!" Seymour: "Allow Kimahri to die, and release him from his pain. a land of suffering and sorrow caught in a spiral of death. To destroy -- to heal -- Spira, I will become Sin. Yes, with your help. Come with me, Yuna." [Tidus steps in front of Yuna.] Seymour: "Once I have become the next Sin, your father will be freed again."

Tidus: "What do you know? Seymour: "Pitiful mortal. Your hope ends here. And you meaningless existence with it." [The party fights the creature Seymour becomes, sending it bursting into a cloud of pyreflies.] Tidus: "And stay up there!" [The party starts to walk away.] Yuna: "He will become Sin...with my help." Auron: "Lies. Forget them." Yuna: "If he becomes Sin, Sir Jecht will be saved." Auron: "We're leaving." Yuna: "You know something! Tell me! Tell me!" [She runs to Tidus.] Tidus: "Sin' old man." Wakka: "You hit your head?" Tidus: "Sin is my old man. My old man became Sin! I don't know how or why he did it. I felt him, inside. And when I did, I knew it was true. My old man is Spira's suffering. Sorry." Yuna: "Even...knowing that Sin is your father... Still, you know, I must..." Tidus: "I know. Let's get him. I think my old man would want that." Lulu: "You'd fight your own father?" Tidus: "Yeah. No problem there." Wakka: "Uh... 'Bout your old man... You sure this ain't some kinda bad toxin dream or something? Then, Chappu... I, uh... I think I'll just pretend I didn't hear nothing. I'm getting a little confused, ya? Why... Why'd all this have to happen?" Auron: "We'll learn when we arrive. Soon." [The party walks into the next screen.] Yuna: "Wow!" [FMV. A large fayth dripping with energy is shown. It's massive.] Wakka: "Wh-What are those?" Yuna: "Those are fayth. A summoning! Someone is using these fayth! Someone is drawing energy from all of them!" Rikku: "This many?"

Lulu: "Who wields power on this scale, and what could they be calling?" [Rikku runs to Auron.] Rikku: "Hey, you know something, don't you? Spill the beans!" Aurons: "Look not to others for knowledge. This is your journey, too." Rikku: "Yunie might die, you know?" Tidus: "No... Auron's right. This is our... This is my story." [Tidus touches the fayth and has a flashback to being in Zanarkand.] Tidus: "Eh?" [He walks into his houseboat and sees the 'Strange Boy' from Zanarkand, glowing with the help of pyreflies.] Fayth: "Welcome home." Tidus: "You..." Fayth: "Remember me? We met in Bevelle." Tidus: "Yeah." Fayth: "But that wasn't the first time we met. I've known about you for a long time. A long, long time." Tidus: "I...I feel like I know you, too. Where are we?" Fayth: "Silly, don't recognize your own home?" [Wakka's figure appears in the living room...Then, Rikku's.] Wakka: "What's gotten into you? Hey!" Rikku: "Wake up! Wake up! Tidus: "Wait...this is a dream." Fayth: "Precisely." Tidus: "A dream? Are you crazy? I don't have time to be dreaming now!" Fayth: "You're wrong. It's not that you're dreaming. You are a dream." Tidus: "Huh? Wait a sec." [Tidus chases the fayth to the upperdeck.] Fayth: "Long ago, there was a war." Tidus: "Yeah, with machina, right?" Fayth: "Yes. A war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. Bevelle's machina assured their victory from the start. Spira had never seen such power. The summoners of Zanarkand didn't stand a chance. Zanarkand was doomed to

oblivion. That's why we tried to save it -- if only in a memory." Tidus: "What did you do?" Fayth: "The remaining summoners and the townspeople that survived the war... They all became fayth -- fayth for the summoning." Tidus: "The summoning... You mean Sin?" Fayth: "No. I mean this place. A Zanarkand that never sleeps." Tidus: "What?" Fayth: "The dreams of the fayth summoned the memories of the city. They summoned all the buildings, all the people who lived there." Tidus: "The people... What, they're all dreams? Me, too?" Fayth: "Yes, you're a dream of the fayth. You, your father, your mother, everyone. All dreams. And if the fayth stop dreaming..." [The fayth shows him a Zanarkand without any buildings -- only his houseboat.] Tidus: "No! So what if I'm a dream! I...I like being here." Fayth: "We've been dreaming so long...we're tired. Would you and your father... Would you let us rest? Both you and your father have been touched by Sin. Sin, the one whom all Spira -- the spiral -- revolves." Tidus: "What are you saying?" Fayth: "You two are more than just dreams now." [Yuna's figure appears in the dream.] Yuna: "Wake up! Wake up, please!" Fayth: "Just a little more, and maybe... Maybe you are the dream that will end our dreaming at last." [The dream finishes and Tidus wakes up on his back, the party over him.] Yuna: "Are you all right?" Rikku: "Hey! We were so worried about you!" Lulu: "You okay?" Tidus: "I...I'm okay." Yuna: "What happened?" Tidus: "Nothing... I blacked out. I was dreaming. You called me...and I woke up. Nothing like a good nap! Well, I'm ready. Let's go." [The party enters the caves and comes to a submerged portion.] Wakka: "Looks like we got a job to do, ya?" Lulu: "If anything should happen in the water, we're relying on you three. If

it gets dangerous, pull out quick." Wakka: "Right!" Yuna: "Be careful, okay?" [In the passage beyond, the party comes to a spinning device.] Narrative: [The First Trial of Gagazet] Aim for the center with Wakka's ball! [In the second passage, three colored panels are shown.] Narrative: [The Second Trial of Gagazet] Hit the three panels simultaneously. Check each size before deciding who to send. [The party finishes the trial and starts to head out.] Auron: "They'll be upon us soon. She has sent fiends to test our summoner's strength." Yuna: "Who is 'she'?" Auron: "Yunalesca." Yuna: "Lady Yunalesca?" Auron: "In Zanarkand, she awaits the arrival of the strongest." Yuna: " still alive?" Auron: "As much as Mika and Seymour." Yuna: "I see." Auron: "Lost your nerve?" Yuna: "No. Nothing frightens me now." Auron: "Braska would be proud." Yuna: "Then...I must not let him down." [The party walks out of the caves into the fresh air.] Auron: "It comes!" [The Sanctuary Keeper attacks, but is doesn't last long.] Rikku: "Hey! Can't we rest a little?" Auron: "No need. We reach the summit soon." Rikku: "I know, that's why I want to stop for a bit. Soon means that... there's not much time left." Yuna: "Rikku..."

Rikku: "Fine. I'll think on the way." [The party starts walking. Walka goes over to Tidus.] Wakka: "Hey, come on, let's go." Tidus: "We are almost there, aren't we?" Wakka: "We've come a long way." [Auron chuckles.] Tidus: "What's so funny?" Auron: "You more will when remind me of myself. Before, the closer I came to Zanarkand, the I wondered...when we arrive, Braska will call the Final Aeon... He fight Sin, then die. I thought my mind was made up long before. But I stood here, my resolve wavered."

Wakka: "Huh, never would've figured. Legendary guardians choke sometimes, too, ya?" Auron: "Legendary guardian? I was just a boy. A boy about your age, actually. I wanted to change the world, too. But I changed nothing. That is my story." [Over the side of the summit, the party can see their first glances of the dead Zanarkand, nearly pristine in its decayed state.] T-Narrative: A city dead for a thousand years. A city I had to see with my own eyes. The end of Yuna's journey. The last chapter in my story. My thoughts, they kept floating up, and then slipping through my fingers. Slipping away before I could pin them down with words. Rikku: "Yuna, I say no! If we go down there, then you'll... Yuna: "Rikku. You're a true friend, and I thank you, but... I must go...down, to Zanarkand." Rikku: "I'm not saying we shouldn't go. But shouldn't we think about it some more? There's gotta be some kind of way we can save you, Yuna!" Yuna: "All my life, I knew this moment would come..." Rikku: "Yunie..." [Yuna hugs Rikku and, in the process, drops a sphere. Only Tidus notices.] Yuna: "Thank you, Rikku. Thank you for everything." Rikku: "Don't say that, Yunie! It's not over yet!" Yuna: "Tell Cid thank you." Rikku: "No... You can tell him yourself." Yuna: "Please....: Rikku: "Yunie, don't say that because...we're gonna see each other again,

okay?" Yuna: "Kimahri, let's go." [The party moves on but Tidus looks at Yuna's sphere. Yuna's in it, recording at the Mi'ihen Highroad travel agency, on the hill.] Yuna: "Sir Auron. Kimahri told me...when my father wanted me taken from Bevelle to Besaid... It was you who told Kimahri, right? I had always wanted to meet you someday. I am truly glad that I had that chance. Having you as a guardian was so great an honor that I don't know how to thank you. Perhaps if I defeat Sin, that will be my thanks to you. That's what I'll do. Yes. I will challenge Sin. I will defeat Sin. If you are all there watching this, then I guess Sin is already gone. And so am I, I suppose. Anyway, I just wanted to say: Sir Auron, I thank you. Kimahri... Do you remember the first day we met? I was only seven. My father had defeated Sin, and all Bevelle was celebrating. Everyone was saying what a hero my father was. I was so happy. But when night came, it occurred to me. My father had defeated Sin and now he was dead. Now, I was all alone. I couldn't sleep, so I wandered into the town, away from the celebrating crowds. I stood on the bridge to Bevelle where my father and I had parted. Standing there, alone, I could see the fiends where he had fought Sin. Then, you appeared, Kimahri. You said you were looking for the daughter of Braska, remember? At first, I was so scared. Until I realized what a gentle person you are. You weren't used to talking to children. When I told you that I was Braska's said you would take me as far from Bevelle as you could. That it was the wish of a man facing death. I think...I cried then. Because that...that was when I knew my father was dead...and I would never see him again. You just held me, without saying a word. I cried after we got to Besaid, too. When you tried to go after leaving me in the care of the temple...I held onto you, crying, 'Don't go, don't go!' And you listened, Kimahri. You stayed. Kimahri, thank you. Thank you so much. And I've always liked your broken horn. Wakka, Lulu: I'll never forget my days spent with you, growing up in Besaid. We always played together, us and Chappu. That's why I was always so happy, I think. And when you refused to let me become a summoner and I did it anyway... I'm sorry. I've always wanted to apologize. You know, when you tried to stop me then -- really, I was happy. I could tell you really cared about me. You were like my big brother and sister. No... I think you really were my big brother and sister. What else... I love watching you play blitzball, Wakka. I even love it when you scold me, Lulu! Really! I guess that leaves...the newest guardian. Star player of the Zanarkand Abes! You are... I am... Well, um... I'm glad...I'm glad that we met. We haven't even known each other that long, but... It's funny. So this is what it feels like. It's a much more wonderful feeling than anything I had ever imagined. Wonderful...but it hurts, sometimes. I wonder. I...I just want to say, thank you for everything. Maybe...maybe that's why it hurts. When I... When I think about us never being together again at all... I'm afraid. No, I shouldn't say that. I'll do that part over. Um..." Tidus: "Whatcha up to?" [The sphere shuts off and Tidus catches up with the party at the bottom of the mountain's side. They're all watching the sunset and the colored clouds. They

build a campfire and sit around it as in the game's opening sequence. Tidus climbs a hill and surveys the sunset.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 24) Zanarkand II ZNR2 | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ T-Narrative: Listen to my story. This may be our last chance. [The party sits at the campfire later, reminiscing.] Tidus: "Hey! There was more, right? I mean like that time...uh... Anyone?" Yuna: "I think..." Tidus: "Yes?" Yuna: "I think that we should stop...maybe. For now. Let's go." [The party walks along a crumbled road, pyreflies dotting the watery ditches.] Wakka: "Looks like the Farplane." Auron: "Close enough." [The party comes to a large stadium's entrance and a man walks out.] Man: "Journeyer of the long road, name yourself." Yuna: "I am the summoner Yuna. I have come from the island of Besaid." Man: "Your eyes, my dear. Show me the long road you have travelled. Very good. You have journeyed well. Lady Yunalesca will surely welcome your arrival. Go to her now, and bring your guardians with you. Go." [The man walks by and fades away. Inside the old blitzball stadium, a specter of a previous summoner and her guardians appears.] Guardian: "If it might benefit the future of Spira, I will gladly give my life. It is the highest honor for which a guardian might ask. Use my life, Lady Yocun, and rid Spira of Sin." [The specters disappear.] Rikku: "What...what was that?" Auron: "Our predecessors." Lulu: "She said 'Lady Yocun,' didn't she? Wait! She guarded High Summoner Yocun?" Auron: "This dome is filled with pyreflies. It's like one gigantic sphere. People's thoughts remain here. Forever." [Later on, a boy's specter appears out of pyreflies.] Boy: "No! Mother, no! I don't want you to become a fayth!" Woman: "There is no other way. Use me and defeat Sin. Only then will the people accept you."

Boy: "I don't care about them! I need you, Mother! No one else!" Woman: "I don't...have much time left." [The specters disappear.] Wakka: "Hey, wasn't that...? Rikku: "Seymour?" [The party goes only a shortways before the specters of Braska, Jecht, and Auron appear, running alongside the party in a different time.] Tidus: "Ah!" Jecht: "Hey, Braska. You don't have to do this." Braska: "Thank you for your concern." Jecht: "Fine. I said my piece." Auron: "Well, I haven't! Lord Braska, let us go back! I don't want to see you...die!" Braska: "You knew this was to happen, my friend." Auron: "Yes, but I...I cannot accept it." Braska: "Auron, I am honored that you care for me so. But I have come to kill grief itself. I will defeat Sin, and lift the veil of sorrow covering Spira. Please understand, Auron." [The specters head into the next screen, and the party follows them.] Jecht: "Are the Trials ahead?" Braska: "Probably." Jecht: "Here, too, huh? Gimme a break. I was expecting, you know, parades and...fireworks!" Braska: "You can ask for them after I defeat Sin." [The party makes it through the trials and defeats the Spectral Keeper. An elevator comes up.] Auron: "Yuna... We're here." Yuna: "The hall of the Final Summoning." Auron: "Go." Yuna: "Yes." [She gets on the elevator by herself and descends. Jecht says, on some plane:] Jecht: "Huh? What do you mean no Final Aeon?" [She comes back up.]

Yuna: "Sir Auron! Everyone!" [They all get on and descend, walking into the fayth's room.] Yuna: "This isn't a fayth. It's just an empty statue." [The man from the dome entrance appears.] Man: "That statue lost its power as a fayth long ago. It is Lord Zaon, the first fayth of the Final Summoning. What you see before you is all that remains of him. Lord Zaon is...his soul is gone." Wakka: "Gone!?" Rikku: "You mean, there is no Final Aeon?" Man: "But fear not. Lady Yunalesca will show you the path. The Final Aeon will be yours. The summoner and the Final Aeon will join powers. Go to her now. Inside, the lady awaits." [The man disappears, and a door opens up behind Yuna.] Tidus: "Yuna, wait! Auron, you knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" Auron: "Yes." Rikku: "Why didn't you tell us!?" Auron: "If I had told you the truth, would that really have stopped you from coming?" Kimahri: "Yuna." Yuna: "I'm not going back." Kimahri: "Kimahri knows. Kimahri go first. Yuna is safe. Kimahri protect." [The party walks through door into a well-lit room. The door at the top of the stair starts to open.] Rikku: "Someone's coming!" Yuna: "Lady Yunalesca." Yunalesca: "Welcome to Zanarkand. I congratulate you, summoner. You have completed your pilgrimage. I will now bestow upon you that which you seek. The Final Summoning...will be yours. Now, choose. You must choose the one whom I will become the fayth for the Final Summoning. There must be a bond, between chosen and summoner, for that is what the Final Aeon embodies: the bond between husband and wife, mother and child, or between friends. If that bond is strong enough, its light will conquer Sin. A thousand years ago, I chose my husband Zaon as my fayth. Our bond was true, and I obtained the Final Aeon. There is nothing to fear. You will soon be freed of worry and pain. For once you call forth the Final Aeon, your life will end. Death is the ultimate and final liberation. Your father, Braska, chose this path." [The pyreflies recall the moment that Braska and his guardians had to decide.]

Auron: "It is not too late! Let us turn back!" Braska: "If I turn back, who will defeat Sin? Would you have some other summoner and his guardians go through this?" Auron: " lord, there must be another way!" Jecht: "This is the only way we got now! Fine. Make me the fayth. I been doing some thinking. My dream is back in the other Zanarkand. I wanted to make that runt into a star blitz player. Show him the view from the top, you know. But now I know there's no way home for me. I'm never gonna see him again. My dream's never gonna come true. So make me the fayth. I'll fight Sin with you, Braska. Then maybe my life will have meaning, you know." Auron: "Don't do this, Jecht! If you live...there may be another way! We'll think of something, I know!" Jecht: "Believe me, I thought this through. Besides... I ain't gettin' any younger, so I might as well make myself useful." Braska: "Jecht." Jecht: "What! You're not gonna try to stop me, too?" Braska: "Sorry. I mean...thank you." Jecht: "Braska still has to fight Sin, Auron. Guard him well. Make sure he gets there. Well, let's go." Auron: "Lord Braska! Jecht!" Jecht: "What do you want now?" Auron: "Sin always comes back. It comes back after the Calm every time! The cycle will continue and your deaths will mean nothing!" Braska: "But there's always a chance it won't come back this time. It's worth trying." Jecht: "I understand what you're saying, Auron. I'll find a way to break the cycle." Auron: "You have a plan?" Braska: "Jecht?" Jecht: "Trust me, I'll think of something." [Jecht and Braska leave through the door at the top of the stair. Auron cuts through the specter of his former self and dispels it.] Auron: "And the cycle went on." Tidus: "We'll break it!" Wakka: "But how? What, you got a plan now?" Lulu: "If one of us has to become a fayth...I volunteer."

Wakka: "Me too, Yuna! Tidus: "Tidus: That still won't change anything, you know? You'd bring the Calm, and then what? That won't break the cycle!" Wakka: "Listen... You wanna defeat Sin and keep Yuna alive... You don't want Sin to come back, ya? That is just not gonna happen, brudda, you know?" Lulu: "If you want everything, you'll end up with nothing." Tidus: "But I want everything!" Wakka: "Now you're being childish!" Tidus; "I give up! So what would an adult do, then? They know they can just throw away a summoner, then they can do whatever they like. You're right. I might not even have a chance. But no way am I gonna just stand here and let Yuna go. And what Auron said about there being a way... I think it's true." Rikku: "'You'll think of something'?" Tidus: "I'll go ask Yunalesca. She's got to know something." Rikku: "You really think she'll help you?" Tidus: "I don't know, but I have to try. This is my story. It'll go the way I want it...or I'll end it here." Yuna: "Wait. You say it's your story, but it's my story, too, you know? It would be so let my fate just carry me away...following this same path my whole life through. But I know...I can't. What I do, I do...with no regrets." [The party walks into Yunalesca's chambers.] Yunalesca: "Have you chosen the one to become your fayth? Who will it be?" Yuna: "Might I ask something first? Will Sin come back even should I use the Final Summoning to defeat it?" Yunalesca: "Sin is eternal. Every aeon that defeats it becomes Sin in its place... And thus is Sin reborn." Tidus: "So that's why Jecht became Sin." Yunalesca: "Sin is an inevitable part of Spira's destiny. It is neverending." Wakka: "Neverending? But...but...if we atone for our crimes, Sin will stop coming back, ya? Someday, it'll be gone, ya?" Yunalesca: "Will humanity ever attain such purity?" Lulu: "This...this cannot be! The teachings state that we can exorcise Sin with complete atonement! It's been our only hope all these years!" Yunalesca: "Hope is...comforting. It allows us to accept fate, however tragic it might be."

Tidus: "No!" [Just then, the specter of Auron from ten years prior appears, squaring off against Yunalesca, saying:] Auron: "No! Where is the sense in all this? Braska believed in Yevon's teachings and died for them! Jecht believed in Braska and gave his life for him!" Yunalesca: "They chose to die...because they had hope." [The image of Auron brandishes his sword against Yunalesca and attacks, but she repels him. The specter flies back, falls on his neck, and doesn't move; it disappears into pyreflies.] Yunalesca: "Yevon's teachings and the Final Summoning give the people of Spira hope. Without hope, they would drown in their sorrow. Now, choose. Who will be your fayth? Who will be the one to renew Spira's hope?" Yuna: "No one. I would have gladly died. I live for the people of Spira, and would have gladly died for them. But no more! The Final a false tradition that should be thrown away." Yunalesca: "No. It's our only hope. Your father sacrificed himself to give that hope to the people. So they would forget sorrow." Yuna: "Wrong. My father... My father make Spira's sorrow go away. Not just cover it up with lies!" Yunalesca: "Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." Yuna: "My father... I loved him. So I... I will live with my sorrow, I will live my own life! I will defeat sorrow, in his place. I will stand my ground and be strong. I don't know when it will be but someday, I will conquer it. And I will do it without...false hope." Yunalesca: "Poor creature. You would throw away hope. Well... I will free you before you can drown in your sorrow. It is better for you to die in hope than to live in despair. Let me be your liberator." [Yunalesca prepares for battle.] Auron: "Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!" Kimahri: "Yuna needs Kimahri. Kimahri protect Yuna." Rikku: "Well, I'm fighting!" Wakka: "I can't believe we're gonna fight Lady Yunalesca! Gimme a break!" Lulu: "You can always run." Wakka: "Hah! I'd never forgive myself -- no way! Not if I ran away now. Even in death, ya!" Lulu: "My thoughts exactly." Tidus: "Yuna! This is our story! Now let's see this thing through together."

[The party fights and defeats Yunalesca, in all three forms.] Yunalesca: "If I die, so does the Final Aeon. And with it, Spira's only hope." Tidus: "Then we'll find Spira a new hope!" Yunalesca: "Fool. There is no other way. Even if there was... Even if you did destroy Sin... Yu Yevon the immortal would only create Sin anew." Tidus: "Yu Yevon!?" Yunalesca: "Ah... Zaon... Forgive me... Spira has been robbed of the light of hope... All that remains is sorrow." [Yunalesca dies and turns to pyreflies.] Yuna: "I cannot believe what we just did." Tidus: "Let's do something more unbelievable." Rikku: "What?" Tidus: "Destroy Sin. So it won't come back, and without the Final Aeon. I don't know how just yet. But I'll find out." [The party starts to walk back to the elevator. Auron calls Tidus aside.] Auron: "We must talk." Tidus: "What?" Auron: "There is something you should know." Tidus: "I's about you, right?" Auron: "I am also an unsent. You are not surprised?" Tidus: "I think I kinda knew. It was Yunalesca, wasn't it?" Auron: "When Braska and Jecht died defeating Sin...I just couldn't accept it. I came back here...tried to avenge them. But she struck me down. Somehow I made my way, crawling, down Mount Gagazet. But my strength left me just outside Bevelle. That's where Kimahri found me. I told him about Yuna...just before I died. I've been wandering ever since, never going to the Farplane." Tidus: "Auron..." Auron: "Don't make that face. Being dead has its advantages. I was able to ride Sin and go to your Zanarkand." Tidus: "And you've been watching over me since then, haven't you? Why? What's the big idea? Why me?" Auron: "It is one of those things that is difficult to explain. Very well, I will show you. My memories." [Pyreflies come out of Auron and display one of his memories to Tidus. Jecht and Braska are there, in Zanarkand.]

Jecht: "Can I ask you one last favor? Uh... Nah. Never mind." Auron: "Out with it!" Jecht: "Okay. Listen good. Take care of my son. My son, in Zanarkand. He's such a crybaby. He needs someone there to hold his hand, see? Take care of him, will you?" Auron: "But how am I supposed to go to Zanarkand?" Jecht: "Hey! You said it yourself! There must be a way to get there, right? You'll find it." Auron: "All right, I will! I give you my word. I'll take care of your son. I'll guard him with my life." Jecht: "Thanks, Auron. You were always such a stiff, but that's what I liked about you. [Auron's pyrefly memory concludes.] Auron: "That is why." [The party walks out of the old stadium dome and Sin is there, watching them silently.] Tidus: (Dad? I know. The Final Summoning's gone. But I'll think of something! Just give me a little more time!) [FMV. Sin slides back into the water and leaves, while the Al Bhed Airship flies down to pick up the party.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 25) Al Bhed Airship ABAR | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party gets on the airship.] Brother: "Frana du huf?" ["Where to now?"] Cid: "Aren't we the happy lookin' bunch?" Brother: "Frana? Frana?" ["Where? Where?"] Rikku: "'Where, where?' That all you can say? Why don't you think of something!?"" Auron: "Well? Any good ideas?" Tidus: "Come on, help us?" Auron: "What do we know... Sin is Jecht. Thus, you have a link...a bond with Sin. That may be our key." Tidus: "So what do we do?" Auron: "We think, and we wait." Tidus: "Two things I'm bad at."

[Yuna and Kimahri go to the upperdeck viewing area later. Tidus drops by.] Yuna: "I'm no good at all." Tidus: "What are you talking about?" Yuna: "All this time, I've been thinking about how to defeat Sin. But I... Beyond the teachings of Yevon, I...I know nothing. I'm sorry." Kimahri: "Yuna, no apologies." Yuna: "Huh?" Kimahri: "Apology is running. Yuna never run away." Yuna: "Thank you, Kimahri." Tidus: "So, uh, Kimahri... You got any good ideas?" Kimahri: "Yevon's teachings." Yuna: "The teachings won't help us fight Sin." Kimahri: "No answer in the teachings, answers lie outside. Must know both sides to find answer." Yuna: "Both sides..." Kimahri: "Mika knows much. Find him, make him talk." Tidus: "That's it! Kimahri! You rock! [Tidus runs back to the bridge.] Wakka: "Hey, guys! I just had a great idea!" Rikku: "It was my idea. Let me tell them!" Wakka: "It's like this, ya?" Rikku: "I just thought!" Lulu: "The Hymn is the key." Tidus: "The Hymn?" Lulu: "Sir Jecht likes the Hymn of the Fayth, correct?" Tidus: "Yeah." Rikku: "That's why he was listening to it in Macalania!" Lulu: "Sin...violence incarnate, listening peacefully." Wakka: "I know it's your old man, and I don't mean no disrespect, but..." Tidus: "No, it's fine. I've gotten used to it." Lulu: "Let me say it. If we attack Sin head-on, we've little chance of

winning. However, if he hears the Hymn of the Fayth, he will become docile." Wakka: "Yeah, and that's when we make our move! Might be against the rules and all, but who's keeping track, ya? Ya?" Rikku: "Yeah! It could really work!" Tidus: "Yeah... Yeah, it's worth a try!" Narrative: Talk to Cid to open the NavMap. Pick a destination, and you're there! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 27) Highbridge HBRG | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [The party arrives at the Highbridge and is 'greeted' by two warrior monks.] Warrior Monk: "Infidel!" Wakka: "Man, don't these guys ever give up?" Warrior Monk: "You'll regret showing your face here! We'll strike you down in the name of Yevon!" Tidus: "Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, so? Guys?" Rikku: "If they want a fight, let's give 'em one!" Warrior Monk: "Prepare to charge!" Shelinda: "Stop!" [Shelinda runs out of a door nearby.] Warrior Monk: "Captain?" Shelinda: "Lady Yuna is not to be harmed! She's no traitor! That is an evil rumor spread by the Al Bhed!" Rikku: "What?" Shelinda: "Maester Mika himself told me." Warrior Monk: "Then...what are we to do?" Rikku: "Stand down!" Shelinda: "As she says!" [The monks back off.] Rikku: "What was that about evil Al Bhed?" Shelinda: "I... Truly, I do not understand it myself. All Yevon seems to be in a state of confusion. Why, yesterday they called me out of the blue and made me captain of the guard!" Auron: "Short on believers?"

Shelinda: "Yes, the chaos in the temples is worse than I'd imagined. It's horrible! And all the priests do is blame each other. I worry what will become of Yevon. But no! I must be the rock that stands against the swirling tides, right? Lady Yuna, I must tell you, your courage has been a great inspiration to me." Tidus: "Yeah, that's great, but we came here to see Maester Mika. Is he here?" Shelinda: "Yes, I shall arrange an audience. Please wait in the courtroom." [She runs off.] Rikku: "Hey, hey, wait! What was all that about the Al Bhed lying and stuff?" Auron: "Simple. Yuna has become Mika's only hope." Rikku: "Oh... Okay." Lulu: "Just what does he think he can get away with?" Tidus: "Time to teach him some manners!" Yuna: "Yes, let's." [The meeting takes place a little while later.] Mika: "Why are you here? You must go and defeat Sin, quickly! You have obtained the Final Aeon from Yunalesca, have you not?" Tidus: "Well, we did meet her." Yuna: "We fought and defeated her." Mika: "What!" Auron: "Summoners and guardians will be sacrificed for the Final Summoning no more!" Mika: "You have profaned and subverted a thousand-year-old tradition? Fools! Infants! Do you realize what you've done? You've taken away the only means of calming Sin!" Tidus: "Hey, maybe that's not the only way! We think we've got another." Mika: "Why... Preposterous! There is no other way!" Auron: "The grand maester, running away?" Mika: "Spira has lost its only hope. Destruction is inevitable. Yu Yevon's spiral of death will consume us all. I have no desire to watch Spira die." Yuna: "It won't die!" Tidus: "Who is this Yu Yevon guy?" Lulu: "Lady Yunalesca also mentioned him." Rikku: "Wait, gramps! Who's Yu Yevon?"

Mika: "He who crafts the souls of the dead into unholy armor. An armor called Sin. Clad in it, Yu Yevon is invincible. And the only thing that could have pierced that armor, you have destroyed! Nothing can stop it now." [Mika raises his hands and fades away into pyreflies.] Wakka: "Disappear on us, will ya? Rotton son of a shoopuf!" [Shelinda runs in.] Shelinda: "Where...where is the grand maester?" Yuna: "He, um..." Auron: "He's not here yet. How long must we wait?" Shelinda: "That's odd... I'll go look for His Grace." [Shelinda leaves and the fayth Tidus sees appears.] Tidus: "It's you." Fayth: "Come, to my room." Yuna: "Okay." [It disappears.] Wakka: "Who you talking to?" Tidus: "Oh. Uh, no one." Yuna: "I must go see the fayth." Auron: "I see." [In the Chamber of the Fayth, the boy fayth reappears.] Fayth: "Hello." Yuna: "I must thank you for the aeon." Tidus: "So, what's up?" Fayth: "So, have you found a way to truly defeat Sin?" Tidus: "Well..." R1 --> I think so. R2 --> Not yet. R1 (Fayth): "Well?" R3 --> The Hymn of the Fayth! R4 --> Defeat Yu Yevon! R5 --> No idea... R2: "Well, come see me when you do. We'll talk then." R3: "We think the Hymn of the Fayth might slow Sin down." Fayth: "Hmm... Perhaps." Yuna: "You mean, it won't work?"

Fayth: "A very long time has passed since your father became Sin. He may not be able to hear the hymn anymore." Tidus: "I know it's a long shot... But we gotta try anyway if there's a chance." Fayth: "Yes, you must. I'm glad you're doing this. You have a good spirit, truly." Tidus: "I'm not just a dream, right?" Yuna: "A dream?" Tidus: "Uh... It's a long story." Fayth: "If it works, what'll you do then? You need more than the hymn." Tidus: "Well..." Fayth: "Well?" [Options R3/R4/R5 come up again.] R4: "We fight Yu Yevon." Fayth: "Yes... If you defeat Yu Yevon, it will end. Tell me, what do you know about Yu Yevon?" Tidus: "He's what makes Sin come back!" Yuna: "Sin is his armor. It protects him." Fayth: "Yu Yevon was once a summoner, long ago. He was peerless. Yet now he lives for one purpose: only to summon. He is neither good, nor evil. He is awake, yet he dreams. But... maybe not forever." Tidus: "Yeah, that's right. Because we're ending it." Fayth: "Yes. Even if you defeat Sin with the Final Summoning, Yu Yevon will live. Yu Yevon will join with the Final Aeon. He will transform it into a new Sin. Yu Yevon merges with the aeon... Then, protected by this new Sin he has created, Yu Yevon continues the summoning." Tidus: "For eternity...huh?" Fayth: "But you know, there is no such thing as eternity if you end it, is there?" Tidus: "Uh-huh." Fayth: "Yu Yevon lives inside Sin. Yuna, listen. When you fight Yu Yevon, we will help you. Promise me you'll summon us. I'm afraid your swords and magic won't be enough. Please, call us. Promise?" Yuna: "Yes." Fayth: "But, you know... When it is all over...we will wake, and our dream will end. Our dream will vanish." Tidus: "Yeah. You've been dreaming a long time, haven't you?" Fayth: "I'm sorry." Tidus: "I'm grateful." [The Fayth vanishes.] Yuna: "About what?" Tidus: "Oh, nothing. Hey, don't make that face! Come on! We're gonna beat Sin! Let's see some cheer, okay?" Yuna: "You're hiding something." Tidus: "I'm not!" Yuna: "Really?" [Tidus walks away.] Yuna: "You're a bad liar, you know?" R5: "Well, come see me when you do. We'll talk then." [The Chamber scene ends and the party's back at Highbridge. Shelinda runs out.] Shelinda: "I'm afraid the grand maester is nowhere to be found!" Tidus: "S'okay, we were just leaving."

Shelinda: "Oh...I see." Rikku: "Hey! Maybe you could help us with the hymn." Tidus: "Hey, good idea!" Rikku: "It's like, we need you to tell as many people as you can." Shelinda: "What should I tell them?" Rikku: "A ship in the sky will sing the Hymn of the Fayth. When they hear it, we need everyone to sing along!" Wakka: "Everyone in Spira!" Shelinda: "I'm not sure I understand." Rikku: "You don't have to! Just tell everyone!" Shelinda: "A ship in the sky will sing the Hymn of the Fayth? So when they hear it, everyone should sing along, correct?" Tidus: "If they do, we might be able to defeat Sin!" Shelinda: "Truly?" Yuna: "Yes!" Shelinda: "That's wonderful! You can count on me! I shall tell all of Spira!" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 28) Sin SINA | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Back on the airship, the party prepares to attack Sin.] Cid: "Well, this is it, eh?" Tidus: "Yu Yevon's hiding somewhere inside Sin, and we're gonna find him." Cid: "Well, that sounds pretty simple." Tidus: "Simple is the way you like it, right?" Cid: "You got that right." Rikku: "Pops! I'm countin' on you!" Cid: "Right, got you covered!" [Cid fiddles with a panel.] Cid: "How's that?" Rikku: "Right on!" Lulu: "A singing ship in the sky." Wakka: "I hope everyone got the message."

Brother: "Sin!" [FMV. The ship looks at Sin.] Tidus: "All right, we're going in!" Wakka: "How we gonna get inside?" Tidus: "The easy way! How else?" Rikku: "Figures." Lulu: "Well? Let's go!" Cid: "Hey, how you plan on getting inside?" Tidus: "If we can't get in through the mouth, we'll rip open a new one! You with me?" Cid: "Now that's what I call a plan!" Brother: "Vydran! E ghuf fryd du ica!" ["Father! I know what to use!"] Cid: "Aha! Of course!" Tidus: "Of course!" Cid: "All right! We'll give that thing a new blowhole. All you gotta do is jump!" Tidus: "Roger!" Cid: "I won't tell ya to be careful. Do your worst, kiddo!" Tidus: "Roger!" Brother: "Fyed! Rikku, you...guard." ["Wait! Rikku, you...guard."] Tidus: "Will do!" [The party runs up on the deck.] Rikku: "I can hear the song!" Lulu: "Yes, I can hear the Hymn, too." Rikku: "They listened to us!" Tidus: "We won't let them down! Yuna? You don't need this anymore, right?" [He shows her the sphere she dropped on Mt. Gagazet, much to her surprise.] Tidus: "Right?" [He chucks it overboard. The ship goes tremulant for a moment.] Wakka: "Hey, guys? Guys? That's not good, ya?" [FMV. Sin forms a giant ball of energy out at sea, encasing it. FMV. It shoots energy balls in eight directions. They cut a path through the earth and sea,

and a large backlash of debris and dirt kicks up towards the ship. FMV. The eight paths carved by Sin are set ablaze and can be seen from outer space. As Tidus looks up after diving for cover, he looks right into Sin's multi-eyed face.] Tidus: "Damn you, old man..." [The loudspeaker clicks on.] Cid: "Hey, I saw somethin' shine on the base of Sin's arm! I reckon its a weak spot!" [The ship shakes again.] Brother: "Cruud!" ["Shoot!"] Cid: "Fryd, fryd?" ["What, what?"] Brother: "Fa yna bimmat po Sin!" ["We are pulled by Sin!"] Rikku: "Sin's pulling us in!" [Sin flies alongside the ship, keeping time.] Cid: "Everyone, back aside!" Brother: "Duu myda! Ed lusac!" ["Too late! It comes!"] [The party fights Sin's left fin and destroys the 'shiny spot' it connects at.] Cid: "Here goes! Everyone, hold on to something! Here we go!" [FMV. The Al Bhed ship uses forbidden machina to blow the left fin clean off.] Tidus: "Got it!" Cid: "Couldn't have done it without you! All right! Everyone look sharp! Time to hit the other side!" Rikku: "Easy for you to say!" [The team defeats the junction on the right fin, too.] Cid: "Nayto? Vena!" ["Ready? Fire!"] [FMV. The machina guns shed the right fin off, too.] Cid: "Yeehaw! Where next?" Brother: "Ed ec ujan." ["It is over."] Cid: "Fryd? Fa ryja uhmo pakih!" ["What? We have only begun!"] Brother: "Pid dra syeh kih, ed ec pnugah!" ["But the main gun, it is broken!"] Cid: "Dr-Dryd lyhhud pa!" ["Th-That cannot be!"] [Out on the deck:] Rikku: "The main gun's busted!"

Cid: "Dang it! All right, back inside! Time for another plan!" Tidus: "No! We're going in! Every blitzer knows: when you got the ball, you gotta score!" [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Yuna: "Let's go!" Wakka: "Go, go, go!" Rikku: "See you there!" Kimahri: "On my honor as Ronso!" Lulu: "A day with you is never dull!" Auron: "Foolhardy... But a fun plan."

[Lulu jumps off the ship towards Sin.] Tidus: "Hey! Star players first!" [The party jumps onto Sin and engages Sin's core, defeating it. FMV. Sin freefalls down to Bevelle and crashes to a stop right by the city. The party watches the smoke and dust clouds from the wreck.] Brother: "Vydran! E lyhhud pameaja fryd E caa!" ["Father! I cannot believe what I see!"] Cid: "Pameaja ed, cuh! Drao'ja tuha ed! Ed ec rybbahehk!" ["Believe it, son! They've done it! It is happening!"] [The party runs back to the bridge.] Brother: "Rikku, aqlammahd!" ["Rikku, excellent!"] Yuna: "It's going to come back, isn't it?" Tidus: "I know." Cid: "What? You're kidding me!" Tidus: "No! We have to beat the guy inside Sin." Wakka: "The Crusaders would be out of a job if it was this easy." Lulu: "But it has weakened. I'm sure of it." Rikku: "Yeah! We're winning!" Cid: "All right, I'll do what I can with the main gun!" [Cid walks out, and so does Yuna. Tidus finds the latter on the top deck.] Yuna: "I wonder if Sir Jecht is in pain." Tidus: "Let's just end this...quickly. The fayth said they would help us, right?" Yuna: "It bothers me, the way they said that." Tidus: "Huh?" Yuna: "I mean, they've been fighting alongside us this whole time, but now they say they'll help?"

Tidus: "I guess so..." Yuna: "Wait! Sin is reborn when Yu Yevon merges with an aeon, isn't that right? If I summon an aeon, Yu Yevon will join with it. But at first, it'll be small, won't it?" Tidus: "Yeah... Then, we might be able to defeat Sin without the Final Summoning." Yuna: "I don't know. What if Yu Yevon jumps again?" Tidus: "Then we'll take it down again! We'll fight him until there's no place left to run!" Yuna: "I never thought it would come down to this." Tidus: "Yeah, I know. Hey, the fayth, they're tired of this whole thing, too. Let's let them rest." Yuna: "The fayth said it's pointless to keep dreaming. The dream will disappear, he said. What did he mean? And what is it that Yu Yevon is summoning from within Sin?" Tidus: "The dream of the fayth." Yuna: "You won't...go away, will you?" [Rikku yells over the loudspeaker.] Rikku: "Yunie! Guys! Come look! Something's happening to Sin!" [FMV. Sin rises up from near Bevelle, grows wings, and perches atop the Tower of Light delicately. Tidus and Yuna return to the bridge.] Auron: "Jecht... He's waiting for you." Cid: "Well, son, the main gun is still busted! We can't give you any cover fire!" Tidus: "Hey, just take us in. We'll do the rest." Cid: "All right. Take us up, flush to the mouth! No mistakes, or I'm gonna tear out that mop you call hair!" Brother: " Me...take you there. No problem...ya?" Tidus: "Let's get ready to blitz!" [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Lulu: "Let's go. Just you and me." Auron: "My story must end as well." Kimahri: "You are Kimahri's friend." Rikku: "Don't worry. I'll cover you!" Wakka: "Time to show them what we're made of, ya?" Yuna: "Our fathers' wishes... Let's make them come true!"

[The party runs onto the deck and sees Sin. FMV. Sin flies up to the airship's level and spots it.] Cid: "Here we go!"

Tidus: "Yeah! I'm coming for you, Dad!" [The party defeats Sin. FMV. Sin opens its mouth and uses its gravity to pull the ship in. As the ship enters inside of Sin, Seymour's face flashes before everyone. The ship lands safely, though.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 29) Inside Sin INSN | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tidus: "Dad! Where are you?" Auron: "We must go to him." Tidus: "Then we will! Let me take front!" Yuna: "Good luck." Tidus: "Follow me!" [The party runs along the misty path until the party happens upon Seymour.] Tidus: "Don't you ever give up?" Seymour: "Sin has chosen me. I am part of Sin. I am one with Sin, forever. Immortal!" Tidus: "Sin just absorbed you." Seymour: "I will learn to control it, from within. I have all the time in the world. Since you were gracious enough to dispose of Yunalesca...the only means of destroying Sin is forever gone. Now nothing can stop us!" Tidus: "Well, we can!" Seymour: "By all means, try! You should thank me! Your death means your father's life!" [Seymour gets beaten like a ornery shoopuf.] Seymour: "No!" Wakka: "Now! Yuna, send him!" Yuna: "Right! [Yuna starts to send him.] Seymour: "So it is you, after all, who will send me. But even after I am gone, Spira's sorrow will prevail." [Seymour turns to pyreflies.] Tidus: "Sin will be right behind you." [After the Tower of the Dead, Tidus is teleported to 'The Nucleus,' where he finds spheres and equipment spawning. After collecting ten, he ends up in the 'Dream's End' ruined blitzball arena, where his father is.]

Jecht: "You're late, Auron." Auron: "I know." [Jecht turns to his son.] Jecht: "Hey." Tidus: "Hi." Jecht: "Hah! You got tall, but you're all bones! You eating right, boy? You've really grown." Tidus: "Yeah, but you're still bigger." Jecht: "Well, I am Sin, you know." Tidus: "That's not funny." Jecht: "Well, then... I know. Let's end this." Tidus: "Dad?" Jecht: "Yeah?" Tidus: "I hate you." Jecht: "I know, I know. You know what you have to do." Tidus: "Yeah." Jecht: "I can't hear the Hymn so well anymore. Pretty soon, I'm gonna be Sin. Completely. I'm glad you're here now. One thing, though... When it starts, I won't be myself anymore. I won't be able to hold myself back. I'm sorry." Tidus: "That's enough. Let's finish this, okay?" Jecht: "You're right. Well, then... Let's go!" [Jecht stumbles off the edge of the platform and turns into Braska's Final Aeon.] Tidus: "I promise this'll be quick! Hit me with all you got, Dad!" [They defeat Jecht in his transformed state. Jecht appears back in the arena, human, after it's done. Tidus cradles him.] Jecht: "You'll cry. You're gonna cry. You always cry. See? You're cryin'." [FMV. Tidus cries.] Tidus: "I hate you, Dad." Jecht: "Save it for later." Tidus: "Right... We've got a job to do, don't we?" Jecht: "Good. That's right. You are my son, after all."

Tidus: "You know...for the first time, I'm have you as my father." Jecht: "Heh. Yuna: "Sir Jecht... I should..." Jecht: "No, Yuna, there's no time!" [Yu Yevon makes an appearance, flying around the arena.] Tidus: "You stay away!" Jecht: "Yuna, you know what to do. The aeons..." Fayth: "We aeons..." [The boy fayth appears.] Jecht: "Call them!" Fayth: "Call us!" [Jecht turns to pyreflies.] Yuna: "Yes." Lulu: "Here it comes!" [Yu Yevon brings the party to a new location.] Tidus: "Yuna!" [After defeating Yuna's aeons, Yu Yevon, who looks like a tick, appears to fight for himself.] Tidus: "Everyone! This is the last time we fight together, okay?" Wakka: "Huh?" Tidus: "What I'm trying to say is...after we beat Yu Yevon, I'll disappear!" Lulu: "What are you talking about?" Tidus: "I'm saying goodbye!" Rikku: "Not now!" Tidus: "I know it's selfish...but this is my story!" [The party beats Yu Yevon. Besaid is shown, with rejoicing villagers gathered around a bonfire. The Aurochs and Chocobo Knights are there, Maechen, too. Inside the nearby chamber of the fayth, the fayth changes into a plain stone carving. The same thing happens in all fayth chambers, and soon the Bahamut fayth that Tidus had known disappears.] [Meanwhile, inside Sin, Yuna is sending Auron. She hesitates momentarily.] Auron: "Don't stop.

Yuna: "But I..." Auron: "It's all right. It's been long enough. This is your world now." [Auron finally gets sent. Outside, Sin's body falls out of the air and sends a large shockwave over the sky as it explodes. The airship survives, and they all watch the summons disappear into pyreflies. On Mt. Gagazet, the gigantic fayth there turns to stone, and the large waterspout turns to droplets. On the airship, Tidus starts to fade away.] Tidus: "Yuna, I have to go. I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand." [Tidus looks at his sad comrades.] Tidus: "Goodbye!" Wakka: "Hey!" Rikku: "We're gonna see you again...?" [Yuna runs after Tidus.] Kimahri: "Yuna!" [She runs to him, but he has no substance, so she passes through him.] Yuna: "I love you." [Tidus wraps his arms around Yuna despite his lack of physical form, and runs off the ship. He sees Braska and Auron as he freefalls, and finally his father, who slaps his hand. Later on, in Luca, Lulu comes to fetch Yuna, who's standing on an empty dock whistling for Tidus.] Lulu: "Yuna, it's time." [This time around, Yuna stands in the stadium's maester's box, ready to give a speech to everyone.] Yuna: "Everyone...everyone has lost something precious. Everyone here has lost homes, dreams, and friends. Everybody... Now, Sin is finally dead. Now, Spira is ours again. Working together... Now we can make new home for ourselves, and new dreams. Although I know the journey will be hard, we have lots of time. Together, we will rebuild Spira. The road is ahead of us, so let's start out today. Just, one more thing... The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded..." [A rapid-fire mix of important images from the game is shown, including the kiss with Tidus. The screen blacks out and a lone pyrefly is shown flittering about.] Yuna: "Never forget them." ______ / NPC1 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + + FFX NPC DIALOGUE INDEX + + + THE END

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Well, here is what I hope can be some kind of compendium for miscellaneous dialogue. I tried my best to get all of it, but for repetition's sake, only new dialogue is shown when areas are revisited. If that inconveniences you, sorry! But, it is there, somewhere. LEGEND [2], [3], etc. R1, R2, R3 01) 02) 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) Denotes dialogue said on second, third, etc., speaking Denotes reply options, and also happens when chosen ZNK1 BJT1 ABS1 BSB1 BSV1 BSV2 BSV3 BSV4 BSB2 SSL1 KLK1 SSW1 LUC1 LUC2 LUC3 LUC4 LUCB LUC5 MHH1 MSR1 TOD1 MSR2 MHH2 LUC6 SSW2 KLK2 SSL2 BSV5 MNF1 GSM1 GSM2 GSM3 MNF2 TOD2 LUC7 BSV6 THP1 MCW1 MCT1 MCT2 BKI1 BKH1 ABA1 ABA2 BVL1 MCW2 MCT3

Zanarkand Baaj Temple Al Bhed Salvage Ship Besaid Beach Besaid Village Besaid Village II Besaid Village III Besaid Village IV Besaid Beach II S.S. Liki Kilika Isle S.S. Winno Luca Luca II Luca III Luca IV [A] Luca IV [B] Luca V Mi'ihen Highroad Mushroom Rock Road Temple of Yevon - Djose Mushroom Rock Road II Mi'ihen Highroad II Luca VI S.S. Winno II Kilika Isle II S.S. Liki Besaid Isle V Moonflow Guadosalam Guadosalam II Guadosalam III Moonflow II Temple of Yevon-Djose II Luca VII Besaid Isle Thunder Plains Macalania Woods Macalania Temple Macalania Temple II Bikanel Island Home Al Bhed Airship Al Bhed Airship II Bevelle Highbridge Macalania Woods II Macalania Temple III

[Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose] [Backtrack][Post-Djose]

[Backtrack][Post-Farplane] [Backtrack][Post-Farplane] [Backtrack][Post-Farplane] [Backtrack][Post-Farplane]


48) 49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) 68) 69) 70) 71) 72) 73) 74) 75) 76) 77) 78) 79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) S1) S2) S3) S4) S5)

Thunder Plains II The Calm Lands Mount Gagazet Al Bhed Airship III Baaj Temple Besaid Isle VI S.S. Liki III Kilika Isle III S.S. Winno III Luca VIII Mi'ihen Highroad III Mushroom Rock Road III Djose Highroad Temple of Yevon-Djose III Moonflow II Guadosalam IV Macalania Woods III Bikanel Island II The Calm Lands II Mount Gagazet II Zanarkand Ruins Al Bhed Airship IV Al Bhed Airship V Al Bhed Airship VI Besaid Isle VII Kilika Isle IV S.S. Winno IV Luca IX Mi'ihen Highroad IV Djose Highroad II Temple of Yevon-Djose IV Moonflow III Guadosalam V Macalania Woods IV Macalania Temple III Bevelle Highbridge II The Calm Lands III Inside Sin Al Bhed Airship VII Baaj Temple Remiem Temple Jecht Sphere Scripts Blitzer Pink Slip Quotes Cactuar Sidequest Stuffs Remiem Temple Stuff Airship Salvo Quotes



[Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand] [Backtrack][Post-Zanarkand]

[Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd [Backtrack][Pre-3rd

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[Backtrack][While Inside Sin]

_______________________________________________________________________________ 01) Zanarkand ZNK1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ################### AT TIDUS' HOUSEBOAT ################### Female Fan: "Good luck!"

Male Fan: "You're Jecht's son! I'd be crazy not to cheer for you!" Strange Boy: "The game tonight... It's very important." Woman: "The Jecht Shot. I'll be waiting!" Male Fan: "Good luck!" Little Kid: "Good luck!" Kid 1: "Thanks for the autograph!" [2] "Get lots of goals, okay?" Kid 2: "Your floating house... It's cool!" [2] "Can I see inside next time?" Kid 3: "Hey, show me how to play!" [2] "I want to be a blitzer, too!" Woman: "Thank you for the autograph!" Woman: "Can I see you after the game?" R1 --> You bet! R2 --> Maybe next time. R1: "Great! I know this great place..." R2: "Yeah, sure..." Woman (R1/R2): "Be careful, okay?" #################### ON STREET TO STADIUM #################### Man: "It's gonna be a killer game tonight, I know it!" [2]"Tonight's game is gonna be one for the history books!" Woman: "Hurry up! The game's about to start!" [2] "We're counting on you, ace!" Man: "You'd better hurry! The game can't start without you!" [2] "Show us your moves out there, man!" Kid: "You'd better win tonight, or I'll deck you one! Pow!" [2] "I wanna play on your team when I grow up, Tidus!" Man: "They say you've got some tricks even your old man couldn't do!" [2] "Dinner's on me if you win! I even saved a table for you." Man: "Well, well! If it isn't Jecht junior!" [2] "From the look on your face, you'd think you already won!" Woman: "Whoa... I got the shivers. Maybe I'm coming down with something..." [2] "Do you feel cold? Nah, maybe it's just me. Never mind." Woman: "Careful, the Zanarkand Duggles mean business tonight!" [2] "I hear the Zanarkand Duggles play dirty!" Woman: "Hey, Mr. Star Player of the Abes! Do your stuff out there tonight!" [2] "Their defence won't know what hit them!"

Kid: "The Zanarkand Abes rule!" [2] "My mom's a big fan of yours, too! She said she'd invite you to dinner!" Kid: "Good luck, Tidus!" [2] "Come on, you're gonna be late! Hurry! Hurry!" Kid: "Hit 'em with the Jecht Shot, okay?" [2] "Your dad was the best, Tidus. I wish I had a dad like yours!" Man: "I don't feel so I'm on a roller coaster going down. [2] "Maybe all this excitement's gotten to me." Man: "All of Zanarkand's watching now, so put on a show for 'em!" [2] "Show them what blitzball's all about!" Woman: "I'm sure you'll get MVP this year." [2] "You are Jecht's son, after all!" Woman: "The Zanarkand Abes are counting on you! Don't let them down!" [2] "You'd better hurry... Or are you just trying to warm up the crowd?" Woman: "Man, tickets for tonight's show cost an arm and a leg!" [2] "The tickets were all sold out! I hope someone's got some extra." [3] "Can't you get me a ticket? I want to see the game up close." R1 --> Sure thing. R2 --> Sorry. R1: "R-Really? You're the greatest! How can I repay you? Here, have this!" [Obtain: Potion x 2] R2: "Oh, well. It was worth a try." Woman (R1): "They'll let me in if I say 'Tidus and I are buds,' right?" [2] "I won't tell anyone else. It'll be our secret!" Woman (R2): "Aw, too bad... I would have cheered for you." [2] "It's okay, really! I'll be fine here...alone..." _______________________________________________________________________________ 02) Baaj Temple BJT1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############### WATERY EXTERIOR ############### [On one of the half-sunken platforms is a glowing blue indentation:] Narrative: Something is written here. Eh dra myht frana pumdc uv mekrd emmisehyda dra pmylgacd hekrd Fedr Macalania pareht dra vuindr bemmyn oui cekrd muug hud uh dra mavd pid uh dra nekrd [[In the land where bolts of light illuminate the blackest night With Macalania behind the fourth pillar you sight look not on the left but on the right.]] Tidus: "What do we have here? Nope, can't read it." [On one of the other half-sunken platforms, a device is fixed.]

Narrative: [Introduction to Al Bhed] Find Al Bhed primers to help you decipher the strange Al Bhed language. Sycdan dra Al Bhed myhkiyka! Pacd uv milg! [[Find Al Bhed primers to help you deciper the strange Al Bhed language. Master the Al Bhed language! Best of luck!]] [Al Bhed Compilation Sphere] Scans memory cards (8MB) (For PlayStation(r)2) for Al Bhed primers and adds them to your collection. Use these spheres to expand your Al Bhed vocabulary. ############## RUINS INTERIOR ############## [Tidus can look at a statue.] Narrative: A creepy statue. [Tidus can make some observations at the old campsite:] Narrative: The remains of a campfire. With flint and tinder, you could start another fire here. Narrative: The remains of a campfire. You need flint to start a fire. Narrative: The remains of a campfire. To start a fire, you need some kind of flammable tinder. _______________________________________________________________________________ 03) Al Bhed Salvage Ship ABS1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############################### ON FIRST FREE-MOVEMENT W/ TIDUS ############################### Man: "Ev oui'na hayn taydr, naymmo hayn taydr, ica drec! [Obtain: Potion x3] [2] "Ku uh, aynh ouin byo." ["If you're near death, really near death, use this!"] [2] ["Go on, earn your pay."] Man 2: "Oui yvnyet uv dra cay? Faygmehk!" ["You afraid of the sea? Weakling!"] Man 3: "Suja ed! Kad du fung, essateydamo!" ["Move it! Get to work, immediately!"] [Tidus can find an Al Bhed Primer (I) on the deck.] Narrative: The secrets of the Al Bhed language are revealed! [Y -> A] Tidus has achieved the rank of Al Bhed Hujela! [Tidus can inspect a crane on side of the deck.] Tidus: "What's this? Some kind of crane?" Man 3: "Rao, oui! Kad yfyo vnus drana!" ["Hey, you! Get away from there!"]

Tidus: "All right, all right! You don't have to shout!" [If Tidus climbs back onboard after being in the water, the Girl automatically replies:] Girl: "We'll go as soon as you're ready." Man 1: "Ku uh, aynh ouin byo." ["Go on, earn your pay."] Man 2: "Oui fyhd du rayn ykyeh?" ["You want to hear again?"] R1 --> Yeah. R2 --> What? R1: [The Sphere Grid tutorial plays from "Select Sphere Grid..." on.] R2: [Nothing is said.] Man 3: "Suja ed! Kad du fung, essateydamo!" ["Move it! Get to work, immediately!"] _______________________________________________________________________________ 04) Besaid Beach BSB1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Botta: "I really want to make Cap'n Wakka proud at this year's tournament." [2] "Come practice with us once the toxin wears off, okay? Hope you get better soon, brudda." [Obtain: Potion x 2] Letty: "I can head the ball pretty good. Today's just a bad day, ya?" [2] "This is really weird, ya? I could do five in a row yesterday." [3] "I'm nowhere near Cap'n Wakka, but I can hold my own underwater, ya? It's just that... I'm not so good with the ball." [4] "It true that the best players can even sleep underwater? Man, that's like...superhuman, you know? Datto: "I gotta stop closing my eyes when the ball comes down." [2] "You being a blitzball player's probably what saved you out there. The best player --they can hold their breath, like, forever! I wish I could do that. [3] "We had an underwater race once, ya? To see how long we could go. Two laps and we were out, but Cap'n Wakka went five, no sweat!" [4] "That toxin's nasty stuff, ya? You should go rest up. What am I saying? Take this, it might help!" [Obtain: Hi-Potion] Jassu: "That show was spectacular, brudda! Wish I could shoot like that." [2] "Cap'n Wakka's waiting for you. You better get going, ya? There's fiends on the road, ya? Use this if you get in trouble." [Obtain: Potion x3] Keepa: "Hey, I'll admit it. We're not the best blitzers in Spira." [2] "'To do our best!' That's our motto. Guess it's not enough, though. Here, take this. And do your best, ya?" [Obtain: 200 Gil] [3] "We're always top dogs for the first few minutes of the game, ya? Then we start to run out of breath. That's when they get us. But Cap'n Wakka, man, he don't stop! No halftime breath for him, ya? He just keeps going!" [Near the save point overlooking the village is a statue.] Wakka: "It's an ancient custom. People leaving the island pray here for a safe trip. They say it works pretty good."

_______________________________________________________________________________ 05) Besaid Village BSV1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Soldier: Fiends are around even during the day. Take care not to travel alone, ya?" [2] "You know it's too dangerous. Sorry, but you cannot pass." Kid: "Who are you, mister? Where you from?" Kid: "I can't figure out whether I'm gonna join the Aurochs or the Crusaders!" [2] "I'm pretty good at blitz, ya? I can hold my breath and everything! Old Woman: "Me favorite's Lord Ohalland, ya? Spitting image of me old hubby." Girl: "You're the talk of the town, you know? Word travels fast in a village of this size." Fat Man: "You should try praying. It worked for me -- it'll work for you, too." Man: "Is it true that Sin showed up near here? Oh boy! And the S.S. Liki's scheduled to leave any day now." Man: "You're the guy from the sea, right? I heard about you from Sir Luzzu." Man: "Sin's toxin? Nah, you don't look sick. You must not have breathed in much of the stuff, ya? Guess being a blitz player means you can hold your breath pretty good. [2] "I wanted to be a blitzer way back when. I just couldn't hold my breath." Nun: "Besaid's devotion to the teachings of Yevon is commendable. Still, there is much for a priestess such as I teach them. Man: "The Besaid fabrics they make here are famous all over Spira! If I buy cheap and sell high, I'll be rolling in Gil in no time!" Man: "Sin's struck Besaid Village so many times I lost count. After this house got hit, I guess the owner just let it be. [2] "Sin will just come back and destroy it again. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Man: "I heard the Sin toxin got to you. Took your memory, eh? I'd be happy to teach you anything you've forgotten, sonny." R1 --> What's Sin? R2 --> What's toxin? R3 --> What's Yevon? R4 --> What's Zanarkand? R5 --> No, thanks, gramps. R1: "How could you forget Sin? I can't say I don't envy you, though. There's many who would give anything to forget the pain Sin has brought. Sin appearead a thousand years ago, a raging demon intent on reducing Spira to rubble. Everyone in Spira lives under Sin's black shadow. But to forget Sin...well, I'd consider yourself lucky, eh?" R2: "The foul vapors that boil from Sin's hide are evil indeed... One breath, and it will taint the very core of your body. People who get close to Sin forget even the most important things. Just like you, eh?"

R3: "How wretched The teachings Sin. I'm sure of course. Go

you must be, to have forgotten the teachings of Yevon! are the only salvation for those who suffer because of you followed the teachings, before the toxin got to you, pray at the temple, and all will return in time."

R4: "Zanarkand was once a great city in the far north of this land. Now it lies in ruin, destroyed by Sin a thousand years ago. Such was its punishment for relying too much on machina. R5: [Cancels dialogue.] #################### INSIDE THE ITEM SHOP #################### Woman: "I hope the Aurochs don't lose their first match again. I'd like to see them at least tie a game one of these years." Man: "Seafaring is hard work. Gotta kick back sometimes. Get some R & R, ya?" Kid: "Who are you, mister? Where are you from?" Woman: "Welcome!" [Buy Items/Leave.] Woman: "Thank you! Come again!" Woman: "I travelled Spira looking for a land where nobody had heard of Sin. I...I gave up looking. I think it's for the best. ###################### INSIDE CRUSADERS LODGE ###################### Nun: "I appreciate the Crusaders' zeal, but they must heed the teachings." Woman: "I travelled Spira looking for a land where nobody had heard of Sin. I...I gave up looking. I think it's for the best. Soldier: "The Crusaders Lodge is open to guests. Take a rest?" [Take a Nap/Leave] Fat Man: "I had a run-in with Sin's toxin before too, you know? I'm a lot better now, but things were pretty bad for a while. Couldn't remember who I was or where I came from! Scary, ya? Man, I nearly cried, and that's the truth!" [2] "I got better, but only after praying at the temple a lot. Gatta: Tidus: Gatta: Tidus: Luzzu: Tidus: Gatta: Luzzu: Gatta: "Hey, you! You were attacked by Sin...right? Recently was it?" "I think so." "So, Sin can't be far, right? You're not hiding anything, are you?" "Why would I?" "If Sin's nearby, it'll attack the island for sure. But it hasn't. I wonder why?" "I'm sorry. I really don't know anything. To tell the truth, I don't even know what the Crusaders are." "You're kidding, right?" "Sin! The toxin! Gatta, tell him who we are!" "Yes, sir! The crusaders are sworn to battle Sin! We have chapters throughout Spira, accepting all who wish to join our struggle! The hero

Tidus: Luzzu: Tidus: Gatta: Luzzu:

Mi'ihen formed the Crusaders eight hundred years ago as the Crimson Blades. Later, our ranks grew and we called ourselves the Crusaders. We've been fighting Sin ever since!" "What, you've been fighting eight hundred years and you still haven't beat it?" "Well, we've steered Sin away from towns many times! And that's all we can do. Nobody's ever been able to defeat it. Our mission as Crusaders is to protect the temples, towns, villages, and people of Spira." "So then whose job is it to defeat Sin?" "Is Sin's toxin really this bad, sir?" "It does seem rather bad... We could just tell you, but I think it better for you to try and remember. Go pray at the temple. Perhaps Yevon will help you regain your memory.

Luzzu: "We've been excommunicated from Yevon. We must go, now. Everything is riding on our next...our last battle! Gatta: "But soon, we may be able to finally defeat Sin. We've got a plan -- one that'll go down in Crusader history! ##################### INSIDE A WEAVER'S HUT ##################### Man: "Long as I'm around, Besaid's weaving will be known as nothing but the best! Man: "Mainlanders love the fabrics we weave here in Besaid." [2] "I suppose you can't run a business on tradition alone, ya?" Man: "The Besaid fabrics they make here are famous all over Spira! If I buy cheap and sell high, I'll be rolling in Gil in no time!" Woman: "The village where I was born is no longer there, thanks to Sin." Nun: "Besaid's devotion to the teachings of Yevon is commendable. Still, there is much for a priestess such as I to teach them." #################### INSIDE WAKKA'S HOUSE #################### Wakka: "Go present yourself to the temple summoner before we eat, ya?" [2] "A little praying might do your memory some good!" ################# INSIDE THE TEMPLE ################# Man: "The village was attacked by Sin when I was just a little kid, ya? The village was burnt to ashes. I still have nightmares of that day." Man: "Don't bother people when they're praying! It's against the teachings!" Man: "May the apprentice summoner return to us safely." Man: "High Summoner Gandof, give us your blessing, and watch over my family." Woman: "I'm sure that Lord Braska is watching over our apprentice summoner"

Old Woman: "My favorite's Lord Ohalland, ya? Spitting image of me old hubby." Monk: "Pray hard, and the toxin will surely release its grip on you." [2] "The high summoners, in order from the right: Lord Braska, Lady Yocun...Lord Ohalland, and Lord Gandof. Do you remember them now?" Nun: "With the statues' guidance, I'm sure our apprentice is doing fine." Man: "I sure hope we don't run into Sin on our next voyage." [In the monks' chamber:] Man: "Even searching the Scriptures of Yevon, I have found no cure for Sin's toxin. May the blessing of Yevon guide you to health, friend." [2] "I, too, will pray for the blessing of Yevon to shine upon you. [In the nun's chamber:] Woman: "Pray at the temple, and you may just overcome Sin's toxin." [If you try to enter a big door up some stairs:] Monk: "Only sworn guardians may approach the Cloister of Trials." _______________________________________________________________________________ 06) Besaid Village II BSV2 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue occurs after Tidus visits the temple and naps. Soldier: "I hope the apprentice is well." [2] "Instead of just loafing around, you should be praying, too." #################### INSIDE THE ITEM SHOP #################### Woman: "Welcome!" [Buy items./Leave.] Woman: "Why isn't the apprentice summoner back yet?" ####################### INSIDE THE WEAVER'S HUT ####################### Man: "Don't you worry. The summoner will return, I know it. [2] "Worrying over a few hours delay is nothing but a lack of faith!" ###################### INSIDE CRUSADERS LODGE ###################### Man: "I saw the apprentice summoner and two guardians enter the temple yesterday. Everything looked alright then. But now I'm starting to worry. [2] "I do hope they come back safely." Fat Man: "You looking for Wakka? The priest called him to the temple a while back."

Soldier: "I want to go to the temple, but there's an operation to prepare for. The Crusaders Lodge is open to guests. Take a rest?" [I'd like to nap./Maybe later.] ################# INSIDE THE TEMPLE ################# Woman: "The villagers have a lot on their minds. You should stay quiet for a while. Intoxication is no excuse for bothering people with questions." Man: "He looks pretty weak. Maybe he just can't take it." Old Man: "Sorry I can't do more to help. You understand, eh, sonny? The whole village's all wound up, with the apprentice not back from the trials." [2] "All this worrying's no good for an old man like myself." Kid: "The apprentice entered the trials, and hasn't come back..." Old Woman: "With Lord Braska looking over her, I'm sure she'll be returning, ya?" Woman: "May the protection of Yevon be with our apprentice." Kid: "Wakka's a guardian. He should go help. Kid: Man: Kid: Man: Kid: "Dad, come on! Let's go help!" "What are you saying? You would break the precepts, fool child?" "Yeah, but..." "Pray with daddy for the summoner, okay?" "Yeah!"

Man [2]: "You should pray for the apprentice summoner's safety, too." Kid [2]: "Let's go help the summoner! I promise I'll be a good boy!" Man: "I got a bad feeling, ya?" Woman: "I'm sure everything's fine." Man: "Well, the last summoner almost..." Woman: "Don't say that again. Please..." Man: "Ah, my apologies." Man [2]: "Without breaking the precepts, all we can do is pray, ya?" Woman [2]: "The apprentice hasn't returned." R1 --> Huh? Apprentice? R2 --> Hasn't returned from where? R1: "The apprentice is the apprentice! The apprentice summoner, ya?" R2: "The Cloister of Trials! It's been a day already." [In the nun's chamber:] Nun: "I don't mean to be rude, but some privacy would be appreciated. I must pray for our apprentice summoner, you understand." [2] "The people of this village could use your help. You should pray, too." [In the monks' chamber:] Monk: "My heart is heavy when I think of the worst that could happen. Should

the Trials remain unconquered, our apprentice has no future." [2] "Great strength is only obtained through great suffering." [If Tidus finds a treasure with the Destruction Sphere in the Cloister:] Narrative: You can obtain hidden items by using Destruction Spheres. _______________________________________________________________________________ 07) Besaid Village III BSV3 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue occurs after finishing Cloister of Trials. ################# INSIDE THE TEMPLE ################# Monk: "Putting your transgression aside for now, let us celebrate the birth of a summoner!" [2] "Quickly, to the village square! Share in our joy!" ######################### AT THE BONFIRE (AT NIGHT) ######################### Datto: "Hey, I was hoping you'd join the team all along, ya?" Letty: "There's going to be six teams from all over Spira at the tournament." [2] "It's a rough setup. One loss and you're through, ya?" Botta: "Victory, huh?" Jassu: "Everyone's acting like we already won! Not that I can blame them, ya?" Keepa: "Hit the other team hard and make it easy on the goalkeeper, ya?" Wakka: "We sure got the boys worked up, huh? [After speaking with Yuna:] Datto: "Now that you're with us, we got nothing to fear!" Letty: "The toughest team out there is the Goers, and the stadium's on their home turf!" Botta: "Hey, I'll just try to stay out of your way." Jassu: "You should get to sleep early, brudda. Get some rest." Keepa: "We head out on the same boat tomorrow!" Wakka: "Hm? Ready for bed?" R1 --> Yeah. R2 --> Not quite yet. R1: "Good. Sleep tight." R2: "Don't overdo it. We leave early tomorrow." [When you try to approach Yuna after talking to her:]

Old Woman: "Stay away from the summoner!" ##################################### INSIDE CRUSADERS LODGE (Next Morning) ##################################### Soldier: "Wakka and the others are waiting outside! _______________________________________________________________________________ 08) Besaid Village IV BSV4 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue occurs after going back into town when the game forces you to walk to the path outside of town. Old Woman: "What do you want, heathen?" [2] "I've nothing to say to a breaker of precepts!" Man: "If you muck around here, the ship will leave without you! And the next boat won't be here for a while. Better hurry, ya?" Nun: "I suppose we'll have to call our apprentice Lady Yuna now." Woman: "Most of the village went down to say farewell at the dock. Our summoner's leaving. Aw, I've never liked goodbyes." Fat Man: "You should try praying. It worked for me -- it'll work for you, too." Woman: "When I think about Lady Yuna's journey, I wonder if praying is enough. [2] "I'm sure she'll be fine. Lulu's with her and all." Old Man: "Maybe R1 --> R2 --> R3 --> R4 --> R5 --> R6 --> if I remind you of some things, you'll remember who you are!" What's Sin? What's toxin? What's Yevon? What's Zanarkand? What's a high summoner? No, thanks, gramps.

R1-R4, R6: [In BSV1] R5: "One of the four summoners that fought Sin in the past. Lord Ohalland, Lord Gandof, Lord Yocun, and Lord Braska, it was. Spira would have fallen to Sin long ago if the high summoners weren't around! ###################### INSIDE CRUSADERS LODGE ###################### Fat Man: "I haven't fully healed from Sin's toxin so I'm on guard detail. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be with my buddies. But I'm a little relieved. This operation's gonna be dangerous, you know? Soldier: "Like to take a rest? Got to keep sharp, ya?" [I'd like a nap./Maybe later.]

Man: "I'm gonna kick back in town till the next ship gets here. [2] "There's no time to rest out there. Never know when Sin will show up. Nun: "I appreciate the Crusaders' zeal, but they must heed the teachings." ################## INSIDE WEAVERS HUT ################## Man: "That old coot dropped what he was doing to go see the summoner off. Now I gotta do all his work, too! It's just not fair." [2] "Sorry, not time to talk. Rover starts barking when I slack off. Nun: "And you, heathen. Know that the teachings are the only true guide!" Woman: "Careful not to break any more precepts, or you'll end up like the Crusaders!" [After talking to girl in item shop, you can 'talk' to the dog.] Narrative: He's got something in his mouth. Obtained something mangled and slobbery! Valefor has learned Overdrive Energy Blast! #################### INSIDE THE ITEM SHOP #################### Nun: "And you, heathen. Know that the teachings are the only true guide!" Woman: "Most of the villagers went down to say farewell at the dock. Our summoner's leaving. Aw, I've never liked goodbyes." Girl: "I'm watching the store while sis is off praying." [Buy items./Leave.] Girl: "Come back soon! You know a funny thing happened. My dog dug something up yesterday. I wonder what it was." [2] "Buy more! Support the local economy! Man: "If you muck around here, the ship will leave without you! And the next boat won't be here for a while. Better hurry, ya?" #################### INSIDE WAKKA'S HOUSE #################### Woman: "At last, Lady Yuna has become a true summoner like her father! She was so small when she first came to Besaid." [2] "I am sure Lady Yuna will become a high summoner. Everyone in Besaid thinks so." Nun: "And you, heathen. Know that the teachings are the only true guide!" Man: "You might think about not having that toxin cured. I know there's lots of things I'd like to forget. Lots. ################# INSIDE THE TEMPLE ################# Woman: "Please, guide Lady Yuna's travels well."

Woman: "You're going with Lady Yuna? Does that mean you're a guardian?" R1 --> No way. R2 --> Maybe so. R1: "You're saving it for the tournament then! The Aurochs have got to win this year! R2: "If there's anything you need to know about guardians, ask Lulu. Lulu knows everything. She'll be a bigger help than Wakka for sure." Nun: "The summoner embarks on a perilous pilgrimage to save the people. We must pray from the very bottom of our hearts for her success." Monk: "Perhaps But just planning The loss your transgression shall be pardoned on account of the toxin. this once. Follow the teachings, my son." [2] "The Crusaders are an operation that defies the teachings of Yevon. It is a pity. of Chappu should be lesson enough to follow the teachings."

Fat Man: "I'm praying for Sir Luzzu's and the others' safety. Yevon knows they'll need it." [2] "Of course, with the Crusaders excommunicated, I'm not supposed to be in the temple. But the priest let me in special. Guess he's not all precepts after all." Woman: "Careful not to break any more precepts, or you'll end up like the Crusaders!" Kid: "I'm gonna pray for Lady Yuna every day!" [2] "When I was born, Lord Braska and two guardians came to our village." ######################### ON THE RIDGE ABOVE BESAID ######################### [Wakka prays at a statue.] Wakka: "It's an ancient custom. People leaving the island pray here for a safe trip. Chappu didn't pray that day. Said he'd miss his boat." R1 --> Pray R2 --> Just watch. R1: [Tidus does the prayer.] R2: [Tidus just watches.] Wakka: "That should do it! ######################## ON THE MACHINA UNDERPASS ######################## [There is a glowing blue indentation, like that at Baaj Temple.] Narrative: Something is written here. Kilika yht Bikanel zueh yc uha. _______________________________________________________________________________ 09) Besaid Beach II BSB2 _______________________________________________________________________________

NOTE: Section dialogue takes place at Yuna's beach sendoff. Kid: "We'll miss Lady Yuna! Come back soon, ya?" [2] "Where are you going on that big boat?" Kid: "Lady Yuna! Don't forget me, okay?" [2] "I'll be good while you're gone! I promise, ya? Here, take this. Daddy says it's an offering." [Obtain: Remedy] Man: "I won't cry... I won't, ya?" Man: "They're really leaving. Here, a farewell gift from the village." [Obtain: 400 Gil] [2] "I understand why some people didn't come down here. It's hard to say goodbye." Monk: "May Yevon's blessings be with our summoner on her pilgrimages. Here, a gift from the temple to sanctify her departure." [Obtain: Seeker's Ring] Man: "Oh! There are so many things I want to tell her! But seeing her there, smiling... I just can't say them. Hey, you! The sea's crawling with fiends, so give this to Yuna, okay?" [Obtain: Ether] Woman: "I knew this time would come someday. I knew." [2] "Please watch over Lady Yuna. Here, have this. You may find use for it." [Obtain: Phoenix Down x 3] _______________________________________________________________________________ 10) S.S. Liki SSL1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Wakka: "We'll be praying for the Aurochs victory, too, so you come along, ya?" Lulu: "I don't know who you are, or where you came from." [2] "If you interfere with Yuna's pilgrimage, we won't take it lightly." Man: "Huh? You want to use the binoculars?" R1 --> Yes. R2 --> No, not really. R1: "No way. Remember what you did last time?" R2: "I see." [The crowd near Yuna gives the following replies:] Person: "If anyone can defeat Sin the daughter of Lord Braska can!" Person: "For both father and daughter to become summoners -- it must have been Yevon's will." Person: "Please take good care of yourself. Just remember that your well-being means a lot to us." Person: "A summoner's confident smile is always a great encouragement to us." Letty: "Man, I wish we were half as popular as Yuna. Jassu: "Hey, don't let it get to you. It's the same as always, ya?"

[On the bridge:] Man: "We'll arrive in Kilika before nightfall. Go on, take a nap or something." [2] "The S.S. Liki is funded by Yevon." Captain: "Oh, what a great day! The breeze must feel wonderful." [2] "Wanna man the helm? Yeah, right. Just kidding. [Downstairs:] Man: "Oooh, them's fascinatin' clothes you're wearing! Yewh! Filthy, filthy! These won't sell or me name's not O'aka! Don't look like you got much money, either. I've no business with ye. Outta me way!" Tidus: "Who do you think you are?" O'aka: "O'aka XXIII, merchant extraordinaire!" Tidus: "O'aka the who?" O'aka: "Don't know me? Well, not many do, not yet." Luzzu: "I'm not at liberty to talk about our plan." [2] "If people think you're with us, you'll be excommunicated, too! Some things are better off not knowing. Take it from me." Gatta: "Restricted area! Our operation depends on this cargo!" [2] "Why don't you go topside? The fresh sea breeze might restore your memory! Oaka: "But someday, the name O'aka will be spoken all over Spira! Say, lad, you wouldn't have a bit o' Gil to lend?" R1 --> Yes R2 --> No R1: [You can lend money to O'aka.] O'aka: R3 --> R4 --> R5 --> "Ye really gonna lend me 100 Gil?" Wait a minute. No sweat. Cancel.

R2: "Eh, it figures." R3: [Can toggle Gil amount] R4: "I guess it pays to ask! Thank ye kindly, lad! Fine seed money for the O'aka merchant empire! R5: "Should've expected as much." [After giving money to O'aka:] O'aka: "Much obliged, lad! I'll be sure to pay ye back." [In one of the rooms:] Botta: "Ugh...I-I've gotten seasick... I think I'm gonna hurl." Keepa: "He seems real sick, ya? I'm hiding over here, 'cause I'm gonna get sick too if I keep watching him." [2] "If you see one guy throw up, you sorta get sick too, you know? [In the 'Power Room', Tidus finds yellow birds powering an engine.] Tidus: "Wh-What the heck is that!?" Woman: "Wh-What the heck is what?"

Tidus: Woman: Tidus: Woman: Tidus: Woman:

"What is this place?" "The power room, like it says on the door!" "Yeah, but why the big birds?" "What's so strange about chocobo power?" "Chocobos? Those are chocobos?" "What? You've never seen a chocobo? What kind of a backwater island did you come from, anyway?"

T-Narrative: Miracles and oddities were starting to become daily routine on this trip. ################################################### AFTER WAKKA CONFIRMS THAT YUNA IS BRASKA'S DAUGHTER ################################################### Wakka: "Oh yeah, you talk to Yuna yet? She had some questions for you." Woman: "Can you believe this!?" R1 --> What? R2 --> No, bye. R1: "I just saw this merchant guy inside the ship, and guess what he said to me? He walked up to me and said, 'You're no good!' Just like that! Isn't that awful? I've still got style! I'll show him!" R3 --> Yeah. R4 --> Well... R2: "You could at least pretend to listen!" R3: "That's right. I knew I was right. He doesn't know what he's talking about!" R4: "You men are all alike! Get away from me! Woman [2]: "It makes me so mad. I'm not going inside anymore! Jassu: "I'm so tired of practicing passes. I wanna do some shooting, too!" Datto: "Victory! Victory! We're taking home that cup, no matter what it takes, ya? Yaaah! Haaah! Arrrgh! Victory will be ours!" Letty: "Should I practice kick passes too?" R1 --> Yeah. R2 --> No, you're fine. R1: "Okay, I'll pretend I'm kicking with my hands!" R2: "Right on!" Letty [2]: "I'm gonna sharpen my hand skills! Man 1: Man 2: Tidus: Man 1: Man 2: "Lord Braska's daughter? She just might have a chance!" "We'll get her to Kilika, we will!" "She does have a name, you know... Yuna." "Hmm? Lady Yuna?" "Well then, we pray for Lady Yuna's safe passage!"

Man 1 [2]: "Ya don't say?" Man 2 [2]: "We'll get her to Kilika, we will!" _______________________________________________________________________________

11) Kilika Isle KLK1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Woman: "Hey, you're alive! Wait! What do you want? We're not open!" Man: "The pub's closed. I don't think I can get through this without a drink." Letty: "Tidus, watch your step! It's not safe this way." Man: "We won't be able to return to Besaid until it's fixed. ####################### AFTER RESTING THE NIGHT ####################### [In the inn:] Kid: "I'm gonna be a blitzball when I grow up!" Old Man: "This is my home, and no matter how bad it gets, I ain't movin'." Clerk: "Did you rest well? The others left some time ago." [Outside, near ship:] Larbeight: "Everyone was so pumped up for the tournament, but now because of Sin, well... We players don't even feel up to practicing anymore. [2] "We may be shrot on practice, but we'll prove we got what it takes. We'll cheer up the whole island by bringing home the victory cup this year!" Tatts: "I don't know if it's the toxin, but I can't remember a thing. Like my name, my house... I thought someone might notice me and help me out if I sat here. But no one's paying any attention. I guess everyone has their own problems to worry about." [2] "Hey, I may not even be from around here. Maybe I come from someplace far away... Who knows?" Vuroja: "If the Kilika Beasts win, it'll give the whole island something to celebrate. Thinking about that makes me want to practice harder. Old Woman: "Hey, you! Hands off the merchandise! Oh, you're a customer, are you? [In the pub:] Man: "I don't care if there isn't any food. I just want to stay here. I'm scared to even look out at the sea. I can feel it out there, can't you?" Kulukan: "I opened the store, but we can't serve anything because we don't have anything." [2] "All the food and drinks are at the bottom of the ocean. Sin took them all." [3] "You're the one who saved my sister, right? That treasure box contains a token of my appreciation. Please accept my thanks." Girl: "Thanks for saving me. Our house fell down...but my big sister's here, so I'm real happy!" [2] "Hey, are you a blitzer? Good luck! I'm rooting for you! [Outside, near inn:]

Man: "Everything is in shambles. I don't know where to start." Old Man: "Our loved ones made it to the Farplane with Lady Yuna's help. We are truly grateful for Yevon's blessing." [2] "I'm sure my grandchildren made it to the Farplane in peace." Man: "Yeah, I'm repairing this now, but it'll all be destroyed when Sin comes again. He destroys it, I fix it. I fix it and he destroys it. It's a neverending cycle, I tell you. Woman: "I wanted to believe it was just a bad dream. That this was all a dream and when I opened my eyes, everything would be back to normal. But, when morning came, nothing had changed." [2] "Daddy..." Man: "Hey! Wakka's waitin' for you!" [In a house:] Isken: "What are you lookin' at? I ain't on display here! Go away, man."" Woman: "Please excuse him. He's been affected by the toxin. So if he says anything offensive, don't take it too seriously." [In the Kilika Woods:] Narrative: Something is written here. d a b c f n c J L U E I Man: "On our way, sir!" Man 2: "Yes, sir! On our way, sir!" Soldier: "Good day, guardians! Many fiends have been sighted in areas attacked by Sin. Please be careful on your journey. [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [2] "Every Crusader must pray for the fiends' souls. We all want the dead to find peace on the Farplane, right?" [3] "Fiends are everywhere. Never let your guard down. Soldier: "We Crusaders are training for the upcoming operation. Call on us if you see any sinspawn." [2] "Are you heading for Kilika Temple? Then just follow this trail. There are poisonous fiends in the forest. Be on your guard!" [Obtain: Remedy] [3] "I'd steer clear of Ochu, Lord of the Wood. It's a powerful fiend that even we Crusaders avoid." Gatta: "Standing guard, sir!" Luzzu: "The Ochu is no garden-variety fiend. We could throw a hundred Crusaders at it and still lose." [2] "Ochu poison is a surefire way to get to the Farplane, and fast." [Obtain: Antidote x 4] [After defeating Lord Ochu:] Luzzu: "Do your best, kid. Wakka's counting on you." [Obtain: Elixir] Gatta: "Hey, after the tournament, you should join the Crusaders! Soldier: "I can't believe you defeated Ochu! Say, how would you like to join

the Crusaders? Here's a little something for your victory." [Obtain: NulBlaze Shield] [At temple steps, after the rest race up:] Lulu: "Kids..." [At the temple mount:] Datto: "You sure are talented, man. Playing blitzball and fighting like that!" [2] "I came here last year to pray for victory, but we lost in the first round. I guess I didn't pray hard enough, ya?" Letty: "So this is the place remembered in honor of High Summoner Ohalland... Makes you kind of nervous, ya?" [2] "All these flames around the temple... They've always burned strong, ever since High Summoner Ohalland's time. Man: "Climbing those stone steps every day has kept me in shape. Haven't caught a cold in years." Man: "I'm going to pray real hard so that Sin doesn't come back here." Man: "I hear the Crusaders are going to fight Sin without the aid of a summoner. Heh, they've got another thing coming. Haven't they ever heard of divine retribution?" Woman: "I've had enough of Kilika. Too many tearful memories here. We came to visit the temple one last time before we leave for good. Man: "We decided to leave Kilika, and look for a place without Sin. Who knows if we'll ever find it." Woman: "I heard famous people come here. Where could they be?" [At the temple mount, after meeting the Goers:] Datto: "My poor knees were shaking when the Goers confronted me." Letty: "That was Bickson. He's a jerk, but a first-rate blitzer." Man: "I used to be a blitzer back in my day. Always vying with the other teams." Man: "The Goers and the Aurochs are going down! I guarantee you, the Beasts are gonna take home the cup this year! Man: "Seeing blitzball players here is a sure sign that the tournament is approaching." Woman: "I just saw a summoner and her guardian enter the Cloister of Trials." Man: "The Goers look like a pretty good team, but they're so stuck up, aren't they?" Woman: "Wait a minute. Could they have been the celebrities? [In the monks' chambers:] Monk: "May the Kilika Beasts win this year's tournament...and serve as a sign

of encouragement for the people of Kilika." Mep: "Kilika Temple is the temple of fire. Even the Cloister of Trials is engulfed in flames. Those who disobey the precepts and enter unsanctioned may forfeit their lives. [In the nuns' chambers:] Girl: "I'm supposed to study real hard and become a nun. But I just wanna run around and play at the beach." Girl: "Guess what? I really like studying the scriptures! The monks give us lots of sweets if we study hard!" [Inside the temple's great hall:] Lulu: "I think Wakka needs to do a little more praying." Yuna: "Please, let Wakka's prayers be heard." Deim: "I envy your happy-go-lucky attitude." Nizarut: "Yeah! Once we win the tournament, this will be my victory pose!" [After meeting Dona:] Deim: "Are you a blitzer? Or a guardian? Don't tell me you're both!" Nizarut: "Yeah! Teamwork and trust are key elements for both guardians and blitzers! Wakka: "Lord Ohalland, guide our feet." [In the antechamber past the Cloister:] Wakka: "Just wait." [Back in Kilika, in the screen with the inn front:] Man: "A summoner named Dona passed through here a while ago. She'll probably be taking the ferry." [2] "That Dona's an attractive lady, but she's a little on the cold side, if you know what I mean." Woman: "The sea sure looks beautiful from here, but Sin's lurking out there, somewhere. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it." Man: "There's not a smile in all of Kilika, thanks to Sin. But if we win the next tournament, that should cheer everyone up." Old Man: "Sin is a divine punishment upon the people. There is nothing we can do about it. We can only rely upon Yevon's teachings and the summoners to help us through this. [In the inn:] Clerk: "We're still cleaning up here. Uh... Shouldn't you be on your way?" [In the screen with the pub front:] Larbeight: "We're off to Luca as soon as I finish this off." [2] "Just wait

and see. We'll win for sure." Old Woman: "Hey, you! Hands off the merchandise! Oh, you're a customer, are you?" [Buy/sell screen opens.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 12) S.S. Winno SSW1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [In the belowdeck cabin:] Datto: "Tournament's coming up real soon. I wish we had more time to practice ya?" Jassu: "I just wanna sneak up behind them and beat the... I mean, I wanna get in their faces and show 'em what we're made of!" Letty: "Why do we have to be on the same ship as those Lucans anyway?" Keepa: "Urgh... Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" Botta: "Those herbs I bought in Kilika for seasickness are working great, ya?" Abus: "Looks like our gals are brewing up something back there. I'd be afraid if I were you." Balgerda: "My, you're kind of cute, too. Wanna have some fun?" Doram: "Hey, that boy in the Aurochs is a cutie. [In the hallway:] Luzzu: "It might not mean much, but good luck in the tournament. Gatta: [Luzzu replies for his sleeping friend:] "Best to let him sleep." Dona: "Some people can be so rude." Oaka: "But someday, the name O'aka will be spoken all over Spira! Say, lad, you wouldn't have a bit o' Gil to lend?" R1 --> Yes R2 --> No R1: [You can lend money to O'aka.] O'aka: R3 --> R4 --> R5 --> "Ye really gonna lend me 100 Gil?" Wait a minute. No sweat. Cancel.

R2: "Eh, it figures." R3: [Can toggle Gil amount] R4: "I guess it pays to ask! Thank ye kindly, lad! Fine seed money for the O'aka merchant empire! R5: "Should've expected as much." [Topside:]

[Tidus can walk over to Yuna's crowd.] Tidus: "What are you all talking about?" Bickson: "Who are you supposed to be?" Graav: "Ah, I remember him. Guy from Kilika." Bickson: "Hmm?" Graav: "You know, one of the Besaid Aurochs. Said somethin' about winning the cup." Bickson: "Oh, right. You're that idiot." Yuna: "Don't call him that!" Bickson: "But he is an idiot. They don't got what it takes to win the cup." Tidus: "Well, they do now that I'm here!" Yuna: "Yes, they will win! He used to be the star player for the Zanarkand Abes!" Graav: "Yeah, as if anyone lived in those ruins." Yuna: "It's not ruins, there's a big city there! There is!" Tidus: "I-I got too close to Sin and--" Yuna: "There is a city, really!" Bickson: "Right. Whatever your Ladyship says." [The Goers leave.] --Tidus: "What's wrong? You seemed kinda mad back there." Yuna: "They were being rude and... I do believe your Zanarkand exists. I really do, you know!" Tidus: "How come?" Yuna: "Sir Jecht used to always tell me stories. It'd be great to see your home someday. I'd love to go there." Tidus: "Yeah." T-Narrative: So, Yuna, wanna come over to my place? Right, sure... As if I had a place to show her. [In the bridge:] Man: "We're doing double duty on the watch to avoid ending up like the S.S. Liki. Report to us immediately if you see any signs of Sin." [2] "This ship is just a ferry. We're doomed if we run into Sin." Captain: "No offense, but I'm a diehard Luca Goers fan. Good luck, pal. You're gonna need it." [2] "Maybe you're better off asking the Goers to coach you." [In the bridge, after the Goers go belowdeck:] Man: "We have two summoners and the Goers onboard. It is my responsibility to carry them safely to their destination. [2] "What, the Besaid Aurochs? They're more like cargo." Captain: "No offense, but I'm a diehard Luca Goers fan. Good luck, pal. You're gonna need it." [2] "Maybe you're better off asking the Goers to coach you." [Topside, after the Goers go belowdeck.] Yuna: "I do believe your Zanarkand exists. I really do, you know!" Man: "The Aurochs are the team to watch this year. They say they got a blitzer from Zanarkand on their team!" Woman: "Oh, come on! You actually believe that rumor?" Man: "Ha! No way. I only meant it'll be fun to watch."

Man [2]: "That guy poking around back there is taking sphere shots of Lady Yuna." [2] "You're a blitzer from Zanarkand, right? At least put up a good fight, you hear me?" Woman [2]: "Zanarkand, eh...? If you're going to bluff, say something a little more believable." [2] "You've got nerve to say you're from Zanarkand. Go home and relearn Yevon's teachings." Jassu: "We can finally relax now that the Goers are down in the cabin." [2] "Don't mind Kimahri for not answering you. He's the silent type, you know?" Datto: "Looks like the toxin's still getting to you. Take it easy and go to bed early, ya?" [2] "We wanted to have our final practice in Kilika, but that's impossible after what happened to the place." Letty: "Wakka is busy right now. Maybe you shouldn't bother him." [2] "Let's pray we don't have to go against the Goers until the finals!" [Cabin, after Goers go down:] Botta: "I-It's terrible! Those Lucans dragged off Keepa! I...I hope I'm next." Abus: "They say you come from the ruins. Hehehe... The Aurochs gotta be desperate to depend on some wacko." Graav: "Let's see them moves you've learned in those ruins then!" Bickson: "Yo, mister star player from Zanarkand! Take it easy on us today." Doram: "Now, what should we play next?" Balgerda: "What? You want to hang out with us? Hmm... Maybe later." Keepa: "H-Help!" [Topside, after attempting/getting the Jecht Shot:] Jassu: "I'm gonna tell Botta and Keepa all about that shot you just did. They'll be so mad when they find out what they missed!" [2] "I'm glad the Goers weren't here to see it. Let's keep it secret until the finals!" Datto: "I feel a little nervous with Lady Yuna watching us, ya?" [2] "Yeow... I hurt my back." Letty: "Is Datto alright? It's right before the big game and all." [2] "That was one amazing shot you just did! They don't call you an ace for nothin'." Wakka: "I knew it! I knew you were somethin' special!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 13) Luca LUC1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ###############

NUMBER TWO DOCK ############### Man: "I'll bet you anything the Luca Goers are gonna win again this year." Man 2: "Maybe so, but you'd better not count out the Kilika Beasts!" Man [2]: "The Besaid Aurochs? Win?" Man 2: "Now that's funny! Hahaha!" Man: "Gimme a break, man!" Woman: "Maester Mika has ruled Spira for the past fifty years. Man: "Maester Mika doesn't make many public appearances. He's getting too old for that." Man: "I'm glad I got here safely. Don't want another S.S. Liki incident." Man: "If I can catch one glimpse of Maester Mika, I'll have something to brag about back home." Man: "Man, this tournament is gonna rock! Even the big man is here to see the game! Guard: "We have sealed off all access to the stadium for the time being. We're trying to control the mad rush of people who have already entered the stadium." [2] "We apologize for the incovenience, but access to the stadium has been sealed off." ########################### LOCKER ROOM (post-Tutorial) ########################### Lulu: "It's crowded out there. Stay close." Jassu: "I know we only need to win twice, but that's the problem." [2] "We've never made it past the first round! I'm gettin' the jitters." Botta: "Only five players in the sphere pool, ya? Which of us is warmin' the bench?" [2] "People are here from Besaid, you know. We gotta win for them!" Keepa: "Play to win, play to win, play to win... Gotta keep reminding myself, ya?" [2] "I'll make all the saves, so you just go out and shoot!" Datto: "You come back real soon. We are really countin' on you." [2] "I wish I had a big net for all the butterflies in Wakka's stomach. I hope he's okay." Letty: "No lookin' back now, ya? We just wait for the game!" [2] "W-We play to win, ya?" Wakka: "I'm...I'm countin' on you, bud! ############################# HALLWAY BY GOERS' LOCKER ROOM ############################# Kilika Beast: "You sure are taking it easy. The opening match is about to start, you know.

Kilika Beast: "Hey, the Aurochs' locker room is on the other side. Or are you just here to scout?" Female Ronso: "Aurochs... Don't underestimate Ronso skill." Kid: "Yes! The season opener is finally here! Can you feel the excitement in the air? It's like the calm before a storm. In just a few minutes, this place is gonna go crazy!" [2] "It's like I'm feeding off the energy of the players!" Man: "I just want to wish the Goers luck, but security won't let me in." Kid: "Guess what, guess what? I shook Bickson's hand!" Old Woman: "I've been a huge Goers fan since I was a little girl. I can still cheer as loud as the young'uns!" [2] "The players should be coming out soon." Girl: "This guard is so mean! He won't let me in to see Sir Graav!" [2] "I don't care if I have to wait for hours! I'm not moving until I see Sir Graav!" Guard: "This is the Luca Goers' locker room. No unauthorized entry." ################################ STADIUM ENTRANCE AND THEREABOUTS ################################ Biggs: "No admittance!" [2] "We are sorry, but not even blitzball players are allowed to pass." Wedge: "No admittance!" [2] "We are sorry, but not even blitzball players are allowed to pass." Crusader: "Once the tournament is over, the operation will commence. Better enjoy blitzball while I still can." [2] "I hope the operation succeeds. I want to come back here next year..." Crusader: "The Crusaders were in charge of guarding the stadium up until last year. But they're all busy preparing for the operation now. So this year, the citizens have taken up security posts." Crusader: "I should be reporting to the base by now, but I just want to catch one glimpse of the opening ceremony." Man: "The Goers are definitely gonna win. Everyone else is goin' down!" Man: "Aren't you a blitzer? Better check the rules while you still can." Guard: "The stadium is surrounded by numerous ports laid out in a circular fashion. So it's impossible to get lost. Turn here to get to dock number 5." Woman: "Players must return to their locker room for the opening ceremony." Man: "Tickets were so hard to come by this year. Oh, well... Guess I'll watch the game over at the cafe." Man: "Even the ships don't leave the port during the tournament. Just kick back and relax, man."

Crusader: "I'm rooting for the Al Bhed Psyches this year. They're helping out the Crusaders, you know. Guard: "The stadium is surrounded by numerous ports laid out in a circular fashion. So it's impossible to get lost. Turn here to get to dock number 1." Guard: "Please report any suspicious activity." Woman: "I saw your rallying cry on the sphere. Heheh, best of luck to you." Clerk: "The opening ceremony is about to begin. All players must wait in their locker rooms. ############### DOCK NUMBER ONE ############### Guard: "A ferry bound for Kilika is anchored here at dock number 2." [2] "Patrolling a large structure such as this would be next to impossible. That is why we have a guard stationed at every dock." Big Ronso: "Ice and snow from the holy peaks of Gagazet have strengthened Ronso spirit. The Ronso Fangs will win the cup. Any Ronso know that." [2] "The valiant Ronso Fangs have sworn victory on their horns. Ronso never break promise." Little Ronso: "We come all the way from Gagazet. Ronso will surely win!" [2] "The Ronso Fangs are the strongest. They will not be defeated!" Nedus: "Hudrehk paydc blitz! E fecr oui milg." ["Nothing beats blitz! I wish you luck!"] O'aka: "The stores in the stadium are closed during the tournament. But I'm always open for business!" R1 --> Got any weapons? R2 --> Got any items? R3 --> Lend Gil to O'aka. R4 --> No, thanks. R1: [Weapons are shown.] R2: [Items are shown.] R3: "Have you got some to lend?" R5 --> Yes R6 --> No R4: [Dialogue cancelled.] R5: "Blimey, lad! Will ye actually lend me ___ gil?" R7 --> Wait a minute. R8 --> No sweat. R9 --> Cancel. R6: "Eh, it figures." R7: [Can toggle donation amount] R8: "I guess it pays to ask! Thank ye kindly, lad! Fine seed money for the O'aka merchant empire! R9: "Should've expected as much." O'aka: "The people here are so into the game, they don't even look at what they're buying! Gotta love blitz, eh?"

O'aka [2]: "Welcome to O'aka's!" [Same options applied.] ############### DOCK NUMBER TWO ############### Guard: "The ferry docked here is headed for Kilika Port." [2] "Dock number 3 lies straight ahead. Dock number 1 lies in the opposite direction." Woman: "Move it! Outta my way! I"m busy sorting the cargo!" Man: "I'm sorry, sir, but the ferry will remain at anchor for a little while." ################# DOCK NUMBER THREE ################# Guard: "A watchman is posted at every dock for your safety." [2] "To my left is dock number 2 and to my right is dock number 4." Warrior Monk: "I am patrolling the area!" Warrior Monk: "Don't confuse us with those heathen Crusaders. Warrior monks are the true defenders of Yevon!" Guado: "Seems like they scaled back security this year. Hope nothing bad happens." Guado: "Lord Seymour will lead the Guado to eternal repose." Warrior Monk: "I'm terribly sorry, but no one is allowed to board this ship." ################ DOCK NUMBER FOUR ################ Guard: "Dock number 3 lies straight ahead. Dock number 5 lies in the opposite direction." [2] "The sphere monitor makes our job a lot easier." ################ DOCK NUMBER FIVE ################ Zev Ronso: "Luca too hot for Ronso." Guard: "This is dock number 5. Dock number 4 lies straight ahead." [2] "If you're looking for the entrance, please go back the other way." #################### OUTSIDE LUCA STADIUM #################### Woman: "Hey, have you seen a little boy? My son and I got separated in the crowd. I told him to whistle if he ever got lost..." Man: "Our family has supported the Kilika Beasts ever since my great grandfather's day." Shaami: "I am reporting to you live, from outside Luca Stadium. The excitement has reached a feverish pitch as the opening ceremony gets

underway... H-Hey! I'm in the middle of a broadcast! Leave me alone!" [2] "Hm? You want me to interview you? It's not like the Aurochs are going to make it past the first round anyway. Why bother with an interview when we already know the outcome?" [3] "Well, if you win at least one game, I'll grant you an interview." Woman: "Don't you think it's disrespectful for the Al Bhed to play in the Yevon Cup?" Monk: "The people are indulging in merrymaking, but we must keep in mind that... I will spare you the lecture." Woman: "I'm keeping a close eye on the Al Bhed Psyches this year. Woman 2: "Ewww... Why would you root for the Al Bhed? You really do have bad taste." Woman: "I like how they cover up their faces. It's just so sexy and mysterious." Woman 2 [2]: "Well, I would have to say it's the Ronso Fangs for me." Woman: "The Ronso? They're just a bunch of meatheads!" Woman 2: "And that's why the other teams are dead meat!" Woman [2]: "What? The Besaid Aurochs? Oh, come on. Seriously? Cameraman: "Hey, well if it isn't the Aurochs comedian. Thanks for that comic relief! Keep up the antics throughout the tournament. I'll be sure to capture you on sphere." [2] "The opening ceremony's about to begin. Shouldn't you be heading back?" Man: "I really don't care which team wins or loses. I just want to watch the game and go crazy. Guard: "The Sphere Theater is up ahead. Please enjoy revisiting all the wondrous sights and sounds you've encountered along your journey." --Man: "Hey, kiddo, got an extra ticket? I'll buy it off you! Or how about I sell ya front row tickets for you and the young lady?" [2] "Huh, you're a blitzer, ain'tcha? Guess ya don't need tickets." [3] "Get your front row tikets here! Sell your unwanted tickets here!" Man: "I feel bad for the Crusaders. They can't even stick around and watch the gaem because of the operation. Man: "You're that newbie from the Aurochs, right? Good luck to you!" Woman: "Is it true that the ferry is out of service?" Fat Man: "I hear Sin may still be lurking in the sea nearby." Woman: "At this rate, who knows when we'll make it back to Kilika?" Woman [2]: "The Crusaders are blustering on about destroying Sin, but, heh... I doubt they will." Fat Man [2]: "I just wish the summoners would end this, already. Man: "Hey, did you see the lady summoner? What was she like?" Man: "How can you not be excited when the tournament's about to start soon?"

Nun: "You think I stand out in this temple attire? Perhaps I should change?" Woman: "I wonder how it'll turn out this year?" Boy: "Well, duh! Of course the Goers are gonna win." Woman: "Psshhh! I know that! What I man is, how many goals will Bickson score?" Woman [2]: "Yeah, Bickson's gonna lead the Goers to victory as usual. But you know, Graav's been doin' well lately. Maybe he'll be the tournament MVP." Boy: "No way! I'm cheering for Bickson all the way! He is and will always be number one. Woman [3]: "Oh, yeah? Well, my sister's friend's boyfriend is Graav's cousin!" Boy: "Well, I know a guy who's best friends with Bickson's younger brother! ################### SPHERE THEATER ROAD ################### Zalitz: "I gave up the seafaring life. I've had enough of storms and ship-wrecks." Girl: "I came to buy a sphere, but I don't have enough money. Woman: "Danger is part of a sailor's life. That's why I have no respect for gutless wretches who quit! #################### SPHERE THEATER FRONT #################### Man: "Travelers check this monitor for fiend information before setting out on their journey. It's our duty as Crusaders to collect this kind of information. Crusader: "I've configured this monitor to display information on fiends roaming around the Luca area." [2] "Once you leave Luca, you'll have to travel the long and winding Mi'ihen Highroad. Watch out for fiends along the way! Harp Player: "I suggest you proceed to the rear for a thorough explanation. Sax Mouse: "Enjoy the beautiful music! Immerse yourself in the stunning visuals!" Drummer: "If it's our music you want to hear, then go to the back and buy a sphere! ############## SPHERE THEATER ############## Man: "Can I interest you in one of our limited edition Music Spheres?" R1 --> Yeah, definitely! R2 --> What's a music sphere?

R3 --> No, thanks. R1: [Can buy music spheres.] R2: "Just as the name implies, it is a sphere that plays music, performed by the Yevon Musical Troupe. Each sphere contains one song. You will also need to use the audiovisual control panel found in the main hall. So, would you like to purchase a memento of your travels? R4 --> Yeah, definitely! R5 --> No, thanks. R3: "Please come again." R4: [Same as R1] R5: "Please come again." Man: "Would R1 --> R2 --> R3 --> you like to preserve memories of your travels on a Movie Sphere?" Sure. What's a Movie Sphere? No, thanks.

R1: [Can buy Movie Spheres] R2: "It's a sphere that can record images from the past that stand out in your mind. The images are saved onto a Movie Sphere. It follows the same basic principles as sphere cameras, or monitors: it captures the moment, so to speak. However, the Movie Sphere differs mainly in that it records images from the past rather than the present. You will also need to use the audiovisual control panel found in the main hall. So, would you like to purchase a memento of your travels?" R4: "Sure." R5: "No thanks." R3: "Please come again." R4: [Same as R1] R5: "Please come again." Man: "Whenever I come to Luca, I always buy a sphere to take back to my family." Woman: "Welcome to the Sphere Theater. Would you like to go to the Main Hall?" R1 --> Yes. R2 --> No. R1: [Tidus goes to the Theater] R2: "Please come again." ########### CITY SQUARE ########### Woman: "Hmmm... A guy in a red coat, huh? Yeah, I saw someone like that. Wait, maybe I didn't." Man: "With me cheering for them, the Kilika Beasts will win hands down!" Jumal: "Give them a balloon and they're happy campers. Kids are so innocent and easy to please." [2] "It's that child who helps me to forget about Sin's existence. Even if it's only for a moment." Woman: "You'll have to excuse my child; I've never seen her quite so lively. Kids will be kids, I suppose." [2] "With Maester Mika also in attendance, this tournament will go down in history."

Girl: "I got a red balloon! Bet you want one, too!" Woman: "Tournaments are when we earn our cash! There's no time to waste now!" Vendor: "You were on the sphere, right? Good luck in the game. But I still think an Aurochs victory is next to impossible." [2] "You understand that those who belittle Yevon's teachings will be excommunicated, don't you?" Woman: "Welcome! I've got official blitzball merchandise as well as other rare items!" R1 --> Got any weapons? R2 --> Got any items? R3 --> Leave. R1: [Weapons are shown.] R2: [Items are shown.] R3: "Come back anytime!" Man: "The manager said he's going to the game, so I got stuck looking after the place. It's not fair at all. I wanted to watch the game and cheer on the Goers." [2] "Hey, why don't you go cheer them on for me!" Guado Woman: "Have you seen Maester Seymour? What do you think? He's an absolute dream, isn't he?" [2] "The Guado team is worked up because Maester Seymour is watching, you know! Woman: "The opening ceremony is about to begin and you're taking a walk? Now that's bold." Man: "The opening ceremony's going to start soon! All players must proceed to their locker rooms." Fat Man: "I hate it when this cafe is so packed." [2] "Every place in town is packed during the tournament. It's a nightmare trying to find a place to eat." Man: "I'm certain that the Al Bhed Psyches are gonna win this year." Woman: "There must be a hundred people in red out there. How am I supposed to remember them all?" Man: "We've been up all night preparing for the tournament, so I'm exhausted." Man: "Auron? Yeah, I know him! He was a guardian for Lord Braska, right? ########################## CITY LIMITS/WAY TO MI'IHEN ########################## [The party comes upon Luzzu and Gatta.] Gatta: "Hmm? Whatcha doing here? The tournament's about to start!" Tidus: "I'm looking for someone." Luzzu: "Well, you're looking in the wrong place. There aren't many people here." Gatta: "Everyone's either at the stadium or watching the game on the sphere. They love their blitzball." Tidus: "Aren't you gonna watch?" Luzzu: "We'd like to, but we're waiting for some couriers. Hmm, they're

late... Wanna ditch the courier and go watch the game?" Gatta: "But...but we're still on duty. What about the mission, sir?" Luzzu: "See what I mean? We might be a little late, but we will go watch you play." Gatta: "You'd better be winning when we get there." Tidus: "Yes, sir!" --Gatta: "You'd better be winning when we get there." Luzzu: "Hmm, they're late... _______________________________________________________________________________ 14) Luca II LUC2 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue takes place while searching for a kidnapped Yuna. #################### OUTSIDE LUCA STADIUM #################### Man: "A lady summoner? Sorry, haven't seen her. Even if she did pass by, I probably wouldn't have noticed what with the huge crowd and all." [2] "By the way, I did hear someone whistling, though..." Man: "Tch! Everyone went to go see the opening ceremony. Hey, ain't ya a blitzer? What are ya doin' walkin' around?" [2] "What happened to that young lady you were with? Heh. She dumped ya, eh? Don't let it get ya down. ############# STADIUM FRONT ############# Wedge: "I'm right by the stadium, but I can't watch the game. What a bummer..." Biggs: "The first match has already begun. Please hurry to your seat." Vendor: "You're not a blitzer, are you? Nah, couldn't be. The game's already started." ################# STADIUM BLEACHERS ################# Female Ronso: "Those Al Bhed players are playing well. You can tell they're hungry for the championship." Man: "What are you doing out here? You should be out there by the bench cheering on your teammates!" Guard: "Even though the grand maester is here, we're short on security. If only the Crusaders were still here like last year..." [2] "Everyone in Spira has been looking forward to this tournament. No one would dare interupt it."

Guard: "Please do not throw objects or lean against the railing at any time!" [2] "Sphere pictures are allowed, but please refrain from using a flash." Female Ronso: "The Psyches and the Aurochs are not enemies of the Ronso Fangs." Man: "Why aren't you out there playing? You're pretty confident for an Aurochs player. Man: "No need to watch this match. We all know the Aurochs are gonna lose the first round anyway." ############################# HALLWAY BY GOERS' LOCKER ROOM ############################# Guard: "What are you doing out here? The tournament's already under way!" ############### DOCK NUMBER ONE ############### Nedus: "E tu hud ghuf y drehk! E cfayn du oui!" ["I do not know a thing! I swear to you!"] ############### DOCK NUMBER TWO ############### Guard: "D-Did you beat them? I was so scared I couldn't move!" Woman: "The Al Bhed machina don't scare me! Can't survive on the seas of Spira getting freaked out by that!" Man: "When you've sailed the seas of Spira long enough, little surprises you anymore. ################# DOCK NUMBER THREE ################# Warrior Monk: "If I were ten years younger, those machina would be scrap metal!" Guard: "A-Are they gone? What are machina doing here?" Warrior Monk: "We don't need your help! The warrior monks will guard the maester's vessel just fine!" Warrior Monk: "Machina are unholy abominations! We must destroy them all!" ################ DOCK NUMBER FIVE ################ [A large barricade blocks the way to Dock #4.] Guard: "I turned away for a second, and look what happened!" [2] "Sorry for the inconvenience. You'll have to go around the other way while I get

this under control." ################ DOCK NUMBER FOUR ################ Guard: [Narrative:] Seems to have been put to sleep. [If Tidus tries to enter Dock 5:] Narrative: Dock number 5 is sealed off. _______________________________________________________________________________ 15) Luca III LUC3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Note: Section dialogue occurs after rescuing Yuna but before going to the final match begins. ################ DOCK NUMBER FIVE ################ [After you rescue Yuna, a path is open:] Guard: "I'll have these creates moved in no time, sir!" ################# STADIUM BLEACHERS ################# Female Ronso: "You have to admire the Aurochs' fighting spirit. But the Ronso warriors deserve some credit, too." Man: "Wakka's pretty beat up. I don't think he'll play in the finals." Female Ronso: "The Aurochs' victory must be a blessing from Yevon." Man: "Looks like the Aurochs are burnt out. They don't stand a chance in the finals." #################### AUROCHS' LOCKER ROOM #################### Lulu: "Please, don't tell anyone about Yuna's lineage." Keepa: "Yuna will be watchin', ya? Gotta play hard!" Botta: "So, who's warmin' the bench? Could it be me?" Jassu: "I should've been the one injured, not Wakka..." Letty: "Let's get them Goers. Let's do it for Chappu!" Datto: "It may be last minute, but wanna go over the rules?" R1 --> Sure. R2 --> No need.

R1: [Tidus can review blitzball rules (already covered above)] R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] ######################## DURING CHAMPIONSHIP GAME ######################## [If the Goers score first:] Bobba: "What a great play! The Goers score first!" [If Goers are ahead at halftime, Jimma will chime in:] Jimma: "The Goers are just playing great, Bobba. Really great." _______________________________________________________________________________ 16) Luca IV [A] LUC4 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Following dialogue takes place after blitz tourney has concluded and the Aurochs lost the championship game. ############### NUMBER ONE DOCK ############### Big Ronso: "Tournament over. Ronso return to mountain to protect Yevon holy land." [2] "Maester Mika is safe. Maester Kelk Ronso is relieved." Little Ronso: "Biran and Yenke protect the people in stadium. They defeat more fiends than you can count with both hands." [2] "Biran Ronso is Ronso's bravest warrior. All young Ronso year to be like Biran Ronso." Nedus: "Dra Al Bhed ryt hudrehk du tu fedr dryd fiend yddylg. Dryd ec dra dnidr!" ["The Al Bhed have nothing to do with the fiend attack! That is the truth!"] ############# STADIUM FRONT ############# Man: "Sin is lurking in the water nearby. Ferry service has been postponed indefinitely." Girl: "Nice work out there. Now I know you're not all talk." Man: "Ending the tournament with a fiend attack left a bad taste in my mouth." Vendor: "Hello! Welcome to the Luca Item Shop!" [What have you got?/Leave.] Vendor: "Please come again!" Vendor: "We're still investigating how the fiends managed to get in. I'm sorry, but please wait for an official statement regarding this matter." Vendor: "Welcome to the Luca Equipment Shop!" [What have you got?/Leave.] Vendor: "Please come again!"

Man: "Maester Mika returned to Bevelle soon after the tournament." Crusader: "I will be heading for the operation soon. I must bid adieu to the city of Luca." Man: "The Crusaders have planned a grand operation to smash the fiends. Man: "We were supposed to get some time off after the tournament, but with the sudden fiend incident and all, we're busy with the investigation." Biggs: "We are currently assessing the damage from the fiends. No admittance." Wedge: "Did you forget something inside? Give it up. I doubt you'll find it." Crusader: "I am relieved the grand maester is safe. We owe it all to Maester Seymour." Woman: "I'm afraid to imagine what would've happened if Maester Seymour hadn't been here." Guard: "Please report any suspicious activity." ############################# HALLWAY TO GOERS' LOCKER ROOM ############################# Man: "The Goers' victory parade was cancelled because of all the chaos with the fiends." Old Woman: "You guys made the Goers look good by putting up a good fight." Girl: "I hope Sir Graav's not hurt..." #################### AUROCHS' LOCKER ROOM #################### Keepa: "If only I had done better, we could have won. I'm sorry, man." Botta: "We did our best, so I have no regrets, man." Datto: "We didn't win the cup, but we did win a game for the first time in twenty-three years. It's all good, ya?" Letty: "We didn't do half bad, ya? Next tie, the Goers are goners!" Wakka: "Wakka said he retired, but maybe he'll come back if we beg him?" ############### ROAD TO STADIUM ############### Man: "I'm glad the Goers won, but I don't feel like celebrating." Kid: "Yeah, those fiends really ruined the whole blitz experience." Shaami: "Do you know anything about the fiends inside the stadium? We have so few facts, we can't write up a feature on it yet." [2] "I've been interviewing eyewitnesses, but nobody seems to know a thing."

Cameraman: "Sorry, but we're broadcasting the news about the fiend attack." Woman: "I can't believe the fiends would attack right in front of the maester, of all people. Just goes to show you that there is absolutely no safe haven in Spira." Short Guy: "Fiend attack? So what! Big deal. Everyone'll soon forget about it and occupy themselves with blitzball." [2] "Can't wait till next year's tournament." Man: "My buddy's in critical condition after being attacked by a fiend. Damn it!" Man: "The Kilika Beasts couldn't play up to their potential this year. Can't blame 'em, though. Their island was recently attacked by Sin, after all." Woman: "So how did those fiends break into the stadium?"" Woman 2: "The authorities have no idea. They can only assume they just popped out of nowhere." Woman [2]: "Who knows what would have happened if Maester Seymour hadn't been there..." Woman 2: "Maester Seymour is our saviour." Nun: "The Crusaders are devising a sacrilegious operation. I hear they may be collaboratin with the Al Bhed. Monk: "Glory be to Maester Seymour's aeon, for keeping the destruction to a minimum. A blessing from Yevon, indeed." Man: "The power of Maester Seymour's aeon was just incredible. I can see why he was appointed a maester at such a young age." Woman: "Up until last year, it was the Crusaders who were in charge of security. If they had been here this year, the fiends would never have appeared." Man: "The Aurochs really improved this year, but their success was overshadowed by the fiend incident." Man: "I hope these fiends aren't a harbinger of Sin's coming." #################### SPHERE THEATER FRONT #################### Crusader: "The operation will commence soon. I must hurry." ########### CITY SQUARE ########### Guado Woman: "It's Maester Seymour that protected Maester Mika, right? And now, it's my brother that's guarding Maester Seymour!" [2] "My brother said he'd do absolutely anything for Maester Seymour. Girl: "Mommy and Daddy aren't very happy. Do you know why? Hmmm?" Woman: "I never believed that the fiends would attack this city. This is horrible."

Man: "If anything had happened to Maester Mika, the guards would've been toast." Jumal: "I'm so worried. What if the fiends that appeared in the stadium find their way into the city?" Man: "We're going to be closed for awhile. The manager was badly bitten by a fiend. Serves him right for leaving me here while he enjoys the game." Man: "Is it true that Maester Seymour isn't a normal Guado?" Woman: "The Crusaders are buying up everything. Better stock up while you can." Woman: "Seymour's Aeon may be able to destroy Sin." Man: "Cleaning up after the fiends will be a nightmare. We'll be up all night again repairing the stadium." Man: "The Crusaders are taking off. I hope they'll come back safe." Fat Man: "When the fiends first appeared in the stadium, I thought it was the halftime show or something. So I just sat and watched -- when suddenly they started rampaging! I was shocked!" [2] "I like a good riot once in a while, but I never want to do that again." Vendor: "It's all such a big mess, and I don't know what's going on anymore." Woman: "The fans always celebrate after the game, but with the fiend scare, I doubt it." Man: "The Kilika Beasts aren't advancing? Well, there's always next year..." Woman: "The guy in a red robe took down a fiend in one blow! Is that cool or what?" ######### LUCA CAFE ######### Man: "I couldn't get any of the tickets, so I was watching the game on that sphere. I was lucky to miss the fiends." Shuu: "Hey, you're an Aurochs player, aren't you? You were great today!" [2] "Even though you didn't win, it was a good game. Keep up the good work." Man: "The tournament's finally over. Gimme some peace, will you?" [2] "It's terrible. The fiends attacked while His Holiness was here. The tournament committee wasn't pleased when the captain of the guard lost his nerve and ran." Man: "We have to repair the stadium now because of the fiends." Midget: "The fiends were the Al Bhed's doing! They're out to get the temples!" Man: "What are you saying? You know the Al Bhed use Machina!" Midget: "Yeah, I guess you're right." Midget [2]: "The fiends were the Crusaders doing! They're out to sabotage the tournament!" Man: "You're making no sense at all. And you aren't the least bit convincing,

either." Midget: "Yeah, I agree." Midget [3]: "So, basically, you don't know anything, huh?" Man: "Spira is full of fiends. Who knows when or where they'll strike?" Woman: "Seymour's aeon was really something, wasn't it? I've never seen anything like it!" [2] "I'd like to believe that a maester of such power could keep Spira peaceful." Man: "I was lucky. That's all I can say. Praise be to Yevon!" Bartender: "Hello! Blitzball players are welcome here any time!" [2] "Doesn't matter if you can't play. After all, a player is a player! Good luck! I'm with you all the way!" ############################## CITY OUTSKIRTS/PATH TO MI'IHEN ############################## Lulu: "You're a real guardian now, so no mistakes. Understood?" Wakka: Where'd you meet Sir Auron, anyway?" R1 --> I'm not telling. R2 --> Zanarkand R1: "Ah, never mind. Anyway, I knew you'd find someone you knew here." R2: "Sin's toxin sure is taking its time wearing off. Anyway, I knew you'd find someone you knew here." Wakka [2]: "We'll be taking the Mi'ihen Highroad north, toward Djose Temple." Auron: "Remember, you're suffering from Sin's toxin. Don't say otherwise." [After the party leaves and re-enters:] Old Woman: "I tried to stop the Crusaders, but I tell you, those youngsters won't listen to anybody!" [2] "I fear Sin will crush them and teach them just how futile repentance is then." Man: "Their owner's a crusader. I'm only looking after 'em while the operation's going on." [2] "I'd hate to see these fellas left on their own. I hope their owner returns safely." Crusader: "Nothing you say will sway us. The Crusaders will proceed with the operation as planned." [2] "I am well aware of the risks of this mission. But we cannot simply run away. _______________________________________________________________________________ 17) Luca IV [B] LUCB _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue takes place after blitz tourney has concluded and the Aurochs have won the Crystal Cup. Only the dialogue that differs from 16) Luca IV [A] will be listed (i.e. about Aurochs winning). #############################

HALLWAY TO GOERS' LOCKER ROOM ############################# Boy: "I'm gonna practice blitz real hard and be just like Bickson!" Man: "The Goers didn't win, but a true fan will stand behind them through thick and thin." Old Woman: "You guys just got lucky! The Goers will take the cup next year!" #################### AUROCHS' LOCKER ROOM #################### Keepa: "We won! That means we're the team to watch out for. Unbelievable." Botta: "I still have lots to learn from Wakka. I wish he'd come back." Letty: "It's not the same without you, man. Come back anytime, ya?" Datto: "Yes! Thank you! We beat the Goers all because of you, man." Jassu: "Still can't believe we won, man... Have to keep pinching myself." ############### ROAD TO STADIUM ############### Man: "The Aurochs won the tournament. It must be some kind of mistake." Woman: "I agree! The authorities should drop the fiend investigation and look into this first!" Cameraman: "Hey, congratulations! I got everything on the sphere. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the Besaid Aurochs would win the cup. Shaami: "Do you know anything about the fiends inside the stadium? We have so few facts, we can't write up a feature on it yet." [2] "I've been interviewing eyewitnesses, but nobody seems to know a thing." [3] "Oh yes, congratulations! I have a lot more respect for the Aurochs now." Woman: "So, how did all those fiends break into the stadium?" Woman 2: "The authorities have no idea. They can only assume they just popped up out of nowhere." Woman [2]: "Who knows what would have happened if Maester Seymour hadn't been there..." Woman 2: "Maester Seymour is our saviour." Woman [3]: "I was really surprised by the sudden fiend attack, but you know what shocked me the most?" Woman 2: "The Aurochs winning the tournament? Yeah, I still can't believe it." Man: "This is the first time I've ever seen the Aurochs win!" ######### LUCA CAFE ######### Shuu: "Hey, you're an Aurochs player, aren't you? You were great today!" [2] "You ended a twenty-three-year losing streak. I never thought it would

happen. What a miracle!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 18) Luca V LUC5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue occurs after Mi'ihen Highroad is accessible. ############################## CITY OUTSKIRTS/ROAD TO MI'IHEN ############################## Old Woman: "I tried to stop the Crusaders, but I tell you, those youngsters won't listen to anybody!" [2] "I fear Sin will crush them and teach them just how futile repentance is then." Man: "Their owner's a crusader. I'm only looking after 'em while the operation's going on." [2] "I'd hate to see these fellas left on their own. I hope their owner returns safely." Crusader: "Nothing you say will sway us. The Crusaders will proceed with the operation as planned." [2] "I am well aware of the risks of this mission. But we cannot simply run away. ########### CITY SQUARE ########### Girl: "You know what? They said that the Crusaders are bad people disobeying the teachings!" Woman: "Most of the Crusaders that guard our city have gone off to that 'operation.' Luca is defenseless! Whatever will we do if fiends appear?" Jumal: "The Crusaders may use machina in their operation. If so, they're no different from the Al Bhed. ######### LUCA CAFE ######### Bartender: "You're a good player, but you still need some work. If you want to get your hand on that thing, you'll need to win more games. [After you win a few (four?) games:] Bartender: "Wow, you've become a great player! Now, as long as you bring it to me, I'll present you with our heirloom." ################# DOCK NUMBER THREE ################# [If the Aurochs win:] Bickson: "Our biggest mistake was going too easy on you Aurochs. We

won't hold back next time." Abus: "We thought you'd be a pushover. You Aurochs sure have improved!" Graav: "I consider your victory a total fluke." Raudy: "We're just lending you the trophy until next year's tournament. Keep it nice and shiny for us." Balgerda: "How could we lose to the Aurochs, of all teams? This is a disgrace!" Doram: "We didn't lose to the Aurochs, we lost to Wakka's spirit and dedication." [If the Aurochs lose:] Bickson: "We Luca Goers will always be on top. Crawl your way up if you think you can." Abus: "Another tournament, another victory... But no parade, thanks to those fiends." Graav: "Just be grateful that your twenty-three-year losing streak is finally over." Raudy: "How can the Aurochs be runners-up? The competition these days ain't what it used to be." Balgerda: "Had enough? Come back when you're a man." Doram: "Hey, great game! So you're not just a pretty boy after all." ################ DOCK NUMBER FOUR ################ Argai Ronso: "We swore victory on our horns and lost. We cannot go home until we win the cup." Gazna Ronso: "Many Ronso return home to mountain. But Ronso Fangs will stay in Luca. Basik Ronso: "Best of luck to the Besaid Aurochs. The Ronso Fangs will be waiting." Nuvy Ronso: "Aurochs are true warriors. Aurochs deserve mighty horns." Zamzi Ronso: "Ronso are strong, but winning takes more than strength." Irga Ronso: "The honorable warrior tribe Ronso fight enemies fair and square." ################ STADIUM ENTRANCE ################ Biggs: "Access is no longer restricted. Feel free to enter." Wedge: "It took forever to fix the stands inside the stadium.

Woman: "Hi! Welcome to the blitzball reception." R1 --> Register to play. R2 --> Leave. R1: [Blitzball menus open up; same as sphere function] R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] ################ STADIUM INTERIOR ################ Ronso Woman: "Ronso warriors value their horns, and the people of Luca value blitzball." [2] "True believers of the teachings will not support the Crusaders." Guard: "Even with the recent fiend scare, I can't believe how crowded it is." [2] "It's too bad the Aurochs' record losing streak had to end. That was the only thing going for them." Guard: "The fiends broke in, all because the Crusaders ditched guard duty this year. It's all their fault! They should have been helping us instead of devising some foolish plan!" [2] "The Crusaders are dreamin'! Do they really think the operation will succeed?" Guard: "We no longer have the strength to fight... Should the fiends reappear, run for your lives!" [2] "Thanks to the citizens pitching in, the stadium has been repaired in no time." Ronso Woman: "Many Ronso have left Luca to guard their sacred mountain, Gagazet." [2] "Throughout the long history of Yevon, this is the first time a summoner has ever been appointed maester." Man: "Those fiends really put a damper on the tournament." [2] "I was watching Maester Seymour's aeon from here. It was awesome!" Man: "Games are held every day, even after the tournament." [2] "Maester Mika has already returned to Bevelle." _______________________________________________________________________________ 19) Mi'ihen Highroad MHH1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Man: "Please give this to the lady summoner as a token of my gratitude." [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [2] "The Crusaders are really active." [3] "I heard that Crusaders are marching in from all over Spira." [4] "Mum's the word. I hear the temples of Yevon are in on this, too." Maechen: "This is a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. Eight centuries ago, he founded a legion known today as the Crusaders. In just a few short years after their founding, their ranks grew throughout Spira. The maesters of Yevon feared an uprising and accused them of rebellion. So Lord Mi'ihen walked along this very road to go face their charges and refute them. He succeeded in winning the maesters' trust, and his legion became an arm of the Yevon clergy. It was then that Yevon gave

them the name 'Crusaders,' which they have kept ever since. And the rest is history." [2] "Although this is a highroad, fiends do appear. Be on your guard!" [After he speaks about the ruins up the road:] "Ah, Lady Yuna's guardians, I presume?" Woman: "You're a guardian, right? I'd like to give you this." [Obtain: Antidote x 2] [2] "Where is he?" [3] "I got separated from my brother. I told him to meet here if that happened!" [4] "We have to get back home before the operation starts!" Man: "Hey there, guardians. Here. Use this to defend the summoner well." [Obtain: Hunter's Spear] [2] "I hear some big operation's about to start." [3] "I don't know what the Crusaders are up to, but I say they're way out of their league. Let the summoners take are of Sin! It's the only way!" [4] "The Crusaders can't beat Sin. History's proven that." Crusader: "This ring helps keep flames at bay. Please, give it to the lady summoner." [Obtain: Red Ring] [2] "Whaddya want! I'm in a hurry here!" [3] "They're going to kill me if I'm late for the operation!" Crusader: "I stocked up on too many. Please take one, if you like." [Obtain: Antidote x 4] [2] "Once the order is given, I'll be fighting on the front line. That's everything we've trained for." [3] "High Summoner Yocun, who slew Sin, started as a Crusader." [4] "If I fight as valiantly as Lady Yocun, will I, too, receive Yevon's blessing?" Woman: "There are lots of fiends, so stay sharp. Use this when the going gets tough." [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [2] "Do you see that sign? What a guady ad. They're way out of line." [3] "It's not good once those guys get going." Crusader: "Here's a little something to cheer you up before the big fight." [Obtain: Lv. 1 Key Sphere] [2] "I'm gonna vanquish Sin and return home a hero." [3] "Us Crusaders... We're gonna make history with this operation. For the first time, people other than summoners will defeat Sin." [4] "No doubt we're gonna win. And just in case, we have an ace up our sleeves, too." Crusader: "Providing is preventing. Need I say more? This'll help." [Obtain: 600 Gil] [2] "The young guns believe everything will go as planned. We veterans know otherwise; it's not going to be easy." [3] "Of course, when the time comes, we'll march in full force to victory. Victory must be the goal to win any battle." [4] "They say luck decides the battle, but we can't afford to lose." Lucil: "There have been reports of a large fiend appearing in this area, with a taste for chocobos. Do take care, Summoner Yuna, if you are to rent any chocobos." Elma: "Our prayers are with you." [In some ruins on the road:] Narrative: Something is written here. Drana ec y jymmao eh y jycd bmyeh fedr y knayd drunh paceta. Vnus dra drunh muug lnucc dra jyma du dra udran ceta.

[If Tidus attacks an armored monster when Auron is in the battle:] Auron: "I told you. Let me handle their kind." Wakka: "Leave those hard-shelled ones to Sir Auron!" Lulu: "Leave those to Sir Auron." [Tidus can kick a blitzball into the brush.] Kid: "Hey! That was my ball!" [2] "Gee, you really socked that puppy." [3] "Why don't you become a blitzer? Maybe someday you could play for the Goers?" [If you talk to him before hitting it:] Kid: "Watch out. There are fiends everywhere. Here, you can have this." [Obtain: Soft x 3] [2] "I'm watching the Crusaders pass by. They're cool." [3] "Should I become a Crusader or a blitzer when I grow up? I don't know." [4] "My sister's waiting for me, but who cares." [A woman stands by some roadside ruins in the first screen.] Woman: "Ah, a summoner party. Yuna: "You, too, are a summoner?" Belgemine: "My name is Belgemine. You are...?" Yuna: "My name is Yuna." Belgemine: "Ah, the high summoner's daughter. I've heard much of you. But you are still fresh on the road, are you not?" Yuna: "Yes, I am." Belgemine: "I might have a few things to teach you. Let us see which are stronger. My aeons or yours. A one-on-one match. Not to the death, of course. What do you say?" R1 --> Fight. R2 --> Pass. R1 (Yuna): "I'll do my best!" Belgemine: "Good. Before we begin..." [She heals Yuna's aeons.] Belgemine: "Your aeons have been healed. You can fight with your full strength. Come." [They start to fight.] Belgemine: "Show me how strong of a link you've forged with your aeons." Narrative: An aeon's attributes rise with those of its summoner. Thus, the Ifrit one summoner calls may be very different from one called by another summoner. Because this Ifrit's strength and HP are both high, it will win in a straight fight. Try fighting using your aeon's Shield and Boost commands. Shield stops your aeon's Overdrive gauge, but reduces the amount of damage it recieves. Boost accelerates the Overdrive gauge, but increases the amount of damage received. Shield is best when you expect the enemy to hit your aeon with a powerful attack. This Ifrit alternates between Attack and Meteor Strike. A Meteor Strike is coming up next, so defend your aeon with Shield! [Belgemine will say if she loses or wins, respectively:] Belgemine: "Stop. That is enough."

Belgemine: "You have a lot to learn." R2: "Well, it's your decision." Yuna: "I'm sorry." Belgemine: "Tell me if you change your mind." [If Yuna fights and wins:] Belgemine: "Not bad for one so young. I underestimated you. Take this. You've earned it." [Obtain: Echo Ring] "You show promise. With more training, you could defeat Sin." Yuna: "Thank you! But I think you might defeat Sin before I am able to." Belgemine: "I cannot. Or should I say...I was not able to." Yuna: "You mean..." Belgemine: "Farewell, Yuna. We'll meet again." [If Yuna fights and loses:] Belgemine: "You need more training. But you did well." [Obtain: Seeker's Ring] "You show promise. With more training, you could defeat Sin." Yuna: "Thank you! But I think you might defeat Sin before I am able to." Belgemine: "I cannot. Or should I say...I was not able to." Yuna: "You mean..." Belgemine: "Farewell, Yuna. We'll meet again." [The party can find Luzzu and Gatta down the road.] Gatta: "Hey, we saw the game! You guys were great!" Luzzu: "Congratulations, Wakka!" Elma: "Hey! Stop loafing around!" [The chocobo knights come over.] Gatta: "Uh... The lady summoner and her guardians..." Lucil: "This mission requires our full attention. We've no time to waste! Understood?" Luzzu: "Yes, ma'am! Apologies, ma'am!" Lucil: "Carry on." [The chocobo knights leave.] Luzzu: "See? Keep your head down, say 'sir' a lot, and you'll do fine." Gatta: "Right...sir." Luzzu: "Hey, Yuna. Even though Yevon rejected us...we still believe in you. That won't ever change." Yuna: "Thank you, Sir Luzzu, Sir Gatta. But, you know... It's not too late for you to go back to Besaid, and..." Gatta: "We should be going, sir!" [They run off behind the chocobo cart.] [The party can stumble upon a Yevonite and a Crusader having a quarrel:] Crusader: "We'll defeat Sin any way we can!" Woman: "But Yevon's teachings say..." Crusader: "Enough!" Woman: "I-I only meant to..."

[The Crusader leaves.] Yuna: "Are you all right?" Woman: "Lady Summoner...?" Yuna: "Yes, I am Yuna. Woman: "It is an honor, my lady. My name is Shelinda. I am a disciple of Yevon." Wakka: "What was all that about? The Crusaders' operation?" Tidus: "You mean the one Gatta and Luzzu were talking about?" Shelinda: "I heard they were to use forbidden machina! I had to stop them." Tidus: "Huh? Why?" Lulu: "The use of machina is strictly forbidden by the Yevon priesthood." Wakka: "That's bad, ya?" Auron: "Let them use whatever they want. They still won't defeat Sin." Shelinda: "But, it's not about defeating Sin! The teachings of Yevon must be upheld!" Wakka: "Yeah! Right!" Shelinda: "But you don't understand! The Crusaders won't even listen to me. And it's all because I'm just a lowly acolyte." Yuna: "Don't say that. Well, I haven't been a summoner for very long myself, you see. Still, I can't put myself down every time I fail. People are depending on me. They're depending on both of us!" Shelinda: "Yes! Yes, you're right, my lady. Absolutely right! Thank you so much, Lady Yuna! Now, I feel I have the courage to finish my training." Shelinda [2]: "I will do my best to get myself appointed to a temple, as a nun." ############################ AFTER ARRIVING AT RIN'S SHOP ############################ Maechen: "Mr. Rin's shops are all over Spira. They are quite convenient when you're on the road." Shelinda: "I've heard that the proprietor, Mr. Rin, is an Al Bhed. But I was very relieved to find that he keeps nothing sacrilegious here." Lulu: "This might be the last time we can rest like this." Clerk: "Welcome to Rin's Travel Agency. Do you wish to make a purchase?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Man: "You guys already got a room, right?" ############################################# AFTER GETTING THE KEY SPHERE THE NEXT MORNING ############################################# Man: "Man, I'm beat. I woke up early for nothing." [2] "I left early this morning only to find the end of the Highroad closed to traffic. So I had to turn back. What a waste of time." [3] "Oh, you didn't know? The Crusaders have sealed off the Highroad." Woman: "There are so many things I want. I can't decide what to get." [2] "Say... Will you buy something for me?" R1 --> Buy something for her. R2 --> You've gotta be kidding. R3 --> No, you buy me something.

R1: "I'm just kidding." R2: "Yeah, I'm kidding." R3: "Buy it yourself. I'm not your mom." Clerk: "Welcome to Rin's Travel Agency. Do you wish to make a purchase?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Ropp: "Welcome to Rin's Travel Agency. Would you care to rest?" [Y/N] ####################### AFTER THE WOMAN SCREAMS ####################### Woman: "What are you standing around for? Go take care of it!" Rin: "It is a ferocious beast. Be prepared!" Man: "Is it true? Th-There's a fiend outside!? No way! I'm staying right here!" ####################################### AFTER THE CHOCOBO EATER FIGHT / NEWROAD ####################################### Rin: "We appreciate this thing you have done. Dryhg oui. It means, 'I thank you.'" [2] "There are branches of my travel agency all over Spira. Your patronage is always welcome." Elma: "Summoners and guardians! I saw the fight. I was impressed!" [2] "Right now, we're charged with getting people off the Highroad. But you... Well, you have a summoner, so you can stay." [3] "Don't tell anyone, but this is a really boring job. [Elma will say: "I took care of that fiend for you." as her [1] dialogue if you're pushed off the cliff.] Attendance: "Hello! No charge this time!" R1 --> Let me ride one! R2 --> I'll walk. R3 --> How do you ride a chocobo? R1: " R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] R3: [How to Ride a Chocobo] Movement: Move far: (D-up) Move left: (D-left) Move near: (D-down) Move right: (D-left)

Getting on and off: Press (X) when facing chocobo to mount. Press (O) to dismount. Chocobos can only be ridden along the Mi'ihen Highroad. You cannot enter Luca or pass beyond the Highroad while riding a chocobo. Your chocobo will wait for you where you leave it unless you leave the Mi'ihen Highroad on foot or you rent another chocobo. Maechen: "A safe journey to you!" Shelinda: "Thank you so much for your words yesterday."

################################## IF YOU GET PUSHED ONTO THE OLDROAD ################################## O'aka: "Coming down to the Oldroad was a mistake... Ye can't run a business with no customers! Say, can I interest you in something?" R1 --> Whatcha got? R2 --> Lend Gil to O'aka R3 --> No, thanks. R1: [Items are shown.] R2: "Spare some change, lad?" R4 --> Yes. R5 --> No. R3: [Dialogue cancelled.] R4: "Ye really gonna lend me ____ Gil?" R6 --> Wait a minute. R7 --> No sweat. R8 --> Cancel. R5: "Right. Figures." R6: [Toggle donation amount] R7: "I'll make it up to ye, that I will!" R8: "Should've expected as much." O'aka: "Sure are a lot of Crusaders about. Wonder what they're up to?" Lucil: "What are you doing down on this road?" Tidus: "Oh, you know..." Lucil: "I see. The Highroad ends over there. However, we have sealed off the area beyond for the duration of our operation here. You may ask the gate captain up ahead if you need to pass through. Lucil [2]: "You must first go to the end of the Highroad in order to get back on the Newroad." Shelinda: "Word has gotten around about me. Now all the Crusaders are ignoring me!" ############################# AT GATE TO MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD ############################# Woman: "Do you want to ride a chocobo?" R1 --> Let me ride one! R2 --> I'll walk. R3 --> How do you ride a chocobo? R1: [A chocobo comes over.] R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] R3: [How to Ride a Chocobo] Movement: Move far: (D-up) Move left: (D-left) Move near: (D-down) Move right: (D-left)

Getting on and off: Press (X) when facing chocobo to mount. Press (O) to dismount. Chocobos can only be ridden along the

Mi'ihen Highroad. You cannot enter Luca or pass beyond the Highroad while riding a chocobo. Your chocobo will wait for you where you leave it unless you leave the Mi'ihen Highroad on foot or you rent another chocobo. [Once on a chocobo:] Woman [2]: "Do you want me to teach you how to ride a chocobo?" R1 --> I'm okay. R2 --> Teach me. R1: "Please be careful on your trip." R2: [Controls as shown above are repeated.] Crusader: "The Mushroom Rock Road is off-limits to non-Crusader personnel until the end of the mission!" [2] "We apologize for the inconvenience, but this road is closed!" Kid: "We're Crusaders, too. We have a lot of work to do. My job is to clean up everyone's stuff!" Kid 2: "And I'm delivering food for the soldiers!" Kid: "Big job, huh?" Kid [2]: "The operation's gonna start soon. All civilians must leave." Kid 2: "What if you don't?" Kid: "Then Sin's gonna eat you! Mom said Sin eats bad people." Kid 2: "Yikes." Kid 2: "A great maester is here, too, so we're gonna work really hard!" Clasko: "Captain Lucil and Elma should have been here by now." [2] "What's taking Elma so long? Crusader: "Any donation toward Operation Mi'ihen would be greatly appreciated!" R1 --> 100 Gil should be plenty. R2 --> I can afford 1,000 Gil. R3 --> It's your lucky day! 10,000 Gil! R4 --> I'd rather not. R1: "Thank you! Please accept this." [Obtain: Scout] R2: "Many thanks! This is for you." [Obtain: Ice Lance] R3: "Thank you for your generosity! Here, you should have this." [Obtain: Moon Ring] R4: [Dialogue cancelled.] Crusader: "Hey, you're a summoner and her guardians, right? Sorry for the inconvenience." R1 --> Don't worry about it. R2 --> Tell me about the operation. R1: "Thank you for your cooperation!" R2: "What, they didn't tell you? We're bringing sinspawn from all over Spira here. Sinspawn inevitably draw Sin, right? We're going to lure it into a trap!" Crusader [2]: "This mission, Operation Mi'ihen, is a Crusader-Al Bhed joint mission. We Crusaders lure Sin in, and the Al Bhed strike it down. You see, Al Bhed hate Sin as much as we do." [2] "They managed to salvage ancient machina. They say they're

as powerful as the mighty aeons." [3] "Well, you know machina are forbidden by Yevon. Ah...on second thought, let's not go there. Better for you not to know. The Crusaders in Operation Mi'ihen have all been excommunicated. My own family won't even speak to me now." [4] "We have to beat Sin today. Otherwise, there's nowhere for us to go." [The party can find Dona and Barthello confronting a Crusader.] Dona: "How many times do Crusader: "Sorry, ma'am! Dona: "You dare impede a Crusader: "Sorry, ma'am! Dona: "Useless!" [Tidus can walk over.] Dona: "Oh, it's you. As you can see, not even summoners can pass. But they'll call on us in the end. Just wait and see. In the meantime, I think I'll have a nap. Oh, Barthello?" [They leave.] [If you try to approach the entrance to Mushroom Rock Road, Clasko will say:] Clasko: "You have to leave your chocobos here! Come on, everyone off!" ################################# AFTER SEYMOUR ALLOWS YOU ENTRANCE ################################# Crusader: "You may pass." Clasko: "Captain Lucil and Elma should have been here by now." R1 --> Help him look for them. R2 --> I've got better things to do. R1: [You get on a chocobo and start looking. Lucil is on the Oldroad. Upon finding them, you appear back at the gate and the two report in.] Lucil: "Sir! Support units are in place. Mounted units have finished all exercises. " Elma: "Evacuation of civilians almost complete, sir! Just a few stragglers -- nothing to worry about, sir." Crusader: "Good. Were there any problems?" Lucil: "No problems, sir." Crusader: "Excellent! The first stage is complete, then! Chocobo Knights -- to your assigned positions for Operation Mi'ihen!" Lucil: "Sir!" [They enter Mushroom Rock Road together.] R2: [No action is taken.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 20) Mushroom Rock Road MSR1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Crusader: "Here, this should come in handy." [Obtain: Tough Bangle] [2] "We're I have to tell you? I'm a summoner!" No exceptions!" summoner's pilgrimage?" No exceptions!"

sealing off this area for the operation. All passage will be denied." Crusader: "Stay alert during your trip. I hope this helps." [Obtain: Ether] [2] "I guess we have Yevon's blessing, since the maester himself wished us good fortune." [3] "Who knows, Maester Seymour might even summon aeons and fight alongside us." Crusader: "You must take full precautions here. Please use this if the need arises." [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [2] "Yevon did not forsake us after all. Now we can fight without regret." [3] "I've dispatched my men on patrol. Fiends have infested the area." Crusader: "The Crusaders supplied us with some goods. Here you go." [Obtain: Phoenix Down x 2] [2] "Maester Seymour came to witness our deeds here today. We will destroy Sin, even if it means our lives!" [3] "I must relay Lord Seymour's message to the men. This will be great for morale!" Clasko: "I'm just doing my job." [If you try to run past him:] "No, not this way. I guess I'm not good at explaining." O'aka: "Good day, lad! Sneaked past the guards, I did!" [Got any weapons?/ Got any items?/Leave.] O'aka: "Be makin' a fortune with 'Operation Mi'ihen' prices! But you, lad, you get a discount! I owes ya one, eh?" Crusader: "There is increasing fiend activity. This may not be much help, but..." [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [2] "Yevon's emblem bears mystic powers. Step onto that platform, and you shall see." Crusader: "A summoner's entourage! Please accept this." [Obtain: Potion x 10] [2] "After the operation, my compadres and I are heading straight for Luca. It's gonna be a blast. We've already reserved a place and everything." [3] "Do you think Yevon will take us back if we succeed?" Lucil: "We've been expecting you. Please proceed to the command center." [2] "The presence of a summoner and a maester is great for the troops' morale -- myself included. Thank you for being here, my lady." [3] "Depending on the way things turn out, we might suffer casualties. In such an event, we would be grateful if you could perform the sending, my lady." [4] "We may have to fight here, as well. Stay alert." Shelinda: "In the end, I wasn't able to stop them, as you can see. But seeing their fierce determination, I couldn't just sit there. So I decided that I would do everything in my power to help them." [2] "Truly, I know nothing of the ways of fighting, but I do know some white magic. I'm hoping it will be of some use to them." [3] "Is there anything I can do to help you?" R1 --> We're fine. R2 --> Please heal us! R1: "Take care!" R2: [She heals the party.] Elma: "Lady Summoner! What are you doing here?" [2] "Well, with your guardians near you, you shouldn't have anything to worry about." [3] "Don't say we shouldn't be using machina! Not now, please?" [4] "I hope Captain Lucil notices my efforts in this mission!"

Crusader: "Give this to the lady summoner, and grant us your help when the time comes." [Obtain: X-Potion] [2] "The command center is strategically located on a ledge overlooking the sea. It's just beyond the artillery base up ahead." [3] "We have neutralized all fiends around the command center. The sector is secure." Crusader: "Be sure to make thorough preparations. Here, put this to good use." [Obtain: 400 Gil] [2] "We've concentrated our forces along the coast to prevent Sin from reaching land. We plan to stage a frontal assault. The men are preparing for the worst." [3] "My friend is stationed there. All I can do is pray for him." Crusader: "We've secured the command center perimeter. But please take this as a precaution." [Obtain: Mega-Potion] [2] "This is a mechanical lift built by the Al Bhed. Please take it up to the command center." [3] "Relying on machines goes against the teachings, but the maester just used it." [The two can come upon Luzzu and Gatta near the lift to the artillery base.] Gatta: "Why only you, sir? I want to fight, too!" Luzzu: "Orders are orders." Gatta: "I'm not a cadet anymore, sir! Let me go with you, and I'll prove it to them!" Luzzu: "Guarding the command center is important too, you know." Gatta: "But I came all the way from Besaid to fight Sin, sir!" Luzzu: "I know, but an order's an order. To your post, Crusader." Gatta: "But, sir!" [Gatta runs off. Tidus can walk over.] Luzzu: "They let you through, huh?" Tidus: "Gatta deserves better..." Wakka: "At least there's no chance he'll get hurt. Why are you guys fighting anyway? Aren't the almighty Al Bhed machina enough?" Luzzu: "They still need some time to get them ready. Our job is to keep Sin at bay till they're done. Wakka... I might not get another chance to say this. It's about your brother." Lulu: "Luzzu, no!" Wakka: "What?" Luzzu: "I'm the one who convinced enlist. I'm sorry." [Wakka punches him.] Tidus: "Wakka! That's enough, Wakka!" Wakka: "When we used to play blitz together, Chappu used to say... He'd say that -- when we won the Cup, ya? -- he'd propose to Lulu. And then one day...he goes off and becomes a Crusader. Just like that." Luzzu: "Chappu also said to me... That being with your girl is good... But keeping Sin far away from her is better." Wakka: "Lu, you knew?" Lulu: "Luzzu told me...before we left." Luzzu: "She hit me, too." [Lucil approaches.] Lucil: "All Crusaders in the vanguard are to assemble on the beach!" Luzzu: "That's my cue." Wakka: "Luzzu! Don't die out there." Luzzu: "So you can hit me more?" Wakka: "Lots! Lots more!" Yuna: "Sir Luzzu, please! Please, don't go!" Luzzu: "I have to, Yuna." Auron: "Let him go. The man has already chosen his path... As you did when

you became a summoner." [Luzzu leaves; fade to black] T-Narrative: It would be a long time...before I ever really understood the reason why Yuna let Luzzu pass that day. ############################### ON THE TOP LEDGE ARTILLERY BASE ############################### Al Bhed: "E femm pa dra uha du vehecr Sin uvv." [2] "Fa femm ica dra yhleahd machina du tacdnuo Sin." [3] "Dra Yevon vuumc femm cuuh fedhacc dra bufan uv dra Al Bhed." ["I will be the one to finish Sin off."] [2] ["We will use the ancient machina to destroy Sin."] [3] ["The Yevon fools will soon witniss the power of the Al Bhed."] Crusader: "The cannon got out of place when we fired a test shot. Packed too much powder, I guess." [2] "I have to set her in place before the operation." Crusader: "Once Sin emerges from the sea, we'll commence firing. Our shots should stun it long enough for the Al Bhed machina to finish it off." [2] "We just fired a test shot, and this puppy roars! It near knocked me out. Heck, it probably echoed as far as Luca!" [3] "Sin's gonna be a huge target. We probably won't even have to aim." Crusader: "We're only moments away from commencing Operation Mi'ihen. Spira's fate hangs on the outcome of this mission. We will do our duty as soldiers and defeat Sin this day! Crusaders: "Sir!" Crusader [2]: "It's important to spur my men on every now and then. Maybe I should give them another pep talk to be sure..." Crusader: "The captain just keeps repeating himself. He must be really nervous." Crusader: "Man, you'd think he'd shut up after five times -- or was that six?" Crusader: "That merchant's obviously ripping people helped. He's the only game out here." [2] discount, and do you know what he said to so what's the point?'" [3] "I wonder what when the battle starts. off. I guess it can't be "I asked him for a me? 'Ye gonna die anyway, that merchant's gonna do

Crusader: "We're inspecting the weapons right now." [2] "They're Al Bhed machina, so we have to be extra cautious." [3] "So far so good. I'm gonna run more tests. Swordsman: "Come on! Swing like a man! Do you wanna avenge your sister or not?" Li'l Kid: "I'm gonna beat Sin! I'm gonna beat it! I'm gonna beat it no matter what!" Swordsman [2]: "Okay, come on now! Pretend I'm a fiend!" Li'l Kid: "Die, die, die! Crusader: "I'm short on various stuff, so I'm trying to buy them now. Everything seems to be pricier than usual." [2] "Well, I guess I should just be thankful. I never imagined I could buy stuff out here." [3] "Time to shop!"

Crusader: "Yeah? R1 --> R2 --> R3 --> R4 -->

What do you want to know?" About the cannons. About the Chocobo Knights. About this operation. Never mind.

R1: "The Al Bhed provided us with these cannons at no charge. I hate the bastards, but I've got a little respect for them now. These cannons have good range. We'll give Sin a shower it won't soon forget!" R2: "Only a select few can become Chocobo Knights. You have to be a skilled rider or achieve some combat merit to become one. Captain Lucil is no doubt the best of the bunch right now. I just don't know how that wimp Clasko got knighted. Well, he is good at earning their trust -- the chocobos, that is." R3: "We've researched Sin's past behaviors in planning this operation. Sin often turns up where its sinspawn are. So we hunted down the sinspawn at various places and brought them here to lure it. When it shows up, we're gonna hit it with the ancient machina, and it's bye-bye Sin. The Crusaders' responsibility is to lure Sin and immobilize it. The Al Bhed will deliver the finishing blow. I wish it could be the other way around, but as long as we defeat Sin, who cares." R4: [Cancels dialogue.] O'aka: "Monopoly's a great thing! Things are sellin' no matter what the price! Oops! Sorry, I forgot." [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Gatta: "Just doing what they say? It just won't be enough." R1 --> Yeah, you should be out on the front lines. R2 --> Guarding the command center is important, too." R1: " R2: "You'd think the same if you were me." ########################################################### AFTER YOU SPEAK WITH KINOC BUT BEFORE THE OPERATION BEGINS: ########################################################### Auron: "Go to Yuna." Lulu: "Anything could happen. Just make sure you're ready for combat." Wakka: "With them here, it's like Yevon authorizes this whole operation!" Yuna: "I'm a little nervous. Al Bhed: "Fa ryja dra yhleahd machina. Dra ubanydeuh femm cillaat. Uin machina femm bnuja dryd Yevon'c daylrehkc yna hud dra fyo." [2] "Y summoner... E crymm nabund drec mydan." [3] "Paehk ynuiht Yevon'c vummufanc sygac sa celg. Guard: "Are you ready?" [Not yet./Yes.] ########################### OPERATION MI'IHEN AFTERMATH

########################### [At the dead bodies, the following can be 'said':] Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Narrative: Rest in peace. Slightly warm, but no sign of breathing. Staring at the sky, lifeless. Instant, painless death.

[Once Tidus and Auron have talked, and the party is down from the ridge:] Lulu: "You were in contact with Sin again. The toxin -- are you okay?" [2] "Yuna was worried about you." [3] "You should let her know you're all right." [After seeing Kinoc, Auron speaks with Tidus when he approaches.] Auron: "Sin is Jecht." Tidus: "Yeah, for a while there, I thought I could feel him. But that doesn't mean I believe you." Auron: "Sin is Jecht. He came here for you." Tidus: "So he killed all those people just for a chance to see me?" Auron: "That's what Sin does. He wanted to show that to you. Do you know why?" Tidus: "How am I supposed to know?" Auron: "So you would kill him. As long as he is Sin, Jecht will keep killing. He wants you to stop him." Tidus: "You've gotta be kidding. How do you know all of this, anyway?" [Auron chuckles and walks away.] Tidus: "I'm not done talking to you! Don't you run away!" Auron: "You're the one running." [After the party heads on:] Crusader: "More than half of our frontline soldiers perished. My battalion was annihilated, too... The Crusaders will never rise again." [2] "We shouldn't have defied the teachings." Crusader: "It wasn't supposed to end like this." [2] "Damn it! How many died today!" Crusader: "I'm lucky to be alive." [2] "My wounds are nothing cmpared to what the others suffered." Crusader: "W...Water. Give me some water." [2] "Mom..." Shelinda: "Are you all right?" R1 --> Please heal us. R2 --> Keep up the good work! R1: "Hold still." R2: "Thank you, I will." O'aka: "I made a bundle with the operation prices. But the way it turned out, they deserved a better deal." [Whatcha got?/Leave.] O'aka: "I guess the summoners are our only hope." ##################### ON THE DJOSE HIGHROAD #####################

Crusader: "We've decided to rest at the temple. I just hope they let us. We've been excommunicated, after all. They might throw us out. Oh, I almost forgot. There are fiends here that petrify humans. Wear this; it should help." [Obtain: Soft Ring] [2] "My buddy's missing. We served in the same unit. I hope he's okay." Crusader: "The Crusaders have been ordered to regroup at Djose Temple. Not many left to regroup, but..." [2] "It's my fault. My men died in vain because of me. It's all my fault. My sergeant's keepsake... Take it." [Obtain: Variable Steel] [3] Crusader: "We incurred heavy casualties in last year's Djose coast defense operation. But even those losses don't compare to this. I found this lying on the battlefield. Maybe it will be of some use to you." [Obtain: Mega-Potion] [2] "All I can offer now are my prayers." Crusader: "My comrades are dead, all because we ignored the teachings. Relying on a forbidden machina... What the heck were we thinking? This'll hardly make amends, but... I want the lady summoner to have this." [Obtain: Ether] [2] "I guess it's time to seek the monks' help and embrace the teachings once again." Monk: "As followers of Yevon, we believe in aiding all those who are wounded. Even the excommunicated Crusaders." [2] "They have suffered so much. I believe the time has come to welcome them back. May Yevon's blessing be with you." [Obtain: Hi-Potion] [3] "A heartbreaking defeat, it was... Yevon's blessing has spared us." _______________________________________________________________________________ 21) Temple of Yevon - Djose TOD1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Clasko: "We should never have ignored the teachings." Elma: "It's just you, now. But don't worry, we're here for you!" Lucil: "So many died in vain... It was a mistake." Monk: "The wounded are fighting to stay in this world. We have done all we can. They must not be disturbed." [2] "Please go no further." Clerk: "I'm sorry, but our beds are all taken by the wounded. You can stay if you don't mind sleeping on the floor. Would you care to rest?" R1 --> Rest a bit. R2 --> Buy weapons. R3 --> Buy items. R4 --> Leave. R1: R2: R3: R4: [Party rests.] [Weapons are shown.] [Items are shown.] [Dialogue cancelled.]

Clerk [2]: "Ahem. Sir, if you don't mind..." [<- if you go behind the counter] --Gatta: "Luzzu, he's..."

Wakka: Gatta: Wakka: Gatta: ---

"Where is he?" "I found him...but he was...torn in half. I..." "That...idiot!" "What...what do I do now? I can't do this... I'm going back to Besaid!"

################### INSIDE DJOSE TEMPLE ################### Auron: "So you're a champion of Yevon now, Braska?" Pacce: "It's so pretty..." Isaaru: "Now, we go to Kilika. From there we take the ferry, perhaps as far as Besaid." [2] "I hear Operation Mi'ihen did not go well..." [3] "We summoners must do our part, before another fool plan wastes more lives." Maroda: "Our itinerary just keeps slipping. We should be climbing the slopes of Mt. Gagazet by now." [2] "I keep telling 'im, the more time we waste, the farther we'll fall behind the other summoners. [In the monks' chambers:] Monk: "We're all out of healing potions. Even so, more wounded men are being brought here." Monk: "This is the Temple of Yevon-Djose. It is famous for its association with Lord Mi'ihen, founder of the Crusaders. Had he witnessed this dreadful sight... Oh, I could just imagine his grief." Crusader: "Captain, please! Wake up!" Crusader: "You were the best, Captain! We'll never forget you!" [In the nuns' chambers:] Crusader: "My chocobo... Oh, chocobo..." [2] "Kweh... Kweh..." Dead Crusader: [Narrative:] Rest in peace. Monk: "Oh, my... We are all out of funeral shrouds." [2] "All I have to offer is my prayers." Li'l Crusader: "Busy busy. Crusader: "The captain saved my life and got hurt. I'm so worthless." Nun: "Yevon's blessing has saved my Crusaders from Sin's onslaught. Yes, they have disobeyed the teachings, but we cannot turn our backs on them." ####################### IN CLOISTER ANTECHAMBER ####################### Auron: "Stop pacing around. Be calm, and wait." Lulu: "You should try to settle down. Yuna will be blamed if anything happens."

[2] "Now we wait. This is also a guardian's duty." Wakka: "We wait here." Barthello: "I swear, I'll never wash this hand again!" Dona: "Please! Touch me with that hand and I'll remove it!" Barthello [2]: "I met Sir Auron! THE Sir Auron! Dona: "How much longer? She sure is taking her sweet time." [2] "We've got places to go. We can't be kept waiting like this." [After Dona and Barthello arrive:] Wakka: "Quit the show, ya? Not so good on the heart, though." [2] "Not all summoners are like Yuna, I guess." ################### AFTER GETTING IXION ################### Auron: "Get ready for the journey ahead." Kimahri: "Dona has left. Isaaru, too." Lulu: "No matter how dark the night, morning always comes. And our journey begins anew." Wakka: "We're leavin' once Yuna gets here." [In the shop:] Clerk: "This inn belongs to Djose Temple. Will you be staying with us for the night? Would you care to rest?" [2] [Rest a bit./Buy weapons./Buy items./Leave.] [In temple hall:] Gatta: "I'm going back to Besaid. With Luzzu gone..." Tidus: "Yeah. It'd be hard fighting alone, wouldn't it?" Gatta: "Most of the other Crusaders have already left. I'll go soon." Gatta [2]: "I heard you're leaving, too. Good luck. I hope we meet again someday." Monk: "The path to the Trials has been sealed. Please proceed to the next temple." [In nuns' chambers:] Crusader: "Kweh..." [In monks' chambers:] Monk: "It is a quiet morning. Many Crusaders departed for the Farplane last night." Monk: "Lady Yuna performed the sending all night. I imagine it must have been quiet hard on such a young summoner." [2] "I solemnly pray Lady Yuna will become a wonderful summoner. Please take care of her."

##################### ON THE PATH TO TEMPLE ##################### Crusader: "You can't defeat Sin with machina. The summoners are our only hope. Yevon's teachings are the way. The Crusaders were fools for defying them. Here, take this. I don't need it anymore." [Obtain: Halberd] [2] "We should live according to the teachings. I learned that the hard way." Crusader: "The Crusaders have fallen apart, so I'm going to help out with guard duty here at the temple for a while. It's the least I can do to repay them for taking us in. " Crusader: "I beat myself up all night for taking part in that disastrous operation. Then a monk told me that if I had time for remorse, I should spend it praying. He's right. It's my duty to pray for my departed men. The monk gave me this, but I think you should have it." [Obtain: Potion x 10] [2] "I will pray for all my lost comrades. Monk: "The Crusaders deeply regret their actions. I believe it's time to put the past behind us and forgive them. Yevon shall forgive those who seek redemption. Should you need a place to recuperate, please return. You are always welcome here." [Obtain: Hi-Potion x 2] [2] "I believe the wounded soldiers will find solace in our prayers." ######################### ON DJOSE HIGHROAD / BEACH ######################### Crusader: "Sin's attack has aggravated the fiends. I advise against going to Luca." Crusader: "Supposedly, the warrior monks and the Guado will guard the Highroad now. Pretty soon they won't need the Crusaders around here at all." Man: "Stupid Al Bhed! Leaving their junk behind. We can't get our cart through because this thing's in the way. Now we have to carry everything." [2] "How could they leave that crap in the middle of the Highroad? _______________________________________________________________________________ 22) Mushroom Rock Road MSR2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [There is an alcove with a Mi'ihen statue in it.] Narrative: What is a statue of Lord Mi'ihen doing here? [2] There's a sword here, too... An offering to Mi'ihen? [By the Al Bhed lift:] Warrior Monk: "You're out of luck. It's not workin' anymore. Stop relyin' on machina. Use your feet a little." [By the Highroad gate, Mushroom Rock-side:] Guado: "The warrior monks and the Guado have joined forces to guard the

Highroad. Normally, it is the Crusaders' duty. Maester Kinoc and Seymour consider the people's safety above all." [2] "The Crusaders have done their duty. From now on, the warrior monks and the Guado will protect Spira." Warrior Monk: "I'm just a measly sentry now that the Crusaders failed. Why do I have to suffer for what those faithless morons did?" [2] "The Guado are pretty brusque, but they make reliable comrades." _______________________________________________________________________________ 23) Mi'ihen Highroad II MHH2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Warrior Monk: "We are securing the Highroad under Maester Kinoc's orders." Man: "All this stuff here, the Crusaders left behind. They all ran away in a hurry." [2] "They caged a sinspawn in this! Damn fools. Warrior Monk: "Those Al Bhed have no shame. They came all the way down here to make money. They have some nerve showin' up here. It's their fault the operation failed." [2] "Sooner or later, we warrior monks will crush the Al Bhed. Man: "The road's finally open, so I'm planning on heading north. Actually, I'm a little scared about going. A lot of people died there." [2] "I'll bet the dead soldiers became fiends, and are creeping around." Woman: "A bunch of wounded Crusaders passed by a moment ago. They were all hanging their heads, crestfallen. It was too painful to watch." [2] "Cruel punishment for defying the teachings... Too cruel, I'd say." Man: "I thought about joining the Crusaders, but maybe I should join the warrior monks instead." Man: "Just the other day the Crusaders marched through here. Sure is quiet now." [2] "I suppose only a summoner can defeat Sin. The teachings are right after all." Warrior Monk: "Fiends stalk the area, but people just stroll through anyway. It doesn't make our job any easier." [2] "Don't stray off the road. Make our job a little easier." Woman: "The warrior monks are real stiffs, really unapproachable. But I am grateful to them for guarding the Highroad." Kid: "A warrior monk got mad at me. He said I can't play anymore, because there are fiends here." [2] "I heard so much noise during the operation. Was that the sound of machina?" Guado: "Please rest assured. On Guado's honor, we will guard the Highroad." Fat Man: "This is a statue of Lord Mi'ihen, who founded the Crusaders several hundred years ago. Lord Mi'ihen passed along this very road on his way to St. Bevelle. Ever since then, this road has been known as Mi'ihen Highroad." [2] "Lord Mi'ihen faithfully followed the teachings, unlike the Crusaders these days." Man: "I hear the ferry's back in service."

Woman: "We should never forget the folly of Operation Mi'ihen. Such a tragedy must never happen again." Man: "A quiet, beautiful day, eh?" [2] "I don't scare much anymore. Must be my age. If Sin happens to show up, so be it. I'll just pray as the teachings tell me, and go straight to the Farplane." [At the rest stop area:] Al Bhed: "Cus ryncr funtc ryja paah tenaldat yd ic Al Bhed mydamo. Drao cyo ed ec uin vyimd dryd dra ubanydeuh vyemat." [2] "E ys icat du paehk rydat, pid huf E tu hud vaam mega fungehk yhosuna." [3] "E ys vat ib uv fungehk fedr sunuhc." ["Some harsh words have been directed at us Al Bhed lately. They say it is our fault that the operation failed."] [2] ["I am used to being hated, but now I do not feel like working anymore."] [3] ["I am fed up of working with morons."] Warrior Monk: "We're keeping an eye on the Al Bhed so they don't take advantage of the people. Crusader: "I know what happened to his friend, but I...I just can't tell him." Crusader: "A fellow Crusader and I promised to meet here after the operation and have some drinks." [2] "That guy always kept his promises. I'm not leaving here until he comes." ################## ON MI'IHEN OLDROAD ################## Crusader: "We trained here before the operation. Back then, we believed we would win. We were green as grass." [2] "My chocobo was killed, too. We'd fought so many battles together." _______________________________________________________________________________ 24) Luca VI LUC6 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############################## CITY OUTSKIRTS/ROAD TO MI'IHEN ############################## Man: "Their owner's a Crusader and he hasn't returned yet..." [2] "They haven't eaten at all. They're waiting for their master to come home and feed them." Warrior Monk: "I hope the surviving Crusaders rest well and recover quickly." Warrior Monk: "The warrior monks will defend Luca and keep the stadium secure. You can count on it." ########### CITY SQUARE ###########

Woman: "I'm thinking of a new business that'll cater to warrior monks. I wonder what they like?" Warrior Monk: "Luca men aren't my type. They have to be more manly." Fat Man: "Luca's so quiet now with all the blitz fans gone home." Man: "I asked a warrior monk out to the cafe, but she called me a spoony bard! Unbelievable!" Jumal: "The ship at dock number 3 brought lots of warrior monks to Luca. I feel much safer now." Woman: "What if the Crusaders just angered Sin? What will we do then?" Li'l Girl: "I feel sorry for the Crusaders. Everyone is so gloomy." Woman: "With only the Crusaders and the Al Bhed helping, no wonder we lost. Where were the Ronso, or the Guado?" Man: "The warrior monks seem stronger than the Crusaders. I hope they'll protect us from now on." Man: "Only a few have returned alive. It's the worst defeat in Crusader history." Man: "I saw the Luca Goers were at dock number 3. Man, those guys were something else!" Guado Woman: "My brother is very strong. That's why Maester Seymour depends on him." Vendor: "It's a pity about the Crusaders. They were such devoted fighters." ######### LUCA CAFE ######### Short Guy: "Seems that summoners are disappearing from all over Spira, huh?" Man: "So shall we start a blitzball tournament to console the defeated Crusaders?" Man: "I heard the operation failed. I guess machina weapons just don't do the trick." Shuu: "It may take awhile for the Crusaders to recover. I wonder what they're going to do now." Woman: "There are warrior monks everywhere you look. I think it's an occupation!" Crusader: "With Operation Mi'ihen a failure, it's over for the Crusaders..." Warrior Monk: "Then do you wanna become a warrior monk? I'll introduce you to our leader." Crusader: "What? We disobeyed the teachings, but it's still okay?" Warrior Monk: "Hey, we all help each other out ina time of need, right?" Crusader [2]: "It may actually be nice to quit the Crusaders and join the warrior monks."

Warrior Monk [2]: "The Crusaders and warrior monks share a common desire to protect the people." #################### ROAD TO LUCA STADIUM #################### Fat Man: "We can finally make it back to Kilika, now that the ferries are running again. Woman: "I knew the Crusaders wouldn't win." Shaami: "As you all know, Operation Mi'ihen ended in utter failure. With the Crusaders annihilated, the warrior monks and the Guado have been assigned to take up security posts in various locales. This dispatch was ordered by Maester Kinoc and Maester Seymour as they... H-Hey! Would you stop interrupting my broadcast? You get enough attention already!" [2] "The mysterious disappearance of the summoners may somehow be connected to the Al Bhe... Ahh! Just let me do my job!" Cameraman: "Stop bothering us! You've already proven your point at the tournament!" Man: "The warrior monks came in as reinforcements soon after the Crusaders were defeated. It was as if they knew the operation would fail." Woman: "It's too bad about the Crusaders... I thought for sure their plan would work." Man: "The Kilika Beasts went back home. I hope they win next year." Woman: "During the battle, we could hear the roaring of guns all the way to Luca..." Woman: "Even if the Crusaders are wiped out, the warrior monks will protect us." Nun: "The Crusaders defied the precepts and failed. They should disband for their own good." Monk: "I shall remain in Luca for a while and spread the word of Yevon among the citizens." Short Guy: "The warrior monks want it all! They're asking for VIP seats in the stadium now. Who do they think they are, anyway?" [2] "The warrior monks better watch their step. What goes around comes around!" Woman: "I think the fiend incident was the Al Bhed's doing. They're always up to no good." Man: "I pray that the fallen Crusaders may rest peacefully on the Farplane." Warrior Monk: "What do you say we ditch guard duty and go have some fun?" Warrior Monk 2: "H-How can you propose such a thing? As warriors of Yevon, we have duties to uphold!" Warrior Monk: "Hmph! That's the problem with you temple types. You're too square!" Warrior Monk 2 [2]: "But, you serve the temple, too."

Warrior Monk: "We're in sunny Luca now, so you should all loosen up!" ####################################### ROAD TO SPHERE THEATER / SPHERE THEATER ####################################### Zalitz: "Sin attacks unexpectedly. I'm through with life at sea." Li'l Girl: "I asked a monk to buy me a sphere, but he said that we have no need for such luxuries." Man: "The Crusaders were humiliated. They defied the precepts for their operation, and it blew up in their faces." [At Sphere Theater:] Li'l Crusader: "You should check the sphere monitor before you set out. You'll find useful information in there." Warrior Monk: "I admire that young Crusader's dedication. I must recruit him into the warrior monks." ############# STADIUM FRONT ############# Man: "Looks like that last machina attack sent Sin back to sea for now. Let's hope we get some peace and quiet for awhile." Woman: "I really enjoyed your awesome moves! I hope I get to see you play more often." Wedge: "Even now that the tournament is over, the stadium is always jam-packed. That's Luca for you." Biggs: "The stadium is now open. You may enter freely." Warrior Monk: "We are protecting Luca under Maester Kinoc's orders. You should all be grateful!" Warrior Monk: "So many Crusaders have died and yet people are watching blitzball? This city is heartless." Warrior Monk: "The captain's making me work so that he can go see the game!" Man: "The temple has dispatched their warrior monks to guard the stadium. I am thankful, indeed." Guard: "The warrior monks are helping us out, so guard duty's not as bad as it was before." Man: "We have resumed ferry operation. We're as busy as ever." Man: "The warrior monks are planning to guard the ferries. I don't know if that's good or bad." Woman: "No one knows who unleashed the fiends into the stadium." Warrior Monk: "Please report any suspicious activity to me immediately."

#################### AUROCHS' LOCKER ROOM #################### Keepa: "Lord Braska visited Besaid ten years ago. He had an amusing guardian with him." Botta: "We're gonna keep at it, even if Wakka retires!" Letty: "So Operatio Mi'ihen failed. Reminds me of when Chappu died." Datto: "Don't worry 'bout the Aurochs. We're all in high spirits." Jassu: "So you are Yuna's guardian, too? Lulu's pretty strict, ya?" ################ STADIUM INTERIOR ################ Female Ronso: "Only the Guado and the warrior monks are guarding the streets. Why aren't they asking the Ronso for help?" Guard: "Since games are played every day, the guards are always on duty." Guard: "I don't want the warrior monks stationed inside the stadium. They're so uptight." Guard: "There hasn't been any major incident since the fiend attack. Just kids who get lost in the stadium now and then." Female Ronso: "I hope watching the game will ease the Crusaders' pain over their dreadful defeat." Man: "Incompetent guardians! That's why so many summoners are vanishing, I tell you." Man: "I heard Maester Seymour helped kill off some sinspawn at Operation Mi'ihen." ############### DOCK NUMBER ONE ############### Man: "The ferries that run to Kilika and Besaid have resumed operation. It's gonna get busy!" Warrior Monk: "Luca is such a strange place. The Al Bhed are walking around freely." Nedus: "Syho Al Bhed mucd draen mejac eh dra ubanydeuh." ["Many Al Bhed lost their lives in the operation."] Guard: "I feel a lot safer, now that the warrior monks are keeping a watchful eye on us." ############### DOCK NUMBER TWO ############### Girl: "Big boats, small boats, gotta love 'em all!"

Old Woman: "My granddaughter wants to be a sailor when she grows up. What a dreadful thought!" Kid: "Take it easy, sis! You're too obsessed with ships!" Warrior Monk: "Warrior monks are not tour guides! Don't bother us with your small talk." Warrior Monk: "We're standing guard to keep any suspicious characters from boarding." Woman: "Come on, move it! The ship's clearing out soon!" Man: "This ferry will take you to Kilika. Would you like to board?" R1 --> Yeah, I'd like to board. R2 --> No, thanks. R1: "We can leave any time you're ready. You have everything you need?" R3 --> Yes. R4 --> Hold on. R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] R3: [The boat leaves.] R4: "Give me a holler when you're ready. Then we'll set sail for Kilika." ################# DOCK NUMBER THREE ################# Raudy: "I hear the Crusaders failed miserably. As expected." Balgerda: "So many warrior monks watch the games. Have they no sense of duty?" Doram: "You're a guardian now, right? Are you still going to blitz?" Abus: "I'm grateful that the warrior monks are here to protect Luca, but isn't there a few too many?" Bickson: "The Goers must always dominate. After all, our fans demand nothing less!" Graav: "Instead of spending so much time strolling around, why not work on your game?" Warrior Monk: "Hey, hey, hey! You can't board a military vessel without permission!" Warrior Monk: "Maester Kinoc sent us here to protect Luca!" Warrior Monk: "I'm really glad I got assigned to Luca. I can catch the game on my day off." ################ DOCK NUMBER FOUR ################ Nun: "Everyone loves blitz! Even the warrior monks love it!" Li'l Nun: "I'm still in training, so I'm watching the game on the sphere."

Warrior Monk: "Look at the size of those Ronso! The fact that I'm supposed to be guarding them is pretty funny, don't you think?" Argai Ronso: "Ronso are pious race. But still, we respect Crusaders' courage." Gazna Ronso: "Ronso home on mighty Mt. Gagazet. Our mountain protects sacred ruins of Zanarkand." Basik Ronso: "The Ronso Fangs grow stronger each day. One day, we will beat the Luca Goers." Nuvy Ronso: "Ronso Fangs want to play more teams to hone blitz skills." Zamzi Ronso: "When warrior monks protect stadium, fiends have no chance of breaking in." Irga Ronso: "Machina cannot defeat Sin. Spira history is proof." ################ DOCK NUMBER FIVE ################ Man: "I can finally do business in other locales, now that the ferries are operating." Zev Ronso: "Al Bhed ship leave Luca. No one knows where they go." Guard: "If you ever need assistance, just ask us." Man: "With so many warrior monks here, I don't know whether to feel safe or threatened." _______________________________________________________________________________ 25) S.S. Winno II SSW2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############## ABOVEDECK AREA ############## Man: "The sun feels great out here." [2] "Ah. Kicking back and loafing around are the greatest luxuries you can have." [3] "You know, it's when I'm just lying here like this that I realize how wonderful life is." Woman: "Don't take what he says literally." [2] "He tries to sleep on my lap whenever he gets a chance. It's starting to hurt my legs." Kiyuri: "Use the lower decks to sleep and rest. We'll get there by the time you wake up. Man: "Both Liki and Winno were...urp. L-Let's...ugh...continue this later." [2] "They're not as high summoners, but...ugh...later!" [3] "Did you know...that both were...names of great monks...? Th-That's all..." [4] "G-Give me...a break... Even my trivia...won't help me... right now..." Man: "I was on watch duty all night long. Please let me get some sleep!" [2] [Narrative:] He's fallen asleep.

Man: "It was a mistake to work on the Winno just because it pays well." [2] "Day and night, it's been work, work, work. Give me a break!" [3] "My gramps always said, a man can only work so much in a lifetime." [4] "Gramps was a real hard worker, though." Man: "So I told him right off the bat. That'd be cats. You understand, don't you?" [2] "You're the only one that'll listen to me..." Man: "I'm doing a study on the animals of Spira." [2] "The birds flying around here are Lesser Spira Gulls." [3] "Lesser Spira Gulls are gentlers than Greater Gulls. You can tell by the way they fly." [4] "I wonder how many of them are flying around this ship? I'm curious." [5] "You've counted the number of gulls around the ship?" R1 --> Oops. Was I supposed to? R2 --> I've counted. R1: "Yes. Now go count." R2: "So, how many were there?" Narrative: I count __! [If you're correct (11):] Man: "That's about what I thought. It's the same as I counted earlier. Thanks to you, I have confirmed count. Here, this is for your help." [Obtain: Ace Wizard] "Thank you very much." [If you're incorrect:] Man: "Are you sure? Weren't there more than that? Say, can you do a recount? I really need an accurate figure." -orMan: "Are you sure? I think that's too much. Say, can you do a recount? I really need an accurate figure." Man [6]: "You say you want to help me again? Thanks, I'll let you know if I need any." [If you try to go belowdeck, Kiyuri will say her line. Then:] Narrative: Going to rest now? R1 --> Not yet. R2 --> Yes. R1: [You can roam around some more.] R2: [Scene on ship ends and you arrive at Kilika Port.] ############# ON THE BRIDGE ############# Man: "We used to ferry a lot of Crusaders before Operation Mi'ihen... But only a few returned from the front. They've sustained severe casualties. [2] "Let us pray that the souls of the fallen reach the Farplane." Captain: "I can't believe the Aurochs won! What kind of cheap tricks did they use?" [2] "The Aurochs just got lucky. They'd better enjoy it now,

'cause the Goers will crush 'em next year!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 25) Kilika Isle II KLK2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######### DOCK AREA ######### Tatts: "The toxin's effect wore off. I remember my family now... Sin attacked, and my family, they... They all went to the Farplane. Heh, it was better off to have forgotten everything." [2] "The next time Sin comes around, I want to go to the Farplane, too. Woman: "Leave R1 --> R2 --> R3 --> it to me! I'll take you anywhere you want to go." To Besaid Island. To Luca. Forget it.

R1: [The S.S. Liki takes off for Besaid.] R2: [The S.S. Winno takes off for Luca.] R3: [Dialogue cancelled.] Warrior Monk: "Just between us, these Kilika Island folks are crazy! Living this close to the sea is like asking Sin to attack." [2] "The temple is fully supporting our restoration of Kilika." Vuroja: "Well, we lost the tournament...but no point dwelling on the past! Better to practice harder than to mope around!" [2] "Next time I'll show 'em the Kilika spirit we've inherited from Lord Ohalland." Larbeight: "I tried to dismantle that wrecked ship over there and haul it away, but... She's so sturdy I couldn't get so much as a deck board off her! Hats off to that shipbuilder." [2] "Reconstruction of the town is nearly complete. All that's left is to fix that road over there." ########## KILIKA PUB ########## Crusader: "What? Here to laugh at me again? Fine! Go ahead! Laugh at all the Crusaders, why don't you! Yevon knows we deserve it -- thinking that we could beat Sin, that we were better than the summoners1 That's why...that's why everyone died, damn it." [2] "Forget about it. Just leave me alone!" Li'l Girl: "My sister's the greatest. She plays blitzball and works at the same time." Kulukan: "He's been like that ever since he returned from Operation Mi'ihen." [2] "I want to practice for the upcoming tournament, but I've been so busy that I haven't had any time." ################ RESIDENTIAL AREA ################

Old Man: "I pray each day for a future where my grandchildren can sleep in peace." [2] "Well, look at the time. I'd better be on my way to pray at the temple." [3] "Well, now. I forgot what I was up to." Man: "This walkway's not as sturdy as she used to be. But hey, no one's fallen through yet!" Woman: "We're nearly done repairing the damage from Sin's attack. Folks seem to be in good spirits these days, but... Take a closer look at them. They're watching the sea, they are, and there's terror in their eyes." [2] "The village may have recovered, but people's hearts are still heavy." Man: "Well, the Crusaders' operation ended in failure. I knew it would. Sin attacked our homes! We know its horror all too well. The sooner we all accept our fate, the sooner we can get on with our lives." [2] "What were the Crusaders trying to prove? I just don't get it." ############## INSIDE A HOUSE ############## Woman: "The Kilika Beasts didn't win, but that's okay. I'm just happy that he's back to normal now." Isken: "I let down my team because of the toxin... But I'm okay now. I'd better start practicing again." [2] "I let my teammates down, so this time I gotta work twice as hard to make up for it." ########## KILIKA INN ########## Old Man: "Repairs to the village are going well, but it'll take more than wood to repair the hearts of the people. The young'uns are all packing up and leaving the island." [2] "I ain't leaving my home. Nope. Never, I tell you." Clerk: "We're still cleaning up here." ############# KILIKA TEMPLE ############# Warrior Monk: "I have quit the Crusaders and have joined the warrior monks to protect the temple!" [2] "The warrior monk I respect the most is Sir Auron, the legendary guardian of High Summoner Braska!" Crusader: "When we were training in the forest, I was confident the operation would succeed. But looking back now, I've come to realize how foolish and naive we were. It was a mistake to go against precepts that have stood for a thousand years." [2] "The Crusaders of Kilika will disband soon, and regroup as warrior monks." Woman: "I still have terrible nightmares of Sin attacking our port. As a monk, I should be strong enough to confront my fears, but I cannot! I am so ashamed!" Old Man: "I recognize your face, sonny. You were here praying for victory, right?"

Man: "I hear Sin has gone far away. My prayers were answered." --Monk: "The Kilika Beasts may have lost the tournament, but I believe their fighting spirit has given courage to the people of Spira." [2] "The Besaid Aurochs have done well this year. Lord Ohalland must have been watching over them." Deim: "He should stop wasting time with all those poses, and devote more time to praying." Nizarut: "Yeah! Once we win the tournament next year, this will be my victory pose!" [In monks' chambers:] Monk: "The temple must also bear responsibility for Operation Mi'ihen. If we had spent more time spreading the word of Yevon, the Crusaders may have thought twice about it." Monk: "I was captain of the Kilika Beasts in my youth. After Lord Ohalland took me under his wing, I followed the ways of Yevon." [In the nuns' chambers:] Li'l Nun: "What happened to the Crusaders? They all look so sad." Li'l Nun: "I sang the Hymn to the monk, since he was feeling sad. He smiled and gave me a pat on the head." _______________________________________________________________________________ 27) S.S. Liki II SSL2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############## ABOVEDECK AREA ############## Boy & Girl: "Yay!" Woman: "I brought these children along to teach them how to become merchants, but all they do is play!" Man: "Hey, come down here." [2] "What are you so happy about?" [3] "Oh, all right, all right. Happy, happy! Goody, goody!" [4] "Why are we so quiet, all of a sudden?" Man: "Hey, you. You were on the ship when Sin attacked us, right?" [2] "I've been afraid of the sea ever since then. I'm so afraid it'll come back I can't even concentrate on my work!" [3] "I should probably find a new job on land somewhere." [4] "They put me on watch duty, since I can't handle my old post anymore." [5] "Whenever I'm on watch, I keep thinking that Sin's gonna come back for us. I-I can't stop shaking. Oh, I'm so pathetic." Man: "Ever since Sin got to him, my partner has turned into a gutless wonder.

He used to be so dependable, but now he just stares into the sea with terror in his eyes." [2] "Sin's toxin probably got to him. I hope the cool sea breeze cures him soon..." Man: "The S.S. Liki is funded by Yevon. It doesn't cost a single Gil, even when I take my dogs on board with me." [2] "Do you like dogs? I just adore them. Good boy. Good boy." Man: "When I die, I wnat to have a grand sending to the Farplane. Hmm. I'll ask them to reserve the Luca Stadium for the ceremony." [2] "I wouldn't mind having a bevy of young maidens crying their hearts out for me, either." [2] "Well, it'll probably be a long time before I'm sent to the Farplane, though." Woman: "Go ahead and rest down below. We'll be there by the time you wake up." Woman: "My husband used to be a pro blitzer, and I was his goalie." [2] "Whether in tournament or in life, we're the best partners." [A woman is spying on the above two people.] Woman: "I wonder if they're related." R1 --> I'd say they're related. R2 --> Looks like they're married. R1: "I think so too." R2: "Don't give me such nonsense." [If you try to go belowdeck, the woman will say her line about rest. Then:] Narrative: Going to rest now? R1 --> Not yet. R2 --> Yes. R1: [You can roam around some more.] R2: [S.S. Liki scenes end; you arrive at Besaid Island.] ############# ON THE BRIDGE ############# Man: "It's a miracle this ship can still sail, after the stomping Sin gave her. But I fear some of my crew will never recover from the ordeal." [2] "Let's hope that the great sea will ease the pain of a battered sailor." Captain: "There was talk about warrior monks coming on board to guard the ship. But the captain declined the offer. We can take care of ourselves, he said." [2] "If Sin can't sink this ship, nothing can! We're guaranteed a safe voyage." _______________________________________________________________________________ 28) Besaid Isle BSV5 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############### DOCK/BEACH AREA ###############

Crusader: "I got separated from Sir Luzzu and Gatta during the battle. They haven't come back yet. Where could they be?" Fat Man: "Haven't seen Sin in a long while. Perhaps the Crusaders have stopped it at last?" [When you try to board:] "We're headed for Kilika Island. All aboard!" R1 --> Yeah, let's go! R2 --> Not just yet. R1: [You board.] R2: [You can run around some more.] Woman: "A summoner just arrived here recently. He seemd to have disappeared. But where to, so quickly?" [2] "I believe his name was Lord Isaaru... yes, that's it." Girl: "When is Lady Yuna going to bring us the Calm?" Boy: "I have to keep watch! Sin could come any day!" Boy: "I heard there's some foreigners around. Be on your guard!" Boy: "There was a summoner here a while ago. One of his guardians was my age! His name was Pacce or something." ###################### BESAID VILLAGE STREETS ###################### Old Woman: "Do not disturb our prayers, heathen!" [2] "What? You? A guardian? The toxin still got you, eh?" Man: "Some wild youngsters are saying the Aurochs won after a 23-year losing streak! Yeah, well that'll be the day! Aurochs winning? Heh! Heheheh!" [2] "Looks like you got over the toxin. Praise be to Yevon, eh?" Kid: "Looks like you got over the toxin, ya?" Nun: "The people of the island all pray for Lady Yuna's safety. I'm doing my part, too." [2] "Word of Lady Yuna's achievements has reached this island, too." Woman: "I heard that the Crusaders that fought Sin were defeated! What terrible news! It's because they turned their backs on the teachings!" [2] "When those children calling themselves Crusaders come back, they're in for a scolding." Man: "I heard you whooped 'em good at the tournament in Luca! Maybe the Aurochs' winning will be good for the weaving business, ya?" [2] "Heard the Crusaders got their butts kicked. They had it coming, if you ask me." Kid: "I'm sure Lady Yuna will have lots of stories when she gets back." Fat Man: "I can't believe Operation Mi'ihen was a failure. I just can't." Man: "I kinda got to liking this town. Maybe I'll give up seafaring." Man: "I heard Kilika was attacked, ya? Wh-What if Besaid's next?" Woman: "It's the machina's fault that so many of the Crusaders died. So

many lives wasted...and for what gain?" [2] "You should watch yourself. Never go against the teachings." Girl: "I can't believe Wakka's leaving the team. With you and Wakka there, the Aurochs would have the winning streak of the century!" Man: "Seems the fiends have increased with the Crusaders gone." ####################### INSIDE CRUSADERS' LODGE ####################### Crusader: "Like to take a rest? Got to keep sharp, ya?" [I'd like a nap./ Maybe later.] Kid: "Sir Luzzu and the others aren't back. What could have happened?" Fat Man: "Just a couple of empty beds without people to sleep in them." ################### INSIDE WEAVERS' HUT ################### Woman: "The Crusaders' operation failed as expected, because they used machina!" Man: "I'm so scared of Sin I can't think straight, but the old man will have my hide if I mess up." Man: "I'm sure impressed with the old man, ya? If Sin showed up, I bet he'd stare it in the eye and just keep on working!" Man: "Even if Sin should come tomorrow, life is the same today. We live and we work." #################### INSIDE THE ITEM SHOP #################### Man: "Someone saw an Al Bhed ship near the island. Wonder what they're up to in these waters?" Girl: "I wonder if we'll get more customers now that the ferry's up and running again." Woman: "A summoner named Lord Isaaru came to the village, but he left so soon." Kid: "Another summoner came here by boat. He was a nice guy. But I like Lady Yuna much better!" Boy: "Looks like you got over the toxin, ya?" Nun: "The people of the island all pray for Lady Yuna's safety. I'm doing my part, too." [2] "Word of Lady Yuna's achievements has reached this island, too." ############# BESAID TEMPLE #############

Man: "It may not be much help to Lady Yuna, but allow me to pray for you." Woman: "It's the machina's fault so many of our Crusaders died. So many lives wasted...and for what gain?" [2] "You should watch yourself. Never go against the teachings." Man: "One of my friends is on your ship. I'll pray for both of you." Kid: "Let Lady Yuna defeat Sin... Soon..." Girl: "I'm sure Lady Yuna will have lots of stories when she gets back." Monk: "You look better than you did yesterday. Has Sin's toxin weakened its grip?" Woman: "I'm glad the ferry's on its way, but Sin will be back, he will." Fat Man: "I just pray everyone makes it back okay. Please." Man: "I bet praying every day helped the Aurochs finally win, ya?" [In nuns' chamber:] Nun: "I hear you've become a guardian! May you guard Lady Yuna well." [In monks' chamber:] Monk: "Let us greet the Crusaders warmly when they arrive. Returning them to the true path is my duty as a follower of Yevon." [2] "It appears the summoner's pilgrimage goes well! Very good, very good." _______________________________________________________________________________ 29) Moonflow MNF1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Crusader: "It's not much of a wound... I should be able to go on...but I can't." [2] "The mission fails. I can't even walk... What did I do to deserve this?" Crusader: "We've always fought side by side. Now we go back home together." [2] "We're leaving the Crusaders. Why fight? We know we can't win." Shelinda: "Good day, everyone. We can all learn a lesson from what has happened to the Crusaders. Only the truly faithful have a hope of defeating Sin." [2] "I'm thinking of Guadosalam. I have not spoken with the Guado for some time." --Belgimene: "We meet again. I heard you took part in Operation Mi'ihen. You've seen that machina aren't the answer. In the end, only summoners can hope to defeat Sin." Yuna: "You are right. I must train harder." Belgimene: "I can help you with that, if you like. I propose a contest of aeons. A friendly contest, of course." R1 --> Fight. R2 --> Pass.

R1 (Yuna): "I'm ready." Belgimene: "That's the spirit! But before we begin... I have healed your aeons. Well, shall we?" R2: "As you wish. A pity, though. I'm ready anytime, if you change your mind." [The battle begins; Belgimene summons Ixion.] Belgimene: "Call whichever aeon you want." [After the first attacks have taken place:] Belgimene: "Don't hold anything back! Show me what you've learned!" [When Ixion uses Haste:] Narrative: Note that this Ixion used "Haste." How is it that it may use magic that Yuna's Ixion cannot? Select Abilities in the Aeons menu to find a list of new abilities your aeons can learn. For example, if you teach Valefor the ability "Cure," it can heal as well as fight. [If you lose the battle:] Belgimene: "You have a lot to learn. Still wet behind the ears, but you have spirit. Here, your prize. Go on, take it." [Obtain: Smoke Bomb x 6, Summoner's Soul] Narrative: Now that you have Summoner's can spend items to teach your aeons new abilities. First select Abilities...then select an aeon. A list of available abilities appears. The item cost for each ability is also displayed at the top right of the screen. On the left is the amount of items currently in stock...and on the right, the amount of items remaining after the procedure. If an ability has already been learned...or you have insufficient items to teach an ability...that ability is displayed in gray and cannot be selected. When you select an ability you want your aeon to learn... you will be asked to confirm the procedure. Select "Yes" to teach the ability to your aeon. Aeons can learn most of the same abilities that the characters can. However, there are some abilities which aeons cannot learn. This concludes the abilities tutorial. Belgimene: "Study, Yuna, and grow strong." [She leaves.] [If you win the battle:] Belgimene: "Stop. That is enough. You're good. You bested me fairly. Here, your prize. Go on, take it." [Obtain: Dragon Scale x 2, Summoner's Soul x 1] [Same tutorial as above plays.] Belgimene: "I look forward to meeting you again. Till next time, Yuna. ################### AT MOONFLOW STATION ###################

O'aka: "O'aka, at your service!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Yuna: "Shoopufs! I haven't ridden one in so long!" Tidus: "What? You've been on one of these?" Yuna: "Well, just once. Ten years ago, with Kimahri. Remember?" Kimahri: "Shoopuf shook, Yuna fall in water. Shoopuf scoop up Yuna with long nose. Yuna jump in three more times for fun. Kimahri worried." Yuna: "Whoops!" Kimahri: "Yuna had fun. Kimahri happy." Yuna [2]: "I lived in the city of Bevelle until ten years ago. I moved to Besaid after my father defeated Sin. Kimahri was with me the whole way!" Tidus: "Bevelle?" Yuna: "It's the biggest city in Spira! The main temple of Yevon is there." Yuna [3]: "Come on! Let's get on the shoopuf!" Kimahri: "Biran is troublemaker, but Ronso do not lie. Summoners disappearing -- that was not lie." Tidus: "Right, I'll be careful." Kimahri [2]: "Smells like oil." Auron: "Ten years ago..." Tidus: "A history lesson?" Auron: "Jecht saw his first shoopuf here. Surprised, he drew his blade and struck it." Tidus: "Why?" Auron: "He was drunk... Thought it was a fiend." Tidus: "Oh, brother..." Auron: "We offered all the money we had as an apology. Jecht never drank again. But, it would seem that shoopuf still works here." Auron [2]: "Even after ten years, Spira hasn't changed." [3] "Truly... The place seems to resist change. It would take something unusual." [3] "Don't let the peaceful scenery fool you. Be on guard at all times. Woman: "Riding the shoopuf is free because the temple pays for it." [2] "The temple provides for people. We are truly blessed. Woman: "Need anything?" [Got any armor?/Got any items?/Leave.] Woman: "feel free to stop by anytime." Fat Man: "Hey, there. If you don't buy anything from me, you'll regret it." [Got any armor?/Got any items?/Leave.] Fat Man: "Thanks!" Warrior Monk: "There have been reports of Al Bhed sightings in this area. Stay alert and keep your guard up at all times!" [2] "The Al Bhed have green eyes with a swirl pattern. Report any sightings immediately!" Man: "They say our machina violate the teachings, eh? Nonsense!" [2] "These machina have Yevon's approval. Don't mix them up with the forbidden ones, got it?" Hypello: "Dangerous when shoopuf's close. Wants to be shmooshed?" [2] "Don't

touch shoopuf. Tailss will be shlapping!" Man: "There's a long wait to ride the shoopuf since space is limited. But summoners get priority since they need to get on their way to Zanarkand." [2] "Careful where you shop. This area is full of cunning merchants. Wakka: "Let the driver know when you're ready." Woman: "I was going to return to Bevelle after the tournament in Luca...but the Crusaders blocked the roads and I couldn't get through." [2] "My plans are ruined. Now what am I supposed to do?" Merchant: "Welcome! You seem to have find taste, sir! Listen, buy from me and you won't have problems down the line." [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Merchant: "Thanks!" Woman: "Well, hello there! Are you in luck today! If you buy something now, I'll give you a big discount! Well, what do you say?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Woman: "Aww, leaving already? Well, come back again, you hear?" ----Lulu: "Riding a shoopuf isn't THAT much fun. Wakka: "How little you know! Some things little boys never grow out of!" Wakka & Tidus: "Right?" Lulu [2]: "The merchants here are wily. Pick your shop well." ----[The Chocobo Knights are talking with a shoopuf driver.] Driver: "Noo, I don shink sho. Ish bad idea, yesh." Lucil: "Please, we beg of you!" Driver: "Imposhibibble! Imposhibibble!" Tidus: "What's wrong? Elma: "This guy won't let our chocobo on the shoopuf!" Tidus: "It is kinda big." Elma: "It's just not fair!" Clasko: "He does have a point, though." Elma: "So, what? We just leave him behind?" Clasko: "Hey, I didn't say that. Just..." Lucil: "It is no good. We will have to find another way. We will find a ford where we can cross on foot." Elma: "Yes, Captain, sir!" Clasko: "But...that'll take days!" Lucil: "Where there's a will, there's a way." Clasko: "Oh, boy..." Elma: "That's our captain!" [The Knights run off.] T-Narrative: Where there's a will, there's a way. Those words stayed with me. I wonder how Captain Lucil is doing. --Maechen: "Would you like to hear a bit about the wondrous shoopuf?" R1 --> No stories, please!" R2 --> Absolutely!

R1: "Pity." R2: "There are many things we do not know about the shoopuf. For example, what does it eat? It eats nothing! The water it sucks through its shnoz somehow supports its considerable size. Some theorize it eats teeny-weeny waterborne organisms. And that, as they say, is that." Maechen [2]: "Perhaps you'd like to hear about the Hypello, hmm?" R1 --> No stories, please! R2 --> Absolutely! R1: "Pity." R2: "The shoopuf handlers belong to a race of water-dwellers known as the Hypello. They may be slow on land, but in the water they're quick as silvery fish! You'd think they'd make admirable players of blitzball. But their lackadaisical dis-position draws them to less strenuous pastimes. And that, as they say, is that." Maechen [3]: "I believe I've said all there is to say." ################### MOONFLOW NORTH BANK ################### Woman: "So that's Lady Yuna? Hmmm... No wonder." [2] "I can see why the Al Bhed would go after someone like Lady Yuna." Kimahri: "Kimahri fail as guardian on shoopuf. Kimahri never fail again." Wakka: "Might be more Al Bhed! Keep watch, ya?" Auron: "Guard Yuna." Old Man: "Sin took my daughter, but I just saw her again for the first time in five years. That Guadosalam place was amazing." [2] "I've seen my daughter, so I have no regrets. I'm ready for the Farplane anytime now." Lulu: "Looks like we're stuck here for a while." Warrior Monk: "Seems you destroyed the Al Bhed's machina. That's some dedication. You'll receive a blessing from Yevon. It'll be necessary to strengthen security so that the Al Bhed won't get their way anymore." [2] "The Al Bhed hide their green eyes with goggles. They're known to resort to petty tricks like that." Hypello: "Shoopuf shleeping. Wait until shoopuf wake up?" Woman: "I thought I was lucky not to run into any wily merchants on this side of the shore. But I ended up buying something from that man over there." [2] "His goods are cheaper than the other merchants', but he seems kind of suspicious." O'aka: "O'aka, at your service!" [Whatcha got?/Leave.] Guado: "I sense that Lady Yuna was here. I can feel the warmth of the people. The descendant of a high summoner and loved by everyone... Yuna embodies perfection." [2] "This is the situation at hand. You'll shall understand soon."

Miyu: "Should I stay a Crusader, or follow a different path? I wanted to discuss this with someone on the Farplane, but maybe I shouldn't..." [2] "It's my future, so I need to make my own decisions." Guado: "Guadosalam is up ahead, but the path is infested with fiends. Make all necessary preparations before departing." [2] "It is my duty to ensure the safety of visitors to Guadosalam." [Around Yuna, the crowd is saying things, like:] -"Lord Braska must be bursting with pride up on the Farplane for having such a fine daughter!" -"How about seeing Lord Braska in Guadosalam?" -"I hope to celebrate Lady Yuna's Calm while I'm still alive." -"With a summoner like you at our side, we've no need to fear Sin!" -"I heard the Al Bhed attacked you! Are you okay?" [The crowd disperses after Rikku joins the party:] Woman: "I'm afraid I'll be attacked by Al Bhed if I travel alone." Old Woman: "I'll have great stories to tell about meeting Lady Yuna." Old Man: "I tell you, my wife was as pretty as Lady Yuna back in her day." Man: "Have you seen the Crusaders returning home? They look pathetic. And they were so confident the last time they passed through." Old Woman: "You know that machina that lifts you up to the shoopuf? I don't like it, I tell you. I don't care if it's been approved by the temple. Machina is machina. That's that." _______________________________________________________________________________ 30) Guadosalam GSM1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Guado: "A ferocious storm is ripping through the Thunder Plains. Please, remain inside." Nav Guado: "It's called endurance training. Stay out of my way." [2] "What do you want? I'll face you in the sphere pool soon enough." Guado: "Present yourself to Lord Seymour before approaching the Farplane." Guado Woman: "Humans! Humans! A summoner and her guardians!" [2] "Wait, I know. Keeheehee." Auda Guado: "Since embracing Yevon, we Guado have learned the joy that is blitzball." [2] "I hope the people of Spira will find peace through blitzball." Guado Woman: "I suppose you think we look...odd, don't you? That's We guado are used to that sort of thing." [2] "But if ask me, you humans look absolutely disgusting. Still, does it matter? Such nonsense is beneath us, no?" [3] fine. you what "Once

a human child simply looked at me and then burst into tears. That hurt. Giera Guado: "We Guado protect the Farplane so the dead can rest in peace." Guado: "Although we Guado differ from humans in appearance, our respect for the dead is the same." [2] "People come to Guadosalam from every corner of Spira to see their loved ones again." ############### GUADOSALAM SHOP ############### O'aka: "Ohhh!" [Got anything?/Let's chat!/Forget it.] R1 --> Got anything? R2 --> Let's chat! R3 --> Forget it. R1: "Thank R4 --> R5 --> R6 --> ye!" Got any weapons? Got any items? Leave.

R2: "I tell ye, these Guado merchants are shrewd! Rippin' off the pilgrims that come to visit the Farplane! Listen, you watch that they don't get you, too! Me, ye can trust! More than the Guado, at least. What do ye say?" [R4/R5/R6 are displayed.] R3: R4: R5: R6: [Dialogue cancelled.] [Weapons are shown.] [Items are shown.] [Dialogue cancelled.]

Guado Woman: "My husband has long served as a guardian to the leaders of the Guado. These days he accompanies Lord Seymour all over Spira." [2] "We imagine Lord Seymour will rise to great glory in Spira." Guado Clerk: "Ah, one of Lady Yuna's guardians. How may I help you today?" [Buy weapons./Buy items./Leave.] Guado Clerk: "Please return any time." ################ GUADOSALAM HOUSE ################ Yuma Guado: "The elders just won't give up the old tongue. I keep telling them how unseemly it is, babbling like that to guests." [2] "It's just what old folks do, I guess. Please, take no offense." Guado Woman: "Lord Seymour instructs the Guado youth on numerous subjects. Thanks to him, I learned about Yevon's teachings and the history of Spira." [2] "Lord Seymour is a great teacher. He explains everything quite clearly." Old G Woman: "Good traveller, prithee forgive us our antiquated prattling." [2] "Once, all Guado spoke the old tongue. But when Lord Jyscal brought us to the light from Yevon...the old tongue fell out of favour with many, and suffers now a slow demise." [3] "The youth laugh upon us as stale old relics who live too much in the past."

Old Guado: "Thou seem'st weary, good traveller. Wouldst sit and rest they feet awhile? Ah, belike my speech perplexes thee? 'Tis old Guado I speak, a tongue seldom heard within even Guadosalam now." [2] "A dying breed we are, speakers of the old tongue. I fear this precious legacy hath but little time remaining." [3] "Many Guado shun the old tongue, favouring instead the speech of foreign tribes. 'Tis a pity, verily." ################ GUADOSALAM HOUSE ################ Zazi Guado: "I'd love to step away from the Guado Glories and play for a different team once in a while. Why, if they paid me enough, I'd even play for the Al Bhed!" Pah Guado: "Say, you play for the Besaid Aurochs. You're Tidus, right? I saw you at the tournament. Let's blitz sometime. Those fiends really made a mess. Some of my teammates were badly hurt." Guado: "As sole protectors of the Farplane, the Guado are the supreme race of Spira. We are fundamentally different from the populous humans and the hulking Ronso. But, that's an old story. Now the Guado seek harmony with other races." [2] "Let us welcome human and Ronso without prejudice." Guado Woman: "You find it difficult telling us Guado apart, don't you? I suppose you think we all look the same." [2] "Actually, we Guado tend to have trouble telling one human from another, too. ############## GUADOSALAM INN ############## Guado Clerk: "The Guado welcome all guests. Would you like to rest here?" R1 --> Yeah, thanks! R2 --> Maybe later. R1: "Then let me show you a Guado's hospitality." R2: "Very well. Come back anytime." Guado Woman: "Thank you so much for destroying that Al Bhed contraption. Those heathens are so despicable. I feel so relieved now." [2] "If you see any more of those Al Bhed, you go right ahead and beat them up." Noy Guado: "We guado help the warrior monks patrol the roads beyond. Why wouldn't we do all we can for the good of Spira?" [2] "Someday whenthe Crusaders regroup, we'll want them to help us, too." Shelinda: "Oh, how fare you, Sir Guardian? It seems that Maester Seymour has returned to Guadosalam. He's young, but he deserves our respect." [2] "The maester is also the high priest of Macalania Temple. So he administers both the temple and Guado affairs." [3] "I hope to get an audience with Maester Seymour, myself. Maechen: "Care to hear about the Farplane or the pyreflies?" R1 --> No, thanks.

R2 --> Tell me about the Farplane. R3 --> Tell me about the pyreflies. R1: "Pity. Suit yourself." R2: "Ahem! The Farplane's the place where pyreflies born from a sending gather. They appear in the shape of people who've died and gone to the Farplane. Quite the phenomenon; how I wish I understood it more fully! The Al Bhed have a theory, you know. They say the pyreflies are just reacting to the visitors' thoughts and dreams. But only the dead appear on the Farplane. No image of the living has ever been seen. It's a great mystery! But maybe... Maybe the dead leave a bit of themselves in the hearts of the living. And that little bit borrows the pyreflies' power for their paranormal performance! Or maybe not. Who knows?" And that, as they say, is that." R3: "Ahem! They may be called 'pyreflies,' but they aren't really 'flies,' you see. They're those lights you see whenever a fiend dies. The little fellows are responsible for a few fantastic phenomena. Visions of the past, spheres, fiends -- these are all the pyreflies' doing. In fact...pyreflies have something in common with aeons, too. The dreams of the fayth reach through the spirit of the summoner... And that which becomes unreal becomes real for all to see! Or maybe not. Who knows? And that, as they say, is that." Maechen [2]: "Can't get enough? Want to hear it one more time?" [No, thanks./ What about this Farplane?/Let's hear about these pyreflies.] ############### SEYMOUR'S MANOR ############### Rikku: "I wonder what smells so nice!" Auron: "Stay close to Yuna." Wakka: "I don't like the smell of this one, eh?" Guado: "Tromell will be back shortly. Please be patient. These are Lord Seymour's private chambers. You may not enter." Kimahri: "Kimahri not like Maester Seymour" Yuna: "Aa! Shhh!" Kimahri [2]: "Kimahri speak no more." Lulu: "These are the past leaders of the Guado." Tidus: "They all look the same!" Wakka: "Maester Seymour doesn't look like them, though." Lulu: "Don't you know? The last leader... Maester Jyscal wed a human woman. She was Seymour's mother. Lulu [2]: "The last leader... Maester Jyscal wed a human woman. She was Seymour's mother." Yuna: "Why does he want to see me?" [When Tromell comes out and the rest of the party walks in:]

Tromell: "This way, please!" [After being let into the dining hall:] Auron: Tidus: Auron: Tidus: [Auron Auron: "Stay on your guard." "Why? This guy's just a priest, right?" "Those with power use that power. Maesters have power." "Wait... You sure you don't have something against Yevon?" chuckles.] "I lived a long time in Zanarkand."

Auron [2]: "What is taking them so long?" Wakka: "I get the feeling he called us up here for more than just dinner." [2] "Nothing 'gainst the maester, but I hope we get this over with quick." Lulu: "There's no temple here in Guadosalam, see? Summoners usually just pass through on their way elsewhere." [Tidus laughs.] Lulu: "What?" Tidus: "I didn't even ask a question and you're explaining things." Lulu: "You rather I say nothing, then?" Tidus: "No, no! Maybe you finally believe I don't know anything about Spira. And maybe that means you believe me about Zanarkand, too?" Lulu: "Well... There are many things I do not know. Your Zanarkand is one of those things. I suppose I can't say what I think either way. Still, be careful. You shouldn't tell other people." Tidus: "Yeah, I know." Lulu [2]: "Why don't you eat something?" Kimahri: "Kimahri speak no more." Rikku: "Mmmm! This is good!" [2] "Guado sure know how to eat!" [3] "Gee, I wonder what all this is for. It's exciting!" Yuna: "What could it be?" [2] "I haven't done anything to make him mad." [After Seymour's proposal (double entendre!):] Creepy Guado: "Remember, the Farplane is sacrosanct. Proper conduct, please." [After most of your party heads into the Farplane, outside:] Auron: "You're still here?" Rikku: "See you later!" ############### ON THE FARPLANE ############### [Wakka is with Chappu.] Wakka: "Yo, Chappu! Meant to come see you earlier, ya? Sorry! I know you won't hold it against me. I gave up the game. I'm a guardian from here on, you know? This guy -- looks a lot like you -- showed up. Travelling with him, I thought, were still alive somewhere, ya? But, then again, here you are on the Farplane. Guess your place is here. So, how you been? Oh, that guy I just told you 'bout. I gave him your sword.

He likes it. Wakka [2]: "Just a sec more." --[Lulu is watching Chappu and Wakka.] Lulu: "He is dead, and I am still alive. Coming here really makes that clear. I should focus more on what I have to do now." Tidus: "What?" Lulu: "I'm not even sure what I'm saying." Tidus: "Don't you mean that you should leave Chappu behind? I'm sure he was a great guy, but there'll be others." Lulu: "Hmm... That's a possibility." Tidus: "How about...Wakka?" Lulu: "What, me? With Wakka?" Tidus: "Yeah, you two get along great!" Lulu: "Getting along isn't enough. Not even close." Tidus: "Oh, sorry. My mistake." Lulu: "You'd do well to remember that. Knowing a bit about women might come in handy some day." Tidus: "Yeah, I'll remember." Lulu: "I won't be forgetting either. Goodbye, Chappu. You always said I looked grumpy. But those were the happiest days of my life." Lulu [2]: "Why don't you try calling someone? All you have to do is think about them." _______________________________________________________________________________ 31) Guadosalam II GSM2 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Dialogue is said after visiting the Farplane. --Creepy Guado: "Please refrain from speaking of Lord Jyscal. We must avoid unseemly rumors for the sake of Spira's harmony." [2] "Please, leave the matter of Lord Jyscal to us Guado." Guado Woman: "Is Lord Seymour really going to marry? Aww..." [2] "One of my friends patrols the roads. If you meet him, please say hello for me!" Auron: "We leave as soon as Yuna returns. I trust you'll be ready." Wakka: "For awhile there, I was a little worried about what was gonna happen, ya? Kimahri: "Guado potions good. Buy some before leaving. Lulu: "Listen. If Yuna gets married, then I..." Tidus: "What? That again?" Lulu: "Yes. If she is to marry, I would want her to marry for love." Tidus: "See?" Lulu: "But... If Yuna said she wanted to marry the one she loves, I would have to object." Tidus: "Huh? Uh... You're not making much sense."

Lulu: "I know." --Tidus: "Lulu..." Lulu: "I've talked enough about that." Tidus: "What?" Lulu: "I'm sorry, just forget about it." Tidus: "Geez! Grumpy!" Lulu: "You'll understand one of these days. I just don't want to give it words. Not yet. I shouldn't have to say this, but don't fall in love with her." R1 --> Okay. R2 --> Too late. R3 --> You're more my type, Lulu. R1: "That's fine, then." R2: "I see. But... You must keep your feelings inside, until the pilgrimage is over." R3: "Interesting. I suppose I could add you to my list. I wish you good luck, little boy. You're going to need it." Lulu [3]: "I'm a little worried about Lord Jyscal. I wonder if Maester Seymour has heard." [4] "Leave the Guado's problems to the Guado...they say." [If you saw the scene with Rikku instead of the one with Lulu, you can talk to her as well.] Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: "Say, you ever think about gettin' married?" "Me? No, never." "I think about it a lot." "Aren't you a little young?" "Some people marry really young in Spira, you know." "You mean people our age get married?" "Fiends are around, and there's always Sin, right? One of them might get you, you know? Lots of people marry the first person they fall in love with, just like that!" Tidus: "Really?" Rikku: "I'll probably be the same way." --Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: "You an only child?" "Yeah." "I got an older brother, myself." "Huh?" "I wish I had some younger brothers and sisters, though..." "So ask your parents." Mom died... A machina went on a rampage..." "I'm sorry." "When I get married, I'm gonna have lots of kids! That way they'll all have brothers and sisters! What?" Tidus: "You're talking about your future, aren't you? That's great." Rikku: "It's pretty normal, I think. Hey, maybe Yuna's back!" [3] Rikku: "When we leave here, we have to go through the Thunder Plains next, you know." ############ THE FARPLANE

############ Man: "Thanks to the summoner's sending the fallen ones to the Farplane...we were able to reunite with our son, who was killed in battle. Words cannot express how grateful we are." [2] "The summoner's sending has saved our son from becoming a fiend." Woman: "Our son was killed in Operation Mi'ihen. We begged him not to go, but..." [2] "Never did I imagine our son would part before our time." ################ GUADOSALAM HOUSE ################ Guado Woman: "My mother passed away a long time ago. But I can always visit the Farplane whenever I need her." [2] "I think it's wonderful that we can see the dead whenever we want, don't you?" Guado: "Lord Jyscal, back from the Farplane? Hahaha, you must be joking! He passed away in peace, leaving the leadership to Seymour Guado. He would never come back to haunt us." [2] "Leave the Farplane to the Guado. Do not meddle in affairs you know nothing of." ################ GUADOSALAM HOUSE ################ Guado Woman: "Everyone is talking about Lady Yuna -- how she's the daughter of High Summoner Braska. She fought alongside Lord Seymour during Operation Mi'ihen, right?" [2] "If Lady Yuna marries into the Guado tribe, we will all welcome her warmly. [After finding Shelinda by the Thunder Plains entrance:] Shelinda: "Please, tell the lady Yuna that I am doing just as she advised me!" [2] "I, too, will go to the temple in Macalania shortly. _______________________________________________________________________________ 32) Guadosalam III GSM3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [After you can leave the town for the Thunder Plains:] Guado Guard: "Lord Seymour awaits at Macalania Temple. Please, make haste." ############ THE FARPLANE ############ Man: "Been awhile, sis. It's been seven years, but you still look the same. Geez, I'm older than you, now! I guess it makes sense. Hey, I...I brought you something! Check this out!" [He takes out a pic?] "See? She looks just like you! Her name's 'Yuna.' Boy was I surprised the first time I saw her! Ah, 'course she's not as good as you. If you were still alive, I bet you'd fight just like her. It's okay. Yuna will beat Sin for you, I know it. So, don't you worry. Okay, sis? See you." [NOTE: This man is Wantz.] [It's possible to see Lulu here as well.]

Tidus: "No one there?" Lulu: "She's not appearing." Tidus: "Who is it?" Lulu: "None of your business." Tidus: "Sorry." Lulu:'s not your fault." Lulu: "Why aren't you here?" _______________________________________________________________________________ 33) Moonflow II MNF2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ################### MOONFLOW NORTH BANK ################### Guado: "I bet your forgiveness. But this is not the way intended for Lady Yuna. Please head towards Macalania Temple. Lord Seymour awaits!" [2] "Please hurry to Macalania." Guado: "Lady Yuna's visits are always beneficial to the Guado." [2] "Those who object to this wedding have no right to call themselves followers of Yevon." Woman: "Everyone seems happy. Did something good happen? Sin might arrive at any time now and everyone just seems so laid back." [2] "People want to forget their anxiety about Sin, so they absorb themselves in festivities." Old Man: "After seeing my dead daughter again, I felt complete and free of any worry." [2] "The wedding will be an absolute joy. It's good to be able to experience all this, I tell you." Old Woman: "Even sanctioned machina give me the creeps, I tell you." Guado Woman: "It'll be busy with all the wedding preparations. I'd better get on my feet." [2] "Please watch over Lady Yuna until her wedding day." Man: "It should be a big ceremony because a maester's getting married. It's been so long since we've had some good news! This is all so exciting!" Old Man: "When Lady Yuna gets married, will she abandon her quest to vanquish Sin? That is what worries me the most." Old Woman: "Never even crossed my mind that Lady Yuna would marry... Now that's a great story to tell!" Woman: "I think the temple should crack down on the Al Bhed and teach them a lesson or two!" Driver: "Ride ze shoopuf?" R1 --> Not yet. R2 --> R1: "Shoopuf's waiting!" R2: "All aboardss!"

################### MOONFLOW SOUTH BANK ################### Crusader: "The Guado can't stop talking about the marriage. Well, I guess it's not every day they hear good news." [2] "I want to quit the Crusaders and settle down in the country." Crusader: "So Lady Yuna's getting married, huh? That's great news. I wish the Crusaders had defeated Sin... That would've been perfect." [2] "By the time we get home, they'll be celebrating their marriage." Man: "The merchants are ecstatic about the maester's marriage plans. They're boosting profits by taking advantage of the people's festive mood." [2] "Until recently, these merchants only sold to Crusaders. They claimed to be giving the Crusaders a deal because of Operation Mi'ihen, but they were really just ripping them off." Woman: "It seems that Maester Seymour will be marrying Lord Braska's daughter." [2] "With their combined strength, Yevon will prosper." Old Man: "The maester's engagement is such a blessing. It lightens even my spirits." [2] "Those machina have Yevon's approval. Don't mix them up with the forbidden ones, got it?" Warrior Monk: "The Al Bhed are roaming this area, targeting summoners." [2] "The Al Bhed have green eyes with a swirl pattern. Report any sightings immediately!" ###################### ON DJOSE-MOONFLOW ROAD ###################### Guado: "Al Bhed might come and try to disrupt Lord Seymour's wedding." [2] "I assure you, those ruffians will never set foot in Guadosalam!" [3] "After she is wed, we Guado will protect Lady Yuna." _______________________________________________________________________________ 34) Temple of Yevon-Djose TOD2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############## ON TEMPLE PATH ############## Monk: "This is Djose Temple, located at the heart of the Djose Continent. Please feel free to rest here." Kyou: "Guarding the temple is my duty. I'm trying to stay focused and not worry about anything else." [2] "Frankly, this isn't half as exciting as devising strategies against Sin. I wouldn't mind leading my old troops into battle right now." Crusader: "This temple's security is pretty tight. This place is guarded so well, ain't no way any fiends or traitors will get in." [2] "I hear Lady Yuna's getting married. Shucks, I'm her biggest fan. I'll be on duty at the wedding to make sure nothing happens there."

############ TEMPLE FRONT ############ Warrior Monk: "Word is, those Al Bhed fools are plotting something. They're not pulling anything. Not on our watch." [2] "Lady Yuna is getting married! What auspicious news!" Warrior Monk: "Please leave the temple's safety to the warrior monks, and enjoy some rest." [2] "I quit the Crusaders and became a warrior monk. So, what do you think?" ############### TEMPLE INTERIOR ############### Monk: "Is Maester Seymour really getting married? A Guado maester marrying a daughter of a high summoner. It's unprecedented." [In monks' chambers:] Monk: "In my youth, I trained with Maester Jyscal. We rose above our differences and became friends, human and Guado." Monk: "We plan to station warrior monks in various locales to prepare for a possible raid by fiends and Al Bhed." [In the nuns' chambers:] Nun: "Congratulations, Lady Yuna. I'm sure Lord Braska is smiling from the Farplane right now." ##################### ON THE DJOSE HIGHROAD ##################### Warrior Monk: "There are some suspicious Al Bhed prowling around the Highroad. But then again, I've never met an Al Bhed that wasn't suspicious!" [2] "Please notify me if you run into any Al Bhed." Crusader: "I'll stay on to guard the Highroad, even without my fellow Crusaders." Guado: "What in Spira are you doing here? Maester Seymour is expecting you in Macalania." [2] "We must spread news of the wedding to all of Spira." _______________________________________________________________________________ 35) Luca VII LUC7 _______________________________________________________________________________ ################### AUROCHS LOCKER ROOM ################### Keepa: "You saw Chappu on the Farplane? Kinda looked like you, ya?" Botta: "I-Is Yuna going to quit her pilgrimage? I hope she does."

Datto: "Is it true that Yuna is gettin' married?" Letty: "I wonder how Luzzu and Gatta are doin'? No one from Besaid has heard from them, either." Jassu: "I can't imagine Yuna and Maester Seymour as a couple." _______________________________________________________________________________ 36) Besaid Isle BSV6 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############ BESAID DOCKS ############ Crusader: "That new plan, it must be working. I mean, I haven't seen Sin around, have you?" Kid: "When are the Aurochs gonna come back?" Girl: "Look at me! I'm Lady Yuna! I'll be a summoner when I grow up!" Woman: "I hear the sailors' gossip about Lady Yuna getting married?" [2] "I should think Lady Yuna would be the last to marry and quit her pilgrimage!" Fat Man: "Oh hoh hoh, have I news for you! The daughter of Lord Braska is to marry the leader of the Guado!" [2] "What? Already knew, did you? Hmph. You're no fun." _______________________________________________________________________________ 37) Thunder Plains THP1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Maechen: "Well, hello there. Would you like to hear about this place?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Sure. R1: "Pity." R2: "Very well, let me tell you about the Crossing. A long time ago, this place was a traveller's nightmare. 'Plains of lightning, plains of thunder, those who cross are torn asunder.' they used to say. Then a name named Bilghen appeared. Using machina, he built towers that served as lightning rods across the plains. Finally, travellers were able to cross in safety. Bilghen was building that tower over there...when he was struck and killed by lightning." Maechen [2]: "Bilghen was an Al Bhed. Our history books never mention him." [3] "Take care, and farewell." --Shelinda: "Ah, good day!" Tidus: "Hi there."

Shelinda: "Is it true? I heard that Maester Seymour and Lady Yuna are to be wed! It's such great news! I have to tell everyone!" Tidus: "Where'd you hear that?" Shelinda: "From the Guado. They were all very excited!" Tidus: "I'm afraid you heard a little wrong. Yuna's gonna turn him down." Shelinda: "Oh... Really?" R1 --> Yep! No wedding! R2 --> Just kidding! R1: "I see... That's unfortunate. Well I'm sure that people would have rejoiced all over Spira." R2: "Hey! It will not do to joke about a thing like that." [If you pick R1:] Shelinda [2]: "Please give Lady Yuna my best regards!" [If you pick R2:] Shelinda [2]: "Maester Seymour and Lady Yuna -- how wonderful!" Shelinda [3]: "Oh, please go ahead." ################ AT TRAVEL AGENCY ################ Auron: "It's not easy being a guardian to a summoner so young." [2] "This is going to be some journey." Kimahri: "Yuna resting. Go away." [2] "Kimahri said go away." Wakka: "I wonder what's wrong with Yuna..." [2] "No point asking -- mood she's in." Lulu: "Yuna looked preoccupied. Was it because of Jyscal?" [2] "Don't tell Rikku, but we leave as soon as Yuna's better." --Tidus: "Are you that scared?" Rikku: "When I was little, a fiend attacked me while I was swimming at the beach. My brother tried to beat it back with a spell. But he missed and hit me instead! It was a Thunder spell -- 'Bzzzzzzt!'" Tidus: "Ouch!" Rikku: "I've been scared of lightning ever since." Lulu: " can be effective. Magic is effective against marine fiends." Rikku: "My brother said that, too." Lulu: "You should learn some spells, too. Hmm... Maybe later." [Rin walks in.] Rin: "Nice to see you again. Welcome to the Rin Travel Agency. Oh?" [He looks at Rikku; Wakka stands nearby.] Rikku: "Shhh!" Rin: "Hmm." Rikku [2]: "I've been scared of lightning every since." Rin: "How goes your study of our language?" R1 --> Okay. R2 --> No good.

R1: "That is good to hear. Allow me to present you with this book for your study." [Obtain: Al Bhed Primver vol. XIV] "I wonder... Would that be Sir Auron, by any chance?" R3 --> Yeah! That's him. R4 --> Nope. Wrong guy. R2: "I see. Well, it may not be essential for daily life. I wonder... Would that be Sir Auron, by any chance?" R3 --> Yeah! That's him. R4 --> Nope. Wrong guy. R3: "Ah, as I thought! I've been wondering since I saw him at the Mi'ihen Highroad branch. Sir Auron! I wonder if you remember me? Ten years ago, at the beginning of Lord Braska's Calm?" Auron: "Yes, I should thank you." Rin: "Not at all. I could not leave a wounded man to die. However, I was surprised when I saw you gone the next morning, with that wound. An ordinary man would not have been able to walk." Auron: "I'd rather...drop that subject, Rin. Rin: "As you wish." R4: "Oh... He looks so much like him." Rin [2]: "Maester Seymour and his entourage passed by a while ago. And the maester is to be married soon?" Tidus: "Excuse me, where did you hear that?" Rin: "The Guado are telling everyone." Tidus: "Oh, they are, are they?" Rin [3]: "Welcome to Rin's." [Buy/sell screen opens.] Mifurey: "Welcome to Rin Travel Agency! We have a wide selection of quality merchandise to choose from." [Rest./Buy weapons./Buy items./Leave.] ################################## AFTER SEEING THE YUNA-SPHERE SCENE ################################## Wakka: "Whatever happens, we're still Yuna's guardians." R1 --> I know. R2 --> Yeah, but... R1: "Then let's just go on with the journey, ya?" R2: "I know how you feel." Wakka [2]: "Let's give Rikku a kick in the butt and go." Lulu: "We're not through the Thunder Plains yet, so be prepared, all right?" [2] "Did you two have a fight?" Auron: "She's not going to move unless we do something." Yuna: "If it's okay with Rikku, shall we go?" [After you can leave, you can go back in and find a book.] Narrative: Bilghen Memorial Travel Agency There's a copy of "All About Lightning" R1 --> Read. R2 --> Don't read.

R1: [Main Character]'s Record ______ lightning bolts have struck toward Tidus. He successfully dodged ___ bolts total, and ___ consecutive bolts. In commemoration of Tidus's record, the committe plans to present a memento. R2: [Book isn't looked at.] [Another book lies on the counter:] Narrative: There's an original copy of "A History of Summoners, Thunder Plains Edition." R1 --> Read. R2 --> Don't read. R1: Long ago, fiends known as Qactuars roamed the Djose Continent freely. They ran rampant, ravaging fields and tormenting travellers. Then Lord Gandof appeared -- a man later to become high summoner. He scoured the continent for the Qactuars and drove them to these plains. Once he'd gathered the Qactuars together, Lord Gandof linked the sign of ([]), whereupon the Qactuars turned to smoke and were absorbed by a stone. The Qactuars were thus sealed into stone, fated to face lightning day and night. Unless someone again links the ([]) sign and releases the seal, they shall suffer within the stone for their deeds. Thus did Lord Gandof bring relief to peoples all over Spira. He believed that the battle with Sin was only one great part of a summoner's greater mission. R2: [Book isn't read.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 38) Macalania Woods MCW1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Guado: "Maester Seymour awaits. Please hurry to Macalania Temple." [2] "I leave Lady Yuna in your hands until you are through these woods." [If you try to go to the right path (you need to go left to reach M. Temple):] Lucil: "Lady Yuna, it is good to see you made it through safely. And, if I may, congratulations on your betrothal." Elma: "Maester Seymour's people are expecting you." Lucil: "Take that road to go to Macalania Temple. Lucil: "We've received several reports of summoners disappearing these last few days. Please be careful, my lady." [2] "When our assignment here is done, we will be heading north. Hopefully we'll catch some chocobos and rebuild our unit." [3] "But I must's been a while. Maybe too long since we've had anything to celebrate." Elma: "We're on watch duty at the temple at least until the wedding's done. Anyone tries to crash our party, we'll send 'em packing!" [2] "Oh, yeah, Clasko's back there with the chocobo. Stop and say hi if you've got the time." [3] "Next time you see us, we'll be the proud Chocobo Knights once again!" [If you try to go down the road behind Lucil and Elma, one of 'em'll say:]

Lucil: "This road leads to Bevelle. You should hurry to the temple in Macalania. -thenElma: "This isn't the way to the temple! Weren't you listening to Captain Lucil? ######################## MACALANIA WOODS - DEPTHS ######################## Harp Player: "The butterfly that changes color attracts the red and blue butterflies. Red butterflies are ill omens. Get too close and they will summon deadly fiends. Blue butterflies lead to good fortune! Find seven and a treasure will be yours." [2] "Luck is a fickle thing. Traveller, find the blue butterflies as quickly as you can." O'aka: "Welcome! Holiday prices on all items in celebration of Maester Seymour Guado's wedding!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?] O'aka: "Too expensive, ye think?" R1 --> Too pricey. R2 --> Just right. R3 --> Too cheap. R1: [His prices lower.] R2: [His prices remain the same.] R3: [His prices raise.] O'aka [2]: "How about this?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?] O'aka: "I'll go with these prices for a while!" ############################### MACALANIA WOODS - TRAVEL AGENCY ############################### [OUTSIDE:] Clasko: "Hi there. Would you look at this? They always leave me behind." [The chocobo kwehs.] Clasko: "Oh. You want me to scratch you? There. Good boy!" Tidus: "How'd you know what it wanted?" Clasko: "I've always been able to tell how chocobos feel. Maybe I'd make a better chocobo breeder than Chocobo Knight, huh? Hey, what job do you see me doing?" R1 --> Chocobo Knight R2 --> Chocobo Breeder R1: "Oh... Really? For a moment, I thought you'd say 'breeder.' R2: "Yeah! I think so too! Hmm... You know, I might just give it a try." [If you picked R1:] Clasko [2]: "We'll have to get some new chocobos to rebuild our unit. I wonder how long that's gonna take. Ah, well..." [3] "Wow, I think this is the first time I've seriously thought about my life."

[If you picked R2:] Clasko [2]: "Should I resign my commission? Would Captain Lucil let me? Elma would probably laugh at me." [3] "Wow, I think this is the first time I've seriously thought about my life." O'aka: "Curse that Rin for taking up a place like this! He'll be rich by tomorrow all on account of this celebration thing! Hmm? What? You buyin' somethin' from me?" R1 --> Of course! R2 --> Maybe next time. R1: "Great! I knew I could count on you, lad!" R3 --> Got any weapons? R4 --> Got any items? R5 --> Leave. R2: "Should've expected as much." R3: [Weapons are shown...the price increased from before!] R4: [Items are shown.] R5: [Dialogue cancelled.] #################### INSIDE TRAVEL AGENCY #################### Kimahri: "Temple not far. Why stop here?" Rikku: "Can we go now? I'm tired of waiting!" Lulu: "Yuna's really quiet." [2] "Sitting here like this, you really get to thinking. --Auron: "Anything can happen." Tidus: "'Make sure you're prepared,' right?" Auron [2]: "There is a saying: 'Hurry up and wait.' It means, prepare quickly so you're ready for whatever comes next." Tidus: "Sounds like something an old man would say." Auron: "Forgive me." Auron [3]: [Tidus:] "Hey, just being honest!" --Wakka: "Seriously... A wedding's not supposed to make people feel this bad, huh?" Tidus: "Come on, don't say that!" Wakka: "Hmph! I say whatever I want, ever since I was a kid!" Tidus: "Oh, so you're an adult now?" Wakka: "You know it!" Wakka [2]: "Anyways... How long we supposed to stay here, you think?" Tidus: "Hey, don't ask me!" Wakka: "Things've sure gotten complicated since Sir Auron joined us." Tidus: "You think so, too?" Wakka [3]: "Still can't figure that guy out."

--Yuna: "Hmm?" Tidus: "Don't forget to smile, remember? Yuna: "Oh, you're right. I'll try and remember. Yuna [2]: "Smiling..." Tidus: "Right! Keep at it!" --Maechen: "I've heard Lady Yuna is to wed Maester Seymour. It is great news. I'd like to congratulate her. is a pity. I'd hoped Lady Yuna would defeat Sin and bring the Calm to Spira." Tidus: "Yuna's still gonna journey, even after she's married." Maechen: "That is also great news! Her resolve is admirable!" Maechen [2]: "Would you like to hear about Macalania?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Go ahead! R1: "Pity." R2: "Lake Macalania is frozen all through the year. It stays frozen even on the hottest of days. It is said that the temple's fayth is the cause of this fantastic phenomenon! And that is all for today." Maechen [3]: "Hopefully I can be present at the wedding. It is not every day that one can attend such a joyous event. Clerk: "Welcome to the Lake Macalania branch of Rin's Travel Agency, now Spira-wide!" R1 --> Rest. R2 --> Buy weapons. R3 --> Buy items. R4 --> Leave. R1: R2: R3: R4: [Party can rest.] [Weapons are shown.] [Items are shown.] Thank you for your patronage! Please use our other agencies in your travels!"

##################################### AFTER THE AL BHED SNOWMOBILERS ATTACK ##################################### O'aka: "You need somethin' for the big rescue, eh? I've got just the thing!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Clasko: "Um... Shouldn't you go rescue them?" Maechen: "What is all that ruckus outside?" ####################### AFTER DEFEATING CRAWLER ####################### [At agency front:]

Guado: "Hurry to Macalania Temple. Lord Seymour is expecting you." [In agency:] Man: "Could the Al Bhed be celebrating the wedding, too? It's hard to believe." Woman: "Lady Yuna's wedding is so soon! I'm so excited I can hardly sleep! _______________________________________________________________________________ 39) Macalania Temple MCT1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############################### ON TEMPLE'S ROAD / TEMPLE FRONT ############################### Linna: "Mucd so kyhk. rana oui ku." [Obtain: 400 Gil] [2] "Ed'c lumt, yeh'd ed? Monk: "I will hold you personally responsible if anything happens." ################# TEMPLE GREAT HALL ################# Monk: "Entry is not permitted. Lady Yuna is on her way to the Cloister of Trials." Tromell: "Ah, Lady Yuna's guardians! I haven't thanked you for your help earlier. Thanks to you, I was able to bring Lady Yuna here safely. You have my sincerest gratitude. It...isn't much, but I want you to have this." [Obtain: Shell Targe] [2] "Lord Seymour and Lady Yuna's marraige will help foster goodwill between us and humankind. Lord Jyscal, rest his soul, would be pleased. I'm sure of it." [3] "Well... we have much to do before the ceremony. We are all going to be very busy." Shelinda: "I am travelling north to tell the people the wonderful news!" [2] "I am indebted to Lady Yuna. Wherever they are to hold the ceremonies, I'll make sure to be there." [3] "Please send my best regards to Lady Yuna." [After the nun exclaims something about Lord Jyscal:] [4] "What has happened? Is there anything I can do?" Saxmouse: "We're the life of the party! It's our job to be happy and merry! Join us!" [2] "Listen to our magnificent music! We'll have a ball!" Drummer: "Hey, this place is just like mine! It's damp and cold and makes me sleepy." [2] "We'd better start the wedding before I get too sleepy." Harpbird: "Let us add joy to the wedding by contributing our song!" [2] "Forget about Sin's terror for a moment and listen to this exquisite piece." Nun: "Why would the lady have such a thing? ############### MONKS' CHAMBERS ###############

Drummer: "Did you see my cousin outside? We're always competing with each other." [2] "But unlike him, I'm a diligent worker. I only sleep on the job sometimes... Not all the time." Saxmouse: "Such a fine day to celebrate! The monks should let loose today!" [2] "Live it up, everyone! Have a blast and make everyone happy!" Harpbird: "With rank set aside like this, I believe everyone is behaving a little too wildly." [2] "Strip away the exterior, and the devout monk is just another man, it seems." Man: "I thought I heard a scream! I know we're celebrating Maester Seymour's marriage, but it mustn't get out of hand. These are the leftovers from the banquet. Go ahead, take 'em with you, lad." [Obtain: Ether] Li'l Nun: "Maester Seymour always smells so nice! Isn't he grand?" Monk: "I can't believe Seymour's getting married. It's certainly something to celebrate! Please give this congratulatory gift to Lady Yuna." [Obtain: Elixir] Man: "Hic! Eh...I've been protecting Maester Seymour since he was a wee lad. Ask me anything ye want to know 'bout Maester Seymour." R1 --> Seymour as a young child. R2 --> Seymour as a young man. R3 --> Seymour as a monk. R4 --> Seymour as a summoner. R5 --> Don't care to know." R1: "Both Guado and human blood flow through Maester Seymour's veins. This mixed heritage caused him a deal of grief in his childhood. But because of that very experience...he grew to become a great leader who aspired to bring Guado and humans together in friendship." R2: "Lord Braska vanquished Sin when Lord Seymour was about your age. During the celebration of the Calm's arrival, Maester Mika ordained Lord Jyscal a maester of Yevon. He praised Lord Jyscal's achievements, including the conversion of the Guado to the teachings of Yevon. Maester Seymour was still a young lad then, but he tried hard to assist Lord Jyscal." R3: "As a monk, Maester Seymour soon distinguished himself. His accomplishments were many and acclaimed by all. He shot up through the ranks quickly, he did. Aye, he rose on his own, never riding Lord Jyscal's coattails. He's truly a remarkable young man." R4: "As a summoner, Maester Seymour's strength is matchless. Yet, he became a maester of Yevon instead of undertaking the pilgrimage to battle Sin. I think he believes that there's more to a summoner's duty than just destroying Sin." R5: "Don't you hold back now." ############## NUNS' CHAMBERS ############## [After sphere scene:] Nun: "Lord Jyscal... How horrifying! I shall pretend I did not witness that.

This does not bode well. Please be careful." [Obtain: Hi-Potion x 2] Nun: "I can't believe what the sphere has shown! There must be some mistake. I shall keep the sphere safe here, and return it to Lady Yuna." _______________________________________________________________________________ 40) Macalania Temple II MCT2 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue takes place after witnessing Jyscal sphere scene. #################### MACALANIA GREAT HALL #################### Monk: "That Ronso, he... Bevelle will hear about this!" O'aka: "Hurray for Maester Seymour's wedding!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] O'aka: "Oh, I hear Lady Yuna is still going to continue her journey, ah? I wonder if that means she and Maester Seymour will fight Sin together? Just like Lady Yunalesca and Lord Zaon! ##################### MACALANIA ANTECHAMBER ##################### [During the Seymour battle, some characters can 'Talk' as a Trigger Command.] Yuna: "You may be a maester, but I will still fight!" Seymour: "Your eyes, they burn with resolve... Beautiful." Narrative: Yuna's Magic Defense increases! Tidus: "I knew you were bad news the first time we met!" Seymour: "Oh, my sinereceres apologies." Tidus: "Seymour!" Narrative: Tidus's Strength increases! Wakka: "Maester! We must stop this!" Seymour: "... ... ..." Wakka: "This can't be happening!" Narrative: Wakka's Magic Defense increases! ######################## ROAD TO MACALANIA TEMPLE ######################## O'aka: "You've really done it now! Wanna buy something, just in case?" R1 --> Sure. R2 --> Not now. R1: [Items are shown.] R2: [Doesn't show anything.] O'aka [2]: "You be careful." R2 --> On second thought... R3 --> Never mind."

[If you try to re-enter, Auron runs back:] Auron: "Where are you going?" [2] "Hurry up!" ##################### UNDER MACALANIA LAKE: ##################### Auron: "What now, I wonder." Tidus: "'What now?' You act first and think later, don't you? I mean, can't you be a little more responsible? We're all depending on you. You know?" Auron: "A lecture?" Tidus: "No, no, no. Just a suggestion." Auron: "You should place trust in your friends. But you can't expect someone to protect you all the time. You would do well to remember that." Tidus: "Is that a lecture?" Auron: "It's advice." Auron [2]: "Young summoners are magnets for trouble." [3] "The Hymn, hmm..." --Lulu: "We're under the lake ice, aren't we?" R1 --> Maybe R2 --> Who knows? R1: "Look. That's the bottom of the temple. We've fallen a long way." R2: [Same as R1] Lulu [2]: "So now we're the traitors that killed a maester." --Tidus: "Hey, Wakka, would you cheer up? Look, we only did what we had to do." Wakka: "It doesn't matter! Don't you see? I've always walked the path of Yevon...but now, I'm a traitor. How could this happen? Damn." Tidus: "It's not Rikku's fault either." Wakka: "You don't know how I feel." Wakka [2]: "Wonder what the Aurochs are doing now." --Kimahri: "Yuna will wake soon. Kimahri knows this." [2] "No sign of enemy." ############################### AFTER DECIDING TO GO TO BEVELLE ############################### Yuna: "I'm sure that Maester Mika will listen to us." Rikku: "Heh heh. Friends, huh? First time a non-Al Bhed called me that. Kimahri: "This place smell different now. Kimahri not know if this good or bad." [2] "Kimahri feel no danger." Wakka: "Say, you feel something weird in the air? Some kind of bad vibes or something." R1 --> Yeah! R2 --> Nope.

R1: "I thought so." R2: "Oh? Maybe I'm coming down with something." Wakka [2]: "I really feel weird." --Tidus: "Who is that singing?" Lulu: "The fayth." Tidus: "The fayth? What? It can sing?" Lulu: "Of course it can. Don't be a fool." Lulu [2]: "Say, isn't the ground shaking?" --Auron: "Jecht used to sing this song..." Tidus: "Yeah, over and over. But not this good, that's for sure." Auron: "Another trait you share." Tidus: "What, were you listening?" [Flashback to Zanarkand. Tidus hymns the faith on a dock. Auron listens.] Tidus: "Eesh... Can't I get a little privacy?" Auron: "Your singing reminded me of Spira." Tidus: "Oh, right. You're not originally from Zanarkand, are you? You homesick?" Auron: "Maybe." [The flashback ends.] Tidus: "Say, how'd you get to Zanarkand, anyway? Sin?" [Auron doesn't reply.] Tidus: "Uh-huh, I thought so." T-Narrative: That proved it. Sin was the link between Zanarkand and Spira. Which means, if we kill Sin, I'll never be able to go home. Auron [2]: "We should get moving soon." _______________________________________________________________________________ 41) Bikanel Island BKI1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [Tidus can open a chest by where he finds Wakka:] Narrative: [Al Bhed First Aid Kit] A first aid kit placed by the Al Bhed to aid desert travellers. [Obtain: Al Bhed Potion x 8] [In battle after reclaiming Rikku:] Rikku: "Let me handle the machina! I can take them apart piece by piece!" [There is a sign in area two:] Narrative: Something's written here. Home Yrayt. [[Home Ahead.]] [Two signs are in Area 3:]

Narrative: Something is written here in Al Bhed. Pafyna uv fiend! [[Beware of fiend!!]] Faygan fiend du dra nekrd. [[Weaker fiend to the right.]] Cdnuhkan fiend du dra mavd. [[Stronger fiend to the left.]] Narrative: Something is written here. Drec fyo du Home. [[This way to Home.]] [In Area 3, some ruins have markings.] Narrative: Something is written here. r y c u t e [[h a s o d i]] E D N U C [[I T R O S]] [In Area 4:] Narrative: Something is written here. Home ec hayn. [[Home is near.]] [In Area 4 is a cactuar-shaped engraving on a stone.] Narrative: There's a valley beyond the sandstorm. There's a picture of a fiend on the stone here. [In Area 4:] Narrative: Something's written here. Tyhkan! Cdnuhk fiend eh jelehedo! [[Danger! Strong fiend in vicinity!]] The writing below is faded. 20% Off All Travel Agency Goods! Looks like an old advertisement. _______________________________________________________________________________ 42) Home BKH1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [In Home, if you go into a wrong room:] Rikku: "No, not that way! [In that room is a treasure chest. When approached a code (4-digit) selection screen comes up with this:] Narrative: Byccfunt: 0000 [[Password: 0000] Dra Dra Dra Dra vencd teked ec 4 bmic 1. [[The first digit is 4 plus 1.]] caluht teked ec 7 sehic 1. [[The second digit is 7 minus 1.]] drent teked ec 3 desac 1. [[The third digit is 3 times 1.]] vuindr teked ec 2 bmic 1. [[The fourth digit is 2 plus 1.]]

[In that same room, another chest:] Narrative: Al R1 R2 R3 R4 Bhed janevelydeuh! Yna oui Al Bhed? [[Al Bhed verification! Are --> Cao [[Sey]] you Al Bhed?]] --> Hu [[No]] --> Oac [[Yes]] --> Uh [[On]]

R1: [Error sounds.] R2: [Error sounds.] R3: Hysa dra cuh uv dra Al Bhed maytan. [[Name the son of the Al R5 --> Al Bhed Psyches Bhed leader.]] R6 --> Cid R7 --> Rin Travel Agency R8 --> Brother R4: [Error sounds.] R5: [Error sounds.] R6: [Error sounds.] R7: [Error sounds.] R8: Uh fryd ecmyht tu dra Al Bhed meja? [[On what island do the Al R9 --> Yevon Bhed live?]] R10 --> Bikanel Island R11 --> O'aka XXIII R12 --> Home R9: [Error sounds.] R10: Fryd ec Al Bhed eh Al Bhed? [[What is Al Bhed in Al Bhed?]] R13 --> Ym Prat [[Al Bhed]] R14 --> Yp Mrat [[Ab Lheb]] R15 --> Am Pryt [[El Bhad]] R16 --> Ym Trap [[Al Dheb]] R11: [Error sounds.] R12: [Error sounds.] R13: [Obtain: Skill Sphere] R14: [Error sounds.] R15: [Error sounds.] R16: [Error sounds.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 43) Al Bhed Airship ABA1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ###### BRIDGE ###### [On first free-movement:] Wakka: "Why didn't I just shut my big mouth?" Lulu: "This is tough on all of us." Auron: "The price for protecting summoners." Tidus: "Did you ever find anything out about Yuna?" Cid: "I'm lookin' into it, okay? Don't worry. I'm using a sphere oscillo-finder. If she's out there, we'll get her." Tidus: "A sphere oscillo-finder?"

Cid: "It's an ancient machina. I don't know how it works either, so don't ask me, okay?" Lulu: "And you still use it?" Cid: "I don't even rightly know how this rig flies, either! All because of the Yevon taboo on machina, we're running around in the dark here! Ain't it a rush, kiddos?" Cid [2]: "Careful what you touch! Ship's not as stable as she looks!" Brother: "Mayja sa pa! E's luhlahdnydehk!" [2] "Vmoehk ec naymmo hud so vunda!" [3] "Gaab vmoehk! Gaab vmoehk!" ["Leave me be! I'm concentrating!"] [2] ["Flying is really not my forte!"] [3] ["Keep flying! Keep flying!" [After Cid tells you he doesn't know how the airship really flies:] Wakka: "I can't believe we're flying through the skie in this! A machina!" Lulu: "We're powerless as long as we're on this ship." Rikku: "Remember this ship? It's the one we found under the sea!" Auron: "Whether Yuna's safe or not, there's trouble brewing." [After Cid/Auron scene:] Auron: "Let him say what he wants." Wakka: "He called Yuna his, uh, niece, right? I mean, so that makes her Al Bhed, right? Don't say it! Yuna's Yuna, right?" [2] "Yuna's Yuna, right?" Rikku: "Lyh'd Yunie aht ran bemknesyka?" ["Can't Yunie end her pilgrimage?"] Yuna: "No matter what happens, Yuna won't give up her pilgrimage." Cid: "First, we rescue Yuna! Let's show 'em what we got!" Lulu: "No matter what happens, Yuna won't give up her pilgrimage." #################### CORRIDOR NEAR BRIDGE #################### Kimahri: "Kimahri never forget the Al Bhed sacrifice." [2] "Kimahri will use machina, if machina can find Yuna. --Isaaru: "We owe our lives to the Al Bhed. However, no matter how much they beg, we cannot quit our pilgrimage." Tidus: "Even though you'll die?" Issaru: "I've known since I was a child. My will is set. If I do not do it, someone else must, you understand." Isaaru [2]: "I'm amazed this thing can fly, truly! It must be sacrilege to think so highly of a machina. I feel uneasy just riding it!" Tidus: "Sure it's not motion sickness?" Isaaru: "Motion sickness? What infirmity is that?"

Isaaru [3]: "As soon as we land, we continue the pilgrimage! --Maroda: "Hey, I'm not looking forward to my brother dying when this is all over. If only there was some way of doing it without anyone dying." Tidus: "Let's think of one!" Maroda: "Easier said than done. If we had all the time in the world, yeah, we'd think of something. And while we were thinking, Sin would kill us all. Spira doesn't have that time." Maroda [2]: "The Al Bhed caught up to us in Besaid. They grabbed Pacce, so we had to do what they said. We needed a break, anyway. Pacce was pretty tired. He should never have come on the pilgrimage, little kid like that. Still, he does pretty good for his size. He's gonna be something someday." Maroda [3]: "Hey, you know where this ship's headed?" Pacce: [Isaaru:] "Let him rest." Pacce [2]: [Maroda:] "Let him sleep, man." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "Dra Al Bhed Psyches ymm aclybat ryns. Fa yna nayto du bmyo ykyeh!" ["The Al Bhed Psyches all escaped harm. We are ready to play again!"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: "Cehla lremtruut, E ryja bmyoat uhmo blitz! Ed ec dnia!" ["Since childhood, I have played only blitz! It is true!"] Blappa: "Huf ec dra desa du dnyeh, dnyeh!" ["Now is the time to train, train!"] Eigaar: "Druca Guado! Drao femm vaam so fnydr eh dra blitz cbrana!" ["Those Guado! They will feel my fury in the blitz sphere!"] Berrik: "Vunkeja sa vun so yldeuhc eh Luca. Fa fyhdat du bnudaid dra summoner, oui caa?" ["Forgive me for my actions in Luca. We wanted to protect the summoner, you see?"] Nimrook: "Fa haat blitz du lraan uin baubma yvdan dra mucc uv Home, oui caa?" ["We need blitz to cheer our people after the loss of Home, you see?"] ######## CORRIDOR ######## Rin: "Well, well. It appears you, too, have escaped harm." Tidus: "You were on the ship, too?" Rin: "I came to Home to pick up some goods and found myself here. Quite the escape. Thankfully, my goods were spared. Please let me know if you need any of my wares." [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Rin: "Thank you. Your patronage is very much appreciated. All proceeds will go

to help restore Home." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Al Bhed Woman: "Buun lremt, ra tuac hud ihtancdyht dryd uin Home ec hu suna." ["Poor child, he does not understand our Home is no more."] Al Bhed Kid: "Frah femm fa ku Home?" ["When will we go Home?"] ######## CORRIDOR ######## Dona: "Look, I'm really tired. Leave me. If it's not an emergency, would you mind leaving?" Tidus: "Okay." Dona: "Wait... There's something I want to ask you. What would you think if I said I...I was giving up my pilgrimage?" R1 --> Sure! Sounds good to me. R2 --> Who cares? R1: "Unusual. Most people would never forgive a summoner who quit." Tidus: "Why's that?" Dona: "Behind my back, they would say I was abandoning my duty." Tidus: "So, who cares? Why not do your own thing and let them say what they want!" Dona: "Easy for you to say. do have a point. Maybe Barthello and I should go someplace far away." R2: "Show some sympathy!" Tidus: "Oh, like all the sympathy you showed me first time we met?" Dona: "You're right. Quitting now would be sort of anti-climactic, no? Tell Yuna something, would you? Tell her she still has a rival: me! Tell her she'd better do her best, or be bested. You'll tell her, won't you? Dona [2]: "Thanks for the company. I feel so much better now." ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "Lrycat po fiend! Fa yna ymm jano denat, yht jano clynat." ["Chased by fiend! We are all very tired, and very scared."] Al Bhed Woman: "E red so rayt frah dra creb cruug. Huf E ryja y misb!" ["I hit my head when the ship shook. Now I have a lump!"] Al Bhed: "Oaync uv cfayd yht duem du piemt ed, yht huf Home ec nippma!" ["Years of toil and sweat to build it, and now Home is rubble!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Dra summoner yht guardian caas vimm uv funno." ["The summoner and guardian seem full of worry."] Al Bhed: "E sicd damm dra udran bmyoanc eh Luca fryd ryc rybbahat!" ["I must tell the other players in Luca what has happened!"]

Al Bhed: "Hu desa vun daync yht cruidehk! Ymm fa sicd tu ec napiemt uin Home." ["No time for tears and shouting! All we must do is rebuild our Home."] Al Bhed Woman: "Ajah fedruid uin Home, fa sicd meja uh! E uhmo ruba E ys ypma." ["Even without our Home, we must live on! I only hope I am able."] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Ouin vyla, E ryja caah ed pavuna. Banrybc eh dra dasbma yd Baaj?" ["Your face, I have seen it before. Perhaps at the temple in Baaj?"] Al Bhed: "Ed ec utt du vmo eh y creb tnykkat vnus dra ulayh vmuun!" ["It is odd to fly in a ship dragged from the ocean floor!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Pid fa cyo 'muca cusadrehk bnaleuic, veht cusadrehk ajah suna bnaleuic.'" Al Bhed Kid: "Fryd femm E tu? So tumm! E mavd ed eh Home!" ["What will I do? My doll! I left it in Home!"] _______________________________________________________________________________ 44) Al Bhed Airship II ABA2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [Dialogue said after seeing Yuna/Seymour Bevelle scene.] ###### BRIDGE ###### Cid: "They grabbed Yuna back in the Sanubia Desert. One of the Guado squads that attacked Home found her." [2] "Hah! Wedding, my britches! Now while I'm around! Those Yevon rockheads! I'll give 'em something to remember!" Rikku: "What's Seymour doing alive? Didn't we take care of him in Macalania?" Auron: "He is dead. As dead as Jyscal was. His attachment to this world kept him from the next." Rikku: "Whoa, scary! Auron [2]: "Yuna must be trying to send him." Rikku: "Wonder if that will work." Auron: "Perhaps he won't expect it." Auron [3]: "Bevelle... It's been ten years." Rikku: "Yeah! We're gonna save Yunie, and nobody's gonna stop us!" Wakka: "I'm glad Yuna's okay and all, but what's with those fancy clothes?" Lulu: "It's called a wedding dress." Wakka: "What!?" Wakka [2]: "Grrr... What's going on?"

Lulu: "The city of Bevelle is built on the water. There may be underwater fighting. You or Rikku should study your magic, just in case." [2] "Seymour is one of the dead now. Odd. Why does Maester Mika allow the unsent to walk free?" Brother: "Mayja sa pa! E's luhlahdnydehk!" [2] "Vmoehk ec naymmo hud so vunda!" [3] "Gaab vmoehk! Gaab vmoehk!" ############################ BRIDGE -- ONCE FIENDS ATTACK ############################ Cid: "Eh, relax! The ship's still got some fight left in her!" [2] "Let 'em take their best shot!" ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "Ryja lyna! Drana yna fiend eh ymm bmylac!" ["Have care! There are fiend in all places!"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: "E rubat uhmo du nacd yd Home y frema drah nadinh du Luca." ["I hoped only to rest at Home a while then return to Luca."] Blappa: "Ajanouha pa lyms! Pa lyms! Vayn ec uin ahaso!" ["Everyone be calm! Be calm! Fear is our enemy!"] Eigaar: "Drec E mayja du oui! Pyddma fyc hajan so vunda." ["This I leave to you! Battle was never my forte."] Berrik: "Yevon vuiht dra bmyla uv uin Home. Banrybc fa fana vummufat?" ["Yevon found the place of our Home. Perhaps we were followed?"] Nimrook: "E femm hud tea eh drec bmyla! E vayn hu fiend! Lusa, yht E femm vekrd!" ["I will not die in this place! I fear no fiend! Come, and I will fight!"] ######## CORRIDOR ######## Maroda: "Be careful!" Pacce: "Don't worry! We'll guard this area!" ######## CORRIDOR ######## Isaaru: "We'll leave the other compartments to you." ######## CORRIDOR ########

Dona: "It's too cramped to call aeons in here. I'll leave this fight to you. Show us your stuff!" ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "E lyh ica y faybuh! E femm cruf dras ruf Al Bhed vekrd!" ["I can use a weapon! I will show them how Al Bhed fight!"] Al Bhed: "Lusa, Guado! E lrymmahka oui! E femm vekrd demm oui yna ymm ticd!" ["Come, Guado! I challenge you! I will fight till you are all dust!"] Al Bhed: "So vneahtc, drao teat bnudaldehk summoner, E femm tu dra cysa." ["My friends, they died protecting summoner, I will do the same."] Al Bhed: "Ugyo, ugyo!" ["Okay, okay!"] Al Bhed Kid: "Hud clynat, hud clynat! Hud clynat, hud clynat!" ["Not scared, not scared! Not scared, not scared!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Dra lunnetun ec bnudaldat po summoner. Cu drec nuus cruimt pa cyva!" ["The corridor is protected by summoner. So this room should be safe!"] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Ed ec y pyddma sucd tyhkanuic. Dyga drec fedr oui." [Obtain: Al Bhed Potion x 4] [2] "E ryja mejat drnuikr pyt, pid E vayn funca ec lusehk. ["It is a battle most dangerous. Take this with you."] [2] ["I have lived through bad, but I fear worse is coming."] Al Bhed: "Tu dra Yevon funsc drehg du gemm ic ymm?" ["Do those Yevon worms think they can kill us all?"] Rin: "May I help you?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Rin: "Thank you. Your patronage is very much appreciated." ############ EVRAE BATTLE ############ [If Tidus tells Cid to move the ship back:] Tidus: "Go back! Farther away!" Cid: "Just a minute! Don't be falling, now!" [If Cid can fire salvoes on a turn:] Cid: "This is it! I'm hitting it with all we got!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 45) Bevelle Highbridge BVL1 _______________________________________________________________________________ #######################

BEFORE FIGHTING SEYMOUR ####################### O'aka: "You're quite popular these days, eh? Anything you want, I've got it!" R1 --> All right. R2 --> No, thanks. R1: [Items shown.] R2: [Nothing shown.] O'aka: "Traitor or no, Lady Yuna's always been a friend to O'aka. ############## SEYMOUR BATTLE ############## [The characters can 'Talk' with the Trigger command.] Seymour Natus: "So you, too, seek freedom from this painful life?" Tidus: "You talk too much, Seymour!" Narrative: Tidus's Strength increases! Seymour Natus: "It is good to see you again, Lady Yuna, but you don't seem pleased..." Yuna: "I'll only be pleased when you're gone to the Farplane!" Narrative: Yuna's Magic Defense increases! Auron: "Although he was not the one man I knew... Kinoc was still my friend, Seymour! You will pay for his death!" Narrative: Auron's Strength increases! _______________________________________________________________________________ 46) Macalania Woods II MCW2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [At first resting spot:] Auron: "Maybe you should go talk to her?" [2] "I am...tired." Wakka: "Must be tough for Yuna." [2] "We leave at daybreak. If Yuna figures out where we're going, that is." [3] "I feel kinda bad leaving everything up to her, you know?" Rikku: "Wonder what Yunie'll do, huh? Think she'll quit her pilgrimage?" Tidus: "That's what you want, right?" Rikku: "Well... If Yunie really wants to keep going, then... I guess I shouldn't stop her, you know? That's what I think, anyway." Rikku [2]: "I wonder if there's a way to perform the Final Summoning and not die? That'd be great, wouldn't it?" [3] "I guess someone would've thought of it in the last thousand years, huh?" [4] "Hey, maybe you should go talk to Yunie." Lulu: "Yuna's off in the woods. Kimahri's with her, but maybe you should go, too?" [2] "I think it might help if you were there." [3] "It would be so easy to fight without thinking... Walk a straight line. So easy." ############################## AFTER YOU CAN LEAVE THE FOREST

############################## Woman: "Hey, did you hear? They're saying there was a riot in Bevelle." [2] "The warrior monks aren't letting pilgrims into Bevelle anymore." [3] "And I came all the way out here to pray at St. Bevelle. This is such a disappointment." Warrior Monk: "You can't enter know. So just go commoners should or we'll mind it Bevelle now. The guard is on full alert, you back to where you came from, got it?" [2] "You stay quiet and obey the temple. Mind your mouth for you.

Woman: "I'm supposed to meet my husband here, but he hasn't shown up for the longest time." [2] "I hope nothing bad has happened." [3] "He's so forgetful. Maybe he's just forgotten our meeting place." Boy: "I'm supposed to meet my dad here, but he's late!" [2] "Oh, no. Maybe he forgot where we're supposed to meet..." [3] "My dad forgets a lot of things." [On the treetop starlight path:] Woman: "It's easier to get to Macalania Temple now that this road's open again." [2] "I used to be able to pass through this way when I was a child, but then a big tree blocked off the road. I'm glad someone cut it down!" [3] "I'm just taking a break now. Even with a shortcut, it can get tiring, you know?" [At the campsite, after speaking with woman and her kid:] Man: "I'm supposed to meet my family here, but they're nowhere in sight." R1 --> They were waiting over there. R2 --> Hope you find 'em. R1: "What? Really? Thanks, kid!" R2: "I wonder if they got the place mixed up. They're so careless sometimes." [Back at the entrance to the woods from Thunder Plains:] Man: "I was reunited with my wife thanks to all of you." [2] "But now my boy's missing. He went into the woods alone." [3] "I guess he went looking for me since I was late. I'd better find him before the fiends do." Woman: "I finally met up with my husband, thanks to your help. I can't thank you enough." [2] "But my son went off into the woods before my husband came." [3] "I...I don't know what to do." [Tidus can find the kid up on the starlight path.] Kid: "It feels like there's something around here, doesn't it? Yeah, there's definitely something around here. I wonder what it could be? You might want to remember this place. You found my dad! Thanks a bunch!" ####################### MACALANIA TRAVEL AGENCY #######################

Man: "I heard a flying machina appeared in the skies over Bevelle! Could it really have been the Al Bhed?" Woman: "Could it be true that Lady Yuna is a traitor? Oh, I hope not..." _______________________________________________________________________________ 47) Macalania Temple III MCT3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [On the path to the temple:] Linna: "Ed'c pacd dryd oui tuh'd ku." ["It's best taht you don't go."] [If you approach the temple, a creepy Guado will say before sending Guado to chase and fight you:] Creepy Guado: "Fool! To come back to Macalania Temple a traitor! Traitor! Find your salvation on the Farplane! _______________________________________________________________________________ 48) Thunder Plains II THP2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [If you try to re-enter Guadosalam:] Tidus: "Guadosalam? It's probably crawling with Seymour's cronies. Now's no time to be picking fights with the Guado, that's for sure." _______________________________________________________________________________ 49) The Calm Lands TCL1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Chocobo Rider: "Lost? Follow me if you want to go back to Bevelle." [2] "Look, these plains go on forever. Take it easy or you'll die out here!" [3] "Smart travellers like me ride chocobos to avoid fiends!" Maechen: "Perhaps you would like to know a bit about these plains?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Do tell! R1: "What a pity." R2: "As you know, these plains were once a battlefield. A great battle between Bevelle and Zanarkand, a melee of machina! That war left this place a barren, lifeless land. Then, time passed. The summoners took note of this uninhabited land. Great battles could be fought here, with no harm to the common folk. Perfect for the final battle with Sin, as it were. Summoners wait here, ready to perform the Final Summoning. Ah, to know what they must feel! In any case, when Sin is defeated here, the Calm will visit Spira once more. That's why this place is now known as the Calm Lands. Exactly who dubbed it so is unknown. And that, as they say, is that."

Maechen [2]: "Oh dear, I almost forgot to tell you something. There's a chasm, a great rend in the earth, in these parts. A scar from High Summoner Gandof's bitter battle with Sin, four hundred years past." Maechen [3]: "Like to hear about this place once more?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Do tell! R1: [Same as R1 above.] R2: [Same as R2 above.] [A fan-powered vehicle appears when you first come into the Calm Lands.] Man: "Rin's Travelling Agency, at your service! We offer fine services at reasonable prices. Please consider making a purchase before crossing these vast plains." [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Man: "Have a safe and pleasant crossing." Chocobo Rider: "I hope you're not planning to cross this plain on foot." R1 --> I want to ride a chocobo! R2 --> Walking's not that bad. R1: "Well, these plains are home to lots of wild chocobos. First we must train them to be dependable mounts. I'm training some chocobos now, but they're not quite tame yet. I'm sorry I can't lend you any. Walking might be faster than waiting for one of my chocobos." R3 --> Let me train one! R4 --> Thanks anyway. R2: "I suppose you're right. Fighting fiends lets you polish your skills." R3: "That's easier said than done. It's not that simple, you know. You're sure you want to try?" R5 --> Of course! R6 --> Maybe not. R4: "Bye, now. Maybe next time I'll have a chocobo ready for you." R5: "All right. Come with me." [She takes him somewhere in the field.] Trainer: "It's simple. Just get from where you are to where I am before time runs out. Since you're riding a wild chocobo, it'll just run whatever way it feels like. Press (D-left) and (D-right) to steer it between my chocobo and me. Keep and eye on the clock and try not to miss the finish line. Don't hesitate to ask me about chocobos if you need help, okay? Let's begin, shall we? We'll shoot for 0:12:8. Ready?" R7 --> As ready as ever. R8 --> Get me off this bird! R9 --> Show me the controls. R6: [Same as R4] R7: [Chocobo mini-game starts.] R8: "You really want to quit?"

R10 --> Keep going. R11 --> Really quit. R9: [Controls] -The chocobo runs automatically. -It runs zigzag, so try to keep it on course with (D-left) and (D-right) -It avoids going completely out of bounds. [Changing Camera Position] Press [R1] and [R2] to change views. [R1] cycles through: 1. Default View 2. Rider's View 3. Overhead View [R2] cycles through them in reverse. R10: [Can choose options R7-R8-R9 again] R11: [Chocobo mini-game is quit.] [A woman guards a small path by the cliffside.] Woman: "Even if I don't know what I'm watching for, duty's duty. I'm not moving. Well, unless something really unique happens, that is." [If you try to run past her:] Woman: "Hey, hey! You can't go down there!" [A cutscene plays if you talk to a lone person by the Calm Lands' deep 'rend'.] Svanda: "This gorge is called the Scar. They say that when the high summoner cornered Sin, Sin tore the earth here asunder with the last of its strength. The high summoner and Sin struck each other down at the gorge's bottom. Lord Gandof's sacrifice brought us the Calm." Svanda: This gorge is called the Scar. They say that when the high summoner cornered Sin, Sin tore the earth here asunder with the last of its strength. [2] The high summoner and Sin struck each other down at the gorge's bottom. Lord Gandof's sacrifice brought us the Calm." [3] "In the Calm Lands, we bury our dead in this gorge. We cannot send them because few summoners ever make it this far." [4] "I've heard that the dead that don't receive a proper burial roam the bottom of the gorge as fiends. [By Svanda is a large rock spire in the earth. Upon inspection:] Narrative: There is something written here. Fedr dra jyma yd ouin pylg ku vundo-heha, drah cajah du dra nekrd eh dra dniacd meha. [[With the vale at your back go forty-nine, then seven to the right in the truest line.]] [Another rock spire by the travel agency:] Narrative: Made of clay hardened by intense heat, it must be hundreds of years old. [Belgimene is by the travel agency's rock spire.]

Belgimene: "Oh, you again. You're quite the notorious traitor these days." Tidus: "What's it to you?" Belgimene: "Ah, you shouldn't take what the maesters say too seriously. For summoners, destroying Sin is everything. We are no tools of Yevon, understand?" Yuna: "Yes." Belgimene: "So, are you up to the task?" Yuna: "I do not know, but I will do my best." Belgimene: "You've got spirit, but you'll need more to beat Sin. An aeon duel! Show me what you're made of." R1 --> Fight. R2 --> Pass. R1: "Excellent. But before we begin... I've just healed your aeons for you. Let us begin!" [Belgimene summons Shiva.] Belgimene: "Choose your aeon well, summoner." Narrative: Select Attributes in the Aeons menu to raise the attributes of your aeons. Use this to compensate for aeons' weaknesses by raising the physically weak Shiva's HP, or increasing the usually slow Bahamut's agility. [If you win:] Belgimene: "Stop. That is enough." --Belgimene: "Impressive. Remarkable talent. Traitor or no, you may have what it takes to beat Sin. Take this. You have earned it." [Obtain: Power Sphere x 30, Aeon's Soul] Yuna: "Thank you." Belgimene: "I think you will do just fine. But, if you ever feel like you want more training, seek the hidden temple of Remiem. I will be waiting there. Farewell." Narrative: Now that you have the Aeon's can raise your aeons' attributes. First select Attributes... then select an aeon. The selected aeon's attributes are displayed. Attributes that cannot be raised are shown in gray. The current power of each attribute is shown to the right. In this example, Ixion's strength is 20. When you choose an attribute to raise, the item cost for the procedure is displayed at the top right of the screen. The item cost differs depending on that aeon's current attributes. The item cost for raising attributes is proportional to each attributes' value. The higher the attribute, the more items needed to raise it. Once you have selected an attribute to will be asked to confirm the procedure. Select "Yes" to raise the select attribute. This concludes the attributes tutorial.

[If you lose:] Belgimene: "You have a lot to learn." --Belgimene: "I hope you will do better against Sin, for your sake. You need more training. That much is clear, summoner." [Obtain: Speed Sphere x 30, Aeon's Soul] "The hidden temple, Remiem. I'll be waiting. Come, and I will train you." Yuna: "Th-Thank you!" Belgimene: "Focus, and grow strong, Yuna. Farewell." R2: "No time to fight? I understand. I was in your shoes once." [The party can take a rest at the travel agency in the middle of the plains. A man soon walks by.] Lulu: "Father Zuke!" Zuke: "Long time no see. You are Yuna? Hmm... You certainly don't look like Maester Kinoc's murderer." Wakka: "What'd you say?" Yuna: "Please, tell us what has happened!" Zuke: "Maester Mika just issued a personal order, you know. It said that you and your guardians murdered Maester Kinoc and fled. We are to kill you on sight, or so it says." Auron: "What of Bevelle?" Zuke: "Things are calm on the surface, but the depths are turbulent. After the death of Maester Kinoc, Kelk Ronso left Yevon." Auron: "Convenient. Getting around will be easier with Yevon in disarray." Zuke: "But be careful, my friends. You have been branded enemies of Yevon. You should avoid temples for the time being." Yuna: "Thank you, Father Zuke, for your warning." Lulu: "Father, you came all the way here just to tell us this?" Zuke: "To tell the truth, I was a little curious to see...this summoner you are guarding. I hope her pilgrimage goes well. For your sake, too." Lulu: "Thank you, Father." Zuke: "I must be off. I shall pray for all of you." [Zuke leaves.] ############################## TRAVEL AGENCY, POST-ZUKE SCENE ############################## Al Bhed: "E ryja y saccyka vnus Cid. Ra cyoc: Fa'ja kuha du nabyen dra airship. Fa'mm lusa kad oui frah fa'na tuha. Ihdem drah, gaab Yuna cyva un oui'mm pa cunno, get." [2] "Yvden tnubbehk oui uvv eh Bevelle, dra airship cdubbat rana. Drao mad ymm summoner uvv, yht fahd vun nabyenc." Wakka: "When I was guarding Zuke... I already told you this, ya? 'Bout when I was too into the game to be a good guardian? So when Father Zuke said he wanted out... Tell you the truth, I was kinda glad." [2] "Zanarkand's right around the corner. So close already. Naida: "Welcome. What can I do for you?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/ Leave.]

--Auron: "Messy." Tidus: "What is?" Auron: "Yevon. Mika and Seymour are not of one mind. Remember what Seymour said last we met. I do not think Mika will concur." Auron [2]: "If Yevon founders, so will Spira." --Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: Tidus: Rikku: "She's not stopping, is she?" "Yuna...she's made her decision." "But, I can't just let her go." "We won't have to. We'll save Yuna even if she calls the Final Aeon." "But how?" "I'll think of a way." "But what if you can't?" "I'm tired of talking to you. It's always 'but' this, 'but' that." "But..." "Let's think together!" "Okay!" "And, if we can't think of something...we find another way!" "Okay!"

Rikku [2]: "Ugh... This is a toughie." --Kimahri: "Gagazet is Ronso land. Kimahri home." Tidus: "Hey! We might meet your family." Kimahri: "Kimahri has no family." Tidus: "Oh, sorry." Kimahri: "But Kimahri not alone." Kimahri [2]: "Sacred mountain Gagazet. Not change for one thousand years." --Tidus: "Who was that?" Lulu: "Until half a year ago, he was a summoner. Wakka and I were his guardians." Wakka: "It was kinda of a short pilgrimage." Lulu: "He gave up halfway. Here, on this plain. Now, he is a monk at the Bevelle temple." Lulu [2]: "This is my third pilgrimage as a guardian. Father Zuke was my second. And my first, well... It ended here, too. I've never been to the lands beyond." [3] "Mt. Gagazet towers to the north, and Zanarkand lies beyond that." --Yuna: "So, we are officially traitors, then." Tidus: "Hey, let them say what they want." Yuna: "It's okay, I'm not worried. Well, maybe just a little. It's so hard not to be." Tidus: "Hey, it's okay to worry. And if it gets too rough, just yell!" Yuna: "Yell? Hmm... Okay, I might just do that." Tidus: "Yeah!"

Yuna [2]: "I wonder if my father got lost here, too?" Tidus: "Maybe, with my old man helping him!" Yuna: "Maybe I'll ask Sir Auron." Tidus: "Auron? That grouch never tells me anything." Yuna: "'That is none of your business!'" Tidus: "Not that he keeps out of other people's business, you know what I mean? Yuna [3]: "Just a little farther to Zanarkand." ############################################################ IF YOU TRY TO GO DOWN UNDER THE BRIDGE AT GAGAZET'S ENTRANCE ############################################################ Tidus: "This isn't the way in?" Lulu: "That way leads down into the valley." Wakka: "Wow, you know your way around, ya?" [She walks away.] Wakka: "Huh? ################## DOWN IN THE VALLEY ################## Crusader: "This land, where Lady Yocun trained, is sacred to the Crusaders. Lady Yocun was a member of the Crusaders before becoming a summoner." [2] "We aren't getting enough new recruits to rebuild the Crusaders." Durren: "High Summoner Yocun once trained in this land. We Crusaders also intend to train here, to challenge Sin once again." [2] "Yet, our numbers have greatly diminished. Is there nothing we can do now?" [The party can approach a path that goes down underground:] Rikku: "Where are we?" Lulu: "The fayth is inside. As are the fiends." Wakka: "Hey. This where...?" Tidus: "Where what?" Lulu: "The summoner I guarded on my first pilgrimage...died here. Yuna, let's go. The fayth awaits." [The party walks in a ways.] Rikku: "What's a fayth doing in a place like this?" Tidus: "Don't ask me!" Lulu: "They say it was stolen from a temple long ago." Tidus: "Huh?" Auron: "With no fayth, summoners cannot trail. Without training, they cannot call the Final Aeon. Without the Final Aeon, they cannot defeat Sin. That is why." Rikku: "'Cause then the summoner won't die!" Wakka: "That must be what the thief was thinking." Tidus: "I kinda agree with him." [At the end of the Cave of the Stolen Fayth, Wakka senses something.] Wakka: "Peh! Another Guado fiend?" Kimahri: "No. An unsent." [A woman appears out of pyreflies.] Lulu: "It is... It's you, is it not, Lady Ginnem? Forgive me. I was too young."

[Yuna tries to send Ginnem but Ginnem stops her.] Lulu: "There is no human left in you now, is there? Very well, then. Allow me to perform my last duty to you. My last as your guardian." [They fight a samurai-type aeon (Yojimbo) and defeat it.] Lulu: "Strange. I thought it would be sadder, somehow. Maybe I've gotten used to farewells." Wakka: "You're stronger now." Lulu: "Wakka, I hope you're right. Yuna, the fayth is inside. Go do what you came to do." [Tidus escorts Yuna to the Fayth. A fayth dressed as a Crusader appears.] Fayth: "I am the blade of vengeance. They dare only whisper my name: Yojimbo. Summoner, I ask you. What do you want of me?" R1 --> To train as a summoner. R2 --> To gather the power to destroy fiends. R3 --> To defeat the most powerful of enemies. R1: "If you desire my strength, you must pay my price. Make your offer." [Yuna can barter with Yojimbo's 300000 gil price. He says "No deal. Maybe next time." if you don't give him a good price. If you give him a good price:] Fayth: "Adequate... You are my client henceforth. My sword shall guard you on your journey, summoner." R2: [Same thing as R1, but w/ lower starting price (270000 Gil).] R3: [Same thing as R1, but w/ even lower initial price (250000 Gil).] _______________________________________________________________________________ 50) Mount Gagazet MGT1 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############################# AFTER KELK ALLOWS YOU PASSAGE ############################# Yuna: "It's just a little farther now." Rikku: "You think of anything yet?" [2] "I...there's just so little time. I don't know." [3] "Ugh... This is a toughie..." Auron: "It is as I thought." Tidus: "What is?" Auron: "Yevon is in turmoil. Mika tries to keep it whole, but it crumbles around him." Tidus: "Look, I couldn't care less what happens to Yevon." Auron: "Because you are not of this world. To those who truly believe in the teachings...a time of much pain is coming." Auron [2]: "Ten years ago, I looked up at Gagazet from where we stand now." Tidus: "My old man say anything?" Auron: "I do not remember. All I could think of was I might keep Braska alive." Auron [3]: "Your duties as guardian will soon end." Wakka: Tidus: Wakka: Tidus: Wakka: "Gaah, my neck's hurtin'." "Zanarkand's on the other side, huh?" "Yeah...your home, ya?" "As if you believed me." "Maybe I do. The one on the other side here's probably just a pile of

rubble, ya? But somewhere out there is your Zanarkand. Somewhere, ya? Yeah, you'll be home soon enough!" Tidus: "I...hope you're right." Wakka: "Yeah! Cheer up! Let's do this!" Wakka [2]: "Better get ready. Ain't no shops where we're goin'." Lulu: "Yuna's...grown stronger." Tidus: "Stronger, huh? I'd say it's more like she's driven, don't you think?" Lulu: "That's why she's strong. She's still pressing forward. When weak people are driven they can't go far before they break. She keeps going forward, because she is strong." Lulu [2]: "Yuna has grown strong. And I... All I can do is try and keep up with her." [3] "Let's get ready for the climb." Kimahri: "Biran and Yenke gone." Tidus: "I wonder what they're up to? Eh, it's probably nothing!" Kimahri: "Biran is hero of Ronso. Yenke is powerful warrior." Tidus: "Great... I hope we don't have to fight them." Kimahri: "Kimahri must fight. Kimahri must win." Kimahri [2]: "The sacred Gagazet. First time Kimahri climbs." Ronso Woman: "To Ronso, losing horn is greatest disgrace. But hornless Kimahri return to mountain. Why?" [2] "Kimahri stand tall, unashamed. Lose horn, but gain friends." Ronso Woman: "The cold winds of sacred mountain, sharper than Ronso fangs. It stands in way of weak, and buries them in ice." [2] "Prepare your body and mind. Reach for the peak of the mountain! Ronso: "Young or old, Ronso all warriors. All must protect sacred mountain. Ronso sharpen fangs, until day of death." [2] "It is great joy to see Kimahri return after ten years, a mighty Ronso! With this all is well. Praise to Yevon!" [3] "Now, be off. Mount Gagazet awaits." Ronso: "The sacred heights of Gagazet shun the weak. Use Ronso weapons!" [Buy weapons./Buy items./Leave.] Ronso: "Quarrel between Biran and Kimahri started ten years ago. Young Ronso fight each other to show strength. Biran beat Kimahri, but Kimahri never admit losing. Not once. Angry Biran broke Kimahri's horn. Kimahri could not bear shame and left sacred mountain." [2] "Kimahri talk less after horn broken." Kelk: "Summoner Yuna's words, they ring clear in my soul. Small voice, small frame, but a will that towers over Gagazet's peak." [2] "The path to the sacred heights is steep, and lined with the dens of fiends. Strong guardians, be prepared, and guard your summoner well." [3] "Guard your summoner with all your heart." ######################## DURING BIRAN/YENKE FIGHT ######################## [The battle starts.] [Kimahri squares off against Biran and Yenke.]

Biran: "Biran rend you asunder!" Yenke: "Hornless! Hornless!" [After dealing a lot of damage to Yenke:] Yenke: "Weak Ronso should know their place." [Biran can block Yenke's damage if they're near.] Biran: "Too slow." [After Kimahri beats them:] Biran: "You win, Kimahri Ronso." ####################### AFTER BIRAN/YENKE FIGHT ####################### Ronso: "Biran and Yenke are brave Ronso. No bad feelings for losing duel. They will praise valiant Kimahri for winning with own strength." [2] "Kimahri beat Biran. Kimahri learn much in ten years." Ronso: "It must be the guidance of Summoner Yuna that Kimahri gained such strength. I extend our gratitude on behalf of all Ronso." [2] "Pursuers from Yevon will come soon. Make haste." Ronso Woman: "Listen to the wind howl! Mt. Gagazet praises Kimahri's victory." Ronso Woman: "Worry not, small guardian. Summoner's back, we Ronso protect." ################ ON MOUNTAIN PATH ################ [Various rockpiles with weapons stuck in 'em dot the path. On the first:] Lulu: "These mark the graves of summoners and guardians who failed. [On the second:] Lulu: "Summoners that die up here...aren't sent to the Farplane." Tidus: "Why not?" Lulu: "Who would send them? They die alone." Tidus: "So that means..." Lulu: "Many have become fiends, and they may want Yuna's company." Tidus: "Well, Yuna will be fine." Lulu: "You're right." [On the third:] Lulu: "All this way, only to fail. It must have been tough." [Somewhere on the path, a man stands.] Wantz: "Greetings, Lady Yuna. My name is Wantz." Yuna: "We have met several times before, right?" Tidus: "Not running today?" Wantz: "I have to carry on my brother's business. You've met him, I think.

O'aka XXIII, merchant extraordinaire?" Tidus: "Wait, you're that guy's brother?" Wantz: "My brother wanted to come help Lady Yuna. But the temple imprisoned him for helping traitors." Tidus: "They imprisoned him because of us?" Wakka: "He doesn't regret it, though. In fact, he told me before they took him...'Don't worry about me, just go help Lady Yuna.'" Yuna: "But, why would your brother do this for us?" Wantz: "Well... Hey, this isn't the time for talking! There's dealing to be done! Welcome to O'aka's!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Yuna: "I will be sure to keep your brother in my prayers." Wantz: "He's doing the same for you, Lady Yuna." Yuna: "Thanks." Wantz [2]: "Welcome to O'aka's!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] ######################### DURING SEYMOUR FLUX FIGHT ######################### [A few characters can use the 'Talk' trigger commands.] Seymour Flux: "Do you not want to heal Spira's sorrow? Let death carry you off into peaceful slumber." Yuna: "You can't run from your fate!" Narrative: Yuna's Magic Defense increases! Kimahri: "You have angered Kimahri! The spirits of the Ronso will guide Kimahri's spear!" Narrative: Kimahri's Strength increases! [If an aeon is summoned into battle, Seymour Flux will use Banish, saying:] Seymour: "Death awaits you!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 51) Al Bhed Airship III ABA3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [Upon going to a save point:] Narrative: [Traveller's Save Sphere Level 3] Save Spheres can now teleport you back to the airship, thanks to Rin the Al Bhed! ###### BRIDGE ###### Cid: "We'll wait till you think of a plan. Get that noggin working! Auron: "Rush this and we lose everything. We need to plan carefully." Wakka: "So much for the Final Aeon solving everything." Rikku: "Hmm... Still thinking."

Lulu: "We need to sit and think this through. There has to be a way!" Brother: "E ryja du fynh oui, drehgehk ec hud so vunda." [2] "Cu ev oui fyhd y bmyh ku du cusauha amca." [3] "E ryja du vmo dra airship huf. Kuutpoa." ["I have to worn you, thinking is not my forte."] [2] ["So if you want a plan go to someone else."] [3] ["I have to fly the airship now. Goodbye."] ######## CORRIDOR ######## Rin: "May I help you?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Rin: "Thank you. Your patronage is very much appreciated. ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "E fuhtan, frana femm dra airship ku vnus rana?" ["I wonder, where will the airship go from here?"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Blappa: "Dryd fyc vencd desa paehk cu lmuca du Sin!" ["This was first time being so close to Sin!"] Judda: "Oui yna y dnyedun, hu? Drah oui yna uha fedr dra Al Bhed!" ["You are a traitor, no? Then you are one with the Al Bhed!"] Berrik: "Yevon vuiht dra bmyla uv uin Home. Banrybc fa fana vummufat?" ["Yevon found the place of our Home. Perhaps we were followed?"] Nimrook: "E sicd dnyeh un dra airship femm nup sa uv so siclmac!" ["I must train or the airship will rob me of my muscles!"] Eigaar: "E muhk vun dra cyhtc uv Bikanel. Tacand ed syo pa, pid drana ec hu bmyla mega rusa! Dra munt Mika, yh ihcahd? Pid E cyf res eh Luca." ["I long for the sands of Bikanel. Desert it may be, but there is no place like home! The lord Mika, an unsent? But I saw him in Luca."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "Fa mavd getc uh dra knuiht. Cyvan vun dras." ["We left kids on the ground. Safer for them."] Al Bhed: "Fa mavd getc uh dra knuiht. Cyvan vun dras." ["We left kids on the ground. Safer for them."] Al Bhed: "E vehymmo ryja vekinat uid ruf ed ec dryd drec creb ec sujat." ["I have finally figured out it is that this ship moves."] Al Bhed Woman: "Draca drehkc rana pamuhk du Secdan Rin. Drao yna hud ouinc du dyga!" ["These things here belong to Mister Rin! They are not yours to take!"]

################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Dra Sin E cyf eh dra neihc fyc lyms. Fro ec drec?" ["The Sin I saw in the ruins was calm. Why is this?"] Al Bhed: "Fedr drec creb, najahka ykyehcd dra vummufanc uv Yevon femm pa uinc." ["With this ship, revenge against the followers of Yevon will be ours!"] Kimahri: "Kimahri doubts Mika welcomes us." Tidus: "He'll have to run pretty fast to beat this airship!" Kimahri: "We cannot chase if we cannot see." Kimahri [2]: "We must go to Bevelle." Yuna: "To Bevelle, then?" Tidus: "Through the front door! You worried?" Yuna: "I'll be fine. We can't stop now." Yuna [2]: "Maybe we'll find answers in Bevelle." ############################### BRIDGE, AFTER HEARING HYMN IDEA ############################### Auron: "Let's see what Mika does now." Rikku: "It really was my idea, you know." Wakka: "I got a good feeling 'bout this!" Lulu: "Well, I guess it's all or nothing." Cid: "Well, that sounds like a plan to me! My baby here'll take us anywhere we want!" [NavMap opens.] [If you pick the 'INPUT' option on the NavMap:] Narrative: The Al Bhed have left riddles in 1000 year old ruins, scattered across Spira. Decipher them to learn the passwords. _______________________________________________________________________________ 52) Baaj Temple BAJ1 _______________________________________________________________________________ - UNDER CONSTRUCTION - ^__^ _______________________________________________________________________________ 53) Besaid Island VI BSV6 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############### BEACH/DOCK AREA ###############

Girl: "There's a ship, flying in the sky! I saw it! Honest!" Boy: "Some mean-looking people were here, looking for Yuna!" Boy: "All I wanna do is join the Crusaders, but they say I'm too young!" Woman: "The people of Besaid are friends to Lady Yuna. Come to use if you are ever in need." Crusader: "Hey, no one's loafing around here! I'm keeping a lookout for Sin!" Fat Man: "We're getting fewer and fewer passengers -- maybe due to all the turmoil in the temples." ############ VILLAGE AREA ############ Old Woman: "What trick have you pulled on the good Lady Yuna?" [2] "I made up me mind to pray every day till Lady Yuna's Calm begins." Man: "No matter what happens in the temples, its life as usual here." Boy: "We got letters from the Aurochs! They're doing great in Luca, ya?" Girl: "When the Calm comes, Lady Yuna has to come back so we can celebrate!" Man: "Well, if it ain't the traitors! You got some nerve coming here!" [2] "Hey, hey, just kidding! No need to glare, ya?" Old Man: "We Besaiders all know Lady Yuna's no traitor. The daugher of Lord Braska turning against Yevon? Hogwash!" [2] "We simple folks ain't got a clue what them temple elders are thinking." Man: "Sir Gatta was gloomy as ever after he returned from the operation. Thankfully, his new post as leader of the Besaid Crusaders seems to have lifted his spirits." Man: "The temple's so busy chasing traitors they've left Sin alone. It will be a long time before I can feel safe going out to sea." Girl: "Those monks looking for Lady Yuna said that only traitors harbor traitors! Can you believe it? And they're the ones guardiang the temples?" Fat Man: "The toxin finally wore off. Now to make up for all my downtime, ya?" [If Tidus approaches the temple, a li'l nun will say:] Li'l Nun: "I came to this island all the way from Bevelle to stop you. But from what everyone here says, I find it hard to believe you're traitors! Warrior monks are waiting in the temple. Better leave before they notice you." [2] "Please! The warrior monks will capture you! ################ BESAID ITEM SHOP ################

Girl: "The Aurochs are still in Luca, ya? You should pay 'em a visit sometime." Man: "I hear the Guado blew up the Al Bhed's home! I got no love for the Al Bhed, but that's going too far." Woman: "Operation Mi'ihen was a crushing loss for the Crusaders, but they're rallying together from every land. Much better than those warrior monks. They're all holed up in Bevelle, I hear." [2] "It's funny that the Crusaders are the ones protecting us, even after being excommunicated." Girl: "What's a trader? I asked the monk, and he won't tell me." Boy: "Is it true Lady Yuna's a traitor? No one here believes that at all!" Nun: "Even here in Besaid we've got orders to arrest Lady Yuna. Nobody knows what to do, but we certainly wouldn't do THAT!" [2] "Those warrior monks that came to the island were just a bunch of crooks, ya?" ############ WEAVERS' HUT ############ Man: "Who cares who they're calling traitor. Defeat Sin, and it'll all be forgotten!" Man: "There's a reward being offered for news of the traitors. No one here'd think of saying anything, but watch out on the road." [2] "I wonder how things are on the mainland. We don't get much news down here." Man: "I hear things at the temples are a mess. Bad for business, I tell you." Woman: "Maybe I should learn Besaid weaving...make a place for myself here." Woman: "If Lady Yuna defeats Sin I'm sure those nasty rumors will go away." ######### RESIDENCE ######### Nun: "Even here in Besaid we've got orders to arrest Lady Yuna. Nobody knows what to do, but we certainly wouldn't do THAT!" Vilucha: "I've no desire to go against the teachings, but something's not right with the temple these days." ################ CRUSADERS' LODGE ################ [The party finds Gatta talking with some Crusaders.] Gatta: "Advance toward the shore killing every fiend you see. And don't let your guard down when you get there! Report immediately if Sin appears! Crusaders, move out!" [The trainees run out.] Tidus: "Hey!" Gatta: "Lo!" Tidus: "Whaddya mean, 'lo'? What's going on?" Gatta: "What, this? Just training! You never know when Sin will come. We have to keep sharp for the village's sake. But really, my heart's heavy. It's not like I can go around crying in front of my men."

Tidus: "Luzzu was probably the same way. No matter what happened, he'd never let it show in front of you. Always a fighter, never a complainer, you know?" Gatta: "Maybe you're right. I'd better get going. My men await." Tidus: "Good luck." Gatta: "You, too." [After the scene:] Woman: "Operation Mi'ihen was a crushing loss for the Crusaders, but they're rallying together from every land. Much better than those warrior monks. They're all holed up in Bevelle, I hear." [2] "It's funny that the Crusaders are the ones protecting us, even after being excommunicated." Man: "I hear the Guado blew up the Al Bhed's home! I got no love for the Al Bhed, but that's going too far." Fat Man: "The toxin finally wore off. Now to make up for all my downtime, ya?" Nun: "Even here in Besaid we've got orders to arrest Lady Yuna. Nobody knows what to do, but we certainly wouldn't do THAT!" Boy: "We got letters from the Aurochs! They're doing great in Luca, ya?" _______________________________________________________________________________ 54) S.S. Liki III SSL3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############## UPPERDECK AREA ############## Man: "Ever since Sin attacked us, my shipmate has been terrified of the sea. I can't believe it. I mean, he's lived by the sea since he was a kid..." [2] "Sin's toxin turned him into a coward." Man: "It's been so nice travelling with my dog... I wish we could go on forever." [2] "I pray that the elders of Yevon can keep peace in Spira." Man: "Whatever became of that rumor about the high summoner's daughter marrying the lord maester? Hmm, so it was called off, huh? Too bad." [2] "Every story you hear lately is so depressing. Woman: "My husband was the best blitzer in the league. Even Bickson of the Goers wouldn't have stood a chance against him." [2] "Seems like there was trouble in Bevelle. Oh dear, I wonder what has happened?" Girl: "Did you know that the warrior monks raided Besaid Island? They said they were searching for traitors." [2] "The people of Besaid refused to tell them anything." Man: "I thought the sea breeze would help cure Sin's toxin, but no luck so far. I keep seeing Sin attacking us again. I...I just can't seem to get Sin out of my head! Arrgh!" [2] "I can't call myself a sailor like this. Maybe I should leave the ship and go on a pilgrimage." Man: "Since that strange shadow swept across the sky, my little pet won't come down anymore." [2] "Come on down! We don't bite!"

Woman: "How long do you think you've been doing that? Stop it right now!" [The kids stop, but start again when she turns around.] Kids: "Yay!" Woman: "Once little kids learn something fun, they just repeat it over and over. [The party can find Clasko and cue an auto-scene:] Clasko: "Nice to see you again!" Tidus: "You! You really quit the Chocobo Knights?" Clasko: "Yeah, I did. Elma was upset with me, but Captain Lucil understood. Now, I'm working as a chocobo breeder on this ship. I really, really love taking care of chocobos! Being with chocobos all the time... I think I've found my calling! And it's all thanks to you! Thank you!" Tidus: "Well, I'm happy for you." Clasko: "Oh, yeah! I found this in one of the chocobo nests the other day. It's no use to me, so I want you to have it." [Obtain: Friend Sphere] "Ah, I have to go now. It's time for lunch." Tidus: "Hey, I want to talk to you some more. Can't your stomach wait?" Clasko: "I meant I have to feed the chocobos. They get really upset if they're not fed! See you!" [Clasko and the chocobo run off.] ###### BRIDGE ###### Man: "The trouble is the temples has got me worried. Yevon's support is the only thing keeping this ship running. These are troubled times, I tell you, what with Yevon all shaken up." [2] "Well, this ship survived Sin! She'll weather this, too." Captain: "There's been turmoil on shore, but it's got nothing to do with us out here." [2] "Even if Sin appears, I'll just do my best to follow the captain's orders." _______________________________________________________________________________ 55) Kilika Isle III KLK3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######### DOCK AREA ######### Tatts: "The warrior monks aren't here anymore. They returned to Bevelle." [2] "The warrior monks probably don't consider Kilika worth protecting." Vuroja: "Even if Sin comes back, I ain't budging from this spot. I'm gonna use Sin's tidal wave for a crash training course!" [2] "Just you watch, Lord Ohalland! I've got enough fighting spirit left in me to put you to shame!" Larbeight: "Repairs to the village are finally finished, but you can't say the place is back to normal yet. Crusader: "The Crusaders have rallied together to protect Kilika."

Old Woman: "Feel free to buy loads of merchandise, but I ain't giving you a discount." [Shop opens.] ################ RESIDENTIAL AREA ################ Old Man: "Sin is a punishment upon Yevon's people, yet I fear that no amount of atonement will end its ravages." Man: "Sin's been quiet lately, I hear. Probably off somewhere saving all its energy for a big assault." Woman: "You can always fix what's broken, but you can't bring back the dead. I have to learn to accept the reality of the situation." Man: "Now that we've finally rebuilt the village, I'm just praying that Sin doesn't attack again." ########## KILIKA INN ########## Old Man: "The people of Kilika are used to destruction. It's nothing new." Woman: "We're still cleaning up here." ########## KILIKA PUB ########## Girl: "I'm gonna grow up to be a blitzer just like my sister!" Kulukan: "Those warrior monks ate everything in sight, then returned to Bevelle. They basically just ate and ran. What do they take us for?" [2] "We'll bill the temple for all the food they took." Crusader: "H-Hey, I ain't slacking off. I'm just building up strength for my next mission." ######### RESIDENCE ######### Woman: "Sin's been around for a thousand years and will probably be around for a thousand more." Isken: "I'm gonna win lots of money playing blitzball and help rebuild Kilika!"+ ############### TEMPLE ENTRANCE ############### [In the screen right before you enter the temple is a monk and a Crusader, who chase you off if you try to approach.] Monk: "You, there! Your kind is not welcome in this holy place!" Crusader: "You shall not pass!

_______________________________________________________________________________ 56) S.S. Winno III SSW3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############## ABOVEDECK AREA ############## Man: "I've been pulling all-nighters these days. Please let me rest!" [2] [Narrative:] He's fallen asleep. Man: "My night shift has been doubled by the captain's orders. Doubled! There's no way I can do that! Just hire more hands if you want more work done." [2] "There's no use griping, but sometimes that's the only thing I can do." Man: "Youngsters nowadays are so rowdy. I can hardly hear myself think in town." [2] "I'd rather spend time with my dogs than hang around townsfolk." Girl: "I envy how laid back the Lucans are. They're always crazy about blitzball, even when something terrible happens." [2] "I like blitzball too, but even I can't get that deep into it." Man: "Once Sin comes, everything we worked for will be lost. So why bother to work at all? I've got better ways to spend the time I have left." [2] "Ahh... Basking in the sun is such a great luxury." Woman: "He used to be a hard worker, too. But now, he's always like this." [2] "Sometimes I even wonder why I stay with him at all." Man: "It's not that...I like riding ships... But the only way... The waves, winds...and chocobos...cause the ship to rock. But it's better than the shoopuf... Last time, I...urp...on the shoopuf...and got an earful...from the Hypello..." [2] "Ugh... Just talking about it...gets me sick... Urrp... H-Help!" ###### BRIDGE ###### Captain: "I heard the Al Bhed attacked Bevelle with a flying ship. Maester Seymour's wedding got cancelled and everything!" [2] "Those dirty Al Bhed! What's so fun about ruining a wedding?" Man: "Maester Kinoc has passed away and Maester Kelk Ronso has resigned. Now that Maester Seymour's disappeared as well, all of Yevon is in chaos." [2] "I had such high hopes for Maester Seymour. He was truly dedicated to saving Spira." _______________________________________________________________________________ 57) Luca VIII LUC8 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############### DOCK NUMBER ONE

############### Man: "I ran out of Bevelle as fast as I could, so I didn't pack any summer clothes." Crusader: "Th-That flying ship... Have the Al Bhed finally brought out their big guns? I hope they will avenge the fallen Crusaders for me!" Hypello: "I wonderss what that ship ish? An anshient mashina?" Li'l Hypello: "Thish ish a big ribber. You shink shoopuf can make it here okay?" Nedus: "E femm hud neta dra airship. E kad yencelg aycemo." ["I will not ride the airship. I get airsick easily."] Man: "I hear Lady Yuna's wedding was called off. ############### DOCK NUMBER TWO ############### Old Woman: "I tell her how dangerous it is out on the ocean, but she never listens." Boy: "Sis once got caught trying to sneak onto that ferry." Girl: "I want to be a sailor and sail all over Spira when I grow up." Woman: "Hey, hey, outta my way! I'm tryin' to work here!" Crusader: "With the warrior monks gone, it's up to use Crusaders to defend Luca." Crusader: "Whenever guard duty gets boring, I try to remember how much the Crusaders need me right now." Li'l Crusader: "Nothing out of the ordinary, sir!" ################# DOCK NUMBER THREE ################# Bickson: "Whether you're a traitor or not means nothing in the sphere pool." Graav: "We're going to keep blitzing no matter what becomes of the temple." Abus: "Rumor has it that you guys are traitors. Some people sure talk rubbish." Raudy: "Both the Ronso and the Al Bhed teams play extra hard to help cheer their fans up." Balgerda: "What in Spira's name is the temple thinking these days?" Doram: "You always seem to be walking around. When do you have time to practice?" ################ DOCK NUMBER FOUR ################

Al Bhed Woman: "A flying ship, huh? What will they think of next?" Crusader: "Those Ronso players are massive! I feel like they're here to guard us instead of the other way around." Li'l Crusader: "I may be enjoying the game, but I'm keeping watch, too. Everything's okay here!" Gazna Ronso: "Maester Kelk Ronso was slain while defending the mountain. For Ronso, no better way to die." Argai Ronso: "If Ronso Fangs win, our brothers on the Farplane will rejoice." Basik Ronso: "Ronso shed no tear when brothers die. Pain and sorrow will never conquer mighty Ronso spirit." Nuvy Ronso: "The Crusaders stand strong once more. We admire their fortitude." Zamzi Ronso: "No longer can temple help us. Must protect Spira on our own." Irga Ronso: "Ronso are pious race. But cannot trust temple now." ################ DOCK NUMBER FIVE ################ Woman: "This dock is so quiet compared to the others." Zev Ronso: "Warrior monks run away to Bevelle. They abandon the people. Should hide their faces in shame." Crusader: "If guard duty's taught me anything, it's the importance of checking every nook and cranny. Trust me, it pays off." ############# STADIUM FRONT ############# Man: "I've decided to join the Crusaders. No sense hiding behind their backs all the time." Woman: "Hey, when are you playin' next? I really want to see you again." Man: "The flying ship at dock 1 is the legendary airship! So the tales are true!" Guard: "The Crusaders will help us with security! We will support them all the way!" Crusader: "Once the Crusaders regroup in Luca, they will charge through the Mi'ihen Highroad and lay waste to all the fiends!" Man: "I think the Crusaders are more suited to Luca than the warrior monks are. Woman: "I quit the Crusaders after the operation, but I'm back again. I think I have Crusader blood running through my veins." Man: "The warrior monks have left, but the Crusaders have returned to serve as guards. A blessing from Yevon indeed!"

Woman: "Did you know that you're more popular than ever, now that you're branded a traitor?" Crusader: "The merchants of Luca have raised money to support the Crusaders." Crusader: "Even through all the hardship, the people of Luca enjoy blitzball and carry on with their lives. Oh, how I admire their strength." Biggs: "The people of Luca will always stand behind a blitzer -- even one condemned as a traitor." Wedge: "Most of the warrior monks have withdrawn to Bevelle, but some have taken a liking to Luca and remained here." ################ STADIUM INTERIOR ################ Woman: "So many people... Much more than in the Calm Lands." Man: "Such a free-spirited city... I do not wish to return to Bevelle." Guard: "The warrior monks have left, but the Crusaders are back to help guard the area." Guard: "People from all over Spira gather here. The monks of Yevon, the Al Bhed, Crusaders, warrior monks, Ronso, Guado, you name it. People of different cultures and values come together as one to cheer on blitzball. There is no other place in Spira as wonderful as this." Crusader: "I'm off duty. Let me be." Woman: "I've seen many things in my time at sea, but nothing like that flying ship at dock number 1." Man: "Nothing beats watching a blitz game after a long stint at sea." #################### AUROCHS' LOCKER ROOM #################### Keepa: "Actually, I'm relieved to hear that Yuna's wedding is called off." Botta: "I-I'll always be on Yuna's side." Datto: "No one's gonna believe that Yuna is a traitor, man." Letty: "The temple has pardoned the Crusaders. It's a little too late for that, ya?" Jassu: "I already knew about Yuna's lineage. I just kept my mouth shut in front of Wakka." ############### ROAD TO STADIUM ############### Warrior Monk: "You! You're that traitor!" Warrior Monk 2: "Let him go. Even the two of us won't be able to overpower him.

Warrior Monk: "But what about our duties to the temple?" Warrior Monk 2: "Our duties? We missed the ship to Bevelle! They're not coming back for us! We're nothing now!" Warrior Monk 2 [2]: "You'd probably kick my butt anyway." Warrior Monk [2]: "We wear the armor of the temple, but it doesn't mean a thing." Woman: "I saw a flying ship at dock number 1. Think that's gonna beat Sin?" Short Guy: "The city of Luca keeps on blitzin', even with all the turmoil goin' on these days. Even the faltering of the Yevon temple won't change that." [2] "Even if Sin were to attack today, the people of Luca would probably be more interested in tomorrow's match." Man: "The flying ship is a forbidden machina, but we should just get it approved by the temple." Woman: "I hear the mood in Guadosalam is as gloomy as the Farplane." Woman: "I'm glad the Crusaders are in high spirits, but I'm just worried they'll come up with another reckless plan." Man: "I'm just worried that Sin might attack Kilika again." Man: "The temple is in a state of chaos, but we must remain strong and keep faith in the teachings as we wait for the Calm. Cameraman: "If you want to be interviewed, show us your most outrageous gag, okay?" Shaami: "Even as faith in Yevon clergy dwindles, the temple remains silent, choosing not to issue any official statement on the matter. Many are protesting the cold and insensitive manner in which the temple has treated the people. There have even been reports of a mass exodus from Bevelle by dejected temple followers... Wh-What do you think you're doing!? Can't you see I'm working here? You sure are a show-off, aren't you!" [2] "We have unconfirmed reports that Maester Seymour has committed an unspeakable crime... Will you move!?" Woman: "Sin hasn't attacked lately. That's making me even more nervous." Fat Man: "Having that airship would make travelling between Luca and Kilika a lot easier..." Woman: "Those warrior monks were useless. They didn't do a thing." Man: "The only thing people can really do is pray for the Calm." Man: "The temple's probably devising a grand plan. That's why they're not doing anything right now." Man: "I hear the warrior monks invaded Besaid. They were looking for some traitors." Monk: "Some of Luca's residents are making light of the teachings. What sacrilege." Nun: "The Macalania temple is losing its faith. I do not wish to live there

anymore." ###################### ROAD TO SPHERE THEATER ###################### Zalitz: "I quit the sailor's life because I'm terrified of Sin. I'm too ashamed to face my shipmates." Li'l Crusader: "A fiend might be attracted to the music! Keep your eyes open and stay alert!" Li'l Nun: "The monks have been looking stern lately. I wonder what's gonna happen to the temple?" Man: "Those stuck-up warrior monks ran back to Bevelle crying for their mommies. Spineless bastards!" ############## SPHERE THEATER ############## Li'l Crusader: "You should check the sphere monitor before you set out. You'll find useful information in there." Crusader: "Gathering data for travellers is an important part of a Crusader's duties, too." Li'l Hypello: "That drummer lookss like ush... Maybe he'sh a big relative of Hypello?" Hypello: "Thish ishn't the sthadium...? I shink I'm losht." ########### LUCA SQUARE ########### Crusader: "Luca is a free city. The fiends could have snuck in from anywhere. Woman: "I can't do business with the temple the way it is. I hope they get their act together soon." Girl: "There's a flying ship at the port! That's a forbidden machina, isn't it? Woman: "My husband likes the warrior monks, but I simply can't bear them." Jumal: "Not all of the Crusaders are armed well. They seem inferior to the warrior monks." Man: "The warrior monks left Luca without a word. Who do they think they are?" Woman: "I don't know much about religion, but there's something weird about the temple." Man: "Hurray! With the Crusaders back I feel like we could take on two Sins!" Fat Man: "Even the temple makes mistakes. The monks are only human, after all." Man: "The warrior monk? She's not around anymore. I missed my chance at her."

Guado Woman: "I don't want to go back to Guadosalam because it reminds me of my brother." Man: "Maester Kinoc was always concerned for the safety of the people. It's a shame to have lost him." Man: "What's wrong with the temple these days? They're hopeless when we need them most!" Woman: "I wonder how the wedding was? Haven't heard anything from the temple yet." ######### LUCA CAFE ######### Short Guy: "I heard that the Guado razed the Al Bhed's hometown. That's horrible!" Man: "I shouldn't say this out loud, but the temples are way outta line! Dang it, I said it out loud..." Warrior Monk: "The temple is a wreck. I really want to quit the warrior monks." Crusader: "Then join the Crusaders! We'd love to have you join our force." Crusader [2]: "I'd like to recruit as many as possible and rebuilt the Crusaders." Warrior Monk [2]: "Never expected that the Crusaders would try to recruit me. Not in a million years." Woman: "The high summoner's daughter would never turn traitor. The temple must be mistaken." Shuu: "Is Lady Yuna a traitor or not? With everyone gabbing, I don't know what to believe." Man: "We should hold a blitzball tournament to aid Yevon in this time of crisis." Man: "The temple's in chaos? Really? That's too bad, but we've got other problems to worry about, like blitzball." [If you have the Celestial Mirror:] Bartender: "Hey there, star player! Hey, you have it, right? Lemme see it for a second." Narrative: Use the Celestial Mirror? R1 --> Yes. R2 --> No. R1: [Tidus shows the bartender the Celestial Mirror.] Bartender: "Amazing. I can say that I'm honored to hand over the family heirloom." [Obtain: World Champion] "Our ancestors received this artifact from Lord High Summoner Ohalland. Please use it with care!" R2: [Dialogue cancelled.] ############################## LUCA OUTSKIRTS/ROAD TO MI'IHEN

############################## Crusader: "The Crusaders are guarding the stadium. If any fiends appear, we'll destroy them even if it means our lives. Crusader: "The youth of Luca are flocking to the Crusaders in droves! Lord Mi'ihen would be proud." Man: "There are so many people fleeing Bevelle. They say it's utter chaos over there." _______________________________________________________________________________ 58) Mi'ihen Highroad III MHH3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Man: "Fiends are lurking everywhere. I have to be on my toes constantly." [2] "They really need to guard the Highroad better. The Crusaders, the warrior monks, I don't care who handles it, as long as it's safe." [3] "I suppose it's too much to ask to secure a remote area like this one. Out here, it's every man for himself." Fat Man: "This is a statue of Lord Mi'ihen, who founded the Crusaders several hundred years ago. Lord Mi'ihen passed along this very road on his way to St. Bevelle. Ever since then, this road has been known as Mi'ihen Highroad. [2] "Lord Mi'ihen faithfully followed the teachings, unlike Crusaders these days." Man: "There are seven legends about Lord Mi'ihen's statue...but they're all so absurd!" [2] "They say the eyes follow you when you're not looking, and that it gets up and walks around in the night! Silly, isn't it?" [3] "There's a legend that Lord Mi'ihen's sword still exists somewhere. I think it's just an ancient myth." Man: "There's gotta be something here... I can feel it. But no matter how hard I look, I can't find a thing." [2] "There should be inscriptions of some sort here. Aw, well... I probably wouldn't be able to read them anyway." [3] "Hey! What's that? Ha! Made you look!" Woman: "I fled Bevelle and came here. I got sick of living there. It was so unsettling, what with the priests' meddling and the warrior monks' arrogance." [2] "Yevon had better start getting its act together." Girl: "I'm not playing. I'm practicing with my brother." [2] "It's important to train. You never know what's gonna happen." [3] "I have to become strong like my brother so that I'll be able to run away like him if fiends attack us." Man: "My sister wanted to play, so we came here. I didn't expect to see so many fiends." [2] "I'll have no problems outrunning fiends, but I doubt my sister could. I'm gonna pray we don't run into any." [3] "If there were no fiends in Spira, we wouldn't even have to worry like this." Woman: "You look awful depressed, and it's such a beautiful day." [2] "When I'm feeling down, I come here and take a walk. Nothing like a breath of fresh air to clear your mind." [3] "There are some things that can't be helped." Man: "Sorry, I don' feel like talking anymore." [2] "Just leave me alone."

Man: "The collapse of the Crusaders, the conflict in Bevelle...I fear for Spira's future." [2] "All we can do is trust the summoners. I feel so helpless." Woman: "There are more and more Al Bheds coming here. I don't know if it's good or bad." [2] "I'm still not comfortable being around Al Bhed. Maybe I should get to know them, but I don't speak the language." Monk: "It was time for me to leave the temple and travel the world. Along the way, I hope to spread the teachings to the people I meet." [2] "Also, I plan to learn Al Bhed. Nothing will be solved unless we begin a dialogue." Crusader: "We are receiving many refugees from Bevelle. They have suffered a trying journey here, and it is our duty to protect them from fiends." [2] "The warrior monks were guarding the Highroad just recently. Now they're gone. How irresponsible of them." Al Bhed Kid: "Fa meja eh dra tacand, cu E ryja hajan caah cu syho vmufanc." [2] "E mega dra vmufan rana yht dra vmufan eh dra tacand. E mega dras pudr." ["We live in the desert, so I have never seen so many flowers."] [2] ["I like the flower here and the flower in the desert. I like them both."] Man: "There are some Al Bhed wandering around. What are they up to now?" [2] "The Al Bhed wouldn't be acting so big if the warrior monks were here." Crusader: "There aren't many guards beyond here, so watch it." [2] "Ideally, we'd like to station men at the Mushroom Rock Road, too. But we're really shorthanded. Please understand." Crusader: "We've been so busy with guard duty, we've been using that cage as shelter. Praise be to Yevon that nobody cleared it after the operation." [2] "The Al Bhed from the travel agency bring us food now and then. I still don't understand them, but they're my friends as long as they feed us." #################### TRAVEL AGENCY SCREEN #################### Al Bhed Woman: "Fa kud uvv dra creb fedr dra lremtnah ihtan dra untanc uv Amtan Cid. Dra amtan bnupypmo cahcac ed femm pa y duikr pyddma." [2] "E bnyo vun ouin cyvado. E tu hud fecr ryns uh yho suna baubma." ["We got off the ship with the children under the orders of Elder Cid. The elder probably senses it will be a tough battle."] [2] ["I pray for your safety. I do not wish harm on any more people."] Li'l Al Bhed: "Y fiend dneat du yddylg ic, pid Sus pmaf ed yfyo fedr machina. Tuh'd syga ran yhkno. Oui tuh'd fyhd du caa ran frah cra ec yhkno." [2] "Ec drec uin haf Home?" ["A fiend tried to attack us, but Mom blew it away with machina. Don't make her angry. You don't want to see her when she is angry."] [2] ["Is this our new Home?"] Al Bhed Woman: "Dra lremtnah yna rybbo. Ajanodrehk ec cu haf du dras." [2] "E sicd fydlr ujan dra lremtnah. Ed ec tyhkanuic rana. Drao luimt

vymm uvv dra lmevv." ["The children are happy. Everything is so new to them."] [2] ["I must watch over the children. It is dangerous here. They could fall off the cliff."] Li'l Al Bhed: "Dryd ec dra pekkacd bittma E ryja ajan caah!" [2] "Drana yna syho ihiciym bmyhdc. E fuhtan ruf drao dycda." ["This is the biggest puddle I have ever seen!"] [2] ["There are many unusual plants. I wonder how they taste."] ############### AGENCY INTERIOR ############### Crusader: "I'm sure we'll see our fellow Crusaders if we wait here. We can't depend on the temple, so I guess it's all on us." [2] "We owe the Al Bhed so much for all their help. I'd like to repay them someday." Al Bhed: "E dumt dras E luimt vekrd, pid drao cyet du kad uvv dra creb. Cid ryc palusa xieda dra vuq dnaydehk sa mega yh umt syh." [2] "Rin ec ib drana, cu ra'mm gaab yh aoa uh Cid." ["I told them I could fight, but they said to get off the ship. Cid has become quite the fox treating me like an old man."] [2] ["Rin is up there, so he'll keep an eye on Cid."] _______________________________________________________________________________ 59) Mushroom Rock Road III MSR3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Crusaders: "Fiends are on the rampage! Be on your guard." [2] "After Operation Mi'ihen, the warrior monks took over the Highroad guard duty. But now they've pulled out, saying that they must protect Bevelle. It seems it's time that we Crusaders resume our duty here." [At the Al Bhed lift:] Al Bhed: "Drec sylrehy'c ryt ed. Lusbmadamo picdat. E femm dno cymjykehk edc byndc." [2] "Dra cay pnaawa naymmo nicdat yfyo drec pypo. Hu buehd nabyenehk ed. Ed bnupypmo fuh'd fung yhofyo." ["This machina's had it. Completely busted. I will try salvaging its parts."] [2] ["The sea breeze really rusted away this baby. No point repairing it. It probably won't work anyway."] [In an alcove, the party can find a statue of Lord Mi'ihen. If you have the Rusty Sword key item, you can find a glyph-like marking on the rock.] Narrative: The Celestial Mirror seems to react. Use the Celestial Mirror? R1 --> Yes. R2 --> No. R1: [Obtain: Masamune] R2: [Nothing happens.] [Tidus gives the blade to Auron who gives it a swings it for good measure.] -----[In an alcove (accessible by password), the party finds another chest.]

Narrative: The Celestial Mirror seems to react. Use the Celestial Mirror? R1 --> Yes. R2 --> No. R1: [Obtain: Godhand] R2: [Nothing happens.] [Rikku poses with her new weapon.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 60) Djose Highroad DJH1 _______________________________________________________________________________ Man: "The warrior monks who were patrolling the Highroad have left. They've been ordered to protect the palace in St. Bevelle. Of course Bevelle's security is important too, but who will look after our safety now?" [2] "I wish they'd attend to our needs, too." [By the crossroads to Moonflow:] Crusader: "The warrior monks have returned to Bevelle. In other words, they fled." [2] "Rumor has it that Sin will return to this place someday." _______________________________________________________________________________ 61) Temple of Yevon-Djose TOD3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [If you try to enter the temple, two Crusaders and a Monk will run at you and push you back saying:] "No traitors allowed!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 62) Moonflow MNF2 _______________________________________________________________________________ ################ SOUTH WHARF AREA ################ Man: "With all the traitors and Al Bhed around, not many travellers pass through here anymore." [2] "The merchants are suffering with so few customers." Woman: "What are we to do now that the warrior monks are up and gone? I'm sure the temple has a plan, but Yevon works in strange ways, it seems." [2] "Me? I obey the temple, without question. Who would ever shun the sacred temple!" Crusader: "Please rest assured, the shoopuf is operating as usual." [2] "With Yevon in chaos, the Crusaders must be vigilant." Old Man: "Uh, what happened to Maester Seymour and Lady Yuna's marriage? I heard the maester disappeared from Bevelle, and Yuna is now a traitor!

Unbelievable!" [2] "Careful what you believe, especially when such nonsense is floatin' around." ################ NORTH WHARF AREA ################ Old Woman: "I told my relatives on the Farplane that I'd be joining them soon. Now I won't be afraid if Sin comes for me." [2] "The Guado all looked so gloomy. I wonder what happened?" Man: "The people of Spira are in a state of chaos, but the Hypello are so calm. They're a fearless bunch. You can only admire them." [2] "If only Lady Yunalesca were here now, we wouldn't have to live in fear of Sin." Woman: "We're hoping to return to our hometown of Kilika. First we must cross the Moonflow, pass through Djose, then travel the Mushroom Rock Road and the Mi'ihen Highroad... After that, it's onto the S.S. Winno... Phew! There's a long way to go, isn't there?" [2] "I wonder how long it'll take to reach our hometown?" Man: "My wife and I ran away from Bevelle. I thought we could forget the terror of Sin if we lived in the heart of Yevon... Boy, was I wrong. I expended all my energy coming here and I can't run any farther." Woman: "The Al Bhed seem docile nowadays, but it always pays to be cautious." [2] "I believe that an Al Bhed conspiracy is behind all the chaos in the temple." Miyu: "Forget about going to Guadosalam. It's so quiet, you'll go crazy." [2] "Rookie Crusaders are training somewhere in the Calm Lands, waiting for us to regroup." _______________________________________________________________________________ 63) Guadosalam IV GSM4 _______________________________________________________________________________ [An auto-scene cues upon entering Guadosalam.] Tromell: "Why are you in Guadosalam? What business have you here?" Tidus: "You wanna start something?" Tromell: "If it would please you to harm a defenseless old man...then burn me, boil me, it matters not. Lord Seymour is gone. No lord rises to take his place. The Guado merely wait for Sin to come and finish us off. Why should I care what you do to me? If it meant rejoining Lord Jyscal and Lord Seymour...then your taking off my head would be the greatest kindness." ################### AFTER TROMELL SCENE ################### Tromell: "Come to kill the old man? I welcome it!" [2] "Or are you here to laugh? Laugh at the fallen Guado?" [Tromell walks to the screen before the Farplane gates where he then stands.] Guado: "No one may enter this lordless manor."

Nav Guado: "Now that Seymour is dead, no one knows who will rise to take his place. That means I still have a chance." [2] "Once I lead the Guado Glories to victory, I will become the next lord here. Until then, the Farplane cannot have me! Whatever it takes, I will live to see that day." [3] "No one will lord over the Guado but me! Mwahahaha." Guado Woman: "Everyone will die. Guado, humans, Ronso, and Al Bhed! Only Sin will remain, forever!" [2] "Once everyone in Spira's dead, it'll get really stuffy on the Farplane." [3] "Keeheehee!" Guado Woman: "We lost so many in the recent struggles..." [2] "My best friend walks the Farplane. I...I can't go on like this." [3] "I want to go to him... To see him on the Farplane." Auda Guado: "Lord Seymour's aeon destroyed the fiends that appeared in Luca Stadium. That display of Lord Seymour's raw power struck me speechless. But it was all a show. I feel so..." [2] "I'm sorry. I cannot put it into words." Giera Guado: "The Guado are deeply saddened by the loss of so many of our own. If only I could restore their cheer through blitzball." [2] "No Guado has the strength to weave dark conspiracies any more. Creepy Guado: "We have no intention of fighting you, for we know that we cannot win." [2] "Many brave Guado have given their lives. Now, only a handful remain." Guado: "Many a Guado met an untimely death in the name of Lord Seymour. With most of our youth dead now, the future of the Guado appears grim indeed." [2] "Living with the Farplane as we do, we Guado live with death every day. We are prepared to face our own deaths at Sin's hand." ######### RESIDENCE ######### Guado Woman: "What happened to Lord Seymour? I heard the rumors, but I can't believe it." [2] "How could Lord Seymour do that to Lord Jyscal?" Yuma Guado: "Some say that it pains me to admit us that the Guado were saved by the was the Guado who threw Spira into chaos. It it, but they're right." [2] "Luca has informed team may continue to compete in tournaments. We Lucans' generosity."

Old Woman: "Lord Seymour took many lives. It seems he is now revenged on both Guado and human." [2] "In wedding that human maiden, Lord Jyscal broke ancient tradition. Some rebell'd at Lord Seymour's birth, desiring the half-breed child driven off. To quell the outcry, Lord Jyscal tearfully exiled his wife and son to Baaj Island." [3] "Years later, Lord Seymour returned. He said his mother had died. But he was no longer the lost child banish'd so long ago. He had returned a master of the summoner's art. The half-breed boy once so reviled thus reversed his fortunes and won deep respect." [4] "They say Lord Seymour discovered his gift for summoning as a mere child." Old Man: "Our youth are all dead. Our future seemeth likewise dead. O that the Guado had remained here, protecting the Farplane instead of populating it!" [2] "With Lord Seymour gone, Tromell hath lost all

hope. Belike he will soon follow his master to the Farplane." [3] "Sin will surely crush the Guado now. ######### RESIDENCE ######### Guado: "Following a half-human was our fatal mistake. Seymour destroyed the Guado single-handedly. Him alone." [2] "Tromell now spends his days mourning on the Farplane. You won't get a word out of him." Guado Woman: "I prayed and prayed on the Farplane, but Lord Seymour did not appear." [2] "I don't care who it is, I just want someone to lead the Guado back to greatness." Zazi Guado: "It's true that many tossed themselves to the Farplane in Lord Seymour's name. But until recently, I looked up to him so much. So I guess I'd be a hypocrite to belittle him. I might come across as proud, but my pride is all I have left." Pah Guado: "Our captain is aiming for bigger goals now. He says he'll take the helm of the Guado! I wonder if he's really serious. How much Guado life would change with a blitzer in charge..." ######### ITEM SHOP ######### Guado Woman: "I believe that Lord Seymour will return to us. But whether he will save us or destroy us, I know not." ############## GUADOSALAM INN ############## Noy Guado: "Some advice from one blitzer to another: stay away from Guadosalam." Guado Woman: "Soon Sin will come for us all. Human, Guado, it makes no difference. Go on and pray. Yevon will do nothing to stop it." [2] "I just want to stay here in Guadosalam." ######## FARPLANE ######## [A scene with Lulu and Lady Ginnem plays, but only after defeating the latter in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth (I think).] Lulu: "I'm still not the person I wanted to become, not yet. I'll come back to let you know how things went." Lulu [2]: "I hope I'll bring back...good news." [After finding Mika on Highbridge (?), Tromell will be talking with Jyscal.] Tromell: "When Lord Jyscal was alive, the Guado knew prosperity and honor. But now, we Guado wither and crumble. I, myself, could have done more to stop this. Forgive me, Lord Jyscal!"

Lulu [2]: "Lord Jyscal! I beg your forgiveness!" [A family can also be found on the Farplane at some time, visiting a man:] Woman: "I hope you live your next life in a world without Sin. Do not return to Spira." [2] "Those who are born into Spira are destined to live a life of sorrow." Man: "All your hard work and effort to become a monk has been in vain. Oh, how I was looking forward to that day." [2] "Rest in peace on the Farplane. We shall join you soon." _______________________________________________________________________________ 64) Macalania Woods III MCW3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [On road from Thunder Plains:] Wantz: "Welcome! We've got some goodies today!" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] [On starlight path, if you have the Cloudy Mirror from Remiem Temple, you can talk to the eyeball-looking thing:] Narrative: Use the Cloudy Mirror? R1 --> No. R2 --> Yes. R1: [Nothing happens.] R2: [Obtain: Celestial Mirror] [In crossroads section of forest:] Warrior Monk: "The road to Bevelle is closed. None may pass." [2] "It's been several days since I was ordered to guard this road. I haven't received any new orders since then...they better not have forgotten about me." [3] "I guess I'll have to keep watch until I receive new orders." Woman: "There are so many warrior monks passing by lately. Did something happen at the temple?" Guado Woman: "Please, I need my rest. This long trip has tired me." [After talking to other Guado Woman nearby:] [2] "I'd like to apologize on behalf of the Guado. We are responsible for the fiends that attacked the stadium after the game. We're sorry for the disturbance and for disrupting such a wonderful game. Please accept our apologies." [3] "It was Maester Seymour's plan to release the fiends into Luca Stadium. He thought he could win the trust of the people by defeating the fiends with his aeon. I heard that his plan to marry the high summoner's daughter was solely to gain the support of the people of Yevon. There seem to have been other reasons as well, but now, we will never know." [4] "By obeying Maester Seymour, we Guado have committed an inexcusable crime. It's far too late to try shifting the blame to Maester Seymour. Within time, the Guado will be as despised as the Al Bhed." [5] "That child's brother was Maester Seymour's subordinate. He died while invading the Al Bhed hideout, searching

for the lost summoners. He was never sent... I fear he now wanders as a fiend." [6] "The power of the Guado has greatly deteriorated. They merely await the inevitable, now. That is why I brought that child and moved away from Guadosalam. Perhaps we will find peace in some far away land." [7] "I still haven't told that child the truth about the Guado. Perhaps when he grows older and can accept the reality of the situation...only then will I reveal the truth about everything to him." [8] "I'm tired now after talking so long. I'm not as young as I used to be." Guado: "Hey, aren't you one of the Besaid Aurochs? You are a blitzball player? There is something I must tell you." [2] "Grandma says she has something important to tell you." [After talking to his grandma:] [3] "Guadosalam's no fun these days. Everyone's so sad there. That's why I'm going on a journey with my grandmother." [4] "We're going to rest here until grandma feels better." ####################### MACALANIA TRAVEL AGENCY ####################### Al Bhed Kid: "Ra ec cu fayg du dra lumt, ra zicd cedc drana yht seccac ymm drana ec du caa!" [2] "E fyc bmyoehk yd cmetehk uh dra ela, yht E ymsucd vamm ehdu y pek ruma!" ["He is so weak to the cold, he just sits there and misses all there is to see!"] [2] ["I was playing at sliding on the ice, and I almost fell into a big hole!"] Al Bhed Kid: "Uidceta, E vamd dra freda cyht fedr so ryht yht ed palysa sucd lumt!" [2] "Luimt drec pa dra chuf? Ed ec so vencd desa caaehk ed!" ["Outside, I felt the white sand with my hand and it became most cold!"] [2] ["Could this be snow? It is my first time seeing it!"] Al Bhed Woman: "E mavd dra airship uh Amtan Cid'c untanc. E fecrat du pa fedr so vysemo, pid huf E ys rana ykyehcd so femm." [2] "E duu lyh vekrd! Oad E ys dnaydat mega yh ehvyhd!" ["I left the ship on Elder Cid's orders. I wished to be with my family, but now I am here against my will."] [2] ["I too can fight! Yet I am treated like an infant!"] Al Bhed: "E ryt rubat du ramb Sycdan Rin yd rec crub. Pid palyica E lyh uhmo cbayg Al Bhed, ra fuimt hud rena sa. E huf maynh ouin myhkiyka vnus dryd gehtmo crubgaaban." [2] "Huf fa sicd ymm asbmuo dfu duhkiac yc tu Sycdan Rin yht Rikku." ["I had hoped to help Master Rin at his shop. But because I can only speak Al Bhed, he would not hired me. I now learn your language from that kindly shopkeeper."] [2] ["Now we must all employ two tongues as do Master Rin and Rikku."] ######################## ROAD TO MACALANIA TEMPLE ######################## Linna: "Ed'c pacd dryd oui tuh'd ku." ["It's best that you don't go."] _______________________________________________________________________________ 65) Bikanel Island II BKI2 _______________________________________________________________________________

[Two Al Bhed block the way to where Home used to be.] Al Bhed: "Drana'c hudrehk ujan drana...huf dryd Home ec kuha. Al Bhed 2: "Pid drah, fa cdemm ryja blitz, oui caa?" Al Bhed: "Dra pymm... E drehg fa vunkud cusadrehk." TRANSLATION: Al Bhed: "There's nothing over that Home is gone." Al Bhed 2: "But then, we still have blitz, you see?" Al Bhed: "The ball... I think we forgot something." _______________________________________________________________________________ 66) The Calm Lands II TCL2 _______________________________________________________________________________ #################### AT CALM LANDS AGENCY #################### Boy: "We left our house in Bevelle. I don't really understand what's going on, but Mom said it was dangerous." [2] "I don't care where we go, as long as I'm with Mom and Dad!" Man: "The high priests of St. Bevelle do nothing but squabble over politics these days. They've forgotten their duty to us, their people!" [2] "Bevelle is in chaos. Hoodlums walk the streets as openly as any priest! Many have left the city, and many more will leave, I'm sure." [3] "We always lived by the teachings, but look at us now." Woman: "My husband and I decided to leave Bevelle for our son's sake. Bevelle is not a safe place for children anymore." [2] "We had nothing but the clothes on our backs when we fled, but the people here helped us. Would Yevon forgive us for accepting aid from the Al Bhed, I wonder..." [3] "We have nowhere to turn now. What should we do?" Al Bhed: "Nisun uv dra airship ec cbnaytehk. Dra Yevon lmanko ec yvnyet uv ed, caasc mega." [2] "Suna yht suna baubma yna mayjehk Bevelle. Dra dasbma'c vehecrat, E cyo." ["Rumor of the airship is spreading. The Yevon clergy is afraid of it, seems like."] [2] ["More and more people are leaving Bevelle. The temple's finished, I say."] _______________________________________________________________________________ 67) Mount Gagazet II MGT2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Ronso Woman: "My mate died in battle. It was a proud death, fit for Ronso. He marched to Farplane with horn held high!" [2] "Cold are the winds of Gagazet. Tears turn to ice. Ronso must lay tears aside to stand up against sorrow." [3] "All Ronso are warriors. Ronso will stay with mountain." Ronso Boy: "Even young Ronso have mighty horns, greater than any fiend! In snow and ice, this Ronso grow as big as mountain!" [2] "We Ronso also wait for Calm of Summoner Yuna."

Ronso Woman: "Many Ronso have fallen to hands of the unsent Seymour. It is fate of Ronso to die in battle. few are left." [2] "Ronso will guard the mountain to the very last." Ronso: "Ronso always prepared to fight. Always keep weapons and armor in top shape." [Buy weapons./Buy items./Leave.] Maechen: "Shall I tell you about the Spira of days long past, eh?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> I'd love to hear. R1: "Hmph. Suit yourself." R2: "There is a legend, you know. Just before the horrible Sin appeared...a terrible war raged between Bevelle and Zanarkand. When the armies of Bevelle attacked Mount Gagazet, they heard a song echoing across the snowy slopes. ''Tis a song from an otherworld,' they said. The soldiers panicked and ran. And then, as if to pursue the retreating armies, Sin appeared! Some time later, scouts from Bevelle braved the mountain. On the other side, they witnessed the ruins that had been Zanarkand. The city destroyed. Not a single soul left standing. Gone! In its place, a multitude of the fayth had gathered on Gagazet. They were singing a song. It's the song we now call the 'Hymn of the Fayth.' And that, as they say, is that. Well...maybe not all of it." Maechen [2]: "Would you like to hear the rest?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Let's continue. R1: "Hmph. Suit yourself." R2: "Rumors flew in Bevelle about Sin's sudden appearance. They said that the people of Zanarkand became the fayth, that they had called Sin. And that the man responsible...was none other than the summoner Yevon, ruler of Zanarkand! Yes, the lord father of Lady Yunalesca. On the eve of Zanarkand's destruction, Lady Yunalesca...had fled to safety with her husband, Zaon. Later, the two used the Final Summoning to defeat Sin. Yet the people of Bevelle still feared Yu Yevon. It was to quell his wrath that they revered him, and first spread his teachings. And so were born the temples of Yevon. I suppose it's possible Yunalesca had planned it that way from the start! A fair trade, she defeats Sin in exchange for her lord father's honor. Of course, there's no proof. No, the facts are lost in the mists of time. And who'd admit Yevon was an enemy of Bevelle? You can bet the temples had a hand in covering that one up! And that, as they say, is that." Maechen [3]: "Like to hear more, would you?" R1 --> Maybe next time. R2 --> Continue. R1: "Hmph. Suit yourself." R2: "Let me tell you about the Hymn of the Fayth. It was once a Zanarkand song, sung in defiance of Bevelle! Of course, the Yevon clergy of Bevelle forbade it. Then, as these things often go, those who disliked Yevon began to sing it. The Al Bhed, for instance. The Hymn of the Fayth became the symbol of defiance against Yevon. Yevon could do nothing but capitulate. They lifted the ban on the song, and spread a

new story. They said the hymn was a song sung to soothe the souls of the dead. And so saying, they took the song and made it scripture. That's why today, the hymn is sung all over Spira. You could say that, though Zanarkand is gone from this world, it lives on in the song. Aaaah, but look at the time. I've rambled on again. I do love stories, you see. Well, I owe you my gratitude for hearing this old scholar out." Maechen [4]: "Like to hear about this place once more?" R1 --> Never mind. R2 --> The destruction of Zanarkand. R3 --> Yevon and Yunalesca. R4 --> The Hymn of the Fayth. R1: R2: R3: R4: "Hmph. Suit yourself." [The first paragraph is repeated.] [The second paragraph is repeated.] [The third paragraph is repeated.]

_______________________________________________________________________________ 68) Zanarkand Ruins ZNK1 _______________________________________________________________________________ [If you head back to the Trials, Dona and Barthello will emerge.] Dona: "What good is this place? All that trouble getting here, only to find ruins!" Tidus: "Well, a lot's happened. You should know... There's no more Final Summoning." Dona: "Wh-What do you mean?" Tidus: "Hey, we've got a plan, okay?" Dona: "And this plan's going to work?" Tidus: "It has to!" Dona: "So, you're saying it's all in your hands now? Fine, you do what you like, however you like. I'll just wait my turn. Well, it doesn't matter who does the deed, but are you sure you're up to it?" Tidus: "You just watch. We'll get Sin!" Dona: "Oh, I'm sure you will. Barthello, shall we?" [Dona and Barthello leave.] _______________________________________________________________________________ 69) Al Bhed Airship IV ABA4 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue is said after visiting Mika at the Highbridge. ###### BRIDGE ###### Auron: "I must admit I was worried at the beginning, but you've done well." [2] "One more trial to pass." [3] "Our stories will end together." [4] "Don't keep Jecht waiting. He never was a patient man." Lulu: "We'll be bringing a new Calm. One that will last forever." [2] "This will be a battle unmatched in the thousand years since Sin's birth."

[3] "Spira without Sin... Why is it so hard to imagine?" [4] "Afterwards -- after we defeat Sin -- promise you'll stay with Yuna." Rikku: "My pop says he's got a special surprise for Sin." [2] "Can't wait till this is over so we can relax for a change!" [3] "Don't worry, we'll be fine! Everyone'll sing for us. I know it." Yuna: "All those teachings...what were they for?" [2] "Sorry, I was just thinking." [3] "We're...still going forward, right?" [4] "We can think about what will happen after we beat Sin, right?" Cid: "The final showdown with Sin! I say let's get this show on the road!" [NavMap opens.] --Wakka: "There's something I want to say before the fight. I guess I didn't know anything about the Al Bhed. Didn't know anything. Didn't want to listen to anything. I was a big jerk. So, I... Well, uh... I'm sorry, ya? Please forgive me." Cid: "Don't let it bother you. Hey, I'm guilty of hating those durn Yevonites, myself! There's a lot of folk in this world -- some of 'em good, some of 'em bad. That's all there is to it. Wakka [2]: "When this is all over, we'll help you look for your Zanarkand!" [3] "A Spira without Sin... Hard to imagine, ya? ######## CORRIDOR ######## Kimahri: "You keep walking path forward. Kimahri watch the rear." [2] "Because of you, Yuna still smiles. Thank you." [3] "Friends have saved Kimahri's life. Kimahri will treasure it." [4] "Kimahri is ready. Let us fight Sin." Rin: "Lady Yuna has become quite the summoner. A gentle nature, yet strong as steel. She reminds me of her parents." Tidus: "Yuna's old man was a priest of Yevon, but he married an Al Bhed, huh?" Rin: "Lord Braska wanted peace between his people and ours. He would occasionally visit the Home of those days." Tidus: "So that's how he met Cid's sister?" Rin: "They ran off together, into the night." Tidus: "Hmph. Sounds like love. Wow, Cid must've been furious!" Rin: "Yes. He wouldn't talk to her after that. But, when Yuna was born, they made up again. His sister took off for Home at once. But then, her ship..." Tidus: "Sin?" Rin: "That incident turned Lord Braska down the summoner's path." Tidus: "Everything leads back to Sin." Rin: "But, you'll put an end to it?" Tidus: "With a vengeance." Rin: "I pray for your success." Rin [2]: "May I help you?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Rin: "Thank you. Your patronage is very much appreciated. ######## CORRIDOR ########

Lakkam: "E fyhd du pa y dub bmyoan. Syho daysc E fyhd du dno. ["I want to be a top player. Many teams I want to try."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: "Pudr Yunalesca yht Mika fana tayt, oad drao lmihk du Spira dekrdmo." [Both Yunalesca and Mika were dead, yet they clung to Spira tightly."] Blappa: "Paehk uh creb ec pyt vun raymdr. Mad ic gelg dra blitzball!" ["Being on ship is bad for health. Let us kick the blitzball!"] Nimrook: "Dra yka uv dra dasbmac ec bycd. Huf lusac dra yka uv machina!" ["The age of temples is past. Now comes the age of machina!"] Berrik: "So vneaht, ra fahd du Baaj du aqbmuna. Ra dumt y cduno... Eh dra tacandat dasbma drana, vyehdmo dra Rosh uv dra Vyodr lyh pa raynt! Syopa ed ryc cusadrehk du tu fedr dra aeons E drehg." [2] "Baaj ec y bmyla uv socdano. Socdano fundr aqbmunehk, hu? ["My friend, he went to Baaj to explore. He told a story... In the deserted temple there, faintly the Hymn of the Fayth can be heard! Maybe it has something to do with the aeons I think."] [2] ["Baaj is a place of mystery. Mystery worth exploring, no?"] Eigaar: "Dra munt Mika, yh ihcahd? Pid E cyf res eh Luca." ["The lord Mika, an unsent? But I saw him in Luca."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "Drana ec silr du pio, cu tu hud pa cro!" ["There is much to buy, so do not be shy!"] Al Bhed Woman: "E ys kmyt oui syta ed pylg vnus Bevelle. Drao teth'd famlusa ic mycd desa." ["I am glad you made it back from Bevelle. They didn't welcome us last time."] Al Bhed: "Frah oui pyddma fedr Sin E femm pa cehkehk duu, oac!" ["When you battle with Sin I will be singing too, yes!"] Al Bhed: "Ev oui yna bnabynat, fa lyh yddylg Sin yd yho desa!" ["If you are prepared, we can attack Sin at any time!"] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Femm dra baubma uv Spira mecdah du dra lymm yht cehk vun ic?" ["Will the people of Spira listen to the call and sing for us?"] Al Bhed: "Syho uv uin vneahtc teat eh dra yddylg uh Home. Hajan femm E vunkeja dra dasbmac." ["Many of our friends died in the attack on Home. Never will I forgive the temples."] _______________________________________________________________________________

70) Al Bhed Airship V ABA5 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue takes place after initially heading to fight Sin. ###### BRIDGE ###### Cid: "We're counting on you, kid." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Rin: "Any last minute supplies before the showdown?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Tidus: "You're selling stuff? Now?" Rin: "But of course. Once Sin is gone, we'll need to be rebuilding Home, you see." Tidus: "Man, your dedication is...really astounding." Rin [2]: "May I help you?" [Got any weapons?/Got any items?/Leave.] Rin: "Thank you. Your patronage is very much appreciated." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "E tu hud nih ynuiht eh byhel! Ruba vun dra pacd, bnabyna vun dra funcd!" ["I do not run around in panic! Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: "Byntuh sa. Cu clynat fyc E dryd E pakyh du dnaspma ymm ujan!" ["Pardon me. So scared was I that I began to tremble all over!"] Blappa: "Cuuh ec dra vehym pyddma fedr Sin! Ruf jano aqledat E ys!" ["Soon is the final battle with Sin! How very excited I am!"] Eigaar: "Ev ajano suidr eh Spira cehkc, fa syo feh drec pyddma." ["If every mouth in Spira sings, we may win this battle."] Berrik: "E ryja vyedr oui femm tu drec drehk. E femm cehk, duu, vun E pameaja." ["I have faith you will do this thing. I will sing, too, for I believe."] Nimrook: "Amtan Cid ryc knayd luinyka! E sicd maynh du pa mega res." ["Elder Cid has great courage! I must learn to be like him."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "E femm cehk rana duu! Kuut milg!" ["I will sing here too! Good luck!"]

Al Bhed Woman: "Tu oui ryja ymm dryd oui haat? Dymg du Secdan Rin!" ["Do you have all that you need? Talk to Master Rin!"] Al Bhed: "Dra knyjedo, ed pahtc! Yht fedr Sin yd dra lahdan!" ["The gravity, it bends! And with Sin at the center!"] Al Bhed: "Mayja dra creb du so ryhtc! Oui ku huf du dra talg!" ["Leave the ship to my hands! You go now to the deck!"] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Syga cina du lralg ouin axiebsahd pavuna kuehk uid uh talg!" ["Make sure to check your equipment before going out on deck!"] Al Bhed: "Oui femm vekrd Sin lmuca, hu? Pafyna edc duqeh!" ["You will fight Sin close, no? Beware its toxin!"] ###################### BATTLE WITH SIN'S FINS ###################### [If Tidus/Rikku tells Cid to go in closer with the Trigger command:] Tidus: "Closer! Go closer!" Cid: "Just a minute!" Rikku: "Ku hayn suna!" ["Go near more!"] Cid: "Fyed y susahd!" ["Wait a moment!"] [When Cid moves up close and personal:] Cid: "Yeehaw! We're going in!" -orCid: "Don't be falling now!" [When Tidus tells Cid to move back:] Tidus: "Go back! Farther away!" Cid: "Just a minute!" Rikku: "Vydran! Ku vyn!" ["Father! Go far!"] Cid: "Fyed y susahd!" ["Wait a moment!"] [When Cid moves back:] Cid: "Hold on!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 71) Al Bhed Airship VI ABA6 _______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Section dialogue takes place after fight with Sin's fins and core.

###### BRIDGE ###### Wakka: "Man, we must have hit that thing enough by now!" Lulu: "I think it's a little early to start celebrating." Brother: "Femm Sin dnimo nadinh ykyeh?" ["Will Sin truly return again?"] Rikku: "Pop's machina always seem to break when you need them most." Auron: "This isn't over. Not yet." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Kimahri: "Sin still lives. Kimahri knows." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "E ghuf ed femm hud tu du byhel, pid E tu hud ghuf ruf du pa lyms!" ["I know it will not do to panic, but I do not know how to be calm!"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: E ghuf ed femm hud tu du byhel, pid E tu hud ghuf ruf du pa lyms!" ["I know it will not do to panic, but I do not know ho to be calm!"] Blappa: "Syga drec pyddma dra mycd! Fa yna luihdehk uh oui!" ["Make this battle the last! We are counting on you!"] Eigaar: "Oui femm yddylg Sin rayt uh? Dnimo y knayd fynneun yna oui!" ["You will attack Sin head on? Truly a great warrior are you!"] Berrik: "Frah dra pyddma ec ujan, fa femm bmyo blitz uhla suna!" ["When the battle is over, we will play blitz once more!"] Nimrook: "Frah dra desa lusac, E femm vekrd. Sin! Rana ec so pacd crud!" ["When the time comes, I will fight. Sin! Here is my best shot!"] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "Tu hud pa mywo! Sin ec nekrd pavuna ic!" ["Do not be lazy! Sin is right before us!"] Al Bhed: "Oui yddylg vnus dra vnuhd? Ed ec y lnywo, pid tamekrdvim bmyh!" ["You attack from the front? It is a crazy, but delightful plan!"] Al Bhed: "Uin creb ec eh dub cryba! Huf, ku yht vamm dra knayd Sin!" ["Our ship is in top shape! Now, go and fell the great Sin!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Ed femm pa y pyddma sucd jeumahd! Lralg dryd oui ryja ymm oui

haat!" ["It will be a battle most violent! Check that you have all you need!"] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Fa femm lrynka ehdu Sin, hu? Mad ic tu knayd pyddma!" ["We will charge into Sin, no? Let us do great battle!"] Al Bhed: "Dra syeh kih ec vehecrat. Ed E lyhhud nabyen." ["The main gun is finished. It I cannot repair."] _______________________________________________________________________________ 72) Besaid Isle VII BSV7 _______________________________________________________________________________ ############### BEACH/DOCK AREA ############### Boy: "I wonder if the fiends will go away once Sin's gone..." Boy: "I wonder if all this singing's really gonna help beat Sin." Fat Man: "Just once in my life, I'd like to ride on a flying ship." Crusaders: "Sin's still out there. This is a job for the Crusaders!" Girl: "I sung and everything, so now Lady Yuna's Calm will come, ya?" Woman: "That flying ship -- now that's what I call a blessing of Yevon." ############# BESAID SQUARE ############# Nun: "I followed the teachings of Yevon ever since I was a child. Even should the temple fall, I will keep praying, I will." Old Woman: "When the Calm comes, we'll be putting up a statue of a new high summoner." Fat Man: "The battle with Sin ain't over yet... I wish there was something we could do." Woman: "I doubt some old song is going to help anyone beat Sin." Girl: "What happened to the flying ship? I hope it made it through the fight." Man: "I'll admit it, I didn't believe that story about the flying ship. Who would? When it came flying over town, whoowee! I nearly up and died." Woman: "I wonder who was riding on that ship in the sky?" Li'l Nun: "I knew all along you weren't traitors. Please, go through." [2] "No one will try to stop you now."

############ WEAVERS' HUT ############ Man: "When that ship came, th eold man, he kept working while he sang!" Man: "Wait for the Calm to come before rejoicing. Wouldn't want any...false hope." Man: "It's hard to work with the Calm just right around the corner!" ######### RESIDENCE ######### Man: "I'll be out to sea soon. Perhaps I'll be greeting the Calm from deck." [2] "I was pulling in my catch when Sin and the flying ship went by. What a sight! I think I forgot to sing." Boy: "I wonder if Sin is really going to go away?" Vilucha: "I've no desire to go against the teachings, but something's not right with the temple these days." ######### ITEM SHOP ######### Girl: "Just between you and me, I hear there's no maesters left anymore!" Man: "That flying ship was spectacular! Those Al Bhed might have something there." Girl: "If that flying ship comes back, I'm gonna sing real loud!" ################ CRUSADERS' LODGE ################ Gatta: "I hear Sin made a big mess of Bevelle, eh? The Farplane's ringing with Luzzu's laughter, I bet." [2] "Just a little more, and Sin is finished!" Man: "I'm no fiend-fighter, so I fix things and help Crusaders that way." ############# BESAID TEMPLE ############# Man: "Sounds like that poppycock about Lady Yuna finally got cleared up." [2] "Now if Sin'd just go away, we'd have nothing to worry about." Boy: "The priest told me the story of Lady Yunalesca and Lord Zaon. Spira's here today because of what Lady Yunalesca did." [2] "If I was strong like Lord Zaon, I could have been a guardian, too." Man: "Seems kind of odd to pray for the temples' sake, ya?" Woman: "I pray that the next Calm will last a long time."

Woman: "Everyone in the village is all excited about that flying ship. Heck, I bet all of Spira's worked up!" Monk: "This ship of the air, could it be an Al Bhed machina? I'm not sure whether to cheer or condemn it." [In the monks' chambers:] Monk: "Even the teachings of a thousand years are due for an update once in a while." [2] "Why, if Sin is defeated, we may no longer need Yevon's guidance." #################### CHAMBER OF THE FAYTH #################### [A little pigtailed fayth appears.] Fayth: "Sin is cursed. Sin prays. Sin sees dreams of its own a fading echo of time left Free him -- the fayth that It curses its form, it prays for dissolution. destruction. Sin is looking at us. We live in us by the destroyer. Free him from Yu Yevon. has become Sin." [Obtain: Evasion Sphere]

_______________________________________________________________________________ 73) Kilika Isle IV KLK4 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######### DOCK AREA ######### Larbeight: "I sang along with everyone else while Sin and the flying ship were battling it out -- but man, was I scared. I mean, what if Sin came crashing down on top of us!" Crusader: "The Crusaders' mission to help people will never end." [2] "Even if Sin is destroyed, there will always be fiends around." ################ RESIDENTIAL AREA ################ Old Man: "My grandchildren are on the Farplane. How I wish they could have heard the hymn." Man: "The Calm's still not here yet, is it... What are those people doing on that flying ship, anyway?" Woman: "I'm sure that our song reached the people on the Farplane." Man: "Now that we've finally rebuilt the village, I'm just praying that Sin doesn't attack again." ########## KILIKA INN ########## Boy: "When I grow up, I'm gonna ride the flying ship!"

Old Man: "I just want to live in Kilika in peace. That's all I ask for." ########## KILIKA PUB ########## Crusader: "Once Sin is destroyed, it's celebration time! What? Am I getting ahead of myself?" ############# KILIKA TEMPLE ############# Man: "So, uh... I sang the Hymn of the Fayth, but what's supposed to happen?" Old Man: "Not many visitors at the temple these days. It is a pity, really." Woman: "Is that flying ship one of Yevon's machina? Yes, let us assume so." Crusader: "I've givin' up on becoming a warrior monk. They value the temple over the people of Spira. I can't believe they abandoned their positions in Kilika and ran off." [2] "The warrior monk leaders have barricaded themselves in St. Bevelle. Warrior Monk: "No, no, I am not a warrior monk! I have rejoined the Crusaders. It's just that we Crusaders are short on armor." [2] "Crusader... warrior monk... Who cares? I just want to protect something!" [In monks' chambers:] Monk: "The restoration of the ancient airship must be a blessing from Yevon." Monk: "We have asked the Crusaders to help patrol the temple, since the warrior monks have left. However, with so few of them, I wonder if they will be able to fend off the fiends." [2] "Has the maester abandoned all the temples throughout Spira?" [In the nuns' chambers:] Li'l Nun: "We all sang together, so why isn't Sin dead yet?" Li'l Nun: "We saw the flying ship so we all sang our hearts out. I think I sang the best!" [In the temple's interior:] Monk: "I hear Bevelle was devestated by Sin. How ironic that they suffer the same retribution as other men." [2] "If the temples cannot provide the people with hope, then what purpose do they serve?" Deim: "I wonder what the summoners fighting Sin are like?" Nizarut: "Yeah! When the Calm comes, this is how I'm going to celebrate!" #################### CHAMBER OF THE FAYTH ####################

[A fayth of a Crusader appears.] Fayth: "Sin swam in the sea near Zanarkand. Perhaps the waking dream eased its suffering. Your father touched Sin and became real that night, foundering in the seas of Spira. How sad now, that he is caught in the tragic spiral. He is Sin. He is lost." [Obtain: Luck Sphere] _______________________________________________________________________________ 74) S.S. Winno IV SSW4 Luca IX LUC9 _______________________________________________________________________________ Man: "Watching... flying ship... Ugh... got me... seasick. Thinking... that riding the... flying ship would be worse... made me sicker... Urp... D-Don't remind me... I feel it coming up... again..." [2] "Sorry... I couldn't... sing the Hymn... Seasick... urrrrp!" Girl: "He stayed on my lap when he sang the Hymn. [2] I'm amazed by his laziness, but I'm more amazed at myself for forgiving him." Man: "Once Sin is gone, I'll clean up my act and work more diligently. I don't think that day will ever come, though." [2] "You gotta admire them heroes on that flying ship. I'll just kick back a little extra on their behalf. Man: "Don't worry. I sang the Hymn, too. Just...just let me sleep, okay?" [2] He's fallen asleep. Man: "We're rooting for that flying ship. Our lives depend on it!" [2] "Hopefully there will be less work for watch duty once Sin's defeated." Man with dog: "The flying ship is an Al Bhed machina, right? No way am I going to cheer for them. They say it was the Al Bhed that spread those rumors about Summoner Yuna being a traitor." [2] "Cheer for the Al Bhed? I'd as soon break the teachings!" Woman: "Wishing upon a Lesser Gull isn't going to make my dreams to come true. I wonder what my dreams are anyway? I don't really know myself." [2] "Being afraid of Sin all this time, I've had no time to dream." [ON UPPER DECK:] Man: "You say you want to help me again? Thanks, I'll let you know if I need any." [2] I hope that the Calm will come soon, so I can concentrate on my study." [IN BRIDGE:] Man in green: "Maester Mika has passed away. It seems even the grand maester could not overcome death." [2] "A power struggle to preplace the grand maester is coming, I know it." Captain: "If the temple falls apart, we won't be able to run this ferry anymore. If that happens, maybe I can find a job guarding Luca Stadium." [2] "Hey, if I work at the stadium, maybe I'll get to meet some of the Goers! Yeah!" #################### LUCA, SPHERE THEATER

#################### [O'aka appears here later on (mayhap after talking to Mika).] O'aka: "Hello, there! Tidus: "Hey, weren't you in prison? O'aka: "Nah, those monks are pushovers, I tell ye! I'll fleece any priest, or my name's not O'aka!" Tidus: "Sorry. It was our fault they locked you up. O'aka: "No problem! Anything for a customer, eh? You know...I had a sister. Wantz's older sister, you see. A summoner, she was. Went on pilgrimage at a young age. And that was it. Aaah... Me and Wantz, well, neither of us were fighters enough to be guardians. I think about it every day, I do. If we could've helped her. Least I can do is try to help another summoner, I figure. And Lady Yuna, she looks so much like..." Tidus: "Eh?" O'aka: "I-It's nothing." Tidus: "Say, thanks." _______________________________________________________________________________ 75) Mi'ihen Highroad IV MHH4 _______________________________________________________________________________ Crusader: "Lord Mi'ihen once passed along this road. With the Crusaders in disarray, I hope to find his guidance here." [2] "The Crusaders shouldn't focus just on fighting Sin. We should strive to establish peace more than anything." [3] "Time to buck up and get to work." Man: "We all had a swell time singing when the ship flew over us. But we can't truly rejoice until the Calm comes." [2] "I wonder what's gonna happen to Spira. I'm getting all discombobulated thinking about it too much." [3] "I guess whatever happens happens." Woman: "From what I hear, Sin's crash into Bevelle has wreaked utter havoc on the city." [2] "I hope my warrior-monk cousin in Bevelle is all right." [3] "I wish somebody would hurry up and destroy Sin." Man: "A lot of people are leaving Bevelle. I hear the temple's really clamping down on things there." [2] "I hear the priests worry more about themselves than the people. If Maester Mika were still alive, this never would've happened." [3] "Maybe Sin fell on Bevelle to punish the temple and what it's become." Crusader: "I'll protect Spira from now on. Sin beat us last time, but I'm okay." [2] "Do you know Sin's weakness? Tell me, and I'll kill it for you." [3] "If you get attacked by fiends, you can come to us for help." Girl: "My brother and I were playing. Then a fiend came out, and he ran away without me." [2] "He ran so fast. My brother is the best!" [3] "I'm gonna practice running. I'm gonna beat my brother someday." Woman: "That flying ship will bring about the Calm." [2] "Even for a moment, a fleeting Calm, I want to feel peace from my heart." [3] "I'm going to live to see the day the Calm dawns on us." Hypello: "I wush walking and ended up here. Where am I? What plashe ish thish?" [2] "There ish a shtatue ober there. Shtatue of shumone big? Shtatue

like it I've sheen shomewhere elshe. Have you sheen it? Or have you not?" Crusader: "I took a bad hit fighting Sin. I couldn't walk for a while. I'm all good now, and back to guarding the Highroad." [2] "We couldn't defeat Sin. But at least we can protect the people from fiends." [3] "We should focus on what we can do and not dwell on what we couldn't do." Woman: "Fiends often appear here, but people pass through, regardless." [2] "Sin's terrible attacks continue, and the fiends' threats persist... Yet people continue to move on." [3] "Still, fiends are frightening as always." Crusader: "I heard Sin isn't dead yet. Won't it ever give up? If we still had the cannons from the operation, we could've shelled it good." [2] "I'm gonna go to Bevelle and see if I can give them a hand." Li'l Al Bhed: "So tyt ec netehk uh yh airship." [2] "E cyhk muit cu dryd Tyt lyh rayn sa." ["My dad is riding on an airship."] [2] ["I sang loud so that Dad can hear me."] Man: "That ship is an Al Bhed machina, right? I can't believe the clergy's relying on it." [2] "If the temples were to disappear, who would we pray to?" Woman: "When we saw the machina airship, we sang. That Al Bhed kid did, too. It's strange how we can all sing the same song even though we don't speak the same language." [2] "Maybe there is a way for the people of Yevon and the Al Bhed to get along." ############# TRAVEL AGENCY ############# Monk: "I guess all children are innocent, whether they are ours or Al Bhed." [2] "As a Yevon monk, I have denounced the Al Bhed for defying the teachings. By doing so, I have only stirred senseless conflicts throughout Spira. I deeply regret my folly." [3] "Henceforth, I will work to engender harmony between the Al Bhed and our people." Al Bhed Woman: "E femm pa yhkno ev druca Yevon suhgc rind dra lremtnah. E tu hud drehg drao femm, pid E lyhhud dnicd dras." [2] "Frah E rayn dra funt Yevon, E drehg uv dra fiend yddylg uh uin Home." ["I will be angry if those Yevon monks hurt the children. I do not think they will, but I cannot trust them."] [2] ["When I hear the word Yevon, I think of the fiend attack on our Home."] Li'l Al Bhed: "E ys dygehk lyna uv dra lrulupuc. Dyga kuut lyna uv dras frah oui neta dras, ugyo?" [2] "Dra cihmekrd ec kahdma rana lusbynat du Bikanel." ["I am taking care of the chocobos. Take good care of them when you ride them, okay?"] [2] ["The sunlight is gentle here compared to Bikanel."] Li'l Al Bhed: "E fyhdat du neta uh dra creb, duu. Ed fyc y knayd pyddma, nekrd?" [2] "Rir? Dra pyddma ec hud ujan? Drah syopa fa cruimt cehk ykyeh." ["I wanted to ride on the ship, too. It was a great battle, right?"] [2] ["Huh? The battle is not over? Then maybe we should sing again."]

[Inside travel agency:] Al Bhed: "E hajan druikrd E fuimt daylr Al Bhed du dra baubma uv Yevon. Draca yna cdnyhka desac." ["I never thought I would teach Al Bhed to the people of Yevon. These are strange times."] Crusader: "I thought I'd quit the Crusaders for good, but singing the Hymn changed my mind. I can't just sit around while those guys on the flying ship are risking their lives to fight Sin!" [2] "I will fight as a Crusader even if my family objects." Crusader: "We've mustered a lot of men. They just keep coming. Soon we'll be able to restore the Crusaders! Once we have enough men, we're gonna head north, taking care of the fiends along the way. And when we reach Bevelle, we're gonna challenge Sin again." _______________________________________________________________________________ 76) Djose Highroad II DJH2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [By crossroads to Moonflow:] Crusader: "Unbelievable! A flying ship that sings! My jaw dropped when I saw it. A huge crowd gathered along the Highroad, and they all sang along, arm in arm." [2] "So if we defeat Sin, our crimes will be forgiven, right? Right!? That time I stole that kid's... And the other time when I... All will be forgiven?" _______________________________________________________________________________ 77) Temple of Yevon-Djose IV TOD4 _______________________________________________________________________________ [When you run on temple path, automatically:] Crusaders: "Hey, it's been a long time! How's it going?" ############## PATH TO TEMPLE ############## Crusader: "We're facing tough times. The monks all seem dejected, and hardly anyone visits the temple anymore. I'm okay, though. I'll live by the teachings no matter what." [2] "The warrior monks left for Bevelle, so it's our job to protect this temple." Kyou: "More and more people question the teachings these days. I only hope it doesn't lead to another tragedy like Operation Mi'ihen." [2] "The Crusaders defied the teachings, and look what happened to them! Once you're on the Farplane, there's no turning back!" Monk: "There's nothing I can do but pray. My faith in Yevon will never die." ############ DJOSE TEMPLE ############

Monk: "Once, travellers of the Highroad would customarily stop over at this temple and pray for a safe journey. Nowadays, they just pass by without stopping. How dare they neglect the precepts that have sustained Spira for a thousand years?" [2] "We must lead errant souls back on the way; otherwise, Yevon's teachings will perish." Monk: "The Cloister of Trials lie within. Are you prepared?" [Y/N] [In the nuns' chambers:] Nun: "Despite hearing rumors about your rebellion, I always believed you were innocent. After all, I saw how graciously you toiled to help the wounded Crusaders." [2] "Not all who are associated with the temple are against you, my lady. Please believe me." [In the monks' chambers:] Monk: "Maester Mika carried Spira on his shoulders for fifty years. I'm sure he's resting peacefully on the Farplane now." [2] "I wonder who the next grand maester will be." Monk: "My fellow monks have left the temple. They said nothing will change so long as we remain within these confines." [2] "I cannot say they are right or wrong." #################### CHAMBER OF THE FAYTH #################### [A fayth like a ship captain appears.] Fayth: "For a long time, we had forgotten how to go forward. You reminded us we must go forward. Yes, we must run. Let us go, you who share our dreaming. Come, and we will run till the dream's end." [Obtain: Luck Sphere] ####################################### IF YOU TOLD DONA TO QUIT HER PILGRIMAGE ####################################### Dona: "Why, it's you again." Tidus: "You still on the road?" Dona: "Yes, but we're not going to Zanarkand." Tidus: "Huh?" Dona: "I have decided to go to Barthello's homeland." Dona: "We are going to let the other summoners deal with Sin. I'm... I'm scared. Tidus: "Hey, don't worry about it! We'll put Sin in his place in no time." Dona: "You mean...the Final Summoning?" Tidus: "No. We found another way where no one has to die." Dona: "Well, whatever it is...good luck!" Tidus: "Cross your fingers." Dona: "Do your best. Barthello? Time to go." _______________________________________________________________________________ 78) Moonflow III MNF3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ###################

MOONFLOW SOUTH BANK ################### Man: "They say Sin landed in Bevelle. It's better to stay away from the north." [2] "Seems the Guado won't come out of Guadosalam." Woman: "I tried singing the Hymn although I didn't know what significance it had. There was nothing else to do. In times of need, people will try anything." [2] "The high priests and the summoners will take care of us." Crusader: "The fight against Sin continues. Be careful when heading north." [2] "With Yevon in chaos, the Crusaders must remain vigilant." Hypello: "Shing the Hymn? A very, very myshterious shong indeed." [2] "Shoopuf happy now shince ebullibody shing shong." Old Man: "I thought that flying airship was Yevon's secret weapon...but now they're saying that Al Bhed are at the helm! You tellin' me that the temple and the Al Bhed have joined forces? Rubbish!" [2] "Can't believe anything anymore! Just pray that Sin will go away." ################### MOONFLOW NORTH BANK ################### Old Woman: "I feel at ease now, thanks to the Hymn. Now I can go to the Farplane without worry." [2] "The Guado all looked so gloomy. I wonder what happened?" Man: "Who is using ancient machina to battle Sin? Could it be that Lady Yunalesca has risen again after a thousand years?" [2] "We beat Sin down with machina and the Hymn! A summoner just needs to finish it off!" Man: "If I could ride the flying airship, I'm sure I could get back in a jiffy." [2] "I've expended all my energy coming here and I can't run any farther." Woman: "We were lucky we left Bevelle in a hurry. If we'd waited much longer to get out, we would've been killed by Sin." [2] "This area may also become a battlefield... Perhaps it's better to run farther away?" Woman: "An Al Bhed ship is battling Sin, right? I'm certain it's a ploy to win favor with the temple!" [2] "Even if the Al Bhed do something nice, I can't bring myself to trust them." Miyu: "Seems like all the Guado want to go to the Farplane." [2] "What will become of the Crusaders once Sin's gone?" _______________________________________________________________________________ 79) Guadosalam V GSM5 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######### ITEM SHOP ######### Clerk: "I have nothing special, but I hope I can be of aid." [Buy weapons./

Buy items./Leave.] Clerk: "If it please you, do come again." ############## GUADOSALAM INN ############## Noy Guado: "We Guado have lost our purpose. Who knows what chaos may ensue." Clerk: "Oh? You want to rest here?" R1 --> Yeah, thanks! R2 --> Maybe later. R1: "Very well. I know about you, but I'd never turn away a guest." R2: "He that is too secure is not safe... Oh! Never mind. I was just rambling." _______________________________________________________________________________ 80) Macalania Woods IV MCW4 _______________________________________________________________________________ ####################### MACALANIA TRAVEL AGENCY ####################### Al Bhed Kid: "Frah E cyhk dra cuhk uidceta, so pnaydr -- ed palysa sucd freda!" ["When I sang the song outside, my breath -- it became most white!"] Al Bhed Kid: "Uin haf Home fa cruimt piemt rana! Drah fa lyh ryja chuf vih ajano tyo!" ["Our new Home we should build here! Then we can have snow fun every day!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Drao cyo dryd Sin ryc vymmah uh Bevelle. Ymm dra Yevon vumg yna eh y byhel!" ["They say that Sin has fallen on Bevelle. All the Yevon volk are in a panic!"] ############## STARLIGHT PATH ############## [If you have the Celestial Mirror, an celestial weapon, and a sigil/crest:] Treetop Thing: "Have you the Celestial Weapons?" Narrative: "Who will present their weapon?" [Tidus/Yuna/Auron/Kimahri/Wakka/ Lulu/Rikku/No one.] [Upon picking a character:] Treetop Thing: "You must offer the _______ Crest/Sigil..." Narrative: Complete the ritual? [Y/N] [After the first power-up:] Narrative: The weapon's power has grown! [Afterwards:]

Narrative: Present other weapons? [Y/N] _______________________________________________________________________________ 81) Macalania Temple III MCT3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ###################### MACALANIA TEMPLE FRONT ###################### Linna: "E's rihkno." [2] "Hu uha'c lusehk du belg sa ib." [3] "Ed'c lumt, yeh'd ed?" ["I'm hungry."] [2] ["No one's coming to pick me up."] [3] ["It's cold, ain't it?"] Monk: "The Guado have left the temple, restoring peace to this holy place." [2] "It's a relief that those troubling folk are gone." #################### MACALANIA GREAT HALL #################### Old Woman: "Those who once criticized the Al Bhed are now blaming the Guado. Hmph, always blaming others for everything. Have they no shame?" [2] "Hmph, the Ronso will probably be singled out next. Just you watch." Monk: "The high priest of Macalania Temple was Maester Seymour. A new high priest has not yet been appointed in his place. We await further instructions from St. Bevelle." [2] "The temple cannot operate much longer without a high priest." Nun: "Before, both humans and Guado came to pray at the temple. Now, nobody comes. How long before our own hearts grow chill and void of faith?" [2] "These are times when I think about quitting the clergy and going home." [In the monks' chambers:] Monk: "With Seymour gone and Maester Mika dead...we've lost our emotional support." [2] "This is truly a disgrace. Monks are supposed to guide the people, not behave like this." Li'l Nun: "The Guado used to come here often, but now, everyone's gone." [2] "I miss my Guado friends." Monk: "Seymour's actions are inexcusable, but I cannot condemn him...because I remember how he suffered at the hands of both human and Guado in his youth." [2] "If he hadn't strayed from the path, I believe Seymour would have become a fine maester." Nun: "The Guado have apparently lost their willpower and are in low spirits. They never leave Guadosalam anymore." [2] "I feel like shutting myself away in a temple, too. I just can't believe anything anymore." [In the nuns' chambers:] Monk: "The temple undergoes its own trial of faith, now. If only a leader would appear to restore its former glory." [2] "In time, the Guado will come to see the light of Yevon, too."

Woman: "Ever since that incident involving Lord Seymour, I've had a hard time sleeping at night." [2] "Wish I'd never seen that sphere." #################### CHAMBER OF THE FAYTH #################### [A nun's fayth appears.] Fayth: "Should the dreaming end, you too will disappear -- Fade into Spira's sea, Spira's sky. But do not weep, nor rise in anger. Even we were once human. That is why we must dream. Let us summon a sea in a new dream world. A new sea for you to swim." [Obtain: Magic Sphere] _______________________________________________________________________________ 82) Bevelle Highbridge II BVL2 _______________________________________________________________________________ [The party can run into Maroda and Pacce (auto-scene):] Maroda: "Hold there! This bridge is closed. Bevelle is off limits by the temple's decree. No one may enter." Pacce: "Everyone's in mourning since Maester Mika died... And it's been morning for days now!" Maroda: "Pacce... At least, that's what they say. The temple's falling apart with all four maesters gone. They're afraid of riots, so they're turning everyone away. With our brother in the middle..." Tidus: "What's up with Isaaru?" Maroda: "They came crying to him to stay in Bevelle, protect the temple and all that. And you know our brother. It's not in him to refuse." Pacce: "Oh, I guess our pilgrimage is done, then, huh?" Maroda: "Of course not! Geez... Long story short... You'll only find trouble in Bevelle. I'd stay out for your own safety." --Maroda: "That whole bit about Yuna being a traitor's just some Al Bhed rumor, I hear. I just can't believe it. I mean, the Al Bhed helped us out!" [2] "Wait all you want. Bevelle's gates are closed." Pacce: "Isaaru sends his regards to Lady Yuna. And...he's says he's sorry, too." [2] "I heard something funny the other day. If a flying ship sings, we're supposed to sing along! And they say that will beat Sin!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 83) The Calm Lands III TCL3 _______________________________________________________________________________ ######################## CALM LANDS TRAVEL AGENCY ######################## Man: "I don't care whether they're machina-using Al Bhed or not. As long as they wipe out Sin, I'm all for them!" [2] "I sang the Hymn! Put all my heart into it! I hope that flying ship wins."

Al Bhed: "Frah Sin vamm uh Bevelle, E luimt rayn yht vaam dra dnasunc vnus rana!" [2] "Drec get caasc du mega sa vun cusa naycuh." ["When Sin fell on Bevelle, I could hear and feel the tremors from here!"] [2] ["This kid seems to like me for some reason."] Boy: "Aw, I want a mask like his, too! But he said only Al Bhed wear them! I wanna be an Al Bhed when I grow up!" [2] "That nice Al Bhed man sang the Hymn with me!" [3] "Do you think they'll let me ride the flying ship if I became Al Bhed?" Woman: "Our son won't stay away from that Al Bhed." [2] "He'd better not be teaching him anything sacrilegious." _______________________________________________________________________________ 84) Inside Sin INS1 _______________________________________________________________________________ #################### SEYMOUR OMNIS BATTLE #################### [Before Seymour Omnis casts Dispel:] Seymour Omnis: "But there is no salvation for the damned! Rest in peace...for eternity!" #################### CITY OF DYING DREAMS #################### --UNDER CONSTRUCTION-########################## BRASKA'S FINAL AEON BATTLE ########################## [A few characters can use the 'Talk' trigger.] Tidus: "I won't lose!" Tidus: "You won't beat me this time!" _______________________________________________________________________________ 85) Al Bhed Airship VII ABA7 _______________________________________________________________________________ ###### BRIDGE ###### Cid: "We're counting on you, kid." [NavMap opens.] Auron: "I'd like to meet Jecht before he fades away." [2] "When this is all over, I will leave. I have played at life too long." [3] "Ten years ago...I honored Jecht's last words, and travelled to Zanarkand. I planned to stay there, watching over you. But when Sin attacked

Zanarkand that day, I changed my mind. Outside the dream world, life can be harsh -- even cruel. But it is life. He wanted you to have a shot at life. I saw it in Sin's eyes. That's why I brought you here, to Spira." Wakka: "We been through a lot, ya? And hey, we're not finished yet!" [2] "All Spira's rooting for us! Let's not let them down, ya?" [3] "And to think, if you hadn't come floating out of the sea that day." Yuna: "No matter what happens, I'll see this through to the end. I promise." [2] "We're almost done." Yuna [3]: "How are you doing?" R1 --> Never better! R2 --> Okay. R3 --> Not so good. R1: "You know, I am too." R2: "Really? I'm great...thanks to you." R3: "I see. You don't have to smile, if it's too tough." Lulu: "You've proven yourself as a guardian. Maybe even as the best." [2] "You know, your meeting Yuna was really quite..." [3] "Can't say 'Praise be to Yevon' anymore, can we?" Rikku: "Sometimes, when I got a lot on my mind, it just helps to go 'Aaaaa!'" [2] "Once the Calm starts, we'll take the airship to your Zanarkand!" [3] "Just a feeling, but I think my dad kinda likes you." Brother: "Oui ku ehdu Sin uhla suna, ar? Mayja ed du sa!" [2] "Fa femm vmo yhofrana oui fyhd du ku!" ["You go into Sin once more, eh? Leave it to me!"] [2] ["We will fly anywhere you want to go!"] ######## CORRIDOR ######## Kimahri: "The Ronso were singing, too. Kimahri's ears never wrong." [2] "Kimahri felt friendship from somewhere inside Sin." [3] "There is no need for fear. Kimahri will go with you." ######## CORRIDOR ######## Lakkam: "Rikku yht Yuna yna eh ouin ryhtc." ["Rikku and Yuna are in your hands."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Judda: "Kuehk ehceta Sin... E cyhk eh vnekrd yht fuimt hud cdub!" ["Going inside Sin... I sang in fright and would not stop!"] Blappa: "Frah dra Calm lusac, fa femm bmyo aylr tyo! Huf fa sicd dnyeh, dnyeh!" ["When the Calm comes, we will play each day! Now we must train, train!"] Eigaar: "Hajan ryja E druikrd uv vmoehk ehdu Sin! Hud ajah eh tnaysc!" ["Never

have I thought of flying into Sin! Not even in dreams!"] Berrik: "So vneaht, ra fahd du Baaj du aqbmuna. Ra dumt y cduno... Eh dra tacandat dasbma drana, vyehdmo dra Rosh uv dra Vyodr lyh pa raynt! Syopa ed ryc cusadrehk du tu fedr dra aeons E drehg." [2] "Baaj ec y bmyla uv socdano. Socdano fundr aqbmunehk, hu?" [3] "Eh yhleahd desac y dasbma fyc eh Baaj. Huf ed ec y hacd vun fiend uhmo. Drana ec knayd dnaycina eh dra tacandat dasbma, drao cyo. Pid y knayd fiend mejac drana duu, yht kiyntc dra dnaycina." ["My friend, he went to Baaj to explore. He told a story... In the deserted temple there, faintly the Hymn of the Fayth can be heard! Maybe it has something to do with the aeons I think."] [2] ["Baaj is a place of mystery. Mystery worth exploring, no?"] [3] ["In ancient times, a temple was in Baaj. Now it is a nest for fiend only. There is a great treasure in the deserted temple, they say. But a great fiend lives there, and guards the treasure."] Nimrook: "Ruf fyc ed ehceta Sin? Syho fiend drana, E drehg." ["How was it inside Sin? Many fiend there, I think."] ############ AIRSHIP ROOM ############ Al Bhed Woman: "Ymm dryd ec rana ec yd ouin tecbucym! Pa bnabynat!" ["All that is here is at your disposal! Be prepared!"] Al Bhed Woman: "Uhla dra Calm lusac, Home sicd pa napiemd." ["Once the Calm comes, Home must be rebuilt."] Al Bhed: "Mad ic tacdnuo Sin uhla yht vun ymm!" ["Let us destroy Sin once and for all!"] Al Bhed: "Dra creb ec veha, ajah ehceta Sin, E drehg." ["The ship is fine, even inside Sin, I think."] ################## UPPER AIRSHIP ROOM ################## Al Bhed: "Sin cedc cdemm. Ed sujac hud. Ed caasc du fyed vun ic." ["Sin sits still. It moves not. It seems to wait for us."] Al Bhed: "Ev uhmo dra syeh kih fungat, fa luimt cruud Sin tufh!" ["If only the main gun worked, we could shoot Sin down!"] _______________________________________________________________________________ 86) Baaj Temple [BJT2] _______________________________________________________________________________ [Yuna enters the Chamber of Fayth.] Yuna: "You are Maester Seymour's mother." Anima: "So you know, yet you still seek my aid? My you not hate him?" [The party is silent.]

Anima: "It is alright. He is the one who sows the seeds of hatred. He is to blame. But I am at fault for letting him become what he was." [There's a flashback.] Anima: "He was always alone, half Guado, half man. I wanted to give him the strength to live by himself. And so I became a fayth. But...because I let him taste power he began to thirst for more. He was not satisfied with my aeon. He wanted more. More power." [Flashback ends.] Tidus: "And he found Sin." Anima: "Yes. Come, summoner. I will bestow you with my power. The dark aeon: Anima. Destroy Sin, and my son's obsession with it, though it is small recompense for what I did to him." _______________________________________________________________________________ 87) Remiem Temple [RMT1] _______________________________________________________________________________ [Yuna enters the Chamber of the Fayth.] Sandy: "Why couldn't we stop the dreaming?" Sandy: "Why did we stay on in Spira? We had forgotten for so long." Sandy: "We had forgotten to move forward. We had forgotten to change." _______________________________________________________________________________ S1. Jecht Sphere Transcripts [JHTS] _______________________________________________________________________________ I. Macalania (Jecht's Sphere) II. Mt. Gagazet (Braska's Sphere) III. Besaid Village (Jecht's Sphere) IV. S.S. Liki (Jecht's Sphere) V. Auroch Locker Room Hallway (Jecht's Sphere) VI. Mi'ihen Oldroad (Jecht's Sphere) VII. Mushroom Rock Road (Auron's Sphere) VIII. Moonflow South Wharf (Jecht's Sphere) IX. Thunder Plains South (Jecht's Sphere) -----------I. Macalania -----------[The cameraman shows Braska walking into a holding area. Jecht is in jail.] Jecht: "Who are you?" Braska: "You are the one they call Jecht, the man from Zanarkand, are you not?" Jecht: "What of it?"

[Auron runs into the frame.] Auron: "Watch your tongue, knave!" Braska: "My apologies. I am Braska, a summoner. I've come to take you from this place." Jecht: "Sounds sweet. What's the catch?" Braska: "Ahhaha... That easy to see, was it? I soon leave on a Zanarkand." Jecht: "Seriously?" Braska: "I would like you to join us. It will be a dangerous trip. Yet, if we do reach prayers will be answered, and you will be able to go home, we think. What say you?" Jecht: "Great, let's go!" Braska: "So quick?" Jecht: "Anything to get outta here!" Braska: "Then it's settled." Auron: "But I must protest... This drunkard a guardian?" Jecht: "Hey! You want to step in here and say that?" Braska: "What does it matter? No one truly believes that I, a fallen summoner wed to an Al Bhed...could possibly defeat Sin. This is what they say. No one expects us to succeed." Auron: "Braska, sir..." Braska: "Let's show them they're wrong. A fallen summoner, a man from Zanarkand...and a warrior monk, doomed to obscurity for refusing the hand of the priest's daughter. What delightful irony it would be if we defeated Sin!" Jecht: "Stop gabbin' and get me outta here!" [The sphere picks up later, after Jecht is out of jail.] Jecht: "Ahh... Free at last!" Braska: "Now, Jecht...I am in your hands until we reach Zanarkand." Jecht: "Right, right. So, what's a summer-ner, anyway?" [The sphere shuts off.] --------------II. Mt. Gagazet --------------[Braska is shown on the snowy trail; Auron is in the background by a marker.] Braska: "Hello, Yuna. I hope you are well. I wonder how old you are, now that you're watching this sphere. You must be very beautiful, like your mother. I wish I could see you. Oh, by the way...Jecht and Auron send their regards. So far, our journey has been very entertaining. Of course, it is a hard journey, but I have no regrets. It is the path I have chosen. Yuna, when you have grown, you will have to find your own path. Do what you must do, the way you want to do it. Doors will always open themselves to those who do. Listen close, Yuna. Your future is yours to make. Live the way you want to. Whatever way that may be, you have your father's full support. Yuna, I will always be with you." [Braska walks over and shuts the sphere off, with Jecht in the background now.] ------------------III. Besaid Village ------------------[The sphere shows Besaid's square. Auron is the cameraman. Jecht: "Smallest heap of huts I ever seen!" Braska: "Now, that looks like a fine place to live. Hmm... Auron." Auron: "My lord?" Braska: "When this is over...could you bring Yuna here? I want her to lead a life away from this conflict."

Auron: "You have my word. I will bring her here." Braska: "Thank you, Auron. You are a good friend." Jecht: "What are you guys doin'? Let's go! I'm so hungry, I could eat a shoopuf whole!"" Braska: "Sorry. Well, let's go then." [The sphere clicks off as they head towards the temple.] ------------IV. S.S. Liki ------------[Auron and Braska are shown on the deck; Jecht is the cameraman.] Jecht: "After you get that aeon from Besaid... Where're we going?" Auron: "Back the way we came. Then we go north from Bevelle and climb Mt. Gagazet." Braska: "Beyond it lies...Zanarkand." Jecht: "Zanarkand, huh? It's been in ruins for a thousand years, right?" Auron: "So the legends say. No one knows for sure. It still could be your Zanarkand." Jecht: "Thanks for trying, Auron." [The sphere picks up later with Braska as cameraman. Jecht is in the frame.] Jecht: "I thought if I went with you guys I might find a way to go back. But it's not that easy." Braska: "I'm sorry." Jecht: "No need to apologize, Braska. It's not your fault. I should be thinking about fighting Sin now, anyway. Zanarkand can wait. But I will find my way back!" Braska: "Be careful, Jecht." Jecht: "Hey, I'll be all right. You're the one that should be careful. Wouldn't want your little girl to cry." Braska: "She'll be all right. She's strong, like her mother was." [She sphere ends.] ------------------------------V. Aurochs' Locker Room Hallway ------------------------------[The sphere shows the docks. Auron is the cameraman.] Jecht: "Hey, Auron! Did you get that last match?" Auron: "Yeah. But I don't understand why you wanted me to. Didn't you say you have blitzball in your Zanarkand?" Jecht: "Not a sportsman, are ya?" Braska: "Working on your form?" Jecht: "My form don't need no work. I'm the great Jecht. It's for my kid." Braska: "Your son plays blitzball?" Jecht: "Yeah, and he wants to beat his old man bad. Once, I told him to give it up. He didn't speak to me for a week. Wonder what he's doing now. I hope he got bigger and put on some muscle." [Auron closes in on him.] Jecht: "Hey, what's the big idea! Stop shooting!" [The sphere shuts off.] ------------------VI. Mi'ihen Oldroad ------------------[The three-man team is up by the travel agency. Auron is cameraman.] Braska: "A giant fiend that attacks chocobos..." Jecht: "Hmph. What's it waiting for? Hey! Come out and fight!" Auron: "I told you this was a waste of time."

Jecht: "Hey, come on! It's the right thing to do! Everyone's depending on us. Besides, it's good practice." Auron: "I guess you're right." Braska: "Well, then..." [Just then the fiend attacks; Auron drops the sphere.] Jecht: "There it is! Auron! Let's get 'im!" Auron: "Right!" [Braska shuts off the sphere.] ----------------------VII. Mushroom Rock Road ----------------------[Auron Auron: Kinoc: Auron: Kinoc: Auron: Kinoc: Auron: Kinoc: [Auron Auron: [Auron is shown talking to another warrior monk in Bevelle.] "Thanks for everything, Kinoc." "I know I don't need to tell you this, but guard Lord Braska well." "That, I will. And you'll be busy, too. I heard they made you second-in-command." "You know that promotion was meant for you. You were always the better one, even until the end." "You make it sound as if I was going to die or something. I will see you again." "Yes." "Well, then..." "Going already? You will tell me about Zanarkand when you return, won't you?" nods.] "Farewell." leaves and Kinoc turns off the sphere.]

-------------------------VIII. Moonflow South Wharf -------------------------[A shot of Braska watching the Moonflow is shown. Jecht lies under a tree.] Jecht: "What are you shooting me for?" Auron: "So you don't do anything stupid again. I can't believe you attacked that shoopuf. Lord Braska had to pay the handler for damages from his own travel money." Jecht: "I said I was sorry. It's never gonna happen again! I promise!" Auron: "Ah, a promise? Which you'll forget come tomorrow!" Braska: "Auron, please. He did apologize. He knows he was wrong." Jecht: "That's it. Only thing I drink from now on is shoopuf milk!" Braska: "You're sure?" Jecht: "We're on a journey to fight Sin and save Spira, right? If I keep screwin' up...and...making a fool of wife and kid are never gonna forgive me." Auron: "That's on the record." [The sphere fades out.] -----------------------IX. Thunder Plains South -----------------------[Thunder Plains is shown. Auron plays cameraman once again.] Jecht: "Hey! Hold it steady!" Auron: "Why am I doing this?" [Later, Braska is in Auron's frame.] Auron: "What do you see there, my lord?"

Braska: "Oh, I was just...thinking." Jecht: "This is important! No foolin' around! You're gonna spoil it!" [Lightning flashes and hits Jecht.] Jecht: "Whoa!" Braska: "Are you all right?" Auron: "Now there's a scene for posterity!" Jecht: "Yeah, yeah..." [Auron shuts off the camera as Braska starts to break out in laughter.] _______________________________________________________________________________ S2. BLITZER PINK SLIP QUOTES [BTZQ] _______________________________________________________________________________ In case you don't understand, these are the quotes for dismissing blitzers... --Abus Hey, I liked being on your team. You got some moves, man. Argai Ronso Ronso only follow the strong. When you call, Argai will follow. Auda Guado I must thank you for the opportunity you have given me to learn more about you and your ways. Balgerda That was boring. Call me again if you think you can entertain me. Basik Ronso Next we meet, Basik will be stronger! Basik swears it on his horn! Berrik I helped you only to make up for kidnapping your summoner. Bickson I made the Goers what they are today. Youd best remember that. Biggs It was an honour playing with you! Thank you! Blappa Sorry for all the trouble we caused. Was that enough to earn your forgiveness? Botta So, how did I do? Hey, you wont forget me next time, ya? Brother Whoa! Father will be mad for leaving without telling him! But invite me again! Datto Hey, I got pretty good, ya? Lets play again sometime. Deim I guess this is the end, then. We will be on different sides of the sphere next time we meet. Doram You know where to find me if you want me with you. Durren Thank you for the training, sir! Your help will not be forgotten when we defeat Sin! Eigaar I had a fun time. Call me again. Gazna Ronso Next time Gazna show you all that Sacred Mt. Gagazet has taught the Ronso.

Giera Guado You have seen the Guados strength. Call me if you think you need lessons. Graav Playing with you wasnt as boring as Id feared...barely. Irga Ronso I must thank the sacred mount for bringing us together. You play excellent blitzball. Isken I beat Sins toxin and gained my life back. Im just getting better every time I play! Jassu Your team is da best, no question. Let me in again next time, ya? Judda Doing your best is pretty fun. Call me again sometime. Jumal I joined you to please my daughter, but it seems that all I could do was try to keep up with you. Keepa Ill do better next time! Im gonna practise real hard. Kiyuri Gee, I guess I still need some training. Ill practise out at sea when Im sailing. Kulukan Thanks for inviting me to play with you! Stop by the tavern when youre in Kilika, okay? Kyou Ah, I must return to my duties. Fight well, fellowman. Lakkam Maybe I kidnap you next time. Just kidding! Larbeight Youre a pretty good player. Say, why dont you play for us next season? Letty One day Ill be as good as you! Mark my words! Linna It was fun playing with people other than Al Bhed! Mep That was an enlightening experience. I miss my days in the pros. Mifurey Dodging lightning bolts it fun, but blitzball also has its appeal. Call me again! Miyu Shall I stay with the Crusaders, or retire and become a blitzer? Quite a dilemma. Naida Im sorry, I have to go back now. Rin is going to be on my case for ditching work! Nav Guado Was that the best you can do, human? Your kind will never measure up to us Guado. Nedus I hope I made myself useful. Im really the insecure type, you know. Nimrook You need goalie, you need me. You remember. Nizarut Hey, I think we made a great team, kid! Call me again when you need backup! Noy Guado Our contract has come to an end. If you have no more use of me, I must leave.

Nuvy Ronso You have courage equal to that of a Ronso warrior. You are... worthy. Pah Guado I was quite entertained. See you again. Raudy Next time I play for you, dont give me so much work to do, huh? Rin I must return to my shops soon. Please honor us again with your patronage. Ropp Come to the agency next time. Drinks are on me. Shaami That was a great experience. I know itll help me report blitzball games better. Thanks! Shuu That was fun, but tiring! I think Ill stick to cheering for you. Svanda I had started to miss the quietude of the Calm Lands. But lets do this again sometime. Tatts I have more time than I know what to do with. You know where to find me if you need me. Tidus None as he cannot be dropped from the team. Vilucha Promise not to tell my husband and my son that Im a blitzball player, okay? Vuroja Some day, Ill be an even greater player than Ohalland ever was. And thats a promise, kid. Wakka Guess its time for me to go low-key now that Im retired, you know? Wedge Guess Ill go back to my old job. Someones gotta protect the stadium. Yuma Guado The time spent with you was exhilarating. I must tell my friends back home all about it. Zalitz I quit being a sailor because I was afraid of the sea, but I play some good blitzball, no? Zamzi Ronso Size not matter in blitzball. You proved that. Zazi Guado As long as youve got Gil, Im willing to play for you. Zev Ronso Zev has grown strong playing with you. Now Zev will grow strong playing against you. _______________________________________________________________________________ S3. CACTUAR SIDEQUEST STUFFS [CCTS] _______________________________________________________________________________ Cactuar Village sidequest: [Approach the stone with a Cactuar engraved on it] Narrative: Theres writing on the stone. = Song of the Gatekeeper =

Narrative: 10 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Tomays gone. Gone to fetch the water. Be back soon. Narrative: 9 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Roviveas gone walkabout. Be back soon. Narrative: 8 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Little Chava likes big numbers. Be back soon. Narrative: 7 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Alek and Aloje play tag in the ruins of men. Be back soon. Narrative: 5 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Vachella seeks the shining blue. Be back soon. Narrative: 4 little gatekeepers play in the sand. O, Robeyas stuck inside. Be back soon. Narrative: 3 little gatekeepers play in the sand. A fiery inscription -- The lord of the hole is gone, Isrra thinks. Be back soon. Narrative: 2 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Much-curious Elio has left on a journey. Be back soon. Narrative: 1 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Flaile is always left behind. Be back soon. Narrative: 10 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Nobodys here. The sand is gone. Narrative: Using spheres to control the sands, the Cactuars defend their village. They are the Gatekeepers. Present all 10 of the spheres they bear to the stone altar and the way to the village will open. Way of the Gatekeepers I: It may look like fun and games, but the Gatekeepers are a proud race of warriors. While they dislike combat, they will turn and face any enemy that takes their back. Way of the Gatekeepers II: Should you fail to sneak up on them they will realize they have over-estimated their enemy and depart in disgust. Way of the Gatekeepers III: Sneak up on the Cactuars when their backs are turned to confront them. Its better that way, believe me. Spheres: Fail to catch the gatekeeper unaware, and youll obtain the Sphere del Perdedor! Beat the gatekeeper and obtain his personal sphere! Collect lots of spheres to receive an award at the village. Tomay: Duties: Fetching water. Takes his time and, as a result, is often left behind. A little dim. Rovivea: Has no patience for certain dim-witted friends. Not a progressive thinker.

Chava: Recently learned how to count to 50. A little needy. Attention defecit. Alek & Aloja: Two brothers, rarely separated. They move as one, their closeness a paragon of brotherhood. Vachella: Loves new things. Hard on others, easy on self. Stingy. Robeya: A real needle brain. Likes cramped spaces. Check out his great collection! Issra: The philosopher about town. Today he digs holes. Again. A cautious sort. Elio: To see what lies beyond the sands, he travels far to distant lands. Hyper-reactive and a bad poet. Flaile: The guy you never invite but he always shows up anyway. Cheeky. [Tidus sets a glowing sphere in a rock with a Cactuar on it] [The Cactuars shape begins to glow on the rock] Narrative: Writing appears when the sphere is set into the stone! Narrative: Theres writing on the stone. Narrative: 10 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Tomays gone. Gone to fetch the water. Gone for good. Narrative: 9 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Roviveas gone walkabout. Gone for good. Narrative: 8 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Little Chava likes big numbers. Gone for good. Narrative: 7 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Alek and Aloje play tag in the ruins of men. Gone for good. Narrative: 5 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Vachella seeks the shining blue. Gone for good. Narrative: 4 little gatekeepers play in the sand. O, Robeyas stuck inside. Gone for good. Narrative: 3 little gatekeepers play in the sand. A fiery inscription -- The lord of the hole is gone, Isrra thinks. Gone for good. Narrative: 2 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Much-curious Elio has left on a journey. Gone for good. Narrative: 1 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Flaile is always left behind. Gone for good. Narrative: 10 little gatekeepers play in the sand. Nobodys here. The sand is gone. [Sandstorm behind the rock dissipates] _______________________________________________________________________________

S4. REMIEM TEMPLE STUFF [RMMT] _______________________________________________________________________________ Belgemine: Welcome, Yuna. Yuna: What is this place? Belgemine: Remiem Temple. Once a great religious center in the Calm Lands, lost after the battle with Sin. Tidus: And this is your home? What, you got something against company? Belgemine: Its a long story. Easier, perhaps, to show you? [Pyreflies glow around her] Tidus: Youre dead too? Belgemine: Dont send me just yet. There is still one thing left for me to do here. With the help I can give, a young summoner might just be able to defeat Sin. Well, Yuna? --[NOTE: Belgemine is the speaker, not the aeon.] Valefor: I challenge you: if you cannot beat me, youll never beat Sin. Ixion: Youve got quite a name to live up to, daughter of Braska. Shiva: If youve got what it takes to beat Sin, I should be no more than a bump in your path, right? Ifrit: Well, Yuna, shall we see how well your training serves you? Bahamut: Well, Yuna, shall we see how well your training serves you? Yojimbo: Well, Yuna, shall we see how well your training serves you? Magus Sisters: Well, Yuna, shall we see how well your training serves you? Anima: I will be the judge of your aeons strength. Are you good enough, I wonder? [All above snippets have following option:] R1 --> Ill do my best. R2 --> Perhaps later. R1: [List of aeons] R2: [Yuna doesn't fight.] [Choose aeon] Belgemine: Very well. Before we begin... [Heals aeons] Now, are you ready? [If Yuna wins against opposing aeon:] Belgemine: Stop. That is enough. Ah, you have made some progress, and for

that I am glad. Take this. It may come in handy. [Get items] [After beating Magus Sisters:] Yuna: Thank you." [bows] "Perhaps youll teach me again someday? Belgemine: Thats not possible. You have already surpassed your father. There is nothing more I can teach you. My work here on Spira is done. Time for me to go. Auron: Send her. R1 --> Perform sending. R2 --> Do nothing. R1: Yuna: Yes. R2: [Yuna doesn't do it.] [She steps forward to send Belgemine] Belgemine: It is in your hands. Destroy Sin, and save Spira. [Belgemine gets sent.] _______________________________________________________________________________ S5. AIRSHIP SALVO QUOTES [AIRQ] _______________________________________________________________________________ [If Pull back is selected:] Tidus: Go back! Farther away! Cid: Just a minute!" Cid: "Hold on!" Rikku: Father! Go far! Cid: Wait a moment! [If Move in is selected:] Tidus: Closer! Go closer! Cid: Just a minute! Cid: Yeehaw! Were going in! Rikku: Go near more! Cid: Yeehaw! Were going in! [When Cid fires at Evrae:] Cid: This is it! Im hitting it with all we got! [When no missiles remain:] Cid: Were out of ammo? This really isnt my day ______ / NPC2 | .---------------------------------------------------------------------' | | CONTRIBUTION CREDITS | | | | Griever *Contributed airship dialogue that I missed |

| | | KADFC/Ragnarokesper *Contributed tons of affection-based speech, such as | | extra snowmobile text, interchangable airship text, | | and Rikku NPC dialogue in Guadosalam. Check out | | their affection guide on GameFAQs! Thanks! | | | | Endless_Dusk *Contributed the Blitzball Player Pink Slip Quotes, | | which is said when they're kicked off the team...if | | you didn't pick that up. Visit his website at: | | | | | | Kita Kaze *Contributed Baaj/Remiem Temple CotF scripts. ^____^ | | *Contributed all Airship Quotes, Remiem Temple stuff | | and Cactuar Sidequest dialogue. Wowee zowee! | | | | Morgan Li *Contributed all of S.S. Winno IV section. Thanks! | | | Auronlu *Contributed lots of missed NPC dialogue, including | | final O'aka sighting and missed Dona appearance. ^^ | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ / NPC3 | .---------------------------------------------------------------------' | | FUTURE UPDATES / NOTES TO SELF / THINGS I NEED TO GET / UPCOMING ADDITIONS | | | | If one needs to get in touch with me about this stuff, drop me an e-mail on | | the subject at: shotgunnova (at) gmail (dot) com, and we can get rollin'. | | | | - Dock 3 Dialogue after Aurochs win (Mi'ihen accessible) | | - Dialogue about Aurochs losing | | - In-depth Chocobo Training dialogue (note to self, almost) | | - Vilucha dialogue throughout the game -___| | - Post-Zanarkand S.S. Winno Clasko dialogue, if you told him he should stay | | a Chocobo Knight at the Macalania Travel Agency (1st time through) | | - City of Dying Dreams kill-count wall thing | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ / NPC4 | .---------------------------------------------------------------------' | | LEGAL EAGLE STUFFS | | | | This guide cannot be sold, hosted, edited, or distributed without the | | expressed written permission of the author. All rights reserved. Choosing | | not to follow said stipulations is violative of federal copyright law. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ / NPC5 | .---------------------------------------------------------------------' | | UPDATES | | | | 06-01-06 +Guide initially submitted | | +Mandatory script included | | +95% of NPC script included | | | | 06-03-06 +Al Bhed translations entered | | | | 06-08-06 +Affection-based dialogue that | | I didn't get. Much obliged to | | KADFC and Ragnarokesper! | | |

| 06-10-06 +Aurochs losing dialogue added | | +Mushroom Rock Road dialogue | | | | 06-25-06 +Fixed search fntcn discrepancy| | | | 01-19-07 +Fixed grammatical errors, thx | | to Victor Alring for the find | | | | 03-30-07 +User-submitted errors. Thx! | | +Added Blitzball Pink Slip | | quotes (free agent), thx to | | Endless_Dusk at GFaqs Boards. | | | | 07-15-07 +Updated crappy format stuffs | | | | 08-16-07 +Updated Chamber of the Fayth | | stuff, thanks to Kita Kaze! | | | | 08-21-07 +Added sections S3-S5, thanks | | to Kita Kaze! | | | | 09-22-07 +New Farplane dialogue, thanks | | to 'Games'. | | | | 11-16-07 + Added S.S. Winno IV section | | thanks to Morgan Li! | | | | 12-03-07 + Added missing dialogue. Thx | | to Auronlu twice over! | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ / NPC6 | .---------------------------------------------------------------------' | | THOSE WHO MAY HOST THIS | | | | Caves of Narshe | | GameTalk | | Neoseeker | | 1UP | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ + + + Game script (c) Shotgunnova, 1997-2006 (and countin'!) + + Final Fantasy X is (c) Squaresoft + + + +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ Final Fantasy X: Game Script by Shotgunnova Version Lulu, Last Updated 2007-12-03 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Final Fantasy X (PS2) FAQs & Guides

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