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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Date: Class: X th Time: 50 Grade Level: upper intermediate Textbook: MISSION 2 Lesson: The Era

of High Tech Pollution Aims: -agreeing/disagreeing; - giving opinions. Competences: - creating interest in the topic; - activating students background knowledge about the topic; - expressing opinions related to the topic; - improving vocabulary; - using the new vocabulary in different contexts; - developing critical thinking. Anticipated problems: students may have difficulties in expressing their opinions, or in translating certain words; Teaching aids: textbook, blackboard, worksheets, cassette, cassette recorder. Teaching techniques: conversation, pair work. STAGES Warmer & checking attendance TIME TS AND SS ACTIVITY -the teacher and the students greet each other; - the teacher checks students attendance. -checking homework; -the students correct their mistakes in the notebooks with the help of the teacher. a) before reading Activity 1 - the teacher asks the students to look at the pictures and the title and try to guess whathigh-tech pollution is; -the students state their




T Ss Ss - T



Review of previous knowledge

Ss T T - Ss

speaking writing



Introducing the new lesson to be taught

T Ss Ss Ss T Ss

speaking writing listening



opinions; Activity 2 - the students are asked to write on the worksheets given by the teacher as many words as possible related to the theme pollution; - the students work in pairs and then communicate their answers; Activity 3 - the students are asked to read the summary on page 158, fill in the missing information by guessing and then listen to the text on the cassette to see if their guesses were correct; - the students work in pairs and then share their ideas with the others and correct their mistakes with the help of their teacher. b) while reading Activity 4 the teacher asks the students to read the text and, while reading , to try and write the meanings / synonyms to the words written in bold; - the students read in turns and then communicate their answers; - the teacher helps them to find the corrects meanings for each word. C) after reading Activity 5 the teacher asks the students to

Writing speaking

Pair work

Worksheet 1

T- Ss Ss T Ss Ss Listening Reading Speaking

Pair work Textbook Cassette,

cassette recorder

Reading Speaking Writing


Group work



work in groups and try to find the corresponding headings for each part within the text; - the students work in pairs and complete the task; then, they share answers with the other groups; - the teacher corrects their mistakes and helps them. -the students are asked to do exercise 2, page 160 containing practice on the new learnt vocabulary ; - the students are asked to do exercise 3, page 160; - the students work in pairs and then share their opinions with the rest of the class; - the teacher helps them. - the teacher asks the students questions related to vocabulary related to the topic; -the students answer the questions.

T Ss Ss Ss Ss - T Reading Speaking Worksheet 2

T Ss Ss Ss Ss - T

speaking writing

Pair work


T Ss Ss - T speaking

Feed back

Setting homework

- the teacher gives the students their homework for their T - Ss next time( writing a composition on What is being done/should be done in your city to prevent pollution?); -the students listen carefully and take notes.

speaking writing


Ending the lesson

- the teacher evaluates the students activity throughout the lesson and announces the lesson to be taught the next time ( What - that Inversion).

T - Ss




WORKSHEET 2 Activity 5 - After reading Find the correct heading that fits each gap: 0 G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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