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Book Talk Assignment DUE: January 8, 2013 For the past 4-5 weeks you have been reading

either a book that you checked out from the library or a book that you have been wanting to read from home. Your final assignment with this book is to give a 5 minute electronic presentation to try to convince your peers to read your book. Examples of electronic options: Powerpoint Prezi Glogster Website Blog Fakebook profile Anything else that you can think of (as long as it is approved) REQUIREMENTS: Title and author of your book Rating out of 10 (10=best, 1=worst) Review of your book (Not a summary. Leave some mystery.) Options ~ Must choose 5: 1. Discuss in at least 3 paragraphs how the main character(s) is like or unlike a person that you know. 2. Pretend that you are the author. In at least 3 paragraphs, describe the part(s) of the book that were the most fun or hardest to write, and why. 3. Write any kind of poem, or a set of poems, about your book. Minimum 20 lines. 4. Write at least 2 obituaries of characters from your book. Must be at least 5 sentences each. 5. Analyze the characters in your book. Are they static (do they stay the same)? Are they dynamic (do they change)? Must be at least 2 paragraphs per character. 6. Create a color map of the setting of your book. Label the major landmarks or points of interest. 7. If there is no prologue (what happened before the story started), write one. Must be at least 500 words. 8. If there is no epilogue (what happened after the story ended), write one. Describe what happened to a few of the main characters after the story ended. Must be at least 500 words. 9. Explain how you would make your book into a movie. Who would play the main characters? Where would you film it, etc? You must explain your choices. Must be at least 3 paragraphs. 10. Pick a part of the the book and rewrite the section from a different character's perspective. 500 words minimum.

11. Write a letter to the author of the book. Either compliment, or complain about the book. Discuss the characters and the setting. What do you want the author to know? Must have a greeting, three body paragraphs, and a closing. 12. Write two articles for a newspaper published at the time of a major event in your book. 13. Write an interview with one of the major characters. At least 7 questions and answers. 14. Write at least 8 diary entries made by one of the major characters. Each entry must be at least a paragraph. 15. Create a unique dictionary of words from your book. Must include at least 10 words and definitions. 16. Create a crossword with clues from your book. Must include a word bank, because most of us will not have read the book. At least 10 clues for both the across and down clues. 17. Discuss another book or movie that has similar themes or symbols to your book. Name the theme or symbol, explain it and discuss why you think it appears over and over again. 3 paragraph minimum. 18. Find 3 songs that relate to your book. Copy the lyrics and explain why each relates. One paragraph per song. 19. Pretend you are one of the main characters in the book. Describe each of the other characters. What do they look like? How do they act? What is your opinion of these other people? Do you like them? Must be at least 500 words. 20. Create a scrapbook or photo album that explains your book. Use pictures of the characters, the setting and the major events that happened. 21. Make a video about part of the book. Write a script and get your friends to play characters. Must be at least 2 minutes. 22. Draw at least 4 pictures that relate to your book. 23. Record a song that summarizes your book. Must be at least 2 minutes. 24. Analyze the climax of the book. Why do you think the author chose this? Does it illuminate the true nature of the main character? Does it explain something that you've been questioning? Must be at least 3 paragraphs. 25. Copy your favorite passage. Why is this your favorite? 2 paragraph minimum.

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