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- PRO/010/M3 Rev 11 -

INGEGNERIA DEI SISTEMI S.p.A. Rev. 1.0 Protocol: MN/2003/017 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN


Users Manual

Pisa, March 25, 2003

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. THE GRESWIN 2 SOFTWARE MODULE Document Evolution Revision Rev. 1.0 Date 25/03/2003 First edition

Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Reason for modification

Document Modification Registration RNC Reference Modification description

SW Versions covered by this manual

This manual covers the GRESWIN2 code.

Warning IDS will not be held responsible for the consequences of an improper use of the equipment. IDS will not be responsible for the consequences caused by the improper use of the software. IDS, as the intellectual owner of the specialist software, reserves the right to make any alterations to it without prior warning

ii / vi This document contains confidential industrial information. This information may only be used in accordance with the contract.


Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Contacts IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi 56010 S. Piero a Grado - PISA Via Livornese, 1019 tel:050 312411 ITALY e-mail: Fax: 050 3124201

For commercial matters: Commercial office (Mr Giovanni Bardelli and Dr Paolo Papeschi). e-mail: g.bardelli@ For maintenance queries contact: Production/logistics department (Dr. Alessandro Giannessi) e-mail:

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1 1.1 References........................................................................................................................2 1.2 Acronyms and Definitions ...............................................................................................2 1.2.1 Definitions................................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Acronyms .................................................................................................................3 1.3 Conventions .....................................................................................................................3 2. OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................5 2.1 Necessary knowledge required ........................................................................................5 2.2 Basic functions .................................................................................................................5 2.3 How to use this manual ....................................................................................................5 3. GUIDE TO THE GRESWIN 2 CODE COMMANDS...........................................................6 3.1 File Menu .........................................................................................................................6 3.1.1 Open Command .......................................................................................................6 3.1.2 Acquisition Scan Command.....................................................................................8 3.1.3 Save Section File Command ....................................................................................9 3.1.4 Save Setting Command............................................................................................10 3.1.5 Load Setting Command ...........................................................................................10 3.1.6 Print Command ........................................................................................................10 3.1.7 Hardcopy Command ................................................................................................10 3.1.8 Exit Command .........................................................................................................11 3.2 Edit Menu.........................................................................................................................11 3.2.1 UnDo Command ......................................................................................................11 3.2.2 Redraw Command....................................................................................................11 3.2.3 Comando Clear ........................................................................................................11 3.2.4 Reload Command.....................................................................................................11 3.2.5 Move FWD Command.............................................................................................12 3.2.6 Move BCK Command .............................................................................................12 3.2.7 Graphic Parameters Command ................................................................................12 3.2.8 Filter Parameters Command.....................................................................................13 3.2.9 Propagation Velocity Command ..............................................................................15 3.2.10 Show Header Command ........................................................................................15 3.3 Process Menu ...................................................................................................................16 3.3.1 Move Start Time Command.....................................................................................16 3.3.2 Background removal Command ..............................................................................16 3.3.3 Horizontal bandpass filter (TD) Command..............................................................17 3.3.4 User Defined horizontal filter (TD) Command........................................................17 3.3.5 Subtract mean (Dewow) Command .........................................................................17 3.3.6 Vertical Bandpass filter (TD) Command .................................................................17
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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

3.3.7 Vertical Bandpass filter (FD) Command .................................................................17 3.3.8 Notch Filter (FD) Command....................................................................................17 3.3.9 Hilbert transform (envelope) Command ..................................................................17 3.3.10 User defined vertical filter (TD) Command...........................................................17 3.3.11 Migration Time Domain Command.......................................................................17 3.3.12 Linear Gain Command...........................................................................................17 3.3.13 Smooth Gain Command.........................................................................................17 3.3.14 User defined gain ...................................................................................................18 3.3.15 Processing Section Command................................................................................18 3.4 Macro Menu.....................................................................................................................18 3.4.1 Execute Command ...................................................................................................18 3.4.2 Save Command ........................................................................................................19 3.5 Window Menu..................................................................................................................20 3.5.1 Cascade Command...................................................................................................20 3.5.2 Tile Horizontal Command .......................................................................................20 3.5.3 Tile Vertical Command............................................................................................20 3.6 The tool bar ......................................................................................................................20 3.6.1 The Open button 3.6.2 The Save button 3.6.3 The Print button 3.6.4 The Zoombutton 3.6.5 The z_clip + button 3.6.6 The z_clip - button 3.6.7 The threshold + button 3.6.8 The threshold - button 3.6.9 The colour_scale button 3.6.10 The display mode button 3.6.11 The Cursor button ............................................................................................20 .............................................................................................20 .............................................................................................20 ...........................................................................21 .......................................................................................21 .......................................................................................21 ..................................................................................21 ..................................................................................21 ...............................................................................21 ............................................................................21

.......................................................................................21 ................................................................21

3.6.12 The Propagation Velocity button

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Fig. 3-1 - Menu of all the commands ............................................................................................... 6 Fig. 3-2 - File selection window....................................................................................................... 7 Fig. 3-3 - Open/read file window ..................................................................................................... 7 Fig. 3-4 - Example of a rough data radar map.................................................................................. 8 Fig. 3-5 - Acquisition Data window................................................................................................. 8 Fig. 3-6 - Mission and zone area selection window ......................................................................... 9 Fig. 3-7 File creation *gst Window............................................................................................. 10 Fig. 3-8 - Hardcopy option window ............................................................................................... 11 Fig. 3-9 Setting Window of the radar map visualizations parameters......................................... 13 Fig. 3-10 - Processing Parameter Setting window ......................................................................... 14 Fig. 3-11 - Propagation Velocity window ...................................................................................... 15 Fig. 3-12 - Show Header window .................................................................................................. 15 Fig. 3-13 - Example of a radar map with filters applied ................................................................ 16 Fig. 3-14 - The macro selection window........................................................................................ 19 Fig. 3-15 - The Save command window ........................................................................................ 19 Fig. 3-16 - The tool bar .................................................................................................................. 20 Fig. 3-17 - Example of an estimation of the propagation velocity................................................. 22

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

The GRESWIN2 code, which is the subject of this manual is a code that operates on Windows 98 platform, and it is dedicated to point viewing the radar data acquired with the RIS system (Radar for the Soil Investigations), in the various formats, developed and produced by IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. - Italy, Pisa. This code is capable of viewing the radar data acquired with the GSSI system in DZT format. In general terms RIS - Radar for Soil Investigation- is a georadar system dedicated to underground studies, equipped with HW and SW instruments designed for industrial working procedures, with a high quality performance. This high performance is due to its use of a matrix of multifrequency antennas that provides a three-dimensional view of the ground and to a series of software instruments, which assist the radar data elaboration process in all its phases. The RIS system is composed of two operative Units: Acquisition Unit The task of this unit is to assist the operator in the ground exploration phase, collecting the radar data during the field survey; Elaboration Unit This unit is typically placed in the laboratory, and first treats then processes the data acquired during field investigations. The basic task of the Elaboration Unit (the subject of this manual) is to process the input radar data contained on a DAT tape (produced by the acquisition unit) and to provide a cartographic map as output containing the results obtained. The elaboration unit consists of a Personal Computer equipped with one or two video terminals for easy management of the various work procedures. The final product of the system is produced by a printer or plotter connected to the elaboration PC.

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

1.1 References
References to the various users manuals relating to the use of the RIS georadar system are given below. Document USERS MANUAL: RIS 2K A Field Acquisition Unit. USERS MANUAL: Elaboration Unit differed: (Platform Windows 2000) code IDSGRED/IN/ROAD V5.0 USERS MANUAL: The scientific SW module GRED/S USERS MANUAL: The SW module dedicated to the recognition of soils IDSGRED/IN/SUBREM V.5.0. Number MN/2003/001 Content Operative instructions to the use of RIS 2K A field georadar system. Operating instructions to the use of the data elaboration code IDSGRED V5.x. Operating instructions to the use of the scientific SW GRED/S Operating instructions to the use of the SW for the recognition of soils.

MN/2003/018 Autocad MN/2003/019


1.2 Acronyms and Definitions

1.2.1 Definitions
Acquisition Unit: The unit within the georadar equipment with the task of acquiring field data using antennas. Bistatic: a particular antenna configuration in which the Transmitter and Receiver are located on different physical supports. Cad Environment: work area where the cartographic maps are processed. .Data Processing: processing performed on the rough data to enable the acquired sections to be viewed in a comprehensible way. Elaboration Station: work station situated in the PC where the main rough data processing is performed using a database. Elaboration Unit: a unit which forms part of the georadar equipment and is used for processing the acquired field data and supplies results in the form of radar maps and cartographic maps marked with the detected utilities. Field survey: a group of field acquisitions relating to a single zone. Georadar: a type of radar specifically designed and used for underground studies and characterisations. Grid: a graphic grid that can be printed on the cartographic maps to show the paths of the scans or passes. Longitudinal: scan parallel to the horizontal axis..

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Monostatic: standard antenna array configuration in which the transmitter and receiver are located in the same physical support. Plot points: graphic symbol that appears on the cartographic map when information is extrapolated from the radar map. Radar maps: graphs that show variations in the received radar signal (the signal intensity is reproduced in a grey scale) with respect to the scanning direction. These signals must be processed to make them comprehensible. Radar Section: the group of data relating to a specific pass performed with a particular transmitter receiver configuration. Rough data: data obtained during a field survey that has not yet been elaborated or processed. Target: a group of correlated plot points i.e. that have similar characteristics. Their position in a sequence identifies the utility to which they belong. Transversal: parallel to the vertical axis. Zero-Crossing: black-white transition that can be observed on the parabola relating to a detected target.

1.2.2 Acronyms
DAT (Digital Audio Tape): a magnetic tape used for storing data in a digital format. RIS/S: a version of the Radar for underground and Soil Investigations dedicated to utility detection. RIS/MF: a multifrequency version of the Radar for underground and soil Investigations dedicated to the search for deep and superficial utilities and soil detection.. CMB: central mouse button. LMB: left mouse button. RMB: right mouse button.

1.3 Conventions
All menus can be selected using the left mouse button except when specified otherwise. All menus are referred to in CAPITALS and in bold. The menu options are in bold and are indented by one tab space for each level of nesting, as shown below: ALPHA menu option 1 option 2 or, alternatively, main menu / various sub-menus.

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Fields marked with this symbol are important warning messages.


Fields with this symbol are operational information or suggestions.

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

The GRESWIN 2 modulus, in the field is a software dedicated to viewing radar data in the field acquired using the RIS system (Radar for the Soil Investigations), developed and produced by I.D.S. Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. - Italy, Pisa. This is a module dedicated to meet the requirements of a user who must view the radar data in a punctual mode. It includes many dedicated signal processing algorithms that can be personalised, which are able to satisfy the needs of an expert user. This code can be installed just onto the RIS field radar PC.

2.1 Necessary knowledge required

The user must have the following background knowledge in order to use the code effectively: Basic knowledge of the Windows 98 environment The functioning principles of the RIS radar system The basic principles of Signal Processing Refer to the appropriate manuals (see par.1.1) to clear any doubts regarding these programs.

2.2 Basic functions

The GRESWIN 2 code enables the user to view the radar data acquired with the RIS system (in DT format) and with the GSSI system (in DZT format) in order to perform a punctual analysis of the desired radargrams. In general, it allows the user to: View the radar maps in their rough format or after predetermined processing; Select numerous filtering algorithms and personalise them according to the desired objectives; Apply sequences of filters with either manual or automatic sequences;

2.3 How to use this manual

This Manual is divided into 3 chapters that are organised as follows: Chapter 1: an introduction containing information about applications of the SW and a description of the definitions used; Chapter 2: the main features of the SW and the method for using the manual; Chapter 3: description of the GRESWIN 2 code commands;

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN


This chapter describes all the single commands present in the Greswin2 code. Fig. 3-1 shows a diagram of all these commands.
GRESWIN 05.01.002: Process only active section File Edit
Open Acquisition Scan Save Section File Save Setting Load Setting Print Hardcopy Exit CTRL+O CTRL+Q CTRL+S CTRL+E CTRL+F CTRL+P CTRL+H Undo Redraw Clear Reload Move FW D Move BCK Graphic Parameters Filter Parameters Propagation Vel. Show Header CTRL+M CTRL+W CTRL+Z CTRL+R CTRL+C CTRL+K CTRL+L CTRL+J

Move Start Time Background removal Horizontal bandapass filter (TD) User defined horizontal filter (TD) Subtract mean (Dewow) Vertical band pass filter (TD) Vertical band pass filter (TD) Notch Filter Hilbert transform (envelope) User defined vertical filter (TD) Migration Time Domain Linear Gain Smooth Gain User defined gain Imaging Processing Processing Section F7 F4 F% F3 F8 F9 F11 F1 F2 F6

Execute Save

Cascade Tile Horizontal Tile Vertical

Single All

Fig. 3-1 - Menu of all the commands

3.1 File Menu

This menu contains the commands described below.

3.1.1 Open Command

The window shown in Fig. 3-2 appears when this command is activated. From here the user can select the desired file by searching the directory tree. The user can select the file extension to be viewed from the Files of type field shown in Fig. 3-2. The formats that can be accepted currently are as follows: DT (RIS) rough radar file DTP (RIS) processed radar file DTX (RIS) radar file processed for the segmentation maps (generated by the IDSGRED V.4.0 code) DTL (RIS) radar file processed for the segmentation layering maps (generated by the IDSGRED V.4.0 code) DZT (GSSI) radar file acquired with GSSI system.

Once the user has selected the desired file, the OPEN command should be clicked. This will open the window shown in Fig. 3-3, which contains the following information: Section Information field: this contains information about the extension of the selected radar section, and the maximum visible length of a section; In the X-min field, the user can insert the value of the minimum coordinate of the desired radar section to be loaded and viewed.

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

In the X-max field, the user can insert the value of the maximum coordinate of the desired radar section to be loaded and viewed. NX cells, this is the field where the operator can select the number of cells (sweep) he desires to integrate in the visualisation phase (minimum value = 1; maximum value = 8).

Once the desired parameters have been selected, by clicking the button Read Data the process of loading the radar sections is started. Alternatively, click the command Cancel.

Fig. 3-2 - File selection window

Fig. 3-3 - Open/read file window

The radar map will be presented on the screen in a rough form (*.dt) as shown in Fig. 3-4. Application of filters as described in paragraph 3.3 will permit a filtered radar map to be viewed. By moving the mouse cursor within the map, the user can view the T and L coordinates of the point, its depth and therefore the time delay, all in the fields in the bottom left of the screen (see Fig. 3-4).

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Fig. 3-4 - Example of a rough data radar map

3.1.2 Acquisition Scan Command

Activation of this command opens the window shown in Fig. 3-5. It allows the user to select the desired mission and the related radar sections.

Fig. 3-5 - Acquisition Data window Use of this window makes the selection phase and the opening of radar sections more efficient in that it allows more than one channel to be selected and opened simultaneously. The selection procedure consists of the following steps: 1. Click the Select Path button 2. The window shown in Fig. 3-6 appears, where the user has to select the desired mission / zone directory; once this has been selected, click OK;

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Fig. 3-6 - Mission and zone area selection window

3. In the Direction field, select the code for the desired scan (L, T, or All); 4. The files present in the selected zone will appear in the scrolling field shown in Fig. 3-5. By clicking on one of the desired files, buttons relating to the channels present inside the selected file will appear in the Selected Channels field. Click on the desired channels. By activating the Reset button, all the channels will be deselected; By activating the All button, all the channels will be selected.

5. Now click on the Open File command to open the radar sections. The moment a file is selected, the following information relating to the file will be viewed: Location of the file on the hard disk Date City Description Relative L and T Coordinates.

The Close button will close down the window without opening any files.

3.1.3 Save Section File Command

When the Section File command is executed, the code will automatically save the currently open (or selected) radar section with the extension DTP. This command will usually be used for saving a processed radar section.

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3.1.4 Save Setting Command

This command allows to save the filters configuration defined by the user into the Filter Parameters menu; that operation is realized saving a file *.gst in the mask of Fig. 3-7.

Fig. 3-7 File creation *gst Window

3.1.5 Load Setting Command

The Load Setting command permits to execute the file *gst saved in the mask of Fig. 3-7.

3.1.6 Print Command

This command allows the current radar map or graph to be printed directly on the default printer of the PC being used.

3.1.7 Hardcopy Command

The Hardcopy command allows the selected radar map or generated graph to be saved in a file with a *.bmp extension. When this command is activated, the window shown in Fig. 3-8 appears. Form here the user can save the file using the standard windows commands.

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Fig. 3-8 - Hardcopy option window

3.1.8 Exit Command

This command closes down the Greswin2 code.


The software does not automatically save the maps currently being viewed when it is closed. If you dont want to loose the data make sure it is saved using the appropriate commands.

3.2 Edit Menu

The commands found in the Edit menu are described below.

3.2.1 UnDo Command

This command allows the user to cancel the last operation that has been performed.

3.2.2 Redraw Command

The redraw command allows the current radar map to be redrawn, whilst maintaining the operations that have been applied to it. This command is usually used to clean up the map of any pointers (crosses) that have been inserted.

3.2.3 Comando Clear

This command permits to delete the current radar map, maintaining the graphic and text information eventually extracted. The radar map could be newly visualized activating the Redraw command

3.2.4 Reload Command

This command permits the rough file (*.dt format) of the current radar section to be automatically reloaded without any applied filters.

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Execution of this command causes the loss of all previously applied filters.

3.2.5 Move FWD Command

This instruction commands movement in the positive X direction (with respect to the positive antenna dragging direction) on the current radar map. This operation is necessary if the radar section being viewed is longer than the dimensions of the current graphics window.


When the Move FWD command is executed, the radar map viewed in the new interval will be in the rough format, i.e. without the sequence of filters that could have been applied previously.

3.2.6 Move BCK Command

This instruction commands movement in the negative X direction (with respect to the dragging direction of the antenna) on the current radar map. This operation is necessary if the user wants to go back to the previous position after having given the command described in par. 3.2.5.


When the Move FWD command is executed, the radar map that will be viewed in the new interval will be in the rough format, without the sequence of filters that may have been previously applied.

3.2.7 Graphic Parameters Command

The command Graphic Parameters allows the user to configure opportunely the visualisation parameters of the radar map In Fig. 3-9 are the setting parameters, in the fields of: Min depth(m) this allows the user to set the minimum depth of the desired radar map to be viewed. Max depth(m) this allows the user to set the maximum depth of the desired radar map to be viewed. T min(nsec) this allows the user to set the minimum T coordinate of the desired radar map to be viewed. T max(nsec) this allows the user to set the maximum T coordinate of the desired radar map to be viewed. X scale step (m) this modifies the subdivision of the X scale of the map being viewed.

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Depth scale step (m) this modifies the subdivision of the Y scale of the map being viewed. Depth (m) by selecting this command the user activates the metric view mode for the vertical scale of the radar map. Delay (nsec) by selecting this command the user activates the metric view mode in nsec for the vertical scale of the radar map. Normal by selecting this command the user visualizes the radar map with the standard acquisition direction. X-Mirror by selecting this command the user visualizes the inverted radar map respect to standard acquisitions direction. Well style by activating this command the user has the possibility to rotate of 90 the radar map, putting it vertical as the standard normal direction of scans in the borehole radar surveys. Grid Color this button permits to the user to select the color from the grid to overlap to the current radar map. Visible Grid by activating this command the user activates or not the grid of subdivision to overlap the radar map.

Fig. 3-9 Setting Window of the radar map visualizations parameters

3.2.8 Filter Parameters Command

This command activates the window shown in Fig. 3-10, from where it is possible to set the desired parameters relating to the various filters available. In particular: VERTICAL BAND PASS (TD): this allows the minimum and maximum frequency values to be set in order to perform filtering in the Y direction. VERTICAL BANDPASS/NOTCH FILTER (FD): this allows the minimum and maximum frequency values to be set to perform Notch-Y filtering.

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USER DEFINED H/V FILTER (TD): this allows the user to set the matrix parameters of a personalised filter that can be applied both in the X and in the Y direction. The values that can be set are between +9 and 9. The Reset button allows all the set values to be cancelled, returning them to their initial positions. HORIZONTAL BANDPASS FILTER (TD): this allows the minimum and maximum frequency values to be set in order to perform filtering in the X direction. GAIN: this allows the following parameters to be set: Liner X step (m): this controls the applied step of the linear type STC filter in the X direction in metres. Smoothed X step (m): this controls the applied step of the smooth type STC filter in the X direction in metres.

BACKGROUND REMOVAL: it permits to set the minimum depth Depth min (m) and the maximum depth Depth max (m) viewable on the radar map interested.

Fig. 3-10 - Processing Parameter Setting window


The desired settings chosen in Fig. 3-10 will only be applied if they are made before performing the filtering and/or viewing the map.

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3.2.9 Propagation Velocity Command

This command allows the user to insert a different value for the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic wave from the system default value of 100 m/mms. When the command is activated, the window shown in Fig. 3-11 appears where the user can insert the new desired value. When the OK button is clicked, the code regenerates the radar map using the new set propagation velocity value.

Fig. 3-11 - Propagation Velocity window

3.2.10 Show Header Command

This command allows the user to view the information contained in the header of the currently open file. When this command is activated, the window shown in Fig. 3-12 appears from where the user can read the contained information. By pressing the Print button, the contents of the window being viewed are sent to the printer. The window is closed by pressing the Close button.

Fig. 3-12 - Show Header window

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To print the entire contents of the window shown in Fig. 3-12, the user must first visualise all of its contents by resizing the graphical window using the mouse.

3.3 Process Menu

This section describes the commands contained in the Process menu. This menu is dedicated to executing the filters and from here they can be applied onto the currently open radar maps. These commands can only be applied after having viewed the radar map. Each applied filter will automatically be viewed within the radar map in order to view the history of the sequence of filters used. A scale showing the grey levels used is presented on the left of the map (see the example shown in Fig. 3-13).

Fig. 3-13 - Example of a radar map with filters applied

3.3.1 Move Start Time Command

This command allows the user to calculate the zero point or transition area of the investigated medium. This algorithm must always be applied if the user wants to align the depth scale of the current radar map with the position of the surface being investigated.

3.3.2 Background removal Command

This command applies the Clear-X filtering algorithm, which is used to remove continuous components along the X direction, using the reference parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

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3.3.3 Horizontal bandpass filter (TD) Command

This command applies the Filter X algorithm (FIR type filtering in the X direction), using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.4 User Defined horizontal filter (TD) Command

This command applies a filtering algorithm in the X direction using the parameters defined in the appropriate field of the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.5 Subtract mean (Dewow) Command

This command applies the Clear Y filtering algorithm, used to remove continuous components along the y direction, using the reference parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.6 Vertical Bandpass filter (TD) Command

This command applies the Filter Y algorithm (FIR type filtering in the Y direction), using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.7 Vertical Bandpass filter (FD) Command

This command applies a filter on the frequencies window using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.8 Notch Filter (FD) Command

This command applies Notch type filtering algorithm using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.9 Hilbert transform (envelope) Command

This command applies a Hilbert type transformation algorithm using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.10 User defined vertical filter (TD) Command

This command applies a filtering algorithm in the Y direction using the parameters set in the appropriate field of the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.11 Migration Time Domain Command

This command applies the algorithm filter mentioned above using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10 (focusing on the migration hyperbola).

3.3.12 Linear Gain Command

This command applies the STC linear type filtering algorithm to the selected map (used for equalisation of the power along the sweep based on an estimate of a linear trend in the attenuation) using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

3.3.13 Smooth Gain Command

This command applies a STC smooth type filtering algorithm (equalisation of the power along the mobile window sweep) using the parameters set in the window shown in Fig. 3-10.

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3.3.14 User defined gain

With this command it is applied the filtering algorithm that allows to apply to the radar data a gains curve definable by the user.

3.3.15 Processing Section Command

This command informs the code to apply the filters or sequence of filters (macro) to a single radar map or to all the currently open radar maps. In this way: 1. By activating Processing Section Single: the filters will only be applied to the single section selected (clicking on the desired map) 2. By activating Processing Section All: the filters will be applied to all the sections that are open at that moment. The user can see which selection has been set: the current configuration appears on the main bar of the GP0 SW: Process only active section Process all sections


3.4 Macro Menu

The commands contained in the macro menu are described below. These are dedicated to the application of sequences of filters that are planned to be applied to one or more radar maps.

3.4.1 Execute Command

With this option, the user can apply a previously saved sequence of filters to one or more viewed radar maps. To apply it, proceed as follows: 1. Activate the command Macro Execute 2. The window shown in Fig. 3-14 appears: select the desired *.grl file 3. Now click on the Open button shown in Fig. 3-14: the processing macro will be applied automatically to the radar map or maps currently open Application of the processing macro to a single map or to all the current radar maps is controlled by the command described in 3.3.15.


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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Fig. 3-14 - The macro selection window

3.4.2 Save Command

The save command allows the user to save the sequence of filters applied onto a radar map, to be reused in the future. To execute this command, proceed as follows: 1. Activate the Save command 2. The window shown in Fig. 3-15 appears, here the user must insert the desired name. 3. Press the Save button to save the macro file with the automatic extension grl.

Fig. 3-15 - The Save command window

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3.5 Window Menu

This menu contains the commands for managing the graphical display of the viewed radar maps on the screen.

3.5.1 Cascade Command

This command is active on the open radar sections. When it is activated, the system overlaps the windows in a cascade, the way they appear by default. The user can enlarge or reduce the size of the single windows using the standard Windows buttons at the top right of each open window.

3.5.2 Tile Horizontal Command

This command is active on the open radar sections When it is activated, the system automatically subdivides the display into a number of windows equal to the number of selected channels, ordering them in the horizontal direction. The user can then enlarge or reduce the size of the single windows using the standard Windows buttons at the top right of each open window.

3.5.3 Tile Vertical Command

This command is active on the open radar sections When it is activated, the system automatically subdivides the display into a number of windows equal to the number of selected channels, ordering them in the vertical direction. The user can then enlarge or reduce the size of the single windows using the standard Windows buttons at the top right of each open window.

3.6 The tool bar

The GP0 toolbar (see Fig. 3-16) contains buttons relating to some main functions. These are described in the paragraphs below.

Fig. 3-16 - The tool bar

3.6.1 The Open button

When the Open button is pressed, the command described in par. 3.1.1 is performed.

3.6.2 The Save button

This button performs the command described in par. 3.1.2.

3.6.3 The Print button

Activating the Print button executes the command described in par. 3.1.6.

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

3.6.4 The Zoombutton

The Zoom button permits to increase of the double or to decrease of the middle the radar image visualized.

3.6.5 The z_clip + button

This button controls the positive contrast of the viewed radar section. In practice, this control acts on the upper threshold value of the acquired signals.

3.6.6 The z_clip - button

This button controls the negative contrast of the viewed radar section. In practice, this control acts on the lower threshold value of the acquired signals.

3.6.7 The threshold + button

This button controls the positive contrast of the viewed radar section. In practice, this control acts on the upper threshold value of the acquired signals.

3.6.8 The threshold - button

This button controls the negative contrast of the viewed radar section. In practice, this control acts on the lower threshold value of the acquired signals.

3.6.9 The colour_scale button

The colour button modifies the scale of colours for the selected map. Each click of the button will visualise a different scale of colours. There are six different scales available.

3.6.10 The display mode button

This command allows the user to view the radar map in one of the two ways: Real Modulus

3.6.11 The Cursor button

Pressing this button activates the command needed to insert a graphical pointer inside the selected radar map.

3.6.12 The Propagation Velocity button

This command allows the user to perform an estimate of the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic waves to obtain a correct estimate of the depth of the identified target. To perform this operation, proceed as follows: 1. Click the command with the LMB; the pointer will turn a yellow colour. 2. Click the mouse LMB on the top of the selected hyperbola.

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Protocol: MN/2003/017 - Rev. 1.0 Identif.: RIS/GRESWIN2-PRCS-OUT-MN

Reconstruct its shape, by clicking contemporary the buttons SHIFT+ o SHIFTrespectively to increase or to decrease the propagations velocity value and at the same time to adapt the hyperbola reconstructed (in red colour) to the curvature of the real hyperbola (see Fig. 3-17).

Fig. 3-17 - Example of an estimation of the propagation velocity


Each time a radar map is opened, the default value used is 1 x 10 8 m/sec.

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