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Militer gen yerine dinci gen gelmesin...

03 ubat 2012 Yaz Boyutu: ocuktuk, anlayamyorduk hatta ne dediimizi pek bilmeden her sabah ant ierdik. Varlmz Trk milletinin varlna armaan ederdik. Bizim iin adeta bir oyundu. Ardndan snflara girerdik. Hepimizin karsnda ve en grlen yerde, keskin baklaryla Atamzn son derece yakkl bir resmi bulunurdu. Altnda da Genlie Hitabesi vard. imdi adn unuttum, askerlik dersi hocamzn snfa giri ve knda Atatrkn resmini selamladn hatrlarm. Hepimize komik gelirdi ancak kimse sesini karamazd. stelik hi de ciddiye alnmayan sadece hamasi konumalarn yapld, garip bir dersti. Bydk, askere gidildi. Askerlik genlerimize bir ayrcalk, vatana olan borcunu deme frsat olarak gsterildi. Etrafmz i ve d dmanlarla evriliydi ve ne mutlu ki bizler vatan korumak iin gerekirse hayatmz verecek bir frsat bulmutuk. Askerlik bitti, bu defa her yl askerlik ubesine gidip yoklama ad altnda imza verdik. Bu yllk randevu sanki Genelkurmayn kendini unutturmamak istemesi, Gzm stnde haa, sakn ola ki kamaya filan kalkma. Gn gelince, yine seni aracam mesaj vermesiydi. Btn bunlar kimilerine belki nemsiz veya gereksiz bir oyun gibi gelmi olabilir. Ancak hepimizin beyinlerine militarizmi iviledi. Militer gen nesiller yetitirdik. Koullar da buna msait idi. Hatta dmzdaki gelimeler bu yaklam krklyordu. 19201950 aras, iki dnya sava ve cumhuriyeti ayakta tutabilme abasyla geti. 1950-1990 yllar, komnizm korkusuyla geen Souk Sava dnemiydi. NATO ve Amerika hepimizin sk birer komnist aleyhtar, gerektiinde sadece lkesi iin deil, Avrupay olas bir Rus igalinden korumak iin lmeye hazr birer militer gen olarak yetimemizi istiyordu. Bizim de iimize geldi ve abartl biimde asker gibi dnen nesiller yetitirdik. Bu yzden askeri darbeleri hibir zaman sorgulamadk, asker gibi hareket ettik. Artk yeter. Bugnn dnyasnda artk asker gibi dnmek yok. Bugnn dnyasnda artk militer gen yetitirmenin yeri yok. te bundan dolay askeri derslerin kaldrlmas ok yerinde bir karar... te bundan dolay 181 askerlik ubesinin kapatlmas ok doru bir karar... Dindar gen mi dinci gen mi? Tam militer kafal gen yetitirme dnemine son verirken Babakann nceki gnk konumas kafalar kartrd. Dindar gen yetitireceiz sznde bir anormallik yok. Tabii ki ateist (Allaha inanmayan) bir nesil yetitirilmeyecek. Ancak daha nceki uygulamalardan biliyoruz ki, iin lsn tutturabilen bir toplum deiliz. Dinini bilen-dindar bir nesil yetitirelim derken, kolaylkla bir sre sonra koyu muhafazakar dinci bir nesil yetitirme yarna girilebilir. kisi arasnda ince bir izgi vardr. l kat m ok daha tehlikeli bir alana kaylverir. Aman dikkat... GSyi ykmaya haklar yoktu... Geen hafta Bursa yenilgisinden sonra bir Tweet atm ve o ann kzgnlyla Fatih Terimden balayp, nal Aysaldan geip, futbolculardan karak ate pskrm ve ...Byle giderseniz sonunda hibiriniz kalmazsnz... demitim. Benimki bir taraftarn

tepkisiydi. ok zlediimiz ampiyonlua giden yolda kaybedilen puanlarn verdii bir acnn haykryd. Her ey yolunda giderken yine eskiye dnmenin korkusuydu. Ertesi gn Fatih Terim arad. Uzun yllara dayanan, karlkl bir sevgi ve sayg ilikimiz vardr. Sevgili Birand, benim bu kadar da kredim yok mu? Bir malubiyetten sonra byle ak bir tepkiyi hak etmedik diye beni eletirdi. Fatih Terimi en g dnemlerde dahi desteklediimden dolay Benim de sende bu kadarck eletiri hakkm yok mu? diye yantladm. Sonra dndm de, malubiyetin o scaklnda tepki gstermemem gerektiini kabul ettim. Amma ne yapaym ki, taraftar dediiniz ite budur. Bugn barr, yarn omuzlarda tar. Ben de Antalya mana, Bursa malubiyetini unutmak iin gitmitim. Aksine daha da ldrdm. Kabul, saha ktyd... Kabul, futbolcularda yorgunluk vard... Ancak Fatih hoca gibi ben de, dilimi tutmaya ok aba harcamama ramen Milan Barosu affedemedim. Bana ltfen syler misiniz, gol atmas iin oyuna sokulmu olan bir futbolcunun hakemle kavga edip gz gre gre krmz kart grp takmn 10 kii brakmaya hakk olabilir mi? Buna ciddiyetsizlik denmez mi? Kendi lkesinde byle bir ey yapsa, ynetimden ceza grmez mi? imdi ben de Barosa verilecek cezay bekliyorum. Fatih Terimin artk futbolcularna doru yolu gstermesi, disiplini kurmas, yumruunu masaya vurmasn bekliyoruz. Baros bunu srekli yapyor. Tribnlerdeki alklardan marm durumda. imdi ayn hastalk Meloya da geti. O da hakemlerle oynamaya balad. Takmn genelinde de ayn sinirlilik, ayn kavgaclk var. Doru drst savunma yapmak, doru drst gol atmak yerine srekli hakemle itiip kakyorlar. Sevgili Fatih Terim, bizim de tek derdimiz seninle ayn; bir an nce bu gidiin durmas ve bu yl ampiyonluun kaybedilmemesidir...

Lets not replace militarist youth with religionist youth

We were just kids and we were not able to fully comprehend; moreover, we did not even know what we were saying when we took an oath every morning. We gave away our existence for the existence of the Turkish nation. It was like a game for us. After this, we entered classrooms. Facing each of us and in a most visible place, there was an extremely handsome picture of our Ata (father), there with his penetrating looks. Right below it was his Address to Youth. I have forgotten his name now, but we had a military science teacher who used to salute Atatrks picture each time he entered and exited the classroom. We all thought this was extremely funny but nobody dare raise a voice. Moreover, it was a strange class where heroic lectures were given and nobody took it seriously.

We grew up. Then we had to do our military service. The military service was demonstrated as a privilege to the youth, an opportunity to pay the debts owed to the nation. We were surrounded by interior and exterior enemies and how happy we were that we had the opportunity, if necessary, to give our lives to protect our land. After military service was done, around this time every year, we had to show up at the Military Draft Office and sign the register under the name of roll call. This annual rendezvous was as if the General Staff wanted to be remembered, giving the message, I have my eye on you. Dont ever think of fleeing. I will call you back again when the time comes. For some, all of this might sound and look as if it was a trivial or unnecessary game. But, they have nailed militarism to all of our brains. We have raised and trained militarist young generations. Also, circumstances were favorable for this; moreover, developments beyond our control were stimulating this approach. The years between 1920 and 1950 were spent with two world wars and efforts to sustain the Republic. The years from 1950 to 1990 were the Cold War era, living with fear of communism. NATO and the United States wanted all of us to be trained as strict anti-communists, as militarist young people ready to die for, not only for his country but also to protect Europe from a possible Russian invasion, if necessary. That suited our book also and we trained and raised generations thinking like a soldier in an exaggerated way. For this reason we never questioned military coups; we acted like soldiers. Now, it is enough. There is no room now in todays world to think like a soldier. There is no room now in todays world to train militarist youth. Because of this, it is a right decision to abandon military classes in secondary education. Because of this, it is a right decision to close 181 military draft offices Is it religious youth or religionist youth? Just as it was time to end the era of raising and training militarist-minded youth, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoans speech the other day stirred minds. There is nothing wrong in his words. We will raise a religious youth. Well, indeed, a generation of atheists (those who dont believe in God) will not be

raised. But we know from previous practices that we are not a society who masters in moderation. While we attempt at raising a generation who knows his or her religion well, a religious generation, we can very easily, in a short time, get caught up in a race of raising a strictly conservative religionist generation. There is a fine line between them. Once we overdo it, then we will find ourselves in a much more dangerous field.

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