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Ryan Stone


Ryan Stone 2530 Brookcliff Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 208.589.6647

Table of Contents

Stationery Business Card Logos Brochure Web Page Montage Event Ad Flier Imaging

Letterhead Image

Stationery designed for a company of my choice Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign Date: 03/02/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) How to trace objects using the pen tool. 2) How to make a watermark. 3) How to make a business card in Indesign Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville/Decorative Logo - Font #2 Name & Category: Minion Pro/Old Style Stationery - Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville/Decorative Stationery - Font #2 Name & Category: Minion Pro/Old Style How the logo represents the company: The company is called penguin magic. The image of the penguin is something easy to remember and hopefully something that sticks with people. Process: I found an image of a penguin online. I used the pen tool to trace over it and make it my own image. Then I found some penguin footprints and used the pen tool to trace over those. Once I had the penguin and his footprints, I entered in the title and my information at the bottom. I used the same penguin and footprints in my letterhead. I added more foot prints to lead the eyes down the page to the information at the bottom of the page. I also used another copy of the penguin, but I enlarged it and flipped it horizontally. I made the larger penguin into a watermark. I tried to be consistent with the theme of my business card and letterhead so that they were very similar and easily recognizable.

Business Card

Stationery designed for a company of my choice Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign Date: 03/02/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) How to trace objects using the pen tool. 2) How to make a watermark. 3) How to make a business card in Indesign Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville/Decorative Logo - Font #2 Name & Category: Minion Pro/Old Style Stationery - Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville/Decorative Stationery - Font #2 Name & Category: Minion Pro/Old Style How the logo represents the company: The company is called penguin magic. The image of the penguin is something easy to remember and hopefully something that sticks with people. Process: I found an image of a penguin online. I used the pen tool to trace over it and make it my own image. Then I found some penguin footprints and used the pen tool to trace over those. Once I had the penguin and his footprints, I entered in the title and my information at the bottom. I used the same penguin and footprints in my letterhead. I added more foot prints to lead the eyes down the page to the information at the bottom of the page. I also used another copy of the penguin, but I enlarged it and flipped it horizontally. I made the larger penguin into a watermark. I tried to be consistent with the theme of my business card and letterhead so that they were very similar and easily recognizable.


Logos that I designed for a company of my choice. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator Date: 02/23/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) Basic Principles of Adobe Illustrator 2) How to draw and manipulate basic shapes 3) How to use the direct select tool Top Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Impact/sans serif Top Logo - Font #2 Name & Category: Apple Chancery/decorative Middle Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: Capitals/Modern Bottom Logo - Font #1 Name & Category: New York/Modern Process: I got the idea to create a logo for a magic company. This is a real company but I created three different logos for the company. For the most part I decided to go with the theme of black and white or tuxedo. I drew the different shapes and manipulated them by added different strokes and making them different sizes. Then I found some good fonts to go with the shapes. I experimented with them until I thought they looked good.


Brochure that I created for a company event. Programs/Tools used: InDesign, Photoshop, Date: 03/30/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Title Font Name & Category: Impact - Sans Serif Copy Font Name & Category: Constantia Sources (Links to images on original websites): Top 3 things learned: 1) Text Wrapping 2) How to better use the lasso tool 3) Different brochure layouts and how to create them using InDesign Process: First off I created a little mock up with just a piece of paper. I drew the margins, where the folds would be, where the images would go, and where all of the text would be placed. After I felt I had made a pretty good mock up I went into indesign and started putting things on the page. I thought black and white would go well with the theme of the brochure so that is what I did. I put all of the words, a few images, and the colored box in, and then I opened photoshop and started editing the images. Once I had trimmed around the images I put them into indesign and used them to wrap the text. After that I just made sure that there werent any mistakes or things that I needed to change, and then I went to print. Word Count: 255

Web Page

A web page that I designed to practice using CSS and HTML. Programs/Tools Used: Photoshop, Textwrangler, Illustrator Date: 02/16/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) Basic skills of html 2) Basic skills of css 3) How to use an image for a background on a website Font Family #1 (all names) & Category: Georgia, serif; Font Family #2 (all names) & Category: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; Hex Colors: #0e7c8c, #000000, #FFFFFF, Changes made to the CSS: Font Colors, Background colors, Font Families, CSS Comment Process: First I created an html file with all of the basic information for the website. Then I connected a css file to the html so that I could create a better design. I changed the fonts and the colors and the alignment until I thought it looked nice. In order to do this I was using textwrangler (for the code) and photoshop(to find the exact colors that I wanted). Then I found an image that I wanted to use as my background and I inserted that in the code as well. I made sure that everything looked good and that I wasnt forgetting anything and then I took my screenshot. After all was said and done, my word count was 233. Read the website to learn about what I did to make my logo.


The blending of two photos that I took. Programs/Tools Used: Photoshop Date: 02/16/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) How to use masking in photoshop 2) How different layers work in photoshop. 3) I learned a little more about filters. Font Name & Category: Palestino/Old Style Process: I loaded the two pirtures into photoshop and then I switched the image of Christ so that he was looking to the left. I thought would give the piece a better flow. I placed the one of Christ on top of the hand. I used masking to be able to erase some of the image and make the rest of it transparent. Then I added the text and tried to make the stroke the same color and the hand and the dirt. Sources (Links to images on orginal websites): Both of the pictures were pictures that I had taken while I was in Chile. One is the hand in the desert and the other is a picture that I took of a drawing that a friend of mine did.

Event Ad

A full bleed color event ad Programs/Tools used: Word Date: 02/01/13 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) How to be able to freely move pictures 2) How to use text boxes 3) How to get a good scan Title Font Name & Category: Monotype (script) Copy Font Name & Category: Arial (sans serif) Links to all images you used in this project: Process: I scanned a picture and then placed it into word. Then I used the drawing tool to make some boxes and finally I used the text boxes to add in the text.


I created a flier for a graduate leadership conference. Programs/Tools used: Adobe InDesign Date: 01/26/13 Course: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Top 3 things learned: 1) I learned how to use InDesign. 2) I learned how to play around with different styles and feels. 3) I learned how all of the designing principles work together. Title Font Name & Category: ScholHudson-Bold (Sans Serif) Copy Font Name & Category: New York (Old Style) Links to all images you used in this project: VouantLogo.jpg Process: I imported the image and the logo online and I used the text that was provided for the project. Using some ideas that I had sketched earlier I put my thoughts into the computer and created the design for the flier. I created a rough draft and then had some classmates look over it and give me suggestions for how to improve the design. The design principles helped me to create a decent design but since I am new to this I had some things to change. Later I returned back to the project and strengthened the design.


Editing a photo that I took Programs/Tools used: Photoshop Date: 02/09/2013 Section: COMM 130-02 Teacher: Caryn Esplin Want to Learn: I want to learn how to use photoshop because my knowledge is very limited and I know that I would enjoy learning all of the different things that you can do with it. Top 3 things learned: 1) Ive never used photoshop before so it was good to learn a few of the basic principles. 2) I learned about composition and the rule of thirds. 3) I had never heard of a filter before so it was interesting to play around with different filters with my image. Process: I took several different pictures and then I finally decided on the one of the light pole. I opened it up in photoshop and I cropped it and saturated everything except the actual light pole. I added a ripple filter to blend the snow and the street together and bring out the pole as the main focus of the image. To finish up I put it into a new document and set the margins.

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