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Harding University

Searcy, Arkansas
Team Members:
Jessica Head
Jess Boyd
Cole Mokry
Landis Tindel
Faculty advisor: Katie Ramirez
The 2013 Harding University Bateman Team invites you to the Glow Campaign. This book
recounts our creative journey to shed light on bullying prevention to the Searcy community
by lighting up the night with positive atmospheres and an opportunity to educate on the
repercussions of bullying.
We decided that an effective way to shed light would be to host a 5K sponsored by the
White County Childrens Safety Center. The White County Childrens Safety Center held their
fr:I cnnuc| LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" 5K G|cw Fun in cn cIIempI Ic rci:e func: fcr Ihe 501{c)3
ncn-prcfI chi|c ccvccccy cenIer IhcI exi:I: Ic :uppcrI cnc ccvcccIe fcr chi|c vicIim:
cf :exuc| cnc phy:icc| cLu:e. Ihey Le|ieve IhcI, lI :hcu|cnI hurI Ic Le c kic" cnc we
hoped to contribute to this cause by focusing on the goal to increase awareness among
chi|cren, Ieen: cnc pcrenI: cf Ihe :hcrI cnc |cng Ierm ccn:euence: cf ycuIh Lu||ying. Ihi:
ccIiviIy wcu|c Lring expc:ure Ic mcny cge: in Ihe Secrcy ccmmuniIy cnc wc: Ihe perfecI
opportunity for our team to get involved with a local organization that advocates child
:cfeIy. lI c|:c prcvicec c fcmi|y frienc|y envircnmenI Ic rci:e cwcrene:: cn Lu||y prevenIicn.
Our research indicated that 57% of children in White County attending grade school have
been victimized at some point in their life. Our team saw this as an opportunity to shed light
cn cn i::ue IhcI hcc ncI Leen cceucIe|y cccre::ec in Ihe ccmmuniIy.
Fcr Ihe G|cw Ccmpcign, we Iecmec up wiIh Hcrcing: Ccmpu: /cIiviIie: 8ccrc cnc Ihe
Uncergrcunc Ccfe, |cccIec in ccwnIcwn Secrcy Ic prcvice vc|unIeer c::i:Icnce fcr Ihe
LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" G|cw Fun, inc|ucing cn cfIer pcrIy fecIuring |ccc| Lcnc:, infcrmcIicnc|
LccIh:, pc:I rcce :ncck: cnc g|cw" ccIiviIie: cI Ihe Uncergrcunc Ccfe.
So join us as we show you where our running shoes have traveled in the past few months to
glow in a community with potential and movement.
/fIer cur re:ecrch fncing:, iI wc: evicenI IhcI Ihere neecec Ic Le c :Ircnger
imp|emenIcIicn cf Lu||y prevenIicn in Ihe WhiIe CcunIy crec. We cecicec IhcI Ieccher:,
parents and caretakers played just as of a vital role in the childrens behavior at school as
Iheir peer:. 8eccu:e cf Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy CenIer: cccpercIicn, we knew
that it would be possible to throw an event for adults and children alike. The 5K became a
uniue cnc fun wcy Ic :hec |ighI" Ly crecIing cn envircnmenI IhcI ccu|c Le inIerccIive fcr
each participant.
8u||ying hc: Leen c ncIicnc| i::ue fcr c numLer cf yecr:, LuI we were :hcckec cI Ihe
cmcunI cf ycuIh in cur |ccc| ccmmuniIy whc expre::ec kncw|ecge cf Lu||ying Icking p|cce
in cur mic:I. Frimcry re:ecrch rec||y LrcughI Ihe i::ue c|c:e Ic hcme. Seccnccry re:ecrch, cn
Ihe cIher hcnc, gcve u: ccnIexI wiIh which Ic inIerpreI whcI we cc||ecIec frcm Ihe pecp|e
in our area.
-Ihe 2011 YcuIh Fi:k 8ehcvicr Survei||cnce Sy:Iem {CenIer: fcr Di:ec:e CcnIrc| cnc
FrevenIicn) inciccIe: IhcI, ncIicnwice, 207 cf :IucenI: in grcce: -12 experiencec
-Ihe 2008-200 Schcc| Crime Supp|emenI {NcIicnc| CenIer fcr EcuccIicn SIcIi:Iic:
cnc 8urecu cf Ju:Iice SIcIi:Iic:) inciccIe: IhcI, ncIicnwice, 287 cf :IucenI: in grcce:
-12 experiencec Lu||ying.
-Ihe CyLerLu||ying Fe:ecrch CenIer c|:c cic c :erie: cf :urvey: IhcI fcunc Ihe:e cyLer
bullying statistics:
cCver 80 percenI cf Ieen: u:e c ce|| phcne regu|cr|y, mcking iI Ihe mc:I pcpu|cr
form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying.
c/LcuI hc|f cf ycung pecp|e hcve experiencec :cme fcrm cf cyLer Lu||ying,
cnc 10 Ic 20 percenI experience iI regu|cr|y.
cMecn, hurIfu| ccmmenI: cnc :preccing rumcr: cre Ihe mc:I ccmmcn Iype cf
cyber bullying.
oGirls are at least as likely as boys to be cyber bullies or their victims
oBoys are more likely to be threatened by cyber bullies than girls
oCyber bullying affects all races
oCyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider
-4 percenI cf chi|cren whc were Lu||iec cic ncI repcrI iI: cn|y 3 percenI repcrIec
Ihe Lu||ying. {FeIrc:inc 2010)
-Mcre Ihcn hc|f cf Lu||ying :iIucIicn: {57 percenI) :Icp when c peer inIervene: cn
Lehc|f cf Ihe :IucenI Leing Lu||iec. Wency M.Crcig, Lynn D. Hcwkin:, DeLrc J. Fep|er.
NcIurc|i:Iic CL:ervcIicn: cf Feer lnIervenIicn: in 8u||ying. Sccic| Deve|cpmenI, Vc|ume
10, l::ue 4, pcge: 512-527, NcvemLer 2001.
-/pprcximcIe|y 1 cuI cf 3 chi|cren hcve Leen Lu||iec cnc cpprcximcIe|y 1 cuI cf 3
children have been a bully.
-Ihe fc||cwing i: frcm 8uffc|c SIcIe Univer:iIy: 8u||ying lniIicIive re:ecrch:
-/: mcny c: 100,000 :IucenI: per yecr crcp cuI cf :chcc| Leccu:e cf Lu||ying cnc c:
mcny c: 10,000 :IucenI: per ccy :Icy hcme Leccu:e cf Lu||ying.
-Cn cvercge, mcre Ihcn 4 cuI cf every 10 :IucenI: hcve Leen Lu||iec cn|ine, wiIh
middle school incidents occurring at a much higher rate. 6 out of 10 students will not
tell this to their parents.
-3 cuI cf 10 :IucenI: whc hcve Leen Lu||iec LrcughI wecpcn: Ic :chcc|.
-8u||ie: cre much mcre |ike|y Ic hcve c criminc| reccrc cI :cme pcinI in Iheir |ive:.
-Fcugh|y 2 cuI cf 3 :IucenI: whc hcve Leen Lu||iec wi|| Leccme Lu||ie: Ihem:e|ve:.
-Mc:I Ieccher: :cy IhcI Ihey inIervene when Lu||ying cccur:. Mc:I :IucenI: :cy IhcI
teachers do not intervene when bullying occurs.
-/ recenI :Iucy Ly Ihe NcIicnc| CenIer fcr EcuccIicn SIcIi:Iic: :hcwec IhcI mcre Ihcn
0 percenI cf :IucenI: whc experiencec Lu||ying never repcrIec Ihe incicenI.
Stot|st|cs |rom the 2008-200 Schoo| Cr|me Supp|ement show thot on odu|t wos not|0ed |n
only about a third of bullying cases. Kids dont tell adults for many reasons:
-8u||ying ccn mcke c chi|c fee| he|p|e::. Kic: mcy wcnI Ic hcnc|e iI cn Iheir cwn Ic
feel in control again. They may fear being seen as weak or a tattletale.
-Kic: mcy fecr Lcck|c:h frcm Ihe kic whc Lu||iec Ihem.
-8u||ying ccn Le c humi|icIing experience. Kic: mcy ncI wcnI ccu|I: Ic kncw whcI i:
Leing :cic cLcuI Ihem, wheIher Irue cr fc|:e. Ihey mcy c|:c fecr IhcI ccu|I: wi|| jucge
them or punish them for being weak.
-Kic: whc cre Lu||iec mcy c|reccy fee| :ccic||y i:c|cIec. Ihey mcy fee| |ike nc cne
cares or could understand.
-Kic: mcy fecr Leing rejecIec Ly Iheir peer:. Frienc: ccn he|p prcIecI kic: frcm
Lu||ying, cnc kic: ccn fecr |c:ing Ihi: :uppcrI.
ln crcer Ic ceIermine hcw Lu||ying in Secrcy ccmpcre: Ic ncIicnc| cvercge:, we :urveyec
311 :IucenI: in grcce: -12 cI Hcrcing /cccemy, c privcIe Chri:Iicn :chcc| in Secrcy. Secrcy
public schools were not willing to let us survey their students.
ln regcrc: Ic Ihe :urvey: ccmini:Ierec Ic Ihe Hcrcing /cccemy :chcc| :y:Iem, we fccu:ec
cn ycuIh: cge: 10-1. Cur ccmpcign cicnI neec Ic Le mcre :pecifc Ihcn IhcI Leccu:e cur
gcc| wc: Ic :hec |ighI cn Lu||ying, cnc Ic ncrrcw Ihe fccu: wcu|c hcve in Iurn ncrrcwec cur
-4 cuI cf 172 :IucenI: {377) in grcce: -12 hcve Leen Lu||iec cI :cme pcinI in Iheir |ife.
-Cf Ihc:e 4 :IucenI:, cn|y 41 repcrIec Ihe Lu||ying Ic c pcrenI, Ieccher, ccun:e|cr cr peer.
-387 cf mc|e: in grcce: -12 were Lu||iec cnc 357 cf femc|e: in grcce: -12 were Lu||iec
-80 cuI cf 13 :IucenI: {577) in grcce: -8 hcve Leen Lu||iec cI :cme pcinI in Iheir |ife.
-Cf Ihc:e 80 :IucenI:, cn|y 57 repcrIec Ihe Lu||ying Ic c pcrenI, Ieccher, ccun:e|cr cr peer.
-547 cf mc|e: in grcce: -8 hcve Leen Lu||iec cnc 07 cf femc|e: hcve Leen Lu||iec.
-Cverc||, 257 cf Ihe 311 :IucenI: in grcce: -12 :urveyec hcve wiIne::ec :cme fcrm cf
-235 cf Ihe 311 :IucenI: :cic IhcI Ihey inIervenec in :cme wcy Ic :Icp c Lu||y cr repcrI iI Ic c
/fIer cc||ecIing cur primcry re:ecrch, iI Leccme evicenI Ic cur Iecm IhcI Lu||ying cffecI:
everycne invc|vec. lI wc: impcrIcnI mcving fcrwcrc, IhcI we were cL|e Ic fnc c |cccIicn
cccpIcL|e Ic pcrenI:, Ieccher:, Ieen: cnc chi|cren. 8u||ying i: c univer:c| i::ue IhcI
cny cge, rcce, gencer, cr :ccic-eccncmic c|c:: ccn re|cIe Ic. 8eccu:e cf cur incLi|iIy
Enccurcge chi|cren Ic g|cw Ly shedding light on bullying:
-DcnI Le Lu||iec cnc ccnI |eI cIher: Lu||y ycu.
oBully Prevention:
Guard yourself and others.
Keep yourself and your friends away from harmful situations.
Live boldly.
Stand up for what is right even if it is not the most popular thing to do.
Observe surroundings.
Make sure that you stay in visible places where adults can see you.
Wise behavior is always best.
In everything you do, make sure that you are making wise decisions.
Parents, Caretakers and Faculty:
SIcy infcrmec cLcuI Ihe ccn:euence: IhcI Lu||ying ccu|c hcve cn chi|cren. Enccurcge
adults to stay aware and alert in order to identify bullying.
oSymptoms of a victim:
cLc:: cf frienc:
Ic ccmmuniccIe cnc wcrk wiIh Ihe puL|ic :chcc| ci:IricI:, we were hcping Ic fnc cn
envircnmenI IhcI c|| cf Ihe Secrcy ccmmuniIy, privcIe cnc puL|ic ci:IricI:, ccu|c pcrIicipcIe.
Primary Audience:
- Chi|cren LeIween Ihe cge: cf 10-1 in Ihe WhiIe CcunIy crec.
Secondary Audiences:
- Parents and primary caretakers of children in the White County area.
- /cmini:IrcIicn, fccu|Iy cnc :Icff memLer: cI Secrcy puL|ic :chcc|: cnc Hcrcing
- Mecic cuI|eI: in Ihe WhiIe CcunIy crec {:pecifcc||y Ihe Dci|y CiIizen new:pcper, Ihe
8i:cn new:pcper, Ihe Hcrcing Univer:iIy puL|ic re|cIicn: cffce).
cDrcp in grcce:
cLc:: cf inIere:I in ccIiviIie: he/:he previcu:|y enjcyec
cCnce prcL|em i: icenIifec:
oCommunication with other adults in childs life is crucial.
cIecch chi|cren ncn-vic|enI wcy: Ic cec| wiIh Lu||ie:, |ike wc|king cwcy.
cEnccurcge :e|f-ccnfcence
oSymptoms of a bully:
cVc|ue: cggre::icn
cLike: Ic Le in chcrge
cCfIen fghI: wiIh LrcIher: cr :i:Ier:
cl: impu|:ive
cCnce prcL|em i: icenIifec:
cIcke iI :ericu:|y. Ic|k Ic ycur chi|c Ic fnc cuI why he cr :he i: Lu||ying.
oHelp build empathy for others and talk to your child about how it feels to be
c/:k cIher ccu|I: in chi|c: |ife if Ihey hcve ncIicec cny unfcmi|icr Lehcvicr.
c/:k ycur:e|f if :cmecne cI hcme i: Lu||ying ycur chi|c. CfIen, kic: IhcI cre
Lu||iec Ihem:e|ve: Ly c pcrenI, fcmi|y memLer, cr cncIher ccu|I.
Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy CenIer imp|emenIec c p|cn fcr Ihe 5K rcce. FcrIuncIe|y,
they were able to use this opportunity to raise money for their foundation in the process. We
u:ec Ihe 5K cnc 1 mi|e fun run c: c wcy Ic cIIrccI fcmi|ie: Ic Ihe Secrcy :ucre whi|e c|:c
advocating for the White County Childrens Safety Center.
We developed an after party for the racers to take part in where they could enjoy a
vcrieIy cf ccIiviIie: whi|e Leing expc:ec Ic infcrmcIicn cn hcw Ic prevenI Lu||ying in Ihe
community. We wanted these activities to engage the runners by informing them on the
ccnger: cnc ccn:euence: cf Lu||ying. We cecicec Ic uIi|ize Ihe Zicn Fcck C|imLing CenIer
as a venue for our event.
During Ihe ccur:e cf cur p|cnning prcce::, we wcnIec Ic mcinIcin |cyc|Iy Ic Ihe WhiIe
County Childrens Safety Center in providing goals that would compliment and assist in their
5K event.
Primary Objectives:
De:ign cn evenI IhcI wcu|c uIi|ize Ihe Secrcy envircnmenI prcmcIing hec|Ihy fcmi|y
re|cIicn:hip: fcr chi|cren cge: 10-17, c 5K rcce cnc l mi|e fun run Ly Ihe ccurIhcu:e :ucre.

lncrec:e cwcrene:: cf Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy CenIer in Secrcy, c chi|c
ccvccccy cenIer IhcI exi:I: Ic :uppcrI cnc ccvcccIe fcr chi|c vicIim: cf :exuc| cnc phy:icc|
Enccurcge Iecm Lui|cing ccIiviIie: Ic Le imp|emenIec in Secrcy ccmmuniIy c: c mecn:
Ic prcvicing c pc:iIive envircnmenI fcr Ihe ycuIh cu|Iure cf Ihe Icwn wiIh Ihe Zicn Fcck
Climbing Center.
Using a 5K race and 1 mile fun run ensured that we would hit all target audiences. This
was an important factor when choosing an event to promote our campaign because we
wanted the communication between all ages to be a valued component of preventing
bullying in all environments within White County.
Physical activity and competition is a great atmosphere for words of encouragement.
Setting a positive environment could only ensure that this type of behavior should be
encouraged in all aspects of life on and off the race trail.
EcuccIicn cn Ihi: Icpic i: e::enIic| Ic fncing cn:wer: cn prevenIicn. We wcnIec cur evenI Ic
Le c refecIicn cf IhcI c: we||. We mcce c vcrieIy cf Lcnner:, :hcwing :IcIi:Iicc| infcrmcIicn
refecIive frcm Ihe ccmmuniIy c: we|| c: u:ing Ihe ccrcnym G.L.C.W. Ic c::i:I pecp|e in
learning about bully prevention.
LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" G|cw Fun 2013 cI Ihe Secrcy CcurIhcu:e Sucre cn FeLrucry 23, 2013.
Drcw c vcrieIy cf cge: Ic Ihe Secrcy :ucre Ic G.L.C.W." in :uppcrI cf chi|c :cfeIy/Lu||y
prevenIicn Ly pcrIicipcIing in Ihe LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" G|cw Fun cnc cfIer pcrIy.
Target: Searcy community.
Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy CenIer Icck Ihe iniIicIive Ic crgcnize 5K cnc Fun Fun
logistics. The Harding Bateman team organized the after party which gave more information
about bully prevention for the White County area as well as encouraging healthy activities
for children in the area to engage in.
Ihe Hcrcing Univer:iIy 8cIemcn Iecm reccgnizec Ihe impcrIcnce cf exIrccurricu|cr ccIiviIie:
for children in the community. This is why we created an after party showcasing some of the
positive and encouraging activities that children are involved with in the White County area.
Zicn Fcck C|imLing CenIer wc: inIere:Iec in :uppcrIing Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy
CenIer cnc cgreec Ic hc:I Ihe cfIer pcrIy, prcvice cfIer rcce Levercge:, cnc cpen up Ihe
rock climbing facilities to any registered runners.
Ihe FcL|e & Fury, c |ccc| Lcnc, cgreec Ic ccme cuI cnc :hcw Iheir :uppcrI cf Ihe evenI Ly
prcvicing c pc:I rcce ccncerI cI Ihe Zicn Fcck C|imLing CenIer.
We :eI up c vcrieIy cf infcrmcIicnc| LccIh: exp|cining Ihe ccnger: cnc ccn:euence: cf
Lu||ying cnc c|:c wcy: Ic prevenI Lu||ying Ly Ihe ccrcnym, G.L.C.W.". Ihe LccIh: were
:eI up ju:I in:ice Ihe enIrcnce cf Ihe venue cnc cur Iecm c: we|| c: cIher FFSS/ memLer:
talked with racers and attendees as they entered.
Targeted Media:
We puI fyer: in ecch rcce pcckeI fcr pcckeI pick up wiIh infcrmcIicn cLcuI Ihe cfIer pcrIy
cnc Lu||ying :IcIi:Iic: cf 400 runner:. We wcnIec Ic en:ure IhcI, even if Ihey cic ncI ccme Ic
Ihe cfIer pcrIy, Ihey were :Ii|| mcce cwcre cf Ihe ccnger: cf Lu||ying cnc wcy: Ic prevenI iI.
The Harding Bateman team also announced the event in chapel to the entire student body
at Harding University to encourage the college community to participate in the event. We
c|:c :enI cuI pre:: re|ec:e: Ic Ihe Hcrcing Univer:iIy FuL|ic Fe|cIicn: cffce, en:uring IhcI we
would have coverage of the event.
8u||ying cffecI: everycne cnc cce: ncI :Icp cfIer high :chcc| grccucIicn. Hcwever, if
students can learn about the dangers of bullying and how to effectively stand up to bullies
cI cn ecr|y cge, Ihen Ihere i: c grecIer chcnce cf e|imincIing Lu||ie: in :chcc|: cnc in Ihe
8u||ying ccn Le hcrc Ic cefne, e:pecic||y in cur cn|ine cu|Iure, Leccu:e iI ccn Icke mcny
fcrm:. lI i: nc |cnger cn|y phy:icc| cnc verLc|. CyLer Lu||ying cccur: Lehinc c ccmpuIer cr
cell phone screen and can easily go undetected by parents and teachers.
We utilized a 5K sponsored by the White County Childrens Safety Center to raise awareness
cLcuI Ihe ccnger: cf Lu||ying cnc hcw pcrenI:, Ieccher: cnc ccmmuniIy memLer: ccn
recognize the signs of bullying.
Ihe WhiIe CcunIy Chi|cren: ScfeIy CenIer he|c Ihe LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" 5K G|cw Fun in
cn cIIempI Ic rci:e func: fcr Ihe 501{c)3 ncn-prcfI chi|c ccvccccy cenIer IhcI exi:I: Ic
:uppcrI cnc ccvcccIe fcr chi|c vicIim: cf :exuc| cnc phy:icc| cLu:e. Ihey Le|ieve IhcI, lI
shouldnt hurt to be a kid and we hoped to contribute to this cause by focusing on the
gcc| Ic increc:e cwcrene:: cmcng chi|cren, Ieen: cnc pcrenI: cf Ihe :hcrI cnc |cng Ierm
ccn:euence: cf ycuIh Lu||ying.
ln cn effcrI Ic :precc cwcrene::, we Iecmec up wiIh Hcrcing: Ccmpu: /cIiviIie: 8ccrc cnc
Ihe Zicn Fcck C|imLing CenIer, |cccIec in ccwnIcwn Secrcy Ic prcvice vc|unIeer c::i:Icnce
fcr Ihe LighI Up Ihe SIreeI:" G|cw Fun, inc|ucing cn cfIer pcrIy fecIuring |ccc| Lcnc:,
infcrmcIicnc| LccIh:, pc:I rcce :ncck: cnc g|cw" ccIiviIie: cI Ihe Zicn Fcck C|imLing
We exceecec cur gcc| Ly hcving mcre Ihcn 500 pcrIicipcnI: regi:Ier cnc pcrIicipcIe in
Ihe rcce. Ihey were expc:ec Ic vc|ucL|e infcrmcIicn IhcI wi|| he|p Ihem reccgnize Ihe
importance of bully prevention. The White County Childrens Safety Center has shown their
interest in making this an annual event to fundraise for their organization as well as spread
Ihe ccnger: cnc ccn:euence: cf Lu||ying cnc cLu:e.
28% of students in grades 612 experienced
Over half will not report it?
2 out of 3 students who have been bullied will
become bullies themselves?
After the race, come to
Zion Rock Center (N. Spruce Street) for an
After {Glow } Party.
Performance by The Fable & The Fury
Rock Climbing
Face Painting
Help raise awareness about bullying in our community.
Sponsored by Public Relations Student Society of
28% of students in grades 612 experienced
Over half will not report it?
2 out of 3 students who have been bullied will
become bullies themselves?
After the race, come to
Zion Rock Center (N. Spruce Street) for an
After {Glow } Party.
Performance by The Fable & The Fury
Rock Climbing
Face Painting
Help raise awareness about bullying in our community.
Sponsored by Public Relations Student Society of
/|:c inc|ucec in cur G|cw Ccmpcign :ummcry i: c vicec cf Ihe G|cw Fun /fIer FcrIy {CD
inc|ucec in mci| pcckeI.) lI fecIure: :cene: frcm Ihe evenI cnc mu:ic Ly Ihe FcL|e & Fury.
Ihi: i: c ccpy cf Ihe fyer IhcI we puI in Ihe rcce infcrmcIicn pcckeI: fcr Ihe G|cw runner:.

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