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Meeting 3/9/13 at 11am 1. Welcome and Personal Introductions 2. What is GenUN?

Youth based education and advocacy group to promote world peace and the UNs goals. Millennium Goals to be completed by 2015: (More information can be found on End Poverty and Hunger Universal Education Gender Equality Child Health Maternal Health Combat HIV/AIDS Environmental Sustainability Global Partnership 3. What are Campus Advocates? One student representative from GenUN Southern California at the middle school, high school, college, and university levels to advocate for the UN. Please note: We are trying to create an easier way for students to get involved with GenUN. Having one student to advocate for our cause to an entire campus is extremely arduous. The solution would be to allow students to create GenUN campus chapters, or clubs, to promote community and efficiency. 4. Upcoming Projects The Care-Package Project led by Negeen Instead of giving the homeless money, which could sponsor a drug or alcohol addiction, we will be providing them with care packages. In these packages, we will include: a water bottle, granola bars, socks, a tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Their packaging and distribution is still TBA. All details will be finalized by next week. Get donations from vendors by April 12th Assemble packages April 20th We will need to send out a request for volunteers by April 6th. Deliver packages April 21st School Supply Project (Official name TBA) led by Kelsey This project will be set in motion in the next couple months. Stay tuned for updates. Partnership with We Still Believe - We Still Believe is a non-profit organization that cares for the homeless in Orange County through benefit concerts. We are planning to have a booth at their next show; over 700 people came to their last event.

5. Website and Social Media We are currently looking for volunteers to help us further develop our website. We will be receiving our domain name by this coming week. (Fingers crossed!) We will allocate responsibilities for social media leaders in the coming weeks. 6. Calendar and Council of Organizations: One of our long-term goals is to create a calendar of free, hands-on volunteer opportunities with all the non-profits in Southern California. We are always looking for other non-profits to partner with. The United Nations Association has a Council of Organization that we will work with closely. Among those organizations are the American Humanist Association, American Public Health Association, Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI), League of Women Voters of the United States, U.S. Fund for UNICEF, etc. 7. Action Items: Get 3 or more committed members (at least one from Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange County) to contribute a blog on the site. Bloggers would write (and include visuals) about issues important to them, progress made in our meetings, and upcoming events in their area. Get a domain name for website. Negeen and others who would like to help her out: Call police department about distribution of care packages.

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