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Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 1

Volume 48, No 2, Beograd, Jun 2009
ISSN 0456-2933

I redovana godinja Skuptina Srpskog Livakog
(I regular annual Assembly of the Serbian Foundrymen
M. Petri, P. Mrvar, J. Medved
Termika obrada Al-Mg-Si-Fe legura
(Heat tretman of the Al-Mg-Si-Fe alloy)
. Davidovi, I. Najdenov, T. Volkov-Husovi, K. Rai
Indukciona pe bez jezgra: konstrukcija, radni
parametri i primena
(Coreless induction furnace: design, operating
parameters and applications)
R. Vujovi, S. Manasijevi, V. Lazarevi
Brza izrada prototipova II deo
(Rapid Prototyping Part Two)
Uputstvo za saradnike asopisa Livarstvo
(Instructions for associates of Foundry journal)

asopis Srpskog livakog drutva
Journal of the Serbian Foundrymen Society
Urednik (Editor)
Sran Markovi, TMF Beograd
Tehniki urednik (Technical editor)
Sreko Manasijevi, MNTR
Lektor (Linguistic advisor)
Vesna Lazarevi
Redakcijski kolegijum (Editorijal board)
Vladimir Krsti, Queens University, Kingston
Mirjana Filipovi, TMF, Beograd
Karlo Rai, TMF, Beograd
Mile urevi, Nemak Co, Linz
Stanka Tomovi-Petrovi, RTIM, Raufoss
Tatjana-Volkov Husovi, TMF Beograd
Radia Radomir, LOLA Institut, Beograd
Branislav Nedeljkovi, Zastava, Kragujevac
Slobodan Luki, Potens, Poega
Nenad Maksimovi, MetalTim, Beograd
Zoran Janjuevi, ITNMS, Beograd
Radmila Vujovi, SLD, Beograd
Izdavaki savet (Publishing council)
Budimir Golubovi, Dragomir Savi,
Radoslav Pejovi, Miroslav Janiijevi,
Zoran Bogdanovi, Milovan Vasi, Pera Hini,
Dragoljub Maksimovi, Gordana urevi,
Radojica uri, Sinia Markovi,
Zoran Jeremi, Milinko Simi,
Dragan Stefanovi, Radia Peri, Mile Veki,
Radojle Bukvi, Milan Markovi, Gordana Maji,
Zoran Staki, eljko Kamberovi
Srpsko livako drutvo- SLD
(Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Strukovno udruenje za unapreenje Livarstva
Karnegijeva 4, 11 120 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3370 502, 3303 677
Fax: +381 11 3370 502
Web site:
Matini broj: 17729527
ifra delatnosti: 91120
PIB : 105606202
Tekui raun: 0030006031000-80
Devizni raun: 30006031001
Zavod za grafiku tehniku
Tehnoloko-metalurki fakultet
Karnegijeva 4, 11 120 Beograd
Tira 200 kom
Cena 300 din, (godinja predplata 1 000 din)

CIP Katalogizacija u publikaciji
Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd
ISSN 0456-2933 = Livarstvo (Beograd)
COBISS.SR-ID 6884354
2 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)

22 maja, 2009. u sveanoj Sali Tehnoloko-
metalurkog fakulteta u Beogradu odrana je
I Redovna Godinja Skuptina Srpskog
Livakog Drutva sa poetkom u 12 asova.
Posle pozdravne i uvodne rei predsednika
Drutva dodeljene su zahvalnice za znaajan
doprinos u osnivanju i radu SLD-a (sl.23) i to:
Prof. Dr. Ivanki Popovi i Tehnoloko-
metalurkom fakultetu Univerziteta u
direktoru Goranu Dafiu i Republikoj
Agenciji za Mala i Srednja Preduzea i
Nakon podnoenja izvetaja od strane
predsednika o radu u proteklom periodu, stanju
finansija i daljim zadacima i perspektivama rada
Drutva razvila se iva diskusija (sl. 46) u kojoj
su aktivno uestvovali Z. Bogdanovi (FVK,
Kraljevo), I. Popovi (TMF, Beograd), M. Simi
(Livnica Ljig, Ljig), M. Stankovi (Metalurg,
Prokuplje), V. Milojkovi (RTB-Bor), R. Pejovi
(MMS, Beograd), D. Savi (Morsad, Topola), B.
Golubovi (Radijator, Zrenjanin), R. Bukvi
(Fasil, Arilje), N. Majinski (PKS, Beograd) i P.
Hini (Inoving, Beograd).
Nakon plodne i na momente burne diskusije
doneseni su sledei zakljuci i odluke:
da se u okviru SLD-a formira tehnika
komisija koja e biti partner ili bar
konsultant u Republikoj Agenciji za
zatitu ivotne sredine, kako bi se na
kompetentan odnosno struan nain
donosile procene o tome ta je opasan
otpad, a ta nije kad je rad livnica u
pitanju, itd.,
da se intervenie kod nadlenih organa,
kako bi se spreila dalja prodaja i izvoz
sekundarnih sirovina, jer smatramo, da
se ugroavaju vitalni interesi zemlje,
da se u okviru Privredne Komore Srbije
ubudue objedini nastup livakih
preduzea u okviru jedne sekcije-grupe.
Skuptina je zavrila sa radom u 13,50 asova,
nakon ega je organizovan koktel sa zakuskom
u klubu fakulteta.

I regular annual Assembly of the Serbian
Foundrymen Society was held in main
auditorium of the Faculty of Technology and
Metallurgy in Belgrade on May 22
2009 at
12:00. After complimentary and introductory
notes of the President of the Society,
acknowledgments for significant contribution to
establishing and work at SFS were assigned
(Fig. 23), as follows:
Prof. Dr Ivanka Popovic and the Faculty
of Technology and Metallurgy, University
in Belgrade,
General Manager Goran Dzafic and the
Republic Agency for Small and Medium
Enterprises and Entrepreneurship.
Upon Presidents submission of reports on
work in previous period, financial status and
further tasks and prospective work of the
Society, vivid discussion developed (Fig. 46)
with the following active participants: Z.
Bogdanovic (FVK, Kraljevo), I. Popovic (TMF,
Belgrade), M. Simic (foundry Ljig, Ljig), M.
Stankovic (Metalurg, Prokuplje), V. Milojkovic
(RTB-Bor), R. Pejovic (MMS, Belgrade), D.
Savic (Morsad, Topola), B. Golubovic (Radijator,
Zrenjanin), R. Bukvic (Fasil, Arilje), N. Majinski
(PKS, Belgrade) and P. Hinic (Inoving,
Upon fertile and in moments turbulent
discussion the following conclusions and
decisions are made:
To form Technical Committee within SFS
to act in capacity of partner or at least
consultant to the Republic Agency for
Environment Protection, to make
competent, professional contribution to
assessments on danger waste in terms
of foundry operations, etc,
To intervene with competent bodies to
prevent further sales and export of
secondary raw materials, which we
consider endangerment of vital interests
of the country,
To unite performance of foundry-related
companies within one section group
within the Serbian Chamber of
The Assembly completed the session at 13:50,
after which the participants attended cocktail
with refreshment at the Faculty club.
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 3

Slika 1.- Radno predsednitvo
Figure 7.- Presidency in session

Slika 3.- Primanje zahvalnice, Neboja Radinkovi-
RA MSPP, Beograd
Figure 3.- Accepting acknowledgments, Nebojsa
Radinkovic- RA MSPP, Belgrade

Slika 5.- Z. Bogdanovi- FVK, Kraljevo
Figure 5.- Z. Bogdanovic- FVK, Kraljevo

Slika 7.- Gosti
Figure 7.- Guests

Slika 2.- Primanje zahvalnice, prof. Dr. Ivanka
Popovi-TMF, Beograd
Figure 2.- Accepting acknowledgments, Prof. Dr
Ivanka Popovic, TMF, Belgrade

Slika 4.- Neboja Radenovi-RA MSPP, Beograd
Figure 4.- Nebojsa Radenovic-RA MSPP Belgrade

Slika 6.- Milovan Stankovi- Metalurg, Prokuplje
Figure 6.- Milovan Stankovic- Metalurg, Prokuplje

Slika 8.- Studenti
Figure 8.- Students
4 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
M. Petri
, P. Mrvar
, J. Medved

Izvorni nauni rad (Original scientific paper)
UDC 620.18:669.715
U ovom radu je opisan uticaj homogenizacije
na koliinu mikrostrukturnih komponenti Al-Mg-
Si-Fe kovanih legura. Tri uzorka su
homogenizovana na temperaturi od 560C u
trajanju od 4, 6 i 8 sati i jedan je bio u stanju
odlivka. Korienjem metalografske analize,
optike mikroskopije i skenirajue elektronske
mikroskopije (SEM), analizirana je
mikrostruktura konstituenata, promene i njihov
kvantitet u zavisnosti od vremena trajanja
homogenizacije. Odreivane su i koliine olova i
bizmuta i srednja udaljenost preseka ili veliine
zrna u svim uzorcima.
Kljune rei: homogenizacija, eutektike i
mikrostrukturne komponente.
Aluminijumske kovane legure koje sadre
magnezijum, silicijum i gvoe su pogodne za
ekstruziju. Dodavanjem razliitih elemenata,
mogue je popraviti tehnika, mehanika i
fizika svojstva legura. Aluminijumske legure sa
magnezijumom i silicijumom su nataloene
ovrsle legure koje poboljavaju mehanika
svojstva. Mogunost ovravanja taloga je
vea kada je koliina magnezijuma iznad
stehiometrijskog nivoa u Mg
Si fazi [1]. Ova faza
taloi se iz prezasienog vrstog rastvora do
konano disperznih estica tokom termike
obrade. Ove konano disperzne estice
obezbeuju dobra mehanika svojstva ovim
legurama[1,2]. Dodavanje eleza u Al-Mg
legurama nepovoljno utie na krupnou i
smanjuje zateznu vrstou i izduenje zbog
igliaste strukture Al
faze. Kako bi se ovo
spreilo dodaje se mangan koji transformie
igliastu strukturu Al
faze u kockastiju
fazu Al
[1,2]. Mangan takoe
poboljava otpornost na koroziju.
Ovravanje ovakvih legura poinje
reakcijom L
koja se nastavlja eutektikom
kristalizacijom L
+ Al
Stehiometrija Al
(Fe, Mn)
faze se menja sa
ovravanjem i hlaenjem. Ovravanje se
zavrava jo jednom eutektikom reakcijom L

+ Mg
Si. Reakcija je praena taloenjem
Si faze.
Paper describes effect of homogenization on
the quantity of microstructural constituents of the
Al-Mg-Si-Fe wrought alloy. Three samples were
homogenized at 560C for 4, 6 and 8 hours and
one was in the as cast state. With help of
metallographic analysis, by optical microscope
and a scanning electron microscope (SEM), we
analyzed the micro structural constituents and
the change of their quantity in accordance with
the time of homogenization. Quantities of lead
and bismuth inclusions and mean intercept
distance or the grain size of all samples were
determined as well.
Key words: homogenization, eutectic and
microstructural constituents.
Aluminium wrought alloys containing
magnesium, silicon and iron are appropriate for
extrusion. By adding different alloying elements,
it is possible to improve the technical,
mechanical and physical properties of the alloys.
Aluminium alloys with magnesium and silicon
are precipitation hardening alloys which improve
mechanical properties. The ability of
precipitation hardening is better when the
quantity of magnesium is above the
stoichiometric level in the Mg
Si phase

[1]. This
phase is precipitating from supersaturated solid
solution to finely dispersed particles during heat
treatment. This finely dispersed particles give
good mechanical properties to these alloy

The addition of iron to the Al-Mg alloys inhibits
coarsening, but it also decreases the tensile
strength and ductility due to the needle structure
of the Al
phase. To prevent this,
manganese is added which transforms the
needle structure of the Al
phase to more
cubic phase of Al
[1,2]. Manganese
also improves corrosion resistance.
The solidification of such alloys begins with
the reaction L
which continues with the
eutectic crystalization L
+ Al

Error! Bookmark not defined.. The stoichiometry
of the Al
(Fe, Mn)
phase changes with
solidification and cooling. The solidification is
finished with another eutectic reaction L
Si. The reaction is followed by the
precipitation of the Mg
Si phase.
M. Petri, Fakultet prirodnih nauka i inenjeringa, Univerziteta u Ljubljani,
P. Mrvar, Fakultet prirodnih nauka i inenjeringa, Univerziteta u Ljubljani,
J. Medved, Fakultet prirodnih nauka i inenjeringa, Univerziteta u Ljubljani,
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 5
Prouavana je Al-Mg-Si-Fe legura
izvoenjem termike analize, simulacione
termike analize(STA), metalografske analize i
termodinamiki proraun fazne ravnotee. U
tabeli 1 je prikazan hemijski sastav prouavane
Termodinamiki proraun fazne ravnotee
izraunat je uz pomo raunarskog programa
Thermo-Calc za hemijski sastav prouavane
legure. Rezultati prikazaju temperature na
kojima poinje ovravanje i zavrava se i
temperaturna polja u kojima postoji fazna
Jednostavna termila analiza je izvrena
sipanjem istopljene legure u eliju za merenje
napravljenu u skladu sa Croning procesom.
Tokom ovravanja, merene su temperature i
ematski prikazana kriva hlaenja.
Simalaciona termika analiza izvrena je na
ureaju Jupiter 449 iz NETZSCH. Rezultati STA
su prikazali temperature tenog i vrstog stanja i
temperature taloenja. Uzorak za STA je iseen
iz odlivka iz jednostavne toplotne analize.
Uzorci za homogenizaciju i metalografiju
iseeni su iz livenih ipki 350 mm sa vrha
odlivka. Tri uzorka su homogenizovana na
temperaturi od 560C u trajanju od 4, 6 i 8 sati i
jedan je bio u stanju odlivka. Posle
homogenizacije, uzorci su ohlaeni uz pomo
Uzorci su zatim pripremljeni za metalografsku
analizu optikom mikroskopijom i skenirajuom
elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM).
Mikrostrukture su analizirane uz pomo
raunarskog programa za analizu slika analySIS
5.0. Odreivani su udeli eutektikih faza
i Mg
Si, kao i estice olova i
bizmuta i veliina zrna. Eutektika faza Mg
Si i
estice olova i bizmuta su iste boje u optikoj
mikroskopiji, tako da su ispitivani uzorci
koristeenjem SEM, gde su ove mikrostrukturni
konstituenti bili razliitih boja. Korienjem SEM
odreen je udeo olova i bizmuta, a zatim ta
vrednost je oduzeta od zbira sve tri komponente
iz optike mikrografije, ime je dobijen udeo
Si u mikrostrukturi. Odreen je i udeo
eutektikih faza kod

+ Al
(Fe ,Mn)
+ Mg
Za odreivanje veliine zrna, uzorci su
anodizirani u trajanju od jednog minuta
potapanjem u 2 % vodenog rastvora HBF
23 V. Veliina zrna ili srednja udaljenost preseka
odreeni su standardom ASTM E 11296.
We studied the Al-Mg-Si-Fe alloy by carrying
out the thermal analysis, simultaneous thermal
analysis (STA), metallographic analysis and the
thermodynamic calculation of the phase
equilibrium. Table 1 shows the chemical
composition of the studied alloy.
The thermodynamic calculation of the phase
equilibrium was calculated with the computer
program Thermo-Calc for the chemical
composition of the studied alloy. The results
have shown the temperatures at which the
solidification begins and ends and temperature
fields where equilibrium phases exist.
A simple thermal analysis was carried out by
pouring a molten alloy into a measuring cell
made in accordance with the Croning process.
During solidification, we measured the
temperature and plotted the cooling curve.
A simultaneous thermal analysis was made on
Jupiter 449 device from NETZSCH. The results
from the STA showed the liquidus and solidus
temperatures and the temperatures of
precipitation. A sample for STA was cut out from
casting from the simple thermal analysis.
Samples for homogenization and for
metallography were cut out from cast poles 350
mm from the head of casting. Three samples
were homogenized at temperature 560C for 4.6
and 8 hours and one was in the cast state. After
homogenization, the samples were air-cooled.
Samples were then prepared for
metallographic analysis with optical and
scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Microstructures were analyzed with the
computer program for picture analysis analySIS
5.0. The portions of eutectic phases
and Mg
Si were determined and
the particles of lead and bismuth and grain size
were determined as well. The eutectic phase
Si and the particles of lead and bismuth are
of the same color in optical micrographs so we
inspected samples with the SEM where these
microstructural constituents were of different
colors. We determined the portion of lead and
bismuth on the SEM and then deducted it from
the sum of all three constituents from optical
micrographs and got the portion of Mg
Si in
microstructure. We also determined the shares
of eutectic phases in the eutectics
+ Al
+ Mg
For the determination of grain size, we
anodized the samples for 1 minute in the 2 %
aqueous solution of HBF
at 23 V. Grain size or
mean intercept distance was determined by the
standard ASTM E 112 96.

6 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Tabela 1: Hemijski sastav prouavanih legura
Table 1: Chemical composition of the studied alloy
Element (Element) Si Fe Cu Cr Mn Mg Al
Deo mase (Mass fraction), (%) 0.7460 0.4694 0.3068 0.1160 0.1203 1.0940 Ost.

3. Rezultati i diskusije
Dijagram faze izopleta je izraunat uz pomo
programa za izraunavanje fazne ravnotee
(slika 1). Ovravanje poinje primarnom
na 648C. Istovremeno, na
634C, kristalie Al
faza. Ova faza postoji u
temperaturnom intervalu do 607C. Dalje
ovravanje AlFeSi- faze poinje na 608C i
prisutno je do 589C. Na 591C poinje
kristalizacija AlFeSi- faze, dok se na 589C
zavrava ovravanje legure. Tokom hlaenja,
taloenje AlMnSi- se deava na 578 C, na
564C taloi se Mg
Si, na 466C Al
, na
408C Al
Mn i na 269C poslednja AL
faza. Na osnovu izraunavanja, kristali

(95.18 mas %), AlFeSi- faze (0.87 mas %),
Si faze (1.73 mas %), Al
Mn faze (1.2 mas
%), Al
Cu- faze (0.57 mas %), neznatna
koliina silicijuma i Al
Cr faza (0.45 mas %) se
mogu videti u mikrostrukturi na sobnoj
Slika 2 daje ematski prikaz krive hlaenja
kod jednostavne termike analize gde se moe
uoiti temperatura primarne kristalizacije
634C. Pothlaenje je zanemarljivo. Na
temperaturama izmeu 610.5 i 590C, dolazi do
ravnotene eutektike kristalizacije
+ Al
). Ovravanje se
zavrava drugom eutektikom kristalizacijom
+ Mg
Si) na temperaturama izmeu
553 i 541C.
STA analiza pokazuje likvidus i solidus
temperature, temperature eutektike reakcije i
taloenja. Na slici 3 je prikazana DSC kriva
topljenja, sa koje se moe videti da do taloenja
dolazi na veoma niskim temperaturama, to je
posledica neujednaenog ovravanja. Solidus
temperatura je 571C. Sa DSC krive hlaenja
(slika 4) se moe videti da je likvidus
temperatura 643C. Temperatura topljenja
je na 598.3C (DSC kriva
topljenja), a poetak kristalizacije na 599.1C
(DSC kriva hlaenja). Temperatura topljenja

+ Mg
Si je na 571C (DSC kriva grejanja), a
poetak kristalizacije je na 546 C. Moe se
videti da je temperatura topljenja via od
temperature poetka ovravanja, a razlog za
to su neujednaeni uslovi topljenja i

3. Results and discussion
Isopleth phase diagram was calculated with
the program for calculating the phase
equilibrium (figure 1). Solidification begins with
the primary crystallization of
at 648C.
Simultaneously at 634C, a phase of Al
crystallizing. This phase exists in the
temperature interval up to 607C. Further on the
solidification of the AlFeSi- phase starts at
608C and exists up to 589C. At 591C,
crystallization of the AlFeSi- phase starts and
at 589C the solidification of an alloy ends.
During cooling, the precipitation of AlMnSi-
occurs at 578 C, at 564 C Mg
Si is
precipitating, at 466C Al
, at 408C Al
and the last one at 269C AL
Cu- phase.
Based on the calculation, crystals of
mass. %), AlFeSi- phase (0.87 mass.%), Mg
phase (1.73 mass.%), Al
Mn phase (1.2
mass.%), Al
Cu- phase (0.57 mass.%), some
silicon and Al
Cr phase (0.45 mass.%) can be
seen in the microstructure at room temperature.
Figure 2 shows the plotted cooling curve of
the simple thermal analysis where the
temperature of the primary crystallization of

at 634C can be seen. Supercooling is
negligible. At the temperature from 610.5 to
590C, a non equilibrium eutectic crystallization
+ Al
). Solidification ends
with another eutectic crystallization (L
Si) at the temperature from 553 to 541C.
The STA analysis shows the liquidus and
solidus temperatures and also the temperatures
of eutectic reactions and precipitating. Figure 3
shows the heating DSC curve where it is seen
that precipitation occurs at a very low
temperature, which is the consequence of non-
equilibrium solidification. Solidus temperature is
at 571C. From the cooling DSC curve (figure 4)
it is seen that the liquidus temperature is at
643C. The melting temperature of the eutectic

+ Al
is at 598.3C (heating DSC
curve) and the beginning of crystallization is at
599.1C (cooling DSC curve). The melting
temperature of the eutectic
+ Mg
Si is at
571C (heating DSC curve) and beginning of
crystallization is at 546 C. One can see that
temperature of melting is higher than
temperature of beginning of solidification and
reason for this is non-equilibrium conditions of
melting and solidification.
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 7

Slika 1.- Dijagram faze izopleta Al-Si legure sa 1.0940 % mase Mg, 0.4694 % mase Fe, 0.3068% mase
Cu i 0.1160% mase Cr
Figure 1.- Isopleth phase diagram of the Al-Si alloy with 1.0940 mass. % Mg, 0.4694 mass. % Fe, 0.3068
mass. % Cu and 0.1160 mass. % Cr.
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T= 590,8 C
T= 541 C
T= 553 C
T= 610,5 C
= 643 C


t [s]



Slika 2.- Kriva hlaenja prouavane legure sa prvim derivatom.
Figure 2.- Cooling curve of the studied alloy with the first derivate.

Udeo eutektikih faza za sva etiri uzorka,
homogenizovane i kao odlivak, je odreen
korienjem metalografske analize uz pomo
optikog mikroskopa. Na slici 5 je predstavljena
mikrostruktura uzorka odlivka i raunarski
odreene eutektike faze Al
i Mg
Na slici 6 je prikazana mikrostruktura uzorka
koja je homogenizovana tokom 8 sati. Moe se
primetiti da su eutektike faze sada
zaokruenije, naroito u Mg
Si fazi.

The portions of eutectic phases for all four
samples, homogenized and as cast have been
determined with the metallographic analysis with
an optical microscope. Figure 5 represents the
microstructure of the as-cast sample and
computer determined eutectic phases of
and Mg
Si. Figure 6 shows the
microstructure of the sample, which was
homogenized for 8 hours. One can see that the
eutectic phases are more rounded especially the
Si phase.
0.422 %.
SEM mik
0.482% z
u Tabeli 2
na osnov
Na slici
faze uo
veoma m
VO 48(2)
e 8 sati,
izacije sa 2.
Posle 8 sa
e faze Mg
i iznosio je
Udeo Pb i
kroskopije i
za sve uzorke
ostrukturae k
vu EDS anal
i 7 su
em optike
e mikrostruk
ene kod m
e programo
amike ravno
zbog neujed
alog udela u
udeo eu
e da se sm
.159% u sta
ati homoge
Si se n
0.505 % u s
Bi je odree
u proseku
e. Ovi rezulta
ize i izvora
i SEM m
kturne komp
m za izrau
otee, ali nek
dnaenog o
celokupnoj m
Slika 3
Figure 3
Slika 4
Figure 4
utektike fa
manjuje toko
anju odlivka
nizacije, ud
ije znaajn
stanju odlivk
en korienje
je iznosio
ati su prikaza
a odreena
iz literature[
ponente. Ne
re su tako
unavanje fa
ke od njih ni
3.- DSC kriva
3.- Heating DS
.- DSC kriva h
4.- Cooling DS
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Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 9

Slika 5.- Mikrostruktura uzorka odlivka: optika mikroskopija (a), uoene estice eutektike faze
(b) i uoene estice eutektike faze Mg
Si (c)
Figure 5.- Microstructure of the cast sample: optical micrograph (a), the detected particles of the eutectic
phase Al
(b) and the detected particles of the eutectic phase Mg
Si (c)

Slika 6.- Optika mikroskopija prouavane homogenizovane legure na 560C, tokom 8 sati
Figure 6.- Optical micrograph of the studied alloy homogenized at 560C, 8 hours
Tabela 2: Veliine zrna, udeo eutektikih faza Al
i Mg
Si i udeo Pb i Bi
Table 2: Grain sizes and shares of the eutectic phases Al
and Mg
Si and the shares of Pb
and Bi.
Uzorak (Sample) Odlivak (as cast) 560/4 560/6 560/8
Veliina zrna (grain size), [m] 91.7 90.6 87.2 89.7
[%] 2.149 2.099 1.326 0.769
Si [%] 0.505 0.532 0.520 0.422
Pb + Bi [%] 0.482 0.482 0.482 0.482

Veliina zrna se ne menja znaajno tokom
homogenizacije i kod svih uzoraka izmerena je
veliina od 90 m. Veliina zrna je predstavljena
u Tabeli 2, dok je procedura odreivanja veliine
zrna predstavljena na slici 8.

Grain size is not changing much during
homogenization and it measures 90 m for all
samples. Grain size is represented in table 2
and the procedure of the determination of grain
size is represented in figure. 8.
10 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Takoe odreen je i udeo eutektikih faza u

+ Al
+ Mg
Si. U Tabeli 3 je
prikazan udeo u tim fazama. Kod
ima 29.87 % Al
+ Mg
Si sadri 43.41 % Mg
Si faze. Na slici
9 je prikazana procedura odreivanja udela
eutektikih faza.
The portions of eutectic phases inside the
+ Al
+ Mg
were determined as well. Table 3 presents the
shares of these phases. In the eutectic
there is 29.87 % of the
phase and the eutectic
Si contains 43.41 % of the Mg
Si phase. Fig.
9 represents the procedure of the determination
of eutectic phase portions.

Slika 7.- Miktrostruktura konstituenata prouavane legure: optika mikroskopija (a) i SEM (b)
Figure 7.- Microstructural constituents of the studied alloy: optical micrograph (a)
and SEM micrograph (b)

Slika 8: Mikrostruktura prouavane legure: stanje odlivka, polarizovano svetlo (a),
metod brojanja preseka (b)
Figure 8.- Microstructure of the studied alloy: cast state, polarized light (a),
intercept counting method (b)

Slika 9.- Mikrografija eutektikuma (
+ Al
) (a) i odreivanje udela u eutektikim fazama
kod eutektika (
+ Al
) (b).
Figure 9.- Micrograph of the eutectic (
+ Al
) (a) and the determination of the share of the
eutectic phase Al
in the eutectic (
+ Al
) (b).
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 11
Tabela 3: Udeo eutektikih faza u (
+ Al
) i (
+ Mg
Table 3: Shares of eutectic phases in eutectics
+ Al
) i (
+ Mg
Eutektikum (Eutectic)

+ Al

Procenat faze (Percentage
of the phase)

Procenat faze (Percentage of the
70.13 29.87
Eutektikum (Eutectic)

+ Mg
Procenat faze (Percentage
of the phase)

Procenat faze (Percentage of the
Si [%]
56.59 43.41

U ovom istraivanju o objanjena je promena
eutektikih faza tokom 8 sati homogenizacije na
560C. Ustanovljeno je da se tokom
homogenizacije, deo eutektike faze
+ Al
U stanju odlivka postoji 2.149% ove faze, a
posle 8 sati homogenizacije, ta vrednost opada
na 0.769% usled rastvaranja u matricu. Udeo
Si iz
+ Mg
Si se ne menja znaajno i
posle 8 sati homogenizacije vrednost opada
samo sa 0.505 do 0.422%. Koliina Pb i Bi se ne
manje tokom homogenizacije, jer je sposobnost
rastvaranja ova dva elementa u Al matrici
veoma mala i rastvaranje nije mogue.
Homogenizacija nema uticaj na veliinu zrna
Recimo, veliina zrna u uzorku odlivka je 91.7
m, a posle 8 sati homogenizacije 89.7 m.

[1]. Bckerud l., Krol E., Tamminen, J.:
Karakteristike aluminijumskih legura,
Kovane legure, Vol. 1, str. 3036, Tangen
Trykk, Norveka, 1986.
[2]. Vargel Ch., Jacques M., Schmidt M.:
Korozija aluminijuma, Elsevier, str. 2533,
[3]. Fang X., Shao G., Liu Y. Q., Fan Z.: Uticaj
intenzivne sile otopljene konvekcije na
mehanika svojstva Fe koji sadri legure Al-
Si baze, Nauka o materijalima i inenjering,
str. 62, 2007.

In this research, we explained the changing
of eutectic phases during the 8 hours of
homogenization at 560C. We found out that
during homogenization the portion of the
eutectic phase Al
from the eutectic

+ Al
decreases. In the as-cast
state there is 2.149 % of this phase and after 8
hours of homogenization it drops down to 0.769
% due to dissolving into matrix. The portion of
Si from the eutectic
+ Mg
Si does not
change much and after 8 hours of
homogenization it only drops from 0.505 to
0.422 %. The quantity of Pb and Bi does not
change during homogenization because the
solubility of these two elements in the Al matrix
is very low and dissolving is not possible.
Homogenization has no effect on the grain size
either. In the as-cast sample it is 91.7 m
and after 8 hours of homogenization it is 89.7
[1]. Bckerud l., Krol E., Tamminen, J.:
Solidification characteristic of aluminium
alloys, Wrought alloys, volume 1, p. 3036,
Tangen Trykk, Norway, 1986.
[2]. Vargel Ch., Jacques M., Schmidt M.:
Corrosion of aluminium, Elsevier, p. 2533,
[3]. Fang X., Shao G., Liu Y. Q., Fan Z.: Effects
of intensive forced melt convection on the
mechanical properties of Fe containing Al-Si
based alloys, Materials Science and
Engineering, p. 62, 2007.

12 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
A. Davidovi
, I. Najdenov
, T. Volkov Husovi
, K. Rai
Struni rad (Professional paper)
UDC 621.745:669
Indukciona pe bez jezgra se esto koriste u
oblasti livenja, zbog svojih prednosti, kao to su:
visok proizvodni uinak, dobar stepen
iskorienja, kvalitet i istoa liva, homogenost
sastava i temperature, iroka mogunost
regulacije snage, mala toplotna inercija pei i sl.
U okviru rada bie prikazani elementi
konstrukcije, kao i osnovne karakteristike pei.
Posebna panja e biti posveena proraunu
radnih parametara ovih ureaja.
Kljune rei: indukciona pe bez jezgra,
konstrukcija, radni paramentri,
Indukcione pei bez magnetnog jezgra
nazivaju se esto i lonanim indukcionim
peima. Ove pei imaju iroku primenu u
livnicama kako obojenih metala, tako i metala na
bazi eleza. Koriste se kao visokoproduktivne
topionike jedinice ili pak kao indukcioni lonani
receptori za akumulaciju, odravanje
temperature i pregrevanje liva. Koriste direktan i
indirektan grejni sistem. Ako je ara
elektroprovodna, onda se radi o direktnom
grejanju indukcijom, dok je za grejanje
elektroneprovodne are mogue koristiti
indirektan sistem grejanja u kome se indukcionim
putem zagreva elektroprovodan lonac (grafitni,
metalni), a iz njega ara prima toplotu sistemom
konduktivnog prenosa.
Bitni kvaliteti indukcionih lonanih pei u
pogonu livnica bili bi sledei:
direktno razvijanje toplote u ari,
visok proizvodni uinak,
dobar stepen iskorienja, kvalitet i
istoa liva,
homogenost sastava i temperature,
ekonomino pretapanje spona,
iroka mogunost regulacije snage,
mala toplotna inercija pei,
lako startovanje,
Induction furnace without core is often used
in the casting field due to their advantages, like:
high production efficiency, good exploitation
level, quality and purity of the cast, homogeneity
of contents and temperature, wide option of
power regulation, small heat inertia of the
furnace, etc. Within the scope of this paper we
will present design elements, as well as basic
characteristics of the furnace. Particular
attention shall be paid to calculation of operating
parameters of these devices.
Key words: induction furnace without core,
design, operating parameters,
Induction furnaces without magnetic core are
frequently referred to as pot induction furnaces.
These furnaces have wide range of application
in foundries of both, non-ferrous and ferrous-
based metals. They are used as highly
productive melting units or induction pot
receptors for accumulation, temperature
maintenance and preheating of the cast. They
use both, direct and indirect heating system. If
the batch has electrical conductivity features, it
is a direct induction heating, whilst for heating of
the batch without electrical conductivity features
is possible to use indirect system of heating
where induction is used for heating electrical
conductivity pot (black lead, metal), with the batch
receiving the heat from it through the system of
conductive transfer.
Important qualities of induction pot furnaces in
the foundries would be the following:
Direct heat development in the batch,
High production efficiency,
Good exploitation level, quality and
purity of the cast,
Homogeneity of contents and
Economical joints re-melting,
Wide option of power regulation,
Small heat inertia of the furnace,
Easy starting,
A. Davidovi, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija
I. Najdenov, Foundry for copper and its alloys, Dzordza Fajferta 20-24, Bor, Srbia,
Dr. Tatjana Volkov Husovi,

TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija,
Dr. Karlo Rai, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija,
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 13
lako startovanje,
dobre mogunosti izmene vrste i sastava
neznatno sagorevanje materijala,
preciznost pripremanja legure,
odsustvo lokalnih pregrevanja a sa time i
minimalno prisustvo gasova u livu,
relativno laka sinhronizacija pogona
topionice i kaluparnice,
iroke mogunosti automatizacije,
zavidna higijena i humanizacija rada u
znatan doprinos indukcionih topionikih
postrojenja u uvanju ivotne i radne
sredine oveka,
mogunost voenja procesa topljenja u
vakumu ili zatitnoj atmosferi.
Uz date brojne prednosti indukcione lonane
pei imaju i par slabih taaka:
niska temperatura ljake,
visoki investicioni trokovi postrojenja,
problematika kompenzacije faktora
problematika simetrisanja,
potrebe veih uestanosti i
vea istoa sirovina.
Elementi konstrukcije
Na slici 1. data je skica indukcione lonane pei
sa direktnim grejnim sistemom. Osnovni
konstrukcioni elementi pei su: nosea asija,
induktor, magnetni ekrani, lonac pei, poklopac,
platforma pei, sistem za naginjanje, delovi
elektrinog prikljuka, prikljuci rashladnog sistema,
zatitni elementi induktora, elektrina i toplotna
Osnovni delovi sastava postrojenja indukcione
lonane pei bili bi: pe, regulacioni transformator,
ulazni prekida, menja uestanosti (kod poveane
frekvence), uredjaj za simetrisanje faza (kod
mreno frekventnih pei), baterija kondenzatora za
kompenzaciju faktora snage, sistem za naginjanje
pei, rashladni sistem, komandno-kontrolni orman,
komandni pult, ozid pei, ablon za oziivanje,
ureaj za zatitu lonca, elektrini prikljuak,
elektrine energetske veze, komandne i signalne
veze, alati za rukovanje, odravanje i remontovanje
Good options for changing type and
contents of the batch,
Slight material combustion,
Precision in preparing alloys,
Absence of local overheating, hence,
minimal presence of gases in the cast,
relatively easy synchronization of melting
and molding plants,
Wide options of automatization,
High level hygiene and humanization of
work in the foundry,
Significant contribution of induction
melting facilities to preservation of the
environment and human working
Option of conducting melting process in
vacuum or protective atmosphere.
In addition to given numerous advantages of
induction pot furnaces, they also have several
Low slag temperature,
High investments costs of the plant,
Problems related to compensating power
Problems related to symmetry adjustments,
Needs of higher frequencies and
Higher purity of raw materials.
Elements of design
In Figure 1 is presented layout of induction pot
furnace with direct heating system. Basic elements
of the design are: carrier chassis, inductor, magnet
screens, pot of the furnace, seal, furnace platform,
inclination system, parts of electrical connection,
cooling system connections, protective elements of
the inductor, electrical and heating insulation.
Basic parts of the induction pot furnace
assembly would be as follows: furnace, regulation
transformer, input switch, frequency alternator (with
increased frequency), device for phase symmetry
adjustment (with network frequency furnaces),
condenser battery for compensating power factor,
furnace inclination system, cooling system,
command-control rack, control panel, furnace
bricking, bricking pattern, pot protective device,
electrical connection, electrical-energetic
connections, command and signal connections,
handling tools, maintenance and repair of the

14 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)

Siika 1.- Indukciona lonana pe
Figure 1.- Induction pot furnace
U odnosu na radnu uestanost koriste se:
mrena (50 Hz), poviena (150 Hz, 250 Hz),
srednja (do 10 KHz) i visoka uestanost (preko
10 KHz). Mrenom frekvencom rasolae
elektrina distributivna mrea, a vee
uestanosti se dobijaju iz mainskih menjakih
grupa, statikih transformatorskih pretvaraa i
statikih tiristorskih pretvaraa. Visoke
uestanosti daju cevni generatori. Savremeni
menjai frekvence su tiristorski inventori i
tranzistori. Sam izbor radne uestanosti u tehnici
indukcionog grejanja je vaan problem koji se
reava zavisno od svrhe grejanja, vrste materijala,
agregatnog stanja are, veliine komada,
odnosa prenika induktora i radnih komada, kao
i postavljenih tehnolokih zahteva. Izbor radne
frekvence vezan je dakle usko sa dubinom
prodiranja struje, a koju raunamo po obrascu
In terms of operating frequency, the following
are used: network (50 Hz), increased (150 Hz,
250 Hz), medium (do 10 KHz) and high
frequency (over 10 KHz). Network frequency is
at disposal of electrical distributive network, and
higher frequency is obtained from machine
shifting groups, static transformer convertors
and static thyristor convertors. High frequencies
are generated by pipe generators.
Contemporary frequency transmitters are
thyristor invertors and transistors. The very
selection of operating frequency in technique of
induction heating is important problem which is
solved depending on purpose of heating, type of
material, aggregate state of the batch, piece
size, ratio of inductor diameter and operating
pieces, as well as set technological
requirements. Selection of operating frequency
is hence, tightly connected to depth of current
penetration, as calculated in accordance with
the following equation..

= =

503 [mm] (1)
gde su:
= - dubina prodiranja struje (mm)
- specifini elektrini otpor
f - uestanost (Hz)

- relativni magnetni permeabilitet
Tabela 1. daje vrednosti dubine prodiranja
struje za nekoliko karakteristinih materijala i
uestanosti. U cilju izraunavanja dubine
prodiranja struje na slici 2 je predstavljen
dijagram specifinih elektrinih otpora za nekoliko
= - current penetration depth (mm)
- specific electrical resistance
f - frequency (Hz)

- relative magnetic permeability
Table 1 shows the values of current
penetration for several characteristic materials
and frequencies. For purpose of calculating depth
of current penetration, in Figure 2 is shown a
diagram of specific electrical resistances for
several metals.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 15
Tabela 1: Dubine prodiranja struje
Table 1: Depth of current penetration
Materijal (Materijal
Agregatno stanje
(Aggregate state)

50 Hz 1000 Hz
Bakar (Copper)
vrst (solid) 10 2.1
tean (liquid) 33,4 7.5
Aluminijum (Aluminum)
vrst (solid) 12 2.7
tean (liquid) 36.8 8.2
Cink (Zink)
vrst (solid) 17.5 3.8
tean (liquid) 41.2 9.2
Nikl (Nickel)
vrst (solid) 23.4 5.2
tean (liquid) 74.4 16.7
Gvoe (Iron)
vrst (solid) 29.5 0.5
tean (liquid) 73.1 15.1
Grafit (Graphite) vrst (solid) 225 50

Slika 2.- Specifini elektrini otpori
Vitalni deo indukcione pei ini induktor koji
se namotava od specijalnih upljih bakarnih
profila. Bakar treba da je elektrolitiki i meko
odaren. upljina profila obezbedjuje potreban
protok rashladne vode. Debljina aktivnog
preseka bakra profila se definie dubinom
prodiranja struje a upljina potrebnim protokom
vode, kao to je ve reeno. Osnovne vrste profila
za induktore date su na slici 3.
Figure 2.- Specific electrical resistances
Vital part of induction furnace is an inductor,
which is winded around special hollow copper
profiles. The copper should be electrolytic and
softly plunged. Profile bore provides sufficient flow
of cooling water. The thickness of active cross-
section of copper profile is defined by depth of
current penetration, and bore by required water flow,
like mentioned earlier. Basic types of profiles for
inductors are given in Figure 3.

Slika 3.- Osnovni tipovi profila za induktore

Figure 3.- Basic profile types for inductors
16 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Profili za uestanost 50 Hz i profili za
induktore koji rade sa srednjim i visokim
uestanostima se veoma medjusobno razlikuju.
Induktori se najee izvode kao monofazni sa
vie paralelnih rashladnih sekcija za vodu i sa
kvalitetnom elektrotoplotnom izolacijom na bazi
stakla, liskuna i azbesta. Upotreba azbesta se
ne preporuuje, ve se ranije korieni azbest
zamenjuje drugim materijalima pogodnih
svojstava. Debljina zida profila je uslovljena

Profiles for frequency of 50 Hz and profiles
for inductors operating on medium and high
frequencies are very different. The inductors are
most frequently installed as mono phase with
several parallel cooling water sections and
quality electrical and heating insulation based on
glass, daze and asbestos. Utilization of asbestos
is not recommended, and previously used
asbestos is replaced with other materials with
appropriate features. Depth of profile wall is
conditioned with the following relation.
Poluprenik savijanja profila treba da
zadovolji uslov
Radial of profile deflection should satisfy the
following condition
R>3b (3)
gde je:
- dubina prodiranja a
b- ukupna irina profila
Profili se izrauju u duinama do 6 metara i pri
motanju induktora moraju se variti i nastavljati, a
to predstavlja poseban i odgovoran tehnoloki
Vatrostalni lonac
Vatrostalni lonac je drugi po vanosti deo
konstrukcije pei. Moe biti grafitni, kod
indukcionog indirektnog grejanja
(elektroneprovodna ara ili pak kod grejanja
materijala za koje ne postoje adekvatne
keramike nabojne mase, kao to je to sluaj
kod nekih vrsta bronzi). Daleko ei je sluaj
lonaca formiranih na licu mesta od vatrostalnih
keramikih materijala. Od materijala za ove
svrhe zahtevaju se sledee osobine: mehanika
celina, visoka vatrostalnost, dobra vezivnost
mase, to manja propustijivost gasova, male
toplotne dilatacije, dovoljna mehanika vrstoa,
izdrljivost na agresivnost ljake, elektrina
neprovodnost, izdrljivost na eroziju i ispiranje,
to dui ivotni vek, to dui vek lagerovanja,
mogunost lokalnih popravki, to krai i
jednostavniji reim tempovanja. Za duinu
ivotnog veka nabojne mase bitni su sledei
faktori: pravilan izbor mase, adekvatna
tehnologija njene ugradnje, istoa materijala,
potrebna higijena rada, rad sa adekvatnim
alatima i ablonima, kontinuitet u izradi jednog
lonca, pravilno suenje i tempovanje ozida,
postupan i propisan start, uvanje obloge od
vode i vlage, uvanje obloge od mehanikih
udara, uvanje obloge od prekomerne vatre i
toplotnih okova, korienje suve i proverene
are (bez vode i ulja), startovanje sa
ispunjenou od 2/3 sadraja lonca, praktikovan
ravnomeran reim livenja.
- depth of penetration, and
b- total width of the profile
Profiles are manufactures in lengths up to 6
meters, and while inductor winding they have to be
welded and continued, which is particular and
responsible technological procedure.
Fireproof pot
Fireproof pot is the second most important part of
the furnace design. It can be black lead with
induction indirect heating (the batch without
electrical conductivity features, or with heating
materials without adequate ceramic tampered
mass, like in some type of bronze). Far more
often is the case of the pots formed on spot, and
made of fireproof ceramic materials. Materials
for these purposes have to satisfy the following
features: mechanical integrity, high fireproof
index, good bonding of the mass, the least gas
permeability as possible, small heat dilatation,
sufficient mechanical solidity, slag
aggressiveness resistance, electrical non-
conductivity, erosion and ablution resistance, the
longest possible life span, the longest possible
stacking span, possibility of local modifications,
the shortest and the simplest possible tamping
regime. The following factors are important for
life span of tamping mass: proper mass
selection, adequate installment technology,
material purity, necessary work hygiene, work
with adequate tools and patterns, continuity in
manufacturing one pot, proper drying and
bricking tempering, gradual and proper start,
protecting coating from water and moisture,
protecting coating from mechanical impacts,
protecting coating from excessive fire and
thermal shocks, using dry and tested batch
(without water and oil), starting with filling 2/3 of
the pot volume, practicing even casting regime.
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 17
Po svom hemijskom sastavu razlikujemo
bazne (MgO) i kisele nabojne mase sa visokim
sadrajem SiO
. Tehnologija nabijanja i
formiranja lonca moe biti sa vlanim i suvim
Radni parametri
Odnos prenika are i dubine prodiranja struje
je veoma bitan za funkciju indukcionog grejanja.
Tabela 2. daje mogunosti apsorpcije snage u
zavisnosti datog odnosa. Data tabela definie
uslove ekonominosti grejanja indukcijom.
According to chemical compounds we
differentiate basic (MgO) and acid tempering
masses with high SiO
content. Technology of
tamping and forming a pot can be executed by
wet and dry procedure.
Operating procedures
Ratio of the batch diameter and current
penetration depth is very important for induction
heating function. Table 2 shows options of power
absorption depending on given ratio. Given Table
defines conditions of economic heating by
> p (4)
Uz definisan prenik are iz prednjeg uslova
odredjuje se potrebna minimalna radna
uestanost, gde je d prenik are.
Along defined diameter of the batch from
previous condition is determined required
minimal operating frequency, where d is
diameter of the batch.

= 16. 1u

, (Hz) (5)
Tabela 2: Funkcija prijema snage
Table 2: Power collector function
8 4 2 1 0.6 0.4
Apsorbciona snaga, %
(Absorption power), %
95 85 65 30 10 4 1

Male indukcione lonaane pei, kapaciteta
par kilograma ili koju desetinu kilograma metala,
napajaju se visokim uestanostima. Pei
kapaciteta par stotina kilograma rade sa srednjim
frekvencama. Kod neto veih kapaciteta postavlja
se esto dilema da li ii na mreno-frekventnu ili
pak srednje-frekventnu pe. Jedinice vee od
dve tone kapaciteta elika izvode se sa
mrenom uestanou. Srednjafrekvenca se
moe preporuiti za kapacitete izmeu 1,5 i 2
tone u sledeim sluajevima: za kapacitete
ispod 1,5 tona elika, za vee kapacitete kada su u
pitanju esti prekidi pogona, za kvalitetne elike,
za vee asovne produkcije i za sluajeve
eih startovanja pei sa hladnim ulokom.
Indukcione lonane pei nemaju magnetno
jezgro te im je dosta lo konstrukcioni faktor
snage, reda 0,1, a to ima kao posledicu
prisustvo znatne reaktivne snage koju treba
kompenzovati. Faktor snage zavisi od kvaliteta
elektromagnetne sprege induktora i are a na
to utiu njihova uzajamna geometrija, debljina
zida lonca kao i vrsta grejanog materijala, odnosno
dubina prodiranja struje u njemu. Optimalne
konstrukcije pei se imaju ako se ara uklopi u
geometriju pravaugaonika ABCD (SI.4). Procena
odnosa reaktivne i aktivne snage pei moe se
vriti dosta dobro sledeom relacijom:
Small induction pot furnaces, capacities of
few kilograms, or few tens of kilograms of metal
are charged on high frequencies. The furnaces with
capacities of several hundred kilograms operate on
medium frequencies. Slightly bigger capacities raise
a dilemma whether to choose network-frequency or
medium-frequency furnace. Units with capacity
over two tons of steel are executed with network
frequency. Medium frequency can be
recommended for capacities between 1,5 and 2
tons in the following cases: for capacities under
1,5 tons of steel, for larger capacities with frequent
production recesses, for quality steels, for higher
number of production hours and for more
frequent starts of the furnace with cold pads.
Induction pot furnaces dont have magnet
core, therefore their design power factor is
rather poor, order 0,1, consequently resulting in
presence of significant reactive power to be
compensated. Power factor depends on quality of
electric-magnetic couple of inductor and batch,
which are influenced by their geometry, thickness
of pot wall, as well as type of heating material,
i.e. depth of current penetration into it. Optimal
furnace design is present when the batch is fit
into rectangular ABCD geometry (Fig. 4).
Evaluation of correlation of reactive and active
furnace power may be fairly well performed with
the following relation:
18 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
= 1.2S.
Gde su :
l- debljina zida lonca (mm)

- dubina prodiranja struje u induktoru (mm)

- dubina prodiranja struje u ari (mm)
l- thickness of pot wall (mm)

- depth of current penetration in inductor (mm)

- depth of current penetration in the batch mm)

Slika 4.- Uzajamna geometrija induktora i are
Figure 4.- Correlative geometry of inductor and batch
Uveanje od 25% uzima u obzir relativno
krau duinu indukcionog kalema a time i prisutnu
spoljanju magnetnu reluktansu. Za idealnu
spregu induktora i are ( l =0) i iste materijale
induktora i are ima se:
Increase of 25% takes into consideration
relatively shorter induction solenoid and thereby
present external magnet reluctance. For ideal
coupling of inductor and batch ( l =0) and the
same materials of inductor and batch, we have
the following:
= P (7)
cos = u.71 (8)
To je maksimalni mogui faktor snage
indukcione lonaane pei a koji se prisustvom
vatrostalnog lonca pei ne moe postii. I kod
jedne odreene pei faktor snage se u toku reima
rada menja sa promenom stanja are kao i sa
stepenom ispunjenosti lonca (Sl.5). Popravka
faktora snage na vrednost jedinice vri se
kompenzacionom baterijom kondenzatora. Kako
se vrednost reaktivne snage menja u toku
pogona pei, to data baterija kondenzatora mora
imati mogunost svoje regulacije.
It is maximal possible power factor of
induction pot furnace, which cannot be achieved
with presence of fireproof pot in the furnace.
With certain furnace, power factor during operating
regime is alternating along with change of batch
status, as well as level of pot fullness (Fig. 5).
Power factor correction to value of the unit is
performed by compensational condenser
battery. As value of reactive power is alternating
during furnace operation, give condenser battery
must have option of own regulation.
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 19
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Ispunjenost lonca
(fulfillment of the pot)

Slika 5.-Faktor snage i stepen iskorienja u funkciji ispune lonca
Figure 5.- Power factor and utilization level in function of pot filling
Kad je re o stepenu iskorienja pei, isti
moe biti elektrini, termiki i ukupni. Ako je P
aktivna snaga razvijena u ari a Pi aktivni gubitci
snage u induktoru, onda je koeficijent elektrinog
In terms of the furnace exploitation level, it
can be electrical, thermal and total. If P is
active power developed in the batch, and Pi
active power losses in inductor, then the coefficient
of electrical exploitation is as follows:

Kod pei sa bakarnim induktorom i arom od
bakra mogu se uzeti sledee relacije:
For furnaces with copper inductor and copper
batch, the following relations may be taken into

= P

= u.S = Su%
Zadravajui induktor od bakra a ubacujui
aru sa veim specifinim elektrinim otporom
poveava se stepen elektrinog iskorienja.
Razvijena toplotna snaga se poveava sa
kvadratnim korenom iz broja uveanja specifinog
otpora. Tako, na primer za jednu vrstu nikal-hrom
elika je specifini elektrini otpor oko 50 puta
vei od specifinog otpora bakra, pa je:
Level of electrical exploitation is increased by
keeping copper inductor and introducing the
batch with higher specific electrical resistance.
Generated heat power is increased with square root
from number of specific resistance increase. Hence,
for instance, for one type of nickel-chrome steel
specific electrical resistance is about 50 times
larger than specific resistance of copper,
resulting in:

= SuP

= 7. P


= u.87S = 87.S% (11)
Uoava se znatno poveanje stepena
iskorienja. Termiki stepen iskorienja p

uzima u obzir toplotne gubitke, te je ukupni stepen
iskorienja pei.
Significant increase of exploitation level is
observed. Thermal level of exploitation p
into consideration het losses, therefore, total level
of furnace exploitation
= p
+ p
Promena ukupnog stepena iskorienja sa
ispunom lonca pei dato je na (slici 6., a daje
promene stepena iskorienja i to sva tri, sa
promenom debiljine zida lonca.
Changes of total level of exploitation
according to filling furnace is given in Figure 6,
same as changes of all three exploitation levels,
with change of pot wall thickness.
20 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)

Slika 6.- Promena stepena iskorienja (p)u zavisnosti od zida lonca
Figure 6.- Change of exploitation level (p) depending on pot wall
Osim gubitaka energije u samoj pei postoje
gubici i u elementima postrojenja, kao to su
gubitci u regulacionom transformatoru, gubitci u
kondenzatorima, u menjau uestanosti,
prigunici, napojnim kablovima i slino. Na slici 7
dat je energetski bilans srednje -frekventnih
indukcionih lonanih pei.
Problematika elektirinog prikljuka lonane
indukcione pei na napojnu mreu je veoma
delikatna. Peni induktori se izvode uglavnom
kao monofazni kalemovi. Kod srednje frekventnih
i visoko frekventnih pei napajanje monofaznih
induktora sa trofazne elektrine mree vri se
bez veih tehnikih problema, bilo da se radi o
mainskom, tiristorskom ili pak cevnom menjau
uestanosti. Simetrisanje mrenofrekventnih
monofaznih indukcionih optereenja na trofaznu
elektrinu napojnu mreu vri se uglavnom
sistemom faznog uravnoteivaa. Mogua
varijanta je i sa dvofaznim induktorom i
Scottovom spregom.
Na slici 8 uporedjene su varijante elektrinog
prikljuka jedne kompletne indukcione lonane
pei od 1,5 tona aluminijuma i 50 Hz.
In addition to losses in the very furnace, there
are also losses in plant elements, like losses in
regulation transformer, losses in condensers, in
frequency transmitter, muffler, supply cables and
similar. In Figure 7 is given energetic balance of
medium-frequency induction pot furnaces.
Problem of electrical connection of pot
induction furnace onto the supply network is
very delicate. Furnace inductors are performed
mainly as mono phase solenoids. With medium
frequency and high frequency furnaces, supply
of mono phase inductors from three-phase
electrical network us performed without major
technical difficulties, whether it is machine,
thyristor or pipe frequency transmitter.
Symmetry adjustment of network frequency
mono phase induction loads onto three-phase
electrical supply network is performed mostly by
system of phase balancer. It is possible to
achieve a version with two-phase inductor and
Scotts coupling.
In Figure 8 is given comparison of versions of
electrical connection of one complete 1,5 ton
aluminum induction pot furnace and 50 Hz.

Slika7.- Energetski bilans srednje frekventnih pei
Figure 7.- Energetic balance of medium frequency furnaces
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 21

Slika 8.- Varijante prikljuaka pei
Figure 8.- Furnace connections versions
Sa date eme se vidi da se najvei proizvodni
kapacitet pei i uz najmanji specifini utroak
energije ima sa varijantom monofaznog induktora i
njegovim monofaznim, odnosno medjufaznim
prikljukom (900 kg/h; 0,5KWh). Medjutim ova
varijanta se kod veih snaga ne moe tolerisati na
mrei, te se onda prednost daje uredjaju za
simetrisanje faznih optereenja.
Izmedju primarnog kola (induktora) i
sekundarnog kola (are) pri proticanju struje
ispostavljaju se znatne elektro-dinamike sile.
Ove sile izazivaju meanje are i izdizanje
kalote metalnog kupatila u loncu pei.
Karburacija are ima svoje i dobre i lose efekte.
Dobre strane karburacije tenog liva u loncu pei su:
homogenizacija sastava liva, homogenizacija
temperaturnog polja, pospeuju se procesi
legiranja i rafinacije, efikasnije se pretapa pon i
sitni otpad. Loe strane intezivnog meanja liva
bi bile: habanje i ispiranje obloge lonca i
intenzivnija oksidacija koja je posebno
nepoeljna ako su u pitanju vosokovredne
legirajue komponente.
Na slici 9. prikazano je meanje kao i
izdizanje metalne kupe u loncu pei. Pojava
metalne kupe, odnosno kalote, je takodje
posledica prisutnih elektrodinamikih sila koje
tee da razdvoje primarne i sekundarne strujne

From given layout may be observed that major
production capacity of the furnace with least specific
energy consumption is with version of mono phase
inductor and its mono phase, i.e. inter-phase
connector (900 kg/h; 0,5KWh). However, this
version cannot be tolerated on the network with
higher powers; in this case, advantage is given
to device for symmetry adjustment of phase loads.
Significant electrical-dynamic forces are
formed between the primary circuit (inductor)
and secondary circuit (batch) with current
passage. These forces cause mixing of batch
and elevation of arch of metal basin in the
furnace pot. Carburization of the batch has both,
good and bad effects. Advantages of carburization
of liquid cast in furnace pot are: homogenization of
cast content, homogenization of temperature field,
stimulating alloying and refining processes,
more efficient re-melting into small-sized metal
particles and small waste. Downsides of
intensive cast mixing would be: wearing and
ablution of pot coating and more intensive
oxidation, particularly, undesirable if high-value
alloying components are used.
In Figure 9 is shown mixing, as well as
elevation of metal cone in furnace pot.
Occurrence of metal cone, i.e. arch, is also a
consequence of present electro-dynamical
forces which tend to separate primary and
secondary current circuits.

22 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Kako su konstrukcioni elementi pei fiksno
locirani, to je jedino mogue kretanje i propinjanje
tenog metala u loncu pei. Visina metalne kupe
uglavnom zavisi od uestanosti, specifine grejne
snage kao i od specifine mase are. Sa manjom
frekvencom, veom snagom i manjom
specifinom masom ima se vea visina kalote liva u
loncu, i obrnuto. Ovaj fenomen indukcione lonane
pei bio je godinama osnovni razlog za
rezervisanost konstruktora prema mreno
frekventnim peima. Danas se ovaj problem
zadovoljavajue prevazilazi sa umerenim
snagama (posebno pri topljenju lakih metala) i
posebnim konstrukcionim reenjima uzajamnog
poloaja induktora i liva. Izraunavanje visine
kupe izvodi se sa sledeim izrazima
Given that location of design elements of furnace
is fixed, sole possible occurrence is motion and
prance of liquid metal in furnace pot. Height of
metal cone mainly depends on frequency,
specific heating power, as well as specific batch
mass. Lower frequency, higher power and
smaller specific mass produce higher arch in the
pot and vice versa. For years, this phenomenon of
induction pot furnace has been primary reason of
constructors reluctance to choose network
frequency furnace. Currently, this problem is
satisfactory passed with moderate powers
(particularly while melting light metals) and
special design solutions of inductor and cast.
Calculation of cone height is performed through
the following equations:
b =

p = Su9.9

p = 1.897. 1u
. E
. A. m. p. p

. (14)

Gde su:
P (kw)- indukovana snaga
E (Acm) -jaina magnetnog polja
A (
cm ) -periferni plat cilindra are
m = . [
- korekcioni faktor primljene energije
m)- specifini elektrini otpor are

- relativni magnetni permeabilitet

- frekvenca
)- pritisak na povrinu tene are
P (kw) induced power
E (Acm)- magnet field strength
A (
cm ) peripheral shell of batch cylinder
m = . [
- - correction factor of received energy
m)- specific electric resistance of batch

- relative magnetic permeability

- frequency
p (Ncm
)- pressure on liquid batch surface

1. INDUKTOR (Inductor)
2. LONAC (Pot)
3. ARA
4. KARBURACIJA LIVA (Carburization castings)
5. VISINA KUPE (compartment height)

Slika 9.- Karburacija i metalna kupa
Figure 9.- Carburization and metal cone

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 23
U okviru ovog rada predstavljene su elementi
konstrukcije, kao i principi prorauna radnih
parametara indukcionih pei bez jezgra.
Date su prednosti i mane ovih tipova pei,
kao i preporuke za oblasti korienja ovih
ureaja pri kojima se postiu optimalni rezultati.

[1]. Rudnev V: Prirunik o indukcionom topljenju
Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003.
[2]. Zinn S., Semiatin S. L.: Elementi indukcionog
topoljenja: dizajn, kontrola i primena, ASM
Int., 1988.
[3]. Farbman S. A., Kolobnev I. F.: Indukcione
pei, metallurgizdat, Moskva, 1958.
[4]. Rai V.: Kontrolni proraun osnovnih
dimenzija poluindustrijske indukcione pei,
diplomski rad, TMF, Beograd 1981.
[5]. Vogrinc N. L.: Kontrolni proraun osnovnih
dimenzija vakuumske indukcione pei,
diplomski rad, TMF, Beograd 1983.
[6]. Davidovi A.: Ispitivanje radnih parametara
indukcione pei bez jezgra, diplomski rad,
TMF, Beograd 2009.
[7]. Donsbach F.: Korienje inukcionih pei
topljenje i livenje osnovne legure bakra,
World of Metallurgy-ERZMETAL 57(2004),
No.6, p.319, 2004.
[8]. Shmitz W.: Utede energije kod topljenja
materijala bakra u State-of-the-Art
indukcionim peima, World of Metallurgy-
ERZMETAL 58(2005), No.5, p. 279, 2005.
Within the scope of this paper we presented
design elements, as well as principles of
calculating operating parameters for induction
furnaces without core.
We also gave advantages and downsides of
this type of furnaces, as well as
recommendations for the field of using these
devices for obtaining optimal results.
[1]. Rudnev V: Handbook of Induction Heating
Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003.
[2]. Zinn S., Semiatin S. L.: Elements of
Induction Heating: Design, Control, and
Applications, ASM Int., 1988.
[3]. Farbman S. A., Kolobnev I. F.:
Indukcionnye peci, metallurgizdat, Moskva,
[4]. Rai V.: Control Calculation of Basic
Dimensions of Semi-Industrial Induction
Furnace, graduation paper, TMF, Belgrade,
[5]. Vogrinc N. L.: Control Calculation of Basic
Dimensions of Vacuum Induction Furnace,
graduation paper, TMF, Belgrade, 1983.
[6]. Davidovi A.: Testing Operating Parameters
of Induction Furnace without Core,
graduation paper, TMF, Belgrade, 2009.
[7]. Donsbach F.: Use of Induction Furnaces for
Melting and Pouring Cooper-based Alloys,
World of Metallurgy-ERZMETAL 57(2004),
No.6, p.319, 2004.
[8]. Shmitz W.: Saving Energy in Melting
Cooper Materials in State-of-the-Art
Induction Furnaces, World of Metallurgy-
ERZMETAL 58(2005), No.5, p. 279, 2005.

24 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Prevod (Translation)
R. Vujovi, S. Manasijevi, V. Lazarevi
1. Kratak prikaz brze izrade prototipova
Termin brza izrada prototipova (RP) se
odnosi na klasu tehnologija koje automatski
konstruiu fizike modele na osnovu podataka iz
CAD-a (Computer-Aided Design). Ovi
trodimenzionalni tampai omoguavaju
dizajnerima da brzo naprave opipljive
prototipove svog dizajna, a ne samo
dvodimenzionalne slike. Ovi modeli imaju brojne
primene. Oni su izuzetno pomono vizuelno
sredstvo za razmenu ideja izmeu saradnika ili
korisnika. Pored toga, prototipovi se mogu
koristiti za testiranje dizajna. Na primer, kosmiki
inenjer moe da postavi model krila u tunel sa
vetrom kako bi izmerio sile podizanja i vue.
Dizajneri su uvek koristili prototipove, a RP im
omoguava da ih izrauju bre uz manje
Pored prototipova, RP tehnike se takoe
mogu upotrebljavati za izradu alata (naziva se
brza izrada alata), pa ak i za proizvodnju
kvalitetnih delova (brza proizvodnja). Kod
proizvodnje malih serija i komplikovanih
predmeta, brza izrada prototipova je esto
najbolje reenje proizvodnog procesa. Naravno,
brza je relativan termin. Za izradu veine
prototipova je potrebno izmeu tri i sedamdeset
dva sata, u zavisnosti od veliine i sloenosti
predmeta. Ovo se moe initi sporim, ali je
mnogo bre nego nedelje ili meseci koji bi bili
potrebni kada bi se prototip izraivao na
tradicionalan nain, kao to je mainska izrada.
Ove izuzetno velike utede u vremenu
omoguavaju proizvoaima da bre izbacuju
proizvode na trite i da ti proizvodi budu
povoljniji. 1994 godine, Pratt & Whitney su
ostvarili izuzetno veliko smanjenje [trokova] [i]
utedu vremena time izmeu 70 do 90
procenata ukljuivanjem brze izrade prototipova
u tehnike procese [1].

U ovom trenutku, najmanje est razliitih
tehnika vrste izrade prototipova je dostupno u
komercijalne svrhe, gde svaka ima jedinstvene
prednosti. Zbog toga to se RP tehnologije sve
vie koriste da druge svrhe, a ne samo izradu
prototipova, ove tehnike se esto zbirno nazivaju
vrsta proizvodnja slobodne forme, raunarska
automatska proizvodnja ili proizvodnja u
slojevima. Poslednji termin naroito opisuje
proces proizvodnje koji se koristi u svim
komercijalnim tehnikama.

1. Overview of Rapid Prototyping
The term rapid prototyping (RP) refers to a
class of technologies that can automatically
construct physical models from Computer-Aided
Design (CAD) data. These "three dimensional
printers" allow designers to quickly create
tangible prototypes of their designs, rather than
just two-dimensional pictures. Such models
have numerous uses. They make excellent
visual aids for communicating ideas with co-
workers or customers. In addition, prototypes
can be used for design testing. For example, an
aerospace engineer might mount a model airfoil
in a wind tunnel to measure lift and drag forces.
Designers have always utilized prototypes; RP
allows them to be made faster and less
In addition to prototypes, RP techniques can
also be used to make tooling (referred to as
rapid tooling) and even production-quality parts
(rapid manufacturing). For small production runs
and complicated objects, rapid prototyping is
often the best manufacturing process available.
Of course, "rapid" is a relative term. Most
prototypes require from three to seventy-two
hours to build, depending on the size and
complexity of the object. This may seem slow,
but it is much faster than the weeks or months
required to make a prototype by traditional
means such as machining. These dramatic time
savings allow manufacturers to bring products to
market faster and more cheaply. In 1994, Pratt &
Whitney achieved "an order of magnitude [cost]
reduction [and] time savings of 70 to 90 percent"
by incorporating rapid prototyping into their
investment casting process [1].

At least six different rapid prototyping
techniques are commercially available, each
with unique strengths. Because RP technologies
are being increasingly used in non-prototyping
applications, the techniques are often
collectively referred to as solid free-form
fabrication, computer automated manufacturing,
or layered manufacturing. The latter term is
particularly descriptive of the manufacturing
process used by all commercial techniques.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 25
Naravno, brza izrada prototipova nije
savrena. Zapremina dela je najee
ograniena na 0.125 m
ili manje, u zavisnosti
od RP maine. Metalne prototipove je teko
izraditi, iako je za oekivati da e se taj problem
reiti u bliskoj budunosti. Za metalne delove,
veu serijsku proizvodnju ili jednostavne
predmete, konvencionalne tehnike proizvodnje
su najee ekonominije. I pored ovih
ogranienja, brza izrada prototipova je izuzetna
tehnologija koja je izvrila revoluciju proizvodnog
2. Osnovni proces
Iako postoji nekoliko tehnika brze izrade
prototipova, sve one koriste isti osnovni proces
koji se sastoji iz pet koraka. Ti koraci su:
1. Pravljenje CAD modela iz dizajna
2. Konvertovanje CAD modela u STL
3. Seenje STL fajla u tanke poprene
4. Izrada modela postavljanjem jednog
sloja na drugi
5. ienje i finalna obrada modela
Pravljenje CAD modela: Prvo, predmet koji e
se izraivati modeliraju se upotrebom
softverskog paketa CAD (Computer-Aided
Design). Modelari vrstog predmeta, kao to je
Pro/ENGINEER preciznije predstavljaju 3-D
predmete, nego modelari sa ianim ramom kao
to je AutoCAD, i samim tim daju bolje rezultate.
Dizajner moe da koristi ranije napravljeni CAD
fajl ili moe napraviti poseban za potrebe izrade
prototipa. Ovaj proces je identian za sve RP
tehnike izrade.
Konvertovanje u STL format: Razliiti CAD
paketi koriste brojne razliite algoritme kojima se
predstavljaju vrsti predmeti. Radi doslednosti,
STL (stereolitografija, prva RP tehnika) format je
usvojen kao standard u industriji brze izrade
prototipova. Drugi korak je konvertovanje CAD
fajla u STL format. Ovaj format predstavlja
trodimenzionalnu povrinu kao sklop
dvodimenzionalnih trouglova nalik bruenih
povrinama iseenog dragog kamena [2]. U fajlu
su sadrane koordinate najviih taaka i smer
spoljne normale svakog trougla. Zbog toga to
STL fajlovi koriste dvodimenzionalne elemente,
oni ne mogu potpuno tano da predstave
zakrivljene povrine. Poveanje broja trouglova
poveava tanost, ali je zbog toga fajl vei.
Veim, komplikovanim fajlovima je potrebno vie
vremena za rad na pred-obradi i izradi, tako da
dizajner treba da uskladi zadovoljavajuu
tanost sa fajlom kojim se moe lako raditi, kako
bi napravio koristan STL fajl. Budui da je .stl
format univerzalan, ovaj proces je identian za
sve RP tehnike izrade.
Of course, rapid prototyping is not perfect.
Part volume is generally limited to 0.125 cubic
meters or less, depending on the RP machine.
Metal prototypes are difficult to make, though
this should change in the near future. For metal
parts, large production runs, or simple objects,
conventional manufacturing techniques are
usually more economical. These limitations
aside, rapid prototyping is a remarkable
technology that is revolutionizing the
manufacturing process.
2 The Basic Process
Although several rapid prototyping techniques
exist, all employ the same basic five-step
process. The steps are:
1. Create a CAD model of the design
2. Convert the CAD model to STL format
3. Slice the STL file into thin cross-
sectional layers
4. Construct the model one layer atop
5. Clean and finish the model
CAD Model Creation: First, the object to be
built is modeled using a Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) software package. Solid modelers, such
as Pro/ENGINEER, tend to represent 3-D
objects more accurately than wire-frame
modelers such as AutoCAD, and will therefore
yield better results. The designer can use a pre-
existing CAD file or may wish to create one
expressly for prototyping purposes. This process
is identical for all of the RP build techniques.
Conversion to STL Format: The various CAD
packages use a number of different algorithms
to represent solid objects. To establish
consistency, the STL (stereolithography, the first
RP technique) format has been adopted as the
standard of the rapid prototyping industry. The
second step, therefore, is to convert the CAD file
into STL format. This format represents a three-
dimensional surface as an assembly of planar
triangles, "like the facets of a cut jewel [2]. The
file contains the coordinates of the vertices and
the direction of the outward normal of each
triangle. Because STL files use planar elements,
they cannot represent curved surfaces exactly.
Increasing the number of triangles improves the
approximation, but at the cost of bigger file size.
Large, complicated files require more time to
pre-process and build, so the designer must
balance accuracy with manageablility to produce
a useful STL file. Since the .stl format is
universal, this process is identical for all of the
RP build techniques.

26 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Seenje STL fajla: U treem koraku, program
za pred-obrada priprema STL fajl koji e se
raditi. Na raspolaganju je nekoliko programa i
veina njih korisniku omoguava da podesi
veliinu, poziciju i orjentaciju modela. Orjentacija
izrade je vana iz nekoliko razloga. Prvo,
svojstva brze izrade prototipova se moe
razlikovati u zavisnosti od smera koordinate. Na
primer, prototipovi su obino slabiji i manje
precizni na z (vertikalnom) smeru, nego u x-y
ravni. Pored toga, orjentacija dela delimino
uslovljava vremenski period koji e biti potreban
za izradu modela. Postavljanje najkrae
dimenzije u z smer, smanjuje broj slojeva, to
rezultira skraenjem vremena izrade. Softver za
pred-obradu see STL model na vie slojeva
debljine izmeu 0.01 mm i 0.7 mm, u zavisnosti
od tehnike izrade. Program takoe moe
generisati pomonu strukturu koja e podravati
model tokom izrade. Podrke su korisne za
izuzetno osetljiva svojstva, kao to su
kontrakonusi, unutranje upljine i odeljci sa
tankim zidovima. Svaki proizvoa RP maine
obezbeuje sopstveni softver za pred-obradu.
Izrada sloj po sloj: etvrti korak je stvarna
izrada dela. Korienjem jedne od nekoliko
tehnika (opisanih u narednom odeljku) RP
maine izrauju po jedan sloj od polimera,
papira ili estica metalnog praha. Veina maina
je u velikoj meri automatizovana, potrebno je
veoma malo uee ljudskog faktora.
ienje i finalna obrada: Zavrni korak je
post-obrada. On podrazumeva vaenje prototipa
iz maine i odvajanje od podrke. Neke
fotosenzitivne materijale je potrebno potpuno
obraditi pre upotrebe. Prototipove e moda biti
potrebno malo oistiti i obraditi njihovu povrinu.
mirglanje, zaptivanje i/ili bojenje modela e
poboljati izgled prototipa i njegovu
3. Tehnike brze izrade prototipova
Veina komercijalno dostupnih maina
za brzu izradu prototipova koristi jednu od est
tehnika. U ovom trenutku, trgovinske zabrane u
velikoj meri ograniavaju uvoz/izvoz maina za
brzu izradu prototipova, tako da emo ovim
tekstom obuhvatiti samo sisteme koji se mogu
nabaviti u SAD-u.

Slice the STL File: In the third step, a pre-
processing program prepares the STL file to be
built. Several programs are available, and most
allow the user to adjust the size, location and
orientation of the model. Build orientation is
important for several reasons. First, properties of
rapid prototypes vary from one coordinate
direction to another. For example, prototypes
are usually weaker and less accurate in the z
(vertical) direction than in the x-y plane. In
addition, part orientation partially determines the
amount of time required to build the model.
Placing the shortest dimension in the z direction
reduces the number of layers, thereby
shortening build time. The pre-processing
software slices the STL model into a number of
layers from 0.01 mm to 0.7 mm thick, depending
on the build technique. The program may also
generate an auxiliary structure to support the
model during the build. Supports are useful for
delicate features such as overhangs, internal
cavities, and thin-walled sections. Each PR
machine manufacturer supplies their own
proprietary pre-processing software.
Layer by Layer Construction: The fourth step
is the actual construction of the part. Using one
of several techniques (described in the next
section) RP machines build one layer at a time
from polymers, paper, or powdered metal. Most
machines are fairly autonomous, needing little
human intervention.
Clean and Finish: The final step is post-
processing. This involves removing the
prototype from the machine and detaching any
supports. Some photosensitive materials need
to be fully cured before use. Prototypes may
also require minor cleaning and surface
treatment. Sanding, sealing, and/or painting the
model will improve its appearance and durability.
3 Rapid Prototyping Techniques
Most commercially available rapid prototyping
machines use one of six techniques. At present,
trade restrictions severely limit the import/export
of rapid prototyping machines, so this guide only
covers systems available in the U.S.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 27
3.1 Stereolitografija
Patentirana 1986 godine, stereolitografija je
zapoela revoluciju u brzoj izradi prototipova.
Tehnike izrauju trodimenzionalne modele od
tenih fotosenzitivnih polimera, koji ovravaju
kada su izloeni ultraljubiastom svetlu. Kako je
prikazano na donjoj slici, model je izraen na
platformi koja se nalazi odmah ispod povrine u
sudu sa tenom epoksi ili akrilat smolom. UV
laser male snage, ali jake koncentracije,
postavlja prvi sloj, ovravajui popreni presek
modela, dok viak ostaje u tenom stanju.
3.1 Stereolithography
Patented in 1986, stereolithography started
the rapid prototyping revolution. The technique
builds three-dimensional models from liquid
photosensitive polymers that solidify when
exposed to ultraviolet light. As shown in the
figure below, the model is built upon a platform
situated just below the surface in a vat of liquid
epoxy or acrylate resin. A low-power highly
focused UV laser traces out the first layer,
solidifying the models cross section while
leaving excess areas liquid.

Slika 1.- ematski dijagram stereolitografije [7]
Figure 1.- Schematic diagram of stereolithography [7]
Zatim, elevator postepeno sputa platformu u
teni polimer. etkom se preko ovrslog sloja
nanosi tean sloj, i laser postavlja drugi sloj
preko prvog. Ovaj proces se ponavlja dok se ne
zavri prototip. Posle toga, vrst deo se vadi iz
posude i ispira od vika tenosti. Potpore se
lome, a model se zatim postavlja u
ultraljubiastu pe radi finalnog tretmana.
Od 1988 godine, aparate za stereolitografiju
(SLA) proizvodi kompanija 3D Systems iz
Valensije, Kalifornija. Do dananjeg dana, 3D
Systems je industrijski lider koji prodaje vei
broj RP maina od bilo koje druge kompanije.
Zbog toga to je bila prva tehnika,
stereolitografija se smatra referetnom takom
prema kojoj se mere druge tehnologije. Rani
stereolitografski prototipovi su bili prilino krti i
skloni savijanju i izvijanju, ali skoranje
modifikacije su u mnogome ispravile ove
Next, an elevator incrementally lowers the
platform into the liquid polymer. A sweeper re-
coats the solidified layer with liquid, and the
laser traces the second layer atop the first. This
process is repeated until the prototype is
complete. Afterwards, the solid part is removed
from the vat and rinsed clean of excess liquid.
Supports are broken off and the model is then
placed in an ultraviolet oven for complete curing.
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA) machines
have been made since 1988 by 3D Systems of
Valencia, CA. To this day, 3D Systems is the
industry leader, selling more RP machines than
any other company. Because it was the first
technique, stereolithography is regarded as a
benchmark by which other technologies are
judged. Early stereolithography prototypes were
fairly brittle and prone to curing-induced
warpage and distortion, but recent modifications
have largely corrected these problems.
28 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
3.2. Izrada vieslojnih predmeta
Kod ove tehnike koju je razvila kompanija
Helisys iz Torens, Kalifornija, slojevi materijala
sa nanetim adhezivnim sredstvom se spajaju i
na taj nain formiraju prototip. Originalni
materijal se sastoji od papira sa nanetim lepkom
koji se nanosi delovanjem toplote, koji je zatim
namotan na kaleme. Kako je prikazano na
donjoj slici, mehanizam dovoda/kolektora nanosi
tablu na izraenu platformu, gde je osnova
napravljena od papira i dvostrane penaste trake.
Zatim, zagrejanim valjkom se nanosi pritisak
kako bi se papir spojio na osnovu. Koncentrisani
laser useca spoljnu ivicu prvog sloja u papir, a
zatim odseca viak (negativni razmak u
prototipu). Ovim postupkom se obeleava viak
materijala, pa ga je tokom post-obrade lake
ukloniti. Tokom izrade, viak materijala je
izuzetna potpora za nadstrenice i delove sa
tankim zidovima. Posle seenja prvog sloja,
platforma se pomera kako bi se stavio nov
materijal. Platforma se podie do visine koja je
neto nia nego ranije koriena, valjak spaja
drugi sloj na prvi, a laser see drugi sloj. Ovaj
proces se ponavlja koliko je potrebno kako bi se
izradio deo, koji e imati teksturu nalik drvetu.
Zbog toga to su modeli napravljeni od papira,
moraju se zatvoriti i finalno tretirati bojom ili
lakirati kako bi se spreilo oteenje usled
delovanja vlage.

Slika 2.- ematski dijagram izrade iz vie
slojeva [8]
Helisys je napravio nekoliko novih
vieslojnih materijala, ukljuujui plastiku,
vodootporni papir i keramiku, kao i trake posute
metalnih prahom. Prakaste trake proizvode
zeleni deo koji se mora sinterovati radi
maksimalne jaine. Od 2001. godine, Helisys
vie ne posluje.
3.3. Selektivno lasersko sinterovanje
Razvijeno od strane Karl Dekard-a za
potrebe njegove magistarske teze na
Univerzitetu Teksas, selektivno lasersko
sinterovanje je patentirano 1989. godine.
3.2 Laminated Object Manufacturing
In this technique, developed by Helisys of
Torrance, CA, layers of adhesive-coated sheet
material are bonded together to form a
prototype. The original material consists of
paper laminated with heat-activated glue and
rolled up on spools. As shown in the figure
below, a feeder/collector mechanism advances
the sheet over the build platform, where a base
has been constructed from paper and double-
sided foam tape. Next, a heated roller applies
pressure to bond the paper to the base. A
focused laser cuts the outline of the first layer
into the paper and then cross-hatches the
excess area (the negative space in the
prototype). Cross-hatching breaks up the extra
material, making it easier to remove during post-
processing. During the build, the excess material
provides excellent support for overhangs and
thin-walled sections. After the first layer is cut,
the platform lowers out of the way and fresh
material is advanced. The platform rises to
slightly below the previous height, the roller
bonds the second layer to the first, and the laser
cuts the second layer. This process is repeated
as needed to build the part, which will have a
wood-like texture. Because the models are
made of paper, they must be sealed and
finished with paint or varnish to prevent moisture

Figure 2.- Schematic diagram of laminated object
manufacturing [8]
Helisys developed several new sheet
materials, including plastic, water-repellent
paper, and ceramic and metal powder tapes.
The powder tapes produce a "green" part that
must be sintered for maximum strength. As of
2001, Helisys is no longer in business.
3.3 Selective Laser Sintering
Developed by Carl Deckard for his masters
thesis at the University of Texas, selective laser
sintering was patented in 1989.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 29
Tehnika prikazana na slici 3 koristi laserski
snop za selektivno stapanje prakastih
materijala, kao to su najlon, elastomer i metal u
jedan vrst predmet. Delovi se postavljaju na
platformu koja se nalazi odmah ispod povrine u
rezervoaru sa toplim rastopljivim prahom. Laser
iscrtava obrazac prvog sloja, sinteriui ih
zajedno. Platforma se sputa za visinu sledeeg
sloja i ponovo se nanosi prah. Sa ovim
procesom se nastavlja dok se ne zavri deo.
Viak praha na svakom sloju pomae potpori
dela tokom izrade. SLS maine proizvodi
kompanija DTM iz Ostin, Teksasa.

Slika 3.- ematski dijagram selektivnog laserskog

sinterovanja [9]

3.4. Modelovanje stopljenim depozitima
Kod ove tehnike, niti zagrejane termo-plastike
se sipaju iz vrha koji se kree u x-y ravni. Kao
kada pekar ukraava tortu, kontrolisana glava za
isputanje depozita sputa veoma mala zrna
materijala na platformu za izradu kako bi se
formirao prvi sloj. Platforma se odrava na nioj
temperaturi, tako da termo-plastika brzo
ovrava. Kada se platforma spusti, glava za
isputanje depozita, sipa drugi sloj preko prvog.
Potpore se prave uz ivicu i privrene su na
deo drugim, slabijim materijalom ili spojem koji
se moe perforirati.

Slika 4.- ematski dijagram modelovanja
stopljenim depozitima [10]
The technique, shown in Figure 3, uses a
laser beam to selectively fuse powdered
materials, such as nylon, elastomer, and metal,
into a solid object. Parts are built upon a
platform which sits just below the surface in a
bin of the heat-fusable powder. A laser traces
the pattern of the first layer, sintering it together.
The platform is lowered by the height of the next
layer and powder is reapplied. This process
continues until the part is complete. Excess
powder in each layer helps to support the part
during the build. SLS machines are produced by
DTM of Austin, TX.

Figure 3.- Schematic diagram of selective laser

sintering [9]

3.4 Fused Deposition Modeling
In this technique, filaments of heated
thermoplastic are extruded from a tip that moves
in the x-y plane. Like a baker decorating a cake,
the controlled extrusion head deposits very thin
beads of material onto the build platform to form
the first layer. The platform is maintained at a
lower temperature, so that the thermoplastic
quickly hardens. After the platform lowers, the
extrusion head deposits a second layer upon the
first. Supports are built along the way, fastened
to the part either with a second, weaker material
or with a perforated junction.

30 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Figure 4- Schematic diagram of fused deposition
modeling [10]

Stratasys iz Eden Prairie, Minesota izrauje
razliite FDM maine, od brzih konceptnih
modelara do sporijih maina velike preciznosti.
Materijali ukljuuju ABS (standardni i medicinski
nivo), elastomer (96 durometar), polikarbonat,
polifenilsulfon i tehniki vosak.
3.4. Ovravanje pomou svetla kroz masku
Razvijeno od strane Cubital, ovravanje
pomou svetla kroz masku (SGC-solid ground
curing) je donekle slino stereolitografiji (SLA),
po tome to obe tehnike koriste ultraljubiasto
svetlo za selektivno ovravanje fotosenzitivnih
polimera. Za razliku od SLA, SGC istovremeno
tretira celokupan sloj.
Na slici 5 je prikazano ovravanje pomou
svetla kroz masku, koje je takoe poznato pod
nazivom proces ovravanja. Prvo,
fotosenzitivna smola se poprska na platformu za
izradu. Zatim, maina napravi foto-masku (nalik
slici) sloja koji treba izraditi. Ova foto-maska se
tampa na staklenu plou iznad platforme za
izradu upotrebom elektrostatikog procesa
slinog koji se moe videti pri radu foto-kopir
maina. Maska se zatim izlae UV svetlu, koje
prolazi samo kroz providne delove maske kako
bi selektivno ojaalo oblik trenutnog sloja.

Slika 5.- ematski dijagram ovravanja pomou
svetla kroz masku [11]

Posle tretiranja sloja, maina usisava viak
tene smole i na njeno mesto prska vosak koji bi
sluio kao potpora modelu tokom izrade. Gornja
povrina se mirgla, a zatim se proces ponavlja
radi izrade sledeeg sloja. Kada je deo zavren,
potrebno je ukloniti vosak, to se postie
potapanjem u posudu sa rastvorom. SGC
maine u SAD-u distribuira Cubital America
Inc. iz Troy, Miigen. Maine su prilino velike i
mogu da prave velike modele.

Stratasys, of Eden Prairie, MN makes a
variety of FDM machines ranging from fast
concept modelers to slower, high-precision
machines. Materials include ABS (standard and
medical grade), elastomer (96 durometer),
polycarbonate, polyphenolsulfone, and
investment casting wax.
3.4 Solid Ground Curing
Developed by Cubital, solid ground curing
(SGC) is somewhat similar to stereolithography
(SLA) in that both use ultraviolet light to
selectively harden photosensitive polymers.
Unlike SLA, SGC cures an entire layer at a time.
Figure 5 depicts solid ground curing, which is
also known as the solider process. First,
photosensitive resin is sprayed on the build
platform. Next, the machine develops a
photomask (like a stencil) of the layer to be built.
This photomask is printed on a glass plate
above the build platform using an electrostatic
process similar to that found in photocopiers.
The mask is then exposed to UV light, which
only passes through the transparent portions of
the mask to selectively harden the shape of the
current layer.

Figure 5.- Schematic diagram of solid ground

curing [11]

After the layer is cured, the machine
vacuums up the excess liquid resin and sprays
wax in its place to support the model during the
build. The top surface is milled flat, and then the
process repeats to build the next layer. When
the part is complete, it must be de-waxed by
immersing it in a solvent bath. SGC machines
are distributed in the U.S. by Cubital America
Inc. of Troy, MI. The machines are quite big and
can produce large models.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 31

32 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
3.6. 3-D tampanje injektorima
tampanje injektorima se odnosi na itavu
klasu maina koje koriste tehnologiju
injektiranja. Prva tehnologija je bila 3D
tampanje (3DP) koju je razvio MIT, a
licencirale kompanije poput Soligen
Corporation, Extrude Hone i druge. ZCorp
3D tampa koji proizvodi Z Corporation iz
Burlington-a, Masausets ( je
primer ove tehnologije. Kako je prikazano na
slici 6a, delovi se izrauju iznad platforme koja
se nalazi u rezervoaru punom prakastim
materijalom. Glava za injektiranje selektivno
nanosi ili tampa vezivnu tenost pomou koje
u eljenim oblastima spaja prah. Slobodni prah
ostaje kao potpora delu. Platforma se sputa,
dodaje jo praha koji se zatim poravnava, a itav
proces se ponavlja. Po zavretku, zeleni prah se
zatim uklanja sa slobodnog praha, a viak
slobodnog praha se oduva. Gotovi delovi se
mogu infiltrirati voskom, lepkom ili drugim
adhezivnim sredstvima radi poboljanja
izdrljivosti i finalne obrade povrine.
Standardna debljina sloja je reda veliina 0.1
mm. Ovaj proces je veoma brz i proizvodi delove
sa sitno-zrnastom povrinom. ZCorp koristi dva
razliita materijala, prah sa skrobom u osnovi
(nije iste jaine, ali se moe iskoristiti za
tehnike primene) i keramiki prah. Mogu se
nabaviti maine sa mogunou tampe u 4
Izrada rotom, prikazana na slici 6b razvila je
kompanija BPM Inc. koja je prestala sa radom.
Sanders Prototype iz Wilton-a, Nju
Hemprir ( koristi razliite
tehnike injektiranja kod svojih linija za izradu
konceptnih modela. Maine koriste dva injektora
(vidi sliku 6c). Jedan posipa rastopljenu termo-
plastiku radi izrade modela, dok drugi posipa
vosak kako bi se formirala potpora. Posle
svakog sloja, glodalicama se tretira gornja
povrina kako bi se poravnala visina. Ovim
procesom se ostvaruje veoma dobra tanost,
ime je omoguena primena ovih maina u
Verzija 3D Systems (
sistema za injektiranje se naziva Thermo-Jet (sa
toplim mlazom) ili Multi-Jet (sa vie mlazova)
tampa. U brzoj proizvodnji termo-plastinih
modela koristi linearni raspored glava za
tampanje (slika 6d). Ako je deo dovoljno uzak,
glava za tampanje moe naneti ceo sloj tokom
jednog prolaza. U drugim sluajevima, glava
prolazi nekoliko puta.
3.6 3-D Ink-Jet Printing
Ink-Jet Printing refers to an entire class of
machines that employ ink-jet technology. The
first was 3D Printing (3DP), developed at MIT
and licensed to Soligen Corporation, Extrude
Hone, and others. The ZCorp 3D printer,
produced by Z Corporation of Burlington, MA
( is an example of this
technology. As shown in Figure 6a, parts are
built upon a platform situated in a bin full of
powder material. An ink-jet printing head
selectively deposits or "prints" a binder fluid to
fuse the powder together in the desired areas.
Unbound powder remains to support the part.
The platform is lowered, more powder added
and leveled, and the process repeated. When
finished, the green part is then removed from the
unbound powder, and excess unbound powder
is blown off. Finished parts can be infiltrated with
wax, CA glue, or other sealants to improve
durability and surface finish. Typical layer
thicknesses are on the order of 0.1 mm. This
process is very fast, and produces parts with a
slightly grainy surface. ZCorp uses two different
materials, a starch based powder (not as strong,
but can be burned out, for investment casting
applications) and a ceramic powder. Machines
with 4 color printing capability are available.
Ballistic particle manufacturing, depicted in
Figure 6b, was developed by BPM Inc., which
has since gone out of business.
Sanders Prototype of Wilton, NH (www.solid- uses a different ink-jet technique in
its Model Maker line of concept modelers. The
machines use two ink-jets (see Figure 6c). One
dispenses low-melt thermoplastic to make the
model, while the other prints wax to form
supports. After each layer, a cutting tool mills the
top surface to uniform height. This yields
extremely good accuracy, allowing the machines
to be used in the jewelry industry.
3D Systems' ( version
of the ink-jet based system is called the Thermo-
Jet or Multi-Jet Printer. It uses a linear array of
print heads to rapidly produce thermoplastic
models (Figure 6d). If the part is narrow enough,
the print head can deposit an entire layer in one
pass. Otherwise, the head makes several

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 33
Slika 6: ematski dijagram tehnika injektiranja [12]

4. Primena brze izrade prototipova
Brza izrada prototipova se umnogome koristi
u automobilskoj, kosmikoj, medicinskoj i
industriji potroakih proizvoda. Iako su
mogunosti primene gotovo beskonane, gotovo
sve potpadaju pod jednu od sledeih kategorija:
izrada prototipova, brza izrada alata ili brza
4.1. Izrada prototipova
Kao to se moe zakljuiti iz samog naziva,
primarna upotreba brze izrade prototipova je za
brzu izradu prototipova za potrebe komunikacije
i testiranja. Prototipovi znaajno poboljavaju
komunikaciju, jer veina ljudi, ukljuujui i
inenjere, lake razumeju trodimenzionalne
predmete nego dvodimenzionalne crtee. Na taj
nain, poboljano razumevanje rezultira
znaajnim utedama trokova i vremena. Kako
je izjavio izvrni direktor Pratt & Whitney,
Robert P. DeLisle: Videli smo da emo ostvariti
utedu od 100.000$ na sloenim proizvodima,
jer su ljudi koji su morali da shvate prirodu
predmeta sa 50 nacrta, sada konano mogli
zaista da je vide [13]. Efikasna komunikacija je
naroito znaajna u ovoj eri konkurentnog
inenjeringa. Poboljanje prototipa u ranoj fazi
dizajniranja, omoguava da proizvodni odeljak
moe da pone sa pripremama za proizvodnju,
a umetniki odeljak da planira pakovanje, a sve
to pre nego to se samo dizajniranje zavri.
Figure 6: Schematic diagrams of ink-jet
techniques [12]

4 Applications of Rapid Prototyping
Rapid prototyping is widely used in the
automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer
products industries. Although the possible
applications are virtually limitless, nearly all fall
into one of the following categories: prototyping,
rapid tooling, or rapid manufacturing.
4.1 Prototyping
As its name suggests, the primary use of
rapid prototyping is to quickly make prototypes
for communication and testing purposes.
Prototypes dramatically improve communication
because most people, including engineers, find
three-dimensional objects easier to understand
than two-dimensional drawings. Such improved
understanding leads to substantial cost and time
savings. As Pratt & Whitney executive Robert P.
DeLisle noted: "Weve seen an estimate on a
complex product drop by $100,000 because
people who had to figure out the nature of the
object from 50 blueprints could now see it" [13].
Effective communication is especially important
in this era of concurrent engineering. By
exchanging prototypes early in the design stage,
manufacturing can start tooling up for production
while the art division starts planning the
packaging, all before the design is finalized.

34 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Prototipovi su takoe korisni za testiranje
dizajna, kako bi se videlo da li performanse na
eljenom nivou ili je potrebno napraviti
poboljanja. Inenjeri su uvek testirali
prototipove, ali korienje RP proiruje njihove
mogunosti. Prvo, sada je lako izvriti ponovno
testiranje: izraditi prototip, testirati ga, ponovo
dizajnirati, izraditi i testirati, itd. Takav pristup
upotrebe tradicionalnih tehnika izrade
prototipova bi oduzimao previe vremena, ali
korienjem RP tehnologije, to je lako.
Pored toga to se brzo izrauju, RP modeli
da rade nekoliko stvari koje metalni prototipovi
ne mogu. Na primer, Pore koristi providan
stereolitografski model kuita menjaa 911 GTI
kako bi vizuelno prouavao protok ulja [6].
Snecma, francuski proizvoa turbo-
mainerije, vri analizu fotoelastinog napona na
SLA modelu toka ventilatora kako bi odredio
napone koje otrice trpe [6].

4.2. Brza izrada alata
Sa nestrpljenjem oekivana primena brze
izrade prototipova je brza izrada alata,
automatska proizvodnja kvalitetnih mainskih
alata. Izrada alata je jedan od najsporijih i
najskupljih koraka proizvodnom procesu, zbog
izuzetno visokog nivoa kvaliteta koji se oekuje.
Alati su esto kompleksne geometrije, a moraju
se precizno dimenzionirati do stotog dela
milimetra. Pored toga, alati moraju da budu tvrdi,
otporni na habanje i da imaju veoma malu
grubou povrine (oko kvadratnog korena 0.5
mikrometra). Kako bi se ispunili ovi zahtevi,
kalupi i boje se tradicionalno izrauju mainskim
putem, i to: CNC tehnologijom, elektrinim
pranjenjem ili runo. Svi ovi procesi su skupi i
dugotrajni, tako da bi proizvoai eleli da
primenjuju tehnike brze izrade prototipova kako
bi ubrzali proces. Peter Hilton, predesdnik
Technology Strategy Consulting u Konkordu,
Masausets, veruje da se trokovi izrade alata i
vremena uloenog u razvoj mogu smanjiti za 75
procenata ili vie korienjem brze izrade alata i
slinih tehnologija [7]. Brza izrada alata se moe
podeliti u dve kategorije: indirektnu i direktnu.
4.2.1. Indirektna izrada alata
Veina brze izrade alata je indirektna: RP
delovi se koriste kao obrasci za izradu modela i
kalupa. RP modeli se mogu indirektno koristiti u
brojnim proizvodnim procesima:

Prototypes are also useful for testing a
design, to see if it performs as desired or needs
improvement. Engineers have always tested
prototypes, but RP expands their capabilities.
First, it is now easy to perform iterative testing:
build a prototype, test it, redesign, build and test,
etc. Such an approach would be far too time-
consuming using traditional prototyping
techniques, but it is easy using RP.
In addition to being fast, RP models can do a
few things metal prototypes cannot. For
example, Porsche used a transparent
stereolithography model of the 911 GTI
transmission housing to visually study oil flow
[6]. Snecma, a French turbomachinery producer,
performed photoelastic stress analysis on a SLA
model of a fan wheel to determine stresses in
the blades [6].

4.2 Rapid Tooling
A much-anticipated application of rapid
prototyping is rapid tooling, the automatic
fabrication of production quality machine tools.
Tooling is one of the slowest and most
expensive steps in the manufacturing process,
because of the extremely high quality required.
Tools often have complex geometries, yet must
be dimensionally accurate to within a hundredth
of a millimeter. In addition, tools must be hard,
wear-resistant, and have very low surface
roughness (about 0.5 micrometers root mean
square). To meet these requirements, molds
and dies are traditionally made by CNC-
machining, electro-discharge machining, or by
hand. All are expensive and time consuming, so
manufacturers would like to incorporate rapid
prototyping techniques to speed the process.
Peter Hilton, president of Technology Strategy
Consulting in Concord, MA, believes that
"tooling costs and development times can be
reduced by 75 percent or more" by using rapid
tooling and related technologies [7]. Rapid
tooling can be divided into two categories,
indirect and direct.
4.2.1 Indirect Tooling
Most rapid tooling today is indirect: RP parts
are used as patterns for making molds and dies.
RP models can be indirectly used in a number of
manufacturing processes:

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 35
Livenje korienjem vakuma: Kod
najjednostavnije i najstarije tehnike brze
izrade alata, RP pozitivan obrazac se
ostavlja u posudi sa tenim silikonom ili
gumom za vulkanizaciju na sobnoj
temperaturi (RTV). Kada guma ovrsne,
see se na dve polovine, a RP obrazac
uklanja. Gumeni kalup koji se dobija na
ovaj nain se moe koristiti za izlivanje do
20 kopija od poliuretana originalnog RP
obrasca. U varijanti koja je jo korisnija, a
poznata pod nazivom Keltool proces
sinterovanja metalnog praha, za izradu
metalnih alatki se koriste gumeni kalupi
[8]. Razvijen od strane 3M, sada u
vlasnitvu 3D Systems, Keltool proces
podrazumeva popunjavanje gumenih
kalupa elikom sa prahom i epoksi
vezivnog sredstva. Kada se vezivno
sredstvo tretira, zelena metalna alatka
se uklanja iz gumenog kalupa, a zatim
sinteruje. U ovoj fazi, metal je samo 70%
gust, tako da se infiltrira bakrom kako bi
se pribliio teoretski maksimalnoj gustini.
Alatke su prilino dobre preciznosti, ali
njihova veliina je ograniena na manje 25
Livenje korienjem peska: RP model
se koristi kao pozitivan obrazac oko koga
se pravi kalup od peska. esto se koriste
LOM modeli, koji podseaju na drvene
modele koji su se tradicionalno koristili za
ove namene. Ako se zapeate i finalno
obrade, LOM obrasci mogu da proizvedu
oko 100 peanih kalupa.
Tehniko livenje metalnih delova u vosku:
Neki RP prototipovi se mogu koristiti kao
obrasci za livenje metalnih delova u
vosku. Obrazac se ne sme iriti na toploti,
jer e tokom tretiranja u autoklavu pui
keramiki omota. Stratasys i Cubital
prave tehniki vosak za svoje maine.
Mogu se koristiti i papirni LOM prototipovi,
budui da su njegove dimenzije stabilne
na razliitim temperaturama. Papirni
omota sagoreva, posle ega ostaje
manja koliina pepela koju je potrebno
Radi izraunavanja toplotne ekspanzije
stereolitografskih delova, 3D Systems su
predstavili QuickCast, nain izrade koji
podrazumeva vrst spoljanji omota i
uglavnom uplju unutranju strukturu. Pri
zagrevanju, deo se uruava ka
unutranjosti. Slino tome, DTM prodaje
Trueform polimer, poroznu supstancu
koja se u maloj meri iri pri poveanju
temperature, a koristi se kod SLS maina.
Vacuum Casting: In the simplest and
oldest rapid tooling technique, a RP
positive pattern is suspended in a vat of
liquid silicone or room temperature
vulcanizing (RTV) rubber. When the
rubber hardens, it is cut into two halves
and the RP pattern is removed. The
resulting rubber mold can be used to cast
up to 20 polyurethane replicas of the
original RP pattern. A more useful variant,
known as the Keltool powder metal
sintering process, uses the rubber molds
to produce metal tools [8]. Developed by
3M and now owned by 3D Systems, the
Keltool process involves filling the rubber
molds with powdered tool steel and epoxy
binder. When the binder cures, the "green"
metal tool is removed from the rubber
mold and then sintered. At this stage the
metal is only 70% dense, so it is infiltrated
with copper to bring it close to its
theoretical maximum density. The tools
have fairly good accuracy, but their size is
limited to under 25 centimeters.
Sand Casting: A RP model is used as the
positive pattern around which the sand
mold is built. LOM models, which
resemble the wooden models traditionally
used for this purpose, are often used. If
sealed and finished, a LOM pattern can
produce about 100 sand molds.
Investment Casting: Some RP prototypes
can be used as investment casting
patterns. The pattern must not expand
when heated, or it will crack the ceramic
shell during autoclaving. Both Stratasys
and Cubital make investment casting wax
for their machines. Paper LOM prototypes
may also be used, as they are
dimensionally stable with temperature.
The paper shells burn out, leaving some
ash to be removed.
To counter thermal expansion in
stereolithography parts, 3D Systems
introduced QuickCast, a build style
featuring a solid outer skin and mostly
hollow inner structure. The part collapses
inward when heated. Likewise, DTM sells
Trueform polymer, a porous substance
that expands little with temperature rise,
for use in its SLS machines.

36 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Modelovanje injektiranjem: CEMCOM
Research Associates, Inc. je razvio
NCC sistem za izradu alata, kod kog
se prave metalni/keramiki kalupi koji se
koriste za injektiranje plastike [8]. Prvo,
koristi se stereolitografska maina za
izradu ploe pozitivnog obrasca za
eljeno modelovanje. Da bi se formirao
kalup, SLA obrazac se oblae nikom,
koji se zatim ojaava vrstim keramikim
materijalom. Kalup se razdvaja na dve
polovine kako bi se izvadio obrazac,
posle ega se mogu izraditi na desetine
hiljada modelovanja injektiranjem.
4.2.2. Direktna izrada alata
Direktna izrada vrstog alata iz CAD
podataka je Sveti Gral brze izrade alata. Do
realizacije ovog cilja e se saekati jo nekoliko
godina, sli su ve uinjeni neki pomaci:
RapidTool: DTM proces koji selektivno
sinteruje polimerom obloena elina
zrna kako bi se napravio metalni kalup.
Kalup se zatim postavlja u pe gde
vezivni polimer sagoreva i deo se
infiltrira bakrom (kao i kod Keltool
procesa). Kalup koji se dobija moe da
proizvede do 50.000 kalupa za
1996. godine Rubbermaid je proizveo
30.000 plastinih stonih planera iz SLS
kalupa. Ovo je prvi masovno prodati
potroni proizvod koji je proizveden
direktnom brzom izradom alata [8].
Extrude Hone, iz Irvina, Pensilvanija
ubrzo prodaje mainu zasnovanu na
MIT-om procesu 3D tampanja koja
proizvodi bronzom-infiltrirani PM alatke i
proizvode [8].
Laserska izrada gotovih proizvoda
(LENS - Laser-Engineered Net
Shaping) je proces koji su razvili
dravna laboratorija Sandia i Stanford
Univerzitet, a tokom njega se mogu
praviti metalne alatke iz CAD podataka
[8]. Materijali ukljuuju 316 nerajui
elik, Inconel 625, H13 elik za alatke,
tungsten i titanijum karbid cermeti.
Laserski snop topi gornji sloj dela na
mestima na kojima je potrebno dodati
materijal. Metalni prah se injektira u
izliveni sadraj koji zatim ovruje.
Dodaje se sloj po sloj dok se ne zavri
deo. Za razliku od tradicionalne obrade
metalnog praha, LENS proizvodi
potpuno zgusnute delove, budui da je
metal otopljen, a ne samo sinterovan.

Injection molding: CEMCOM Research
Associates, Inc. has developed the NCC
Tooling System to make metal/ceramic
composite molds for the injection
molding of plastics [8]. First, a
stereolithography machine is used to
make a match-plate positive pattern of
the desired molding. To form the mold,
the SLA pattern is plated with nickel,
which is then reinforced with a stiff
ceramic material. The two mold halves
are separated to remove the pattern,
leaving a matched die set that can
produce tens of thousands of injection
4.2.2 Direct Tooling
To directly make hard tooling from CAD data
is the Holy Grail of rapid tooling. Realization of
this objective is still several years away, but
some strong strides are being made:
RapidTool: A DTM process that
selectively sinters polymer-coated steel
pellets together to produce a metal mold.
The mold is then placed in a furnace
where the polymer binder is burned off
and the part is infiltrated with copper (as
in the Keltool process). The resulting
mold can produce up to 50,000 injection
In 1996 Rubbermaid produced 30,000
plastic desk organizers from a SLS-built
mold. This was the first widely sold
consumer product to be produced from
direct rapid tooling [8]. Extrude Hone, in
Irwin PA, will soon sell a machine, based
on MITs 3D Printing process, that
produces bronze-infiltrated PM tools and
products [8].

Laser-Engineered Net Shaping
(LENS) is a process developed at
Sandia National Laboratories and
Stanford University that can create metal
tools from CAD data [8]. Materials
include 316 stainless steel, Inconel 625,
H13 tool steel, tungsten, and titanium
carbide cermets. A laser beam melts the
top layer of the part in areas where
material is to be added. Powder metal is
injected into the molten pool, which then
solidifies. Layer after layer is added until
the part is complete. Unlike traditional
powder metal processing, LENS
produces fully dense parts, since the
metal is melted, not merely sintered.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 37
Delovi koji se dobijaju kako rezultat
ovog procesa imaju izuzetna mehanika
svojstva, ali proces se trenutno koristi
samo kod delova sa jednostavnim,
ujednaenim poprenim presecima.
Sistem je komercijalizovala korporacija
Direktno modelovanje injektiranjem
(AIM - ACES Injection Molding):
Tehnika kompanije 3D Systems kod
koje se jezgra proizvedena korienjem
stereolitografije koriste kod tradicionalnih
metalnih kalupa za modelovanje
injektiranjem sa polietilenom,
polistirenom, propilenom i ABS
plastikom, velike ili male gustine [6].
Veoma dobra preciznost se ostvatuje za
manje od 200 modelovanja. Dugi ciklusi
(~ pet minuta) su potrebni da bi se kalup
dovoljno ohladio kako se ne bi zalepio
za SLA jezgro.
U drugim varijantama, jezgra se
prave od SLA omotaa napunjenih
epoksi i aluminijumom. Visoka
provodljivost aluminijuma pomae da se
kalup bre ohladi, ime se skrauje
vreme ciklusa. Spoljna povrina se
takoe moe obloiti metalom kako bi se
poveala otpornost na habanje.
Predviena je proizvodnja u serijama od
1000-5000 modelovanja, kako bi proces
bio ekonomski isplatljiv.
LOMComposite: Helysis i Univerzitet
u Dejtonu rade na razvoju keramikog
kompozitnog materijala za izradu
vieslojnih predmeta. LOMComposite
delovi bi bili veoma jaki i izdrljivi i mogli
bi da se koriste za izradu alata u nizu
razliitih proizvodnih procesa.
Modeliranje korienjem peska:
Najmanje dve RP tehnike mogu da
prave peane kalupe direktno iz CAD
podataka. DTM prodaje materijale nalik
pesku koji se mogu sinterovati u kalupe.
Soligen ( koristi
3DP za proizvodnju keramikih kalupa i
jezgra za tehniko livenje (livenje
direktnom proizvodnjom omotaa).
4.3. Brza proizvodnja
Prirodan nastavak RP je brza proizvodnja
(RM), automatska proizvodnja konkurentnih
proizvoda direktno iz CAD podataka. Trenutno,
samo nekoliko gotovih proizvoda se proizvodi
RP mainama, ali njihov broj e se poveati
kada metali i drugi materijali postanu dostupniji.
RM nikada nee u potpunosti zameniti druge
tehnike proizvodnje, naroito u velikim serijama,
gde je masovna proizvodnja ekonominija.
The resulting parts have exceptional
mechanical properties, but the process
currently works only for parts with
simple, uniform cross sections. The
system has been commercialized by
MTS corporation (
Direct AIM (ACES Injection Molding):
A technique from 3D Systems in which
stereolithography-produced cores are
used with traditional metal molds for
injection molding of high and low density
polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene
and ABS plastic [6]. Very good accuracy
is achieved for fewer than 200 moldings.
Long cycle times (~ five minutes) are
required to allow the molding to cool
enough that it will not stick to the SLA
In another variation, cores are made
from thin SLA shells filled with epoxy
and aluminum shot. Aluminums high
conductivity helps the molding cool
faster, thus shortening cycle time. The
outer surface can also be plated with
metal to improve wear resistance.
Production runs of 1000-5000 moldings
are envisioned to make the process
economically viable.
LOMComposite: Helysis and the
University of Dayton are working to
develop ceramic composite materials for
Laminated Object Manufacturing.
LOMComposite parts would be very
strong and durable, and could be used
as tooling in a variety of manufacturing
Sand Molding: At least two RP
techniques can construct sand molds
directly from CAD data. DTM sells sand-
like material that can be sintered into
molds. Soligen (
uses 3DP to produce ceramic molds and
cores for investment casting, (Direct
Shell Production Casting).

4.3 Rapid Manufacturing
A natural extension of RP is rapid
manufacturing (RM), the automated production
of salable products directly from CAD data.
Currently only a few final products are produced
by RP machines, but the number will increase
as metals and other materials become more
widely available. RM will never completely
replace other manufacturing techniques,
especially in large production runs where mass-
production is more economical.
38 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Kod proizvodnje u malim serijama, RM je
mnogo jeftiniji, jer ne zahteva izradu alata. RM je
takoe idealno reenje za proizvodnju delova po
narudbini prilagoenih izriitim specifikacijama
korisnika. U istraivakom projektu Univerziteta
u Delaveru koristi se digitalizovani 3-D model
ljudske glave pri izradi lemova po narudbini.

NASA eksperimentie sa upotrebom RP maina
za proizvodnju rukavica za svemirska odela koje
e odgovarati rukama svakog astronauta
pojedinano [9]. Mogunosti su beskonane, od
izrade ruki za palice za golf po narudbini do
posua po narudbini.
Druga znaajna upotreba RM je za proizvode
koji se jednostavno ne mogu napraviti
procesima oduzimanja (mainska obrada,
mlevenje) ili komprimovanja (kovanje, itd.). To
obuhvata proizvodne sa kompleksnim
svojstvima, upljinama u unutranjosti i
slojevitim strukturama. Specific Surface iz
Franklina, Masausets koristi RP za proizvodnju
komplikovanih keramikih filtera koji imaju osam
puta manju unutranju povrinu od starijih
tipova. Filteri uklanjaju estice iz gasnih emisija
elektrana koje koriste ugalj [8]. Therics, Inc. iz
Nju Jorka koristi RP vieslojnu izradu za razvoj
tableta koje oslobaaju odreenu dozu leka u
odreeno vreme tokom dana i druge
medicinske proizvode [8].

5. Budui razvoj
Brza izrada prototipova poinje da menja
nain na koji kompanije dizajniraju i izrauju
proizvode. Nazire se nekoliko inovacije koje e
pomoi revolucionarnu promenu proizvodnje
kakvu znamo danas.
Jedno takvo poboljanje je poveana brzina.
Maine za brzu izradu prototipova su jo uvek
spore po nekim standardima. Upotrebom brih
raunara, sloenijih kontrolnih sistema i
poboljanih materijala, RP proizvoai su
znaajno skratili vreme izrade. Na primer,
Stratasys je nedavno (januar 1998) predstavio
FDM Quantum mainu, koja moe da proizvodi
modele od ABS plastike 2.5-5 puta bre od
ranije verzije FDM maine [10]. Kontinuirano
smanjenje vremena izrade e usloviti da brza
izrada prototipova postane ekonomina za irok
asortiman proizvoda.
Jedan od buduih razvojnih aspekata su vea
preciznost i bolja finalna obrada povrine.
Maine koje se danas koriste u komercijalnoj
upotrebi su precizne do ~0.08 milimetara u x-y
ravni, ali manje u z (vertikalnom) smeru.
Poboljanja u laserskoj optici i kontroli motora
treba da poveaju preciznost u sva tri smera. RP
kompanije razvijaju nove polimere koji e se
manje savijati usled delovanja tretmana i
For short production runs, however, RM is
much cheaper, since it does not require tooling.
RM is also ideal for producing custom parts
tailored to the users exact specifications. A
University of Delaware research project uses a
digitized 3-D model of a persons head to
construct a custom-fitted helmet.
experimenting with using RP machines to
produce spacesuit gloves fitted to each
astronauts hands [9]. From tailored golf club
grips to custom dinnerware, the possibilities are
The other major use of RM is for products
that simply cannot be made by subtractive
(machining, grinding) or compressive (forging,
etc.) processes. This includes objects with
complex features, internal voids, and layered
structures. Specific Surface of Franklin, MA uses
RP to manufacture complicated ceramic filters
that have eight times the interior surface area of
older types. The filters remove particles from the
gas emissions of coal-fired power plants [8].
Therics, Inc. of NYC is using RPs layered build
style to develop "pills that release measured
drug doses at specified times during the day"
and other medical products [8].

5 Future Developments
Rapid prototyping is starting to change the
way companies design and build products. On
the horizon, though, are several developments
that will help to revolutionize manufacturing as
we know it.
One such improvement is increased speed.
"Rapid" prototyping machines are still slow by
some standards. By using faster computers,
more complex control systems, and improved
materials, RP manufacturers are dramatically
reducing build time. For example, Stratasys
recently (January 1998) introduced its FDM
Quantum machine, which can produce ABS
plastic models 2.5-5 times faster than previous
FDM machines [10]. Continued reductions in
build time will make rapid manufacturing
economical for a wider variety of products.
Another future development is improved
accuracy and surface finish. Todays
commercially available machines are accurate to
~0.08 millimeters in the x-y plane, but less in the
z (vertical) direction. Improvements in laser
optics and motor control should increase
accuracy in all three directions. In addition, RP
companies are developing new polymers that
will be less prone to curing and temperature-
induced warpage.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 39
Uvoenje ne-polimerskih materijala,
ukljuujui metale, keramiku i kompozite, je jo
jedan razvoj koji se sa nestrpljenjem oekuje.
Ovi materijali bi omoguili RP korisnicima da
proizvedu funkcionalne delove. Dananji
plastini prototipovi su se pokazali dobro kod
vizuelizacije i testova podesnosti, ali su esto
previe slabi kod funkcionalnog testiranja.
Grubljim materijalima bi mogli da se naprave
prototipovi koji bi mogli da budu podvrgnuti
stvarnim radnim uslovima. Pored toga, metalni i
kompozitni materijali e znaajno proiriti
asortiman proizvoda koji se mogu napraviti
procesom brze proizvodnje.
Mnoge RP kompanije i istraivake
laboratorije rade na razvoju novih materijala. Na
primer, Univerzitet u Dejtonu sarauje sa
Helisys-om na proizvodnji keramikih matrinih
kompozita vieslojnom izradom predmeta [11].
Agencija za napredne istraivake
projekte/Kancelarija mornarice za istraivanje
istrauju naine na koje bi keramika mogla da se
koristi pri modelovanju stopljenih depozita [12].
Kako je ranije pomenuto, Sandia/Stanford-ov
LENS sistem moe da izrauje vrste metalne
delove. Ove tri grupe su samo neke od
mnogobrojnih koje rade na novim RP
Drugi znaajni razvoj je poveanje kapaciteta
veliine. Trenutno je veina RP maina
ograniena na predmete od 0.125 kubnih
metara ili manje. Vei delovi se moraju praviti iz
odeljaka i spajati se rukom. Da bi se situacija
popravila, koristi se nekoliko tehnika velikih
prototipova. Najpotpunije razvijen je
topografska izrada omotaa kompanije Formus
iz San Hozea, Kalifornija. U ovom procesu,
privremeni kalup se izrauje iz slojeva
silicijumskog praha (pesak visokog kvaliteta) koji
se spaja parafinskim voskom. Kalup se zatim
koristi za proizvodnju fiberglasa, epoksi, pene i
konkretnih modela do veliine 3.3x2x 1.2 m [13].

Na Univerzitetu u Juti, profesor arls Tomas
razvija sisteme za usecanje komplikovanih
oblika u 1.2 m x 2.4 m odeljke od pene ili papira
[6]. Istraivai u dravnoj laboratoriji za
primenjenoj istraivanje Pensilvanije (ARL) tee
ka veem ostvarenju: direktnoj izradi velikih
metalnih delova, kao to su oklopne kule na
tenku korienjem lasera koje navode roboti.
Voa grupe Henri Vatson navodi da je veliina
proizvodnje ograniena samo veliinom robota
koji dri laser [5].

The introduction of non-polymeric materials,
including metals, ceramics, and composites,
represents another much anticipated
development. These materials would allow RP
users to produce functional parts. Todays
plastic prototypes work well for visualization and
fit tests, but they are often too weak for function
testing. More rugged materials would yield
prototypes that could be subjected to actual
service conditions. In addition, metal and
composite materials will greatly expand the
range of products that can be made by rapid
Many RP companies and research labs are
working to develop new materials. For example,
the University of Dayton is working with Helisys
to produce ceramic matrix composites by
laminated object manufacturing [11]. An
Advanced Research Projects Agency / Office of
Naval Research sponsored project is
investigating ways to make ceramics using
fused deposition modeling [12]. As mentioned
earlier, Sandia/Stanfords LENS system can
create solid metal parts. These three groups are
just a few of the many working on new RP
Another important development is increased
size capacity. Currently most RP machines are
limited to objects 0.125 cubic meters or less.
Larger parts must be built in sections and joined
by hand. To remedy this situation, several "large
prototype" techniques are in the works. The
most fully developed is Topographic Shell
Fabrication from Formus in San Jose, CA. In this
process, a temporary mold is built from layers of
silica powder (high quality sand) bound together
with paraffin wax. The mold is then used to
produce fiberglass, epoxy, foam, or concrete
models up to 3.3x2x1.2 m in size [13].

At the University of Utah, Professor Charles
Thomas is developing systems to cut intricate
shapes into 1.2 m x 2.4 m sections of foam or
paper [6]. Researchers at Penn States Applied
Research Lab (ARL) are aiming even higher: to
directly build large metal parts such as tank
turrets using robotically guided lasers. Group
leader Henry Watson states that product size is
limited only by the size of the robot holding the
laser [5].

40 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Sva gore navedena poboljanja e pomoi da
industrija nastavi sa brzom izradom prototipova i
da raste i na svetskom i na domaem tritu. U
ovom polju trenutno dominiraju Sjedinjene
Drave, ali se Nemaka, Japan i Izrael sve vie
prikljuuju. Vremenom e se RP proiriti i na
manje tehniki razvijene drave. Kada vie ljudi i
vie drava bude prisutno u ovom polju, rast RP
e se jo vie ubrzati.
Jedna od buduih primena je i daljinska
proizvodnja po zahtevu, kombinacija RP i
Interneta koja omoguava dizajnerima da
daljinskim putem predaju dizajne na neposrednu
izradu. Istraivai na UC-Berkliju se, izmeu
ostalog bave razvojem ovakvog sistema [14].
RP entuzijasti veruju da e se primena RP
proiriti i na domove, dajui novo znaenje
terminu kuna industrija. Trodimenzionalni
kuni tampai se mogu initi nezamislivim, ali
isto se pre petnaest godina moglo rei i za
lasersko tampanje u boji.
Konano, uspon brze izrade prototipova je
podstakao progres u tradicionalnim metodama
oduzimanja. Napredak u kompjuterizovanom
planiranju trasa, numerikoj kontroli i mainskoj
dinamici su poveali brzinu i preciznost
mainske obrade. Moderni CNC mainski centri
mogu imati brzinu osovine do 100.000
obrta/minuti, sa odgovarajuom prateom
brzinom dovoda [6]. Takve velike brzine
uklanjanja materijala znae kratko vreme izrade.
Za dalje primene, naroito metala, mainska
obrada e nastaviti da bude koristan proizvodni
proces. Brza izrada prototipova nee mainsku
izradu uiniti suvinom, ve e je upotpuniti.
[1]. Ashley S.: "Brza izrada prototipova u
predstojeem periodu, Mehaniki
inenjering, 1995: 63, Jul 1995.
[2]. Waterman P.: "Brza izrada prototipova", DE
1997: 30, Mart 1997.
[3]. Griffith M., Lamancusa J. S.: "Rapid
Prototyping Technologies," Rapid
Prototyping (Prihvaeno 4/20/98).
pintro2.pdf, 1998.
[4]. Weiss E. L.: "SFF Proces", JTEC/WTEC
Panel izvetaj o brzoj izradi prototipova u
Evropi i Japanu, (Prihvaeno 4/18/98),, 1997.
[5]. Bylinsky G.: ""Industrijski neverovatni novi
instant prototipovi", bogata svojstva",
Fortune Features, (Prihvaeno 3/29/98),
com/fortune/1998/980112/imt.html, Januar
All the above improvements will help the
rapid prototyping industry continue to grow, both
worldwide and at home. The United States
currently dominates the field, but Germany,
Japan, and Israel are making inroads. In time
RP will spread to less technologically developed
countries as well. With more people and
countries in the field, RPs growth will accelerate
One future application is Distance
Manufacturing on Demand, a combination of RP
and the Internet that will allow designers to
remotely submit designs for immediate
manufacture. Researchers at UC-Berkeley,
among others, are developing such a system
[14]. RP enthusiasts believe that RP will even
spread to the home, lending new meaning to the
term "cottage industry." Three-dimensional
home printers may seem far-fetched, but the
same could be said for color laser printing just
fifteen years ago.
Finally, the rise of rapid prototyping has
spurred progress in traditional subtractive
methods as well. Advances in computerized
path planning, numeric control, and machine
dynamics are increasing the speed and
accuracy of machining. Modern CNC machining
centers can have spindle speeds of up to
100,000 RPM, with correspondingly fast feed
rates [6]. Such high material removal rates
translate into short build times. For certain
applications, particularly metals, machining will
continue to be a useful manufacturing process.
Rapid prototyping will not make machining
obsolete, but rather complement it.
[1]. Ashley S.: "Rapid Prototyping is Coming of
Age", Mechanical Engineering, 1995: 63,
July 1995.
[2]. Waterman P: "Rapid Prototyping" DE March
1997: 30, March 1997.
[3]. Griffith M., Lamancusa J. S.: "Rapid
Prototyping Technologies", Rapid
Prototyping, (Accessed 4/20/98),
pintro2.pdf, 1998.
[4]. Weiss E. L.: "SFF Processes", JTEC/WTEC
Panel Report on Rapid Prototyping in
Europe and Japan, (Accessed 4/18/98), March
[5]. Bylinsky G.: "Industrys Amazing New
Instant Prototypes", Fortune Features,
(Accessed 3/29/98), http://www.pathfinder.
com/fortune/1998/980112/imt.html, January
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 41
[6]. Langdon R.: "Dekada brze izrade
prototipova," Automotive Engineer,
1997:44-45, Maj, 1997.
[7]. Hilton P.: "Iskorak ka brzoj izradi alata,"
Mechanical Engineering, 1995:75, Jul,
[8]. Ashley S.: "Od CAD umetnosti do brze izrade
metalnih alatki", Mechanical Engineering,
1997:82, Mart, 1997.
[9]. Wieckowski M.: "Alternativni dizajn
lemova", Rehabilitacioni robotiki
istraivak program, 10/25/96, 1996,
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
"Stratasys najavljuje novi sistem za brzu
izradu prototipova FDM Quantum,
Konferencija za tampu Stratasys-a,
1/26/98, (Prihvaeno 4/21/98), 1998.
"Izrada slobodne forme strukturne keramike
i keramikih matrinih kompozita izradom
vieslojnih predmeta (LOM), Brza izrada
prototipova Univerziteta u Dejtonu,
(Prihvaeno 4/21/98), 1998.
Laboratorija za izradu slobodne forme od
napredne keramike Univerziteta u
Rutgers-u, (Prihvaeno 4/21/98), 1998.
[13]. "ta je
TSF? Naslovna strana Formus-a,
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
[14]. "Mrena
proizvodna usluga", CyberCut, (Prihvaeno
4/27/98), 1998.
[15]. Langdon R.: "A Decade of Rapid
Prototyping," Automotive Engineer,
1997:44-45, May, 1997.
[16]. Hilton P.: "Making the Leap to Rapid
Tool Making," Mechanical Engineering,
1995:75, July, 1995.
[17]. Ashley S.: "From CAD Art to Rapid Metal
Tools," Mechanical Engineering, 1997:82,
March, 1997.
[18]. Wieckowski M.: "Alternative Helmet
Design", Rehabilitation Robotics Research
Program, 10/25/96, 1996,
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
"Stratasys Announces New High Speed
FDM Quantum Rapid Prototyping System",
Stratasys Press Release. 1/26/98.
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
"Freeform Fabrication of Structural
Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites
by Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)",
Dayton University Rapid Prototyping,
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
Laboratory for Freeform Fabrication of
Advanced Ceramics at Rutgers University,
(Accessed 4/21/98), 1998.
[22]. "What
is TSF?" Formus Home Page, (Accessed
4/21/98), 1998.
[23]. Network
Manufacturing Service", CyberCut,
(Accessed 4/27/98), 1998.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 41

asopis LIVARSTVO, izdaje Srpsko Livako Drutvo
(SLD), predstavlja periodini, tromeseni nauno-struni
informator iji je zadatak afirmacija naunih istraivanja,
razmena strunih saznanja i praktinih iskustava, kontinualno
obrazovanje i sveobuhvatno informisanje iz oblasti livarstva.
asopis LIVARSTVO, obljavljuje neobjavljene orginalne naune
i strune radove (autorski radovi), prevode strunih dokumenata
renomiranih meunarodnih institucija, obrazovne teme, priloge
iz razvoja opreme, materijala, konstrukcijskih i tehnolokih
reenja, proizvodnje, odravanja iz oblasti livarstva,
standardizacije, bibliografske preglede i prikaze strunih
domaih i inostranih literatura, kao i strukovne informacije i
informacije o strunim skupovima u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Zvanini jezik i pismo asopisa LIVARSTVO je srpski
latinica. Svi tekstovi se obljavljuju dvojezino, prvi stubac na
srpskom, a drugi na engleskom ili samo na engleskom jeziku.
Autorski tekstovi podleu obaveznoj anonimnoj recenziji dva
recezenta iz relevantne naune oblasti.
1. Uputstvo autorima asopisa
Rad prireen za tampu treba da sadri naslov (na srpskom
i engleskom jeziku ili samo engleskom ako je ceo tekst na
engleskom), podatke o autorima (puno ime i prezime autora i
koautora, zvanje, adresa ustanove/preduzea u kojoj je
zaposlen, grad i e-mail adresa), izvod (na srpskom i
engleskom jeziku), kljune rei (na srpskom i engleskom
jeziku), integralni teks (na srpskom i engleskom), zakljuak i
literature (na srpskom i engleskom jeziku).
Tekst pripremljen u Microsoft word A4 formata (297x210),
font Arial 11pt sa podeenim marginama (leva 25 mm i gornja,
donja i desna 20 mm) u dva jednaka stupca (kolumne) razmaka
6 mm dostavlja se u elektronskom obliku mail-om ili CD-om
urednikom odboru asopisa. Svojim mail-om autor potvruje
izvornost lanka i svoje autorstvo, kao i prihvata svoju
odgovornost. Ukoliko se rad dostavlja CD-om, potreban je jedan
odtampan i potpisan primerak.
Tekstovi koji nemaju status autorskog rada prema
kategorizaciji dostavljaju se u elektronskom obliku bez posebnih
zahteva za ureenjem i prevodom na engleskom jeziku.
Svi radovi se dostavljaju na adresi Srpskog Livakog
Drutva (, tj. tehnikom uredniku, koji nakon to
ih proita odreuje dalji postupak: alje odmah na recenziju ili
ako ima odreenih primedbi ili sugestija vraa autoru na doradu
ili se odbija. Ukoliko autor ne usvoji primedbe i obradi tekst u
skladu sa sugestijama, rad se odbija. Rad se odbija u
sluajevima kada tema koju obrauje rad nije relevantna, rad sa
slinom temom ve je obljavljen u asopisu ili ako rad ne
ispunjava standarde asopisa. U tom sluaju autoru se alje
kratko obaveetenje.
1.1. Sadraj rada
Rad treba biti relevantan za naunu i strunu oblast
livarstva, s jasno naglaenim ciljevima i rezultatima istraivanja,
zakljukom, referencama u tekstu i bibliografskim jedinicama na
kraju rada. Ideje u radu moraju biti originalne i treba da imaju
jasan doprinos razvoju predmeta istraivanja. Autori moraju
obratiti panju odgovarajuem struktuisanju teksta i njegovoj
duini u skladu sa postavljenim standardima:
Naslov rada, treba da jasno odraava sutinu rada i po
mogunosti to krai. Naslov rada mora biti prvo na
srpskom, a zatim na englekom jeziku, (font 11 pt i bold
Autor, kao idejni tvorac i nosilac aktivnosti o izradi rada
navodi svoje i ime i prezime ostalih koautora, dok u
foosnote navodi potpune informacije o sebi i
koautorima. Ukoliko je vei broj uesnika u stvarnju
rada, poeljno je da se autor ogranii na najbitnije
koautore, a imena ostalih navodi u zahvali na kraju
Magazine LIVARSTVO issued by the Serbian Foundrymen
Society (SFS), is a periodical, quarter scientific and professional
informer with objective of establishing scientific researches,
exchanging professional knowledge and practical experience,
continual education and overall informing in the field of metal
casting. Magazine LIVARSTVO publishes unpublished original
scientific and professional papers (authorship), translations of
professional documents of renowned international institutions,
educational topics, supplements related to the development of
equipment, materials, construction and technological designs,
manufacturing, maintenance in the filed of metal casting,
standardization, bibliography reviews and reviews of
professional domestic and foreign literature, as well as
profession-related information about professional gatherings in
the country and abroad.
Official language and writing of the magazine LIVARSTVO
is Serbian Latin. All texts are published in two languages: the
first column is in Serbian and the second in English or only in
English. Authorship texts are subjected to mandatory
anonymous review of two reviewers from respective scientific
1. Instructions for authors of the magazine
The script prepared for printing should contain the title (in
English if entire text is in English), data about authors (full name
and surname of the author and co-author, vocation, address of
the institution/company of employment, city and e-mail
address), abstract (in English), keywords (in English), integral
text (in English), conclusion and literature (in English).
Text prepared in Microsoft Word, A4 format (297x210), font
Arial 11 pt with margin adjustment (left 25 mm and top, bottom
and right 20 mm) in two equal columns, 6 mm spacing and
submitted in electronic form by e-mail or on CD to the Editorial
Board of the magazine. By sending e-mail, the author confirms
authenticity of the paper and respective authorship, and
assumes liabilities. Should the script is furnished on CD, it is
necessary to attach one signed hard-copy of the script.
Texts without authorship status in accordance with
categorization are to be submitted in electronic form without
particular requests for adjustments and English translation.
All scripts are to be furnished to the address of the Serbian
Foundrymen Society (, i.e. to the Technical
Editor, who after reading determined further procedure: sends
to review immediately or in case of any remarks and
suggestions returns to the author for finishing or rejects the
script. Should the author fail to adopt suggestions and process
text in accordance with suggestions, the script is to be rejected.
The script is rejected in cases then topic elaborated in the script
is not relevant, the script with similar topic has already been
published in the magazine or the script doesnt conform to
magazine standards. In this case, brief notification shall be send
to the author.
1.1. Contents of papers
Paper should be relevant for scientific and professional field
of metal casting, with clearly highlighted objectives and results
of research, conclusion, references in the text and bibliography
items at the end of paper. Ideas in the paper have to be original
and should have clear contribution to the development of
research subject. Authors have to pay attention to appropriate
text structure and its length in accordance with set standards.
Title of paper should clearly reflect the essence of the
paper and to be as short as possible. Title of paper has
to be in Serbian, followed by English version, font 11 pt,
Author, as a creator and activity performer states his
and other co-authors name and surname, inserting
complete information about him/her and co-authors in
footnotes. If the number of participants in paper drafting
is larger, it is advisable that the author limits only to the
most important co-authors, and acknowledge names of
others at the end of paper.
42 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
Izvod, treba da sadi do 150 rei, potrebno je da
bude kratak, informativan i da upozorava na zakljuke
za svaku novu informaciju koju nosi sam rad. Kod
radova koji ne daju nove rezultate kao to su
pregledni ili referentni radovi, potrebno je napisati
indikativni izvod sa kratkim opisom predmeta rada.
Izvod autor dostavlja na srpskom i engleskom ili samo
engleskom jeziku, ako je rad na engleskom jeziku.
Kljune rei, prestavljaju najkarakteristinije rei za
rad, koji ukazuju na njegovu sutinu. Preporuuje se
od 36 kljunih rei.
Uvod, treba da bude kratak, jasan i informativan i da
prestavi sutinu rada. Autor kratkim pregledom treba
da ukae na problematiku koju istrauje u naunom
radu i da logikim sledom definie svrhu i ciljeve
istraivanja. Uvod mora biti ubedljiv, da pokae
razlike i prednosti novih rezultata i ideje u odnosu na
predhodnih ili vee postojeih.
Eksperimentalna procedura, treba da sadri kratak
opis samog eksperimenta, opisuje nain izbora
predmeta ispitivanja, njihovo eventualno grupisanje,
metod ispitivanja, upotrebljene ureaje i aparate itd.
Potrebno je, da se i kvalitativno i kvantitativno opie
cela eksperimentalna procedura. U tekstu slike
moraju biti oznaene sa rednim brojem. Slike treba da
budu visokog kvaliteta, koji omoguuje
zadovoljavajui kvalitet reprodukcije i tampe.
Numeracija slike se vri redom od (1) pa navie.
Formule treba da su centrirane i numerisane redom
od (1) pa navie i zajednike su za oba stubca.
Rezultati i diskusija, treba da budu detaljnije
prezentovani, ali se preporuuje da ne prelaze 6
strana. Rezultati moraju podrati primenjenu
metodologiju, zakljuke i preporuke iznesene u radu
koje ukazuju na dokaze autorovog istraivanja. Pored
kvantitativnog opisa, dobijeni rezultati potrebno je da
budu prezentovani slikovito (slike, dijagrami, algoritmi,
tabele,...). Slike treba da budu visokog kvaliteta, koji
omoguuje zadovoljavajui kvalitet reprodukcije i
tampe. Numeracija slike nastavlja se redom iz
ekperimentalne procedure. Preporuene dimenzije
slike su 50x80 mm ili 100x140 mm i zajednike su za
oba stubca. Pozivanje na literaturu vri se
navoenjem rednog broja reference (iz liste date na
kraju rada) unutar uglastih zagrada, iza dela teksta na
koji se odnosi [1] ili [1, 2]. Formule treba da su
centrirane i numerisane redom od (1) pa navie i
zajednike su za oba stubca.
Zakljuak, treba da bude kratak, da sadri kratko
izreene naune tvrdnje, otvorena pitanja i preporuke
za dalja istraivanja.
Literatura, predstavlja lista referenci, treba da bude
numerisana redom od [1] pa navie. Navodi se
prezime i ime autora, naslov dela (knjige, asopisa,
naslov rada saopeten na konfereciji itd.), izdava,
mesto izdavanja, godina i redni broj strane.
Preporuuje se min 46 referenci.
1.2. Kategorizacija radova
Svi radovi podleu obaveznoj recenziji. Ukoliko rad prema
miljenu recezenta ne zadovoljava postavljene kriterijume
asopisa rad se ne prihvata. Obljavljuju se radovi koji imaju dve
pozitivne recenzije. Ukoliko recezenti daju pozitivnu ocenu
svrstavaju rad u jednu od sledeih kategorija:
Izvorni nauni rad (Original scientific paper),
predstavlja originalno nauno delo u kojem su dati
novi rezultati fundamentalnih ili primenjenih
istaivanja. Rad je sastavljen tako da se na osnovu
prezentovanih informacija moe reprodukovati
metodoloki ili raunski postupak na osnovu dobijenih
rezultata s jednakom tanou kako to navodi autor ili
ponoviti autorova zapaanja i prosuditi njegove
analize ili proveriti tanost analiza i dedukcija na
kojima se zasnivaju autorovi nalazi.
Abstract should contain up to 150 words; it is
necessary to be brief, informative and to refer to all new
information in the paper. As for papers without new
results, like review or reference papers, it is mandatory
to state indicative source with brief description of paper
subject. Abstract is to be submitted in Serbian and
English or only in English, if the paper is in English.
Keywords are the most distinguishable words from the
paper and indicate its essence. It is advisable to use
36 keywords.
Introduction should be brief, clear and informative and
to present essence of the paper. The author should
make a brief review to indicate problems to be
researches in the paper and to follow logical sequence
and define the purpose and objectives of research.
Introduction has to be persuasive, to present
differences and advantages of new results and ideas in
comparison to previous or already existing.
Experimental procedure should contain brief
description of selecting manner of tested subjects, its
eventual grouping, testing methods, used devices and
apparatuses, etc. It is necessary to use qualitative and
quantitative description of entire experimental
procedure. Figures in text have to be given by ordinal
number. Figures have to be in high quality, enabling
satisfying quality of reproduction and printing. Figure
numbering is in ascending order starting with (1).
Equations have to be centered and numbered is in
ascending order starting with (1), and are common for
both columns.
Results and discussion should be presented in detail,
but it is advisable not to exceed 6 pages. The results
have to support applied methodology, conclusions and
recommendations in the paper referring to proves of
authors research. Beside quantitative description it is
necessary to present obtained results in pictures
(figures, diagrams, algorithms, tables,...). Figures have
to be in high quality, enabling satisfying quality of
reproduction and printing. Figure numeration is to be
continues in sequel from experimental procedure.
Recommended figure dimensions are 50x80 mm or
100x140 mm and common for both columns. Literature
reference is done by referring to ordinal number of the
reference (from the list at the end of the paper) in
square brackets, behind the text it refers to [1] or [1, 2].
Equations have to be centered and numbered in
ascending order starting with (1), and are common for
both columns.
Conclusion has to be short, to contain brief scientific
claims, opened questions and recommendations for
further researches.
Literature is a list of references and should be
numbered in ascending order starting with [1]. It should
contain name and surname of the author, title of paper
(book, magazine, title presented at the conference,
etc.), publisher, place of publishing, year and number of
page. It is advisable to use min 46 references.
1.2. Categorization of papers
All papers are to be subjected to mandatory review. Should
the paper fail to satisfy proscribed criteria of the magazine in
reviewers opinion, the script will not be accepted. Only papers
with two positive reviews are to be published. If reviewers give
positive review they categorize the script in one of the following
Original scientific paper is an original scientific paper
containing new results of fundamental and applied
researches. The script is to be compiled in manner that
on the basis of presented information may be
reproduced methodological or computing procedure
from derived results with equal punctuality as stated by
the author or repeat authors observations and evaluate
his/her analysis and verify punctuality of analysis and
deductions, basis of authors findings.

Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 43
Predhodno saoptenje, (Preliminary
communication), predstavlja nauni rad koji obavezno
sadri jednu ili vie naunih informacija, ali bez
dovoljne pojedinosti koje bi itaocu omoguili proveru
iznesenih naunih sazananja.
Izlaganje sa naunog skupa (Conference paper),
predstavlja ceo rad koji je predhodno referisan na
naunom skupu, ali u obliku celog rada nije obljavljen
u zborniku naunog skupa.
Pregledni rad (Review paper), iznosi poseban
problem o kome je ve publikovan nauni rad, ali sa
pristupom na nov nain.
Struni rad (Professional paper), sadri korisne
priloge i informacije iz struke i za struku.
2. Uputstvo saradnicima asopisa
asopis LIARSTVO kroz svoj reklamni prostor omoguava
saradnicima iz oblasti livarstva oglaavanje firmi/oglaivai sa
podacima o glavnim grupama proizvoda/usluga i svim potrebim
kontakt adresama. Takoe, asopis svojim saradnicima
omoguava oglaavanja i na web site Srpskog Livakog
Drutva ( Svi posetioci naeg web site mogu da
se ukljue i na web site oglaivaa.
Preliminary communication is a scientific paper
which is mandatory to contain one or more scientific
information, but without sufficient details to enable the
readers to verify presented scientific knowledges.
Conference paper is full paper previously presented
at the scientific gathering, but never been published in
proceedings of scientific gathering.
Review paper presents a particular problem subject
of previously published scientific paper, with new
Professional paper contains useful profession-
related and oriented contributions and information.
2. Instructions for magazine associates
The magazine LIVARSTVO enables it associates in the
field of metal casting to exploit advertising of
companies/advertisers with information of main categories of
products/services and all necessary contact information.
Likewise, the magazine offers its associates to advertise on the
Web page of the Serbian Foundrymen Society (
All visitors of the Web site can redirect to the Web site of the
Tabela1: Predlog cenovnika oglasa u asopisu LIVARSTVO
Table 1: Proposal of advertising pricelist in the magazine LIVARSTVO



1 C1
din / 18 000 15 000 12 000
/ 250 200 150
2 C2
din 15 000 12 000 10 000 8 000
200 150 130 120
3 C3
din 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000
150 130 120 90
4 C4
din 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000
150 130 120 90
5 ostalo
din 10 000 8 500 7 500 5 000
130 120 110 80

3. Plan za 2009 godinu
Urednitvo asopisa LIVARSTVO napravilo je plan
aktivnosti za 2009 godinu (Volume 48):
Tabela 1: Plan za 2009 godinu
datum aktivnosti
48(1), 2009
do 10.02.2009 Prijem materijala
do 20.02.2009
Priprema materijala za
tampu (recenzija,
tehnika obrada,
20.02. 10.03. 2009 tampanje
10.03.2009 Izlazak asopisa
48(2), 2009
do 10.05.2009 Prijem materijala
do 20.05.2009
Priprema materijala za
tampu (recenzija,
tehnika obrada,
20.02. 10.06. 2009 tampanje
10.06.2009 Izlazak asopisa
48(3), 2009
do 10.08.2009 Prijem materijala
do 20.08.2009
Priprema materijala za
tampu (recenzija,
tehnika obrada,
20.02. 10.09. 2009 tampanje
10.09.2009 Izlazak asopisa
48(4), 2009
do 10.11.2009 Prijem materijala
do 20.11.2009
Priprema materijala za
tampu (recenzija,
tehnika obrada,
20.02. 10.12. 2009 tampanje
10.12.2009 Izlazak asopisa

3. Plan for 2009
Editorial Desk of the FOUNDRY Journal drafted plan of
activities for 2009 (Volume 48):
Table 1: Plan for 2009
No of
datr activy
48(1), 2009
Prior to 10.02.2009 Material submission
Prior to 20.02.2009
Preparing material for
printing (review, technical
processing, preparing.)
20.02. 10.03.2009 Printing
10.03.2009 Journal issuing
48(2), 2009
Prior to 10.05.2009 Material submission
Prior to 20.05.2009
Preparing material for
printing (review, technical
processing, preparing.)
20.02. 10.06.2009 Printing
10.06.2009 Journal issuing
48(3), 2009
Prior to 10.08.2009 Material submission
Prior to 20.08.2009
Preparing material for
printing (review, technical
processing, preparing.)
20.02. 10.09.2009 Printing
10.09.2009 Journal issuing
48(4), 2009
Prior to 10.11.2009 Material submission
Prior to 20.11.2009
Preparing material for
printing (review, technical
processing, preparing.)
20.02. 10.12.2009 Printing
10.12.2009 Journal issuing

44 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
(11 pt, Bold, velika slova do dva reda, Arial)
(11 pt, bold, caps lock, Arial)
P. Peric, P. Peric(11 pt, bold, Arial)
IZVOD (11pt, bold, velika slova)
Izvod treba da sadi do 150 rei, potrebno je da bude
kratak, informativan i da upozorava na zakljuke za svaku novu
informaciju koju nosi sam rad. (11pt, Arial, Line spasing-
Kljune reci: Preporuuje se od 36 kljunih rei (11pt, Italic,
UVOD(11pt, Bold, velika slova)
Uvod treba da bude kratak, jasan i informativan i da
prestavi sutinu rada, bez slika, tabela, dijagrama.... (11pt,
Arial, Line spasing-Single).
EKSPERIMENTALNA PROCEDURA (11pt, Bold, velika slova)
Eksperimentalna procedura treba da sadri kratak opis
samog eksperimenta, opisuje nain izbora predmeta ispitivanja,
njihovo eventualno grupisanje, metod ispitivanja, upotrebljene
ureaje i aparate itd.
Numeracija slike se vri redom od (1) pa navie...
ABSTRACT (11pt, bold, caps lock)
Abstract should contain up to 150 words, it is necessary to
be brief, informative and to refer to all new information in the
paper... (11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single).

Key words: Advisable 3- 6 keywords (11pt, Italic, Arial)
INTRODUCTION (11pt, Bold, vcaps lock)
Should be brief, clear and informative and to present
essence of the paper without figures, tables, diagrams... (11pt,
Arial, Line spacing-Single).
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (11pt, Bold, caps lock)
Experimental procedure should contain brief description of
selecting manne of tested subjects, its eventual grouping,
testing methods, used devices and apparatuses, etc.
Figure numbering is in ascending order starting with (1)

Veliina slike 5x7 cm ako je u jednom stubcu ili
10x14 cm ako je u oba stubca
Figure size 5x7 cm in one column or 10x14 cm in
both columns
Slika 1. Naziv slike (Italic 11 pt, Arial)
Figure 1. name of figure (Italic, 11 pt, Arial)

Formule treba da su centrirane i numerisane redom od (1)
pa navie i zajednike su za oba stubca (11pt, Arial, Line
Equations have to be centered and numbered in ascending
order starting with (1), and are common for both columns (11pt,
Arial, Line spacing-Single)..
(x) = o
+ [o
+ b

= 1 +
+ , - < x < (2)
Tabela 1: Naziv tabele
Table 1: Name of table
Tekst u tabeli, (Arial, 9pt)
(Text in the Table, (Arial, 9pt))

Rezultati treba da budu detaljnije prezentovani, ali se
preporuuje da ne prelaze 6 strana. Rezultati moraju podrati
primenjenu metodologiju, zakljuke i preporuke iznesene u radu
koje ukazuju na dokaze autorovog istraivanja. Pored
kvantitativnog opisa, dobijeni rezultati potrebno je da budu
prezentovani slikovito (slike, dijagrami, algoritmi, tabele,...).
Results and discussion should be presented in detail, but it
is advisable not to exceed 6 pages. The results have to support
applied methodology, conclusions and recommendations in the
paper referring to proves of authors research. Beside
quantitative description it is necessary to present obtained
results in pictures (figures, diagrams, algorithms, tables,...).


P. Peri, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija, (Arial, 9 pt)

P. Peri, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija, (Arial, 9 pt)
Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society) 45
Slike treba da budu visokog kvaliteta, koji omoguuje
zadovoljavajui kvalitet reprodukcije i tampe. Numeracija slike
nastavlja se redom iz ekperimentalne procedure. Pozivanje na
literaturu vri se navoenjem rednog broja reference (iz liste
date na kraju rada) unutar uglastih zagrada, iza dela teksta na
koji se odnosi [1] ili [1, 2]. (11pt, (Arial, Line spasing-Single).
Figures have to be in high quality, enabling satisfying quality
of reproduction and printing. Figure numeration is to be
continues in sequel from experimental procedure.
Recommended figure dimensions are 50x80 mm or 100x140
mm and common for both columns. Literature reference is done
by referring to ordinal number of the reference (from the list at
the end of the paper) in square brackets, behind the text it
refers to [1] or [1, 2]. (11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single).
Veliina slike 5x7 cm ako je u jednom stubcu ili
10x14 cm ako je u oba stubca
Figure size 5x7 cm in one column or 10x14 cm in
both columns
Slika 1. Naziv slike (Italic 11 pt, Arial)
Figure 1. Name of figure (Italic, 11 pt, Arial)

Formule treba da su centrirane i numerisane redom od (1)
pa navie i zajednike su za oba stubca.
Equations have to be centered and numbered in ascending
order starting with (1), and are common for both columns.
(x) = o
+ [o
+ b

= 1 +
+ , - < x < (4)

Zakljuak treba da bude kratak, da sadri kratko izreene
naune tvrdnje, otvorena pitanja i preporuke za dalja
istraivanja. (11pt, Arial, Line spasing-Single).
[1] Peri P., Peri P.: Naslov knjige (Italic slovima), Izdava,
mesto izdavanja, godina izdanja.
[2] Peri P., Peri P.: Naslov rada na nekoj od konferencija
(Italic slovima), naziv zbornika, redni broj strane 2527,
mesto odravanja konferencije, izdava, mesto, mesec i
[3] Peri P., Peri P: Naslov lanka (Italic slovima), naziv
asopisa, broj asopisa, redni broj strane 1114, mesec i
Conclusion has to be short, to contain brief scientific
claims, opened questions and recommendations for further
researches. (11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single)
[1] Peri P., Peri P.: Title of the books (Italic), Publisher,
place of publishing, year.
[2] Peri P., Peri P.: Title of the paper presented at the
conference (Italic), name of proceedings, page number
2527, conference venue, Publisher, place, month and
[3] Peri P., Peri P: Title of paper (Italic), name of the
magazine, number of the magazine, page number 1114,
month and year.

46 Srpsko Livako Drutvo (Serbian Foundrymen Society)
(11 pt, Bold, caps lock, Arial)
P. Peric
, P. Peric
(11 pt, bold, Arial)
ABSTRACT (11pt, bold, caps lock)
Abstract should contain up to 150 words, it is necessary to be brief, informative and to refer to all new information in the paper...
(11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single).
Key words: Advisable 3- 6 keywords (11pt, Italic, Arial)
INTRODUCTION (11pt, Bold, vcaps lock)
Should be brief, clear and informative and to present
essence of the paper without figures, tables, diagrams... (11pt,
Arial, Line spacing-Single).
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (11pt, Bold, caps lock)
Experimental procedure should contain brief description of
selecting manner of tested subjects, its eventual grouping,
testing methods, used devices and apparatuses, etc.
Figure numbering is in ascending order starting with (1).
Equations have to be centered and numbered in ascending
order starting with (1), and are common for both columns
(11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single).
Equations have to be centered and numbered in ascending
order starting with (1), and are common for both columns.

Figure size 5x7 cm in one column
or 10x14 cm in both columns
Figure 1. name of figure (Italic, 11 pt, Arial)

(x) = o
+ [o
+ b

= 1 +
+ , - < x < (2)
Table 1: Name of table
Tekst u tabeli, (Arial, 9pt)
Text in the Table, (Arial, 9pt


Results and discussion should be presented in detail, but
it is advisable not to exceed 6 pages. The results have to
support applied methodology, conclusions and
recommendations in the paper referring to proves of authors
research. Beside quantitative description it is necessary to
present obtained results in pictures (figures, diagrams,
algorithms, tables,...).
Figures have to be in high quality, enabling satisfying
quality of reproduction and printing. Figure numeration is to be
continues in sequel from experimental procedure.
Recommended figure dimensions are 50x80 mm or 100x140
mm and common for both columns. Literature reference is done
by referring to ordinal number of the reference (from the list at
the end of the paper) in square brackets, behind the text it
refers to [1] or [1, 2]. (11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single).
Figure size 5x7 cm in one column
or 10x14 cm in both columns
Figure 1. name of figure (Italic, 11 pt, Arial)
Equations have to be centered and numbered in ascending
order starting with (1), and are common for both columns.

(x) = o
+ [o
+ b

= 1 +
+ , - < x < (4)
Conclusion has to be short, to contain brief
scientific claims, opened questions and recommendations for
further researches. (11pt, Arial, Line spacing-Single)
[1] Peri P., Peri P.: Title of the books (Italic), Publisher,
place of publishing, year.
[2] Peri P., Peri P.: Title of the paper presented at the
conference (Italic), name of proceedings, page number
2527, conference venue, Publisher, place, month and
[3] Peri P., Peri P: Title of paper (Italic), name of the
magazine, number of the magazine, page number
1114, month and year.

P. Peri, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija, (Arial, 9 pt
Mr. P. Peri, TMF, Karnegijeva 4, Beograd, Srbija, (Arial, 9 pt

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