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Contact: Rachel Jansen Phone: 763-486-5056 Email: teamhasek@gmail.


See below on what various State Chairmen from across the nation say about Andrew Hasek
Reid Rasmussen (SD), Carrie Hemeyer (SD), Amanda Adamez (TX), Sam Bain (OH), Jake Wagner (NH), Brad Gunther (DE), Connor Montferrat (NJ), Domenic Gelsomino (ID), Megan Dutra (MA), Katie Thompson (SC), Aaron Kidd (WV), Jeff Pfeifer (MI), Caleb Hays (KS), Sam Forhan (AZ), Matt Wertman (VA), and Anthony Christina (PA) have all pledged their support on behalf of Team Hasek

I am proud to officially endorse Andrew Hasek for Minnesota College Republicans Chair. There is no one better qualified or more suited to take on this position. The man meets the moment perfectly. Facing devastating losses last fall, our party needs new faces and fresh leadership to modernize our infrastructure and put us back on a path to success. Too much of the youth demographic votes in line with the liberal base - that needs to change. If the GOP wants a future, then we must focus on those that will one day be the future and with Andrew Hasek as Chairman, that will happen. I have known Andrew going on two years now and have always been impressed with his knowledge of Minnesota politics and his passion to bring about meaningful change. I have seen his efforts as Chairman of the St. Thomas College Republicans. He increased student membership, brought in conservative speakers and his chapter put in 630 volunteer hours to help get Republicans elected, all while building a donor base from scratch. All these things are necessary to lead a successful chapter and all these things were accomplished by Andrew Hasek. The current MNCR Chair, Ryan Lyk has done a wonderful job leading the state the past few years. If Minnesota College Republicans want that legacy to continue, then there is only one clear choice in this election: Andrew Hasek. -Chairman of Ohio College Republicans, Sam Bain

I am proud to offer my full endorsement and support to Andrew Hasek in his bid to become the next Chairman of Minnesota College Republicans. As State Chairman of New Hampshire, I know first-hand how important it is to have bold and pragmatic leaders that can effectively lead

and organize students behind our cause. Andrew ideally embodies these strengths, and illustrates to College Republicans across Minnesota and abroad what it means to be an active and passionate voice for our generation. His engagement, focus, and determination is a clear asset to our organization. As Minnesota and other states grow more competitive in future elections, it is imperative that our state federations are led by involved and experienced leaders like Andrew Hasek. New Hampshire stands by anyone who believes in the "Live Free or Die" principles of our country, and I am proud to support a candidate who firmly believes in just that. - Chairman of New Hampshire College Republicans, Jake Wagner I am proud to endorse Andrew Hasek for the Chairman of the Minnesota Federation of College Republicans. Andrew has been a strong ally of the Idaho Federation of College Republicans throughout its founding. Andrew is a true leader. He has vision, he communicates effectively, and more importantly he stands firm in what he believes. He is the perfect addition to the coalition of College Republican State Chairs. If elected Chairman Hasek would do everything he can to keep MNCRs strong and move forward with the same vision as the Honorable Ryan Lyk. I Domenic Gelsomino, official founder and State Chairman of the Idaho Federation of College Republicans, proudly endorse Andrew Hasek and his ticket for Minnesota CRs. - Chairman of Idaho College Republicans, Domenic Gelsomino I am ecstatic to throw my full support behind Andrew Hasek for Chairman of the Minnesota College Republicans. Joining my voice with other State Chairs from across the nation, we all agree that Andrew will not only continue the phenomenal success of MNCRs but he and his team will build on it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter under Chairman Hasek and I hope you will join me in supporting his bid. - Chairwoman of South Carolina College Republicans, Katie Thompson Andrew Hasek has exemplary leadership qualities that have been demonstrated through the leadership at his club. He possesses the unique ability to both turn out volunteers for campaigns and to keep College Republicans coming back to meetings. His vision for the Minnesota College Republicans will continue the hard work that Chairman Ryan Lyk has done. Andrew will make a terrific Chairman of the Minnesota College Republican Federation and I am proud to endorse him for the position. - Chairman of West Virginia College Republicans, Aaron Kidd I, Jeffrey A. Pfeifer, Chairman of the Michigan Federation of College Republicans, hereby offer my full endorsement to Andrew Hasek in his campaign to become the next Chairman of the Minnesota Federation of College Republicans. Hasek shall continue to further the enchiridion of excellence that the Minnesota Federation of College Republicans has become under the steadfast leadership of current Chairman, Ryan Lyk. - Chairman of Michigan College Republicans, Jeff Pfeifer As Chairwoman of the Arizona Federation of College Republicans, I announce my full-fledged support of Andrew Hasek for Chairman of the Minnesota College Republicans. His qualifications make him the clear choice to lead Minnesota. Andrew is a much needed leader and

will undoubtedly lead Minnesota and the next generation of Minnesota College Republicans in a crucial time. Andrew has fresh, innovative ideas which will help the Minnesota College Republicans achieve their highest potential. His fresh outlook on the future in combination with his goals for the Minnesota College Republicans, suggest Andrew is a motivated, hardworking individual with the best intentions for the Minnesota College Republicans. Andrew is absolutely the most qualified candidate, and it is imperative he is the next Chairman, as his cooperation with other State Federations is obvious and essential. - Chairwoman of Arizona College Republicans, Sam Forhan

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