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Prelude Call to Worship

Psalm 48:9 & 10 Opening Hymn God of Our Fathers (No. 573, vs. 1, 2 & 4)

Praise Songs
God of the Ages - Helvey

Call to Prayer

Morning Prayer Call to Communion

Near the Cross (No. 385, vs. 1 & 4)

Offering/Word in Song
Jesus, Lord to Me - Patti Jackie Huber

Frank Shirvinski Hymn of Invitation

The Power of Your Name

APRIL 7, 2013

A place to belong...
Frank Shirvinski, Ph.D. abd Senior Minister

Welcome! We are so glad you have joined us. If you are new to Chaparral, please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up information about our Church. Getting connected is one of the most important ways to grow your faith and get to know others in meaningful ways.

There are some exciting things happening!

New Service times, new service, interior paint & exterior paint... BUT WAIT! Theres more! Next week you will see some lovely planters outside our coffee house and for the next three weeks or so we are having a chair testing area. Before we put money into permanent seating, we want to know more about how it might be used...and that is where you come in. Feel free to move things about, and see what might feel right. Look for some concept drawings to start thinking what our actual coffee house might look like. These are just thoughts of what we could do to make a wonderful true place to relax and enjoy one another. We are also trying out a smoothie area. We are serving kid-sized smoothies (but for any person!) from Jamba Juice today for just a $1 for our kick-off. We are considering having these each week if you all are interested. They will be offered at $2 which is just cost. We thought it might be a nice option to try. Also, help yourself to water, tea or coffee as you like. So come on out, meet a new friend and enjoy some time with your friends here at Chaparral!

Dr. Larry Hostetler Founding Minister

Mary Cartwright Minister, Adults

Dr. Marion Hostetler Minister, Music

.........6:00 p
...........Teen Musical
...............................Commons 4/7
.........5:00 p.
..........One-Year Bible Check In
......North Room 4/12-13
..6:30 p
...........Youth 30-Hour Famine
....................Offsite 4/13
.......5:00 p
...........Sage BBQ
.......................................Welches 4/19-21

.. .....................Mens Retreat

Stacy Shirvinski Ministry Director Children, Publications



Prayer & Remembrance

Nicole Moran Preschool Director

Childrens Happenings!
Summer of Fun Calendar of Events!
Childrens Calendar Jr. Fine Arts camp: June 3rd - 7th VBS - Western Round Up! Yee Haw! June17th - 21st Summer Camp at UCYC in Prescott for students nishing 3rd-5th grades: June 29th - July 3rd Teen Calendar Jr High Camp: June 2nd - 7th Teens Mission Week: June 24th - 28th Sr. High Camp: July 8th - 12th Sign up will begin in May. Be sure to watch for all our happenings!

Youth Group

Tonight! Our Teen Stained Glass Choir will be presenting Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
In their FINAL performance! Come see this amazing musical and support our extremely talented students! Bring a friend and join us! The 30-Hour Famine starts after lunch Friday, April 12th. We'll meet at Church at 6:30 p.m. and spend some time in worship, playing games and learning about world-wide hunger Friday evening. Saturday morning we are helping Feed My Starving Children from 7-9 a.m. and the rest of Saturday we will spend doing more community service projects (putting together soup containers, etc.), games and devo's. We break our fast at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. Join us!

Welcome to Chaparrals new schedule of worship services and classes! It may take a few weeks for some of us to iron out our own personal schedules, but our mission remains the same to be the presence of Christ in this world. Christians have unity in essentials, liberty in methods, and love for God and each other. It doesnt matter what time of day our services are scheduled or the type of music venerated; we meet to worship God, study His word, and remember the sacrice of Jesus through the bread and the cup of communion. These are the essentials of both worship services and our faith; God is our Father in heaven, we need to learn more about Him, and we thank Him for the gift of Jesus, our salvation. # # # # # # # - Larry Gettman

The men's ministry is prepping for the annual retreat in Sedona April 19-21 My friend, Jason Powell, and I will be leading the three primary teaching sessions on the topic of "Wholeness and Holiness." The cost is $87 for adults and its half price for teens who come with their dad. The cost covers all lodging and food expenses. For more info, or to let us know you're coming, call the Church ofce or email # # Nick

Sara Perrine Minister, Discipleship & Missions

One-Year Bible Read Pizza & Pie Celebra3on - Tonight!

...ending 1st Quarter of the year. Come to the North Room April 7th from 5-6 p.m. to have pizza, pie, and enjoy discussing our Bible readings! (You do NOT have to be caught up on your readings to come and enjoy our discussion and fellowship.) Please let Chris Lee know by email,, or call 480-836-1105 that you will be joining us April 7th so she can plan the food accordingly.

Nick Stavlund Executive Minister, Youth Minister

Katy Statler Ministry Director, Youth

Sunday Breakfasts Continue!

Dave Thomas and his crew will serve breakfast in the Commons from 7:00-9:00 a.m. This is a great opportunity to have breakfast with your family and friends before the classes and worship services start. Anyone in the congregation is invited to enjoy Daves cooking and the fellowship of this ministry.

Sage presents: Texas BBQ

Saturday, April 13 5:00 p.m. at the Welch's $10.00 per meal Sign Up Today!!

Sharon Dufort Ministry Director, Women, Hospitality

narthex, is there once a month to accept giving for our missions. Today, money you put in will go to our teens and 30-hour famine! Our teens are going without food for 30 hours to experience hunger while serving others. Any money raised will go directly to World Vision to help alleviate hunger around the globe. It will also fund their project with Feed My Starving Children where our teens will go to help make emergency food packs to be sent to places where food is scarce. Thank you in advance for your generosity and for supporting our awesome teens!

Fillmore,...the homeless piggy bank you see in the

Jackie Huber Ministry Director, Worship Arts

Jenny Statler Ministry Asst.

Sermon Notes


Helpful Information
We hope your worship experience with us will be meaningful. To help you feel a bit more comfortable with our campus and morning programs, we have included a few recommendations. We are glad you are here today!
We would like to get to know you! Each pew has a Welcome Book in which you can let us know prayer requests, sign up for events and update your information. Please pass the Welcome Book down the row so we can hear from everyone! Communion/Lords Supper All followers of Christ are welcome to participate in our Service of Communion. If you have prepared yourself for this very special moment with our Savior, you are invited to his table. (1 Corinthians 11:23-30) Please take the emblems as they are passed and partake when you are ready. Some prefer to take it while it is in front of them before passing it along. Offering In all of our services, a special time for giving is set aside. Participation is an act of worship and voluntary. Nursery We have a friendly, well-staffed and impeccably clean nursery located on the north side of the narthex. Please see an usher for directions. Interested in following the sermon online? to make notes, readtheScriptures, view maps, take polls and answerquestions!Get the mobile app (

6451 E. Shea Blvd I Scottsdale, AZ 85254


We now return to our Regularly Scheduled Programs

CoreFit and More Class
..................Tu & Th, 5:00 p
.................................Forum *CoreFit Aquatics
...........................Tu & Th, 5:30 p
.................................Offsite Mens Bible Study
...........................Wednesday, 6:30 a
............................Good Egg Womens Bible Study
......................Wednesday, 9:00 a
............................North Room Womens Bible Study
......................Wednesday, 7:00 p
............................North Room Bell Choir
........................................Wednesday, 6:00 p
............................Bell Room Adult Choir
......................................Wednesday, 7:00 p
............................Choir Room Womens Bible Study
......................Thursday, 6:30 a
...............................Cartwrights Mens Bible Study
...........................Thursday, 7:00 a
...............................Dennys Roots (Young Adults)
.....................Thursday, 7:00 p
...............................Stavlunds Womens Bible Study
......................Friday, 9:30 a
....................................North Room KP Prayer Group
............................Saturday, 6:30 a
................................Conference Rm CrossFit
..............Commons Craft Groups
.........................Chain Gang, 2nd Monday, 10 a
...............................................Reap What You Sew, 2nd & 4th Wed, 9 a
..Forum *On break

Sunday Morning Schedule and Location Map

Sun. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.



Faithbuilders OK Corral East Hall Forum Sanctuary Conf. Rm

0-18 mos. 19-36 mos. 3*-5 yrs. K & 1st 2nd & 3rd 4th & 5th

Nursery Toddler Rm Rm 2 Rm 12 Rm 13 Rm 10 Rm 10 Nursery Toddler Rm Rm 2 Rm 12 Rm 13 Rm 10

9:00 Bells Bell Rm 9:00 Dis. Group S. Forum 9:25 Teen Choir Choir Rm

Worship 10 a.m. Report

10:00 a.m. Kids Choir 10:30 a.m. 0-18 mos. 19-36 mos. 3*-5 yrs. K & 1st 2nd & 3rd 4th & 5th
* Please see Stacy for specifics.

Hangout Youth Group

S. Forum Sanct./ Forum

Coffee House Worship Pathfinders High Flight

Halo Sanctuary Conf. Rm East Hall

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