2013.03.03 - MT Scott Arleta NA Meeting Minutes (Mar 2013)

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General Board Meeting Minutes Mar. 3, 2013 Mt.

. Scott-Arleta NA Board Members Present: Jonathan Brandt, Terah Beth Varga, Marcel Hermans, Erika Wilson, Jed Roberts, Nichol Green, Scott Vala, Daniel Portis-Cathers Please send news intended for MSANA newsletter to: MSANA.news@gmail 6:30 Introductions Richard Nudleman SE Portland Food Project. 2nd Sat. of every even month is food collection. Next collection is April 13th. Started 3 years ago in Medford. Started a year ago in Portland. Will take food, animal food, hygene items. Sign up at SoutheastFoodProject.com Jonathan Brandt Arleta School Garden Master Plan MOU (memorandum of understanding) move to accept the memoranda from Arleta school. All board members accepted. Ryan Givens Foster Green EcoDistrict developing plan for Laurelwood Park development. Part way through the master plan now. Passed out an online survey address open for input till March 15. Displayed 3 different plans. Will have one more open house to reveal plans. Money sources are still unknown. See www.fostergreenecodistrict.org. Alley Allies Project Mill Street Planning Group (PSU). A project to understand the potential of transforming these local alleys into active, vibrant spaces. Focusing on Foster-Powell, Mount ScottArleta, Lents neighborhoods. Have passed out surveys. Are at beginning stages of talking with people/making introductions. Looking for hosting coffee groups at homes of people who live on alleys to discuss whats needed. Coordinating with PBOT to gain encroachment permits to get access to alleys that dont have easy access. Project is running from now till June. Trying to create different site plan options (gardens? Drive-thru? Walk-thru?). See www.millstreetplanning.com. Erika - MSA Survey Results Report Delivered about 1000 surveys. Got about 200 responses. Most people get information about the neighborhood from the blog, by mouth and our Facebook page. Concerns: safety, economic development, access to healthy food, neighborhood appearance. What would improve our quality of life? Sustainability features, community gardens, storm water solutions, access to healthy food. Green Zebra (small grocery) coming into Woodstock. Some other grocery stores closing (Powell and 82nd). Would we like to consider having community/neighborhood mtgs around the community? Separate board and public mtgs? Meet neighbors and encourage involvement by creating some variety in our meeting format? Eg. have a quarterly mtg that has more of a social emphasis? Bring in a speaker? Erika will create a schedule and look for a place (Bob White theatre?) SEUL (Southeast Uplift) Scott Vala: Topics of last mtg. were: new website development, annual fiscal sponsorship of neighborhoods. They will be coming up with a list each year of projects that will require sponsorship. Block parties SEUL can only approve if there is someone who supervises the party. SEUL is no longer wanting to sponsor these. Hoping the city will come up with a method for people to have block parties and still be insured. With budget cuts, several things are on the chopping block including: small grants, some communications funding. Arleta Gardens project was approved for fiscal sponsorship by SEUL. Nicole - LUST (land use committee): 5 options (see website). Not much analysis on traffic impact yet. Looking at effect of a 3-lane option. Arleta Triangle Dig n Dish coming up (see date on agenda)

Treasurers Report looking for more fundraising opportunities. Scott Vala asked for more detailed reporting. Also discussed the form requesting financial assistance that it reflect a broader range of requests and also show how it will reflect community vision. Board elections coming up in May. Erika will put something up on the blog. Neighborhood Foot Patrol next Wed. (2nd Wed. of the month). Meet at the community ctr. At 7:00. State Rep (Alyssa Kenny-geier) present March 23 will give us notice of where her next meeting will be PCC? Maybe Bob White Theatre, big room at comm.. center Green Streets are looking for projects to fund 8:30 Meeting adjourned

minutes submitted by Daniel Portis-Cathers

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