01 Mscbot2

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(DBOT 21)

M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Botany Paper V DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY OF ANGIOSPERMS AND ETHNOBOTANY Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 8 marks. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Microsporogenesis. Development of embryo sac in Lilium. Root stem transition. Cambium. Biodiversity in sacred grooves. Traditional medicines. Importance of ethnobotany. Threatened medicinal plants.

SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer ALL questions. Each question carries 15 marks. 9. (a) Write a note on development of female gametophyte in angiosperms. What is the significance of different components in the process of fertilization? Or (b) 10. (a) Describe the methods of pollination and elaborate the process of incompatibility. Describe the concept of meristems. Describe the changes in the activity of cambium. Or (b) 11. (a) Describe anomalous secondary growth with suitable examples. What are the sacred groove, and why they are important in conservation of biodiversity. Write a note on sacred grooves of Andhra Pradesh. Or (b) Write a note on history of traditional medicines in India. Describe some of the medicinal plants of Andhra Pradesh. 2

(DBOT 21)



Describe the cultivation of medicinal plants in AP. Or Explain the importance of phytochemicals in modern medicine.


(DBOT 21)

(DBOT 22)
M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Botany Paper VI MICROBIOLOGY, MYCOLOGY AND PLANT DISEASES Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 8 marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bacterial cell wall. Phototrophic bacteria. Myxomycota. Dikaryon. Means of active dispersal in plant pathogens. Phytoalexins. Blast disease of Rice. Little leaf of brinjal.

SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer ALL questions. Each question carries 15 marks. 9. (a) Describe the importance of bacteria in carbon and nitrogen cycle. Or (b) 10. (a) Write a note on classification of plant viruses and their means of transmission. Describe Ainsworths classification of fungi. Or (b) Write a comparative account of the process of reproduction in Mastigomycotina and Zygomycotina. Write a note on importance of pathogen enzymes and toxins in the development of plant diseases. Or (b) Critically discuss the various factors affecting the outbreak of plant disease. How do you think the information of these factors can help in forecasting the plant diseases?



(DBOT 22)



Write a note on symtoms, etiology, epidemiology and control of powdery mildew of crucifers. Or


Write a note on biological control of plant diseases.

(DBOT 22)

(DBOT 23)
M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Botany Paper VII CELL BIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE of the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Golgi complex. Structure of chloroplast. Light microscopy. Salient features of transposable elements. Conjugation. Fine structure of gene. Genetic code. Any two repair mechanisms of DNA.

SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks) Answer all the FOUR questions. 9. (a) Explain the structure and functions of Mitochondria. Or (b) Give an account on structure of plasma membrane. 10. (a) Write notes on Genetics of cancer. Or (b) Give an account on cell signaling and signal transduction. 11. (a) Describe the structure of DNA. Or (b) What is recombination? Explain the

recombination in phage? 2

(DBOT 23)



Explain the gene regulation in Prokaiyotes. Or


Describe the mechanism of replication of Deoxyribo nucleic acid.

(DBOT 23)

(DBOT 24)
M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Botany Paper VIII PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

SECTION A (5 8 = 40 marks) Answer any FIVE of the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Phyto hormones. Embryogenesis. Synthetic seeds. Somatic hybridization. Vectors. C-DNA libraries. RFLP. Direct gene transfer methods. SECTION B (4 15 = 60 marks)

Answer all the FOUR questions. 9. (a) Write an essay on techniques in plant tissue culture. Or Give an account on micro propagation and in vitro methods of haploid production. Write notes on embryogenesis. Or methods of somatic

(b) 10. (a)

(b) 11. (a)

Give an account on isolation and culturing of protoplast and hybrids. Describe the molecular analysis of DNA by blotting technique. Or What is genetic engineering? Explain its applications. Write an essay on gene transfer methods and agro bacterium mediated gene transfer. Or What are transgenic plants? Explain the role of biotechnology in agriculture and indutry.

(b) 12. (a)


(DBOT 24)

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