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Ankarada yeni eyler oluyor mu, gerekten

Terrn bitirilmesi ve Krt sorunu iin ylesine beklenti var ki, zm adna atlacak her adm heyecan uyandryor. Son olarak BDP milletvekillerinin Cumhurbakan, Meclis Bakan ve AK Parti Grubuyla grmesi bazlarnca Ankarada yeni bir eyler oluyor diye takdim ediliyor. Yeni bir eyler mi oluyor, yoksa terr rgt fazla zayiat verdii ve keye skt iin taktik mi yaplyor? Son aylarda PKK terr kelimenin tam anlamyla azgnlat. Okullara, dershanelere, yurtlara saldryorlar. Okullar yakyor, retmenleri karyorlar. Yine askerlerimiz ehit ediliyor. Krt sorununun zmnde BDPnin varl evet, nemli. Ama BDP, PKKnn ipotei altnda. Bu realite de siyasi zm kmaz sokaa hapsediyor. Nitekim grmelerin ardndan BDP Genel Merkezinden yaplan yazl aklamada; Grmelerin sonucunda, paylalabilecek yeni bir durum sz konusu olmad iin yaplan temaslarn kamuoyuna duyurulmas ihtiyac grlmemitir. deniyor. Dolaysyla Ankarada yeni bir eylerin olduunu sylemek iin ok erken. PKK da, BDP de hkmetin terr konusundaki kararlln grmezden geliyor. Babakann son olarak ne dediine bakalm: Terr meselesini lkenin kanayan yaras olmaktan karmakta kararlyz. nallah nmzdeki dnemde bu konuda nemli gelimeleri hep birlikte greceiz. Terrle mcadelede yeni bir strateji var. Skynetim ve olaanst hal gibi kimin ne yaptnn belli olmad dnemlerden, sivil iradenin inisiyatif kazanmaya balad ve hukuk iinde kalnarak yaplan mcadele dnemine geildi. (Buna ramen Uluderede olduu gibi hkmeti zor durumda brakan derin yap faaliyetleri devam ediyor.) Ksa dnem acemi eitiminden geirilmi askerler yerine saylar giderek artan zel Harekatlardan oluan timler ne kyor. Emniyet gleri artk saldrlar beklemiyor. Arazide hareketli timler n alyor, stratejik takaddm uygulanyor. Son teknoloji devreye giriyor. Baraka eklindeki karakollarn yerini hzla TOKnin yapt kalekollar alyor. Yeni bir ey daha oluyor. PKK terr; Krt vatandalarmzn haklar konusunda tamamen anlamsz hale geliyor. Srdrlen terrn, iddetin, okul yakmann, intihar saldrlarnn anlamszln artk Krt vatandalarmz gryor. En nemlisi, byk makul ounluk da Krt meselesinin hak, hukuk, adalet ve eitlik temelli zm iin samimi bir irade beyan ediyor. PKKnn zm deil, Anadoludan, iinde 21 ilimizin bulunduu topraklar istediini herkes gryor. te tam da bu noktada Krt vatandalarmzn duruu hayati bir nem kazanyor. Tamam, BDP esir alnm, ama halk olarak terre ve iddete tavr konulmaldr. Bu adan son olarak Idrn Bulakba kynde 19 retmenden 6sn karan PKKllara kyllerin gsterdii tepki, kayda deerdir. Kyllerin 2 PKKlnn nne geip; Ya bizi ldrrsnz, ya da retmenlerimizi brakrsnz. demeleri zerine, retmenler bir saat sonra serbest brakldlar. Asl bu, yeni bir eyler oluyor hanesine yazlmaldr. Sayn Babakann nceki gn Azerbaycan dn uakta gazetecilere yapt aklamann da zerinde durmalyz. Sayn Erdoan; MT her an her trl temas yapabilir. Yani ben unu ok ak ve samimi sylyorum. Eer mralya, yarn gidilmesi gerekiyorsa, ben mstearma derim ki, gereini yap. Yeter ki, belli bir neticeye ulaalm. Bu kan durdurmak iin ne yapabiliriz, bizim derdimiz bu.

Evet, kamuoyunun nemli bir ksm PKK lideri ile grlmesini zl kabul ediyor. Bunu terre bir taviz gibi gryor. Fakat Babakan Erdoann gerekesini hepimizin hatrlamas gerekiyor. Akan kann durdurulmas, baka analarn alamamas iin devlet bunu yapar, yapmaldr. Zorumuza da gitse tek bir cann kymeti adna bu yol denenmelidir. Trkiyenin ayandaki prangay zmek adna, yarnlar adna, gelecek nesiller adna denenmelidir.

Do new things really happen in Ankara?

There are such high expectations for the end of terrorism and the settlement of the Kurdish issue that every step taken toward resolution creates much enthusiasm. The recent wave of visits paid by pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy (BDP) deputies to the president, parliament speaker and the parliamentary group of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) is being marketed as new things happening in Ankara. Does this really signify a novelty? Or is it nothing but a tactical move to save the terrorist organization from further casualties? In recent months, Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorism has really been in the ascendancy. They attack schools, university exam prep course providers and dormitories. They set schools ablaze and kidnap teachers. They martyr our soldiers. True, the involvement of the BDP in the settlement of the Kurdish issue is important. But the BDP is directly controlled by the PKK. This brings the political solution to a dead end. Indeed, the written statement released by the BDP following the visits reads: As there is nothing new that could be made public after the visits, we feel no need to make any announcement about our talks. Therefore, it is too early to say that there are new things happenings in Ankara. The PKK and the BDP opt to turn a blind eye to the government's determination to eradicate terrorism. Let as take a look at what the prime minister said recently: We are determined to make terrorism no longer the bleeding wound of the country. Hopefully, we will all see some important developments in this regard in the coming days. So there is a new counterterrorism strategy. The country has moved from the era of a state of emergency and martial law and uncoordinated and nontransparent counterterrorism efforts to the era of rule of law and increased initiative of civilians. (Nevertheless, the acts of the shadowy deep state that put the government behind the eight ball in incidents such as the Uludere tragedy -- in which 34 civilians were mistaken for terrorists and killed by a military air strike in rnak's Uludere district, due to false intelligence -- should be noted.) More and more specially trained professionals are replacing the novice soldiers who have just completed their basic military training. The security forces no longer wait for terrorists to strike. Instead, the squads take proactive measures against terrorists. They make use of cutting-edge technology. Likewise, slumlike military outposts are quickly being replaced by reinforced strongholds built by the Housing Development Administration of Turkey (TOK). There is something new as well. PKK terrorism is quickly becoming meaningless in terms of the rights of our Kurdish citizens. Our Kurdish citizens see that the ongoing terrorism, setting schools

on fire and staging suicide attacks, is meaningless. Most importantly, the reasonable majority sincerely supports the peaceful settlement of the Kurdish issue based on the rule of law, equality, fairness and justice. Everyone sees that the PKK seeks no solution, but rather wants to capture the lands of our 21 provinces. At this point, the stance of our Kurdish citizens becomes vital. The BDP is chained by the PKK, but people should exhibit their opposition to terrorism and violence. In this regard, the reaction of villagers to the PKK terrorists who abducted six teachers in the village of Bulakba in Idr is remarkable. The villagers said to the PKK militants, Either you kill us or let the teachers go, and the PKK had to release the teachers one hour later. Actually, it is this development that deserves to be depicted as something new that is happening. We must also ponder the statement the prime minister gave to journalists upon his return from Azerbaijan. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoan said: MT [the National Intelligence Organization] can do anything, any time. That is, I am saying this openly and sincerely, if it is necessary to go to mral tomorrow, I'll tell my [MT] undersecretary to go there and do whatever is needed so that we achieve a good outcome. What can we do to stop this bloodshed? This is our sole intention. Yes, a significant portion of the public believes it is an act of abasement on the part of the government to meet with the PKK leader. They see it as a compromise with terrorism. But we must also remember Erdoan's justification. The state can and must do whatever it can to stop the bloodshed. This method should be tried, even if it is hard to accept. It must be tried in order to remove the shackles of Turkey and pave the way for future generations.

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