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10 Answers to end-of-chapter questions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B B B C C A A B [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

10 C 11 A Structured questions 12 a Totipotent all the genetic information in some cells in any tissue can be used to produce different tissues

[1] [1] [1] [1]

Meristematic tissues Examples of meristems: apical, lateral, buds Non-meristematic: leaf / stem / root / flower Hormone: auxins Hormone: cytokinins Sucrose Inorganic ions e.g. potassium, magnesium and nitrate Trace elements e.g. iron and copper Vitamins

Any 1 point [1] [max 4] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

Prevent microbial contamination Culture medium contains suitable nutrients for growth of microbes, as microbes grow faster than plant they could outgrow plants in a few days Explant stimulated to produce a callus Callus can be divided Produce a large number of clones / identical plants in a short time

Rapid production of large numbers of plants from few plants Genetically identical plants produced Plant diseases can be avoided Plants can be produced any time of year Any valid point Must be carried out under sterile conditions

Any 1 point [1]


Biology for CAPE

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

13 a b c

Not as convenient as sowing seeds in large quantities Since plants are genetically identical, all plantlets susceptible to same disease Any valid point

Any 1 point [1] [1] [1]

Asexual All plants are genetically identical / same genetic composition

Offspring genetically identical to parent therefore would be well adapted to the environment Offspring plants can use nutrients from parents until they have developed their own shoot and root systems Ease of propagation No need for fusion of gametes / pollinating agents Any valid point Any 2 points [2]

d e

Clones No Even though genetically identical, plants may absorb varying amounts of nutrients, light etc. May look different Yes Plants are genetically identical / plants develop through process of mitosis Plants are genetically identical so all susceptible

[1] If Yes or No [1]

Reason [1] [1]

f g

Use meristem tissue from suckers / apical meristem Under sterile/aseptic conditions Grow on nutrient agar medium Add a particular mix of cytoknin and auxins to stimulate shoot and then root growth Place plantlets in semi-solid nutrient agar 78 points [4] Incubate in light 56 points [3] Subdivide plantlets 34 points [2] Then to a sterile soil to grow into plant 12 points [1] Disease-free seedlings Genetically identical so all bananas have same qualities Large number of plants produced in a short time Any valid point

2 points [2]

Biology for CAPE

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

Essay questions 14 a Meristematic Unspecialised / undifferentiated cells in plants Able to undergo mitotic division To form identical new cells Callus Mass of undifferentiated cells Produced by mitosis Mass of cells genetically identical to parent plant

1 point 1 mark [max 3]

1 point 1 mark [max 3]

Piece of plant tissue removed From either meristematic / apical tissue or non-meristematic tissue / leaf / root Under sterile / aseptic conditions / dipped into a disinfectant solution immediately on removal from parent plant Grow on nutrient agar medium Which includes sucrose / vitamins / inorganic ions For normal growth 1314 points [9] Add a particular mix of cytokinins 1112 points [8] To promote shoot growth 910 points [7] And auxins 78 points [6] To stimulate root growth 6 points [5] Place plantlets in semi-solid nutrient agar 5 points [4] Incubate in light 4 points [3] Subdivide plantlets 3 points [2] Then to a sterile soil to grow into plant 2 points [1] [1] [1]

15 a

Asexual: One parent produces one or more new individuals through mitosis Vegetative: Common form of asexual reproduction in plants i

In prokaryotes / bacteria Splitting of cell into 2 Diagram could be used

In Penicillium / fungi Aerial hyphae develop At tips conidiophores formed Produce bluegreen spores by mitosis Spores called conidia / conidiospores Diagram could be used

Example [1] Well explained [1]


Example [1] Well explained [1] Example [1] Well explained [1]


In animals / starfish / ribbon worms Splitting parts of their bodies


Sugar cane / African violets / cassava Break a piece of plant and place in soil Piece of plant eventually grows new roots and becomes complete plant Pieces of sugarcane usually have a node with buds Other plants may require rooting powder / auxins to stimulate root Example [1] formation Well explained [2]

Biology for CAPE

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

Advantages Offspring genetically identical to parent therefore well adapted to the environment Ease of propagation No need for fusion of gametes / pollinating agents Effective in dispersing the species Any valid point Disadvantages All plants susceptible to same diseases No genetic variation in offspring, does not allow to adapt to changing environment Any valid point Any 3 points [3]

Complex organisms Need for genetic variation to colonise new areas Any valid point


Biology for CAPE

Original material Cambridge University Press 2011

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