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Radio Free Europe: Defeating Communism With the Truth

Anna Bryner Senior Division Individual Website

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
Buckley, James L. "Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: Soviet Censorship." Vital Speeches of the Day 50.4 (1983):112-116. Academic Search Premier. Speech (on web.) Accessed 10 Feb 2013.

James L. Buckley was a former president of RFE. In this speech he describes how crucial RFE is to helping liberate Communist countries. He also tells of the numerous Soviet efforts to block RFE/RL. He describes how important it is that RFE/RL remain objective.

Cummings, Richard H. "Balloons over East Europe: The Cold War leaflet campaign of Radio Free Europe." The Falling Leaf, 166 (1999). Web. Accessed 25 Jan 2013. <>

Richard Cummings was the director of security at RFE/RL. He has a great deal of personal experience with RFE. He has also done extensive research on RFE. In this article Richard Cummings details the propaganda leaflet campaign that occurred toward the beginning of the Cold War. The balloons and leaflets were a major part of early operations at RFE/RL. This resource was important because it helped me understand the success of the propaganda campaigns.

Cummings, Richard H. Cold War Radios. Website. Accessed 27 Feb 2013. <> This is a blog website that Richard Cummings has created. It features numerous helpful articles that go into great detail about everything related to RFE/RL. All the information is very thoroughly researched and helped me to better understand the significance of my project in history.

Cummings, Richard H. "Cold War Radios: The Dangerous History of American Broadcasting in Europe 1950-1989." Jefferson: McFarland & Company, 1994. Book.

This book has a very helpful and detailed history the beginning of RFE/RL. It also goes into great detail about the hostile threats and actions that RFE/RL faced during the Cold War.

Cummings, Richard H. "The ether war: hostile intelligence activities directed against Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, and the migr community in Munich during the Cold War." Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 6.2 (2008): 168-182. Academic Search Premier. Web. Accessed 7 Feb 2013.

This article provides a great history of the many hostile actions and threats carried out by Communist satellite countries to RFE/RL It helped me understand the Communist opposition that RFE/RL faced.

Johnson, Ross. "Then and Now: Free Media in Unfree Societies." Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 2008. Web. <>. Accessed 13 Feb 2013.

This article gives a brief yet thorough history of RFE/RL during the Cold War era. It includes facts, analysis, and important dates in RFE/RL history.

Mickelson, Sig. "Filling in the Information Gap: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty." Vital Speeches of the Day 44.18 (1978): 573-576. Academic Search Premier. Speech (on web.) Accessed 9 Feb 2013.

Sig Mickelson was the former Chairman of RFE/RL. In this speech Mickelson tells the American public how crucial RFE/RL was, and is, to people living in Communist countries. This article also gave some good background on the origin of RFE/RL.

Mytton, Graham. "Audience research at the BBC External Services during the Cold War: A view from the inside." Cold War History 11.1 (2011): 49-67. Academic Search Premier. Web. Accessed 10 Feb 2013.

This article, which studies the audience of Western radios during the Cold War, helped me understand how effective RFE/RL was in reaching the citizens of Communist countries.

Parta, R. Eugene. "Discovering the Hidden Listener." Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2007. eBook

This book is written by the former Director of Audience Research at RFE/RL. It includes a very accurate assessment of RL's audience during the Cold War broadcasting era of 1970-1991.

"US Government Officials Discuss migr Broadcasts to Eastern Europe" August 26, 1948, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive. CIA mandatory declassification review document number C05458947. <>. Accessed 9 Feb 2013.

This CIA document helped me understand the specific role and the specific powers given to RFE when it was first established.

Advertisement for the Crusade for Freedom. Newspaper clipping. Accessed by web April 1, 2013. < /YNklmncM37M/s1600/1959+Add+---+Newsboy.jpg> This advertisement encourages Americans to donate to RFE/RL when the newspaper boy comes to deliver the newspaper. It was an advertisement launched by the Crusade for Freedom.

Advertisement for Radio Free Europe. Magazine clipping. Accessed by web April 1, 2013. < /zhlIu6k8ZCI/s1600/Inside%253AOutside+1969-1971.jpg> This is an advertisement that encourages people to donate to RFE/RL. It tells them that RFE is the voice from the inside that can effectively reach young people in Communist territory.

Advertisement for Radio Free Europe. Newspaper clipping. Accessed by web April 1, 2013. < /cT1V27BG7H8/s1600/Comrade+Frano.png> This advertisement is interesting because it shows an actual story that RFE/RL covered about a Communist murder. The Communists, of course, tried to cover up this story but RFE/RL effectively reported the story and informed the citizens just hours after the murder.

Aftermath of Munich Bombing. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This photo shows just a small portion of the extensive damage that occurred to the RFE/RL building when it was bombed in 1981.

Balloons and Leaflets. Photograph. Accessed by web April 2, 2013. <> This is a picture of balloons and leaflets being released into the air near the Czechoslovakia border.

Balloons Being Filled With Hydrogen. Photograph. Accessed by web April 2, 2013. <> This picture shows RFE/RL weather balloons being filled with hydrogen and being released into the air.

Broadcast HQ in Munich. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This is a picture of the broadcasting headquarters in Munich.

Broadcaster Preparing A Program. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This picture shows a broadcaster preparing for an upcoming program.

How Do You Get Your Message Through? Advertisement. Accessed by web April 3, 2013. <> This is an advertisement that encourages supporters to donate to RFE/RL.

The Iron Curtain Isn't Soundproof. Advertisment. Accessed by web April 3, 2013. <> This advertisement seeks to prove that RFE/RL is very effective in reaching its listeners in Communist countries.

Josef Switalo. Photograph. Accessed by web April 2, 2013. <> This is a picture of Josef Swiatlo. He played an important role in RFE/RL broadcasting programs to Poland.

Pavel Minark. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This is a photo of Pavel Minark who worked as a spy against RFE/RL.

First Broadcast. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This is a picture of the first broadcasting room in the Munich headquarters.

Georgi Markov. Photograph. Accessed by web February 27, 2013. <> This is a picture of Georgi Markov who was murdered.

Mikhail Gorbachev. Photograph. Accessed by web April 5, 2013. <> A picture of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

Radio Free Europe Address. Photograph. Accessed by web April 2, 2013. < rfe_ausstellung/index.html> This is a picture of the outside of the RFE/RL offices.

Personal Interview with Bryce Bryner. In 1966 Bryce was able to spend a day in East Berlin, which was under Communist control. In my interview with Bryce, he told me about everything he saw, heard and experienced during his tour in Berlin.

Secondary Sources
Beichman, Arnold. "The Story of Radio Free Europe." National Review 36.21 (1984):2939. Print. This article was a helpful secondary source because it not only determines RFE/RL's significance, but it also reports on how well RFE/RL was able to reach their audience.

"The Cold War." Encylopedia Britannica, Micropedia. 15th Edition. 2007. Print. This is a great article about the Cold War. It includes specific events and details their significance and how they affected the relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

"International Relations." Encylopedia Britannica, Macropedia. 15th Edition. 2007. Print. This article extensively covers the details of the non-violent revolutions that occurred in each Communist-bloc country. It details how international relations aided this process. Radio Free Europe." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition. (2011) Web. Accessed February 23, 2013.

This encyclopedia article summarized Radio Free Europe and what its role was in Communist satellite countries.

Then and Now: Free Media in Unfree Societies. Web. Accessed April 1, 2013. <> This history of RFE is a good resource because, although it is not a primary source, it accurately details the goals that RFE had during its many years of Cold War broadcasting. Voices of Hope: The Story of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. Web. Accessed April 2, 2013. "Warsaw Pact." Encylopedia Britannica, Micropedia. 15th Edition. 2007. Print.

This article effectively explains the Warsaw Pact, the participating countries, and the powers it gave the Soviet Union.

Map of Czechoslovakia. Library of Texas. <> This is a map of Czechoslovakia in 1994, soon after government reforms.

Map of East Germany. Library of Texas. <> This is a map of Berlin and East Germany in 1986.

Map of Hungary. Library of Texas. <> This is a map of Hungary in 1994, soon after reforms that made it independent from Communism.

Map of Poland. Library of Texas. <> This is a map of Poland in 1982, when it was still under Communist control.

Map of Romania. Library of Texas. <> This is a map of Romania in 1996.

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