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Sustainabilty The Malaysia Way

Figure 2: Existing key documents in facilitating the national response to climate change

National Green Technology Policy Was founded by Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHa) and launched in 2009. It is a policy statement in which green technology as a driver to accelerate the national economy particular through green technology industries and promotion of sustainable development. The policy is built upon on four pillars of energy , environment, economy and social. According to the ministry , green technology is define as the development and application of products, equipment, and systems used to conserve the natural environment and resources, which minimizes and reduces the negative impact of human activities. To achieve the goal , it seek to enhance the energy supply and demand side through the green technology ; adaptation of the green technology in building construction , management, maintenance and demolition; application of technology in the management and utilization of water resources, waste water treatment, solid waste and sanitary landfill; and incorporation of green technology in transportation infrastructure and vehicles. In nurturing the growth green technology in energy , building , water and waste management and transportation , the policy will implement the following five strategies of strengthening the institutional framework; provide conducive environment for green technology develpment ; intensify human capital development in green technology; intensify green technology research and innovations and last but not least the promotion of public awareness.

National Policy on Climate Change In ensuring the climate-resilient development to fulfill national aspiration for sustainability, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment together with the support from Institute of Environment and Development(LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia has develop national policy on climate change. It was approved by Cabinet Malaysia on 2009. The policy is comprehensively design to include both adaptation and mitigation approaches. In the policy , adaptation refers to actions taken to help communities and ecosystems cope with actual or expected impacts of climate change. On the other hand, mitigation refers to actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is the one of the main causes of global warming and enhance carbon sinks to reduce the impacts of climate change. Thus , the national policy on climate change aim to optimize the management of resources and environment conservation; integrate the responses into national policies, plans and programs and strengthen the institution and implementation capacity. The ten strategies which will taken by the policy are harmonize the existing policies to address climate change, low carbon economy, support climate resilient development and investment, implement balance measures of adaptation and mitigation, consolidate the energy policy, institutionalize measures to integrate cross-cutting issues, support knowledge-based decision making, collaboration improvement, increase awareness and community participation and strengthen involvement in international programs.

Green Neighborhood Planning Guideline(draft) The Green Neighborhood planning guideline is a basic planning guideline for state and local goverment to formulate the policies, strategies and regulation to promote the development of green neighborhood. Besides, the document provides design guidance for building and property industries to develop green neighborhood. It was developed by Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Ministry of Housing and Local Government Malaysia. To build green neighborhood, the guideline has outlined eight planning principles and ten general guidelines. Yet, it is still a draft and under preparation.

Green Building Index

Green Building is a kind of building focuses on the resource efficiency of energy , water and material, While reducing impact on human health and environment during the building lifecycle,through better sitting, design, construction , operation, maintenance and removal. The Green Building Index(GBI) is green rating tool to promote the sustainability at buildings. GBI was developed by Green Building Index Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Malaysia Institute of Architects and Association of Consulting Engineers Malaysia. The GBI certification process start with an assessment of the building design by a certifier appointed by Green Building Index Sdn Bhd. The assessment is based on the six main criteria of;energy efficiency, indoor environment quality, sustainable site planning and management, materials and resources, water efficiency and innovation. Different typologies of buildings and constructions have different set of scores for the criteria above(Table2). There are three diverse categories of buildings namely residential, non-residential and industrial. For each category, it has further divided into new construction(new) and retrofitting(existing). Depending on the scores achieved; the buildings will be awarded on one of four types of ratings; certified, silver, gold and platinum(Figure1). The rating tool was created on 2009 and it has been revising and improves to include various types of buildings. At this time , there are much properties getting interest in obtaining certification from GBI. The developers, a part of being commitment to the sustainable development, the GBI certification it will be a good marketing tool in promoting their products to home buyers. (GBI, 2010).

Table 1 : Typology of Green Index score(GBI, 2010).

Figure1: Ken Bangsar, one of the gold award under GBI certification(category of residential new construction ) (GBI, 2010).

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