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Effect Cause Of Smoking Behavior

Question 1 (article 1)

In Malaysia, we can see the influence of smoking is very independent and widely regardless of age, rank or status. As we knew, even the government has made campaign prevention or reduces our citizens from smoking behavior, its cannot directly give the slightest awareness self-consciousness in their life style. Smoking can give cause many diseases or cancer to the smoker anatomy such as;

Question 2 (article 1)

Effect That Can Cause Smoking Behavior

The other of reason why a smoking behavior cannot prevent the smokers to quit one of their hobbies is dont have any healthy activities. A daily day that full with many works at office or meet their clients make a cigarette as a friend to get rid of bored feeling. Smoking at the office without any care the effect that will their get from a smoke that exhaled didnt disappear because of dont have a good ventilation system.

For our information, what I have made a research about contain inside a single of cigarette, the effects of caffeine, nitrazepam and cigarette smoking on the contingent negative variation (CNV) in man were studied. In 13 subjects who took caffeine citrate (300 mg), the mean magnitude of the CNV was significantly increased 3542 min after taking the drug, in 12 subjects who took nitrazepam (2.5 mg), the mean magnitude of the CNV was significantly decreased 3542 min after drug administration. In 22 smokers, significant changes in CNV magnitude were also observed after smoking one cigarette. However, the direction of change in CNV size following smoking differed in different smokers beyond the variation expected by chance. Some smokers showed consistent increases and others consistent decreases in CNV magnitude immediately after smoking. These changes were interpreted as reflecting stimulant and depressant effects. Correlations of the

percentage change in CNV magnitude with rate of nicotine intake and with degree of extraversion suggested that the rate of nicotine intake in extraverted smokers was slower and associated with a stimulant effect while in introverted smokers the rate was faster and associated with a depressant effect in terms of changes in CNV magnitude. There was a significant negative correlation in the smokers between reaction time and CNV magnitude and can cause many diseases. Besides that, a patients with respiratory failure given nitrazepam as night sedation, carbon-dioxide narcosis developed rapidly. It is suggested that there is no drug with sedative, hypnotic, or tranquillising properties which cannot cause

respiratory depression. Restlessness, which might be thought an indication for sedation, may be a sign of worsening respiratory failure where sedatives are contraindicated.

For me, smoking give more unhealthy in my daily lifetime as a human. No smoking also give me or any peoples in this world a more meaningful life together with their loved. The government also must take seriously in a campaigns that has been organized. Dont make a campaign just to take benefit on themselves without care about life of the Malaysians citizen.

Question 2 (Article 2)

Nowadays, a small thing that closely like a pen mostly from 3 years old children already recognized what is a cigarette, without know a dangerous will effect in their life. Research indicates that children learn about cigarette consumption from four major socialization agent specifically peers, media, family and school. Furthermore, childrens ability to understand about cigarette and will be the smoker by the sixth grade or twelve years old.

Ninth graders were randomly exposed to one of eight sliceoflife videotapes showing stimulus advertising (cigarette, antismoking, both, neither) and unfamiliar peers who either did or did not smoke cigarettes. The findings indicate that the cigarette advertising primed positive smoker stereotypes, which caused subjects to seek out favorable information about the peers shown smoking. Subjects beliefs and intentions about cigarette consumption were thereby enhanced by the joint effects of advertising and peers. However, an antismoking advertisement shown in conjunction with cigarette advertising made salient negative smoker stereotypes, evoked unfavorable thoughts about peers shown smoking, and prevented cigarette advertising from promoting smoking.

Chemical or substance came from the smokers and nonsmokers differed markedly in their perceptions about the health risks associated with short-

term exposure to smoking. College students in this sample who smoked did not fully comprehend the risks associated with smoking. Smokers were half as likely as nonsmokers to believe that there are health risks from smoking only on weekends or a couple of days a week. Anti-tobacco messages for young adult smokers need to communicate more effectively the concept that each cigarette they smoke is doing them damage.

None one of substances that have inside a cigarette can bring any benefits to the smokers. To four socialization agents that suppose more responsible to their own childrens must give them knowledge or negative feedback about cigarette or avoid them to expose from a thing we called CIGARETTE and NO SMOKING to generate a quality youngers in civilization future.

Question 2 ( article 1)

Cigarette And Smoking

Tobacco used to make a cigarette and satisfy one of smokers satisfactions in their daily day lifetime. Smoke came from the smokers had include to many dangerous substance or chemical that fixed with inside the tobacco. Besides, to make the smokers feel more enjoying smoking and satisfy their satisfaction, the manufacturers of cigarette make an idea how to achieve benefits at pick level with mix a cigarette with any flavor made from fruits and so on. The cigarette was mixed with nicotine in the body can effect and damage worstly. There are several effect came from cigarette such as;

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