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FACEBOOK AS AN EDUSOCIAL SPACE FOR ENGINEERING STUDENT INTRODUCTION Over these decades, the usage of social network grows

rapidly among all levels of age especially teenagers. The massive usage of social network becomes a trend that everyone feels the need of creating a profile of them. Social network functions as a way to communicate using internet accessibility and connected to all over the world. Therefore, it is the easiest and fastest medium to engage in social interaction. Facebook, Twitter and Myspace are the examples of social network that are currently the most prominent interfaces used by almost in every country. By using these interfaces, communication becomes easier and more affective. According to Ellison and Boyd (2007), social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to display user connection and search and traverse within that list of connections and construct profiles. The latter is to expand the connection among the users and as well as help out the display users to keep in touch. Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. (2007) define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semipublic profile within a bounded system. Christine Greenhow said that what we found was that students using social networking sites are actually practicing the kinds of 21st century skills by the students and we want them to develop to be successful today. By customizing the profiles, they learn on how to be creative and developing their skill using technology. However, there might be some problems occur with the massive usage of social network among students. It could distract the concentration of the students themselves with their study. They might lose focus by the entertaining interaction in the social networks. Thus, they become less interested to focus in study. Besides, social networks might give some negative effects such

as social problems. Since the content of social network is limited, users enable to do anything as they pleased. As for teenagers, psychologically they will be attracted to do something that they have never tried before. If they tried something that is improper and not suitable according to their age, it will affect their education especially. The purpose of this study is to identify the relevance of using social network in education. If social networks really help students in their education, then there is no wrong in using that as a medium of learning. Moreover, it is also to find out the effectiveness of social networks on education. There might be something that could help students in learning using social network sites. Since the usage of social networks is impressive, it should be used properly so that it is not wasted by something that is not beneficial. This study is guided by two main questions in order to make sure that the objectives of this study are achieved. The questions are as followed: 1. Does social network help the user in all aspects of their education? 2. What can be done in order to help students with their education using social network? LITERATURE REVIEW For instance, as Greenhow & Robelia stated that some students will use their online social network to fulfill essential social learning functions, as well as obtaining peer support for creative activities and help with school-related tasks. Within their social network sites, students engaged in a complex array of communicative practices. They believed that the usage of social networking sites can develop their creativity, communication skills, technology skills, and accept different viewpoints.

A study done by University of Minnesota found that, of the students observed, 94 percent used the Internet, 82 percent go online at home and 77 percent had a profile on a social networking site. The students listed technology skills as the top lesson, followed by creativity, being open to new or diverse views and communication skills when asked what they learn from using social networking sites. Furthermore, 60 percent of students who uses social networking discuss about educational topics online and 50 percent talks specifically about schoolwork. Yet the huge majority of school districts have stringent rules against nearly all forms of social networking during the school day even though students and parents report few problem behaviors online (National School Boards Association, 2007). This shows that social networks help most of the students in all aspects of learning.

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