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Project Management

Project Development and Implementation for Strategic Managers

The main purpose of this paper is to develop a project based on an agreed structure of framework. The project is related to the researchers idea of establishing a firm that caters to the diversified business communities needs of written content.

The firm: Content Development Services (CDS)

Vision: Become a one stop solution for all kinds of content writing services Mission: Integrated system providing diversified writing needs for businesses Organisational Structure:

Organisations Performance Areas: 1. Information Technology Businesses 2. E-businesses 3. Advertising Agencies

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Development of Project Specifications

Huffman (2011) observed that good specifications are the foundations of a successful project. The specifications of a project include all the data that should help the project developers. The specification document describes how things are required to be done. The specifications give a description of the stages for any functional interaction. There are many forms of specifications. In order to determine the quality of a new service, product or process, project specifications are very important. From the opinion of Huffman (2011) it is understood that it is important to initially build a set of specifications for a new product or service or process. As the researcher intends to establish a firm to meet the written content demands of varied businesses; the focus of this study will be on services. In this regard Philosophe (2012) informs that development of specifications for services include understanding the factors contributing towards the process, developing an outline and producing specifications. As such the study furthers with the process stated by Philosophe (2012). 1.1 Project selection process

According to Huffman (2011) every project starts with an idea or need. The motivation for a project can originate from several different sources. A project that is reasonable should have specifications that clearly define what the project is eventually supposed to achieve. A project specification is crucial because it generates a measurable accountability for the people who would like to evaluate the progress of the project at any given time or its success on the completion of the project. Suitably devised and agreed project specifications safeguard the project manager from being held responsible for problems that are beyond the initial project scope or beyond the control of the project manager. In addition Anon (2010) informs that the project requirement should be an exact description of the aim of the project and the flexibilities and criteria involved its scope, sources, parameters, outputs, participants, range, timescales and budgets. However Kaner et al, (1996) contend that even though specifications of a project are crucial to determine the product quality and every functional relationship and rule presents a test point, observing the specification is not a complete measure. Based on the above this study is of the view that for the establishment of the proposed firm that is intended to provide content writing services it is important that the study makes a market analysis to identify assess the success rate of the firm, draft out a copy of the writing
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services that businesses may seek, analyse the prices and develop a structured range of writing services for the anticipated service oriented business. This study is of the view that analysis of the indicated factors can be better done by application of Porters 5-force model. According to Porter (2008) the five forces analysis presumes that there are five vital forces which determine the competitive power in any given circumstance. They are 1) competitive rivalry; 2) supplier power; 3) buyer power; 4) threat of new entry and 5) threat of substitution; (figure-1).
Figure 1: Porters Five Force Model


Based on the above indicated five force model each of the indicated factor is assessed and evaluated in terms of the proposed firm. Supplier Power: This is determined by the suppliers available for every vital input, exclusivity of their service or product, their control as well as strength over you, the switching cost from one to another etc. The CDS need to depend on writers specialised in varied subject areas this demands seeking services of freelance contributors; as such their bargaining power cannot be ruled out. However with in-house content writers and the relationship manager initiations of consistent team development this could be resolved. Buyer Power: This is determined by the total number of buyers, each individual buyers importance to your business, the cost of switching from our services to someone elses etc. The CDS intends work for many potential buyers mostly through e-business as such it is
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anticipated that the firm continue to have its own set of terms and conditions rather than sticking on to a few buyers who dictate their own terms. Competitive Rivalry: A basic market analysis indicates several competitors in the market. As such the firms marketing team will be aligned to convince the customers with exclusive services targeted to meet the demands with additional and attractive freebies. Threat of Substitution: The possibility threat of substitutions is very less in the area of content writing. This is because the work is expedited based on the specifications, guidelines and instructions of the customers. Threat of New Entry: With the advent of internet there are many content development service providers; however only a few are able to survive. 1.2 Project Outline: Content Development Services

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Project Specifications: Content Development Services

For the proposed CDS firm the potential businesses from which business can be anticipated is huge and diversified. As the business community seeking professional writing services is growing more and more potential market will be explored at the development stage. However to define an appropriate set of specifications the following potential businesses are identified:
Industry Anticipated business 1. Website Content Development 2. Software Functionality (Ex. F1: how the system works and guidelines) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Product Description Service Description SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Content Virtual Marketing Content Blogs and Social Media Network

Information Technology


Advertising Agencies

1. Copy Writing (print and advertisement) 2. Brochures and Pamphlets 3. Profiles

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Be able to plan for the launch of a project to implement a new product, service or process

After the "Getting Started" stage, the next step is to complete the project scoping and produce a Project Plan. According to Huffman (2011) the project plan is the major work product from the entire planning process, so it contains all the planning documents. The success of a project will depend critically upon the effort, care and skill one applies in its initial planning. For the launch of the content development services this section of the study investigates into the aspects of basic project planning, identifying appropriate resources, anticipated costs for implementing and implementation of the project and design a strategy for implementation of the project. 2.1 Produce a project plan for an agreed project

Good project launch is an investment that will never be regretted. Good project management
requires team leadership, organisation capability, subject matter understanding, good project structures and protocols, communication and reporting (MLH, 2012). In addition Haughey (2012) informs that the key to a successful project is in the planning. Creating a project plan is the

first thing one should do when undertaking any kind of project. A simple, yet deliverable project plan includes 4-step process. The 4-step process include: 1) Defining Project Goal; 2) Identify Project Deliverables; 3) Prepare Project Schedule; 4) Identify Supporting Plan. 2.1.1 Defining Project Goal The goal of this project is to Plan-the-project; Implement it; and Present it. With regard to defining goals Haughey (2012) informs that a project is successful when the needs of the stakeholders have been met. A stakeholder is anybody directly or indirectly impacted by the project. As a first step, it is important to identify the stakeholders in your project. It is not always easy to identify the stakeholders of a project, particularly those impacted indirectly. The stakeholders of the content development services include the following: The project sponsor The customer who receives the deliverables The users of the project outputs The project manager and project team

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2.1.2 Identify Project Deliverables Based on the goals as defined in the earlier section this project furthers to create a list of things that project needs to deliver to meet the identified goal. This is done by preparing a Gantt chart that specifies how and when each of the items is to be delivered. The Gantt chart identifies the estimated timeline indicative of the delivery date. The deliverables of the project plan include the following: 1. Develop an integrated organisational structure. The organisational structure of the proposed CDS is presented illustrated in the following figure

2. Develop Communication Network. As the proposed CDS is a e-business format a ecommerce portal is to be designed. 3. Recruit People: In accordance to the organisational structure the project needs partners, agents and writers who actually deliver the work and the support staff include project managers, team leaders, content writers and developers, customer care executives, accounts and administration to handle the administrative job. 4. Train People: In accordance to the organisational goals and objectives each of the internal capital will be trained.

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Prepare Project Schedule

The project schedule is the core of the project plan. If a task is on the schedule, the team is committed to doing it. In other words, the project schedule is the means by which the project manager brings the team and the project under control. The project schedule is a calendar that links the tasks to be done with the resources that will do them. The project schedule is based on the identified project deliverables. All of the indicated deliverables are presented in a Gantt chart that informs the project to appropriately follow a structured schedule.
Month / Week Deliverables Organisational Structure Location Infrastructure & Furniture Communication Network Internet, Telephone & Fax Identifying Partners Building Database of Clients Recruit People Advertisements Recruitment & Selection Train People 1 December 2012 2 3 4 1 January 2013 2 3 4 1 February 2013 2 3 4

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2.1.4 Identify Supporting Plan This section deals with plans to create the planning process to be included directly in the plan. According to Makewa (2011) as part of a project setup, there will be a number of documents created to: set out the detailed activities, list the resource requirements, human resources, equipment, office, training, material etc. The support plan for the proposed content development services project includes the following: Communication Plan: This includes creation of a document showing who needs to be kept informed about the project and how they will receive the information. The most common mechanism will be a weekly or monthly progress report, describing how the project is performing, milestones achieved and work planned for the next period. Risk Management Plan: This will be one of the important part of the proposed project. As such it is not overlooked. Risks will be tracked using a risk log. Some of the anticipated risks include the following: o cost and time estimates are too optimistic resulting in unexpected budget cuts o Inadequacy of customer review o Misunderstanding resulting of poor communication and unclear roles and responsibilities o Stakeholder input is not sought, or their needs are not properly understood. o Stakeholders adding new requirements after the project has started o Stakeholders changing requirements after the project has started. o The project lacked commitment to resources 2.2 Match appropriate resources to a project

According to Makewa (2011) Resources are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, funding, or anything else capable of definition (usually other than labour) required for the completion of a project activity. The lack of a resource will therefore be a constraint on the completion of the project activity. Resources may be storable or non storable. Storable resources remain available unless depleted by usage, and may be replenished by project tasks which produce them. Non-storable resources must be renewed for each time period, even if not utilised in previous time periods.

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The proposed project anticipating providing content writing services needs the following resources: 1. Office: As the proposed project is a content development services and operates online location of the office neednt be in a posh or any market place. However care will be taken to establish the office in a locality wherein the imperative facilities like internet, water and electricity, accessibility for employed people are easily and efficiently and sufficiently available. For the proposed project a space of 3000 sq. feet is anticipated to provide all the office facilities. 2. Infrastructure & Equipment: According to Williams (2008) equipment that needs to be managed as part of a project depends on the nature of the project. For the proposed content development services firm, the equipment that is needed for the project is usually limited to office infrastructure, computers and communication network equipment. The anticipated infrastructure include the following: a. High end server for internal networking and web hosting b. 20 desk top computers c. 5 laptops d. 2 tablets e. 15-work stations grouped into 3-sections each accommodating 5 writers; f. 5-cabins (one each of the managing director, project manager; team leaders-2 Nos; accounts and admin g. Internal Network for telephone and internet that includes i. 10-internal communication telephones ii. Rooter to divide the internet connection iii. Switch to distribute internet connection h. Security-cum-reception desk i. Inverter with 8-hours power backup facilities j. Conference and Meeting Hall 3. Facilities: a. Filtered and mineral water purifier b. Tea-Coffee-Beverage mending machine c. Two independent and two common toilets 4. People: According to Turbit (2005) People are the most important resource for a project. Managing the people means having the right people, with the right skills, at
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the right time. It also means ensuring that the project staff knows what needs to be done, when, and how, and motivating them to take ownership in the project. People for the proposed project plan will be of two categories; partners and employees and freelance contributors. They are defined as follows: a. Partners: Partners are the business partners. They include people involved in providing information technology support services to clients from varied fields. For the CDA they include: website developers, content writing services, advertisement agencies, software developers etc b. Human Resource: According to Williams (2008) Human resource planning for a project involves a realistic estimation of the staff input, based on an estimation of which type of staff will be required for the tasks that are planned, and the anticipated number of working days. The proposed content development services firm needs different workforce to meet its goals. They include people with exceptional skills in writing and rewriting, para-phrasers, copy writers, content developers, SEO content writers, marketing staff, customer relationship manager and staff, accounts and administration staff. 5. Budget: According to Williams (2008) each project comes with costs and a budget to match these costs. On the income side, the main sources of funding are subsidies, grants, donations, and own contributions. On the costs side, the types of expenditure vary according to the nature of the project, but the most common cost factors are staff costs, equipment, travel and subsistence, subcontracting and overheads. The financial management of a project requires that all expenditure must be allocated to a detailed budget, which means that the budget must be carefully planned. For the proposed project plan involved in providing content writing services the anticipated financial requirement is estimated to be 20,000.00. 6. Time: According to Turbit (2005) time is a critical resource for any project. Project managers who succeed in meeting their project schedule have a good chance of staying within their project budget. To enable time management, the different project activities need to be detailed and prioritized. The time frame for the proposed project plan is presented in the form of Gantt chart in 2.1.3 Project schedule

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Cost all resources required for implementing and implementation of a project

According to Williams (2008) each project task will have a cost, whether it is the cost of the staff labour hours, travel costs or the cost of purchasing equipment. In preparing the project budget, each of these costs must be estimated and then totalled. They should be grouped into categories. Based on the identified resources discussed in the previous section the cost of the proposed project is categorised into two office, infrastructure, furniture and communication network. Under each category different anticipated quantity, rate and total cost with individual total and grand total is listed in the following table
Infrastructure / Equipment
Office Space Advance (6-months)

Per Month


Total Cost

Total Office Establishment

Infrastructure Air Conditioners Server Desk Top Computers Laptops Tablets 6 1 No 20 Nos 5 Nos 2 Nos 370.00 900.00 300.00 450.00 400.00

2,250.00 900.00 600.00 1,350.00 800.00

Total Infrastructure
Furniture Work Stations Cabins Chairs (Average) Executive Office Tables Reception 15 5 30 5 1 80.00 1200.00 60.00 400.00 600.00

1,200.00 6,000.00 1,800.00 2,000.00 600.00

Total Office Establishment

Communication Networking Intercom Telephones Rooter Rooter-switch Inverter for Power Backup Conference Hall and Meeting Room 20 1 3 1 1 15.00 450.00 350.00 1,500.00 2,800.00

300.00 450.00 1,050.00 1,500.00 2,800.00

Total Office Establishment


Total One Time Investment


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Plan an appropriate strategy for the implementation of a project

Strategic planning is the act of creating short- and long-term plans to guide an organization to continued and increasing success in the marketplace. Project managers oversee specific projects ultimately designed to make progress toward strategic planning objectives. Implementing projects putting planned projects into action is important to both strategic planning efforts and project managers in a number of ways. All managers can benefit from understanding the importance of project implementation to strategic planning and the project manager (Ingram, 2011). In addition Mochal (2003) argues that often a smoothly run project gets a black eye because of problems during implementation. Those problems often crop up because we dont anticipate and plan for the complexity of deploying the solution. For example, you might communicate and plan well for the deployment of a client-server solution, only to discover during implementation that many of your workstations aren't powerful enough to handle the load. This is the type of minor detail that can cause major headaches. For the proposed establishment of content development services firm the following methodology will be adapted for implementation of the project:

Infrastructure Preparation Training and Coordination Data Collection & Application Identify Issues and Revisit Plan Monitor the Process and Implementation
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2.4.1 Infrastructure Preparation It is important that the working environment for the writers be accounted for. As such the project plan initiated the infrastructure planning that include review of software, hardware, networking communications, etc. 2.4.2 Training & Coordination The argument of Mochal (2003) is that in certain cases, developers simply fail to plan ahead and make sure that the working groups were prepared to support the implementation. As a result, the working groups were forced to drop everything to make the implementation a success. Thus, for the proposed project plan a group of 3-teams will be defined, each taking care of all the basics and each specialied in 2-3 area of content writing such as: copy writing, website content, software usage content (F1-Help) for IT solutions. This way a well coordinated and trained work group is anticipated to be developed. All of these groups will be actually having a role in defining the writing solutions be successfully deployed. 2.4.3 Data Collection & Application Data collection for the proposed project will be the data pertaining to regulars who anticipate content writing services; mostly from the information technology industry. A database of the kind of industry and the type of content anticipated by them will be initially assessed and evaluated to structure the writing process and make the work of the writers a little easier. 2.4.4 Identify Issues and Revisit Plan It is important that the collected data be assessed and evaluated; during this process lot many changes are anticipated to arise; thus the importance of finding a solution that everything is working as expected. This may involve a combination of development and client personnel. As such the first check will be to ensure that everything is up and appears okay this will be in terms of client and writers. The second check will be to practically push the writers to the anticipated content development to design related templates based on the defined set of industry requirements. Depending on the category and type of writing services anticipated the verification step will further to revisit the existing plan and make appropriate changes as necessary. 2.4.5 Monitor the Process and Implementation Monitoring will be the final phase of implementation
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Be able to implement a project

Project management requires more than just implementing activities identified in a log frame. Ingram (2011) in this regard argues that the process of project implementation, involving the successful development and introduction of projects, presents an ongoing challenge. The project implementation process is complex, usually requiring simultaneous attention to a wide variety of human, budgetary, and technical variables. This results in difficulty with job characterization by role overload, frenetic activity, fragmentation, and superficiality. The team will rely on to oversee all project components in an integrated, holistic manner, to ensure that the project meets its stated objectives and contributes to the organisational vision. The components of a successful project include managing relationships with various stakeholders, managing human resources, managing financial resources, facilitating learning, managing risks and ensuring flexibility. 3.1 Implement a project in accordance with an agreed specification

As discussed earlier the project plan included a step-by-step process for implementing the project as defined in the initial project specification section.

The implementation process also adheres to the above process; each of them are discussed as under:
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3.1.1 Team Development According to Heathfield (2012) traditionally, a team goes through five stages of development. Each stage of team development presents its own special challenges to a group of people striving to work together successfully by forming a cohesive team. The team and the organization can take specific actions at each stage of team development to support the teams success in accomplishing the team mission. The 5-stages of team development include forming, storming, norming, performing and transforming. 1. Forming: For the successful implementation of the project all of the identified work groups will be aligned together for the accomplishment of the shared purpose. 2. Storming: To avoid strained relationships among the work groups and avoid conflict all of the working group under leadership of team leaders and the team managers will be aligned towards the organisational vision and mission. 3. Norming: The project ensures that the team develops working relationships that are enabling progress on the teams objectives. 4. Performing: Relationships, team processes, and the teams effectiveness in working on its objectives are synchronised to bring about a successfully functioning team. 5. Transforming: The project ensures that the team is performing so well that members believe it is the most successful team they have experienced; 3.1.2 Potential Market


Anticipated business 3. Website Content Development 4. Software Functionality (Ex. F1: how the system works and guidelines) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Product Description Service Description SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Content Virtual Marketing Content Blogs and Social Media Network

Information Technology


Advertising Agencies

4. Copy Writing (print and advertisement) 5. Brochures and Pamphlets 6. Profiles

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3.1.3 E-Business Strategy As the proposed project plan is an e-business; following the appropriate strategy the project implementation process includes... An integrated portal that defines the prices for each category of writing services Integration of acknowledged payment gateway through encrypted data to ensure confidence of customers Timely delivery and quality adherence 3.1.4 Market Review

Fortnightly market review will be conducted to assess the potential sources of market. For example for the forthcoming Christmas season many portals offer different products and services; this requires a lot of copy writing material for advertisement campaigns during such season more attention and focus will be laid in this area. 3.1.5 Business Generation Review Expansion

The marketing team will be assessing the potential market and anticipated business (examples of Christmas as stated above) at least 3-months in advance to initiate necessary initiatives. 3.1.6 Loyalty Building Quality adherence and timely delivery will be the prime criteria in developing loyal customers; more so often as writing services has to mostly depend on word-of-mouth publicity more focus will be laid to ensure that the existing clients are fully satisfied to recommend our services to others.

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Develop appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate progress and outcomes

Monitoring is the systematic gathering and analysing of information that will help measure progress on an aspect of project. Ongoing checks against progress over time may include monitoring water quality in a catchment or monetary expenditure against the project budget. Monitoring is not evaluation as such but is usually a critical part of evaluation process and should therefore be included at project planning stage. Evaluation on the other hand provides an opportunity to reflect and learn from what has been done, assess the outcomes and effectiveness of a project and think about new ways of doing things. In other words, it informs your future actions. For the proposed content development service organisation monitoring will be based on the type of the industry and the kind of content anticipated by them. Statistics will be generated from the market to evaluate the market such that the progress is monitored and evaluated at regular intervals. 3.3 Monitor the implementation of a project

The monitoring process of the proposed project will be to address the following: What information will help us to make informed decisions? What will help us know that our project/group is on track? Whats the appropriate scale for monitoring? What are the timeframes for monitoring e.g. days, months or years? Do we need input from other groups or agencies?

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Be able to evaluate the outcomes of a project

All programs are performance and outcome based (Haughey, 2012). The specific quantifiable outcomes shall be determined by specifications as defined in the initial chapter. When composing outcomes for the required goals, the following will be ensured: The outcome is derived from the goal, it has the same intention as a goal, but it is more specific, quantifiable and verifiable than the goal. It will be ensured to focus on the realistic nature of the outcomes with specific focus on time-restraints. In simple terms the project follows the SMART process to evaluate the outcome: o Specific o Measurable o Achievable o Realistic and o Time-Bound 4.1 Analyse the outcomes of a project in terms of the original project specification

According to Haughey (2012) strategies are the actions/activities that will be implemented in order to achieve the outcomes. Number of participants served, types of service provided, quantity of service provided etc. are not outcome measures. They are output measures and will not be accepted as outcome measures. As discussed earlier the project outcomes will be analysed based on project specifications. 4.1.1 Team Development It is considered as important that the project specifically follow a hierarchy as follows: Team Managers o Team Leaders Writers

4.1.2 Potential Market External environmental factors are considerably favourable for establishment of a content writing service organisation. The scope in the market is also complex and diversified.
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4.1.3 E-Business Strategy An integrated website with 24/7 customer care is imperative. 4.1.4 Market Review & Business Generation Content writing services are sought by varied organisation. Some of them include: Information Technology E-businesses Advertisement Agencies 4.1.5 Loyalty Building The content writing services market is mostly through word-of-mouth publicity; as such timely delivery of projects and adherence to quality are the key aspects for loyalty building. 4.2 Evaluate the outcomes of a project

Evaluation is one of the key aspects of the action inquiry approach, being used to inform further action at each stage of the cycle. The effectiveness of the project will be determined using the following methods at appropriate stages during the project. To evaluate whether project has gained sufficient skills, outcome of the project specifications at the beginning and end of the project will be undertaken. The quality of evaluation practices in respect to project specifications will be gauged by analysis of reports from. To evaluate the usefulness of the process, a journal that has records and reflections of the project will be studies. Analysis of journals will indicate the effectiveness of the project specifications. Summative evaluation of the project will involve interviews with all the identified stakeholders. Further feedback will be sought from related industry people to provide objective evidence of new ways of practising evaluation. Additionally, independent observers will be asked to provide written feedback. 4.3 Make justified recommendations for improvements to the project

The recommendations for the improvement of the project are defined from the discussions in the previous section. Based on these the recommendations with appropriate justification include the following:
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4.3.1 Team Development The content writing and development market is so diversified that new entrant into this market has to assess and evaluate the anticipated type and kind of written content from the potential market. As such this study is of the view that to meet the anticipated demands of team development it is imperative that three teams are defined the first team takes care of the most general type of content that is mostly regular in the market i.e. website content, copy content and product specifications content; whereas, the second team is aligned to promotional and advertisement related content mostly like the brochures, leaflets, paper and virtual advertisements etc. The third team will coordinate rest of the content writing services through a set of freelance writers working from different parts of the world. 4.3.2 Potential Market In terms of potential market this project in the initial stages has identified only a few categories of business that seek content writing and development services. However potential market also include thousands of local portals promoted by individual or NGOs that keep on looking for professional writing services to include soups, news items, weekly reviews, monthly articles etc. 4.3.3 Loyalty Building As discussed most of the content writing services mostly depend on word-of-mouth publicity; however the option of Google Ad words and the social media network are two of the strategic option that are generally integrated with the search engine and provides a better advertisement tools and promotional channel to build loyal customers.

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Produce a report of all project procedures used

As part of the assignment aim this study furthered to develop a project to define and implement to define the plan and implement it. In this process various studies related to project management were studied by the researcher. Working through the giving structure of the assignment the researcher was able to develop the knowledge of researching and project development. Initiation of the project is made by defining the purpose wherein an idea for establishing a firm that caters to the diversified business communities need of return content; where in the vision and mission of the prospective organisation were stated followed by the organisational structure and performing areas were identified that include information technologies business, e-businesses and advertising agencies. The first section of the project was focused on developing project specifications. In this section factors contributing to the process of project selection were analysed to develop an outline for project specifications and to finally define a set of specifications. The identified specifications include; developing a team, identification of potential market, development of e-business strategy and portal followed by reviewing the market of e-business and to further explore into the potential market for the generation of e-business; the final stage includes review of present business and develop expansion strategies that would be revisited again strategically to strengthen the client base for business expansion. The second section furthered to develop a plan for the launch of the content writing and development organization and interactive e-business. For the development of project plan a four step process was initiated which included 1)Defining project goals; 2)Identifying project deliverables; 3)Preparation of project schedule; and 4)Identification of supporting plan. The project deliverables was structured through the organizational structure where as the Gantt chart described the schedule of the project. This was followed by a supporting plan wherein communication plans and risk management plan was discussed. The second section also identified appropriate resources required for project plan that include office, infrastructure and equipment, facilities, people (Partners and Human Resource), budget and time. For all of the identified and anticipated resources a budget plan was designed which is totalled at 28,150.00.Following the budget plan a strategy for implementation of the project was discussed wherein the identified methodology include preparation of infrastructure, training and co-ordination, data collection and application, and identifying issues, revisiting the plan.

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The third section of this study furthered to critically evaluate the implementation of the project. This section justified each of the project specifications defined in the first section. For the prime specifications of the project i.e., team development, the study applied the five stage process of team development that includes forming, storming, norming, performing, and transforming. Having explode into the implementation of the project in parallel line with different specifications the study furthered to present measures to evaluate and monitor the progress followed by monitoring the implementation of the project wherein the key questions include; 1) The information that helps to make informed decision; 2) Assessing the project work groups track; 3) The scale of monitoring; 4) Time frame monitoring; 5) The necessity of input from agencies and other groups. The fourth section evaluating the outcome of the discussed project found elements that impact and influence appropriate project outcomes. This was strategically done in the context of the previously defined specifications. Evaluation of the project outcomes indicate that development of a team as identified earlier need to take a more strategic approach based on the competitive and economic structure of the geographic location of the operations. Loyalty building was the prime aspect for the successful business of the content writing services.

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Present the outcomes of the project to an audience using an agreed format and appropriate media

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