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A very good morning to Miss Julie, the teacher-advisor and members of the Nature Club. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Idris, the activities manager of the Nikki Island Resort. It is my duty to make sure you have an unforgettable, activity-filled weekend here. I would like to brief you on some dos and donts that you have to observe and some outdoor activities that you will be involved in. We normally explain the dos and donts to visitors to avoid misunderstandings. Do not pluck any flowers or plants however attractive they may be. Do not take away any shells or corals you see on the beach. Do observe the regulations laid out in the pamphlet given to you. Lastly, do take part in all the activities. Do relax and enjoy yourselves. Activities for the duration of the stay are jungle trekking, abseiling, snorkeling, kayaking boating and caving. Thank you for your attention and I hope you have a pleasant stay with us.

Details of Speech or Talk A : Greet the audience B : Introduce yourself C : Introduce the topic D : Purpose of speech E : Main points of speech F : Ending thank the audience

MODEL 1 : Speech of Farewell For A Teacher Who Is Going On Retirement

You are the Head Prefect of SMK Sri Damai. The senior assistant (academic) of the school is going on retirement. You, as the Head Prefect of the school, have to give a farewell speech at the assembly. Use the notes given below to write out the speech.

Number of years as teacher and senior assistant Names of schools served Contributions: - Steps to improve academic standard of school - PMR and SPM improvement 2006 100% - Tuition system buddy system for weak students - Funding raising projects Computer lab Art Centre

When writing your speech, you should remember to include the following: Greeting and introduction Purpose of speech Ending of speech All the notes given

Greeting addressing audience purpose of speech

A very good morning to Puan Rachel Rosario, the Senior Assistant (Academic), Puan Hasnah, the Principal, teachers and fellow students. This morning, we have a special assembly, to bid farewell to our beloved Puan Rachel Rosario, the Senior Assistant (Academic). Puan Rachel is going on retirement after an outstanding career in the education service. Puan Rachel is the most dedicated teacher I have ever known. She has been a teacher for 20 years and a senior assistant for 10 years. Puan Rachel taught English and History in Melaka High School before coming to our school as senior assistant ten years ago. In the ten years that Puan Rachel has been with our school, she showed fantastic dedication to her vocation and did her best to improve the academic level of the school. The schools results in PMR and SPM have always been around 55% pass rate only. Puan Rachel worked hard to improve the passing rate. She encouraged students by counseling them to work harder. She gave teachers and students a target to work for. Consequently, the PMR and SPM results have improved until last year we had a record 100% pass rate. One of the steps introduced by Puan Rachel and which is very popular among the students is the buddy system for weak students for tuition. I myself have been involved in this system for the past two years and it has benefitted both me and the Form Three students I have tutored. I have learned to be patient and appreciative of my fellow schoolmates.

Body teaching career

contributions success

buddy system

favourite projects

Puan Rachels two favourite projects are the Computer Lab and the Art Centre. She took a personal interest in these two projects and was responsible for raising the funds needed for the projects. Now, the school boasts of a state-of-the-art Computer Lab and a spacious Art Centre which caters for handicraft and art lessons. The school will lose a gem. However, all said and done, we have to let her go. I, on behalf of the student body, wish her happy retirement and the best of health. Thank you for your attention and now I would like to present Puan Rachel a bouquet of flowers.


Thank the audience

MODEL 2 : Talk on How to be Successful in Life

As president of the Career and Counseling Club, you invite a lecturer, Mr. Samy, from the local university to give a talk to the members of the society on how to be successful in life. Use the notes given below to write out the talk.

Define successful in life material wealth Happiness health free to do what one likes Focused and know oneself likes and capabilities Set a standard compromise only when necessary Go the extra mile do little things for others Success responsibility carry out duties well

When writing your talk, you should remember to include the following: Greeting and introduction Purpose of talk Ending of talk All the notes given

Greeting addressing audience introduce yourself

Good morning, teachers and students. I am Mr. Samy, the senior lecturer in the Counseling Department in University Malaysia. I am honoured to be invited to give a talk on how to be successful in life. First of all, lets define successful in life. Does it mean that we must be rich and driving big cars and staying in big mansions? Some material wealth is important but to be considered successful in life means one is happy, healthy and able to do what one wants and is looked up to by family and friends. So, how does one reach the stage of being considered successful in life? As you will be entering the adult working world, I hope some tips on how to be successful people will be helpful. Firstly, to be successful you must be focused and know yourself. Examine what you enjoy doing most, the talents or skills you have and work hard at whatever is meaningful to you. Tailor these to the courses you will be taking in college with the career you intend to follow. Get them together and work out a winning formula. In life, we must have certain standard and demand this from others. When you work in a group, make the others aware of your standards and expectations. Compromise only when it is absolutely necessary. Go the extra mile and make the difference to help others. This is what sets successful people apart from others. Doing little things like returning phone calls, sending thank you cards and making the effort to communicate with others make people remember and respect you. This is an ingredient that goes into making you a successful person. Im sure you will agree with me that with success comes responsibility. When you were appointed a school prefect, president of a society or class monitor, you felt a sense of responsibility to your school and fellow schoolmates. In the adult working world, the same scenario applies. Carry out your duties and do your work responsibly with concern for fellow workers. That is the mark of a successful person. I hope I have impressed on you the proper steps to take to be considered successful. Let me take this opportunity to wish you all the best in the coming exam and your coming of age in the adult working world. Thank you.

Introduce topic

Body be focused

set standard

doing little things for others

aware of responsibility

Thank the audience


MODEL 1 : Study Smart and Do Well
You are a student counselor and have attended a seminar on how to be an A-Star student. Write an article on Study Smart and Do Well In Exams for the school magazine. Use the notes given to write out the article:

Three public exams school life tedious and stressful studying enjoyable Study smart positive attitude understand exam format Be attentive and focussed punctual and review Study techniques : - Read aloud - Short notes revision cards - Schedules short bouts of study During exams : - Choose understand question - Focus thorough answers keep tab on time

When writing your article, you should remember to include the following: Title of article - Funding raising projects Computer lab Art Centre Name of writer of article Introduction and ending of article All the notes given

Title of Article Writer of Article

How to Prepare For and Do Well in Examination by Anne Khoo The topic of how to prepare and do well for examinations haunts us from primary school to secondary school. This is due to the three public exams we have to face in Year 6, Form 3 and Form 5. They are the bugs that make schooling tedious and stressful. Yet, we are always told the best times of our lives are the schooling years. Can this be true? It is true provided we observe the golden rule of making studying enjoyable. When this is enjoyable, examinations become a breeze. Learn to study smart. First of all, stay healthy by making sure you get enough exercise and rest. A positive attitude is always important. Try saying positive things like I can pass this exam! rather than negative ones like Ill fail for sure. Read through used textbooks, past year exam papers and notes to give you an insight into the exam format. Be attentive in class and stay focused. This will help you to learn more than attending tuition after school. Try not to miss the first and last few minutes of class as important tips and announcements are usually made at such times. Immediately after a lesson, review the notes even if it is for a few minutes. There is a variety of study techniques which works well generally. Sometimes it helps to read aloud as it keeps sleep away and it sounds as if someone is talking to you. Use short notes and revision cards which you can carry around for quick reviews. Keep your short notes as brief as possible with only the main words if possible. When we review frequently, this helps to the facts be transferred from short-term memory to long-term learning. So, you are learning and not just cramming facts. Plan a schedule and study in short bouts. Long hours of cramming do not help much. During exams, choose the questions carefully. Understand the essence of the question by looking for key words and concepts. Be thorough and focus on the question asked. Keep tab of the time. The exam setting requires self-discipline and gives a good answer within the time set. Organize your thoughts quickly and decisively as some subjects require that you answer four or five questions. So, by now, after going through some tips on how to study smart and do well in examinations, you should have more confidence to do well in all examinations.

Introduction of article

Body study smart

be attentive and stay focussed

study techniques

exam time


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