Creating A Scene Practices - Oracle

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Section 2 Lesson 2: Creating a Scene by Adding and Positioning Objects

Objectives Identify scene components Define a gallery using Java programming terminology Define and provide examples of classes and instances Communicate the value of saving multiple versions of a scene Describe three-dimensional positioning axes Describe the difference between precise positioning and drag-and-drop positioning Use a one-shot procedural method to precisely position an object in a scene

Vocabulary Directions: Identify the vocabulary word for each definition below.

1. The first scene in the animation that contains the animation's objects and background template. 2. An object from a class once its created and added to the scene. 3. An object's sense of direction. 4. Provides the sky and ground for the scene. 5. A collection of 3D models that can be inserted into the scene. 6. Contains the tools required to edit the scene. 7. The three dimensional x, y, and z coordinates that each object resides on. They can be manipulated to change the object's position and appearance. 8. The specifications that define the appearance and movement of a 3D object. 9. A set of instructions, or programmed code, for how the object should perform a task. 10. Default, rotation, movement, and resizing.

Try It/Solve It 1. Watch a short animation online on a website of your choosing. Create a journal entry entitled Initial Scene. Describe the components of the initial scene of the animation you watched. 2. In your journal, create an entry entitled Developing a Scene. List the steps to develop a scene. Describe the sub-tasks that take place within each of the steps. 3. Describe the difference between the Scene editor and the Code editor. Indicate which editor displays by default when an Alice project is opened. 4. Open Alice3. Review the gallery of classes. In your journal, document three different folders, and one class that appears in each folder. 5. Create a folder on your computer, network, or memory stick where you will save all of your animation projects. Name this folder Alice3 Animation Projects. Then, create an initial scene for the following scenario: Scenario: A cheshire cat and march hare sit next to each other, in a desert, in front of two mushrooms. Note: You will need to add procedures that manipulate the joints of each object in order to make them sit down. 6. Create a new scene for the following scenario: a school of fish swim through a coral reef and notice trash dumped by humans. Create an underwater scene with a school of fish that are positioned to the left of the scene (the viewer's left), as if they are going to swim across the scene. Add many scenery objects to make the underwater area look like a coral reef. Then, add a few objects that should not be in a coral reef that were dumped there by humans, and position them to appear as if they have fallen to the ocean floor. Save the project. 7. Create a new scene for the following scenario: a family celebrates a birthday. Create a scene with a dining room table, chairs, and have four people stand around the table. A birthday cake should be on the table. Use the handle styles and drag and drop positioning to position the objects. Save the project. 8. Create a new scene for the following scenario: the Queen of Hearts addresses her subjects in Wonderland. Create a scene using the Wonderland template where the Queen of Hearts stands to the back and center of the scene, facing the viewer, on top of a Tea Tray. Facing her should be 10 playing cards. Use a one-shot procedural method to precisely position the playing cards in four rows of five cards each. Each card should stand about 1 meter apart (hint: When you add a new card to the scene, place it directly on top of the previously-added card. Then use a procedure to move the new card one meter away from the previously-added card). Save the project. 9. Using the previously-created Queen of Hearts scene (Practice #8), change the configuration of the playing cards so they stand in a diamond shape, facing the viewer and not the Queen of Hearts. Save a new version of the project. 10. Create a new scene for the following scenario: a tea party is held in Wonderland. Create a scene using the Wonderland template where several of the Alice storybook characters are positioned as if they are running in a circle around a tea table covered with fun objects, such as teacups and cakes. Save the project.

11. Create a new scene for the following scenario: a submarine is exploring through the ocean. Create a scene using the sea floor or lagoon floor template with a submarine positioned to move forward towards the camera through lots of seaweed. The front of the submarine should be peeking out from the seaweed. Save the project. 12. Create a new scene for the following scenario: a giant chicken has landed on the ground, scaring the people away. Using the template of your choice, create a scene where the chicken is several times larger than 3-4 people, who are positioned as if they are running away from the chicken. Add scenery objects to make the scene more interesting. Using procedures to precisely position objects. Save the project. 13. Create a new scene for the following scenario: dogs are lined up to be judged in a dog show. Create a scene with the template of your choice. Use drag and drop positioning to line up a set of dogs next to each other, facing the viewer. Have a judge to the left of the scene facing the dogs. Put each dog on top of the prop of your choice as if each are standing on a pedestal. Save the project. 14. In your journal, create an entry entitled Precise versus Drag and Drop Positioning. Then, create a table that describes how each are used when setting up a scene. 15. In your journal, create an entry entitled Multiple Scene Versions. Then, write three reasons why it is useful to save multiple versions of a scene. 16. The x, y, z axis is used to position objects. Define x, y, and z. 17. If you were creating an animation where a spaceship was coming in and landing in a scene, which positioning method would you use to place the spaceship initially? Defend your positioning method with an explanation.

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