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ON AND ON COEURL PROWLED! The black, moonless, almost starless night yiel e rel!ctantly be"ore a grim re ish a#n that cre$t !$ "rom his le"t% A &ag!e, !ll light it #as, that ga&e no sense o" a$$roaching #armth, no com"ort, nothing b!t a col , i""!se lightness, slo#ly re&ealing a nightmare lan sca$e% 'lack, (agge rock an black, !nli&ing $lain took "orm aro!n him, as a $ale)re s!n $eere at last abo&e the grotes*!e hori+on% ,t #as then Coe!rl recogni+e s! enly that he #as on "amiliar gro!n % -e sto$$e short% Tenseness "lame along his ner&es% -is m!scles $resse #ith s! en, !nrelenting strength against his bones% -is great "orelegs.t#ice as long as his hin legs.t#itche #ith a sh! ering mo&ement that arche e&ery ra+or)shar$ cla#% The thick tentacles that s$ro!te "rom his sho!l ers cease their #ea&ing !n !lation, an gre# ta!t #ith an/io!s alertness% Utterly a$$alle , he t#iste his great cat hea "rom si e to si e, #hile the little hairlike ten rils that "orme each ear &ibrate "rantically, testing e&ery &agrant bree+e, e&ery throb in the ether% '!t there #as %no res$onse, no s#i"t tingling along his intricate ner&o!s system, not the "aintest s!ggestion any#here o" the $resence o" the all)necessary , % -o$elessly, Coe!rl cro!che , an enormo!s catlike "ig!re silho!ette against the im re ish skyline, like a istorte etching o" a black tiger resting on a black rock in a sha o# #orl % -e ha kno#n this ay #o!l come% Thro!gh all the cent!ries o" restless search, this ay ha loome e&er nearer, blacker, more "rightening.this ine&itable ho!r #hen he m!st ret!rn to the

$oint #here he began his systematic h!nt in a #orl almost e$lete o" i creat!res% The tr!th str!ck in #a&es like an en less, rhythmic ache at the seat o" his ego% When he ha starte , there ha been a "e# i creat!res in e&ery h!n re s*!are miles, to be mercilessly roote o!t% Only too #ell Coe!rl kne# in this !ltimate ho!r that he ha misse none% There #ere no i ) creat!res le"t to eat% ,n all the h!n re s o" tho!san s o" s*!are miles that h0 ha ma e his o#n by right o" r!thless con*!est.!ntil no neighboring coe!rl are to *!estion his so&ereignty.there #as no , to "ee the other#ise immortal engine that #as his bo y% 1*!are "oot by s*!are "oot he ha gone o&er it% An no#.he recogni+e the knoll o" rock (!st ahea , an the black rock bri ge that "orme a *!eer, c!rling t!nnel to his right% ,t #as in that t!nnel he h0 lain "or ays, #aiting "or the sim$le)min e , snakelike i creat!re to come "orth "rom its hole in the rock to bask in the s!n.( his "irst kill a"ter he ha reali+e the absol!te necessity o" organi+e e/termination% -e licke his li$s in brie" gloating memory o" the moment his sla&ering (a#s tore the &ictim into $recio!s toothsome bits% '!t the ark "ear o" an i less !ni&erse s#e$t the s#eet remembrance "rom his conscio!sness, lea&ing only certainty o" eath% -e snarle a! ibly, a e"iant, e&ilish so!n that *!a&ere on the air, echoe an re)echoe among the rocks, an sh! ere back along his ner&es.instincti&e an hellish e/$ression o" his #ill to li&e% An then.abr!$ came% -e sa# it emerge o!t o" the istance on a long o#n#ar slant, a tiny glo#ing s$ot that gre# enormo!sly into a metal ball% The great shining globe hisse by abo&e Coe!rl, slo#ing &isibly in *!ick eceleration% ,t s$e o&er a black line o" hills to the right, ho&ere almost motionless "or a secon , then sank o#n o!t o" sight% Coe!rl e/$lo e "rom his startle immobility% With tiger s$ee , he "lo#e o#n among the rocks% -is ro!n , black eyes b!rne #ith the horrible esire that #as an agony #ithin him% -is ear ten rils &ibrate a message o" i in s!ch tremen o!s *!antities that his bo y "elt sick #ith the $angs o" his abnormal h!nger% The little re s!n #as a crimson ball in the $!r$le)black hea&ens #hen he cre$t !$ "rom behin a mass o" rock an ga+e "rom its sha o#s at the cr!mbling, gigantic r!ins o" the city that s$ra#le belo# him% The sil&ery globe, in s$ite o" its great si+e, looke strangely incons$ic!o!s against that &ast, "airylike reach o" r!ins% 2et abo!t it #as a leashe ali&eness, a ynamic *!iescence that, a"ter a moment, ma e it stan o!t, ominating the "oregro!n % A massi&e, rock) cr!shing thing o" metal, it reste on a cra le ma e by its o#n #eight in the harsh, resisting $lain #hich began abr!$tly at the o!tskirts o" the ea metro$olis% Coe!rl ga+e at the strange, t#o)legge creat!res #ho stoo in little gro!$s near the brilliantly lighte o$ening that ya#ne at the base o" the shi$% -is throat thickene #ith the imme iacy o" his nee 3 an his brain gre# ark #ith the "irst #il im$!lse to b!rst "orth in "!rio!s charge an smash these "limsy, hel$less)looking creat!res #hose bo ies emitte the i )&ibrations% 4ists o" memory sto$$e that ma r!sh #hen it #as still only electricity s!rging thro!gh his m!scles% 4emory that bro!ght "ear in an aci stream o" #eakness, $o!ring along his ner&es, $oisoning the reser&oirs o" his strength% -e ha time to see that the creat!res #ore things o&er their real bo ies, shimmering trans$arent material that glittere in strange, b!rning "lashes in the rays o" the s!n% Other memories came s! enly% O" im ays #hen the city that s$rea belo# #as the li&ing, breathing heart o" an age o" glory that issol&e in a single cent!ry be"ore "laming g!ns #hose #iel ers kne# only that "or the s!r&i&ors there #o!l be an e&er)narro#ing s!$$ly o" i % ,t #as the remembrance o" those g!ns that hel him there, cringing in a #a&e o" terror that bl!rre his reason% -e sa# himsel" smashe by balls o" metal an b!rne by searing "lame% Came c!nning.!n erstan ing o" the $resence o" these creat!res% This, Coe!rl reasone "or the "irst time, #as a scienti"ic e/$e ition "rom another star% ,n the ol en ays, the coe!rls ha tho!ght o" s$ace tra&el, b!t isaster came too s#i"tly "or it e&er to be more than a tho!ght%

1cientists meant, in&estigation, not estr!ction% 1cientists in their #ay #ere "ools% 'ol #ith his kno#le ge, he emerge into the o$en% -e sa# the creat!res become a#are o" him% They t!rne an stare % One, the smallest o" the gro!$, etache a shining metal ro "rom a sheath, an hel it cas!ally in one han % Coe!rl lo$e on, shaken to his core by the action3 b!t it #as too late to t!rn back% Comman er -al 4orton hear little 5regory 6ent, the chemist, la!gh #ith the embarrasse hal" g!rgle #ith #hich he in&ariably anno!nce inner !ncertainty% -e sa# 6ent "ingering the s$in ly metalite #ea$on% 6ent sai 7 8,9ll take no chances #ith anything as big as that%: Comman er 4orton allo#e his o#n ee$ ch!ckle to echo along the comm!nicators% 8That,: he gr!nte "inally, 8is one o" the reasons #hy yo!9re on this e/$e ition, 6ent.beca!se yo! ne&er lea&e anything to chance%: -is ch!ckle traile o"" into silence% ,nstincti&ely, as he #atche the monster a$$roach them across that black rock $lain, he mo&e "or#ar !ntil he stoo a little in a &ance o" the others, his h!ge "orm b!lking the trans$arent metalite s!it% The comments o" the men $attere thro!gh the ra io comm!nicator into his ears7 8,9 hate to meet that baby on a ark night in an alley%: 8Don9t be silly% This is ob&io!sly an intelligent creat!re% Probably a member o" the r!ling race%: 8,t looks like nothing else than a big cat, i" yo! "orget those tentacles sticking o!t "rom its sho!l ers, an make allo#ances "or those monster "orelegs%: 8,ts $hysical e&elo$ment,: sai a &oice, #hich 4orton recogni+e as that o" 1ie el, the $sychologist0 8$res!$$oses an animal)like a a$tation to s!rro!n ings, not an intellect!al one% On the other han , its coming to !s like this is not the act o" an animal b!t o" a creat!re $ossessing a mental a#areness o" o!r $ossible i entity% 2o! #ill notice that its mo&ements are sti"", enoting ca!tion, #hich s!ggests "ear an conscio!sness o" o!r #ea$ons% ,9 like to get a goo look at the en o" its tentacles% ," they ta$er into han like a$$en ages that can really gri$ ob(ects, then the concl!sion #o!l be inesca$able that it is a escen ant o" the inhabitants o" this city% ,t #o!l be a great hel$ i" #e co!l establish comm!nication #ith it, e&en tho!gh a$$earances in icate that it has egenerate into a historyless $rimiti&e%: Coe!rl sto$$e #hen he #as still ten "eet "rom the "oremost creat!re% The sense o" i #as so o&er#helming that his brain ri"te to the !ltimate &erge o" chaos% -e "elt as i" his limbs #ere bathe in molten li*!i 3 his &ery &ision #as not *!ite clear, as the sheer sens!ality o" his esire th!n ere thro!gh his being% The men.all e/ce$t the little one #ith the shining metal ro in his "ingers.came closer% Coe!rl sa# that they #ere "rankly an c!rio!sly e/amining him% Their li$s #ere mo&ing, an their &oices beat in a monotono!s, meaningless rhythm on his ear ten rils% At the same time he ha the sense o" #a&es o" a m!ch higher "re*!ency. his o#n comm!nication le&el.only it #as a machinelike clicking that (arre his brain% With a istinct e""ort to a$$ear "rien ly, he broa cast his name "rom his ear ten rils, at the same time $ointing at himsel" #ith one c!r&ing tentacle% 5o!rlay, chie" o" comm!nications, ra#le 7 8, got a sort o" static in my ra io #hen he #iggle those hairs, 4orton% Do yo! think.: 8Looks &ery m!ch like it,: the lea er ans#ere the !n"inishe *!estion% 8That means a (ob "or yo!, 5o!rlay% ," it s$eaks by means o" ra io #a&es, it might not be altogether im$ossible that yo! can create some sort o" tele&ision $ict!re o" its &ibrations, or teach him the 4orse co e%: 8Ah,: sai 1ie el% 8, #as right% The tentacles each e&elo$ into se&en strong "ingers% Pro&i e the ner&o!s system is com$licate eno!gh, those "ingers co!l , #ith training, o$erate any machine%: 4orton sai 7 8, think #e9 better go in an ha&e some l!nch% A"ter#ar , #e9&e got to get b!sy% The material men can set !$ their machines an start gathering ata on the $lanet9s metal $ossibilities, an so on% The others can o a little care"!l e/$loring% ,9 like some notes on architect!re an on the scienti"ic e&elo$ment o" this race, an $artic!larly #hat ha$$ene to

#reck the ci&ili+ation% On earth ci&ili+ation a"ter ci&ili+ation cr!mble , b!t al#ays a ne# one s$rang !$ in its !st% Why i n9t that ha$$en here; Any *!estions;: 82es% What abo!t $!ssy; Look, he #ants to come in #ith !s%: Comman er 4orton "ro#ne , an action that em$hasi+e the ee$)s$ace $allor o" his "ace% 8, #ish there #as some #ay #e co!l take it in #ith !s, #itho!t "orcibly ca$t!ring it% 6ent, #hat o yo! think;: 8, think #e sho!l "irst eci e #hether it9s an it or a him, an call it one or the other% ,9m in "a&or o" him% As "or taking him in #ith !s.: The little chemist shook his hea ecisi&ely% 8,m$ossible% This atmos$here is t#enty)eight $er cent chlorine% O!r o/ygen #o!l be $!re ynamite to his l!ngs%: The comman er ch!ckle % 8-e oesn9t belie&e that, a$$arently%: -e #atche the catlike monster "ollo# the "irst t#o men thro!gh the great oor% The men ke$t an an/io!s istance "rom him, then glance at 4orton *!estioningly% 4orton #a&e his han % 8<% 6% O$en the secon lock an let him get a #hi"" o" the o/ygen% That9ll c!re him%: A moment later, he c!rse his ama+ement% 8'y -ea&en, he oesn9t e&en notice the i""erence! That means he hasn9t any l!ngs, or else the chlorine is not #hat his l!ngs !se% Let him in! 2o! bet he can go in! 1mith, here9s a treas!re ho!se "or a biologist.harmless eno!gh i" #e9re care"!l% We can al#ays han le him% '!t #hat a metabolism!: 1mith, a tall, thin, bony cha$ #ith a long, mo!rn"!l "ace, sai in an o ly "orce"!l &oice7 8,n all o!r tra&els, #e9&e "o!n only t#o higher "orms o" li"e% Those e$en ent on chlorine, an those #ho nee o/ygen.the t#o elements that s!$$ort comb!stion% ,9m $re$are to stake my re$!tation that no com$licate organism co!l e&er a a$t itsel" to both gases in a nat!ral #ay% At "irst tho!ght , sho!l say here is an e/tremely a &ance "orm o" li"e% This race long ago isco&ere tr!ths o" biology that #e are (!st beginning to s!s$ect% 4orton, #e m!stn9t let this creat!re get a#ay i" #e can hel$ it%: 8," his an/iety to get insi e is any criterion,: Comman er 4orton la!ghe , 8then o!r i""ic!lty #ill be to get ri o" him70 -e mo&e into the lock #ith Coe!rl an the t#o men% The a!tomatic machinery h!mme 3 an in a "e# min!tes they #ere stan ing at the bottom o" a series o" ele&ators that le !$ to the li&ing *!arters9 8Does that go !$;: One o" the men "licke a th!mb in the irection o" the monster% 8'etter sen him !$ alone, i" he9ll go in%: Coe!rl o""ere no ob(ection, !ntil he hear the oor slam behin him3 an the close cage shot !$#ar % -e #hirle #ith a sa&age snarl, his reason s#irling into chaos% With one lea$, he $o!nce at the oor% The metal bent !n er his $l!nge, an the es$erate $ain ma ene him% No#, he #as all tra$$e animal% -e smashe at the metal #ith his $a#s, ben ing it like so m!ch tin% -e tore great bars loose #ith his thick tentacles% The machinery screeche 3 there #ere horrible (erks as the limitless $o#er $!lle the cage along in s$ite o" $ro(ecting $ieces o" metal that scra$e the o!tsi e #alls% An then the cage sto$$e , an he snatche o"" the rest o" the oor an h!rtle into the corri or% -e #aite there !ntil 4orton an the men came !$ #ith ra#n #ea$ons% 8We9re "ools,: 4orton sai % 8We sho!l ha&e sho#n him ho# it #orks% -e tho!ght #e9 o!ble)crosse him%: -e motione to the monster, an sa# the sa&age glo# "a e "rom the coal)black eyes as he o$ene an close the oor #ith elaborate gest!res to sho# the9 o$eration% Coe!rl en e the lesson by trotting into the large room to his right% -e lay o#n on the r!gge "loor, an "o!ght o#n the electric ta!tness o" his ner&es an m!scles% A &ery "!ry o" rage against himsel" "or his "right cons!me him% ,t seeme to his b!rning brain that he ha lost the a &antage o" a$$earing a mil an harmless creat!re% -is strength m!st ha&e startle an ismaye them% ,t meant greater anger in the task #hich he no# kne# he m!st accom$lish7 To kill e&erything in the shi$, an take the machine back to their #orl in search o" !nlimite i % With !n#inking eyes, Coe!rl lay an #atche the t#o men clearing a#ay the loose r!bble "rom the metal oor#ay o" the h!ge ol b!il ing% -is #hole bo y ache #ith the h!nger o" his cells "or

i % The cra&ing tore thro!gh his $al$itant m!scles, an throbbe like a li&ing thing in his brain% -is e&ery ner&e *!i&ere to be o"" a"ter the men #ho ha #an ere into the city% One o" them, he kne#, ha gone.alone% The ragging min!tes "le 0 an still he restraine himsel", still he lay there #atching, a#are that the men kne# he #atche % They "loate a metal machine "rom the shi$ to the rock mass that blocke the great hal")o$en oor, !n er the irection o" a thir man% No "licker o" their "ingers esca$e his "ierce stare, an slo#ly, as the sim$licity o" the machinery became a$$arent to him, contem$t gre# !$on him% -e kne# #hat to e/$ect "inally, #hen the "lame "lare in incan escent &iolence an ate ra&eno!sly at the har rock beneath% '!t in s$ite o" his $rekno#le ge, he eliberately (!m$e an snarle as i" in "ear, as that #hite heat b!rst "orth% -is ear ten rils ca!ght the la!ghter o" the men, their c!rio!s $leas!re at his sim!late i0may% The oor #as release , an 4orton came o&er an #ent insi e #ith the thir man% The latter shook his hea % 8,t9s a shambles% 2o! can catch the ri"t o" the st!""% Ob&io!sly, they !se atomic energy, b!t b!t it9s in #heel "orm% That9s a $ec!liar e&elo$ment% ,n o!r science, atomic energy bro!ght in the non#heel machine% ,t9s $ossible that here they9&e $rogresse "!rther to a ne# ty$e o" #heel mechanics% , ho$e their libraries are better $reser&e than this, or #e9ll ne&er kno#% What co!l ha&e ha$$ene to a ci&ili+ation to make it &anish like this;: A thir &oice broke thro!gh the comm!nicators7 8This is 1ie el% , hear yo!r *!estion, Pennons% Psychologically an sociologically s$eaking, the only reason #hy a territory becomes !ninhabite is lack o" "oo %: 8'!t they9re so a &ance scienti"ically, #hy i n9t they e&elo$ s$ace "lying an go else#here "or their "oo ;: 8Ask 5!nlie Lester,: inter(ecte 4orton% 8, hear him e/$o!n ing some theory e&en be"ore #e lan e %: The astronomer ans#ere the "irst call% 8,9&e still got to &eri"y all my "acts, b!t this esolate #orl is the only $lanet re&ol&ing aro!n that miserable re s!n% There9s nothing else% No moon, not e&en a $lanetoi % An the nearest star system is nine hundred light-years a#ay% 81o tremen o!s #o!l ha&e been the $roblem o" the r!ling race o" this #orl , that in one (!m$ they #o!l not only ha&e ha to sol&e inter$lanetary b!t interstellar s$ace tra&eling% =When yo! consi er ho# slo# o!r o#n e&elo$ment #as."irst the moon, then >en!s.each s!ccess lea ing to the ne/t, an a"ter cent!ries to the nearest stars3 an last o" all to the anti)accelerators that $ermitte galactic tra&el.consi ering all this, , maintain it #o!l be im$ossible "or any race to create s!ch machines #itho!t $ractical e/$erience% An , #ith the nearest star so "ar a#ay, they ha no incenti&e "or the s$ace a &ent!ring that makes "or e/$erience%: Coe!rl #as trotting briskly o&er to another gro!$% '!t no#, in the ri&ing a$$etite that cons!me him, an in the "ren+y o" his high scorn, he $ai no attention to #hat they #ere oing% 4emories o" $ast kno#le ge, (arre into acti&ity by #hat he ha seen, "lo#e into his conscio!sness in an e&er e&elo$ing an more &i&i stream% ?rom gro!$ to gro!$ he s$e , a ner&o!s ynamo.(!m$y, sick #ith ,bis a#"!l h!nger% A little car rolle !$, sto$$ing in "ront o" him, an a "ormi able camera #hirre as it took a $ict!re o" him% O&er on a mo!n o" rock, a gigantic telesco$e #as rearing !$ to#ar the sky% Nearby, a isintegrating machine rille its searing "ire into an e&er) ee$ening hole, o#n an o#n, straight o#n% Coer!l9s min became a bl!r o" things he #atche #ith hal" attention% An e&er more imminent gre# the moment #hen he kne# lie co!l no longer carry on the tort!re o" acting% -is brain straine #ith an irresistible im$atience3 his bo y b!rne #ith the "!ry o" his eagerness to be o"" a"ter the man #ho ha gone alone into the city% -e co!l stan it no longer% A green "oam miste his mo!th, ma ening him% -e sa# that, "or the bare moment, nobo y #as looking%


Like a shot "rom a g!n, he #as o""% -e "loate along in great, gli ing lea$s, a sha o# among the sha o#s o" the rocks% ,n a min!te, the harsh terrain hi the s$aceshi$ an the t#o)legge beings% Coe!rl "orgot the shi$, "orgot e&erything b!t his $!r$ose, as i" his brain ha been #i$e clear by a magic, memory)erasing br!sh% -e circle #i ely, then race into the city, along eserte streets, taking short c!ts #ith the ease o" "amiliarity, thro!gh ga$ing holes in time)#eakene #alls, thro!gh long corri ors o" mol ering b!il ings% -e slo#e to a cro!ching lo$e as his ear ten rils ca!ght the i &ibrations% 1! enly, he sto$$e an $eere "rom a scatter o" "allen rock% The man #as stan ing at #hat m!st once ha&e been a #in o#, sen ing the glaring rays o" his )"lashlight into the gloomy interior% The "lashlight clicke o""% The man, a hea&y)set, $o#er"!l "ello#, #alke o"" #ith *!ick, alert ste$s% Coe!rl i n9t like that alertness% ,t $resage tro!ble3 it meant lightning reaction to anger% Coe!rl #aite till the h!man being =ha &anishe aro!n a corner, then he $a e into the o$en% -e #as r!nning no#, tremen o!sly "aster than a man co!l #alk, beca!se his $lan #as clear in his brain% Like a #raith, he sli$$e o#n the ne/t street, $ast a long block o" b!il ings% -e t!rne the "irst corner at to$ s$ee 3 an then, #ith ragging belly, cre$t into the hal") arkness bet#een the b!il ing an a h!ge ch!nk o" ebris% The street ahea #as barre by a soli line o" loose r!bble that ma e it like a &alley, en ing in a narro#, bottlelike neck% The neck ha its o!tlet (!st belo# Coe!rl% -is ear ten rils ca!ght the lo#)"re*!ency #a&es o" #histling% The so!n throbbe thro!gh his being3 an s! enly terror ca!ght #ith icy "ingers at his brain% The man #o!l ha&e a g!n% 1!$$ose he le&ele one b!rst o" atomic b!"ore his o#n m!scles co!l #hi$ o!t in m!r er "!ry% A little sho#er o" rocks streame $ast% An then the man #as beneath him% Coe!rl reache o!t an str!ck a single cr!shing blo# at the shimmering trans$arent hea $iece o" the s$aces!it% There #as a tearing so!n o" metal an a g!shing o" bloo % The man o!ble !$ as i" $art o" him ha been telesco$e % ?or a moment, his bones an legs an m!scles combine mirac!lo!sly to kee$ him stan ing% Then he cr!m$le #ith a metallic clank o" his s$ace armor% ?ear com$letely e&a$orate , Coe!rl lea$e o!t o" hi ing% With ra&eno!s s$ee , he smashe the metal an the bo y #ithin it to bits% 5reat ch!nks o" metal, torn $iecemeal "rom the s!it, s$raye the gro!n % 'ones cracke % ?lesh cr!nche % ,t #as sim$le to, t!ne in on the &ibrations o" the i , an to create the &iolent chemical isorgani+ation that "ree it "rom the cr!she bone% The i #as, Coe!rl isco&ere , mostly in the bone% -e "elt re&i&e , almost reborn% -ere #as more "oo than he ha ha in the #hole $ast year% Three min!tes, an it #as o&er, an Coe!rl #as o"" like a thing "leeing ire anger% Ca!tio!sly, he a$$roache the glistening globe "rom the o$$osite si e to that by #hich he ha le"t% The men #ere all b!sy at their tasks% 5li ing noiselessly, Coe!rl sli$$e !nnotice !$ to a gro!$ o" men% 4orton stare o#n at the horror o" tattere "lesh, metal an bloo on the rock at his "eet, an "elt a tightening in his throat that $re&ente s$eech% -e hear 6ent say7 8-e would go alone, amn him!: The little chemist9s &oice hel a sob im$risone 3 an 4orton remembere that 6ent an @ar&ey ha ch!mme together "or years in the #ay only t#o men can% 8The #orst $art o" it is,: sh! ere one o" the men, 8it looks like a senseless m!r er% -is bo y is s$rea o!t like little l!m$s o" "lattene (elly, b!t it seems to be all there% ,9 almost #ager that i" #e #eighe e&erything here, there9 still be one h!n re an se&enty)"i&e $o!n s by earth gra&ity% That9 be abo!t one h!n re an se&enty $o!n s here%: 1mith broke in, his mo!rn"!l "ace line #ith gloom7 8The killer attacke @ar&ey, an then isco&ere his "lesh #as alien.!neatable% @!st like o!r big cat% Wo!l n9t eat anything #e set be"ore him.: -is #or s ie o!t in s! en, *!eer silence% Then he sai slo#ly7 81ay, #hat abo!t that creat!re; -e9s big eno!gh an strong eno!gh to ha&e one this #ith his o#n little $a#s%: 4orton "ro#ne % 8,t9s a tho!ght% A"ter all, he9s the only li&ing thing #e9&e seen% We can9t (!st e/ec!te him on s!s$icion, o" co!rse.:

8'esi es,: sai one o" the men, 8he #as ne&er o!t o" my sight%: 'e"ore 4orton co!l s$eak, 1ie el, the $sychologist, sna$$e , 8Positi&e abo!t that;: The man hesitate % 84aybe he #as "or a "e# min!tes% -e #as #an ering aro!n so m!ch, looking at e&erything%: 8E/actly,: sai 1ie el #ith satis"action% -e t!rne to 4orton% 82o! see, comman er, ,, too, ha the im$ression that he #as al#ays aro!n 3 an yet, thinking back o&er it, , "in ga$s% There #ere moments.$robably long min!tes .#hen he #as com$letely o!t o" sight%: 4orton9s "ace #as ark #ith tho!ght, as 6ent broke in "iercely7 8, say, take no chances% 6ill the br!te on s!s$icion be"ore he oes any more amage%: 4orton sai slo#ly7 86orita, yo!9&e been #an ering aro!n #ith Cranessy an >an -ome% Do yo! think $!ssy is a escen ant o" the r!ling class o" this $lanet;: The tall @a$anese archeologist stare at the sky as i" collecting his min % 8Comman er 4orton,: he sai "inally, res$ect"!lly, 8there is a mystery here% Take a look, all o" yo!, at that ma(estic skyline% Notice the almost 5othic o!tline o" the architect!re% ,n s$ite o" the megalo$olis #hich they create , these $eo$le #ere close to the soil% The b!il ings are not sim$ly ornamente % They are ornamental in themsel&es% -ere is the e*!i&alent o" the Done col!mn, the Egy$tian $yrami , the 5othic cathe ral, gro#ing o!t o" the gro!n , earnest, big #ith estiny% ," this lonely, esolate #orl can be regar e as a mother earth, then the lan ha a #arm, a s$irit!al $lace in the hearts o" the race% 8The e""ect is em$hasi+e by the #in ing streets% Their machines $ro&e they #ere mathematicians, b!t they #ere artists "irst3 an so they i not create the geometrically esigne cities o" the !ltra)so$histicate #orl metro$olis% There is a gen!ine artistic aban on, a ee$ (oyo!s emotion #ritten in the c!r&ing an !nmathematical arrangements o" ho!ses, b!il ings an a&en!es3 a sense o" intensity, o" i&ine belie" in an inner certainty% This is not a eca ent, hoary) #ith)age ci&ili+ation, b!t a yo!ng an &igoro!s c!lt!re, con"i ent, strong #ith $!r$ose% 8There it en e % Abr!$tly, as i" at this $oint c!lt!re ha its 'attle o" To!rs, an began to colla$se like the ancient 4ohamme an ci&ili+ation% Or as i" in one lea$ it s$anne the cent!ries an entere the $erio o" conten ing states% ,n the Chinese ci&ili+ation that $erio occ!$ie AB<)CD< '% C%, at the en o" #hich the 1tate o" Tsin sa# the beginning o" the Chinese Em$ire% This $hase Egy$t e/$erience bet#een EFB<)EGB< '% C%, o" #hich the last cent!ry #as the =-yksos9. !nmentionable.time% The classical e/$erience it "rom Chronea. , at the $itch o" horror, "rom the 5racchi Acti!m.DE '% C% The West E!ro$ean Americans #ere e&astate by it in the nineteenth an t#entieth cent!ries, an mo ern historians agree that, nominally, #e entere the same $hase "i"ty years ago3 tho!gh, o" co!rse, #e ha&e sol&e the $roblem% 82o! may ask, comman er, #hat has all this to o #ith yo!r *!estion; 4y ans#er is7 there is no recor o" a c!lt!re entering abr!$tly into the $erio o" conten ing states% ,t is al#ays a sio# e&elo$ment3 an the "irst ste$ is a merciless *!estioning o" all that #as once hel sacre % ,nner certainties cease to e/ist, are issol&e be"ore the r!thless $robings o" scienti"ic an analytic min s% The ske$tic becomes the highest ty$e o" being 8, say that this c!lt!re en e abr!$tly in its most "lo!rishing age% The sociological e""ects o" s!ch a catastro$he #o!l be a s! en &anishing o" morals, a re&ersion to almost bestial criminality, !nlea&ene by any sense o" i eal, a callo!s in i""erence to eath% ," this this $!ssy is a escen ant o" s!ch a race, then he #ill be a c!nning creat!re, a thie" in the night, a col )bloo e m!r erer, #ho #o!l c!t his o#n brother9s throat "or gain%: 8That9s eno!gh!: ,t #as 6ent9s cli$$e &oice% 8Comman er, ,9m #illing to act the role o" e/ec!tioner%: 1mith interr!$te shar$ly7 8Listen, 4orton, yo!9re not going to kill that cat yet, e&en i" he is g!ilty% -e9s a biological treas!re ho!se%: 6ent an 1mith #ere glaring angrily at each other% 4orton "ro#ne at them tho!ght"!lly, then sai 7 86orita, ,9m incline to acce$t yo!r theory as a #orking basis% '!t one *!estion7 P!ssy

comes "rom a $erio earlier than o!r o#n; That is, #e are entering the highly ci&ili+e era o" o!r c!lt!re, #hile he became s! enly historyless in the most &igoro!s $erio o" his% But it is $ossible that his c!lt!re is a later one on this $lanet than o!rs is in the galactic)#i e system #e ha&e ci&ili+e ;: 8E/actly% -is may be the mi le o" the tenth ci&ili+ation o" his #orl 3 #hile o!rs is the en o" the eighth s$r!ng "rom earth, each o" the ten, o" co!rse, ha&ing been b!il e on the r!ins o" the one be"ore it%: 8,n that case, $!ssy #o!l not kno# anything abo!t the ske$ticism that ma e it $ossible "or !s to "in him o!t so $ositi&ely as a criminal an m!r erer;: 8No3 it #o!l be literally magic to him%: 4orton #as smiling grimly% 8Then , think yo!9ll get yo!r #ish, 1mith% We9ll let $!ssy li&e3 an i" there are any "atalities, no# that #e kno# him, it #ill be !e to rank carelessness% There9s (!st the chance, o" co!rse, that #e9re #rong% Like 1ie el, , also ha&e the im$ression that he #as al#ays aro!n % '!t no#.#e can9t lea&e $oor @ar&ey here like this% We9ll $!t him in a co""in an b!ry him%: 8No, #e #on9t!: 6ent barke % -e "l!she % 8, beg yo!r $ar on, comman er% , i n9t mean it that #ay% , maintain $!ssy #ante something "rom that bo y% ,t looks to be all there, b!t something m!st be missing% ,9m going to "in o!t #hat, an $in this m!r er on him so that yo!9ll ha&e to belie&e it beyon the sha o# o" a o!bt%: ,t #as late night #hen 4orton looke !$ "rom a book an sa# 6ent emerge thro!gh the oor that le "rom the laboratories belo#% 6ent carrie a large, "lat bo#l in his han s3 his tire eyes "lashe across at 4orton, an he sai in a #eary, yet harsh, &oice7 8No# #atch!: -e starte to#ar Coe!rl, #ho lay s$ra#le on the great r!g, $reten ing to be aslee$% 4orton sto$$e him% 8Wait a min!te, 6ent% Any other time, , #o!l n9t *!estion yo!r actions, b!t yo! look ill3 yo!9re o&er#ro!ght% What ha&e yo! got there;: 6ent t!rne , an 4orton sa# that his "irst im$ression ha been b!t a "lashing glim$se o" the tr!th% There #ere ark $o!ches !n er the little chemist9s gray eyes.eyes that ga+e "e&erishly "rom s!nken cheeks in an ascetic "ace% 8,9&e "o!n the missing element,: 6ent sai % 8,t9s $hos$hor!s% There #asn9t so m!ch as a s*!are millimeter o" $hos$hor!s le"t in @ar&ey9s bones% E&ery bit o" it ha been raine o! #hat s!$er)chemistry , on9t kno#% There are #ays o" getting $hos$hor!s o!t o" the h!man bo y% ?or instance, a *!ick #ay #as #hat ha$$ene to the #orkman #ho hel$e b!il this shi$% Remember, he "ell into "i"teen tons o" molten least, so his relati&es claime .b!t the com$any #o!l n9t $ay com$ensation !ntil the metalite, on analysis, #as "o!n to contain a high $ercentage o" $hos$hor!s.: 8What abo!t the bo#l o" "oo ;: somebo y interr!$te % 4en #ere $!tting a#ay maga+ines an books, looking !$ #ith interest% 8,t9s got organic $hos$hor!s in it% -e9ll get the scent, or #hate&er it is that he !ses instea o" scent.: 8, think he gets the &ibrations9 o" things,: 5o!rlay inter(ecte la+ily% 81ometimes, #hen he #iggles those ten rils, , get a istinct static on the ra io% An then, again, there9s no reaction, (!st as i" he9s mo&e higher or lo#er on the #a&e scale% -e seems to control the &ibrations at #ill%: 6ent #aite #ith ob&io!s im$atience !ntil 5o!rlay9s last #or , then abr!$tly #ent on7 8All right, then, #hen he gets the &ibration o" the $hos$hor!s an reacts to it like an animal, then.#ell, #e can eci e #hat #e9&e $ro&e by his reaction% 4ay , go ahea , 4orton;: 8There are three things #rong #ith yo!r $lan,: 4orton sai % 8,n the "irst $lace, yo! seem to ass!me that he is only animal3 yo! seem to ha&e "orgotten he may not be h!ngry a"ter @ar&ey3 yo! seem to think that he #ill not be s!s$icio!s% '!t set the bo#l o#n% -is reaction may tell !s something%: Coe!rl stare #ith !nblinking black eyes as the man set the bo#l be"ore him% -is ear ten rils

instantly ca!ght the i )&ibrations "rom the contents o" the he ga&e it not e&en a secon glance% -e recogni+e this t#o)legge being as the one #ho ha hel the #ea$on that morning% Danger! With a snarl, he "loate to his "eet% -e ca!ght the bo#l #ith the "ingerlike a$$en ages at the en o" one loo$ing tentacle, an em$tie its contents into the "ace o" 6ent, #ho shrank back #ith a yell% E/$losi&ely, Coe!rl "l!ng the bo#l asi e an sna$$e a ha#ser)thick tentacle aro!n the c!rsing man9s #aist% -e i n9t bother #ith the g!n that h!ng "rom 6ent9s belt% ,t #as only a &ibration g!n, he sense .atomic $o#ere , b!t not an atomic isintegrator% -e tosse the kicking 6ent onto the nearest co! reali+e #ith a hiss o" ismay that he sho!l ha&e isarme the man% Not that the g!n #as angero!s.b!t, as the man "!rio!sly #i$e the gr!el "rom his "ace #ith one han , he reache #ith the other "or his #ea$on% Coe!rl cro!che back as the g!n #as raise slo#ly an a #hite beam o" "lame #as ischarge at his massi&e hea % -is ear ten rils h!mme as they cancele the e""orts o" the &ibration g!n% -is ro!n , black eyes narro#e as he ca!ght the mo&ement o" men reaching "or their metalite g!ns% 4orton9s &oice lashe across the silence% 81to$!: 6ent clicke o"" his #ea$on3 an Coe!rl cro!che o#n, *!i&ering #ith "!ry at this man #ho ha "orce him to re&eal something o" his $o#er% 86ent,: sai 4orton col ly, 8yo!9re not the ty$e to lose yo!r hea % 2o! eliberately trie to kill $!ssy, kno#ing that the ma(ority o" !s are in "a&or o" kee$ing him ali&e% 2o! kno# #hat o!r r!le is7 ," anyone ob(ects to my ecisions, he m!st say so at the time% ," the ma(ority ob(ect, my ecisions are o&err!le % ,n this case, no one b!t yo! ob(ecte , an , there"ore, yo!r action in taking the la# into yo!r o#n han s is most re$rehensible, an a!tomatically ebars yo! "rom &oting "or a year%: 6ent stare grimly at the circle o" "aces% 86orita #as right #hen he sai o!rs #as a highly ci&ili+e age% ,t9s eca ent%: Passion "lame harshly in his &oice% 84y 5o , isn9t there a man here #ho can see the horror o" the sit!ation; @ar&ey ea only a "e# ho!rs, an this creat!re, #hom #e all kno# to be g!ilty, lying there !nchaine , $lanning his ne/t m!r er3 an the &ictim is right here in this room% What kin o" men are #e."ools, cynics, gho!ls)or is it that o!r ci&ili+ation is so stee$e in reason that #e can contem$late a m!r erer sym$athetically;: -e "i/e broo ing eyes on Coe!rl% 82o! #ere right, 4orton, that9s no animal% That9s a e&il "rom the ee$est hell o" this "orgotten $lanet, #hirling its solitary #ay aro!n a ying s!n%: 8Don9t go melo ramatic on !s,: 4orton sai % 82o!r analysis is all #rong, so "ar as , am concerne % We9re not gho!ls or cynics3 #e9re sim$ly scientists, an $!ssy here is going to be st! ie % No# that #e s!s$ect him, #e o!bt his ability to tra$ any o" !s% One against a h!n re hasn9t a chance%: -e glance aro!n % 8Do , s$eak "or all o" !s;: 8Not "or me, comman er!: ,t #as 1mith #ho s$oke, an , as 4orton stare in ama+ement, he contin!e 7 8,n the e/citement an momentary con"!sion, no one seems to ha&e notice that #hen 6ent "ire his &ibration g!n, the beam hit this creat!re s*!arely on his cat hea .an i n9t h!rt him%: 4orton9s ama+e glance #ent "rom 1mith to Coe!rl, an back to 1mith again% 8Are yo! certain it hit him; As yo! say, it all ha$$ene so s#i"tly.#hen $!ssy #asn9t h!rt , sim$ly ass!me that 6ent ha misse him%: 8-e hit him in the "ace,: 1mith sai $ositi&ely% 8A &ibration g!n, o" co!rse, can9t e&en kill a man right a#ay.b!t it can in(!re him% There9s no sign o" in(!ry on $!ssy, tho!gh, not e&en a singe hair%: 8Perha$s his skin is a goo ins!lation against heat o" any kin %: 8Perha$s% '!t in &ie# o" o!r !ncertainty, , think #e sho!l lock him !$ in the cage%: While 4orton "ro#ne arkly in tho!ght, 6ent s$oke !$% 8No# yo!9re talking sense, 1mith%: 4orton aske 7 8Then yo! #o!l be satis"ie , 6ent, i" #e $!t him in the cage;:

6ent consi ere , "inally7 82es% ," "o!r inches o" micro)steel can9t hol him, #e9 better gi&e him the shi$%: Coe!rl "ollo#e the men as they #ent o!t into the corri or% -e trotte ocilely along as 4orton !nmistakably motione him thro!gh a oor he ha not hitherto seen% -e "o!n himsel" in a s*!are, soli metal room% The oor clange metallically behin him3 he "elt the "lo# o" $o#er as the electric lock clicke home% -is li$s $arte in a grimace o" hate, as he reali+e the tra$, b!t he ga&e no other o!t#ar reaction% ,t occ!rre to him that he ha $rogresse a long #ay "rom the s!nk)into)$rimiti&eness creat!re #ho, a "e# ho!rs be"ore, ha gone incoherent #ith "ear in an ele&ator cage% No#, a tho!san memories o" his $o#ers #ere rea#akene in his brain3 ten tho!san c!nnings #ere, a"ter ages o" is!se, once again $art o" his &ery being% -e sat *!ite still "or a moment on the short, hea&y ha!nches into #hich his bo y ta$ere , his ear ten rils e/amining his s!rro!n ings% ?inally, he lay o#n, his eyes glo#ing #ith contem$t!o!s "ire% The "ools! The $oor "ools! ,t #as abo!t an ho!r later #hen he hear the man.1mith."!mbling o&erhea % >ibrations $o!re !$on him, an "or (!st an instant he #as startle % -e lea$e to his "eet in $!re then reali+e that the &ibrations #ere &ibrations, not atomic e/$losions% 1omebo y #as taking $ict!res o" the insi e o" his bo y% -e cro!che o#n again, b!t his ear ten rils &ibrate , an he tho!ght contem$t!o!sly7 the silly "ool #o!l be s!r$rise #hen he trie to e&elo$ those $ict!res% A"ter a #hile the man #ent a#ay, an "or a long time there #ere noises o" men oing things "ar a#ay% That, too, ie a#ay slo#ly% CoeHrl lay #aiting, as he "elt the silence cree$ o&er the shi$% ,n the long ago, be"ore the a#n o" immortality, the coe!rls, too, ha sle$t at night3 an the memory o" it ha been re&i&e the ay be"ore #hen he sa# some o" the men o+ing% At last, the &ibration o" t#o $airs o" "eet, $acing, $acing en lessly, #as the only h!man)ma e "re*!ency that throbbe on his ear ten rils% Tensely, he listene to the t#o #atchmen% The "irst one #alke slo#ly $ast the cage oor% Then abo!t thirty "eet behin him came the secon % Coe!rl sense the alertness o" these men3 kne# that he co!l ne&er s!r$rise either #hile they #alke se$arately% ,t meant. he m!st be o!bly care"!l! ?i"teen min!tes, an they came again% The moment they #ere $ast, he s#itche his senses "rom their &ibrations to a &astly higher range% The $!lsating &iolence o" the atomic engines stammere its so"t story to his brain% The electric ynamos h!mme their m!""le song o" $!re $o#er% -e "elt the #his$er o" that "lo# thro!gh the #ires in the #alls o" his cage, an thro!gh the electric lock o" his oor% -e "orce his *!i&ering bo y into straining immobility, his senses seeking, searching, to t!ne in on that sibilant tem$est o" energy% 1! enly, his ear ten rils &ibrate in harmony.he ca!ght the s!rging change into shrillness o" that ri$$ling "orce #a&e% There #as a shar$ click o" metal on metal% With a gentle to!ch o" one tentacle, Coe!rl $!she o$en the oor, an gli e o!t into the !lly gleaming corri or% ?or (!st a moment he "elt contem$t, a glo# o" s!$eriority, as he tho!ght o" the st!$i creat!res #ho are to match their #it against a coe!rl% An in that moment, he s! enly tho!ght o" other coe!rls% A *!eer, e/!ltant sense o" race $o!n e thro!gh his being3 the ri&ing hate o" cent!ries o" r!thless com$etition yiel e rel!ctantly be"ore $ri e o" kinshi$ #ith the "!t!re r!lers o" all s$ace% 1! enly, he "elt #eighe o#n by his limitations, his nee "or other coe!rls, his aloneness)one against a h!n re , #ith the stake all eternity3 the starry !ni&erse itsel" beckone his ra$acio!s, &a!lting ambition% ," he "aile , there #o!l ne&er be a secon time to re&i&e long) rotte machinery, an attem$t to sol&e the secret o" s$ace tra&el% -e $a e along on tense $a#s.thro!gh the salon.into the ne/t corri came to the "irst be room oor% ,t stoo hal" o$en% One s#i"t "lo# o" synchroni+e m!scles, one s#i"tly lashing tentacle that ca!ght the !nresisting throat o" the slee$ing man, cr!shing it, an the li"eless hea rolle cra+ily, the bo y t#itche once% 1e&en be rooms3 se&en ea men% ,t #as the se&enth taste o" m!r er that bro!ght a s! en ret!rn o" l!st, a $!re, !nbo!n e esire to kill, ret!rn o" a millenni!m)ol habit o" estroying

e&erything containing0e $recio!s i % As the iE09e(0th man sli$$e con&!lsi&ely into eath, Coe!rl emerge abr!$tly "rom0th00ens!o!s (oy o" the kill to the so!n o" "ootste$s% They #ere not near.that #as #hat bro!ght #a&e a"ter #a&e o" "right s#irling into the chaos that s! enly became his brain% The #atchmen #ere coming slo#ly along the corri or to#ar the oor o" the cage #here he ha been im$risone % ,n a moment, the "irst man #o!l see the o$en so!n the alarm% Coe!rl ca!ght at the &anishing remnants o" his reason% With "rantic s$ee , careless no# o" acci ental so!n s, he race .along the corri or #ith its be room oors.thro!gh the salon% -e emerge into the ne/t corri or, cringing in a#"!l antici$ation o" the atomic "lame he e/$ecte #o!l stab into his "ace% The t#o men #ere together, stan ing si e by si e% ?or one single instant, Coe!rl co!l scarcely belie&e his tremen o!s goo l!ck% Like a "ool the secon ha come r!nning #hen he sa# the other sto$ be"ore the o$en oor% They looke !$, $araly+e , be"ore the nightmare o" cla#s an tentacles, the "erocio!s cat hea an hate)"ille eyes% The "irst man #ent "or his g!n, b!t the secon , $hysically "ro+en be"ore the oom he sa#, !ttere a shriek, a shrill cry o" horror that "loate along the corri en e in a c!rio!s g!rgle, as Coerl "l!ng the t#o cor$ses #ith one irresistible motion the "!ll length o" the corri or% -e i n9t #ant the ea bo ies "o!n near the cage% That #as his one ho$e% 1haking in e&ery ner&e an m!scle, conscio!s o" the terrible error he ha ma e, !nable to think coherently, he $l!nge into the cage% The oor clicke so"tly sh!t behin him% Po#er "lo#e once more thro!gh the electric lock% -e cro!che tensely, sim!lating slee$, as he hear the r!sh o" many "eet, ca!ght the &ibration o" e/cite &oices% -e kne# #hen somebo y act!ate the cage a! iosco$e an looke in% A "e# moments no#, an the other bo ies #o!l be isco&ere % 81i0 el gone!: 4orton sai n!mbly% 8What are #e going to o #itho!t 1ie el; An 'reckenri ge! An Co!lter an . -orrible!: -e co&ere his "ace #ith his han s, b!t only "or an instant% -e looke !$ grimly, his hea&y chin o!tthr!st as he stare into the stern "aces that s!rro!n e him% 8," anybo y9s got so m!ch as a germ o" an i ea, bring it o!t%: 81$ace ma ness!: 8,9&e tho!ght o" that% '!t there hasn9t been a case o" a man going ma "or "i"ty years% Dr% Eggert #ill test e&erybo y, o" co!rse, an right no# he9s looking at the bo ies #ith that $ossibility in min %: As he "inishe , he sa# the octor coming thro!gh the oor% 4en cro# e asi e to make #ay "or him% 8, hear yo!, comman er,: Dr% Eggert sai , 8an , think , can say right no# that the s$ace) ma ness theory is o!t% The throats o" these men ha&e been s*!ee+e to a (elly% No h!man being co!l ha&e e/erte s!ch enormo!s strength #itho!t !sing a machine%: 4orton sa# that the octor9s eyes ke$t looking o#n the corri or, an he shook his hea an groane 7 8,t9s no !se s!s$ecting $!ssy, octor% -e9s in his cage, $acing !$ an o#n% Ob&io!sly hear the racket an . 4an ali&e! 2o! can9t s!s$ect him% That cage #as b!ilt to hol literally anything ."o!r inches o" micro) there9s not a scratch on the oor% 6ent, e&en yo! #on9t say, =6ill him on s!s$icion,9 beca!se there can9t be any s!s$icion, !nless there9s a ne# science here, beyon anything #e can imagine.: 8On the contrary,: sai 1mith "latly, 8#e ha&e all the e&i ence #e nee % , !se the tele"l!or on him.yo! kno# the arrangement #e ha&e on to$ o" the trie to take some $ict!res% They (!st bl!rre % P!ssy (!m$e #hen the tele"l!or #as t!rne on, as i" he "elt the &ibrations% 82o! all kno# #hat 5o!rlay sai be"ore; This beast can a$$arently recei&e an sen &ibrations o" any lengths% The #ay he ominate the $o#er o0I6ent9s g!n is "inal $roo" o" his s$ecial ability

to inter"ere #ith energy%:I 8What in th0JIname o" all the hells ha&e #e got here;: One o" the men groane % 8Why, i" he can control that $o#er, an sent it o!t in any &ibrations, there0s nothing to sto$ him killing all o" !s%: 8WThich $ro&es,: sna$$e 4orton, 8that he isn9t in&incible, or he #o!l ha&e one it long ago%: >ery eliberately, he #alke o&er to the mechanism that controlle the $rison cage% 82o!9re not going to o$en the oor!: 6ent gas$e , reaching "or his g!n% 8No, b!t i" , $!ll this s#itch, electricity #ill "lo# thro!gh the "loor, an electroc!te #hate&er9s insi e% We9&e ne&er ha to !se this be"ore, so yo! ha $robably "orgotten abo!t it%: -e (erke the s#itch har o&er% 'l!e "ire "lashe "rom the metal, an a bank o" "!ses abo&e his hea e/$lo e #ith a single bang% 4orton "ro#ne % 8That9s "!nny% Those "!ses sho!l n9t ha&e blo#n! Well, #e can9t e&en look in, no#% That #recke the a! ios, too%: 1mith sai 7 8," he co!l inter"ere #ith the electric lock, eno!gh to o$en the oor, then he $robably $robe e&ery $ossible anger an #as rea y to inter"ere #hen yo! thre# that s#itch%: 8At least, it $ro&es he9s &!lnerable to o!r energies!: 4orton smile grimly% 8'eca!se he ren ere them harmless% The im$ortant thing is, #e9&e got him behin "o!r inches o" the to!ghest o" metal% At the #orst #e can o$en the oor an ray him to eath% '!t "irst, , think #e9ll try to !se the tele"l!or $o#er cable.: A commotion "rom insi e the cage interr!$te his #or s% A hea&y bo y crashe against a #all, "ollo#e by a !ll th!m$% 8-e kno#s #hat #e #ere trying to o!: 1mith gr!nte to 4orton% 8An ,9ll bet it9s a &ery sick $!ssy in there% What a "ool he #as to go back into that cage an oes he reali+e it!: The tension #as rela/ing3 men #ere smiling ner&o!sly, an there #as e&en a ri$$le o" h!morless la!ghter at the $ict!re 1mith re# o" the monster9s iscom"it!re% 8What ,9 like to kno#,: sai Pennons, the engineer, 8is, #hy i the tele"l!or meter ial (!m$ an #a&er at "!ll $o#er #hen $!ssy ma e that noise; ,t9s right !n er my nose here, an the ial (!m$e like a ho!se a"ire!: There #as silence both #itho!t an #ithin the cage, then 4orton sii 7 8,t may mean he9s coming o!t% 'ack, e&erybo y, an kee$ yo!r g!ns rea y% P!ssy #as a "ool to think he co!l con*!er a h!n re men, b!t he9s by "ar the most "ormi able creat!re in the galactic system% -e may come o!t o" that oor, rather than ie like a rat in a tra$% An he9s (!st to!gh eno!gh to take some o" !s #ith him.i" #e9re not care"!l%: The men backe slo#ly in a soli bo y3 an somebo y sai 7 8That9s "!nny% , tho!ght , hear the ele&ator%: 8Ele&ator!: 4orton echoe % 8Are yo! s!re, man;: 8@!st "or a moment , #as!: The man, a member o" the cre#, hesitate % 8We #ere all sh!""ling o!r "eet.: 8Take somebo y #ith yo!, an go look% 'ring #hoe&er are to r!n o"" back here): The0e #as a (ar, a horrible (erk, as the #hole gigantic bo y o" the shi$ careene !n er them% 4orton #as "l!ng to the "loor #ith a &iolence that st!nne him% -e "o!ght back to conscio!sness, a#are o" the other men lying all aro!n him% -e sho!te 7 8Who the e&il starte those engines!: The agoni+ing acceleration contin!e 3 his "eet ragge #ith a#"!l e/ertion, as he "!mble #ith the nearest a! iosco$e, an $!nche the engine)room n!mber% The $ict!re that "loo e onto the screen bro!ght a ee$ bello# to his li$s7 8,t9s $!ssy! -e9s in the engine #e9re hea ing straight o!t into s$ace%: The screen #ent black e&en as he s$oke, an he co!l see no more% ,t #as 4orton #ho "irst staggere across the salon "loor to the s!$$ly room #here the s$aces!its #ere ke$t% A"ter "!mbling almost blin ly into his o#n s!it, he c!t the e""ects o" the bo y)tort!ring acceleration, an bro!ght s!its to the semiconscio!s men on the "loor% ,n a "e# moments, other men #ere assisting him3 an then it #as

only a matter o" min!tes be"ore e&erybo y #as cla in metalite, #ith anti)acceleration motors r!nning at hal" $o#er% ,t #as 4orton then #ho, a"ter "irst looking into the cage, o$ene the oor an stoo , silent as the others cro# e abo!t him, to stare at the ga$ing hole in the rear #all% The hole #as a "right"!l thing o" (agge e ges an horribly bent metal, an it o$ene !$on another corri or% 8,9ll s#ear,: #his$ere Pennons, 8that it9s im$ossible% The ten)ton hammer in the machine sho$s co!l n9t more than ent "o!r inches o" micro #ith one #e only hear one% ,t #o!l take at least a min!te "or an atomic isintegrator to o the (ob% 4orton, this is a s!$er) being%: 4orton sa# that 1mith #as e/amining the break in the #all% The biologist looke !$% 8," only 'reckinri ge #eren9t ea ! We nee a metall!rgist to e/$lain this% Look!: -e to!che the broken e ge o" the metal% A $iece cr!mble in his "inger an slithere a#ay in a "ine sho#er o" !st to the "loor% 4orton notice "or the "irst time that there #as a little $ile o" metallic ebris an !st% 82o!9&e hit it%: 4orton no e % 8No miracle o" strength here% The monster merely !se his s$ecial $o#ers to inter"ere #ith the electronic tensions hol ing the metal together% That #o!l acco!nt, too, "or the rain on the tele"l!or $o#er cable that Pennons notice % The thing !se the $o#er #ith his bo y as a trans"orming me i!m, smashe thro!gh the #all, ran o#n the corri or to the ele&ator9 sha"t, an so o#n to the engine room%: 8,n the meantime, comman er,: 6ent sai *!ietly, 8#e are "ace #ith a s!$er)being in control o" the shi$, com$letely ominating the engine room an its almost !nlimite $o#er, an in $ossession o" the best $art o" the machine sho$s%: 4orton "elt the silence, #hile the men $on ere the chemist9s #or s% Their an/iety #as a tangible thing that lay hea&ily !$on their "aces3 in e&ery e/$ression #as the gro#ing reali+ation that here #as the !ltimate sit!ation in their li&es3 their &ery e/istence #as at stake an $erha$s m!ch more% 4orton &oice the tho!ght in e&erybo y9s min 7 81!$$ose he #ins% -e9s !tterly r!thless, an he $robably sees galactic $o#er #ithin his gras$%: 86ent is #rong,: barke the chie" na&igator% 8The thing oesn9t ominate the engine room% We9&e still got the control room, an that gi&es !s "irst control o" all the machines% 2o! "ello#s may not kno# the mechanical set)!$ #e ha&e3 b!t, tho!gh he 0an e&ent!ally isconnect !s, #e can c!t o"" all the s#itches in the engine room no#% Comman er, #hy i n9t yo! (!st sh!t o"" the $o#er instea o" $!tting !s into s$aces!its; At the &ery least yo! co!l ha&e a (!ste the shi$ to the acceleration%: 8?or t#o reasons,: 4orton ans#ere % 8,n i&i !ally, #e9re sa"er #ithin the "orce "iel s o" o!r s$aces!its% An #e can9t a""or to gi&e !$ o!r a &antages in $anicky mo&es%: 8A &antages! What other a &antages ha&e #e got;: 8We kno# things abo!t him,: 4orton re$lie % 8An right no#, #e9re going to make a test% Pennons, etail "i&e men to e ch o" the "o!r a$$roaches to the engine room% Take atomic isinte ators to blast thro!gh the big oors% They9re all sh!t, , notice % -e9s locke himsel" in% 81elenski, yo! go !$ to the control room an sh!t o"" e&erything e/ce$t the ri&e engines% 5ear them to the master s#itch, an sh!t them o"" all at once% One thing, tho!gh.lea&e the acceleration on "!ll blast% No anti)acceleration m!st be a$$lie to the shi$% Un erstan ;: 8Aye, sir!: The $ilot sal!te % 8An re$ort to me thro!gh the comm!nicators i" any o" the machines start to r!n again%: -e "ace the men% 8,9m going to lea the main a$$roach% 6ent, yo! take No% a3 1mith, No% D, an Pennons, No% A% We9re going to "in o!t right no# i" #e9re ealing #ith !nlimite science, or a creat!re limite like the rest o" !s% ,9ll bet on the secon $ossibility%: 4orton ha an em$ty sense o" #alking en lessly, as he mo&e , a giant o" a man in his trans$arent s$ace armor, along the glistening metal t!be that #as the main corri or o" the engine) room "loor% Reason tol him the creat!re ha alrea y sho#n "eet o" clay, yet the "eeling that here #as an in&incible being $ersiste % -e s$oke into the comm!nicator7 8,t9s no !se trying to sneak !$ on him% -e can $robably =hear

a $in ro$% 1o (!st #heel !$ yo!r !nits% -e hasn9t been in that engine room long eno!gh to o anything% 8As ,9&e sai , this is largely a test attack% ,n the "irst $lace, #e co!l ne&er "orgi&e o!rsel&es i" #e i n9t try to con*!er him no#, be"ore he9s ha time to $re$are against !s% '!t, asi e "rom the $ossibility that #e can estroy him imme iately, , ha&e a theory% 8The i ea goes something like this7 Those oors are b!ilt to #ithstan acci ental atomic e/$losions, an it #ill take "i"teen min!tes "or the atomic isintegrators to smash them% D!ring that $erio the monster #ill ha&e no $o#er% Tr!e, the ri&e #ill be on, b!t that9s straight atomic e/$losion% 4y theory is, he can9t to!ch st!"" like that3 an in a "e# min!tes yo!9ll see #hat , mean ., ho$e%: -is &oice #as s! enly cris$7 8Rea y, 1elenski;: 8Aye, rea y%: 8Then c!t the master s#itch%: The corri or.the #hole shi$, 4orton kne#.#as abr!$tly $l!nge into arkness% 4orton clicke on the a++ling light o" his s$aces!it3 the other men i the same, their "aces $ale an ra#n% 8'last!: 4orton barke into his comm!nicator% The mobile !nits throbbe 3 an then $!re atomic "lame ra&ene o!t an $o!re !$on the har metal o" the oor% The "irst molten ro$let rolle rel!ctantly, not o#n, b!t !$ the oor% The secon #as more normal% ,t "ollo#e a shaky o#n#ar co!rse% The thir rolle si e#ays."or this #as $!re "orce, not s!b(ect to gra&itation% Other ro$s "ollo#e !ntil a o+en streams trickle se ately yet !ne&enly in e&ery irection.streams o" hellish, s$arkling "ire, bright as "airy gems, ali&e #ith the cor!scating "!ry o" atoms s! enly tort!re , an r!nning blin ly, cra+y #ith $ain% The min!tes ate at time like a slo# aci % At last 4orton aske h!skily7 81elenski;: 8Nothing yet, comman er%: 4orton hal" #his$ere 7 8'!t he m!st be oing something% -e can9t be (!st #aiting in there like a cornere rat% 1elenski;: 8Nothing, comman er%: 1e&en min!tes, eight min!tes, then t#el&e% 8Comman er!: ,t #as 1elenski9s &oice, ta!t% 8-e9s got the electric ynamo r!nning%: 4orton re# a ee$ breath, an hear one o" his men say7 8That9s "!nny% We can9t get any ee$er% 'oss, take a look at this%: 4orton looke % The little scintillating streams ha "ro+en rigi % The "erocity o" the isintegrators &ente in &ain against metal gro#n s! enly in&!lnerable% 4orton sighe % 8O!r test is o&er% Lea&e t#o men g!ar ing e&ery corri or% The others come !$ to the control room%: -e seate himsel" a "e# min!tes later be"ore the massi&e control keyboar % 81o "ar as ,9m concerne the test #as a s!ccess% We kno# that o" all the machines in the engine room, the most im$ortant to the monster #as the electric ynamo% -e m!st ha&e #orke in a "ren+y o" terror #hile #e #ere at the oors%: 8O" co!rse, it9s easy to see #hat he i ,: Penrions sai % 8Once he ha the $o#er he increase the electronic tensions o" the oor to their !ltimate%: 8The main thing is this,: 1mith chime in% 8-e #orks #ith &ibrations only so "ar as his s$ecial $o#ers are concerne , an the energy m!st come "rom o!tsi e himsel"% Atomic energy in its $!re "orm, not being &ibration, he can9t han le any i""erently than #e can%: 6ent sai gl!mly7 8The main $oint in my K9$inion is that he sto$$e !s col % What9s the goo o" kno#ing that his, control o&er &ibrations i it; ," #e can9t break thro!gh those oors #ith o!r atomic isintegrators, #e9re "inishe %: 4orton shook his hea % 8Not "inishe .b!t #e9ll ha&e to o some $lanning% ?irst, tho!gh, ,9ll start these engines% ,t9ll be har er "or him to get control o" them #hen they9re r!nning%: -e $!lle the master s#itch back into $lace #ith a (erk% There #as a h!m, as scores o" machines

lea$e into &iolent li"e in the engine room a h!n re "eet belo#% The noises sank to a stea y &ibration o" throbbing $o#er% Three ho!rs later, 4orton $ace !$ an o#n be"ore the men gathere in the salon% -is ark hair #as !ncombe 3 the s$ace $allor o" his strong "ace em$hasi+e rather than etracte "rom the o!t)thr!st aggressi&eness o" his (a#% When he s$oke, his ee$ &oice #as cris$ to the $oint o" shar$ness7 8To make s!re that o!r $lans are "!lly co)or inate , ,9m going to ask each e/$ert in t!rn to o!tline his $art in the o&er$o#ering o" this creat!re% Pennons "irst!: Pennons stoo !$ briskly% -e #as not a big man, 4orton tho!ght, yet he looke big, $erha$s beca!se o" his air o" a!thority% This man kne# engines, an the history o" engines% 4orton ha hear him trace a machine thro!gh its e&ol!tion "rom a sim$le toy to the highly com$licate mo ern instr!ment% -e ha st! ie machine e&elo$ment on a h!n re $lanets3 an there #as literally nothing "!n amental that he i n9t kno# abo!t mechanics% ,t #as almost #eir to hear Pennons, #ho co!l ha&e s$oken "or a tho!san ho!rs an still only ha&e to!che !$on his s!b(ect, say #ith abs!r bre&ity7 8We9&e set !$ a relay in the control room to start an sto$ e&ery engine rhythmically% The tri$ le&er #ill #ork a h!n re times a secon , an the e""ect #ill be to create &ibrations o" e&ery escri$tion% There is (!st a $ossibility that one or more o" the machines #ill b!rst, on the $rinci$le o" sol iers crossing a bri ge in ste$.yo!9&e hear that ol story, no o!bt.b!t in my o$inion there is no real anger o" a break o" that to!gh metal% The main $!r$ose is sim$ly to inter"ere #ith the inter"erence o" the creat!re, an smash thro!gh the oors%: 85o!rlay ne/t!: barke 4orton% 5o!rlay climbe la+ily to his "eet% -e looke slee$y, as i" he #as some#hat bore by the #hole $rocee ings, yet 4orton kne# he lo&e $eo$le to think him la+y, a goo )"or)nothing slo!ch, #ho s$ent his ays in sl!mber an his nights catching "orty #inks% -is title #as chie" comm!nication engineer, b!t his kno#le ge e/ten e to e&ery &ibration "iel 3 an he #as $robably, #ith the $ossible e/ce$tion o" 6ent, the "astest thinker on the shi$% -is &oice ra#le o!t, an . 4orton note .the &ery eliberate ass!rance o" it ha a soothing e""ect on the!s "aces rela/e , bo ies leane back more rest"!lly7 8Once insi e,: 5o!rlay sai , 8#e9&e rigge !$ &ibration screens o" $!re "orce that sho!l sto$ nearly e&erything he9s got on the ball% They #ork on the $rinci$le o" re"lection, so that e&erything he sen s #ill be re"lecte back to him% ,n a ition, #e9&e got $lenty o" s$are electric energy that #e9ll (!st "ee him "rom mobile co$$er c!$s% There m!st be a limit to his ca$acity "or han ling $o#er #ith those ins!late ner&es o" his%: 81elenski!: calle 4orton% The chie" $ilot #as alrea y stan ing, as i" he ha antici$ate 4orton9s call% An that, 4orton re"lecte , #as the man% -is ner&es ha that rocklike stea iness #hich is the "irst re*!irement o" the master controller o" a great shi$9s mo&ements3 yet that &ery stea iness seeme to rest on ynamite rea y to e/$lo e at its o#ner9s &olition% -e #as not a man o" great learning, b!t he 8reacte : to stim!li so "ast that he al#ays seeme to be antici$ating% 8The im$ression ,9&e recei&e o" the $lan is that it m!st be c!m!lati&e% @!st #hen the creat!re thinks that he can9t stan any more, another thing ha$$ens to a to his tro!ble an con"!sion% When the !$roar9s at its height, ,9m s!$$ose to c!t in the anti)accelerators% The comman er thinks #ith 5!nlie Lester that these creat!res #ill kno# nothing abo!t anti)acceleration% ,t9s a e&elo$ment, $!re an sim$le, o" the science o" interstellar "light, an co!l n9t ha&e been e&elo$e in any other #ay% We think #hen the creat!re "eels the "irst e""ects o" the anti)acceleration.yo! all remember the ca&e )in "eeling yo! ha the "irst #on9t kno# #hat to think or o%: 86orita ne/t%: 8, can only o""er yo! enco!ragement,: sai the archeologist, 8on the basis o" my theory that the monster has all the characteristics o" a criminal o" the early ages o" any ci&ili+ation, com$licate

by an a$$arent re&ersion to $rimiti&eness% The s!ggestion has been ma e by 1mith that his kno#le ge o" science is $!++linNg0 an co!l only mean that #e are ealing #ith an act!al inhabitant, nL0 a escen ant o" the inhabitants o" the ea city #e &isite % This #oW0 ascribe a &irt!al immortality to o!r enemy, a $ossibility #hich is home o!t by his ability to breathe both o/ygen an chlorine)or neither.b!t e&en that makes no i""erence% -e comes "rom a certain age in his ci&ili+ation3 an he has s!nk so lo# that his i eas are mostly memories o" that age% 8,n s$ite o" all the $o#ers o" his bo y, he lost his hea in the ele&ator the "irst morning, !ntil he remembere % -e $lace himsel" in s!ch a $osition that he #as "orce to re&eal his s$ecial $o#ers against &ibrations% -e b!ngle the mass m!r ers a "e# ho!rs ago% ,n "act, his #hole recor is one o" the io# c!nning o" the $rimiti&e, egotistical min #hich has little or no conce$tion o" the &ast organi+ation #ith #hich it is con"ronte % 8-e is like the ancient 5erman sol ier #ho "elt s!$erior to the el erly Roman scholar, yet the latter #as $art o" a mighty ci&ili+ation o" #hich the 5ermans o" that ay stoo in a#e% 82otli may s!ggest that the sack o" Rome by the 5ermans in later years e"eats my arg!ment3 ho#e&er, mo ern historians agree that the =sack9 #as an historical acci ent, an not history in the tr!e sense o" the #or % The mo&ement o" the =1ea)$eo$les9 #hich set in against the Egy$tian ci&ili+ation "rom 1400 '% C% s!ccee e only as regar s the Cretan islan )realm.their mighty e/$e itions against the Libyan an Phoenician coasts, #ith the accom$animent o" &iking "leets, "aile as those o" the -!ns "aile against the Chinese Em$ire% Rome #o!l ha&e been aban one in any e&ent% Ancient, glorio!s 1amarra #as esolate by the tenth cent!ry3 Patali$!tra, Asoka9s great ca$ital, #as an immense an com$letely !ninhabite #aste o" ho!ses #hen the Chinese tra&eler -sinan)tang &isite it abo!t A% D% LDG% 8We ha&e, then, a $rimiti&e, an that $rimiti&e is no# "ar o!t in s$ace, com$letely o!tsi e o" his nat!ral habitat% , say, let9s go in an #in%: One o" the men gr!mble , as 6orita "inishe 7 82o! can talk abo!t the sack o" Rome being an acci ent, an abo!t this "ello# being a $rimiti&e, b!t the "acts are "acts% ,t looks to me as i" Rome is abo!t to "all again3 an it #on9t be no $rimiti&e that i it, either% This g!y9s got $lenty o" #hat it takes%: 4orton smile grimly at the man, a member o" the cre#% 8We9ll see abo!t that.right no#!: ,n the bla+ing brilliance o" the gigantic machine sho$, Coe!rl sla&e % The "orty)"oot, cigar) sha$e s$aceshi$ #as nearly "inishe % With a gr!nt o" e""ort, he com$lete the laborio!s installation o" the ri&e engines, an $a!se to s!r&ey his cra"t% ,ts interior, &isible thro!gh the one a$ert!re in the o!ter #all, #as $iti"!lly small% There #as literally room "or nothing b!t the engines .an a narro# s$ace "or himsel"% -e $l!nge "rantically back to #ork as he hear the a$$roach o" the men, an the s! en change in the tem$est)like th!n er o" the engines.a rhythmical o"")an )on h!m, shriller in tone, shar$er, more ner&e)racking than the ee$)throate , stea y throb that ha $rece e it% 1! enly, there #ere the atomic isintegrators again at the massi&e o!ter oors% -e "o!ght them o"", b!t ne&er #a&ere "rom his task% E&ery mighty m!scle o" his $o#er"!l bo y straine as he carrie great loa s o" tools, machines an instr!ments, an !m$e them into the bottom o" his makeshi"t shi$% There #as no time to "it anything into $lace, no time "or anything .no time% The tho!ght $o!n e at his reason% -e "elt strangely #eary "or the "irst time in his long an &igoro!s e/istence% With a last, tort!re hea&e, he (erke the gigantic sheet o" metal into the ga$ing a$ert!re o" the shi$.an stoo there "or a terrible min!te, balancing it $recario!sly% -e kne# the oors #ere going o#n% -al" a o+en isintegators concentrating on one $oint #ere irresistibly, tho!gh slo#ly, eating a#ay the remaining inches% With a gas$, he release his min "rom the oors an concentrate e&ery o!nce o" his min on the yar )thick o!ter #all, to#ar #hich the bl!nt nose o" his shi$ #as $ointing% -is bo y cringe "rom the s!rging $o#er that "lo#e "rom the electric ynamo thro!gh his ear ten rils into that resisting #all% The #hole insi e o" him "elt on "ire, an he kne# that he #as

angero!sly close to carrying his !ltimate loa % An still he stoo there, sh! ering #ith the a#"!l $ain, hol ing the !n"astene metal $late #ith har )clenche tentacles% -is massi&e hea $ointe as in rea "ascination at that bitterly har #all% -e hear one o" the engine)room oors crash in#ar % 4en sho!te 3 isintegrators rolle "or#ar , their raging $o#er !nchecke % Coe!rl hear the "loor o" the engine room hiss in $rotest, as those beams o" atomic energy tore e&erything in their $ath to bits% @h0 machines rolle closer3 ca!tio!s "ootste$s so!n e )behin )))thth0% ,n a min!te they #o!l be at the "limsy oors se$arating the engine room "rom the machine sho$% 1! enly, Coe!rl #as satis"ie % With a snarl o" hate, a &in icti&e glo# o" "eral eyes, he !cke into his little cra"t, an $!lle the metal $late o#n into $lace as i" it #as a hatch#ay% -is ear ten rils h!mme , as he so"tene the e ges o" the s!rro!n % ing metal% ,n an instant, the $late #as more than #el e .it #as $art o" his shi$, a seamless, ri&etless $art o" a #hole that #as soli o$a*!e metal e/ce$t "or t#o trans$arent areas, one in the "ront, one in the rear% -is tentacle embrace the $o#er ri&e #ith almost sens!o!s ten erness% There #as a "or#ar s!rge o" his, "ragile machine, straight at the great o!ter #all o" the machine sho$s% The nose o" the "orty)"oot cra"t to!che .an the #all issol&e in a glittering sho#er o" !st% Coe!rl "elt the barest retar ing mo&ement3 an then he kicke the nose o" the machine o!t into the col o" s$ace, t#iste it abo!t, an hea e back in the irection "rom #hich the big shi$ ha been coming all these ho!rs% 4en in s$ace armor stoo in the (agge hole that ya#ne in the lo#er reaches o" the gigantic globe% The men an the great shi$ gre# smaller% Then the men #ere gone3 an there #as only the shi$ #ith its bla+e o" a tho!san bl!rring $ortholes% The ball shrank incre ibly, too small no# "or in i&i !al $ortholes to be &isible% Almost straight ahea , Coe!rl sa# a tiny, im, =re ish ball.his o#n s!n, he reali+e % -e hea e to#ar it at "!ll s$ee % There #ere ca&es #here he co!l hi e an #ith other coe!rls b!il secretly a s$aceshi$ in #hich they co!l reach other $lanets sa" that he kne# ho#% -is bo y ache "rom the agony o" acceleration, yet he are not let !$ "or a single instant% -e glance back, hal" in terror% The globe #as still there, a tiny ot o" light in the immense blackness o" s$ace% 1! enly it t#inkle an #as gone% ?or a brie" moment, he ha the em$ty, "rightene im$ression that (!st be"ore it isa$$eare , it mo&e % '!t he co!l see nothing% -e co!l not, esca$e the belie" that they ha sh!t o"" all their lights, an #ere sneaking !$ on him in the arkness% Worrie an !ncertain, he looke thro!gh the "or#ar trans$arent $late% A tremor o" ismay shot thro!gh him% The im re s!n to#ar #hich he #as hea ing #as not gro#ing larger% ,t was becoming smaller by the instant, an it gre# &isibly tinier !ring the ne/t "i&e min!tes, became a $ale)re ot in the &anishe like the shi$% ?ear came then, a blin ing s!rge o" it, that s#e$t thro!gh his being an le"t him chille #ith the sense o" the !nkno#n% ?or min!tes, he stare "rantically into the s$ace ahea , searching "or some lan mark% '!t only the remote stars glimmere there, !n#inking $oints against a &el&et backgro!n o" !n"athomable istance% Wait! One o" the $oints #as gro#ing larger% With e&ery m!scle an ner&e tense , Coe!rl #atche the $oint becoming a ot, a ro!n 9 ball o" light% 'igger, bigger, it gre#% 1! enly, the re light shimmere an t!rne there, be"ore him, #as the great globe o" the s$aceshi$, lights glaring "rom e&ery $orthole, the &ery shi$ #hich a "e# min!tes be"ore he ha #atche &anish behin him% 1omething ha$$ene to Coe!rl in that moment% -is brain #as s$inning like a "ly#heel, "aster, "aster, more incoherently% 1! enly, the #heel "le# a$art into a million aching "ragments% -is eyes almost starte "rom their sockets as, like a ma ene animal, he rage in his small *!arters% -is tentacles cl!tche at $recio!s instr!ments an "l!ng them insensately3 his $a#s smashe in "!ry at the &ery #alls o" his shi$% ?inally, in a brie" "lash o" sanity, he kne# that he co!l n9t "ace the ine&itable "ire o" atomic isintegrators%

,t #as a sim$le thing to create the &iolent isorgani+ation that "ree e&ery ro$ o" i "rom his &ital organs% They "o!n him lying ea in a little $ool o" $hos$hor!s% 8Poor $!ssy,: sai 4orton% 8, #on er #hat he tho!ght #hen he sa# !s a$$ear ahea o" him, a"ter his o#n s!n isa$$eare % 6no#ing nothing o" anti)accelerators, he co!l n9t kno# that #e co!l sto$ short in s$ace, #hereas it #o!l take him more than three ho!rs to ecelerate3 an in the meantime he9 be ra#ing "arther an "arther a#ay "rom #here he #ante to go% -e co!l n9t kno# that by sto$$ing, #e "lashe $ast him at millions o" miles a secon % O" co!rse, he, i n9t ha&e a chance once he le"t o!r shi$% The #hole #orl m!st ha&e seeme to$sy)t!r&y%: 8Ne&er min the sym$athy,: he hear 6ent say behin him% 8We9&e got a ( kill e&ery cat in that miserable #orl %: 6orita m!rm!re so"tly7 8That sho!l be simii$,M0 They are b!t $rimiti&es3 an #e ha&e merely to sit o#n, an the09#i@Esorne to !s, c!nningly e/$ecting to el! e !s%: 1mith sna$$e 7 82o! "ello#s make me sick! P!ssy #as the to!ghest n!t #e e&er ha to crack% -e ha e&erything he nee e to e"eat !s.: 4orton smile as 6orita interr!$te blan ly7 8E/actly, my ear 1mith, e/ce$t that he reacte accor ing to the biological im$!lses o" his ty$e% -is e"eat #as alrea y "oresha o#e #hen #e !nerringly analy+e him as a criminal "rom a certain era o" his ci&ili+ation% 8,t #as history, honorable 4r% 1mith, o!r kno#le ge o" history that e"eate him,: sai the @a$anese archeologist, re&erting to the ancient $oliteness o" his race%

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