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About WSI - We Simplify the Internet

WSI is the world leader in Internet marketing, Web development and Web design. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, WSI has been developing profitable Digital Marketing Solutions for small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) since the mid 1990s. Our global network of Digital Marketing Consultants in over 80 countries is the largest of its kind. WSI is committed to improving the profitability of its customers through the use of leading-edge digital technologies, delivered by knowledgeable and service-oriented Digital Marketing Consultants. As more businesses join the struggle to harness the potential of the digital world for business growth and success, WSI is ready to effectively serve their needs with affordable digital solutions. Over the years, WSI has inked several strategic alliances, partnerships and membership of industry associations that give WSI Internet Franchise Consultants a distinct edge in the marketplace. Industry accreditations, recognition programs, awards and achievements contribute to our sustained and consistent leadership position in the digital services industry, impacting all members of the value chain. WSI's membership with the International Franchise Association (IFA), Canadian Franchise Association (CFA), Canadian Marketing Association and SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization) gives WSI Internet Franchise Consultants access to advanced training and resources. It also enables us to focus on continuously enhancing the WSI Internet franchise offering, gathering and sharing best practices within the WSI network and staying in touch with end customers to always meet their needs. When you work with WSI you can be sure youre working with a leading edge company that not only contributes and incorporates the best practices in its field, but also sets new benchmarks and raises the bar for others to follow.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to enhance the business profitability and growth of small and medium sized businesses by continuing as the global leader and provider of Internet Solutions. We work to equip every business owner with the opportunity to strengthen their brand, increase market awareness and enhance operational efficiencies. To remain truly committed to our slogan We Simplify the Internet - we listen carefully to our customers issues and needs to search out innovative technology and proven methods that will help them succeed online. Delivering ongoing return on investment, WSI helps business owners make money while they sleep.

WSI Core Values

At WSI, we strive to imbibe our companys core values as a way of life by ensuring they are accompanied by specific objectives and performance measures. We will work for the success of our customers, our company and each other. We understand and respect the value, the contributions and the achievements of each colleague. We will support personal growth through education, training and new opportunities. We will never be content with who we are or what we have accomplished. We consider Integrity, Commitment and Innovation to be WSIs core values or institutional standards of behaviour.

We will always remember that we are a service company. Our service culture is rooted in the practice of ethical behaviour, the propagation of trust and the encouragement of teamwork. We remain accountable at all times to all our stakeholders, both internal and external. As such, each and every member of our value chain is held in the highest esteem as a part of who we are today and who we strive to be tomorrow. Through unquestionable honesty, openness, fairness and respect, we will endeavour to win the trust and loyalty of our customers. Our continuing aim is to go beyond simply responding to their needs to anticipate and exceed their expectations is what we consider a worthy achievement. We realize the power of the Internet and its benefit to people the world over but we are also acutely aware of the threat of its misuse. We strive to ensure that the Internet products and services we provide to customers reflect and uphold the family values of WSI. The WSI Internet franchise network and our suppliers share our values and do not provide for or support any solutions for individuals/organizations involved in unhealthy social activities such as pornography, child and sexual abuse, gambling, alcoholism, drug or substance abuse, racism, discrimination of any kind, any other malpractices that go against the social fabric of our global community.

At WSI, we align our management strategy to a consistent set of business principles and practices. In doing so, we remain committed to: Our Customers - We make it our number one responsibility to focus on meeting the unique business needs of small and medium sized businesses the world over. Our aim to achieve customer service excellence is delivered through our distinct global reach and local touch. We seek to stay informed about the latest developments and challenges facing the Internet industry in order to educate our customers on the most profitable ways to benefit from its business potential. WSI products are grounded in technology and innovation. We believe that research, development, quality and performance are the key to our future. We have earned and will continually strive to retain, our leadership in this industry. Our dedication to technology and

innovation is motivated by the desire to provide services and products that contribute to the growth of our customers. WSI Internet Franchise Owners - We are committed to continually improving franchisee relations and increasing satisfaction levels within the WSI franchise network. We do this by focusing on key areas, defined deliverables, benchmarking and maintaining of standards for optimal utilization of the organizations resources and skills. With the help of our annual Global Internet Consultants Satisfaction Study (GICSS), these commitments are reviewed and enhanced to ensure that our products and services help WSI Internet franchise owners serve their SMB customers better, smarter and faster. Our Employees - Our employees contributions to our success as an organization inspires us to motivate them further, personally and professionally as well as to be successful contributors to a high performance team. We aim to empower our employees with the skills they need to operate successfully and the training they need to develop as individuals. We do this through in-house and external seminars and training workshops, Personal Development Programs (PDPs), elearning, employee get-togethers, the companys employee portal (intranet) and community projects. The Community - While our global operation in over 80 countries offers us a wide range of business opportunities and competitive advantages, it also exposes our company and franchise network to many social, ethical and environmental challenges. In keeping with our objective to be consistently perceived as a good corporate citizen globally, we endeavor to continuously learn about and respect the local culture, customs and best practices in all regions where we operate our business. We share in the responsibility of providing the world with new advancements. With the support and cooperation of relief organizations, employees, WSI Internet franchise owners, suppliers and customers around the world, WSI aims to help make child poverty history. We proudly support the Make Child Poverty History program which works towards providing aid for nutrition, healthcare and basic education for children in villages. This global initiative is backed by our efforts to engage more corporations and organizations that share the same vision end child poverty; one child, one village at a time. Over time we will strive to expand our activities into helping educate children within Internet enabled villages. We will do this by leveraging our leadership position in the area of e-Learning and our extensive global network of WSI Internet franchise owners, customers and suppliers, with an even greater purpose. At WSI, we seek to inform and educate the public and business communities on Web Accessibility through the media, client seminars and our 1000 plus offices worldwide. WSI is committed to assisting its customers to ensure their websites are accessible for people with disabilities by providing education, guidance, tools and techniques that comply with the worldwide W3C standards. We strongly believe that our diversity profile across all levels of business operation must reflect that of the small and medium sized business community that we aim to optimally serve. For us at

WSI, diversity is therefore, not just about gender, age, ethnicity or disability. It is to a large extent, about cultural sensitivities, open mindedness, thinking out-of-the-box and creating high performance teams. To that end, our experience and hence, also our long term commitment is to engage people (through employment, franchise network or supplier e-marketplace) with different approaches and skills in leadership and problem solving, innovation and implementation of ideas, relationship building and people management. The Environment - The very nature of WSI solutions, all of which are Internet related products/services helps individuals and organizations reduce the use and consumption of paper. By virtue of the many thousands of websites that WSI is involved with, we make our contribution to the cause of preserving the environment.

At WSI, we always strive to ensure the highest calibre of WSI Internet franchise Consultants with the potential and aptitude that is required to keep pace with the dynamic and exciting nature of the Internet. In every aspect of our business we encourage and seek to inspire, entrepreneurship, the drive to succeed, initiative and adaptability. We do this in keeping with our mission to simplify the Internet and serve the growing needs of small and medium sized businesses globally. A strong entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to excel through innovation and continuous learning are paramount to the success of a WSI Internet Franchise Consultant. The WSI Global Young Entrepreneur Scholarship (YES!) Program was launched at the companys Annual Excellence and Innovation Conference held in Orlando, Florida, October 2007. Through this program WSI will empower carefully selected young entrepreneurs to deliver what SMBs need leverage Internet marketing, build their brands online and meet the shift in consumer culture. By encouraging youth to establish financial independence and stability we aim to also perform our duty as a responsible corporation in giving back to the global community.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Since its inception, WSI has held the firm belief that our greatest social responsibility is to be a successful company. This, we believe, is the best way of delivering on our commitments to WSI Internet franchise consultants, customers, suppliers, associates, employees and the communities within which we operate our business. We realize that in order to be perceived as a successful company with excellent growth potential, we must practice the highest standards of behaviour and demonstrate our corporate social responsibility through sustained, focused and result oriented activities. While our global operation in more than 80 countries offers us a wide range of business opportunities and competitive advantages, it also exposes our company and the WSI Internet franchise network to many social, ethical and environmental challenges. In keeping with our objective to be consistently perceived as a good corporate citizen globally, we endeavour to continuously learn about and respect the local culture, customs and best practices in all our business regions.

To that end, our experience and hence, also our long term commitment is to engage people (through employment, franchise network or supplier e-marketplace) with different approaches and skills in leadership and problem solving, innovation and implementation of ideas, relationship building and people management.
We want to help Make Child Poverty History

The Make Child Poverty History (MCPH) global outreach program is based on the belief that no one should go hungry; particularly not children whose entire development and future capacity is dependent upon their health and nutrition during childhood. Every child deserves a basic education, clean water and health care. Providing these basic necessities of life will in turn ensure that this generation of children can provide for their families in the future so that the desperation felt today won't continue into tomorrow. WSI is a proud supporter and founding partner of the Make Child Poverty History initiative. We believe that providing for the basic needs of children must ensure that:

No child should go hungry. No adult should either. Hunger not only causes death, the deprivation that millions of people feel every day also depresses productivity making it harder and harder for these people to pull themselves out of the desperate situation they face. Having a basic education will allow a child to improve on their situation. Teaching children the skills they need enables them to help themselves, their community and their children. Access to clean water and adequate sanitation will save thousands of lives. Each day thousands upon thousands of children die because they drank unsafe water or because drought spurred the famine that claimed their lives. Obtaining health care is critical for ensuring that children make it through the crucial first five years of life. Vaccines and immunization will also help spare children from debilitating and/or deadly diseases that can claim their futures.

WSI strongly supports and endorses the MCPH mandate to make child poverty history one child, one village at a time. Having begun as a corporate outreach program, MCPH has expanded to encompass individuals and organizations outside of the founding corporation, WSI. It is a non-governmental organization that as a collective specifically targets corporations to encourage them to join the fight to make child poverty history; facilitating their participation by sharing the expertise of members. MCPH is not a charity. Instead they consider themselves a catalyst - a group of like-minded individuals and corporations who know that the suffering of children can be made a thing of the past if more people joined the campaign to make child poverty history. For more information on the Make Child Poverty History initiative, please visit www
WSI - o Companie de Referinta Cu sediul in Toronto, Canada,WSIInternet Consulting& Education a dezvoltat Solutii de Internet profitabile

incepand de la mijlocul anilor '90. Reteaua noastra de Consultanti de Internet certificati este cea mai mare de acest tip, iar revista lider in domeniu - Entrepreneur - ne considera numarul 1 la nivel mondial in domeniul Serviciilor de Internet pentru Afaceri. WSI isi propune sa imbunatateasca profitabilitatea clientilor sai prin utilizarea tehnologiilor de Internet de varf, oferite de Consultanti de Internet recunoscuti si orientati catre oferirea de servicii. Avand in vedere ca, din ce in ce mai multe companii incep sa inteleaga importanta pe care o are Internetul pentru cresterea si succesul lor, WSI este pregatita sa raspunda nevoilor lor cu solutii de afaceri serioase, in mediul electronic. WSI - Lider Mondial Lider in domeniul Solutiilor de Internet pentru intreprinderile mici si mijlocii din intreaga lume, WSIare personal tehnic cu inalta calificare si beneficiaza de contracte de asistenta in situatii de urgenta cu furnizori recunoscuti la nivelul acestei industrii. Aceste parteneriate strategice ne dau posibilitatea sa oferim clientilor nostri servicii a caror calitate si stabilitate satisfac cele mai inalte standarde. Este un avantaj cu care ne mandrim si pe care il veti aprecia. Multumita increderii si sustinerii de care ne-am bucurat, de-a lungul timpului, din partea clientilor nostri, reteaua noastra a crescut la peste 1500 de Consultanti de Internet care deservesc firme mici si mijlocii in 87 de tari din intreaga lume. WSI - prezent in Romania In Romania WSI a deschis primul birou de consultanta pentru internet in urma cu 4 ani si a acumulat o experienta solida in piata autohtona lucrand la implementant a peste 150 de proiecte web pentru clientii sai. WSI - Oportunitate de Afaceri Sistemul de parteneri licentiati de corporatia canadiana WSI se dezvolta puternic si in Romania, in prezent fiind 3 birouri deschise in Bucuresti si unul in Targu Mures iar oportunitatea de a deschide noi birouri este deschisa pentru antreprenori din toate orasele din tara cu peste 50.000 locuitori. WSI - Este pentru TINE! WSI acorda partenerilor de afaceri posibilitatea de a castiga venituri consistente din activitatea de consultanta in internet pe care o presteaza clientilor sai .
Anul lansarii Tara de origine Locatii in Romania Locatii vizate Taxa franciza 1995 Canada 5 Toate Orasele Tarii 7.500 euro schema de plati detaliata disponibila la cerere 7.500 Euro birou de 50-75 m2 Parteneriat 4 ani


Investitie Globala Suprafata medie Tip de contract Durata contract

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