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Prayers that bring Victory

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Prayers that bring Victory

Introduction This is a free prayer eBook. This book was written to be used by Christians of all denominations. Use these prayers to live a victorious life. There is no need to live in defeat or discouragement because Jesus has won the ultimate victory. In some of these prayers there are gaps for you to insert the name of the person you are praying for. If you would like to receive this book in Microsoft Word format please email: If you have any prayers that you would like written on your behalf also email the above email address.

Ephesians 1 Prayer I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. I pray that the eyes of my understanding will be enlightened and that I may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance are in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to me who believes, according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church Which is his body, the fullness of him that fills all in all. Ephesians 3 Prayer For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. That he would grant me, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in my inner man. That Christ may dwell in my heart by faith; that me, being rooted and grounded in love, That I may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height and that I may know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that I may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I can ask or think, according to the power that works in me, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
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Prayers that bring Victory

Psalm 91 Prayer I dwell in the secret place of the most High and I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover me with his feathers, and under his wings shall I trust: his truth shall be my shield and buckler. I shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand shall fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but it shall not come near me. Only with my eyes shall I behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because I have made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, my habitation; There shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come near my dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. They shall bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone. I shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall I trample under my feet. Because I have set his love upon Him, therefore he will deliver me: he will set me on high, because I have known his name. I shall call upon him, and he will answer me: He will be with me in trouble; he will deliver me, and I shall honour him. With long life will he satisfy me, and show me his salvation.

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Prayers that bring Victory

My prayer for .. Father I cover .. in the blood of Jesus, wherever he goes he is covered in the blood of Jesus. He understands and appreciates the significance of the blood of Jesus and its redemptive power. He believes and accepts that his healing was purchased on the cross. He walks in complete victory. He sees the enemys attacks coming from afar. Father I pray that you will give him insight and foresight. Father I pray that he will put on the whole armour of God every day. He will take up his cross every day and follow you Lord Jesus. He is submitted to the will of God for his life. He renews his mind daily with the Word of God. He is disciplined when it comes to reading your Word, he has an intimate relationship with you Lord. He knows the voice of the Holy Spirit. He is led by the Holy Spirit. He drinks from the well that does not run dry. His past is the past and he forgets those things that are behind. You know the plans you have for him Lord and .. is not scared to get on the potters wheel. He is an amazing father. He is an amazing son. He is an example of a godly man to ... All ungodly friends that secretly and openly wish his destruction we command you to flee never to return again in the name of Jesus. Father bring Godly friends into his life that push him closer to Jesus. Bring a Godly wife to him, open his eyes. Let him see. When discouragement comes he puts on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. .. walks in his calling, he is not in debt. Father keep him in perfect peace and let his mind be stayed on you. He is a man of prayer and fasting and he will not forget you Lord when he prospers. Let him be an encouragement to others. He honours his parents and it is well with him. He shall fulfil his potential. He is a worker in church. He meets those people you want him to meet and misses those people you want him to miss. Cause him to be at the right place at the right time, he won't be at the wrong place at the wrong time or at the right place at the wrong time. His poetry is holy, he is a psalmist. Father I thank you for what you are doing in his life, he will not be deceived or offended and he finds it easy to forgive, in Jesus name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

A Prayer for Me Father I pray that I remember always that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the name of Jesus, father you made me in your image and according to your likeness and every day I am conforming to the image of Christ. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I lay the axe to every root of bitterness that is hidden in my heart. I don't just visit but I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I stick close to Jesus and I don't just believe but I follow after Him carrying my cross today. The burden that you have given me is not too heavy, your commandments are not burdensome. Your compassions fail not and your mercies are new to me today, I am rooted and grounded in love, I am planted in the house of The Lord. Father you brought me out of the horrible pit and took me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock and established my steps. There is no condemnation in my life, therefore I forget my past and I see Christ as my future. I choose to walk in humility and lay every crown down for every good work. I praise you for all of the victories that you have helped me to win and I walk in complete and total victory, I accept nothing less for my life. My life is poured out as a drink offering and nothing shall separate me from the Love of God. You are a mighty and holy God, I am holy like you are holy. Sin does not reign in my mortal body, I am dead to sin and alive unto God, I present my body to God as a living sacrifice and I am no longer my own I have been bought with a price and I glorify God in my body. Father your kindness leads me to repentance, and if at any time I have been high minded and have thought of myself more highly than I ought to I ask you father for your forgiveness. If it wasn't for The Lord when men rose up against me I would have been overwhelmed but I know that I lifted up my eyes to the hill and saw that my help came and still Cometh from The Lord. Lord you are my strength and my exceeding great reward. No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgement I condemn in Jesus name. You keep me in your tabernacle and hide me in your pavilion. Your name is a strong tower, I run into it and I am safe. You keep me in safety. Father you are more than enough for me, and you exceed my wildest expectations. You have blessed me with every spiritual blessing in Christ and I believe and accept that all the blessings of the bible are for me. I believe the bible is for me, your word is a love letter to me and I love you and your word. My very hearts cry is to know you more and to go deeper, take me in Lord.
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Prayers that bring Victory

Reveal yourself Lord to me and I'll be satisfied. I set you as a seal on my arm, I will always to talk about you as though you are right next to me because you said that you will never leave me or forsake me. Break up the fallow grounds of my heart. Let me begin to weep when I think of your goodness, and by your power let me show the lost who you really are. You are the vine and I am the branch, I CANNOT DO ANYTHING WITHOUT YOU. I am lost without you Lord, I depend on you. You are my very source and my provider, I do not put my trust in the arm of flesh. In Jesus might name. Amen.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for my job I thank you Lord for my work place in the name of Jesus. My work place is covered with the blood of Jesus. Thank you father for giving me a job and allowing me to be in gainful employment. I do not take it for granted that I am not unemployed or having the need to go to the job centre. Lord you have been good to me and I thank you for it. Lord as always reveal your will unto me concerning my job, I never want to be outside of your will. Father I know that your number one priority and concern is the state of the hearts of men, therefore I pray that I will be a labourer for you in this harvest, let my light shine bright in my work place. I pray that I will have boldness to share the good news, I am a servant of all in my workplace, and I humble myself before you in my work place. Father you said you will give grace to the humble. When the wicked in my workplace, my enemies and my foes come to cause my destruction they will stumble and fall. I will not get frustrated. The joy of The Lord is my strength. I put my trust in you Lord. I will always have a smile on my face. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. My job does not allow me to live just over broke. I have more than enough. I shall enjoy this job and I count it all joy. I shall be ready to give a reason to those who ask me why I have this hope. My soul is not cast down, I remember my God in my workplace. I bind every evil spirit that will try and operate in and around my work place and I cast them into dry places. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Anyone that has come to cause violence to occur in my work place will receive their own desires upon themselves, their works will not prosper and they shall fall down and repent. People in my work place repent and come to salvation through Jesus Christ. Father today I pray that you will get me to and from my workplace in safety. My workplace shall prosper because I am in it. We shall get the best results and be top in every field that we are in. Tragedy will not come near my workplace. I bind every hindering spirit and cast it out into dry places now in Jesus name. I bind the spirit of religion in my work place and cast it out now in Jesus name. Father I pray that I will smash my targets in humility today. Thank you for promotion in my work place in Jesus name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I pray for .., in the name of Jesus I declare that she is attached to the vine which is Jesus Christ and she can do nothing without Him. She bares much fruit, her fruit shall remain. She loves The Lord her God with all of her heart, with all of her soul and with all of her mind. Today she sets her heart on things that are above. She desires the things of you Lord and I pray that you will give her an insatiable desire to seek your face. Father I pray today that .. will set her face like a flint, she does not rejoice over her enemy's destruction, but I pray that you will prepare a table before her in the presence of her enemies. Because she is meek, Lord beautify her with your salvation. I pray that she will fear The Lord and depart from evil, the joy of The Lord is her strength. When she walks she shall not be weary, and she shall not faint. She shall soar like the eagle. Father I pray that her latter days shall be filled with rejoicing, the tears that she has cried, shall be a testament of the way that you have kept her, future tears will be of joy and not sorrow. Tragedy and sorrow are not her portion. Lack and poverty are not her portion. Her promotion comes from The Lord. Father I pray that there will be an open heaven over her life today. In Jesus name Amen.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I cover .. in the blood of Jesus. I thank you father that you saved her, and that her heart is hidden in Christ. She is seated in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers. I declare over her life that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, she walks after the spirit and not after the flesh. Her spirit wins the battle over her flesh. Her spirit is the candle of The Lord. She is strong in faith, she overcomes the world through her faith. Greater is he that is in her than he that is in the world. Victory is hers in every situation and over every struggle. Her victory was bought on the cross of Calvary. She knows her authority in Christ. She has power over the kingdom of darkness and she exercises it. Father I pray that .. is a woman of prayer, she prays that Israel might be saved, she prays with fervour and belief. She prays the perfect will of God. Baptise her with the Holy Ghost and with fire. She is overt about her faith. She studies your word Lord and she is skilled in it. She is rooted and grounded in love. She is planted in the house of The Lord. Her spare time is spent doing the things of God. She loves prayer meeting, she loves the people of God and she enjoys spending time with other believers. Her body is healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ. She knows when to rest. She has more than enough money for all of the holidays that she wants. She is a loving wife, an excellent mother and grandmother. She tells the truth to her brother, nephews and nieces. She tells her friends of the impending judgment of those who die without Christ. She does not mince her words, she does not compromise. Father I pray that she will live long. She lives a healthy lifestyle and she knows what the will of The Lord is. Her ears are open to your voice and she hears you clearly in Jesus name, Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

My Prayer for My Children My children are taught of The Lord and great is their peace. They wake up every morning with a praise song in their mouth. They will worship you oh God in spirit and in truth, they fear The Lord and they depart from evil. Your word oh Lord is a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their paths. They delight themselves in The Lord and you shall give them the desires of their heart. My children are trained up in the bible way and they will never depart from the ways of Jesus. They are an example to other children around them. Father I trust you with the lives of my children. You gave me these children and as Hannah did I give my children back to you. You are the one who chooses the paths for my children Lord and I do not stand in your way. My children will not frustrate the grace of God. In all of their getting they shall get understanding. Lead them in the path of righteousness for your name sake. My children are streetwise. No evil shall befall them and no plague shall come near their dwelling. My children shall not be bullied and they shall not be the bully. They are the leader and not the follower. When intimidation comes they will not be moved, fear not my children for God is with you. I cover my children with the blood of Jesus. My children will never be obese, but will love exercise, like healthy eating and they do not lack knowledge or motivation concerning these things. My children like eating fruit and vegetables. My children understand the authority that they have in Christ and they bind the devil and cast him out into dry places. My children love to pray and read their bible. My children will have children in wedlock. Bring the right spouses for my children at the right time. My children believe and accept that the promises of the bible are for them. My children are discerning. I cover my children's place of education with the blood of Jesus. I bind every ungodly spirit in that place and cast it out into dry places and I command the angels of the living God to surround it on every side. My children will stand up for righteousness. My children enjoy life, they have fun and they don't grow up too quickly. My children honour their parents and it is well with them and they shall live long. I do not provoke my children unto wrath. When they lay their heads down they shall not be afraid but their sleep shall be sweet. I pray that their bodies grows normally. Their brains are sharp and they are at the top of their class. They excel in their education and love learning and reading. No one shall touch my children inappropriately, neither will my children touch anyone inappropriately. For my children which are still to come from the womb of my marriage or
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Prayers that bring Victory

through adoption or through fostering these children are already covered in the blood of Jesus. I cancel any plan of the enemy to hinder these children from coming into my life in the name of Jesus. The married women in my family and church will not struggle to conceive and they are not afraid of child birth. I bind the strong man of insets, molestation, kidnap and paedophilia from my nation in Jesus name. Nothing shall separate my children from the love of God in the name of Jesus. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayers for my finances. Father I pray for my finances in the name of Jesus. First father I repent for any time in the past where I have mis- handled money in the name of Jesus, and father please forgive me for every time I have been covetous or have done things out of envy and jealousy. The blood of Jesus has made atonement for me, the blood of Jesus has also bought my deliverance from every financial bondage. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law that the blessings of Abraham will come upon me. I receive and except the promises of God through faith. I stand perfect in all the will of God. Father you said in your word that whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Father today I bind the devil holding my finances in the name of Jesus and I command him to take his hands off of it today in the name of Jesus, I am a winner and I win the battle for my finances in the name of Jesus. Every hereditary curse on my finances, be broken now in the name of the Jesus. I bind the spirit of error in the name of Jesus you will not operate in my life in the name of Jesus, I make right decisions, right choices and I listen and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, and He will lead me into all truths. Father I will ask for things according to your will and you give them to me in Jesus name. I am an heir with Jesus Christ. I bind every evil prince in the heavens blocking my blessing, loose your hold and let it go now, the word of God and the Blood of Jesus are against you, I know my authority that I have in Christ and I exercise it against you now in the name of Jesus. Father, Condemnation for every bad decision I have made in the past is not my portion, but I will be successful in the things that concern me. Favour and success follows me. I will not receive a drip here and a drip there but I will receive a gushing out of all of my held back blessings today in the name of Jesus. I walk by faith and not by sight. I am not too tired to pray. I will not be selfish with my blessings, I will not consume it on my own lusts. My eyes are open to all those who are in need, my bowels of compassion are open. My prayers bring me victory. I pray relentlessly, and I praise you for the victory. Father I thank you for witty interventions, they don't stay as a thought, but they come to pass in the name of Jesus. I do not procrastinate, I sow bountifully and reap bountifully, I am fully expectant, and I expect the unexpected. I love you Lord for the patience that you have with me, I will have long suffering with people too in Jesus might name I pray amen.
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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for my Church Department Father, I lift up the. team before you in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord I pray that they will have an increased desire to serve you. The members of this team will serve you every day. Serving you will be at the front of their minds. Father I pray that one thing that they will desire of The Lord and one thing will they seek after that they may dwell in the house of The Lord all the days of their lives and that they will enquire in your temple. They will be glad when people say let us go to the house of The Lord. The members of the ushering team are not discouraged but they are encouraged. They encourage themselves in The Lord. They value the house of The Lord. They pray for the pastor and his family. Our pastor is worthy of double honour. Not one of the will be deceived, not one of them shall backslide, not one of them shall be ill, not one of them shall die prematurely. They know what the will of The Lord is and they prosper. They shall always have money to come to church. They bring people to church, members of the .team of my church witness to the unsaved. Father I call the team by name: .. Father all of the above mentioned shall dwell together in unity and they shall be in peace. They are a mighty team who are concerned about people and their eyes are opened to see people's needs and their bowels of compassion are always open. They have more than enough money for themselves and others, they will never know lack, they will never know divorce, they will never know family break up, they will never know car crash or plane crash. They find it easy to get into the presence of God and they desire all of the gifts of the Spirit. They will always have work and Jesus will be the centre of their lives. The spirit of error will not operate in their lives, but they will be led by you. Their desires will come second to knowing you more in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I thank you for the life of .., your word says that a persons gift will make room for them and bring them before great men, I pray that ..'s gifts and talents will be evident to see and that he will receive the best coaching to nurture them. Thank you father for the sweet and humble spirit that you have given him I pray that it will remain in the name of Jesus. The peer pressures that will try and lure him into things that will lead him astray will not prosper in the name of Jesus. .. has a strong will and it will not be broken, I pray that his will is submitted to God, and Father I pray that he will choose the will of God for his life. Father I thank you that .. is a whole person, he will not feel inferior to anyone, he knows his worth and he will pay no mind to any words that are spoken to get him down. Father I declare that .. has a sharp mind and he learns things quickly, he has an excellent memory and is excellent at comprehension. Not only does he get the best education results in his class and school, but he also gets the best results in his borough and county. Father I pray that you will give him the best teachers and that he will go to the best school in Jesus name. Father I pray that .. will be an example of a goodly child to his cousins and friends. As the bible says he will honour his parents and it will be well with him and he shall live long. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over .. and declare that his steps are ordered of The Lord. I pray that your holy angels will surround him and protect him and his possessions at all times. Father I pray that you give him good friends, open his eyes to see those that are envious and jealous of him. Father I pray that .. will feel no pressures to join gangs, give him things to focus on, let him join sports clubs where he will excel. I pray that he will be physically fit and strong at all times. Father I pray that .. will enjoy church, lead him to the right church with the right doctrines and leaders. He will never know lack, and before he has prayed for things, I pray that you will already have provided it in Jesus name Amen.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer Against Inheritance Stealers Father in the name of Jesus I thank you for the authority that you have given us in Christ, when Jesus rose from the dead he gave all the power to the Christian. Father I walk in this authority and I use this authority to pray your kingdom into the earth. Your word declares in Proverbs 13:22 that a good man leaves an inheritance for his childrens children, father .. Was a good man and left his inheritance to his children, however only you know the desires and the hearts of men, therefore I call your will into this situation concerning ..s estate. None shall be stolen by people, the tax man or human error in Jesus name. I pray for your wisdom in this situation, father we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy and we know the extent that people will go to in order to get a bigger slice of what .. left, therefore I pray and bind any witchcraft that anyone may dabble in to bring about selfish desires, it will not prosper in the name of Jesus. Manipulation natural and spiritual is exposed today in the name of Jesus. Father we choose to be on the offensive and not on the defensive. Any evil that is being planned is exposed today in the name of Jesus. Expose the hearts of people in this situation. Let every conspiracy be exposed today in the name of Jesus. Your word declares that when the thief is found that they should return 7 fold to the owner, any thief against .. estate is exposed today in Jesus name. Any curse or magic that has been placed on ..s estate is rendered null and void today in the name of Jesus Christ. Father bring about your will and favour concerning ..s estate in Jesus name.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for the Black Community in the UK Father God in the name of Jesus I lift up the black community of the UK before your throne and I cry out for mercy, on the whole we have forsaken the God who brought us out of slavery and have turned to other things, I stand as an intercessor to bring our people back to you today. Your word says that we have been given the measure of faith, and with that faith we will move mountains if we do not doubt. Father I recognise the severity and the extent of our backsliding, and as Abraham prayed and stood in the gap for a nation, I too standing in the gap for the black people of this nation. Father we need mass repentance and individual repentance to fall on the black people of this land. Father let the black people of this nation humble themselves and pray and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways, when we do oh Lord hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. Father I repent for the monumental pride that is in our community and we ask you to give us humility. We don't want you to resist us anymore so we cast off every haughtiness in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, our fathers and forefathers that first forsook you on the boats and on the planes into this land I repent on their behalf and ask you to purge their sin with the blood of Jesus, also father those of our ancestors that turned to other gods forgive their sins in the name of Jesus. Where we in the black community have served you with our lips and not with our hearts please forgive us oh God, father we repent for the men in our community who have impregnated women and then forsook them and their children. Father we repent for those who have brought idolatry and the occult into our community, forgive them father. We repent for everyone that has ever refused to work, forgive us oh Lord for that pride, humble us oh Lord. Take away our hearts of stone and give us a heart of flesh. Purify our hearts, and let us turn to you again. Father I repent on behalf of the Gospel preachers that have not preached the whole counsel of God, or have led people away with erroneous doctrines, or have perverted the truth for financial gain. Father where we have mishandled your Precious gospel in our community please forgive us. Let repentance fall on our community today. Father I recognise that before we can ask for anything of you that we first have to cry out for forgiveness and for a humble heart, then we know that curses such as sickle cell and alike will be removed from our midst. Thank you oh God that when we pray you hear us in Jesus name Amen.

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I thank you for ..s life in the name of Jesus. I thank you that you have given him more years than the 70 or 80 that the bible says that the body can live up to. Father I also thank you that he made a decision to serve you and that he is born again. Your word says in Isaiah 26:3 that you will keep .. in perfect peace because his mind his stayed on you and he trusts in you. Father You also said that you will give him the desires of his heart, and his desire is to go back to his home, make a way for him today to go back to his house in Jesus name Amen. Father I also pray that when he does go home that you will bring the right nurses and carers to help him in his recovery. Father I pray that you will give .. a desire for food, good food, food that will increase his strength. Father keep him away from any foods that will cause him harm. Father I also thank you for the victory over sickness and death, ..s healing was purchased on the cross of Calvary and I enforce the victory over every ailment in his body in Jesus name. Cancer you have no right to live in his body, I command you to come out of his stomach and every other place that you are hiding, .. is headed by the stripes of Jesus Christ. Father I pray that you will cause ..s faith to increase and keep all negative people away from him. Cause his grandchildren and great grandchildren to bring him joy. .. is not preparing himself for death but for life. He will only go when you call him, not a minute sooner. His body is not getting worse but it is getting better. Worry and regret are not his portion but he puts his trust continually in you. You are the solid rock on which he stands and .. stands strong in Christ Jesus. Father give him the strength, will and desire to pray, read your word and praise your name for your goodness in his life. In Jesus holy name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I pray for .. In the name of Jesus. Her strength cometh from The Lord. When she goes to the secret place she shall find out what the will of The Lord is for her life and will be encouraged. Father I pray that you will reward her openly and make a table before her in the presence of her enemies. Father I pray that she will pay the price to see your power in her life, she will stand still and watch you fight for her. She will not contend with your will, but will pray that your will be done. Open her eyes to all those who are around her, reveal the content of their hearts to her. You who started a good work in her is faithful to complete it. I pray father that she will build her house on the rock. I pray father that she will manage her time well, and will know when to say yes and when to say no. She will cast all of her burdens unto you, for you care for her. I pray for favour with her job applications, hiring managers will look on her application with favour, every evil hindrance to her new job is bound in Jesus name. Frustration is not her portion in Jesus name. Father I pray that she will exercise her authority over every demonic presence and power in her work place. Those who desire her hurt will receive the desires upon themselves. She will lay hands on the sick in her workplace and they shall recover, when she speaks to those who are in gangs they are delivered by the power of the word of God that she preaches there will be a revival in her workplace, she will not seek a crown for her good works. She is seen as a mighty woman of God in her work place. She is seen as a pillar, a vital member of staff. The weary and the broken in her workplace will seek her out so she can deliver them. Her authority is in Christ. In Jesus precious name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for .. Father I pray and declare that .. is a man of God, he Loves God with his whole heart. Father I pray that you will restore unto .. the joy of his salvation. The peace of God reigns in his heart. He shall become all that you have predestined him to be. Father I declare today that .. will take up his cross and follow you. He will follow hard after you. Today he conforms to the image if Christ. He is a new creation in Christ. Father I pray that he will walk by faith and not by sight. He is the husband to .. that you have called him to be. He is the father to .. that you have called him to be. He does not fold his arms and go to sleep, poverty does not come upon him. Father I break down and destroy every mountain of pride that has been out up in his life. Every inherited stubbornness I command you to disappear from his life in the name of Jesus. He submits himself to God and he resists the devil and he flees from ... .. is known for being a man of God. He is known for bringing people to Christ. He is known for his faith in Christ. He is known for his discipleship. He is known for prayer. His heart is steadfast oh God he will sing and make music. He sings praises unto God. He makes .. laugh, he is a romantic man he teaches his family the ways and word of God. Every buried blessings of .. be exhumed today in Jesus name. He soars like the eagle. I command fruitfulness to show in his life today. He bares all of the fruits if the Spirit in abundance. He puts to death the things of the flesh. He has money and is disciplined with money. He is a tither, he is a saver. He has more than enough. He does not get overtaken in any sin. He has visions and dreams and they come to pass. He lives long. He works and works hard. He works smart. He is the master if his money. He is a labourer for Christ. He has boldness to spread the good news. He is man of prayer and fasting. He fasts if his own accord. Let the eyes of his understanding be enlightened in Jesus name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for my wife I pray father that my wife is a wise woman and she builds her house, she is not foolish and does not pick it down. She is an excellent time keeper and she is never late, she redeems her time and she knows what the will of The Lord is. Every day she thanks The Lord for His new mercies. She fears The Lord and departs from evil. She is a student of Gods words and shows herself approved unto God. She will never be deceived, she prays without ceasing, she is a repairer of the breach. Lord you have given unto her the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you, the eyes of her understanding is enlightened. She walks in the light as Jesus is in the light and the blood of Jesus cleanses her from all sin. She does not walk in the condemnation of the devil. She binds the devil on a daily bases, she prays for the queen and her family daily, the prime minister and his family, the government, the youth and the poor. She gives to the poor. She is wise with money, she is disciplined with money. She listens to God concerning her money. She has lots of money. She is the master of her money. She is not covetous. She is secure. She knows her worth. She does not get depressed, but she encourages herself in The Lord. She is an example of a proverbs 31 woman. She believes the profits and she prospers. She does not fear. She hears Jesus' voice and does not hear the voice of another. She lays hands on the sick and they recover. She desires Jesus. She does not fall into bondage of the devil. Her mind is renewed. She will never be deceived. She is as bold as a lion. She receives, believes and accepts the promises of God. Her hair grows long. Her hair is her glory. She is in unity with her husband. Her husband loves her like Christ loves the church. Her husband honours her. She will never know lack. Parenting comes easily to her. She brings up her children the bible way. Her children obey her voice first time. She is a visionary, she does not give up. She is a starter and a finisher she has all of the fruit of the spirit. She desires earnestly the best gifts. She walks through doors God has opened for her in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for my Pastor Father I pray in the name of Jesus that my Pastor will not led into temptation. I pray Lord that you will deliver him from evil, give him the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you Lord. Father I pray that as he has trained up his children and grandchildren in the way that they should go, I pray that they will never depart from the ways of Jesus. I pray that he will have wisdom knowing what the will of The Lord is. Help him oh God to redeem his time. Let his next 24 hours be his most productive 24 hours. Let him be a labourer for Christ, I pray that he will do the work of the evangelist. I pray that he will have peace not as the world gives but peace that passes all understanding. I pray that when he preaches, he will decrease that Christ may increase, I pray that he studies your word show himself approved unto God and that he will rightly divide the word of truth. I pray Lord that he will deal wondrously with the wife of his youth. I pray that his crooked paths will be made straight, pull down every mounting before him and make all of his rough places smooth. He will not fear because you are with him, his joy shall not be stolen but his joy will be full, the joy of The Lord is his strength. He will not compromise, but will walk in integrity, his life is beyond reproach. He shall be ready to give an answer to all those who ask for the reason of His hope. Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteous endures forever. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from him, with all malice in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will give him the tongue of the learned to speak a word in season to him that is weary. I thank you Lord that he has come out from amongst them and he is separate. I pray that he will have a discerning heart and that he will know them that labour around him. Give him witty inventions, let him speak as the oracles of God, he will run through a troop and leap over a wall, his steps are washed with butter, when he lays hands on the sick they shall recover. He has faith that moves mountains, and it does not fail him, he is strong with faith, he does not doubt, he renews his strength like the eagle and he prays without ceasing in Jesus name. Amen Thank you Lord for answering my prayer

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for my Marriage. Father I thank you for my marriage. Your word says that marriage is honourable in all. And this is how it was from the beginning a man and his wife. I thank you father that my marriage is strong and by your grace it is getting stronger. I decide today to be a servant of all in my marriage, I will lay down my pride, will, desires and motives to see my wife happy every day in Jesus name. And as I have made the decision I pray that your Holy Spirit will help me to put myself second and to put her first. Father, someone once said that you do not do anything accept someone has first prayed for it to happen, therefore I see it as my responsibility to pray for my marriage and I declare the scripture over my marriage that says that me and my wife will submit ourselves one to another. I pray that you will open my eyes to see the needs and desires of my wife. I am not stubborn in the name of Jesus. I choose to lay down the need to right. I am teachable. I am a listener. I am caring. I am affectionate. I am a giver I am not a tightwad. I am able to decode when she says one thing and means another. The devil has no place in my marriage in the name of Jesus. The only third person we are inviting into our marriage is the Holy Spirit so he can bind us together in Love. Father I pray that my wife will be an example of how a happy, well-kept wife should look like. I have enough money in the name of Jesus to buy the things she wants. She will see and notice my effort and we live together in unity. We will put 10,000 to flight in Jesus name. We will fan the flame of romance in our marriage and the flame will never go out. My God I pray that my marriage is a long lasting marriage till death do us part, but we shall live long together in Jesus mighty name. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer whilst Incarcerated Dear God in the name of Jesus Christ, thank you for saving me and making me born again. I recognise that when you died upon the cross that you had me in mind, you decided to take all of my sins away and I will be forever grateful. Father I understand that I may not always feel saved but your word said that not one will be stolen from Jesus and I belong to him and no one can convince me otherwise. I have made the decision to serve you and your word says that in whatever state I find myself in that I should be content (Philippian 4:11). I know that I will not be in this place forever, and if you choose to release me early I will be forever grateful. I recognise that the devil is my adversary and he would like to cause things to happen so that I get discouraged, but I see it for what it is- a Lie, and I choose to accept that the promises of the bible are for me. My authority is in Jesus Christ and father you said in your word that you will give grace to the humble, therefore I choose to walk in humility. If there is any pride in my heart then I pray father that you will take it away from me. I choose to submit my will to you. There are probably people that I need to forgive, and as much as I find it hard to, please give me the strength to do it. There are many temptations that I am faced with every day but you said in your word that I should pray that you lead me not into temptation, let me be strong in the times of temptation and when I am weak then I pray that you will be my strength. If at any time the devil will try and condemn me and make me feel guilty for all of the bad things that I have done then I pray that the blood of Jesus will cleanse my heart, and I renew my mind with the word of God. Help me to read my bible and help me to pray. Father you know what my future holds and you have the perfect plan for my life, I have a future and I have a vision. Open my eyes and help me to see those things that you have planned for me. I will do great things. Father help me to walk in my destiny and I will thank you every step of the way. I pray father that your angels will protect me on every side, protect my family on every side. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper. I will have favour with the parole board. Order my steps Lord; I pray that I will not be deceived. Give me songs that will help me to rejoice and be glad. Let there be joy in my life and let me thank you for all of the good things that you have done in my life. Father I ask you to bring other strong Christians around me so we can all stand strong in You together. When anger starts to fill my heart, let me recognise it and then Lord fill me with your peace that passes all understanding.
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Prayers that bring Victory

Thank you Jesus for being with me always, you said that you will never leave me or forsake me, the opportunities that you give me in life I receive them, and I believe that all of the promises of the bible are for me. I Love my enemies, I bless them that curse me, I do good to them that hate me, and pray for them which despitefully use me, and persecute me. Lord help me to live a victorious life and I will never be ashamed to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and all of His goodness. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

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Prayers that bring Victory

Prayer for the Youth of My Nation Father God in the name of Jesus I pray for the youth of my nation. I bring them in prayer before your throne and I cry out for mercy. Have mercy on these youth and forgive their iniquity. Your word says that we should stand in the gap and make up the hedge, therefore I stand as an intercessor and pray relentlessly as you lead me for these young people. I first make a decree that the youth of this nation belong to you Lord. Jesus also died for them therefore I pray as you said I should that The Lord of the harvest will send labourers out into this harvest. As the labourers are sent they will not fear their faces, neither will they be intimidated or afraid, the labourers will have boldness and preach with power, when the youth hear the word of God preached their hearts will not be condemned but they shall be convicted of sin, righteousness and judgement. I take authority over the god of this world and bind him and cast him into dry places, the eyes of the youth will not be blinded anymore, and the scales are removed from their eyes today in Jesus name. They will have ears to hear and confusion is not their portion. The youth of this nation will not be double minded, they will not have one foot in church and one foot in the world. Lord Jesus please make your church ready for the influx of this harvest. Father I pray that my church will be ready for the harvest of the youth of this nation. Father I pray that any of the youth that are offended with you Lord for whatever reason I pray that they shall receive a supernatural paradigm shift in the name of Jesus name. I pray that when the youth receive salvation that the people of God will pray that the youth will stand perfect in all the will of God. The youth that carry guns and knives will carry them no more. I bind the evil spirits that will bring fear of retaliation, reprisals and incarceration. And for those youth that have had their freedom withdrawn, oh God I pray that you will send labourers into the prisons of this nation and bring revival, keep them whilst they are in there and give them favour. Every youth of this nation that are involved in other religions, whether it be of their parents or of their own accord, I pray that they will not be afraid to come and turn to you, they will not serve two gods, but one- The Lord Jesus Christ. I bind the spirit of rebellion and destruction in the name of Jesus. I thank you father for the blood of Jesus that it is able to save the worst of sinners, and whatever they are into, however bad it is, I pray father that the blood of Jesus will cleanse them, take away their hearts of stone and give them a heart of flesh. No man will despise their youth. They shall walk in holiness, purity and righteousness.
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Prayers that bring Victory

Backslidden youth come back to you today Lord and they wander no more in Jesus name Amen.

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