Hydraulic Analysis Versus Piping Stress Analysis Approach

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PIPE DATA : 1. Speed of pressure wave = c = 1244 m/s 2. Pipe 24" Sch.10S A358 -> OD=610 mm -> t=6 mm -> ID=596mm -> A=2794 cm2 3. Approximate t-duration (hammer loading) from Tank1 to Tank-2 (L =562 m)
td = 0.452 s = 452 ms

Spectral Data (INPUT) ------------------------->

RESPONSE SPECTRUM METHOD Time-Force Profile DLF @50-260 Time (ms) Force (Kg) 0 0 1000 12560 --> ???? 98 12560 1098 0 TIME HISTORY METHOD Spectrum/ Time-History Data @50-260 time Load 0 0 4.4 1 4.6 9 19.9 28.9 1000 1 --> ????

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Since valve closure time regarding to hydraulic analysis result 1 sec which is larger than hammering time duration @nodal 50 -260 then INPUT spectral data can't be simulated ?? and DYNAMICS analysis can't be performed.

HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS VERSUS PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS APPROACH PIPING STRESS ANALYSIS POINT OF VIEW: Fluid Hammering will occur at downstream side of Node 78 if valve closure > Ts=2 * L / c ..... (Seminar note page. 452) where : L from node 78 to check valve = 302 m Then : Ts = 2 * 302 / 1244 = 0.49 sec = 490 ms HYDRAULICS ANALYSIS RESULT Fluid Hammering was occur with valve closure min 1 sec (Node 78) --> This result is contradiction with condition that can be assessed by Piping Stress Analysis software ?? Estimated force from hydraulic result as shown below:
2. TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS Spectral Data (INPUT) -------------------------> Time-History Profile (@u/s node 78) from 78 to Pipe Length (m) td(ms) 78 0 0 50 5.5 4.4 400 5.7 4.6 440 24.7 19.9 Time-History Profile (@d/s node 78) from 78 to Pipe Length (m) td(ms) 78 0 0 260 122 98 350 73.1 58.8

TH (ms) 0 4.4 9 28.9 TH (ms) 0 98 156.8

301314 = 302 m

t-duration (hammer loading) Nodal 50-400 td = L / C = 5,7 [m] / 1244 [m/s] = 0,0045 s = 4.58 ms t-duration (hammer loading) Nodal 400-440 td = L / C = 24,7 [m] / 1244 [m/s] = 0,019 s = 19 ms

t-duration (hammer loading) Nodal 350-Check valve (LNG Tank) td = L / C = 109,7 [m] / 1244 [m/s] = 0,088 s = 88 ms

t-duration (hammer loading) Nodal 260 - 350 td = L / C = 32.4 [m] / 1244 [m/s] = 0,026 s = 26 ms

59 Ton


38.2 Ton

12.6 Ton
t-duration (hammer loading) Nodal 50 - 250 td = L / C = 122 [m] / 1244 [m/s] = 0,098 s = 98 ms

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