P9 Tessia Steele

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Tessia Steele

Contact Information
Tessia Steele
10123 Goodson Rd. Middleton, ID 83644 208.585.2128 tessiasteele@gmail.com

Table of Content
1. Montage 2. Logos 3. Imaging 4. Event Ad 5. Brochure 6. Business Card 7. Letterhead 8. Web Page 9. Flier

This is a montage that I designed around a quote that I really liked. I used a photo that I took while volunteering in Ecuador.

Programs Date

Adobe Photoshop

February 16th 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to use layers in photoshop, learn how to blend and mask, use a filter.


I saturated all three of the pictures that I used for the montage so that they would all have similar hues and so they wouldnt be so saturated. I horizontally flipped the picture of me and Edison so that the flow would be better. I made the world smaller so that it would fit on the soccer ball and then i did a semi-gradual blend using the erasor so that it would look like the ball was becoming the world. There was something distracting in the sky, so I used the stamp tool to get rid of it. I put the mountains in the background using a mask and used a more gradual blend. The words were the hardest part for me because I didnt know where to put them to add to the flow and not take away from it. But I like where they ended up.

These are some logos that I created for my Uncles business, Steele Apiaries.

Programs Date

Adobe Illustrator

February 23rd, 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives Process

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Create a variety of logos to fit a specific company.

I first looked up pictures of things that had to do with apiaries, like bees and honeycombs and beehives so that I would have a general idea of what to go off of when I started to design the shapes to make the pictures. I used flattened circles that started to get smaller at the top to make the beehive. I put a gradient on it so that it would look more realistic. I used very simple fonts because I didnt want the fonts to be the focal point or to clash with the pictures. For the second one, I created the bee from various oval shapes, and then I created the line and made it dashed. For the honeycomb, I created polygrams and repeated them and then gave them a gradient from the inside out to look like they had depth. I used the pen tool a lot but I also used the pencil tool to create the dashed line from the bee. I found that using shapes to create pictures was very useful.

This is an image that I edited and added a filter to, to change its appearance.

Programs Date

Adobe Photoshop

February 9th 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives Process

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to use filters and masks in photoshop.

I took a picture of my guitar in the photography studio. After i cropped it to 6 by 6, I used the magic wand in adobe photoshop to select the red pick guard on the guitar. Then I inverted the selection and saturated the inverted selection. I didnt completely take out the color, but a lot of it. Then I put a filter on the inverted selection as well. It was in the distort category, called diffuse glow. It was really grainy and I didnt like that, so I took almost all of the grainy aspect of it off.

Event Ad
This is an event ad that I created for a friend that needed to advertise his business.

Programs Date

Microsoft Word

February 2nd 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives Process

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to scan an image, create a full bleed design, use word.

looked through the photography books at my work until I found one that had to do with music/guitars because my friend had asked me to make him an event ad for a music thing he was doing for Valentines day. I scanned the picture and changed the resolution a few times until I got it right. I had a hard time doing this project in Microsoft Word because everything moves down when you put new things in and its really frustrating. But through trial and error, I finally figured a few things out and was able to make my event ad. Allignment was really key again this time for me and I changed the fonts several times trying to find ones that fit well together and that werent too similar or too oposite. Im glad to have learned the design principles becuase even if I dont end up pursuing a career where I will use this, I think it is something I would use in my everyday life anyways with church positions and being a mom.

This is a brochure that I created for Yachana Lodge using photos that I took while I was staying there.

Programs Date

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign

February 2nd 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives Process

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to scan an image, create a full bleed design, use word.

The first thing I did was set up my two pages and label them so that I knew where to put which pictures since I was doing the fold where the pictures meet and fold into eachother to create the image. I used picture that I or my friends had taken in the Amazon which was fun for me. I wrote the information based on personal experience and by researching Yachanas website. (to get contact information and such). I designed a logo to use for Yachana based on the lodges that they have there. I cut out the picture of the monkey and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I text wrapped around this picture and also around the Yachana Lodge logo. I also used the paragraph style where there are spaces but no indentions. I used adobe photoshop and illustrator to do this project. I tried to make everything flow well and also use a text that would be easy for people to read.

Business Card
Description: Programs Date
This is a business card that I created for Jones Music. Adobe Illustrator March 2nd 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to create a simple business card by creating an object using illustrator.


I started by making the guitar in adobe illustrator because I wasnt sure exactly how it hard it would be to make and I wanted to design the card around the picture that i made. To make the guitar, I first put to circles together and used the pathfinder to combine them into one shape and then i added points and changed the shape to look more like a guitar. I used a picture on google to look at so I could have something to go off of. I made a circle for the center and copied it and just made it a little bigger and placed them around eachther. I added the strings and the rest of the accessories on the guitar so that it would look more like a guitar. Then I copied the circle part of the guitar and repeated the design across the page on the page and the business card.

Description: Programs Date
This is a letterhead that I created for Jones Music. Adobe Illustrator March 2nd 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to create a letterhead by creating an object using illustrator.


I started by making the guitar in adobe illustrator because I wasnt sure exactly how it hard it would be to make and I wanted to design the card around the picture that i made. To make the guitar, I first put to circles together and used the pathfinder to combine them into one shape and then i added points and changed the shape to look more like a guitar. I used a picture on google to look at so I could have something to go off of. I made a circle for the center and copied it and just made it a little bigger and placed them around eachther. I wrote the companies phrase around the guitar. I put the information about the owner and right alligned it. To make the watermarks, I copied the guitar and put it at the bottom of the page going the opposite way.

Web Page
Description: Programs Date
This is a web page that I created, using one of my logos. Text Wrangler, Adobe Illustrator March 16th, 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives Process

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Learn how to create a webpage and how to use HTML and CSS.

First in the html that I opened in Text Wrangler, I typed in the basics that you need to start with. (<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> <meta> <link> etc. Then I started the head and changed the title to logo for webpage. I had three different headings that I used for my website and two different paragraphs. The bottom paragraph, I made bold. I made an unordered list with the items that explained how I made my logo. I added my logo at the bottom. Then I changed the things in the Css. demo that I wrote about above. I changed the body font family from times new roman and georgia to Tahoma and Silom. I also changed the border to be black and thicker. I also changed the background colors and added a horizontal rule and made it black and changed the width to 95% so it didnt look so exclusive. I made the image size bigger and moved it over the edge.

Fly er
This is a flyer that I created using pictures and a logo that we were given.

Programs Date

Adobe Indesign

January 26th, 2013

Course/Instructor Objectives

Comm 130, section 1, Brother Lybbert

Use the design principles and appropriate typography to improve a basic flyer outline.


made some sketches before I started my project so that I was able to have something to go off of when I was working on my project. I felt like the easiest principle to incorporate was Contrast, especially since the project was only in black and white. Allignment was the principle that I had the most trouble with because it was hard for me to decide what should allign with what. Overall, it was a good learning experience for me and it made me excited to continue with projects in the future.

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