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Greetings in the Name of Christ

PRAISE SONG (stand) Majestic Praise Team
March 22, 2009
TIME OF PRAYER (Prayer Request slips available from ushers)
Prayer of Confession
Song of Response Lord, Listen to Your Children FWS* #2207
Assurance of Pardon
Leader: Let us proclaim the Good News of the Gospel
Response: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven!
Song of Praise Majesty, Worship His Majesty #176
Sharing our concerns
Sharing our celebrations
The Lord’s Prayer #895
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
ANTHEM Made to Worship Praise Team
(8:15am) CHILDREN’S MOMENT Pastor Diane
SCRIPTURE Numbers 21:4-9 Bible p.120 Large Print Bible p.173
SCRIPTURE John 3:14-21 Bible p.906, Large Print Bible p.1282
HYMN (stand) Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross #301
MESSAGE “The Snake Solution” Pastor Wes
Call to Offering
One Great Hour of Sharing
Doxology (stand) #95
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
Prayer of Thanksgiving
HYMN (stand) You Are Mine #2218
* FWS = The Faith We Sing Hymnal
Greeters: Dessie Auston, Marty Smothermon, Shirley Stribling SEE’S CANDY ANYONE? - On the patio today the Daycare board is taking
Ushers: Don Downs, Taylor Brown, Thelma Lenning, Lorraine Aubrey, orders for Easter Candy from See‟s. Money raised will go to pay for an
Phyllis Corliss, Martha Landon, Loren & Pat Scholfield unexpected Workman Comp bill.
Lay Reader: Janet Totten, Linda Ketterer FLOWER CALENDAR – There are a number of opportunities available to
Flowers: Gary Holliday provide flowers for the communion table on Sunday mornings. In May we have
th th st
Media Techs: Bill Shaw (video) / (sound) the 10 , 17 and 31 .
Pianist: Jan Ault USHERS NEEDED – We are currently in need of volunteers to be Ushers on the
Reminder: Giving envelopes are found in the back of the hymnals. following Sunday services: 8:15 AM on the 1st Sunday, 10:00 AM on the 2nd
Please be sure to indicate the appropriate distribution of your gift. Sunday and 10:00 AM on the 3rd Sunday. There are a total of 5 spots open.
Prayer chain requests: Betty Partridge 258-7687 Please contact the church office if you can help with Ushering.
Nursery care is available each Sunday for children 3 years of age and CHRISTIAN EDUCATION
younger. Ask an usher for assistance. YOUNGER CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL - This year we will have a
Preschool class as well as a Pre-K/Kindergarten class. Preschool meets in 203,
Our Vision: Pre-K/Kindergarten meets in 202.
Community in Christ LIVING FAITH SUNDAY SCHOOL - (Elementary Age children) This two week
rotation is on the women who came to Jesus‟ tomb. Join us for a special
Accepting All Cooking Zone and Science Zone. This month the children are bringing non-
Reaching Out perishable food items to make sack lunches for those in need.
Transforming Lives YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL - Meets in Sunshine Hall at 10:00 AM. During the
year the group is working their way through the entire Bible. All youth 7th
The colored attendance cards (8:15 AM, Yellow and 10:00 AM, Blue) found in your bulletin are to through 12th grades are welcome.
register your attendance. You may register your whole family on one card, but be sure to write
in the names of all members attending that day and drop your card in the offering plate. If your ADULT CLASSES - Meets in the conference room at 10:00 AM and is studying
bulletin is missing a card, you can find extras in the back of the sanctuary. James W. Moore‟s book “Some Folks Feel the Rain, Others Just get Wet.”
Anyone is welcome to join this group.

SUM Highlights
K.I.C.K. (Kids In Christ Kingdom) - Our fellowship group for children 1 through
6 grade, meets Wednesdays 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. Through drama, games and
crafts we learn of God‟s goodness and how to share that goodness with others.
GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Children are currently preparing for their end of the year musical, new children
are welcome to join. Contact Pastor Diane for more details.
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING - Today in worship we take a special offering LOGOS - is our weekday youth program meets every Wednesday night at
for our church's ministry of emergency outreach. Your "One Great Hour of 6:00pm. We start with dinner and then move to singing, games and discussion.
Sharing" gifts underwrite the operational expenses of UMCOR - our United th th
All youth 7 through 12 grades are invited.
Methodist Committee on Relief. Because of your giving, all other donations to
UMCOR go 100% toward the emergency response you designate. WHAT IS A SMALL GROUP? - Small Groups are to develop a living faith that
EASTER BREAKFAST TICKETS AVAILABLE TODAY ! Adult tickets are $6.00 through fellowship, study, prayer and service we grow together in Christ‟s love.
and children (10years and under) are $2.00. Please see Liz Barker or Laura We currently have small groups that meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Baase in Coffee Chat to purchase your tickets today! evenings in private homes around Santee. If you are interested in being part of
LENTEN PRAYER AND STUDY GUIDES: During Lent we often give up one of these groups please contact Pastor Diane at (619) 448-4456 and she will
something, but this year let‟s try something new: In each week‟s worship bulletin help you find a place to belong.
will be a prayer and study guide for the week. It will be a continuation of what
was discussed in worship. Be open to growing in your faith during this time.
Prayer and study guides can also be found on the church website as well as the
past Sunday‟s sermon messages.
40 HOURS IN THE DESERT - Coordinating meeting today, between services in
the sanctuary. Come to help coordinate rides and equipment.
FLOWER CROSS – The Worship committee invites you to help carry on one of
our traditions by bringing fresh flowers to church on Easter morning to add to our
flower cross. What a beautiful way to celebrate new life as the cross is carried
into the sanctuary at the beginning of each service! For more information call
Sheila Stevens (258-9989) or the church office.
Our Membership Vows:
To Faithfully Participate in the Ministry of this
Congregation by…
Our Prayers:
Santee United Methodist Church is committed to sharing God„s For all those who have been effected by the economic condition. May
love in our community and the world. We believe you will find this God‟s provision be to teach us how to live more simply and joyfully.
church an exciting congregation with a loving spirit and relevance
for your life. We are especially committed to support parents in Our Presence:
raising Christian children and youth. If Pastors Wes and Diane can 3 Sunday in March 2009
answer any questions, or assist you in learning more about our Worship Services: 186
ministry, please do not hesitate to call us at (619) 448-4456. (Average attendance wk 11) 170
Sunday School: 58
(Average attendance wk 11) 48
Nursery care is available each Sunday for children 3 years of age and
Our Gifts:
younger. The nursery is located in the Sunday School area next to
Your gifts to the church help support the work of our Bishop and District
Fellowship Hall. The Ushers can assist you in finding the nursery.
Superintendent in discerning the right person to send to our church this
Assisted Listening devices are available from the sound technician summer. Please support them with your prayers as well.
located in the back of the sanctuary.
Our Service:
Name Tags: Your name tags are available outside. If you have a name For the Finance Committee as they work to guide us safely through the
tag please wear it. If you do not have one please indicate on the back of financially uncertain times in which we are living.
your attendance card that you need one.
Large Print Bibles Available: Large print Bibles are available in the March 29 – Men’s Retreat Weekend
back of the church. Please see an Usher for assistance. Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11
Sermon: “The Outlook of Jesus” Richard Stitt
All are Invited to Join us for coffee, donuts and fellowship time after
both services on the patio. OPPORTUNITIES THIS WEEK
(Please check your monthly calendar for locations)
Santee United Methodist Church, 8964 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee, March 22nd, 2009 through March 28th, 2009
CA 92071-3120 Sun 22 8:15 AM Worship
e-mail 10:00 AM Worship
Senior Pastor: Wesley Neal 448-4456 Mon 23 7:00 PM Worship Band
Minister of Discipleship Diane Davis 448-4456 Tues 24 10:00 AM Retired Men‟s Group
Office Manager: Bill Grill 448-4456 7:00 PM Church Council
Music Director Rachel Scott 448-4456 Weds 25 4:30 PM K.I.C.K.
Sunshine Place Director: Sheila Johnson 562-0934 6:00 PM LOGOS
Church Office Hours Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM Thurs 26 10:00 AM UMW Unit
6:30 PM Praise Team
Our Vision: 7:30 PM Joyful voices
Community in Christ
Accepting All
Reaching Out
Transforming Lives

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