The Covenant April 2013

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From the Presbytery

We are excited to introduce to you our new online newsletter Covenant News in conjunction with our Love Covenant Church (LCC) website re-launch. We anticipate much growth and development as we rally around our campaign this year which is Taking Dominion in every applicable area of our lives. It is the will of our Father for you and I to dominate and be productive from the beginning of creation as commanded in Genesis 1:26-28. We all know there was an interruption in the Garden with the first Adam but the last Adam, Jesus Christ, restored us so that we could pursue and achieve our unique purpose. The Fathers original will for us did not change. The Father sent His son to ensure our success despite challenges, obstacles or setbacks. Jesus powerfully states, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and

that they may have it more abundantly, John 10:10. More abundantly is defined by one Greek word - perissos (per-is -sos') which means superabundant in quantity or superior in quality. The Lord wants us to experience this life on earth filled with quantity and quality in every God-ordained endeavor. The status quo should never be our goal. This means that our relationships, our money, our health and general well-being should be far above that of the heathens. The more abundantly status does not happen automatically, it happens as we engage in Taking Dominion. There are three keys that will help us to dominate: Inspiration, Illumination and Impact. The First-key, get inspired means to do something radical and beyond the norm this year. The Secondkey, receive illumination, is revelation concerning how to accomplish your purpose-driven goals. The Third-key, make an impact means to do something that will affect positive and lasting change in your own life and the lives of others. In addition to using the keys, use your faith. We know without it we cant please the Father. Ill share an acronym with you that the Lord gave me concerning faith. Use it to help you grow in your personal Faith Walk:

tions. Initiative-You have to start somewhere with something. Procrastination is a dream thief. Tenacity- Do not quit or give up. Keep moving toward your goals. Help-You will never ever achieve greatness on you own. You need input from other people. Until the next time Taking Dominion in every area of life! Dr. Tommy L. Frederick, Apostle

Put on Your Armor!

Deacon Lucille Sermons

I would like to share with you a vision that I had on Sunday morning Feb 24, 2013 during service. Apostle Terrance Frederick had just finished his message on Mastery and Skill Part II (The uprising of a Master), a series he has been teaching. As he began to pray over the congregation, I saw a vision of a store room. In it was a table which was spread with different types of ancient weaponry and tools. A man whom I can only describe as a warrior was standing over it, carefully selecting weapons. He already had on a helmet as well as a shield, but what stood out the most among the items he selected Focused- Keep your eyes on the was a really big sword which he placed into his sheath. Then the promise, eliminate distractions vision faded and Ephesians 6:10Attitude- Keep a positive attitude. 18, which talks about the Armor Dont be controlled by your emo- of God immediately came to

mind. God is telling His Chosen ones put on the whole Armor of God. We cannot operate with half of the Armor, we must be prepared for the battle with only the weapons that He has given us. Our armor is a defense against the strategies of the devil, to protect us from assault. The Sword of the Spirit is Gods word, an offensive weapon to attack, overpower, and plunder the spoils of the powers of darkness. Lack of exercise and discipline will leave us open to assault, so we must be diligent as soldiers of Gods army, always prepared for battle. As part of the teaching that day, Apostle Terrance reminded us not to let slip what God has placed in our hands. God wants what He wants. We cannot be too lazy to be what God wants us to be The Blessing. Eliminate the excuses. God has given us the answer, now manifest it! We must do what we have to do to prioritize the reading and studying of the Word so it can change us. Remember, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke. 6:45). What I received from the vision is that the word of God is our SWORD! Get acquainted with your Spiritual Armor and put It on, keep it on, dont quit (stop), give in (compromise), or give up (surrender). Keep moving, keep pressing forward, keep fighting. We are in a spiritual battle and with our Armor of God in place know that it is in and through Christ Jesus that we triumph. (2 Corinthians 2:14, 15.)

on the website offers some helpful tips for treating your allergies this season which include; Treating your allergy symptoms early, before they become too severe. Being aware of the foods you eat. Sudden food allergies may be a result of seasonal allergies. Taking protective measures to keep pollen out of eyes and hair by wearing a wide brimmed hat and oversized sunglasses. Keeping up with the pollen counts in your area so that you can prepare yourself. Also, remember that pollen is more widespread in the morning. For those who like to jog or get other outdoor exercise, goggles and a baseball cap can be very helpful, especially if you wear contact lens. And dont forget about the babies! Though they arent born with allergies, symptoms to allergens such as dust and pet dander, as well as hay fever symptoms do start to develop between the ages of 3 and 4 years old. So that never-ending cold may not be a cold at all. Looking for an allergy medication that wont make you drowsy? Check your local health food store for herbal supplements that are used to treat allergies. BJs Health Food Store at 103 W. Liberty St in Sumter offers a wide range of allergy and hay fever relief supplements. They even have raspberry-flavored supplements for children, as well as others! Their knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding the right supplement for your needs. These supplements are just as Allergy Season effective as other allergy medicaHealth & Wellness Ministry Allergy season is here, and, as tions without the drowsy side expected, has hit hard! An article effects, and cost about the same.

One to try; HAS Original Formula by Natures Way. It works for hay fever as well as seasonal allergies.

Upcoming Events Women Of Warfare Empowering women, meeting needs, and promoting sisterhood 9:30 am Every 1st Saturday Ruach Night Life Masters of the Arts Audition Night Fri., April 12th @ 7pm Submit your $5 registration fee today! SMITT (Strong Men In Tough Times) Manhood and Christ-likeness are synonymous 9:30 am Every 3rd Saturday Care Group Fellowship in small groups 5:00 pm Every 3rd Sunday Couples Talk Strengthening the bonds of marriage 7:00 pm Every 4th Friday A2 Fundraiser and Quiver Live Supporting and empowering our youth Last Sunday Every Month

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