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Google Apps

GettingStarted Howtologintothewebsite Howtoaccessthewebsite( Canaccessfromregularsignintoo StudentAccess HowtofindStudentID Howtotypeininitialpassword Newpasswordshavetobeatleast8Characters Note:Theinitialwelcomelinksareblocked???Usethetopblackbarinstead. Drive ExplainwhatDriveis ShowhowtouploadfilestoDrive CoverDrivedownloadfordesktop Docs ExplainwhatDocsareavailable ExplaintheadvantagesofGoogleDocs Sharing Showhowtoaccessashareddoc(foundinDrive) Showhowtoshareanitem(View,Edit,Comment)&howtodistributeinfo Showhowtoinsertcomments(2Ways) Issues??? Wearefirsttomoveforwardinthecounty,wewillbethefirsttoidentifyissues StudentswithoutInternetaccesswillnotbeabletodothisatschool(240Students),passwordresets,andotherissues. Training SummerSession ScheduleMCorLINKforCoTeaching PracticeTask Annie,Robin,LeviCreateadocumentandshareittothefaculty. (Notetheshareddistributionlistfilesharedtoyou) HaveindividualrowsofparticipantscreateaGooglePresandshareittoeachother.

MC & LINK & sendalltechnologyrequeststothisemailaddress Whoseestheserequests&howitworks OnlineForms Reasonsforuseandhowitisworking Howtouse iPads&iPods iPadsforclassesonly iPodsinMCandforwalkins Scheduling CoTeaching&Technology EnvironmentUse Respect Coverissuesalreadywitnessedissues Teacherleadclassroommanagement Progressivedegradationofenvironments Future MCMakeover MCiPads,Chromebooks(alittlefartherout) LINKChromebooks PilotPrograms iPadLabs TRT&MSTeam LINK GoogleApps WirelessPilotInitiative Chromebooks

Introduction YouTubeVideo

CurrentexamplesofRHHSEdmodoPages JenniferKeao GroupCode:84ozrf ErinTurnero GroupCode:Joe6o4 RobinThompsono GroupCode:d9olm1 AngieHummeldorfo GroupCode:3ds6hn LymanGuyo GroupCode:cojzop AnnieKieneo GroupCode:v3sg64 BasicAlluringEdmodoFeatures Posts Assignments Quizzes Polls GoogleApps GettingStarted HowToCreateAccounts (TeachersUseBOEEmail) (StudentsUseGoogleAccount) (ParentsWhatever) HowTeachersCreateGroupsandShareGroupCodes SuggestedManagement SingleorMultipleGroups? Reviewbeforepostingcommentsordirectpost? Promoting Clubs&Teams BryanCountyCommunity Resources UsefulEdmodoHelpPage LookinyourGoogleDriveSharedfolderforahelpfulPowerpoint(FromM.Linsky)

Wireless Pilot Initiative

General Goal To effectively implement Wireless technologies into the school. To develop a department pilot program that allows teachers to create and implement on a smaller scale, then to branch out to a larger deployment throughout the department To strategically spread out the implementation through three phases.

Wireless Potential Uses iPads as Presentation Devices (SchoolPad, Document Camera, PC Presenter) Flipped classroom content (Edmodo) BYoT

Purchasing Wireless Access Points [<$850 Each] Wireless Access Point Power Injector [<$50 Each] Wireless Access Point License [$322 Each] Network re-wiring in celling [a couple of options available] iPad [$400] Broadcast software (Doceri/Reflector) [< $50] POTENTIALLY $1,422 TO FULLY EQUIP A CLASSROOM 2012-2013 Department Access Points (16) English: 1-2 / CTAE: 1 / Science: 1 / SPED: 1 / Foreign Language: 1 / PE: 1 / Media Center & LINK: 3 / Math: 1-3 / Art: 1 / Social Studies: 1-2 Pilot Process Allow interested teachers to apply to be pilot participants. Utilize Tech Committee to choose pilot participants. Purchase iPads and broadcast components for Pilot Participants Train pilot participants of potential uses for iPads Purchase and install technical hardware for wireless topology. Evaluate individual teacher use, review with pilot members and establish more defined best practices for teacher implementation of wireless environment for coming year.

Pilot Participant Elements Currently utilizes available technology devices for content delivery. Has desire to make more content available on-demand via web resources. Plans to utilize innovative technology tools to reach students through project based learning. Willing to be peer teacher for fellow department members.

Equipment POs submitted by 3-8-13 Pilot Participant Applications through 3-21-13 Participants selected by 3-27-13 (Tech Committee, Admin, Network) iPad delivery and orientation by 3-29-13 WAP installations throughout semester.

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